New York Times V. Tasini
No. 00-201 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES ______________________ THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY, INC.; NEWSDAY, INC.; THE TIME INCORPORATED MAGAZINE COMPANY; LEXIS/NEXIS and UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS INTERNATIONAL, Petitioners, v. JONATHAN TASINI; MARY KAY BLAKELY; BARBARA GARSON; MARGOT MIFFLIN; SONIA JAFFE ROBBINS and DAVID S. WHITFORD, Respondents. ________________________ On Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ________________________ BRIEF AMICI CURIAE OF ELLEN SCHRECKER, STANLEY N. KATZ, DAVID MONTGOMERY, LINDA GORDON, LEON F. LITWACK, BLANCHE WIESEN COOK, PETE DANIEL, MARILYN B. YOUNG, ALAN TRACHTENBERG, PETER RACHLEFF, LAWRENCE S. WITTNER, WILLIAM R. TAYLOR and DAVIS L. SCHALK IN SUPPORT OF RESPONDENTS THEODORE M. LIEVERMAN Counsel of Record SPECTOR, ROSEMAN & KODROFF, P.C. 1818 Market Street, Suite 2500 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 (215) 496-0300 Attorneys for Amici Curiae Ellen Schrecker, et al. INTERESTS OF AMICI CURIAE1 ELLEN SCHRECKER is Professor of History at Yeshiva University. She is the author of Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America; No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism and the Universities, which received the History of Education Society’s Outstanding Book Award; and The Hired Money: The French Debt to the United States, 1917-1929. Her articles and reviews have appeared in numerous publications, including Journal of American History, Antioch Review, American Historical Review, New York University Education Quarterly, and the Women's Review of Books. She has been a research fellow at the Harry S. Truman Library, a fellow of the National Humanities Center at Research Triangle, North Carolina, a fellow of the Bunting Institute of Radcliffe College, and a lecturer for the United States Information Agency.
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