Price List Unaddressed Direct Mail

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Price List Unaddressed Direct Mail KK-163.04.2021 Price list Unaddressed Valid from 1.1.2021 All prices are in NOK Direct Mail and exclusive VAT. The price is differentiated in three geographical zones: - Zone 0 – covers the four largest cities with neighboring municipalities - Zone 1 – covers other cities and towns - Zone 2 – covers rest of the country Bring offers unaddressed direct mail Monday through Thursday with two delivery options: - Early week – the item will be delivered to the receiver’s mailbox no later than 5pm on the second working day of the week (usually Tuesday) - Midweek - the item will be delivered to the receiver’s mailbox no later than 5pm on the fourth working day of the week (usually Thursday) Startup cost per campaign is NOK 900. If the order is made through our web shop, there are no startup cost. Lowest cost per campaign is NOK 1000. Number per 0 - 20.000 piece 20.001 - 100.000 piece sending Weight in gram 0-40 41-70 71-100 101-200 0-40 41-70 71-100 101-200 Zone 0 1,11 1,33 1,50 1,81 1,09 1,30 1,44 1,76 Zone 1 1,20 1,39 1,61 1,87 1,16 1,36 1,55 1,80 Zone 2 1,58 1,79 1,98 2,27 1,53 1,72 1,93 2,19 Number per 100.001 - 500.000 piece Above 500.001 piece sending Weight in gram 0-40 41-70 71-100 101-200 0-40 41-70 71-100 101-200 Zone 0 1,05 1,25 1,38 1,70 1,01 1.20 1,34 1,66 Zone 1 1,11 1,32 1,49 1,73 1,08 1,29 1,41 1,69 Zone 2 1,45 1,67 1,82 2,12 1,39 1,61 1,76 2,03 Finding New Ways Additional services fees Additional price per item Distribution the first working days in the new year and after Pentecost 0,08 (Early week) Distribution the week after Easter (Early week and Midweek) 0,08 Distribution in November and December 0,08 Distribution of free papers and information* 0,60 Distribution to Business recipient groups and items with special formats** 0,65 Shorter order deadline (up to 3 workdays before handing-in)*** 0,20 (max. NOK 5 000) * For a free newspaper and information, a start-up cost of NOK 900 must be paid each time. ** Items that not fulfill the criteria for standard format, see Terms and Conditions for «Unaddressed Direct Mail» on / *** Shorter ordering deadline is not applicable for Midweek distribution in July (weeks 27, 28, 29 og 30 in 2021. Please contact the customer service on phone number 04045 if you want to send items in a special format. Zone overview, county Municipality Zone 0: Oslo Hele fylket Rogaland Stavanger, Sandnes Trøndelag Trondheim, Malvik Vestland Bergen Viken Asker, Bærum, Lillestrøm, Lørenskog, Rælingen Zone 1: Agder Arendal, Froland, Grimstad, Kristiansand, Vennesla, Åmli Eidskog, Elverum, Gjøvik, Gran, Hamar, Kongsvinger, Lillehammer, Løten, Ringsaker, Innlandet Stange, Vestre Toten, Østre Toten Møre og Romsdal Hustadvika, Kristiansund, Molde, Ålesund Nordland Bodø Rogaland Haugesund, Karmøy, Randaberg, Sola Troms og Finnmark Harstad, Tromsø Trøndelag Steinkjer, Stjørdal Vestfold og Telemark Bamble, Færder, Holmestrand, Horten, Larvik, Porsgrunn, Sandefjord, Skien, Tønsberg Vestland Bjørnafjorden, Øygarden Aremark, Drammen, Fredrikstad, Frogn, Gjerdrum, Halden, Hvaler, Jevnaker, Kongsberg, Viken Lier, Lunner, Moss, Nesodden, Nittedal, Nordre Follo, Ringerike, Råde, Sarpsborg, Vestby, Våler, Øvre Eiker, Ås Zone 2: The other municipalities in the country.
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