JOINT GRAND OPENING Friday July 1, 2011

6:45 PM Music Provided by Convention Organist Kyle Hankins)

6:50 PM William B. Airey: While this joint opening session of the 2011 International Moose Convention does not begin for another ten minutes, I want to take this opportunity to recognize forty men and women who have been nominated to receive the 2011 Shining Star Award. These members of our Lodges and Chapters have just finished having dinner with members of the Supreme Council and Grand Council, together with Moose International Staff and award presenters. While only eight of them will leave with the award, all forty are certainly worthy of recognition. Please join me in welcoming them into the convention hall and onto this stage.

(Shining Star Nominees March into the Convention Hall and Onto the Stage to special PPT and recorded music)

7:00 PM William B. Airey: Brothers and Co‐workers, welcome to Anaheim, California and this magnificent Anaheim Convention Center, for the Joint Opening Session of our 2011 International Moose Convention. To those of you who are attending an International Moose Convention for the first time we welcome you warmly and we wish you a most enjoyable experience, and hope that this will be the first of many to come. Would you please rise so that we may acknowledge your presence? Before we begin this opening event I want to introduce to you the gentleman providing the music throughout the next five days, our Convention Organist – Kyle Hankins, a member of Mooseheart Lodge 2655. Kyle did such a wonderful job providing music for us throughout the Nashville Convention that we’ve invited him out here to Anaheim to do the same for us this year. It is now my pleasure to introduce to you a Past International Moose Legion President – from Tallahassee, Florida Lodge 1075, Brother Levis Hughes.

7:02 PM Levis Hughes: Brother Director General, I have the honor of introducing those Brothers who currently serve this fraternity as members of the Moose Legion Council. Let me begin with the individual who provides guidance and wisdom to this council, and administers the business of the Moose Legion, the Director of Ritual and Higher Degrees ‐ from Lockport, IL Lodge 1557, Brother Robert Neff. From Berkeley Springs, WV Lodge 1483, Moose Legion Councilman Daniel Williams Sr; from Woodward, OK Lodge 452, Moose Legion Councilman Bruce Snider; from Oxnard, CA Lodge 561 Moose Legion Councilman Mark Klein; from West Bend, WI Lodge 1398, Moose Legion Councilman Edward Lehmann; from Rock Hill, SC Lodge 1720, Moose Legion Councilman Michael Mock; from Camas, WA Lodge 1042, International Moose Legion Vice‐President Paul Curtis, and from Sellersville, PA Lodge 1539, our International Moose Legion President Bruce Berger.

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7:07 PM William B. Airey: Thank you Brother Hughes. Now, for our next introductions it is my pleasure to introduce to you, from Fayetteville, NC Chapter 1292, Past Grand Regent Wilma Chestnut.

7:07 PM Wilma Chestnut: I am honored to introduce to you this distinguished group of Co‐Workers who proudly serve as members of the Grand Council of the Women of the Moose. I would like to begin with the Grand Chancellor of the Women of the Moose, from Woodstock, IL Chapter 364, Barbara McPherson; from Kennewick, WA Chapter 1204, Grand Council Member Margaret Stilwell; from Lewistown, MT Chapter 909 is unable to attend this Convention, and is excused, Grand Council Member Sharon McNees; from Newport, NH Chapter 662, Grand Council Member Prudence Derby Joyce; from Nainaimo, BC Chapter 197, Grand Council Member Wendy McKinley; from Jersey City, NJ Chapter 1291, Grand Council Member Mary Lou Szelazek; from Fredericksburg, VA Chapter 1592, Grand Council Member Harriet Mohr; from East Point, GA Chapter 1239, Grand Council Member Joyce Harris; from Ravenna, OH Chapter 540, Grand Council Member Marilyn Casto, and serving as Grand Regent for the Women of the Moose, from Aberdeen, MD Chapter 1209, Olivia “Libby” Schmidt.

7:12 PM William B. Airey: Thank you Past Grand Regent Wilma. And now, to introduce the highest elected body of Moose International, it is my pleasure to bring to the podium our Jr. Past Supreme Governor, from North Hillsboro, FL Lodge 1741, Liguori Saladin.

7:12 PM Liguori Saladin: In addition to Director General William B. Airey, a member of Whitehall, OH Lodge 1245, I am pleased to introduce Supreme Councilman Willard Kitchens from Prattville, AL Lodge 1864; from Fairbanks, AK Lodge 1392, Supreme Councilman Warren Cummings; from Tulsa, OK Lodge 862, Supreme Councilman Terry Walls; from Dansville, NY Lodge 1130, Supreme Councilman Franz Griswold; from Greeley‐Evans, CO Lodge 909, Supreme Councilman Harry Johnston; from Danville, PA Lodge 1133, Supreme Councilman Joseph Koons; from Grants Pass/Merlin, OR Lodge 2454, Supreme Councilman Warren Black; from Mansfield, OH Lodge 341, Supreme Councilman Danny Albert; from East Mesa, AZ Lodge 2082, Supreme Prelate James Henderson, Sr.; from Bedford, VA Lodge 1897, Supreme Jr. Governor Wesley Crowder, and finally, from Charlotte, NC Lodge 1113, the Supreme Governor of the Loyal Order of Moose, George W. McCullough III.

7:17 PM William B. Airey: The invocation this evening will be delivered by our Supreme Prelate, James Henderson, Sr.

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7:17 PM James Henderson: Brothers and Co‐Workers, please fold your arms and bow your heads. Heavenly Father, we ask Thy blessings upon the members of the Loyal Order of Moose and Women of the Moose gathered here for this 2011 International Moose Convention. We ask that you give us the guidance, understanding and an open mind to the ideas, challenges and opportunities set before us. Give us your support, and the wisdom and fortitude to make the proper decisions to keep us, as individuals, and the Fraternity, moving forward. Inspire us to continue our support of Mooseheart, Moosehaven and our communities. Help us to continue our love and devotion for this fraternity. For we ask this in Thy name. Amen.

7:19 PM William B. Airey: I now call to the podium Supreme Jr. Governor Wesley Crowder.

7:19 PM Wesley Crowder: Brothers and Co‐Workers, to present the colors I call upon the Color Guard from the United States Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity, headquartered at Camp Pendleton, California.

(Color guard marches to front and turns to present colors)

Brothers and Co‐Workers, please join Director of Communications & Public Affairs Kurt Wehrmeister in singing the national anthems of the United States of America, Canada and Great Britain. (After anthems the color guard will post colors on stage and exit)

7:32 PM William B. Airey: Thank you Kurt. How about a hand for the Marine Color Guard from Camp Pendleton? This great lady has been traveling throughout North America, representing the Women of the Moose, ever since leaving Country City USA last July, following our Nashville Convention. Please welcome to this podium, a member of Aberdeen, MD Chapter 1209, the Grand Regent of the Women of the Moose Olivia ‘Libby’ Schmidt.

