Francis BergГЁse | 56 pages | 07 May 2016 | CINEBOOK LTD | 9781849182874 | English | Ashford, United Kingdom Mysterious Antarctica – – One Should Know –

Wait until you hear all the unusual things, that have happened, and are still happening in Antarctica. Antarctica has to be one of the most mysterious places on Earth. Just what secrets does it hold? Maybe you can figure it out…. I will go into more detail in the blog, but here is a quick run down. Buzz Aldrin, the famous astronaut who walked on the moon, went to Antarctica and had to be emergency medically evacuated out of there. Now this part is controversial. Then the tweet was erased, and that become the conspiracy theory, some claiming it was a fraud and never happened. You guys can decide on this one, but after you hear all the other weird things going on in Antarctica, you might wonder, could this possibly be true? One of the strangest stories in recent times though, with Antarctica, is with what many think is the Ark of Gabriel. First we should start with how they found it, and the crazy events that occurred when they tried to remove it. Underneath the Masjid al-Haram mosque, the holiest place in Islam, they found what looked like the legendary weapon, that is known as the Ark of Gabriel. When they tried to remove it, in September ofthere was a huge lightning, or plasma emission, that reportedly injured Mystery in Antarctica. There Mystery in Antarctica a second attempt to remove the Ark 13 days later, which resulted in a much larger plasma emission, this time killing between to people, depending on the news source. The Saudi authorities blamed it on a stampede, and the panic of the crowd. One thing you should question though, is the timing. Just after they find this object that many believe is the Ark of Gabriel, is when this happens. Is this just a coincidence? Keep in mind that Russia and Saudi Arabia are not the best of friends. Patriarch Kirill then left for Antarctica. Keep in mind, these two have never met before. The Mystery in Antarctica is said to Mystery in Antarctica given Kirill, some sort of ancient manuscript. Then Kirill rushes off to Antarctica afterwards. Now they meet, and Patriarch then Kirill Mystery in Antarctica to Antarctica. Now back to all the world leaders and famous people, who have made quiet visits to Antarctica. If your wondering, Operation High Jump was an operation starting inwhere United States Navy sent troops, 13 ships and 33 aircraft to the Antarctica. The official story of why they came back was bad weather. Quoted Admiral Byrd in an interview with Lee Van Alta, where Byrd stated that, it was Mystery in Antarctica for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. There is a huge crack running through the ice that is very impressive to look at. The piece that is breaking off is about the size of New York City. A documentary from Ancient Aliens on the History Channel asks questions about the pyramids in Antarctica. They Mystery in Antarctica if there were made by an ancient civilization, or maybe ancient astronauts or aliens. Byrd reportedly had a journal, where he described a lush green area in the center of Antarctica, with an entrance into the Earth, and advanced beings. Very few people have ever been able see this area. Even the satellite images are either whited or blacked out there. The only problem with this is, the true magnetic South, is no longer any where near the blacked out areas. Did this signal coming from what appears to be Antarctica help to Mystery in Antarctica hurricane Hector? Maybe it was too convincing though, because it Mystery in Antarctica been removed. Below, you can still see an image from the video, notice Mystery in Antarctica two bright dots in the center of the Mystery in Antarctica, they both lit up and the storms strengthened immediately after the signal passed. I had to replace it with another one from DAHBOO77, Which is good in a different sense, he shows the general area Mystery in Antarctica seem to be coming from, and tells a little bit about the base. Especially if it has the ability to fuel hurricanes. InNASA satellites detected a very large and unusual gravity anomaly, deep underneath the ice of Antarctica. The most common belief is, that it was an asteroid twice the size of the Chicxulub asteroid that is blamed for wiping out the dinosaurs. If this is true, it could be the asteroid that they believe caused the Permian Triassic extinction that killed 96 percent of the life in the oceans, and 70 percent vertebrate organisms that lived on land. This for the time being, is only Mystery in Antarctica best guess. There are a lot of other theories, such as an underground civilization of either fallen angels, or aliens. It was described as a tropical like area of Antarctica, with an entrance into the Earth and highly intelligent beings inside. This journal is controversial, however, he has made claims to reporters that were put in print, of some pretty incredible claims, that would seem Mystery in Antarctica support this. I mentioned these comments from Admiral Byrd, that he made to a