
Th DC D ar University of California. San Die~o / VolulIle .17. '\i 1IIllb('J' 7/ Thursday, October 11. J HH2

Sexual harassment in academia

., ~ ., By CANOLE \ '( "Why can't he keep his , I .",~ hands off me? I don't care if h /1 I "ays he likes his favonte .1v·- J female st udents. ~ "I've told hIm before that It bothers me. I can't study ~ I under thesc conditions. When I came hcre I thought I was I~j ,.- exp ted tou:;emymind to get " grades. not my body." -.4 -i Christine (not her real - name) is a UCSD student. She ,If Is also a vIctim of sexual / harassment. Onc of her \1 ,I profcssor'i ha~ persistently w' made advances towards her, / ' putting her in an emotional , ,• ',I' ,)r academIc maelstrom. ~. I ( . !.. he wants to know how to ~,~ . lj~:~ J' stop the hara ment without threatening her academic career, and how to get the word out, to stop future (~lIJ!-;t haras, ment of female tudents. -. , There i a growing need to ~ . educate and sen itize the '" - campus community so that faculty and T.A.s will realize -...... that, though their approach - , mIght be well intentioned, any '- ty pe of advance will put their tudent in a compromising ...... positIon. , - -:')... Early in the academic year, Chancellor Atkinson relea. ed -""--.- \ a lengthy letter addressed to --- g-raduate students. faculty and taff in which ::I <;mall in 'crt , tated that the admtnlstration has im oked a t mporary policy regarding sexual harassment.It wa. also noted that a COpy of this statement .' was on file. The poltcy was drawn up by Assistant Chancellor Dr.Joyce . I Justus. who came to UC 'D in ~ ~ July of 1981 express I, for the -.::: , I J) ~ • f development of such a lXlltq . - \ "I rCSD IS required by law to -, t ~ take actIOn to prevent such .l , :: behaVIOr." Ju~tus saId in a recent Interview, "The ~ , \ \ "- unt\'ersltv IS liable in the"e ~ ~"I ~ cascs. sci it IS not a purely :: henen)lent act. We are sImply (.\c(! boxi Follo\\'Ing are a ft'\\' comply 109 WIth the law." excerpts from the IH ·pagt' In addition to the policy policy: Ilutlme, Justus has 'it'l up a "The baSIC reasons for ).,>TOUP of counsellors who ran which a unt\·cr. ilv e,'isls are assist students under duress the dlscO\'ery and I ransm IS'

slim of kncl\\ ledgt', act Ivit it' l'X( han" 01 Idl·.J-. b'l \\'('en tlt tt'ntlOn 'Ich ~l he lOT Intake Counselors which an' iounc.t'd upon the pt'r~()n ... : II ca II "'U b\l'r1 t hl' con .... tttutt' an UI1.1l·ll'ptahl( Collt'/(f' Depart/J/('//I Vallie & 1::.1:le/l.\/11II (1,)2· ) - fret' and opt'n t':o..changl' 01 normal ... 1 rllltlll'r or' inl t'nt 1\ e... ,md pel ,till. ble o·f( n l: idl'as Such altl\'il it':-- flourish Ihal "pur.... \\ork and learnmg r<'qu.III g l'rb\ er .... ·t\ 01 \.1 Rev '11<' Campu-;: Judith EdWIn ,.l02.1 onh 10 a cltmatl' urllluttert'd ;\lh';mt'l'Tlll'nt: and it intl'l'Jl'lt phm. aney Grm 6 ,J1lJ!) b\" explOItatIon, coercIOn. altl tlldl'''' and pn· ... url'-, \\ hich "'I he h.I:lmar h. 01 • h Muir Campus: Ish\ Adams x1200 Pat Dam n tntll11ldat IOn ancl reprisal... mel\ undercut tIll' ba .... lc -;lllll'nnr '-U hi)r dlll:1te rt'l.lt IO!' Rul h [)()'ndero 'i.:~5H7 "Both .... olicitation and reasons for \\'hich the ~hlp i" thai one peTs)n htl Third Campus: Yolanda Trevino x 13·10 dcceplanre of sexual favor" l ' ntH'r~it\· l"hl .... In "'lI ch lilt itlltlon::1 aut hl1nl \ u\l r Ene Koemg x.t340 from a subordInate are relat ionshlp, ohjl'l'tint \ I.... anot III rand t hl rt'h 'l' ha. Warre n Campus: Mark Cunmngham ",291S symtomatic of .... l·nou" obltleratt'd and Compl'lent power of repr hal -;; Idl KItty Morris x4350 profeSSIOnal roll' con fUSIOns on l \illllatH1n Ihrratl'lled .. unequal pm\l'1 relathlO 'hlp", choot of Medicine: Mary Bush x1170 t he part of a teacher or ":-'l' xual hara~ .... n1t'nt i:­ l' :st I ' t \\ ten l'mpl() ~ t'r ,Ind cripp Institute of Christine II ams x2870 sllpen Isor and on the part of a dJ-.ltnglll. hed from \'oluntary t'lllplo't't,. ial'ulty or -;upcn i Oceanography: Thyra FlemIng )(3340 -..ubordlnate. :uch conduct .... exual rdat innships by the "or and .... upl'lvisl'l-.: TA and CentraJ Administration: Mary Dhooge :370 Interferes WIth a c1llnate tnt rodull ion of t he element of ullcit'rgrac\ uatl' III t I (' T A'" condUCI\'l' to the Opt'n coerllon. threat 01 unwanted pka-.l' turn hi I>a~l ' .. Thoughts on leafletting at UCSD. Page 2 A new look at the Wa hington cene. Page 5 Men's Water Polo number 12 in nation. Page 7 Thursday, Octobe r 14, 1982. 3 2 The UC 0 Guardian Thursday, October 14, ] 9E!2. ~------The UCSD Guardian Oliphant What \Vas the Dlotive of the Tylenol Killer?