7:32 PM Olivia Schmidt: WOW – how time flies! It just seems like yesterday when I was installed as your Grand Regent. The very first highlight of my year was instituting Capitol Region Chapter 2406 of Washington, DC. I have never seen a more enthusiastic group of Co‐workers and I know they will make a difference in the Moose Fraternity. Many thanks to College Park, MD Chapter and Lodge for hosting this event. My very first travel assignment, as Grand Regent, was my second trip back to the State of . I was so enthused to return because I had such a great time when I was there in February 2008,

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and I knew this time would have been no different. The Co‐workers and Brothers were wonderful, as usual, and made me feel welcome. As before, I was treated like royalty, and of course I was just me – Libby! Everything went well until Sunday morning. After breakfast, we were on the way to our meeting room when I lost my balance in the lobby, and ended up lying on the floor; bruised and sore, no broken bones, but with an embarrassed ego and a black, blue & purple body. The highlight of this trip was the opportunity to meet Movie Star, Producer, Martial Arts World Champion, handsome Hunk‐ and a new voice of the Safe Surfin’ USA Foundation, Tony Schiena. I love you Ohio and I have to say I love Tony too. The following weekend I was off to our very own MD‐DE‐DC Annual Conference. That was a scary thought – your own conference – how would the Co‐workers take to you? They always look for someone out of state. Well ‐‐ what a weekend that was! I got run into by a scooter – almost ended up on the floor – again –and had the privilege of wearing those colors of black, blue and purple. I was beginning to feel like I was followed by the purple people eater and wondered what would happen next! Well, the rest of the conference was fantastic. I guess maybe because of all the stories talking about TONY! I think the Co‐workers of MD‐DE‐DC saw a different side of me ‐ a side I didn’t know I had either. To the love of my life, hubby Carl, I love you but OH–Tony, you bring out the tiger in me! After a couple weeks at home, it was off to Wisconsin, for their conference. Being there in September 2008, I knew the Co‐workers and what they were like. Sandy Martin told me to say hello to the cheese heads, since she is originally from Wisconsin. At the first meeting I gave them her hello, and as I said it, I pictured the Co‐workers with the big cheese hats that you see at football games on TV. I got to laughing and told them the story and said thank goodness that won’t happen to me, because you never made me wear a cheese hat the last time I was here. Well‐‐‐‐‐ guess what? The next meeting I was crowned Cheese Head and then to top it off – they had to do it again at the banquet. I was also told to wear it at Mooseheart’s homecoming football game I was to attend the following week. But, thank goodness, Grand Chancellor Barb said, “Libby – You might not want to do that in Bears territory!” We stayed a few extra days at the beautiful Kalahari Resort and then we were off to Mooseheart for the Board and Council meeting and Homecoming Weekend. We had a very productive meeting and a great time on Saturday at the football game, even if the Red Ramblers didn’t win. What enthusiasm and what TERRIFIC children we have. Everyone was supportive including the staff, teachers, visiting members and the children from our tots to the soon to be grads. After a week at home, we were honored to have Supreme Governor Jeepy and his lovely wife Sue with us for 3 days. We traveled to every Lodge he visited and of course everyday, I had to be on constant guard because it seems when I am around Jeepy I always forgot to introduce Carl. I knew that, and he was always ready – waiting – with that gleaming smile, and of course being me, I believe I did forget to do so, on one of those three occasions. After 2 days of packing, we set out for the Florida Conference. What a first‐class destination; except we had to spend our meetings indoors instead of outside in the warmth & sunshine. At this conference, I did have the honor to meet Ron Porter who represents Tony Schiena and he informed me Tony was out of the country on a tour. DRATS – I was hoping to see him again. One good thing though, this conference was accident free and I love you Co‐workers and thank you for keeping it that way. Then after 2 weeks at home, we were off to Reno for the “Triple Play” Seminar. For the first time in my life, I did participate in a slot tournament and no, I didn’t win anything, but it was a lot of fun. At our Women of the Moose meetings, we were privileged to have William B. Airey, Director General with us both days to answer any and all questions that were asked. Now that was a great learning experience! I feel everyone that attended went home with more knowledge than they came with, and totally loved the experience.

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Now it’s November. A week before Thanksgiving we journeyed to West Virginia for a reception in honor of Danny Williams who was appointed Moose Legion Councilman. Then before you knew it, it was December and the week before Christmas and I was honored at my own reception, which was held at Harrington Lodge in DE. It was a fantastic day! Carl said the Queen of England would have been envious! Thanks to ALL Co‐workers and Lodge Brothers who were responsible for this event or who traveled to help make this a day that I will cherish and remember forever. Five weeks of no travels and then off to Tempie, AZ for our Grand Council meeting. What a productive few days that was, and the wind‐down was getting to celebrate my birthday a day early at Rustler’s Roost, which overlooks the beautiful city of Phoenix. The scenery was indescribable, and it was a birthday I won’t forget. Then, my next official conference assignments began in March – back‐to‐back weekends, 4 weeks in a row, which meant we had to fly to each destination. First, we were off for the Kentucky conference, but I didn’t get to see any blue grass because it was actually held in Clarksville, Indiana. However, I did get to wear a beautiful hat at the banquet on Saturday night and felt like I was at the Kentucky Derby. This was a smaller conference, but those Co‐workers were very enthusiastic when it came to our Moose Fraternity. The second trip was off to . Believe it or not, the weather was perfect. No snow! The Co‐workers and Lodge Brothers greeted us with a warm welcome. They are truly committed to our Fraternity and were a lot of fun, even if I did have to go to jail on Saturday night. But I wasn’t alone, and before long I was bailed out – of fundraising jail that is. Then, it was off to Texas. I got to see some real Texans with big hats but luckily no gunslingers. This was a very enthusiastic conference also. The Co‐workers and Lodge Brothers were very friendly and really energetic and they carry our fraternity in their hearts. Now Countdown – 1 conference left to go ‐ back to Reno for the California/Nevada conference. WOW – what a trip that was. We were scheduled to change planes at Dallas‐Ft. Worth Airport. During the flight a few of the flight attendants were going back & forth. We were about 2 hours into our flight when the Captain said we had a medical emergency on board and we would have to make an emergency landing in Memphis, TN. I never saw a plane fly so fast in all my life. After landing & taking the lady off the plane, we had to gas up and get a new flight plan; which made us miss our connecting flight by 10 minutes and gave us a five hour delay at Dallas/Fort Worth. We finally made it to Reno with no more problems, until the next day when we had 4‐6 inches of snow. It snowed so hard we couldn’t see the mountains or the airport. The pass was closed down, which meant many of the members were unable to attend the conference. Some were stranded and a few were involved in accidents, but luckily not seriously hurt. Other than that, we had a great conference and the highlight was this was the first time I ever saw 600 bags of Jelly Bellies in one place. Co‐ workers, thank you for a wonderfully memorable weekend. Finally comes June – off to Mooseheart for the elementary school promotion and high school graduation. I was asked to give the keynote address at the 5th & 8th grade promotion and give out certificates. It warmed my heart to see how excited and well mannered our children are. It was their moment and they beamed. It was also a privilege to be on stage with the high school seniors for their Graduation. They are off to start their new life, a life that our membership provided them. In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff at Moose International for their dedication to our Fraternity and who are always there when we need them. To the Deputy Grand Regents and their husbands/companions or Co‐workers that were ready to meet us at the hotel or airports when we arrived, your hospitality and friendships will never be forgotten and we will forever be bonded. To the Regional Managers & Association Officers, thank you for the accommodations, dinners and hospitality you have shared with us, you are truly remarkable.

