Service Bulletin
Commercial Airplane 737 Group Service Bulletin Number: 737-53A1166 Revision Transmittal Sheet Date: June 30, 1994 Revision 1: May 25, 1995 ATA System: 5311 SUBJECT: FUSELAGE - FRAMES - BODY STATION 727 OUTBOARD CHORD AT STRINGER 18A, INSPECTION AND PREVENTIVE MODIFICATION This revision includes all pages of the service bulletin. COMPLIANCE INFORMATION RELATED TO THIS REVISION Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Notice of Proposed Rule Making, FAA Docket Number 94-NM-159-AD, is related to this service bulletin. No more work is necessary on airplanes changed as shown in the initial release of this service bulletin. SUMMARY This revision is sent to add a stringer 18A outer chord repair. In addition, instructions have been added, to trim "Time Limited Repair" parts, to eliminate interference with fasteners. Paragraph I.A., Effectivity, shows changes of airplane operators. Each operator should examine the Effectivity paragraph for changes. Vertical lines are put on the left edge of each page, except in Paragraph I.A., Effectivity, to show the location of important changes. Pages with a revision number and date, but no vertical lines, have no important changes. REVISION HISTORY Initial Release: June 30, 1994 Revision 1: May 25, 1995 BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP P.O. BOX 3707 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98124-2207 Commercial Airplane 737 Group Service Bulletin Number: 737-53A1166 Summary Date: June 30, 1994 Revision 1: May 25, 1995 ATA System: 5311 SUBJECT: FUSELAGE - FRAMES - BODY STATION 727 OUTBOARD CHORD AT STRINGER 18A, INSPECTION AND PREVENTIVE MODIFICATION BACKGROUND More work is necessary for operators that have replaced the outboard chord of the frame at BS 727 Four operators sent reports of cracks in the as shown in Service Bulletin 737-53-1088.
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