~ --~- - BY ROGER SIMON who they are both in their necessaq. communicat mg '-.uch drug tampt'rmg m the a'i I{J who Ih(' kllll'r was, 'I IlP 1.0, Anl/elc, Till1e~ S} ndkall' per~onal and professional with no one. ful un'.I!'s a good idl'a. but one killpr hadn' c( ,ntacled It wou ld make us feel better lives." There are also vacat lOners, that probably won't beadoptefore the natIOnWide. media hOI-dog had yet it. It would make us fe I better lot for you? story broke. people who ma~' ['reldent Heagan dislikes a broadca st on!' of I host' "open Opinion if we knew there was a reason A per'ion I know who has a have been in foreign countries If)t of the ton ... umer law<; \\e lela'rs" 1(1 mil ~ muderer<' behind it. background in finance has where. t he story wa" not already ha\('. He campalgnro a"kIng him to turn him:-e1f In ::'even people are randomly tned to make his own sense covered or at least not covered \Ij.(orou'>h m 19HO against the - preft:rabl) on camt:ra. kill d with cyanide-tainted out of th killings. He believes in English. who may come government "telling us what Peopll' art' calling the { 'lIsilllU'd I'dlloriaL, rcprnl'lll 11Il' opinillll> uf,flu I'dilorial /10,1/'(1 4 II" {'( .~/) Tylenol and no one knows the motive for the crime was back to Chicago late at night. kmd of cornflakes we can eat ." T"lennl Killer a madman. The (;uo,dioll Till' ..dllvlilll boord ~'COI/I/>!I'd are destmed to remain for eternIty - unless of course the Help for the coop university creates an new position entitled Provost of Campus taple Removal and include!-l a heft\' salarv. Are the!-le printed heets which are constantiv We're sorry it's so crowded littered before our eye ' telling us things that \\'e rea II}' Editor, t udent Cent er- just Ix·t ler make , plea:-e l'xpress TO o \\-'ant to know? Is this information relevant to our life We wl)uld like to apologize to utili/allOn of Ihe existmg ~ ours('lbt's to Dr. Watson and as students? Is it necessarv to our bodilv our culnInt'rs for the cramploO space in th!' facilit\'. or a hi" slaff - \\c have been a nel (T()\\ ded mnd It IOn of the mode'it l·xpanSlon. If \·ou hme unahlc 10 persuade them tunctlOns (namely eye.'IghW 1)0' we really need til Ceneral .'Iore loop. We hme been i IlCC)ll\ ('IlIt'nced' by the ourseln·s. vie\\ it everv day £'l'('rv where? I ried to get lllore :-pace for ()\'er presrnl arrangement. or For an exampf~.lct us con"icler all the thousandsof a vear. s u bm I tt ed several would apprC('late a bef trr Il'\ l'I Sinl'crC'i} Revelle Ice Cream fans of Judy Gorman-jacobs. the Feminist Blues/Jazz prripo~ab for expansion. of sen In'l hesl' changes mighl General Slore Co-op ex change of space \\ II h 01 her musician. (We' ve all Iward of her haven't \\ e Or at orgaIllIl .. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Noon - 4:30 p.m. Shouldn't the\' be reminded that the\' can earn $:360 a more dlfficull for us Illoperale. week? And. s-hould they forget. be -rellllndC'd agam. The\' ha\'e wId liS \\C mut I \Ill ,lIt'po' I I \' It 'I dd, ( I rt'm;l\'e I he dres!">ing room I,: I II t I \\ III three ·teps later? Tn this case, job hunters are treated ('jlll ... 1I1 I dill.' better than old]udy's fans - the brochure attracting from i Is (Ill t de ~ II' lot'a lion Dr. \\ ahon per ... onalh \elO('d all School Supplies Gifts \ \I them is a brtght. cheerful. eye catching orange. It IS \II( ha,1 -\hn allocatIon frllm I'he Slud(,nt 1'1 tid IH !lun \1.IIl .I~l·1 al<.;o the epItome of COn\'cmence acl\ertising. E\er~ Center Hoard that was to h,l\c 11 ,11 1111 " I dllo. Stationary Candy sheet is complete \\ tth ten (rount 'em) tear-off phone hcell for a. e('o nd ra"h register. Snack Items \\'(. It'It I hat II was Important ,1' 1l(11I i.l1l1U \\oll.. ,"": I r " It I Sundries Soft Drinks numbers. :Vlarvelou.., for t he job hungry ' tudent who " . . \. to k('('p Ill(' lines uggest irms and a few pet peeve". In (·ll·a ... (· ... our 0\ ('rhc'ad l'xpen"e ' Llkl' all Co op FIrst of all. there shold be a pro\'islon in I he {'C I 32 Flavors of ICE CREAM ('q 1I i ]lllll·n I (rd rigel' a tors. "',t< II .. I.'