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Co‐workers & Lodge Brothers, thank you for everything you do for our Fraternity. Your dedication and devotion to Mooseheart and Moosehaven is outstanding. You have shown me your love, hospitality and friendship in all my travels through the years. You will always be a part of my book of memories, and in my heart forever. And last but not least, I cannot forget my Executive Secretary, the “love of my life” and husband of 49 years, Carl. You have always been there for me ‐ given me encouragement, escorted and chauffeured me everywhere I needed to go, and even got an autographed picture of Tony for me. Thank you honey, I Love You! And, I Love all of you – Keep doing what you are doing!

7:42 PM William B. Airey: Thank you Libby. We heard many great comments regarding your visits, and all of them were positive. Thank you also for looking after our Supreme Governor when the two of you were in the same location. He needed all the help he could get. Speaking of our hero, ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to bring to this podium the Brother who, during the past year, has served in the highest elected position of the Loyal Order of Moose; a member of Charlotte, North Carolina Lodge 1113, our Supreme Governor George Washington McCullough III.

George W. McCullough III: Time seems too slip away when we are having fun, and WOW, have Sue and I had fun this year! It seems like it was just yesterday, when we were in Nashville, Tennessee, at our 122nd International Convention, and now we are in Anaheim, California, at our 123rd. It’s like yesterday, when our Past Supreme Governors escorted my wife and I through the waves and cheers of well wishing men and women of the Loyal Order of Moose, and Women of the Moose, as they were lined up on both sides of the aisle; reaching out their hands, with greetings and smiles, as Sue and I made our way to the stairs as the Past Supreme Governors established an honor guard line for us. I was able to look into their faces and eyes as I ascended the stairs to the stage, to receive and take the obligation of Office that each one of them, had taken before me; to look into their faces and see the dedication, commitment, sacrifice and pride, and remember what each of them had contributed to our fraternity and to the Office of Supreme Governor, during their terms, and years of service to the order. I could see and feel the excitement and expectations they had toward me, as they presented me to our Director General, you the membership in attendance, and to the fraternity we all love so much, as their choice for Supreme Governor for 2010‐2011; to help him, along with the Supreme Council, lead our fraternity through even bigger and better opportunities, challenges, and seizing on our tremendous heritage for even more accomplishments than ever before. Realizing that no one individual can do anything in and of themselves, and recognizing that no one does anything without God; remembering how I asked everyone in attendance to join me in prayer to our Heavenly Father, and us knowing in our hearts, that I, nor you can do anything without him, in whom we live, move, and have our being, I Thank God for his answering your prayers and mine, and giving me the many blessings, and all of the opportunities and the times, when we met with you and your families, and our membership, that he has given to Sue and I. Can I get an AMEN to that? (House Lights Up) Please bring the house lights up, Please. Thank You!

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May I have all of the Deputy Supreme Governors for 2010‐2011, and their wives present, to please stand and be recognized for the outstanding job they did in representing me, and the Office of Supreme Governor, in my absence, throughout their Associations. Please join with me in giving them the applause they so richly deserve. (House Lights Down) I thank each of you, and as God continues with his blessings, and continues using each one of you in all of your present and future endeavors, of building our Child City, Mooseheart, and our City of Contentment, Moosehaven, our fund raising arm, Moose Charities, the Loyal Order of Moose, Women of the Moose, and the Moose Legion. I give God all the Praise, Honor, and Glory for allowing Sue and me the pleasure and privileges of working and enjoying time with you and your wives or girlfriends as we gained an additional thirty pounds of weight from Nashville to Anaheim. This suit used to be a double breasted, and now I cannot get it to button. Can I get an AMEN with that? I thank our Director General, Bill Airey, his wife Jean, his family, and his office staff Linda and Camille, whose unbelievable constant help and advice was always effective, and always on time. I thank him for his friendship, fun, and fellowship, and us being able to laugh together, work together, and overcome unbelievable challenges that faced us throughout this year. I thoroughly enjoyed him counting down my days, so that I could relay the message to our membership during our travels, and so that I could say this now. “YOU ARE GOING TO MISS ME, WHEN I AM GONE” I thank all of the staff at Moose International who move mountains constantly to make our fraternity better and ensure that each visitation is timely and functional; giving more and more of themselves, and realizing that what they do will be forever remembered, cherished, and will be lasting in the hearts of everyone of our members, because they help all of us achieve more. I would like to thank each one of you individually, but according to our Director General, time does not permit, and I have to keep to the script. Can I get an AMEN? Thanks to Jim Fleming and Jan Pedersen at Moose International, whom along with all of the Regional Managers and Associations Boards of Officers worked together to get us to your Lodge and Chapter homes, and back to our home safely, and planning each trip for the maximum of great weather; having beautiful blue skies and no rain or snow in the Great Northwest and Northeast; no tornadoes in the Midwest or fires and hurricanes in the Southern regions until after we left to go home, except for being chased out of Georgia by a snowstorm, that followed and caught us in Anderson, South Carolina, and continued up the east coast, and while turning toward Moose International Offices hit our Child City, closed down the entire area, and forced Moose International Offices to close. However, that brought out Past Supreme Governor, Director of Purchasing and Snow Commander Charlie Palochko, and his trusted sidekicks, Scott Hart, and Gary Urwiler to play in the snow, while no one else would even think about getting out and clearing the Mooseheart Child City roads in whiteout conditions; even getting the snow plow stuck and unstuck . Starting my year out in Pennsylvania, I was able to watch the wives and officers of the Executive Board feed some 1,333 members in attendance at Knobles Family Theme Park. I only shook the hands of 1,270 of the members, so I am looking for the other 66 hands to shake that I missed. If you are here and one of the 66 that was at Knobles, PA, and I did not shake your hand, please come forth after the close of this Joint Opening Session so that I will have bragging rights to say I shook everyone of the 1,333 hands. I made fraternal history by getting a 15‐yard penalty as the Honorary Coach of the Red Ramblers Football Team, but it ended up not mattering, because the Red Ramblers won the game! Therefore, Bill cannot make me feel guilty anymore. Way to go Red Ramblers! One of the highlights of this year was, being invited by the Mooseheart Board of Directors to be the Commencement Speaker for the 2011 Mooseheart Graduating Class of 26 young men and