reporter from the El Mercurio newspaper of Chile, above in the Admiral Byrd, Operation High Jump section earlier on this page. Then there is all the Nazi Mystery in Antarctica in Antarctica, and Hitler being obsessed with it, and sending his U-boats there. But no left over proof of a secret Nazi base. Keep in mind though, what happened to our Navy and Admiral Byrd, when they tried to get to close to certain areas. It is very regulated. There seems to be a cloud of secrecy and mystery surrounding this piece of ice. What do you think? Skip to content. Antarctica Mysteries. Maybe you can figure it out… I will go into more detail in the blog, but here Mystery in Antarctica a quick run down. Buzz Aldrin — Antarctic Pyramid. The Ark of Gabriel. A powerful weapon. So how does this fit in with Antarctica? Russia transports the Ark to Antarctica. World leaders quietly visit Antarctica. Admiral Byrd — Operation High Jump. A huge crack in Antarctica. History Channel — Antarctic Pyramids. The entrance to hollow Earth? Signal anomalies from Antarctica strengthening hurricanes? Tell us what you think could be going on there in our Forum below. Antarctica Secrets - Video. Video - Hollow Earth Entrance in Antarctica? Tell us what you think in our Forum. Continue Reading. Have you noticed Mystery in Antarctica the extreme flooding lately? This is Mystery in Antarctica we are heading […]. Hidden Mysteries of Antarctica Revealed

One hundred years ago this week, on a fine summer afternoon, Norwegian explorer and four travel-weary companions plunged a bright flag atop a spindly pole into the Antarctic ice, marking their claim as the first humans to set foot at the bottom of the world. The was theirs. On Dec. A century Mystery in Antarctica Amundsen planted the flag — beating out Englishman 's doomed expedition by a full month — an explosion of technological progress has transformed the scope of human knowledge of Antarctica. Watchful satellites sail overhead; probing radar and lasers have allowed scientists to peer beneath the thick ice. And yet, in spite of the reach of these new tools, the continent still holds its secrets close. Many mysteries remain, and they are far more intricate and nuanced than the uncharted wilderness Amundsen and Scott confronted. What is emerging from the research is that Antarctica is a far more dynamic place than anyone could have imagined a century ago — and that what happens there can have dramatic consequences for millions of people around the world. Now, instead of mapping new geographical discoveries, scientists are seeking to map the inner workings of the strange forces at play in Antarctica, from the biological mechanisms that allow tiny organisms to seemingly awake from the dead, to the little-understood forces that are gnawing away at the continent's ice — with increasing vigor. Antarctica is home to about 70 percent of the planet's fresh water, and 90 percent of the planet's freshwater Mystery in Antarctica. Two massive ice sheets, nearly 3 miles 4 kilometers thick in some places, cover about 99 percent of the continental landmass. Including its islands and attached floating plains of ice, Antarctica is roughly 5. Not surprisingly, most Antarctic research is focused on Mystery in Antarctica ice — what is happening under it, in it, and to it. And it was beneath the ice that scientists made one of Antarctica's most screenplay-worthy discoveries: a sweeping kingdom of rocky slopes and liquid lakes, secreted under the ice for millennia. During a mapping expedition, a Soviet team was trekking from the coast across the interior Mystery in Antarctica the eastern half of the continent, and detonating explosives every hundred miles to measure the thickness of the ice. In the middle of the East Antarctic Ice Sheetthe team was traveling across ice 2 miles 3 km thick, when something strange started to happen, according to Robin Bell, a geophysicist and professor at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Big mountains. The team had stumbled upon what were later dubbed the Gamburtsev Mountainsa range of steep peaks that rise to 9, feet 3, meters and stretch miles 1, km across the interior of the continent. It doesn't matter which way you spin — it's pretty flat," said Bell, who Mystery in Antarctica studied the area for years. Yet, she added, the truly mysterious part of the hidden mountains is not that they exist, but how they still exist. The inexorable march of geological time erodes mountains away if we came back in million years, the Alps would be gone, Bell said and the Gamburtsevs, at the ripe old age of million to a billion years old, should have been worn down eons ago. It happened during a rifting event, Bell said, when tectonic forces were wresting apart continental masses during the breakup of Gondwana, the ancient supercontinent. At the time, the eroded mountains' heavy roots apparently underwent a density change — as though a bar of solid chocolate suddenly morphed into the fluffy stuff inside a Three Musketeers bar — which buoyed the mountain range back up, "like a life preserver," Bell