!.II" charter under Clubs, Organizallons. ancl SpeCIal kltch('n l·qulpl11l'nl. dC.I. ca"h I I I' I Interest Group..,. and cross-li"ted with Campus n'glsll'r~ are the propcrt\, oj 1 ,. t NOW FEATURING .... JELLY Cones • Sundaes • Shakes • Floats Advertising and Information. that \\hen an e\l'nt is the Sludent ('nler when "h .. hl J tlltUi boughl lin a hoard al1ncatJC,n. over, done with, fml. that the Clubs. Organizations II II I, !, Mud Pies · Yogurt Bars • Fruit Bars III I \\. ..II BELLIES! and -S peCIal Interest (;roups shou ld pi(/< up 41l'1' It is punlmg and dl~ron I t I \ I. T ~ I I I cert mg In liS when the Ycry liJemsell'es. ft is a common praCLtce in sch(X) I,> on the p('opk \\ ho 111Ight bt, expel ted I I, -14 Flavors- Coming Soon; elementary level. Why are we making an exception to help a "tudellt organlzatil)n -".8" \\-nlt'r"" t .a1h) \ 11("'ln, J.. hn Hr·,;!'. that IS IX)pular and usdul (,ft")(lIn' l h

The making of a The UCSD Guardian Page 5 Tylenol Did you know ... Thomas Rankin, News Editor NeW's October 14, 1982 bulletin board continued from page 3 The fir~t newspaper PrInt cd lUI. The first Issue was t hal mIstakes. " of July 20, 1877. There were 8 continued from page 2 Madmen IS what we call atop a mountain was AmollK fh e C(O II d..... a daIly publi~hed pages, approxllnatcl\, 91" by Marcos under political fire Another thing is maintenance. If you've go to be these people until theIr trials 12 ", inche~. Single copic)' v. en- by Henry M . Burt dunng [he While PhilIppine President which lie al the root of hunger and urban poor. U and World clever and eye catching and geometric and what not ' tart, of course. Then the same 10 cent ),; ~ubscription fo r the summer the old Summit Ferdinand Marcos continu es Rank aid to Marcos is a('[ ually off icials ~ay they aren't House, Moun[ Washington, season. $2.50, and poverty in the Third and use the idewalk, check the locale every once i~ madmen at all. Just crooks. to turn to Washington for new World," said David Kinley. undermining benefiCIal rela· a while. Paper ~ets torn by the many trampling feet We want it bot h ways. We commitment of economic and "By settIng the stage for t ions bet ween peopl In [he that tend to rum the neatly planned effect. Al 0, it' want to believe that anyone military aid from the Reagan widespread resistance among L'Ol[ed States and the \ast terribly annoying to be an innocent pede trian and get who could engage in random admi nistration, a recent study the impoverished peasantry majority of Filipinos." mas king tape joyously stuck to the bottom of your murder must be crazy, not has disclosed that more than sane like us. Bu t we also want TheCWD Poor cartoon $3 billion in international aid Vital Signs Birkenstocks. Have some respect and keep the tape to them punished. channeled to the Marcos a minimum. It is a high maintenance product. It would make us feel beller continued {rom page 3 criticized government over the past The commendation, yes, we didn't forget. to know t he reason behind it. fro nt pages of the world press? .decade has resulted in It i purpose. These scattered remanants provide a But there may be no reason, Such ties exist. Rhetoric uch continued from page :l increased hunger. JXlverty and Goosing the Dow no motive. And there may be as .... .learn from your past!" No army 111 the world. ' not repression in the Philippine . By ANDREW SMITH purpose for hundreds of people. Just think of the no madness. (what exactly is Mr. Sosna e\'en one with Israel's "The Philippines, astra· person who travels across the campu from board to talking about ?> are meaning· character. IS perfect. What tegic ally of the United States, Chapter twoofthegreat bull regain its sea legs without We ometime forget that market of 1982 evidenced itself uncontrolled infla[ ion whIch wall to door, staple gun in hand. Thi person is there IS a thing in this world less. distinguishes [srael from here is being touted a ' a 'success neighbor are t he mandates of story' of Third World develop· last week with practically an would drive lip borrow111g ob~'iou Iy in motion with some intent, some goal. Or, called evi I. I urge my fellow s tl1dent~ to aid in the democrat ization of democracy; that people and ment," said Walden Bello, eighty point jump in the Dow costs, thereby driving stock thmk of the person who thought of the information the AS . so that ma\'be )'ome institutions, including the coauthor of Del'e(upmelll