Dynamics of Costs of Ecosystem Services of Small Towns in Kyiv Region

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Dynamics of Costs of Ecosystem Services of Small Towns in Kyiv Region DYNAMICS OF COSTS OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF SMALL TOWNS IN KYIV REGION UDC 502.174:332.142.4(477.41-21) DOI: https://doi.org/10.33730/2077-4893.1.2020.201284 DYNAMICS OF COSTS OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF SMALL TOWNS IN KYIV REGION O. Zibtseva, V. Yukhnovskyi Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України Здійснено порівняння екологічного потенціалу двох рівновіддалених від Києва малих міст — Фастова і Кагарлика за загальною вартістю екосистемних послуг, отри- муваних на їх територіях. Дослідні міста розташовуються у Київській височинній області лісостепової зони, мають схожу історію розвитку, але різняться за площею, кількістю мешканців і щільністю поселення, а також промисловим розвитком і струк- турою землекористування. Незважаючи на переваги концепції екосистемних послуг, її застосування в міському плануванні стримується обмеженістю або відсутністю даних для оцінювання. Дослідження виконано за матеріалами генеральних планів міст з використанням трансферного методу. Вартість екосистемних послуг на території дослідних малих міст розраховано за категоріями земельного фонду — сільськогосподарськими угіддями, лісовими екосистемами і водними поверхнями. Екосистемні послуги з 1 га кожної категорії землекористування скориговано пере- веденням у долари США з урахуванням коефіцієнта переносу вартості за паритетом купівельної спроможності грошей для України. Встановлено, що загальна кількість отримуваних екосистемних послуг майже однакова для обох міст. Водночас, міста суттєво відрізняються відносною кількістю екостабілізуючих територій, що позна- чається на питомих показниках вартості екосистемних послуг. На одного мешканця Фастова припадає втричі менша кількість екосистемних послуг, а на одиницю площі — вдвічі, й така тенденція буде збережена у перспективі. Динаміка загальної вартості екосистемних послуг на території Кагарлика свідчить про недотримання принципу екозбалансованості території у перспективному плануванні, що суперечить концепції сталого розвитку. Ключові слова: землекористування, зелені насадження, екозбалансований розвиток. The ecological balance of the territories of which calls for the preservation of natural small towns is ensured by the balance of eco- resources [2]. nomic entities and local natural ecosystems. With the strengthening of sustainable ur- Nowadays, significant progress has been made ban planning, the concept of a compact green in identifying, quantifying and evaluating dif- town has become a global world ideal [3]. ferent ecosystem services (ES), but they re- However, sealing processes are posed a threat main poorly implemented in urban planning to the town’s green space [4], which is already [1]. Legislative uncertainty of the mechanisms problematic in compact towns [5]. Artmann of the long-term development of small towns et al. [6] consider it necessary to combine the and the inadequate use of ecosystem services concept of green infrastructure and ecosystem as the main tool for managing the state of services with the strategic landscape plan- the urban environment exacerbates not only ning of compact towns, as well as to introduce socio-economic but also environmental prob- rules for compromises between sealing towns lems of the development of small towns. and providing green space. It is noted that The use of land is undergone dramatic priorities for the distribution of land in urban changes and conflicts over demand for land green spaces are neglected or easily negoti- and requires coherent management and re- ated in countries in transition [7]. sponsible land use on the locally. At present, Unfortunately, for most small towns, fertile land coverage is increasing with buil- planting inventory data are absent or obso- dings, transport infrastructure and industry, lete [8], moreover, data from different sources hava significant differences, which does not © O. Zibtseva, V. Yukhnovskyi, 2020 contribute to successful planning and mana- 2020 • № 1 • АГРОЕКОЛОГІЧНИЙ ЖУРНАЛ 133 O. ZIBTSEVA, V. YUKHNOVSKYI gement [9]. Instead, an accurate definition master planning materials. This choice is justi- of the urban green space is a prerequisite for fied by the lack of a population census, the in- understanding its ecosystem services [10]. ventory of urban green spaces, the availability Ecosystem services in towns and adjacent of data on the territories of small towns and suburban areas are one of the main factors the convenience of use [13]. Both towns are that guarantee quality of life. Most studies geographically located on the Kyiv Plateau relate to individual towns [11]. Determining in the Kyiv Highland province of the Forest- the implications of the use of urban lands for Steppe zone. The towns