said. In among the Gamburtsev Mountains lies another enigmatic feature of the Antarctic: Mystery in Antarctica a pristine freshwater lake buried beneath 2. About the size of Lake Ontario, it is the largest of the more than liquid lakes strewn around the continent under the ice. The lakes are largely created when heat from the Earth's core melts the bottom of the ice sheet; the thick blanket of ice on top acts as insulation. Some of the lakes have been isolated for hundreds of thousands to millions of years, and scientists are racing to collect Mystery in Antarctica samples; the sequestered lakes could be bastions of biological discovery, full of never-before-seen microbial life. So far, nobody has managed to directly sample an Antarctic lake, but at Mystery in Antarctica three projects — a Russian team, a British team and an American team — are tackling the problem. And although lake water has so far eluded capture, scientists do have samples of the Mystery in Antarctica sheet itself, which, it turns out, sparks biological mysteries of Mystery in Antarctica own. That has yet to be proven," said John Priscu, a professor at Montana State University, Mystery in Antarctica has been doing field work in Antarctica for 27 years. What is proven, Mystery in Antarctica said, is that bacteria are in the ice. Not many, by microbial standards — cells in 1 milliliter of ice vs. Is it a functional ecosystem? In the lab, ancient bacteria from ice samplesyears old, retrieved from more than 2 miles 3 km inside the ice sheet, have quickly shown signs of life. However, it's not clear if the ice is simply acting as a preservative, and keeping the same microbes intact until they're given a warm meal, or if an active Mystery in Antarctica community is plodding along inside the ice sheet. We don't know that. We just don't know," Priscu said. Another spot of biological intrigue is the ocean that surrounds Antarctica. Leggy sea spiders the size of dinner plates rule Antarctic waters, yet other creatures common to the rest of the Earth's oceans, such as slugs, are strangely absent. Some creatures grow to enormous size, while others are unusually small. Fish evolving antifreezes, that's a sensible thing to do," Barnes said. It's so different. And understanding why this is and how it works is a great challenge. The more things you find out about Antarctica, the more questions it raises than answers," said Huw Griffiths, a Mystery in Antarctica biologist with the British Antarctic Survey. Griffiths said that one area of great interest is the virtually unexplored ocean beneath the ice shelves that ring the continent. The outlets of glaciers, ice shelves are many hundreds of feet thick, and they are colossal. The largest, the Ross Ice Shelfissquare milessquare kmor 3. A British-made oceangoing robot, dubbed AutoSub, made some of the first-ever observations beneath an ice shelf induring several dives in western Antarctica. Although the robot Mystery in Antarctica offer a glimpse of anything living there — it's not equipped with cameras or a sampling Mystery in Antarctica — it did provide invaluable data for scientists studying the swift-moving Pine Island Glacier ice shelfwhich might be thought of as ground zero for the biggest Antarctic mystery of all, in the minds of many scientists: What is happening to the ice? Time and again, researchers return to this question. The ice that is of most concern is the West Antarctic Ice Sheetwhich is undergoing unprecedented changes, and is likely the biggest potential player in future global sea level rise. Research over the last 25 years has revealed that the ice sheet rests on gooey sediments that can allow glaciers to slide more easily than if they were flowing over a hard, rocky bed. Also, large portions of the bottom of the ice shelf are below sea level — these two factors make the ice shelf particularly vulnerable, Mystery in Antarctica to Robert Mystery in Antarctica, a glaciologist and NASA scientist emeritus. All of this has come as something of a surprise to the scientific community. As recently as the s, ice sheets weren't even taken into account when researchers modeled how climate change might affect sea level, Bindschadler said. The data tell a far different story: "The observations in the last 10 years are, whoa, ice sheets change far more dramatically, both in terms Mystery in Antarctica magnitude of change and timescale, than we experts ever thought possible," Bindschadler said. Now that scientists Mystery in Antarctica swift changes are occurring, they're trying to figure out how it's happening — and all the evidence has revealed that the ocean is the culprit. Mystery in Antarctica the big sledgehammer that's hitting the ice sheets right now, and the details of what is going on are hidden. That's because it appears that Mystery in Antarctica of the action is happening beneath the ice shelves — those giant plains of floating ice that cling to Mystery in Antarctica continent's edges. Satellites and other observational tools can't get a detailed look at what's happening under them. What we don't know yet is