Winter I 1999 Y Name Is Viorel, and I'm from an Eastern European M Country
Winter I 1999 y name is Viorel, and I'm from an Eastern European M country. I am 12 years old, and although I'm a boy I cry easily. Some boys laugh at me, but my mother says I ha,-e a good heart. After all, wouldn't you cry in my place? I am at a boardin a school in Resita, Christmas at Home miles away from my home town of 3 Iasi. This was the onh· school in the country that would accept me where Royal Rangers I could learn a craft. I'm training to National Competition make musical instruments such as 4 violins, mandolins, and flu tes. My best fri end is Florin. He's an Powder Plunge orphan. One day h e told me, "I've never 6 seen inside a house. I ah,·ays wanted A Happy Millennium to see one." "What do you mean?" I as ked. 8 "I have n e,·er once left this Rascal Rangers boarding school. I ha,-e spent almost 13 years within the e aates." 10 "Don't you ha,-e anyone?" I asked. Darby Jones Florin shook his head. I cried a lot for the next 2 days. 12 I would soon be aoina home for How To Get To Hell Christmas vacation. Ho,,- could I leave Florin here? 14 "I will see if I can take you home with me for Christmas," I told Florin. Comedy Corner He looked at me 1\·ith a ray of hope 15 in his eyes. I ,,-ent to the director and asked him, "Sir, can Florin come home with me for Christmas?" "Impossible," said the tall, strong man who had a mustache and metal HIGH ADVENTURE-Volume 29, Number 3 ISSN (0190-3802) published teeth.
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