GEochemistry Monograph Series, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1–50 (2017) Lakes Nyos and Monoun Gas Disasters (Cameroon)—Limnic Eruptions Caused by Excessive Accumulation of Magmatic CO2 in Crater Lakes Minoru Kusakabe Department of Environmental Biology and Chemistry University of Toyama 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan e-mail:
[email protected] Citation: Kusakabe, M. (2017) Lakes Nyos and Monoun gas disasters (Cameroon)—Limnic erup- tions caused by excessive accumulation of magmatic CO2 in crater lakes. GEochem. Monogr. Ser. 1, 1–50, doi:10.5047/gems.2017.00101.0001. Abstract Received on December 5, 2015 This is a review paper on the Lakes Nyos and Monoun gas disasters that took place in the Accepted on May 11, 2016 mid-1980s in Cameroon, and on their related geochemistry. The paper describes: (i) the Online published on April 7, 2017 gas disasters (the event and testimonies); (ii) the unusual geochemical characters of the lakes, i.e., strong stratification with high concentrations of dissolved CO2; (iii) the evolu- Keywords tion of the CO2 content in the lakes during pre- and syn-degassing; (iv) the noble gas • Cameroon signatures and their implications; (v) a review of models of a limnic eruption; (vi) a • Lakes Nyos and Monoun revision of a spontaneous eruption hypothesis that explains the cyclic nature of a limnic • gas disaster eruption (Kusakabe 2015); (vii) a brief review of the origin of the Cameroon Volcanic • crater lakes Line (CVL) and the geochemistry of CVL magmas; (viii) a brief review of other CO - • magmatic CO2 2 • limnic eruption rich lakes in the world; and (ix) concluding remarks.