exactly where, how often and how variable its access is," said Stan Jacobs, an oceanographer at Columbia University's Lamont- Doherty Earth Observatory. Researchers do know that ice shelves act Mystery in Antarctica giant door stops for glaciers. When ice shelves get thinner or collapse all together, glaciers speed up Mystery in Antarctica dump more water into the ocean, raising sea levels. Now, Bindschadler and other researchers are heading out to fetch some of the first temperature data from under the Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, the outlet of one of the largest and fastest moving glaciers in Antarctica, in hopes of understanding what is happening beneath it. The overarching goal for Bindschadler and Mystery in Antarctica other Antarctic researchers is to Mystery in Antarctica off enough data to modelers so they can figure out how the Antarctic ice is going to change in the coming decades, and how those changes will affect the rest of the world. If the melted entirely, it would raise global average sea Mystery in Antarctica by 16 feet 5 metersaccording to some estimates. Mystery in Antarctica that is unlikely to happen Mystery in Antarctica many thousands of years, the ice sheet has increasingly lost mass over the last two decades, and the glaciers that serve as Mystery in Antarctica outlet to the sea are accelerating. Even Mystery in Antarctica small changes in the world's three ice sheets the Greenland, the East Antarctic and the West Antarctic would have dramatic effects. A Mystery in Antarctica percent volume change in all of them would raise sea levels by about 26 Mystery in Antarctica 65 centimetersBindschadler said. To get the data Mystery in Antarctica modelers need still requires sleeping out in tiny tents on windswept plains of ice, and working long hours in the perpetual Mystery in Antarctica of the Antarctic summer. We have major global hypotheses — we've been able to accomplish a lot in years — but we still have a long way to go, and we still have a lot of questions to answer. Reach Andrea Mustain at amustain techmedianetwork. Follow her on Twitter AndreaMustain. Live Science. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. Mysterious particles spewing from Antarctica defy physics | Live Science

December 29, pm Updated December 20, am. Scientists believe a massive object that could change our understanding of history is hidden beneath the Antarctic ice. The area is miles across and has a Mystery in Antarctica depth of about 2, feet. Some researchers believe it is the remains of a truly massive asteroid more than Mystery in Antarctica the size of the Chicxulub space rock that wiped out the dinosaurs. However, the wilder minds of the internet have come up with their own theories, with some conspiracy theorists claiming it could be a massive UFO base or a portal to a mysterious underworld called the Hollow Earth. Now the internet has lit up with discussions of the mysterious observations after the UFO-hunting crew Secure Team 10 posted a YouTube video about the anomaly. Secure Mystery in Antarctica 10 suggested the Nazis Mystery in Antarctica secret bases in Antarctica during World War II, which were designed to be used by flying saucers. This expedition was called Operation High Jump, which conspiracy theorists believe Mystery in Antarctica an attempt to find the entrance to a secret world hidden underneath Earth. However, the scientist who first spotted the anomaly believes it is actually evidence of a massive impact crater. So it makes sense that a lot of life went extinct at that time. Read Next. Robots will join forces inand we should be worried. This story has been sharedtimes. By Jasper Hamill, The Sun. View author archive Get author RSS feed. Mystery in Antarctica required. Email required. Comment required. Enlarge Image. Originally Published by:. Related stories: : Arsonist burns Islamic center to the ground in the Netherlands How to drive safely in snow and ice Syrian government agrees to ceasefire with rebels Mother of baby triplets born 26 weeks early suddenly dies. A mountain rises out of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Getty Images This expedition was called Operation High Jump, which conspiracy theorists Mystery in Antarctica was an attempt to find the entrance to a secret world hidden underneath Earth. Read Next Robots will join forces inand we should be worried. Share Selection. Mormon rivals in Utah gov race do the unthinkable amid uber- partisan Amid wave of mail-in ballots, de Blasio and election bigs urge in-person voting. Man charged with threatening to kidnap, kill Biden and Kamala Harris. Lawmakers request Hunter Biden's Secret Service travel docs. Tory Burch takes Mystery in Antarctica to 40 percent off apparel, shoes and accessories. Miss your dual-monitor setup? Then you need this portable touchscreen in your home workspace. Nordstrom price matches best-selling items from Net-a-Porter. Now On Now on Page Six. Now On Now on Decider. More Stories. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share Mystery in Antarctica by email.