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women, twenty‐five of who went on to college after graduation. Unlike the 15‐yard penalty that I was entitled to, and had earned on the football field, I was not entitled to the 15‐word penalty that Scot Hart, and Gary Urwiler gave me, and the BIG AMEN SIGN they produced, but you can see by my expression and laugh on the website, they had my undivided attention, and once again Darryl Mellema of Kurt Wehrmeister’s office captured me on film, in the act. I was not guilty for that, as I went by the script exactly. Bill was watching my every move, just as he is doing now! Can I get a Hallelujah? Everything went smooth the entire year for travel except for the next to the last trip – the trip to Duncan, Oklahoma. Chicago had a storm, and we were diverted to Kansas City, Missouri, and then on to O’Hare International Airport, where we had delays totaling 24 hours, and they put out a missing persons flier, and my Deputy Supreme and Regional Manager had to fill in for me, because I did not make it by the Lodge until the next morning. I need to include that there are honest people in Oklahoma, because I was so tired when I got to the room in Duncan, that I left the key in the door, and did not know it was there until the next morning. The rest of the trip was phenomenal as was every trip we made. Can I get an AMEN there? I thank each of you for all that you have given, as we traveled throughout our Great Nations and Lands, as you allowed us to share with you, and assume a small part or role, in your dedication to our fraternity, and its programs. I thank you further for your hard work, your beliefs, and your sacrifices. Please join with me as we sit back and listen to Canadian Singer Celine Dione as she sings “These Are The Special Times”, and look at only a few of the more than 20,000 pictures that were taken on our visits with you! (Show Power Point Presentation and Play “These are the Special Times”) Thank You from Sue and myself, and May God continue to bless, not only each of you that are here, but also those who are not able to be with us, and our fraternity tonight! Can I get a Final AMEN? This completes the 2010‐2011 Supreme Governor’s Report to the Opening Joint Session of this 123rd International Convention.

7:52 PM William B. Airey: Thank you Brother Supreme Governor McCullough. For the purpose of recognizing the recipients of the 23rd Moose International Shining Stars, I call to the podium Director of Communications and Public Affairs Kurt Wehrmeister.

7:52 PM Kurt Wehrmeister: Presenting the Shining Star in the category of Lodge Administrator of the Year is Director of Lodge Operations Darrell O’Brien.

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Darrell O’Brien: The nominees for Lodge Administrator of the Year are: Paul Chianese, Greenville, PA Lodge 276 James Johnson, Elkland, PA Lodge 746 Jerry Stephenson, Owensville, MO Lodge 878 Joe Vancil, Dinwiddie, VA Lodge 1993 Daniel Duggar, MacClenny, FL Lodge 2412

Kurt Wehrmeister: Presenting the award for Chapter of the Year is Director of Chapter Operations Judy Sisson.

Judy Sisson: The Senior Regents nominated for the award for Chapter of the Year are those who served their Chapter during the 2010‐2011 Chapter year. The nominees for Chapter of the Year are: Stephanie Gressman, Fremont, OH Chapter 624 Evelyn Milliren, Venice, FL Chapter 758 Margie Smith, Cape Coral, FL Chapter 815 Bonnie Schoaff, Yuma, AZ Chapter 1503 Irene Thomas, Plymouth, MA Chapter 2218

Kurt Wehrmeister: Presenting the award for Lodge of the Year is Director of Membership Shawn Baile.

Shawn Baile: The Governors nominated for the award for Lodge of the Year are those who served their Lodge during the 2010‐2011 Lodge Year. The nominees are: Richard W. Stralko, Greenville, PA Lodge 276 David J. Harkenrider, Elkland, PA Lodge 746 Donald J. Gruenloh Jr., Owensville, MO Lodge 878 Carlton Barricks III, Dinwiddie, VA Lodge 1993 Reece Crews, MacClenny, FL Lodge 2412

Kurt Wehrmeister: Presenting the award for Rookie of the Year is Supreme Governor G. W. McCullough III.

G. W. McCullough III: The nominees for Rookie of the Year are: Don Parella, Woodward, OK Lodge 452 Bruce P. Snyder, Hamburg, PA Lodge 523 William Bean, Franconia, VA Lodge 1076 Donald Kleinatland, Brooksville, FL Lodge 1676 John M. Hall, Warner Robins, GA Lodge 1688

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Kurt Wehrmeister: Presenting this year’s Shining Star for Novice Co‐Worker of the Year is Grand Regent Olivia Schmidt.

Olivia Schmidt: The nominees for Novice Co‐Worker of the Year are: Kelly Jefferson, Kirksville, MO Chapter 824 Connie Dallas, Murfreesboro, TN Chapter 1110 Lorraine Green, Albert Lea, MN Chapter 1364 Gina Holman, Aransas Pass, TX Chapter 1972 Christine Falls, Newport, NC Chapter 2060

Kurt Wehrmeister: Presenting the award for Moose Legionnaire of the year is Director of Ritual and Higher Degrees Robert Neff.

Robert Neff: The nominees for 2010‐2011 Moose Legionnaire of the Year are: James E. Adkins, Blue Ridge, VA Moose Legion 82 Ben Thompson, Pioneer, WY Moose Legion 99 William Greenfield, Kanawha, WV Moose Legion 123 Leonard Haizlip, Tar Heel, NC Moose Legion 158 Robert Barbieri, Sailfish, FL Moose Legion 197

Kurt Wehrmeister: Presenting the Shining Star and Medallion for Co‐ Worker of the year is Grand Chancellor Barb McPherson.

Barbara McPherson: The nominees for 2010‐2011 Co‐Worker of the Year are: Rebecca Freeman‐Brauen, Wellsville, NY Chapter 248 MoAna D. Crompton‐Dunn, Winston‐Salem, NC Chapter 1169 Erika Butler, Griffin, GA Chapter 1288 Regina Hammond, Cullman, AL Chapter 1318 Linda Carnes, Stillwater, OK Chapter 1368

Kurt Wehrmeister: And Presenting the Shining Star and Medallion for Moose of the Year is Director General William B. Airey.

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William B. Airey: Our nominees for the 2010‐2011 Moose of the Year are: Bruce Snider, Woodward, OK Lodge 452 John Schacherl, Pasadena, TX Lodge 1721 Keith Delano, West Dade, FL Lodge 1825 Joseph C. Zollinger, Surfside Beach, SC Lodge 2351 Terry Kroeger, Fairfield, AL Lodge 2518

8:07 PM: William B. Airey: Please give another round of applause to all of our nominees and our Shining Star recipients. It is now my honor and privilege to introduce to you a fraternalist of the highest caliber. He is a member of Moose Lodge 586 in DeKalb, Illinois, a Third Degree member of the Knights of Columbus and a Life Member of DeKalb, Illinois Elks Lodge 765. He is a devoted husband to his wife Susan and a dedicated father to his sons Gregory, Andrew and Lucas. Active in his community, he is a past chairman of the HVAC Board of the City of DeKalb and a lector at St. Mary Catholic Church. He is a former co‐owner of a sheet metal business. I stated he was a fraternalist of the highest caliber, his focus being the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He joined in 1985 and served on various committees prior to being elected Exalted Ruler in 1989. In addition, he served as Secretary of his Lodge for more than ten years. In 1994 he was designated Elk of the Year by DeKalb Lodge. He served the Illinois Elks Association as Vice‐President of the North Central District, as Chaplain, as Americanism Chairman, as Third, Second and First Vice‐President, as State President, as Chairman of the Advisory Committee, the Convention Committee and the Leading Knight/Officers Training Seminars. He served as District Deputy and as a member of the Grand Lodge Membership Committee for a number of years including serving as its Chairman. Since 2008 he has served as Grand Secretary and Chief Operating Officer of the Grand Lodge, and is up for election again this year. I consider it a privilege to know him and to work with him in the promotion of fraternal service throughout our country. Brothers and Co‐Workers, it is my privilege to introduce to you the Grand Secretary of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Brother Bryan Klatt.

