Ukiahi boys Weekend STORM STORIES basketball entertainment What did the Corps do? ..............Page 3 action ...................................Page 1 .............Page 6 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Tomorrow: Rain in the afternoon 7 58551 69301 0 THURSDAY Jan, 5, 2006 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL 16 pages, Volume 147 Number 271 email:
[email protected] Fund WHAT’S AHEAD IN 2006 drive reaches Elections, housing, city skatepark Editor’s note: This is the first of three stories about what citizens goal! can expect from government in 2006. By SETH FREEDLAND To our readers: The Daily Journal As the storm and floods hit “Prediction is very difficult, and continued through the especially if it’s about the future," weekend, the Daily Journal wisely quoth Neils Bohr. Yet, devoted all its space to the despite an appropriate modicum of crisis. Today we resume more respect for the Nobel laureate, any normal operations with some purveyor of Mendocino County pol- stories we had planned for the itics would be forced to realize New Year weekend and also today’s present is very much preg- our Food Bank Fund Drive nant with its future. With that in list. Even though we have mind, here are some of the largest reached our goal - THANK issues expected to make local gov- YOU ALL - we know there are ernment headlines in 2006. more names out there and we • A weighty election on June 6 will get them in as soon as will see Supervisors David Colfax they are forwarded to us from and Hal Wagenet seeking reelection the UCC.