Deba· to 987 as in s titutional prices back down? ThIs i"the that is put on t he sheet - the pu bl icity chairman for What is Anarchism? A day th e AS will be able to do army. are to be held cle: The World Bank ill the Phi· investors bought up the goaloftheFedt.hat.Chairman market with a zeal that Volcker admit..., burrow" on the Club, Organization or Special Intere t Group. political movcment advo­ something more meaningful in ,tlccountahle for their actions lippilles. "But as a direct result cating the abolition of the rhe interest of t he student ' and do not simply "obey of President Marcos' policies surprised even veteran market the theories of l r ni\'ersll \' of They are thinking, gathering information, then watcher '. The 'e institutions. Ch icago economist Miiton State and the replacement than work on Installing ~mall orders". The government of and the development strate­ setting about the task of organizing - what word of all forms of governmen­ change machines on Warren Lebanon. capable onceagainof gies promoted by the United mostly pension funds and the Friedman. Friedman as;.erh should be the biggest and should we use a picture? tal authority by free campus or mircrowave ovens exercls1l1g sovereignty o\'er its States. the World Bank and like, missed most of th that exercising, as OPIX).,ed to August rally and took this exorcis1l1g, control o\'er the association and voluntary in MOM and the Revelle (lVIm territory. wou ld dowell to the International Monetary Look again at that littered post. Thi~k ~f a 1'1 the cooperation of individuals commuter lounge. follow Israel's democratic Fund, most Filipinos are far opportunity to buy before th growth of the money supply is ingredients that have turned it into what it is. It is art. and groups. John Schinnercr example. \\'orse off today than when top of what many analysts feel [he m()~t dIrect \\ ay to control It i relevant. It is a part of campu life. Marcos came to power over 16 will be an ongoing bull market. in flat ion. . UCSD Student Joel BaIlin In addition. the F(.'(\eral plca"c turn to pa~c 6 years ago." I '\ m e r'i ea" gat her in g account of the devasta[mg control inflation through ~ W a,hinglOnCorre ... pondcnt at a "going out of hu...,Ine" .... . e\eral dog'S. cat--, human How to make peace with Tolstoy. to submit work to the impact of massi\'e World Bank mea ... ured growth of t he money This is Ih£' f irst in a S£'Y/C~ sale," !ntere!">ted partIe .. beIngs and local n· ... ldent ... initiati\'es on the It\es of the supply, gi\'en double digit o/rolumlls by T. CllmlupJU'I mav obtam Informat ion at \\ ere reportedly mildly Filipino poor and an unprece· unemployment and the J/i((cr. a , Iudellt seYl'ill1{ a the' Department Store of terrified b\·the apocalvptlc dented look into the workings up oming election, many saw rOllgres:;icma( internship III Heaith and Hum an Ser· flre\\ orks dl ... play. The BIRDCAGE of the world's largest develop· this as a mo\ e to appease the WashillgtulI, D. C. It L~ a VIces. resonant frequenc~ oj the men[ aid institution. Authored admini.,tration and th e lIlixlureojpulilicaicsoterira ten thousand 'iimultan('(Ju" by Walden Bello, Da\'id Kinl ey Congress. (The Fed is an alld "!Iill HIIIJwr. .. II does To no one's• surprise but "ohhhhm"s Is ... ald t,.1 haH' REVIEW autonomou~ body responsible 1101 I'£,p/'('$enl Ihe editoria( erased random port ions (If and Elame Eltnson. It was hl~ IIwn Prl·... ident Reagan otl/llioll copublished Septemher Hi by for the na[ion's monetary u/The (;uardl an signed Into la\\ ~ I cassette tape" in the old Short fiction Nonfiction the an Francisco·based Insti· health, but gi\l'n a strong • Ifl\ akawa'" "Toob from E'\l'CUl1\'(' Offin' Buildmg. Poetry Drama tute for Fooo and Development enough disagreement. pres­ ~ eagan reaffIrms hI'" School" bill on the Hth of Literary criticism Art and the Phtllppine olidarit, sure cou ld be brought to bear). fa Ith In Kcynesian Sl·pll'mbt.'r. Thl IntrepId• Clan'l11ont· ~ et \\'or k. It may be a surprtse to some horscmanfo,hip -b~ ' umeIl :\Id\l'nna Colkge 111t t·rn ... to Sl't' the markct performing mg hi ... ne\\ plan to "Iide ha n' no\\ lan'd t he )), C. Pick up applications and submit The book traces the impact The W a~hInbrton• lrl)\\,(j at '111 tn lIght 01 the alm o!' t cl ow n the (PPC I "guns or .. cent' .'