8:09 PM Bryan Klatt: (Remarks – Partners in Fraternal Affairs – No Teleprompter)

8:29 PM William B. Airey: Thank you Bryan for taking the time to bring us your fraternal message, and for participating in this 123rd International Moose Convention. This is the sixth time that I have had the privilege of standing before you at an International Moose Convention as your Director General. Usually, I am on the agenda to deliver a keynote address at the opening joint session of the convention. This year I chose to change the format. Why should I inform you of the financial standings of the Order when we have a Chief Financial Officer? Why tell you of the status of our membership when we have a Director of Membership? Why share information pertaining to the Women of the Moose when we have a Grand Chancellor? Instead, I will share my comments with both the Loyal Order of Moose, Women of the Moose and Moose Legion sometime during their scheduled sessions, and tonight, let those directly responsible for what is happening in our Order, in their respective areas, review our accomplishments since last we met.

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With that being said, it is indeed a privilege to invite to the podium, for the purpose of providing you with an update on the financial standing of Moose International as of the close of the fiscal year, our Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Treasurer, from Downers Grove, Illinois Lodge 1535, Brother Joe Mech.

8:29 PM Joseph R. Mech: Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Anaheim. What a thrill it is for me to be able to speak to you tonight. This is certainly a great honor, and I would like to thank Director General Airey for giving me this opportunity. What a difference a couple of years makes. I am happy to just say no to gloom and doom, and to tell you that we are certainly headed in the right direction. And you, our wonderful membership, deserve the credit. On behalf of a grateful Fraternity, thanks so much for everything you are doing at your Lodges, Chapters, Moose Legions, Districts, Higher Degree Councils, and your Associations. For without you, we simply could not do what we do for our children at Mooseheart, our seniors at Moosehaven, and our communities. I would like to say that it has not been business as usual the last three years at Moose International, at our Child City, and at our City of Contentment. We have done serious cost cutting. Our goal has been to cut any costs that would not negatively impact the services we provide to our membership, our foster children, and our senior members. And I have some amazing facts to share with you tonight. Let’s talk first about our child city. Mooseheart is certainly our biggest charitable endeavor. As such, it requires a tremendous amount of financial support from the Fraternity. But through the efforts of Executive Director Scott Hart and his dedicated staff, the financial support needed to operate Mooseheart is at its lowest level in at least the last 15 years. I went all the way back to 1997, and the net cost of operating Mooseheart is less now than it was in every year since 1997. How about our city of contentment? Through the efforts of Executive Director John Capes and his dedicated staff, the net support needed to operate Moosehaven is lower than any year since 2001. And we all know how the costs of health care have shot up over the last decade. And very importantly, we continue to take excellent care of our senior members in need. And we have also taken the scalpel to Moose International’s expenses. Our budgeted expenses for this year are the lowest they have been since the year ending April 30, 2005. We are trying our hardest to make sure we spend your hard earned dollars wisely and efficiently. Because of your attention to loss control, we have been able to once again, for the second straight year, reduce the risk pool assessments for your Lodges. I am happy to report that we have reduced these assessments by 7% across the board. So how about the income side of things? I am very happy to report that you, our membership has been incredibly generous this past year. Moose Charities has just completed its best year since 2006. We received over ten and a half million dollars in net gifts this past year. Thank you so very much for giving of your substance. There are 427 members of the League of Guardians this year, many of who are in attendance. These dedicated members donated at least $1,000 to Moose Charities during the past

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fiscal year. I would like to give a special thanks to this wonderful group of fraternalists. There were 71 members of the League of Guardians in 2001, so over the last decade the membership in this elite group has increased six fold. In the last 26 months, we have been able to increase the balance in our investment pools by an incredible 71 million dollars. This has been made possible by very strong returns the last two years. But more importantly, the dues increases that you have supported have enabled us to deposit 9 million dollars into the investment pools the last three years. Between the cost cutting and the dues increases, we have gone from taking 24 million out of our investments each year to fund our operations, to being able to put 3 million in each of the last three years, on average. What an amazing turnaround! The dues increases were so very important, and they are doing wonders to help put our Fraternity back into a very strong financial position. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who sponsored a member this past year. Your response to our plea for new members during the last three months of the fiscal year was simply unbelievable. Because of your efforts, we dug out of a big hole, and ended the year with virtually the same number of combined members as we started the year with. In closing, because of you, we are headed in the right direction. On behalf of a grateful Fraternity, thanks so much for everything you do to support our programs. I hope you have a wonderful week here in Anaheim. And may God bless you and your loved ones.

8:37 PM William B. Airey: Thank you Joe. How nice it is to hear such positive financial accomplishments. We are also excited with the progress we have witnessed in membership development this past year. To bring you the results of your efforts I call upon Director of Membership Shawn Baile.

8:37 PM Shawn Baile: Good evening everyone! Welcome to Anaheim! When we all gathered one year ago in Nashville, Tennessee, we unfortunately did not have great news to share regarding our membership efforts during 2009‐2010’s “Be a Piece of the Solution” membership campaign. We didn’t try to sugar coat the situation – rather we stood tall, we were honest and forthcoming, and we prepared to move forward. Loyal Order of Moose membership applications submitted were the lowest total for a fiscal year since 2005‐2006. The number of member sponsors was nearly 9,000 fewer than the previous year, only the second time in 20 years that we had fewer than 40,000 sponsors in a single year. We proclaimed that the if we were going to put an end to our membership woes and fortify our membership strength, then “The Time is Now”. Through the first nine months of 2010‐2011, we appeared to be heading down the same path. On January 31, 2011, Lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose had received 57,827 applications. While this was nearly 3,000 applications ahead of the same time period during the previous year, it was still well behind the pace necessary to reach our goal of 95,000 applications. It was clearly apparent that aggressive action needed to be taken in order to swing momentum in our favor. We needed to give membership production during the final three months of the fiscal year a jump‐start. First, we reviewed the results of the Moose Economic Stimulus Plan that was utilized in March and April of 2009. During those two months, more than 40,000 Loyal Order of Moose applications were produced, as compared to around 70,000 applications during the prior 10 months. So we approached the Supreme Council members during their January 2011 meeting with a proposal