have similarities with ecosystems and the quantitative indicators of the period of founding — respectively, 1390 the relationship between urban land dynam- and 1142 years, the distance from Kyiv (64 ics and landscape ecological stability are im- and 77 km), but significantly vary by area portant for the effective formulation of urban and population, and therefore the density of development and environmental policies for settlement (Fig. 1, Table 1). sustainable urban development [12]. The town of Fastiv is an important rail- Urban ecosystem services can increase the way hub with developed industry, which has sustainability of the city, which directly de- 3.5 times more population than Kaharlyk. pends on the quantity, quality and diversity of Both towns are territorially belonging to a the green infrastructure they produce. zone of significant warm supply, unstable The aim of the study was to carry out a moisture. comparative description of the ecological po- For the territories of both towns, black tential of the ecologically balanced develop- soils are characteristic of loamy loam: for Fas- ment of small towns of Kyiv region in terms tiv they are loamy, and for Kaharlyk they are of ecosystem services. typical slight-humus. The territories of both towns cross the rivers almost in half, forming MATERIAL AND METHODS water-green diameters and green wedges. De- The objects of the study were two small spite the location in the Forest-steppe zone towns — Fastiv and Kaharlyk, which are de- and urban planning requirements for the veloping intensively. Their selection is made formation of green space, the green areas of according to the criterion of availability of towns are practically absent. For the outskirts current (newly developed) publicly available of Fastiv characteristic agricultural cenosis a b Territories of Fastiv (a) and Kaharlyk (b) towns according to satellite imagery on August 26, 2018 (Land Viewer EOS) in natural color 134 AGROECOLOGICAL JOURNAL • No. 1 • 2020 DYNAMICS OF COSTS OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF SMALL TOWNS IN KYIV REGION Table 1 Physical-geographical characteristics of small towns Year Distance from Population, Population density, Town Area, ha of foundation Kyiv, km thousand residents persons/km2 Fastiv 1390 64 4386 48.5 1105 Kaharlyk 1142 77 2131 13.8 647 Table 2 Economic characteristics of small towns Financial capacity Ecological Town tax, UAH/ha UAH per person UAH per m2 Fastiv 4981.71 5.28 37.63 Kaharlyk 2274.07 1.47 24.51 are in place of oak forests, and for Kaharlyk — According to the master plan of 1987, in place of meadow steppes and steppe mead- the Kaharlyk area amounted to 1517.0 hec- ows. On the territory of both towns there are tares, and the population by 2007 would have parks-monuments of landscape gardening: in grown to 40.0 thousand, which turned out Fastiv — Molodizhnyi and Fastivskyi parks, to be too optimistic. Instead, despite almost in Kaharlyk — Kaharlytskyi park. three times lower than the planned popu- Fastiv is not only a railway hub, but also lation (13.8 thousand), the town’s area has an industrial town with advanced engineer- already increased in 1.4 times. The town is ing, woodworking, food production, pulp considered compact. From the west, the Ka- and paper industry and others. Kaharlyk harlyk area is limited to the highway of the has developed food production, fish farm- Kyiv-Myronivka railroad and the industrial ing etc. Living conditions of the popula- zone, the refineries of the sugar plant, from tion are estimated as moderately favorable the east — the highway of the state impor- for Fastiv and satisfactory — for Kaharlyk tance of H-01, the main gas pipeline and the [14]. Both towns have newly developed gen- transmission line, which leads to an elongated eral plans approved in 2016 and 2014, re- meridian-radial planning structure. Three in- spectively. In addition, the analysis of towns dustrial zones have been formed in the city was supported by publicly available data territory, which are enclosed in the residential on the characteristics of small towns over area, which is a significant anthropogenic load the data of land management forms 6-earth on the urban ecosystem. (Table 2). To determine the value of all ecosystem Data the table 2 indicate that financial services provided to locals in the studied capacity per person or budget revenues per small towns, the technique, which takes into unit of the town of Fastiv is 2.2 and 3.6 times account the types of land use [12] have al- higher than the similar indicators of Kahar- ready been used by us [15]. According to the lyk town. Similarly, the environmental tax method, urban lands are divided into four per unit of the territory of Fastiv is 1.5 times categories of land use: urban (built) arable higher than the similar indicator of Kaharlyk, land, forest and water. We have applied this
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