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Versity of California Th DC D ar University of California. San Die~o / VolulIle .17. '\i 1IIllb('J' 7/ Thursday, October 11. J HH2 Sexual harassment in academia ., ~ ., By CANOLE \ '( "Why can't he keep his , I .",~ hands off me? I don't care if h /1 I "ays he likes his favonte .1v·- J female st udents. ~ "I've told hIm before that It bothers me. I can't study ~ I under thesc conditions. When I came hcre I thought I was I~j ,.- exp ted tou:;emymind to get " grades. not my body." -.4 -i Christine (not her real - name) is a UCSD student. She ,If Is also a vIctim of sexual / harassment. Onc of her \1 ,I profcssor'i ha~ persistently w' made advances towards her, / ' putting her in an emotional , ,• ',I' ,)r academIc maelstrom. ~. I ( . !.. he wants to know how to ~,~ . lj~:~ J' stop the hara ment without threatening her academic career, and how to get the word out, to stop future (~lIJ!-;t haras, ment of female tudents. -. , There i a growing need to ~ . educate and sen itize the '" - campus community so that faculty and T.A.s will realize -....... that, though their approach - , mIght be well intentioned, any '- ty pe of advance will put their tudent in a compromising ...... positIon. , - -:')... Early in the academic year, Chancellor Atkinson relea. ed -""--.- \ a lengthy letter addressed to --- g-raduate students. faculty and taff in which ::I <;mall in 'crt , tated that the admtnlstration has im oked a t mporary policy regarding sexual harassment.It wa. also noted that a COpy of this statement .' was on file. The poltcy was drawn up by Assistant Chancellor Dr.Joyce . I Justus. who came to UC 'D in ~ ~ July of 1981 express I, for the -.::: , I J) ~ • f development of such a lXlltq . - \ "I rCSD IS required by law to -, t ~ take actIOn to prevent such .l , :: behaVIOr." Ju~tus saId in a recent Interview, "The ~ , \ \ "- unt\'ersltv IS liable in the"e ~ ~"I ~ cascs. sci it IS not a purely :: henen)lent act. We are sImply (.\c(! boxi Follo\\'Ing are a ft'\\' comply 109 WIth the law." excerpts from the IH ·pagt' In addition to the policy policy: Ilutlme, Justus has 'it'l up a "The baSIC reasons for ).,>TOUP of counsellors who ran which a unt\·cr. ilv e,'isls are assist students under duress the dlscO\'ery and I ransm IS' slim of kncl\\ ledgt', act Ivit it' l'X( han" 01 Idl·.J-. b'l \\'('en tlt tt'ntlOn 'Ich ~l he lOT Intake Counselors which an' iounc.t'd upon the pt'r~()n ... : II ca II "'U b\l'r1 t hl' con .... tttutt' an UI1.1l·ll'ptahl( Collt'/(f' Depart/J/('//I Vallie & 1::.1:le/l.\/11II (1,)2· ) - fret' and opt'n t':o..changl' 01 normal ... 1 rllltlll'r or' inl t'nt 1\ e... ,md pel ,till. ble o·f( n l: idl'as Such altl\'il it':-- flourish Ihal "pur.... \\ork and learnmg r<'qu.III g l'rb\ er .... ·t\ 01 \.1 Rev '11<' Campu-;: Judith EdWIn ,.l02.1 onh 10 a cltmatl' urllluttert'd ;\lh';mt'l'Tlll'nt: and it intl'l'Jl'lt phm. aney Grm 6 ,J1lJ!) b\" explOItatIon, coercIOn. altl tlldl'''' and pn· ... url'-, \\ hich "'I he h.I:lmar h. 01 • h Muir Campus: Ish\ Adams x1200 Pat Dam n tntll11ldat IOn ancl reprisal... mel\ undercut tIll' ba .... lc -;lllll'nnr '-U hi)r dlll:1te rt' IO!' Rul h [)()'ndero 'i.:~5H7 "Both .... olicitation and reasons for \\'hich the ~hlp i" thai one peTs)n htl Third Campus: Yolanda Trevino x 13·10 dcceplanre of sexual favor" l ' ntH'r~it\· l"hl .... In "'lI ch lilt itlltlon::1 aut hl1nl \ u\l r Ene Koemg x.t340 from a subordInate are relat ionshlp, ohjl'l'tint \ I.... anot III rand t hl rt'h 'l' ha. Warre n Campus: Mark Cunmngham ",291S symtomatic of .... l·nou" obltleratt'd and Compl'lent power of repr hal -;; Idl KItty Morris x4350 profeSSIOnal roll' con fUSIOns on l \illllatH1n Ihrratl'lled .. unequal pm\l'1 relathlO 'hlp", choot of Medicine: Mary Bush x1170 t he part of a teacher or ":-'l' xual hara~ .... n1t'nt i:­ l' :st I ' t \\ ten l'mpl() ~ t'r ,Ind cripp Institute of Christine II ams x2870 sllpen Isor and on the part of a dJ-.ltnglll. hed from \'oluntary t'lllplo't't,. ial'ulty or -;upcn i Oceanography: Thyra FlemIng )(3340 -..ubordlnate. :uch conduct .... exual rdat innships by the "or and .... upl'lvisl'l-.: TA and CentraJ Administration: Mary Dhooge :370 Interferes WIth a c1llnate tnt rodull ion of t he element of ullcit'rgrac\ uatl' III t I (' T A'" condUCI\'l' to the Opt'n coerllon. threat 01 unwanted pka-.l' turn hi I>a~l ' .. Thoughts on leafletting at UCSD. Page 2 A new look at the Wa hington cene. Page 5 Men's Water Polo number 12 in nation. Page 7 Thursday, Octobe r 14, 1982. 