(/1/.' Cnngrl',slunal of the ent Ire array of World I Bu~h Haker & Thurmond. entries at the Literature offices in co III pit-tel:. sou I' eC!lno m ic hutter" cune He \\tll l11ok~t at Ion tor ~ I day ... , Ban).. dc\,elopment ' projects 11l ('''q.) i., Ix'plIng up \Vih.. on·., H&SS 4009 or TCHB 110. the PhIlIPPInes, ranging from l1e\\ 0.; of t hi~ sll1l1mer and fall . fur ther the expansion of I !O\\·l'Yer. ... t.'\ eral !'er... (;n-; T hI>'; Is hel'aUSl' t he cos t of \lllerlca\ nuclear brl·itd· machine a!"> ~o\ t'lllller hin e lJt'en 'oolil'it l'd fur At-;[) II )'l II L:\:--' Rf' AI) 11/1...,. y' 'u I""h"hly ILl'" I'''tt\ ~I~,J rural C1cdlt and urban renewal approache ..... \ "'!Iurl't' t III~e btllTt)\\ lIlg 1l1o nt') has heen so ha!'kt.'l In 111(' pi aCt' 01 daIry duty 111 the l'1\II 'l"'\ IL'l' ~·rl, ... !).!ht - 1"W kmJ lIt l'Yl'''I:.:,h t It t.1loa"!'!, t\l hI..' ,I ,Ih)t\)graphl.·r h "ou'rl' sLilemes to export proceSSIng to t he act ion ('ollllllt'n ted high for .... 0 long that t here is a indllstr~ prtCl' supports it phll{tll.!r:lrl1t'r ••1!1d YC,'l1\'l' rl';hi thl'" lu, 'r(lu'n"pfobahly ... rall IOIll'S and financi al restruct ur· that thl') Impl' to ;t\()ld Iht, \t. It. • Won kn I\~ h.lI t, the H,Tli. "';l' H, til ",n\'\\ .1\ ~ \''':11, ynu ,In... \, t.lrhV large pent up demand for nm' ...dated for admlnl ... tra­ The B,ti,mll'd Budget 1l1g. Each of these major initia added CO" t of ha\ 1l1g to Glnll." ra t In.Hh.• H .... a unlqlh.. ' lll'I't.lrtUI'It\' tn)!1.'t your \\'l)r" I.·xp0"-·\! ;lIh,J lives. the ... tudy demon~trates, dollar.... A slower e('(lnom\' t IH' hat Chl't mg. <111I111endn1l'nt bite'" a rather [,' ~l.. t vou \\( .. 11 UI1 the. \A..I," h' hl'lntot .1 \\.l·lI-l· ... r.,hll'lw .. {, r l,.· ... [1ot·dl·d .Irtht lllU 1I1stall mOOrIng" in tht' 11 [0 mean .... 10\\ cr dem and for loan:" For mer n HI pa I It'adt'l large one \\ h Hou-;l' II vou·rl.' Intl'fl' .. h.· .. t t. lflt...l \\hll wouldn't "'1..) .."uhmu "llllr !'hh.1 o r .,,,7 has contribut(.;C1 a widenIng Sl'nate l'hambl'l~ If from ot her "'ert()r~ and allows and anahst Dan Wh ite' reJectIon To thl' relief of hl,llk .lI1d Whlll' photo.., h1 (hI.' R'h'h l·~· thl.' ... l1l'nlh .... '110 ho).. In Tl. liB gap bel \\ ('en a "'ealt hy eltte l a II for III a '., C (I \. ern 0 r corporatio n!' [0 borro" defended t'he mm e b~ CIt ing local rt:laurateup... t here I ... 110 .In .. 1 m.Hk l'ntfle'" lttl-nOll!) '-'ll·\4.: Rl't'''' llr [)Oll).l ~nurh Fnr and an increasIngly desperate ~l tlOnh('al11 \\'ere \(I take ;IJ,hnon.11 tn l,,,m.lll .. ,, "III 'Hew ,It 75'; tol7 rh< ./,·.1,II.n< " cheaper. longterm money . the T reat\' of ChIno, !'itlll no Ia:. off III ~Ight for Phl1ipPln majority. oft ICt'. tomorrow, "0 Jun't v:asrc,' nm..: ... h'f rhl.· I.larkr(ll)m! "The World Bank's I'htlip· ThIS increases t he predict eel wherein it is stal('(l "t hou CRO and O!\1R lugglers. future earnings ~tream which shalt not cr~ O\er ... pilt pIne debacle demonst rate~ • how aid channelled [hrough an in [urn determines stock milk." 'I'm t hou ... and Il awanan The ulKllming• Illld·tt'rm elite·orienH'

Training programs offering early managerial NUCLEAR and technical responsibilities. Immediate openings in : WAR FORUM TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT: ~,£anagerial and t e chnical res ponsibilities. Speakers: NUCLEAR POWER INSTRUCTORS: Instruct in science and technology of nuclear propulSIon L>r. "obert B. lIvingston to Nuclear Propulsion ~lanag('ment c geltint\ \,(lLI dll\\'l1, dl'll,ln',1 (l\bl'-llll'. [,I"l' ,I brl'clk. must pa'iS aptitude' and phy~ical examiniltions what we can do to \\ Ith lInd, clnd ll1l1wl,l!t'\' lltpol "lll~"l' \1Ild1cl. It's Ill"'! lllll' tlf ri\(' dl,lid(lll"'!v and qUHlify tor s('cmity cll'arn11l'p l '.S vcr Wr-It ' prevent it- dlfrL'Il'n! fl.l\ llt's frum citll,pnshlp rf'quirpd \. l S'l""'P ( ,L'liL'r.t11 0\ do, BE ;\; E FITS: Exc('llt'nt pcH'hlgl'lncludes Rick Nadeau Dr Leventl\al Dr. Garvin 1,,!l'nktJ( '1,11 (pit 'l Sportt Alena Ar.a $onO<~ 1 :lU duys U!I'rH d unnllal \,ued·ion. nWdicnl, -nuclear power, mllitansm and the " LaM_ " '\1 IOllll, I r r{ \1 ( lllll'" ( dl'nt 1,1,)\\' ('t)st lIft' in!'illl'dlll'll CIl\'erag(' and world power structure- 22),2133 . , Ill·,'11111 (\ II \lR II'. ' Ch!Jlo VI.1a AI... 46+1)03 othl'r tax·frpp incpntl\'p . J)l'p"IH!t'nt!'o' helwtlts Nrw I.OCA lION CIoIr_ onN_SOOH Available at. UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE .' a\aJlablt·. ExLI'nsi\'p training program Thursday. October 14th 7:30p.m. MI,aMRa "', ,t 1.'" pro\ Idl'd. Promotion program 1I1cludl'd 42&-70iO TLH 104 FREE "" PROCEDURE: Sl'nd rt:Sl1llH: to. or ('all, \;H\al Sponsored by Pr ,\lanugE'ment Programs. DR W JOSEptt IiAIVl". 