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to waive the application fees for the Loyal Order of Moose, Women of the Moose and Moose Legion from February 1 through the end of the fiscal year on April 30. And we didn’t stop there. We also instituted a year‐end incentive program to commemorate Director General Airey’s 70th birthday called “A Platinum Opportunity”. From the period March 1 through April 30, 70 life memberships were awarded to members of the Loyal Order of Moose, one each day from March 1 to April 29 and 10 more on April 30. Each of the winners were contacted, and the ranges of reactions varied from shocked to excited and even very stoic and ho‐hum – “Oh, thanks. Well that’s nice.” There were also some stories of interest that came from this incentive program. Our very first winner on March 1, Dustin Solada of Leechburg, Pennsylvania Lodge 102, was just completing his first year of membership, having enrolled into the fraternity in April 2010. He is only 22 years old and had just returned from military duty when we contacted him. The application he sponsored on March 1 was only the second application he had ever sponsored since becoming a member, but boy did it pay dividends. Similarly, James Lippert of Downers Grove, Illinois Lodge 1535, joined the Moose in July 2010 just four days after he turned 21 years of age. On March 11, he sponsored the only application he has ever sponsored into the fraternity. As a result, he is now a life member. These are two great examples of what can happen by fulfilling your obligation to strengthen our membership during one of our incentive programs. It is also proof that, just like when you buy 50/50 tickets, it only takes one to win. In addition to these two efforts, we haven’t yet touched on the third piece of the puzzle, which had been introduced last year in Nashville. It was, and continues to be, the most valuable incentive ever offered to sponsors in this fraternity. Members would receive a free year’s dues, or an alternate award in the case of life members, simply for sponsoring two members who were reported as enrolled by the close of the fiscal year. By all accounts, the combination of these efforts proved to be successful. During the month of February, March and April, members of the Loyal Order of Moose sponsored 49,779 applications, which accounted for 46.3% of the membership production for the year. This surge, which was only possible because of our members taking advantage of all of the opportunities that were available to them, enabled us to produce a total of 107,606 applications for the year, easily eclipsing our annual goal by more than 22,000. Equally as important, the funds realized from the surplus of applications exceeded the costs of the additional incentive programs. Our member sponsors did an outstanding job during “The Time is Now” membership campaign. In fact, they came out in numbers not seen in this fraternity in six years. Following a year that saw only 38,180 sponsors, the lowest number on record of sponsors in one year, some 50,981 members of the Loyal Order of Moose sponsored at least one application in 2010‐2011. Even more encouraging was the number of members who sponsored two applications, which we strongly believe was a result of the free dues incentive. A whopping 23,794 members sponsored two applications during the campaign. This was the largest number of 2‐member sponsors since the Membership Department began tracking this statistic in 1995‐1996. There were 3,841 Lodge members who earned membership in the Moose International “5 Club” by sponsoring five applications during “The Time is Now”campaign. Each qualifier received his personalized Moose International “5 Club” wallet card. Additionally, each of these Brothers was recognized as a generous supporter of the purchase of two 14‐passenger vans for the Mooseheart campus. We offer our sincerest thanks to our State and Provincial Moose Associations for continuing to provide the financial support for the “5 Club”. The Moose “25 Club” welcomed 634 new sponsors to its ranks in 2010‐2011. Invitations to this year’s “25 Club” event were sent to 2,851 Loyal Order of Moose members who either became

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members of the “25 Club” this year or already belonged to the “25 Club” and qualified by sponsoring at least five members during the fiscal year. This year’s Moose International “25 Club” party will be held on Tuesday night at 8:30 PM right here in this arena. The doors will open at 8:00 PM. Attendees will be treated to two hours of high‐energy, top‐level Las Vegas entertainment when The Scintas present their first‐rate show of great music and hilarious comedy. The Director General’s Circle of Distinction, which recognizes those men who make the effort to sponsor at least 25 members during the fiscal year, saw 107 members qualify for honors in 2010‐ 2011. On Tuesday night, members of the 2010‐2011 Director General’s Circle of Distinction and their guests, along with the members of the Women of the Moose Heart of Distinction and their guests, will join Director General Bill Airey and his wife Jean for a dinner buffet prior to the “25 Club” event. The Circle of Distinction event will begin at 6:00 PM in Pacific Ballroom B at the Anaheim Hilton. Congratulations to our 2010‐2011 Director General’s Circle of Distinction qualifiers! As I mentioned earlier, the Loyal Order of Moose produced 107,606 membership applications during “The Time is Now” campaign. Now, I’d like to acknowledge the top five member sponsors for 2010‐2011: Evan Walton of Doylestown, Pennsylvania Lodge 1284 with 73 applications Walt Donges of Colstrip, Montana Lodge 2190, also with 73 applications Robert Guy of Marianna, Florida Lodge 1026 with 80 applications Ed “Porkey” Strong of Chelsea, Massachusetts Lodge 736 with 86 applications And our top member sponsor, doing so for the third year in a row – Randy Shives of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania Lodge 842 with an even 100 applications How about a nice round of applause for our top sponsors? I’d like to now recognize the top reporting Lodges during the past fiscal year: In fifth place – Anna Maria Island, Florida Lodge 2188 with 468 applications In fourth place – Charleston, West Virginia Lodge 1444 with 501 applications In third place – McSherrystown, Pennsylvania Lodge 720 with 508 applications Our runner‐up for 2010‐2011 – Indian Lake, Ohio Lodge 1533 with 529 applications And our top reporting Lodge during “The Time is Now” campaign – for the second year in a row, Cape Coral, Florida Lodge 2199 with 645 applications Congratulations to all of our top Lodges for their outstanding performances! Our last category is membership production by Association: In fifth place with 6,476 applications – Virginia In fourth place with 6,518 applications – California/Nevada In third place with 11,278 applications – Pennsylvania In second place with 11,522 applications– Ohio And the top producing Association during “The Time is Now” campaign with 12,491 applications – Florida/Bermuda. Of course, our ultimate goal each and every year is to increase the active membership of this fraternity. Our production efforts are certainly something to be proud of and celebrate, but if we are ultimately losing more members than we’re recruiting, we are not completely successful in our efforts. Unfortunately, in spite of everything we did last year, including our exceptional finish in February, March and April, we missed an increase in active membership by only 6,606. This is, on its face, reason for disappointment, but it is also reason for encouragement. During the previous four years, we averaged a decline in active membership of 20,443 members per year. We talked last year in Nashville that stopping our losses was not going to happen overnight; rather we needed to slow the losses, identify the problems, and then start to realize gains by addressing those problems. We believe 2010‐2011 was the beginning of that process. We

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reduced our average loss by 70%. We have continued to analyze ways to improve our membership program. And together we will steer our active membership in a positive direction. It’s OK to be disappointed about not achieving an increase, but that disappointment should be definitively overshadowed by excitement and enthusiasm that comes with significant reduction in losses and a new membership campaign that was introduced on May 1 for you to promote and utilize for the entire year. Momentum is ours. Now let’s create the interest necessary to keep things rolling. Thank you and have a great convention experience!

8:47 PM William B. Airey: Shawn, don’t leave yet. In order that we might be able to recognize, throughout the convention, the recipient of this high honor, I would ask that you present the Top Association Award at this time.

