Motion Graphics: Animated Film Series

in conjunction with the exhibition

Compulsive Narratives: Stories that MUST be Told.

Thursday, January 30th, 2014, 4:45 pm, Room FA110

Chico y Rita – This film recounts the story of Chico, a young piano player, and Rita, a beautiful singer, who are united by music and romance, but their journey, as in the tradition of the bolero, brings heartache and torment.

Long before its famous military revolution, the of the late 40s had been moved and transformed by another compelling movement that should have also changed its destiny: Afro- Cuban . Chico and Rita is an elegy to that possibility, and to all the glamour, sensuality, and superb musical sophistication it encompassed. Often described as a “nearly operatic tragedy,” the film portrays, though the trials and (mostly romantic) tribulations of its two charming and sultry protagonists, the difficult journeys that local talents faced in a country turned into an entertainment mecca by corrupt, North American, gangsters and corporations. The eternal matrix of love, jealousy, danger and success that results from such elements is softened by the fascinating music of the film. The Latin-inflected sound, the Valdés-Jazz rhythm and Idana Valdés voice (dubbing Rita’s) is simply intoxicating and has been able to submerge critics and spectators into a musical indulgence that many of us could not believe we knew so little about. The indie film has been internationally acclaimed, winning in 2012 an Oscar nomination for best animated feature.

Presented by Dr. Ana Laguna

Thursday, February 6th, 2014, 4:45 pm, Room FA110

Ghost World – Following his documentary Crumb, filmmaker Terry Zwigoff meticulously recreates the world that comics artist/writer Daniel Clowes has obsessively rendered with very purposefully placed clean line in his graphic novel. The result is the same nebulous, unsure landscape that is paradoxically as dense as it is empty.

Presented by Dr. Robert Emmons

Thursday, February 13th, 2014, 4:45 pm, Room FA110

Arrugas – This film relates a story of friendship, resistance and life unfolding in the unexpected setting of an elderly care facility.

Presented by Dr. Alejandra Jasowicz Thursday, February 27th, 2014, 4:45PM Room FA 110

Crumb – Filmmaker Terry Zwigoff begins with what seems to be a standard biographical documentary of famed underground comics artist R. Crumb. Just as subversive as Crumbs comics, the narrative quickly runs always from Zwigoff and spirals into the story of the compulsive world of the Crumb family. Zwigoff frantically chases the story with the same obsessive lens that Crumb applies to his comics.

Presented by Dr. Robert Emmons

Thursday, March 6th, 2014, 4:45 pm, Room FA110

Une vie de chat (A Cat in Paris) – This film stands as a wonderful example of animation’s ability to seamlessly integrate the artistic avant-garde (Matisse’s fauvism in this case) and popular genres (the thriller or “policier”), in a manner which is perhaps unrivaled among today’s cultural productions.

Presented by Dr. Cyril Reade

Thursday, March 13th, 2014, 4:45 pm, Room FA110

Couleur de peau miel – This film showcases how the hybrid use of animation and live-action allows for a poignant interrogation of the vagaries and mysteries of identity and nationality.

Presented by Dr. Alisa Belanger

Thursday, March 27th, 2014, 4:45 pm, Room FA110

L'lllusioniste (The Illusionist)- Based on a scenario by Jacques Tati, The illusionist speaks tenderly and eloquently about how simple souls struggle to exist in a modern mechanized world, and how they may still manage to do so.

Presented by Dr. Alisa Belanger

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014, 4:45 pm, Room FA110

30 anos de obscuridad (30 Years of Darkness)- This animated film involving history, politics, war, and family, relates the store of a man who was hidden in a hold in his house for 30 years during ’s Civil War.

Presented by Dr. Prospero Garcia