Haverfo)D News Volume 32—Number 9 Haverford (And Ardmore), Pa., Tuesday, November 19, 1940 Z 627 $2.00 a Year
HAVERFO)D NEWS VOLUME 32—NUMBER 9 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1940 Z 627 $2.00 A YEAR Faculty, Managers Oakley "Living High"I Nickelodeon Show Hotson Entertains Tickets On Sale Turns Hold Annual Up In Turnips Earns Over $1000 For Soph-Senior Just what reasons a professor has for taking a sabbatical leave Dinner Friday are usually unknown to everyone For British Aid Hop November 29 but himself, but last week Profes- sor Cletus O. Oakley, taking the Strawbridge Lauds year oft from Haverford, gave one Old Films, Songs, Bert Kinzell To Play good reason why classes should be "Average Student" given up when he got into a turnip Dance In Gym, At Feature Attraction In Evening Address patch down in Georgia. Entertain Crowd Of Week-end Festivity According to Tom Arnold, fea- Speaking befere the annual ture columnist for the North Geor- Charley Chaplin, Wilt Rogers, Tickets for the Sophomore-Sen- Faculty-Board of Managers joint gia Tribune, of Canton, Profeseor and a host of other silent stare ior Dance, to be held Friday even- dinner in the Common Room Fri- Oakley, who comes "from Penn- came out of the dim past Saturday ing, November 29, were put on day, Mr. Frederic H. Strawbridge sylvania where they don't raise sale Friday, as the sophomore gave a short talk lauding "The anything but spinach," got into night in Roberts Hall to help the committee members completed Average Student," for whom all Lige Ellison's turnip greens patch national drive for British Hospi- plans for their gala post-Thanks- eolleges, in the final analysis, are the other day and "came out with tals, The event, Nickelodeon giving weekend.