8:47 PM Shawn Baile: The ultimate recognition for all of state and provincial Associations is to be named the Top Association in the fraternity. The Top Association Award recognizes an Association’s Board of Officers and its committeemen for their ability to generate support for the programs of Moose International. The programs are to be administered and carried out at the Lodge level, with the Association leadership providing direction, encouragement and motivation to the Lodges in order to realize maximum support and outstanding results. The Association that scores the most points earns the right to take home the Top Association banner and be recognized as the Top Association until the next International Convention. Each Association is scored on the collective efforts of all Lodges in the Association in the five categories assigned. Associations are ranked in each category and receive from zero to 44 points in each category. The only way to receive zero points is to not participate in a category. A perfect score is 220 points. The Top Association program ranks Associations in the following categories: Percentage Increase of Active Members Percentage of Active Members Qualifying as Preferred Members Percentage of Active Members Who Belong to the Moose Legion Contributions Per Member to Moose Charities Percentage of Lodges Earning the Premier Lodge Award Here are the Associations that scored the best in each category: The top score in “Percentage Increase of Active Members” went to the Montana Moose Association with a 9.7 percent increase in active members during the past year. In the category of “Percentage of Active Members Qualifying as Preferred Members”, the Massachusetts/Rhode Island Moose Association earned the top score with 12.1 percent of their members sponsoring at least one application. For the second year in a row, the Texas Moose Association received the top score for having the highest percentage of active members also holding active membership in the Moose Legion at 23.5%. The top score for per member contributions to Moose Charities went to the Arkansas Moose Association with an average of $18.36 per member. And finally, the Association with the highest percentage of Lodges earning the Premier Lodge Award was the Massachusetts/Rhode Island Moose Association with 47.6 percent of its Lodges qualifying. And now for the combined results for the 2010‐2011 fiscal year: In tenth place with 148 points – the Kentucky Moose Association In ninth place with 153 points – the Arizona/New Mexico Moose Association In eighth place with 158 points – the South Carolina Moose Association

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In seventh place with 164 points – the Northeast Moose Association In sixth place with 165 points – last year’s winner, the Alabama Moose Association I would now like to ask the Association Officers, Regional and Assistant Regional Managers, and members in attendance from our top five Associations to stand and be recognized. Alphabetically, they are Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts/Rhode Island, Oklahoma and Texas. Please join me in applauding the outstanding performance of our top five Associations. And now for the remaining results: In fifth place with 170 points – the Texas Moose Association In fourth place with 171 points –the Connecticut Moose Association In third place with 178 points – one of last year’s co‐runners‐up, the Oklahoma Moose Association. In second place with 188 points – the Massachusetts/Rhode Island Moose Association And our Top Association for 2010‐2011, earning the honor for the first time ever with 196 points – the Georgia Moose Association Congratulations to the officers and members of the Georgia Moose Association on receiving this distinct honor. I ask the executive board of the Georgia Moose Association and Regional Manager Dave Smoot to come to the stage to claim the Top Association banner.

8:57 PM William B. Airey: Congratulations to the officers and members of the Georgia Moose Association for earning this most prestigious award. Thank you Shawn.

8:57 PM William B. Airey: It is customary that the Women of the Moose wait for the results of their effort in membership until the general session of the Women of the Moose. However, I asked the Grand Chancellor if she would be willing to provide us with summary information regarding their membership effort during this joint opening session, saving the details for their regular meeting. Please welcome the Grand Chancellor of the Women of the Moose, Barbara McPherson.

8:57 PM Barbara McPherson: This is the night we have set aside to recognize our members and Fraternal Units for their outstanding accomplishments throughout this past year. Those Co‐ Workers and Chapters who have excelled in their efforts to strengthen our order should also be recognized for their accomplishments. During “The Time Is Now” membership Campaign, Co‐workers who sponsor 100 members between May 1, 2010 and April 30, 2011 were to receive transportation and five nights accommodations for the 123rd International Convention and 99th International Conference in Anaheim, California. Only one Co‐worker of the Women of the Moose accomplished this task. Won’t you please put your hands together for Linda F. Greene of Indianapolis, Indiana Chapter #11. Linda served as the Chapters Senior Regent during the 2010‐2011 year and worked diligently to contact co‐workers who were behind in their dues or dropped from membership to see why they had not paid their dues. She made many home visits to secure applications and the funds necessary to bring the members to active status. Linda sponsored 104 new or former members into the Women of the Moose this past year ensuring a healthy increase in membership for the Indianapolis Chapter. Thank you very much for your efforts Linda! From January 15th to April 30th, 2011, the Women of the Moose gave away “The Grand Chancellor’s Cash”. Thirty co‐workers were awarded $500.00 each for their membership building efforts. Boy were they excited when we called. One Co‐Worker even called back to see if it was real.

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We also awarded $1,000 to the top five Chapters with the largest percentage of increase in membership. We need to recognize a Chapter who was struggling, down to just 33 members. They have had a hard time for several years getting Officers to serve and simply were not sure if they were going to survive. Then came the fall of 2010. Their associated Lodge decided to purchase the local bowling alley that had been closed. The men and few women that were left worked together remodeling their new facility. The town’s people were excited that this abandoned building was looking pretty inviting and wanted to join. In December, five Past Regents of the Chapter were appointed by the Regional Manager to get the Chapter back on track. They now have a full Board of Officers. This indeed has been a very exciting time for this Chapter that has experienced a 736% increase in their membership. Please give it up for Colstrip, Montana Chapter #39. Membership is the lifeblood of this organization. Without it, we find it hard to provide for our seniors and the children entrusted to our care. During “The Time Is Now” membership campaign, the Staff at Moose International provided all sorts of tools to our Lodges, Chapters and Moose Legions to help them in their membership building efforts. Pins, free dues, short‐term campaigns, money and life memberships were among the many and they paid off ‐ in particular for the Women of the Moose. Our Co‐workers did an amazing job sponsoring new and former members and helped to retain others. In 2009, we announced a record 71,582 applications reported for the 2008‐2009 Chapter year. This past year, our Co‐Workers did such an outstanding job; we set another record in the Women of the Moose for membership applications 73,851! While we have various opportunities for recognizing our individual sponsors, this is the time when we recognize our outstanding States and Provinces for their membership building efforts. This state has been at or near the top on occasion but struggled during the 2009‐2010 Chapter year. I again ask that you put your hands together for the state with the largest gain in Women of the Moose membership, the Co‐workers of Pennsylvania! This past year has been an amazingly wild ride for the Women of the Moose as we have shown an increase and decrease in membership throughout the year. When the final applications were enrolled and the last dues payments posted, we are excited and proud to announce that the Women of the Moose ended the 2010‐2011 Chapter year with an increase in membership of 5,794. (Party Poppers!)

William B. Airey: Come on Barb, is that all you can do after a year like you just had? Surely you could have come up with something a little more exciting. What’s the problem? Were you afraid to spend a dollar?

Barb McPherson: Okay, then how about this? (Confetti Cannons) Thank you Co‐Workers!

