Facing Change
Vol. 5 No. 7 September 1995 $5.00 Facing change Alan Nichols on the future of democracy in Burma Rowan Callick, James Griffin and Michael Zahara on twenty years of independence in Papua New Guinea Fred Chaney on leaving the WA Liberals Big books for Spring with Gerard Windsor, Margaret Coffey, Max Teichmann, Keith Campbell, Paul Coltins, lan Bell and Paul Tankard The Change In younger, idler days he used to wonder What had become of all that he had learned. Sane as the next man, he'd been prompt to forget Most of it out of hand. To polish and marshal Minutiae, like an idiot savant, Was never his gift, his calling. The craquelure Close to the door-jamb, the mirror-flash as a meat-van Hugged a roundabout, the solitaire Au bade of a sparrow trying out the day- They were dismissed to the nothing from which they came. It was the same with those other invaders, the books. Turning the pages as if unleaving a forest, He gave them away, apart from oddments and offcuts: The nickname of Albert the Great, Hobbes with his picture Of laughter as martial, Cleopatra calling for billiards. As he got older, his question displayed the answer Knotted within it: all that he'd ever learned, Favoured or exiled, was turning into fear- Not of the kind that insight can bring to heel, But the shear of the ice-wall meeting the unplumbed ocean. Peter Steele 2 EUREKA STREET • SEPTEMBER 1995 Volume 5 Number 7 September 1995 A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology CoNTENTS 2 29 POETRY THE DEVIL'S ERA Th e Change, by Peter Steele.
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