0 D 6 ------Tht' l 'CSD Guardian -----.- Thttl·... rlm , Ol'tobl'l- I I. 19H2. e Sex arassment l'llnlinul'd frum pagl' I POSltlll1l ('Ir a studt'nt and '.\ til ------fJ: GI3fe«dc04- Vol. I, No.3 October 14, 1982 class: and facult\ ,lI1d stucienl, lIot approach I hat st udellt la us agam. when tht' studenl IS l'nrolll'd In lIl.i'F!,II·IN n faculty member" c1a~~ or . gray arta t'!11 'rge;, \\'i1ell ,I (1' r;,E dJIi. when t he 'it udent i'i in a l anng 'te,lcher ,lr 1'A I ... , (Air 8i. A Weekly Arts and Entertainment Supplement to the UCSD Guardian continuing position to require supressl'd from helpll1g a ltv'" evaluatIon of work or Il,t tl'r~ or student \\ ho nel-ds addition;]l recommendation from the in.:;truction or a s\'mpathl'llc faculty member. .. ' rcsponse when t hey an' Till! It II I l'l'm/), /Julicy paprr dl"t n",s~>d o\t'r some 01 hu I he /I co III i /I /I ('S in /0 till' campus Situation where the pwC(tiures established fo help teacher ma) be of assistance Ihe student rc('ol'erv; An aware woman can react Dancing the fine line between By JOAN fORSBt:RG "The primary purpo~eof the to mteilect ual and personal • Dance to me i~ a mean~ of flattery in a wa) that will not pregrie\ ance procec\ ures are to e1(pre~sion. The movement of the bod} attempt a resolution of {he draw linwanted attention. It ie; important that they make the stage and studying provides a natural ueati\e outlet. Ballet complaint at t he earliest stage is not remote There is more to it than possible, The Lise of the e cont act With someone \\ ho ! procedures is purely volun­ knows how to handle the ~tuffy dancer'> dre'>scd in tutu'> ~tandlng tary .. , situation, all owing them to on th if toes o.plain dancer Anne "The illltial step towards \'ent emot ion. and reduce DabcOl\ ~kl. the resol ut ion of sex ual stress. The Couneelors ehm,en Dabrowski a '>Ophornore at Revlile harassment complaints al the are indiViduals who make Coli q \\111 be feat'md inth£ Cdl'fol"lia pregrievance le\'elll1\'ol\es the dailv contact with a \\ ide Ball • (oMpany produc Ion of tlJ varIety of 'it udent s on man~ use of Intake C()uncelor~, who ball 1 \fld~[lmmer Iqf1l nream rJ are trained and knllw ledgeable ::.ubjects. The\' ran hrlp tH. a til 01. mdi\ idual~ reg-ard1l1g the dC\'elop a clear view of I hl' ;;ituation and reach a rt t suhject of sl"wal harassment n c,att.rd who will be lol'atl'sic ballcts Coppelia Gist'lle, and + Swan ~lie, Dabrowski has also ddl1ccd in more modem I\'ork' includi'lg ~ALj SC';DDl l -< Serenade Encounters Joplin Rags cll1d I I I Songs of a H'ayfarer. <, a member of the (BC, Dabro\\ hi In lact. we'II even pay you more than $550 a month while you aMend . That's 1 puts in man} long hard hour5 training. >\ In addllion to payl!lg fo r you r full tUition and required books and lees. It's all part of the Armed Forces Health ProfeSSions Scholarship Program normal day of bdllet calls fOI at leat an How does It work? plt'd\e tum to page 8 If YOU 're selected for a PhYSICian Scholarship-from the Army, Navy or Air Force-you're com missioned as an offIcer In the Reserve While you re In school. you II serve 45 days a year on actIve duty. gaining va,uable medical experience After graduation, you Wi ll serve three or more years theength depe nding on the requirements of the Service selected and years of s .holars hlO assistance received As a, Armed Forces phySICIan you II receive officer s pay and benefits end enjoy he advarolages of working regular hours YOU'll also see a dlverslly + of patients and have opportunities to use sophIsticated medlcalle"hnology But most ImpOI' ant, whl!e YOL;re In medical school we II help pay the bills, For more 1forfT'lat,\. ,send n the coupon Ttio-es no obligation whatsoever '" don'l get no res pee ' Imake a depos" thiS guy's mCklOg a wlthdrawol - nCludlng my Pilot pen fT'c'e I f 'fT'1It1 )"-1 dtJc.ut Ir Arrnpc ~ ~ (. r .Iand---- I pro I "10 C bug IIC." lOS 'I1dlllh, , 11 JrSl tP~ .... 