9:13 PM William B. Airey: Wow! What an outstanding report. Ladies you have much of which to be proud! Thank you Barb. More than once I have introduced Darell Hammond to you. However, this is the first time I have introduced him to you since our Charlotte, North Carolina convention in 2004 – seven years ago. It doesn’t seem possible. In the past I have delivered short introductions, not because there was nothing to tell, but because I never knew what he was going to tell you when he came to the microphone, and I didn’t want to take away any of his thunder. Tonight is really no exception. I still have no idea what he is

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going to say, other than I asked him to speak on the topic, ‘Making a Difference in the Life of a Child’. Darell uses no teleprompter; he speaks from no script; he talks to you from the heart. Let me introduce him using information I don’t think he will have in his remarks. He was at Mooseheart on May 17 to speak to the students and autograph copies of his new book. I listened to what he had to say to our kids, what he said to the Chicago Tribune and what he said to NBC Today. Needless to say, I was impressed. I wondered what everyone else thought about Darell so I went online and visited Wikipedia. The opening phrase said it all. “Darell Hammond is an American philanthropist…” I went to the dictionary. I checked out the word philanthropist and found it to be one who practices goodwill to fellowmen; who puts forth an active effort to promote human welfare; a goodhearted person, a humanitarian, a generous donor, a contributor. Darell Hammond won’t tell you that. The Moose fraternity is so proud of Darell. He graduated from Mooseheart in 1989 valedictorian of his class, Battalion Commander of our NJROTC, and Class President. He attended a Junior College in Aurora and then went on to Ripon College in Wisconsin. He left college before receiving his degree and went to work in Chicago in an Americorps program entitled . He later co‐founded an organization called KaB oom!, and today is its CEO. In fifteen years, KaBoom! Has raised more than 200 million dollars and has facilitated the construction of 2,000 playgrounds in the U.S. and around the world. In so doing he has earned the attention and respect, and help in building playgrounds, from folks like Maria Shriver, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Colin Powell and most recently, First Lady Michelle Obama. Darell joined Batavia, Illinois Lodge 682 and is a Life Member of his Lodge. Many of you met him during his many travels, in and out of this country, speaking at enrollment ceremonies on behalf of the Membership Department. He is the recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service Award, one of five winners of Diet Coke’s 1999 ‘Making a Difference Award’. Crain’s Chicago Business named him one of the “40 Under 40”. In 2003 he was elected to the Fellowship of Ashoka: Innovators for the Public. In 2004 he was named among the “Power and Influence Top 50” by Non‐Profit Times. In 2008 I was privileged to be present to see him receive the Jefferson Award for Public Service for ‘Greatest Public Service Benefiting the Disadvantaged”. He also received the “Satter Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award” by the University Stern School of Business that same year. Last year Darell received the first Ngen Leadership Award, given to recognize professionals under 40 in the nonprofit section who have had a transformative impact on a socially critical issue. He was further honored by the Washington Business Journal by being placed among their ’40 Under 40” to recognize “the Washington region’s brightest young business leaders”. In 2008 Ripon College bestowed upon him an honorary Doctorate. This past May he received another honorary Doctorate from Stevenson University in Maryland. I guess that makes him Doctor Doctor Hammond. He and his wife are members of the Moose Charities League of Guardians. He has previously attended Moose Charities Board Meetings as a subject expert. I learned many years ago when I joined the Moose Legion, “that which you send into the lives of others comes back into your own; full measure, pressed down, and running over.” Boy, if Darell didn’t know that before, he certainly knows it now. Darell told the students on May 17 that he, among all other students at Mooseheart, knew of the slogan that is posted in front of the Child City. It reads, “Enter to learn, leave to serve”. He read it. He said it. And he has sure as hell done it!

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Brothers and Co‐Workers, it is indeed an honor – and my privilege – to introduce you to a Brother Moose, a Mooseheart Grad – indeed one of your foster sons – Dr. Darell Hammond.

9:15 PM Darell Hammond [Remarks ‐ Making a Difference in the Life of a Child – No Teleprompter]

9:40 PM William B. Airey Thank you Darell for those inspiring remarks. I know that you will be with us for the next two days in our display area, autographing copies of your book for our members. Times of the book signings are posted in Hall A (our Display Area). I thank you for taking time to once again share your thoughts regarding our Order and your life at Mooseheart. You are most welcomed at any of our sessions this week, and at future conventions. As we bring to a close this session I want to once again congratulate our 2011 Shining Stars and our Top Association. I further want to thank Kyle Hankins for providing the music and Cathy Vonhoff for the audiovisuals. Bryan Klatt, when you return to Chicago please take back to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks our best wishes and thanks for working side by side in promoting fraternalism throughout humanity. Darell, again thanks for your message and for spreading the good works of Mooseheart throughout your travels around the world. The Moose Gift Store will be open at 8:00 AM tomorrow morning, here in the Anaheim Convention Center in Hall A. I know you will want to be among the first to purchase new items they now have in inventory. Thank you to those who have already purchased the new CSI Campaign Shirts and are helping promote this year’s theme. Also open at 8:00 AM tomorrow is registration and our display area. Remember, that everyone registering for this annual convention has one opportunity to crack the safe and take home $50,000.00. Moose International employees and their families are not eligible to participate. The safe is located in the display area in Hall A between the Women of the Moose and the Membership Department. Co‐Workers will meet here in the Arena at 8:30 AM tomorrow for the opening session of the 99th Annual International Conference of the Women of the Moose. At that same time, there will be a series of Loyal Order of Moose Panel Sessions taking place in the California Ballrooms of the Hilton Hotel. At 8:30 AM, in Ballrooms A & B, will be a session on Planned Giving, sponsored by Moose Charities. If you have never attended one of these sessions, or if you have not attended recently, you will want to receive this information, which can benefit you, your family and Moose International. Co‐Workers will have the opportunity to attend this same session on Sunday. Beginning at 9:30 AM, in Ballroom D, is our Panel on Social Quarters & Lodge Operations. If you are an Officer in your Lodge, or hope to be an Officer sometime in the future, you will not want to miss this presentation.

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Kurt Wehrmeister will conduct a Communications Update ‐ which includes a debut of the brand‐new Online Moose Media Relations Seminar – and he’ll present the 2011 Moose Journalism Awards at 10:00 AM in Ballrooms A & B. The final Panel Session tomorrow will begin at 10:30 AM in Ballroom C. This is your opportunity to ask questions of General Governor Steve Greene pertaining to the General Laws. In addition to obtaining his interpretation of the laws, this is also an opportune time for you to make suggestions for changes that would be considered for adoption next year in Tampa. I remind our Pilgrims that the luncheon will take place at the Hilton Hotel, California Ballroom D, at Noon tomorrow, and the College of Regents Luncheon will be in the Pacific Ballroom of the Hilton at 12:30 PM. Finally, I encourage all members of the Loyal Order of Moose to be in attendance at the Supreme Lodge Opening Session tomorrow at 2:00 PM in this room. Our Pilgrims will enter at 1:50 PM. By the way, tickets are still available for the Higher Degree Fun Night with Sha Na Na. You won’t want to miss this evening of fun and fellowship, which will be held here, in the Arena, at 7:00 PM tomorrow evening. Any member of the Women of the Moose, or Loyal Order of Moose ‐ holding a higher Degree in the Order ‐ is entitled to purchase up to two tickets. See you all tomorrow!

10:00 PM Meeting Closed

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