3 2 The UC 0 Guardian Thursday, October 14, ] 9E!2. ~- -- - -- -- - - --- --- ----- The UCSD Guardian Oliphant What \Vas the Dlotive of the Tylenol Killer? ~ --~- - BY ROGER SIMON who they are both in their necessaq. communicat mg '-.uch drug tampt'rmg m the a'i I{J who Ih(' kllll'r was, 'I IlP 1.0, Anl/elc, Till1e~ S} ndkall' per~onal and professional with no one. ful un'.I!'s a good idl'a. but one killpr hadn' c( ,ntacled It wou ld make us feel better lives." There are also vacat lOners, that probably won't beadopte<i anybody And. merCIfully. n() if we knew the reason behind Does that narrow it down a people \V ho left b<>fore the natIOnWide. media hOI-dog had yet it. It would make us fe I better lot for you? story broke. people who ma~' ['reldent Heagan dislikes a broadca st on!' of I host' "open Opinion if we knew there was a reason A per'ion I know who has a have been in foreign countries If)t of the ton ... umer law<; \\e lela'rs" 1(1 mil ~ muderer<' behind it. background in finance has where. t he story wa" not already ha\('. He campalgnro a"kIng him to turn him:-e1f In ::'even people are randomly tned to make his own sense covered or at least not covered \Ij.(orou'>h m 19HO against the - preft:rabl) on camt:ra. kill d with cyanide-tainted out of th killings. He believes in English. who may come government "telling us what Peopll' art' calling the { 'lIsilllU'd I'dlloriaL, rcprnl'lll 11Il' opinillll> uf,flu I'dilorial /10,1/'(1 4 II" {'( .~/) Tylenol and no one knows the motive for the crime was back to Chicago late at night. kmd of cornflakes we can eat ." T"lennl Killer a madman. The (;uo,dioll Till' ..dllvlilll boord ~'COI/I/><JSl'ti oISl'lI/I rOlll/g, 1.lsa 1.111'111. Tllm RIIIIA'III why. And that is the scartiest profit and he described a head home and perhaps IXJP a He belI!'\ es that Industries gcivernor of Illinois called him alld Crll,' TillkLe All IIllIrrorl,drs ill Ilris .<t'dlUlI 111'1' "lid, /III "pini"l1 oj lilt l<rilt r thing of all. cheme whereby a person few Tylenol before going to \\ ill adopl safety mea"ures that And the attorney general IllIti do ""llIl'fl'.Wlril" rr!'mil'''' tilr I'if/I'.' vllirl' l'C~f) (,/lure/ill II. i I" l'iIllllna( /lu'l/d, I watched a national TV ,1., IIdl'Cr/i.'os VY Ihl' RI'IIC11ts 11/ thr (llIi!' ...."ly o} CllliloTllill cou ld have made money off the sleep. \'oluntarily Without the need said thl: gu~ might ha\1: left reporter say with some hock fall of Johnson & John 'on The politicians have been for such laws. fingerprints on the capsules that "as of yet" no group had stock. Johnso n & Johnson quick to call for new consumer A.., of Monday morn mg. becau'ie. b en nut mah taken credit for and no makes Tylenol. prot tion laws to pre\~nt Ihere were no really good leads plt'" ... e • urn to page 1 d mands had been made in the I won't pass the scheme on. murders. But Johnson & Johnson tock A bulletin board Had someone called up a has dropped more than $5 per Letter to the Editor newspaper and identified share 'Ii nee t he story broke. .~- himself as the leader of th And I suppose 'omebody CODltnentary Inasan Red Parasite Brigade could have dreamt up 'uch a and demanded the release of scheme. but I doubt It. Letters to the Editor all political prisoners from Financial criminal rarely kill Oliphant's slanderous cartoon Is it more than just variegated garbage stapled to some banana repu blic, that to pull off their crimes. t he wall? As we walk t he campus \\'e are forced at would mak s some sense to us. We have been reminded e\'ery turn to look at a multi-colored mass of leaflets at It would be simple endlessly t hat we live in an age about the Israeli soldiers terrorism. something we no\\ of mass communication, but e\'er~ turn. on every post. e\ery door. every \vall. and understand as being part of letting everyone in the the newest, most ingemous place - the sidewalk. The CWD is doing a good job our daily lives.
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