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fine point mar1 h ,., POOpl, 10K II 0 P, I ~p I Ir r "" £ ffOllm1.f' l(.hool Available at I • T09'._dU.'.,'" ____O.9'. _!~ _ _ 00 . .. '~"n'h '.d" _ 00;. - ~si» BOOKSTORE Innerstate 5 from the sublime to the surreal: lIiatus "Drawings by Painters" at UCSD By Chris Young By RONA HrJ Gallery for a look at thl" 'itate of /I1clkr.~ Ust' of \\ ords in a more The Magazine CONTENTS Blood kisses the pavement Most stUdents are completely the alts . in Californicl. whim~ l( al \\ay: hiS "drawi ng" is ullaware of an art gallery here on Drawings " is a general of the 'BOs Cover: Revelle student Anne flesh is lett behind: a pink wash 01 papn on which campus that showcases paint­ tern) While all of tht~l' works arc stcncilled the WOld., Will We change lanes Dabrowski will be featured in the ings. sculptures and installa­ are on paper. few of them con· 100 Artist~ Please Draw a 1950 [ditor California Ballet Company's To avoid the flares tions by major artists. UCSD's form to the general notion of ford from Memory?" ANDREW KEELER weekend performance of A Red socks strangely bright own Mandeville Art Gallery. drawing as equated with sketch­ Nor is Ruscha the only artist located in the Mandeville com· Assoc. tciitor Midsummers Night's Dream. He lies there ing. Some drawings appear to be with a sense of humor. Richard TIM AUGUST Joan Forsberg profiles the plex near the Student Center. is half-finished. while others Jackson's drawing. "Big Idea : Lifeless lungs such a place. Conbibuting fditors would ordinarily be considered 1000 Pictures Stacked", shows a ballerina. Breathing blood mixed with rainwater Past exhibits have included GREGORY CHAPELLt: paintings. Varying degrees of pile of anonymous framed works by artists as widely TIM KASSOUNI The rain falls pitilessly; spontaneity are evident. from paintings from a bizarre, tilted "Drawings" ...... , Page.1 known as Picasso and Chagall. Joe Goode's buckshot punc· angle complete with perspec­ MIKfL TOOMBS His body lies, lonely. Untitled as well as new artists whose rep­ tured layers of colored paper. to by Dan Douke The new exhibit on display at Unable to return tive lines. The piece is done Writers Mandeville offers a rich look at the utations have not yet reached Dan Douke's photographically mostly in pencil. with dabs of MARK HELMER, JAN HRfSLAUr:R. The stares the general public. Art director realistic watercolors. Mediums color around the edges of the in's realistic self'portrait shows CANOl[. JOHN CARROLL MCE variety of styles used by many are graphite. with ')trong light· Geny McAllister explains that range from the conventional ink stack if the spirit of the paint· EZZET, MARTHA fiSHER. DAVE contemporary painters. A black sportscar crashed off the road, as a mall. sensitive face peering ing and sen e of texture. Robert fLEMINGER, AMY HAllMAN, Three trucks. the gallery's purpose is to pro­ and graphite to oil. acrylic. ings were somehow trying to out of a small square in a very BechUe draws "Nan cy Ironing TU[soAY HOO. RONA HU . PAUL voke thought: "We don't want gouache or cra yon. There is even escape the heap. large paper The effect is that of with sl ice·oF·Iift! \'tarmth while JONES. THOMAS LARSON. Laserium ...... Page 4 Two men stand down the road, with flashlights, smoking; people to just come in here and a piece. "Aesthete" by Charles Another amusing work is a woman trapped in a picture. Rick Stich ~ C;war" is a bt aut i MICHELl[ MORRIS. JOHN NEE. Blood red flares bum through the haze. The ultra-hip audio-visual sayOh. that's pretty: The image Hill. composed of ragge d. torn Louise Stanley's Woman Con · Woman Seated in a Plum fully tranquil .. ketch in mL.tcd LEE RAY. KATt: SIMPSON. KIM VAN shou ld remain with them .. PElT. JACOB WElUNGTON. program will be performed tonight Unattended street·kisser, still in the middle; brown paper layered and cuninq 1m , and Friday in Mandeville. Don't miss Death and rain too heavy to drag aside, The current exhibit. Draw­ stitched together. One of th b€ rr.1lJstl( fditorial 45 2-1466 it. ings by Painters, is indeed a A wide range of styles and \\or,,<; l'i Dar Douk S J'1tltlt Advertising 4~2 · J468 The vision blurs as distance flies, thought-provoking one. A col­ methods are represented. pI cc. Water e. pres..,ed .n \'tater' Depression fades as someone cries. lection of 52 drawings by 52 "Uncle Sam Taunts" by William ffialus is published every ... , ...... Page 5 / col or I'> nothmg new, but Dou ke Thursday of the school year as a California artists. the show was Wiley is a crayon dnd paint com· . takes the corner of an indoor Ex-Genesis vocalist scores a hit I supplem~nt to the UCSD organized by Richard Arm­ position that resembles graffiti fountain, freezes tht' motion of GUARDIAN. Reproduction or u~ album and a blossoming solo career strong for the Long Be.lch through which a barely recog­ without I\Titten perm iss ion of any Iig!>ts on water and gh es it portion or this magazine is a no­ despite criticism. Review by Tim Museum of Art. to 'redefine nizable face can be seen. The I,.... ··~- dreamlike quallt} as If 'iecn no. We welcome unsolicited Kassouni. drawing in a contemporary con­ border reads " you can bleed 'em through a blurred ftltu. letters. ma nuseri pis and artwork. text as a spontaneous activity; but not lead 'em in the name of For abstract 10\ ers there ar but assume no responsibility for an inherent part of the act of freedom " In Don Sorenson' colortullomp '.. 11011 b} 0.1'1 el the return of such. Send Tops in Pops Page 5 painting," The artists repres · " Ascr.ndi ng Apollo After Praxi · information to: vtrOf'l Tom Holste r m \udl Concert Calendar Page 6 ented are well·known in the art HIATUS teles " calligraphic quiggles nd Ctordon On 'ow f vrd B-016, La Jolla At the Movies Page 7 world. and anyone not familiar bcwme co lJmns and statues. ~\ tTld C~ .. 9209.3 with any of these artists might form ing fiquTl 'i inst wd of obs· want to stop by the "1and eville urinq then'. fd Ru (I)a'~ piece And thai's the fact. Jack!

{JucmlCd b\ h.lm "1a {onn

t'mplatlr'g cl H '1m \h.( IJ fteld bv atrm O,,,I-r .t r I t'1 seems to be a ~urrl'it"stl( (aT poo;ltively d:~IUI bUlq \\ith It IOL.ld qo nd tn \ on loon ofsort : i the nudewollliln plum colored \\ oman mergmg ~ Ir OWI1. 1htre arc mar} '10te eyeing the statuI' or is it the with the background, except for \\orth) arti t not m(ntl.>n d in other way around? Manny her deathlike white face, Ton) thI S articl Toget l1 r the 52 farber contributes " Sam Peck­ De Lap draws Mephbto ' ~ Me~ · drawings featured g/\ e cl fresh inpah's Westerns I' . a random sage" with simple pencil lines perspective on dra\\ mg a the array of toy soldiers. naked and protractor arcs. most immediate. least ~f'l F· ladies. cigarettes and chewing There are plenty of superior (ensored " form of art. tobacco. insects and model rail­ works in a realistic vein. for Drawings by Paltlters can' roads. Then there is Andrew those who prefer less enigma· tinues until October 31. The Wilfs pencil drawing of a man, tic statements. Martha Alf Mande\iUe Gallery is open Tues· perhaps himself. with his hair in draws pears in near pointillism. day through Sunday ( clo~ed curlers. and Vija Celmin's "Ocean' is a Monday) from noon until 5 p.m. Most of the show is more "Nancy Ironinq" by Robert Bechtle detai led, meticulously drawn There is no charge for serious, however. Sandra Rub- rendition of endless waves. Both admission.

Tired of t rat race. Rise above it at our great

10/14: Siers Brothers with NRG 10/15: Seirs Brothers with 60's FlnJ.ll1

NiUhll\o' ,l,u.l fnit',ldlnnn'nt 9p,wlam N.gholy Dlnl11!1 (, IOpm

4 ~q·(I~ 4 t

11th flOOr , ~lInJllh'l f lou'i€' Il1h 79,';;; l., ,lflH,l 'shurt· ., D, 2 Hiatus October 14.1982 Clarinetist fat/on of th . altmm s rhythml( 'flecbicworks' begins Gabriel's new LP may lead rock experim£'nts. Progrl''islJlg from ,) .,olitilry Unn pro~ram 10 an to perform int('n.. drum-bel.,c; pulse. ttl •., new series on friday through the new-wave jungle 'iong 1'1 d pTlm( example of thE' on campus rhythmic variatIon'> that can bE The hump will host afternoon concert new water. it was nevertheless approach. my expectation~ were rhythms, and polyrhythm~. On dlhie\ ed throuqh intrlligent. Clarinetist Michael Richards. an exciting example of extend- high not only for a redefinition 'San Jacinto." for example, creAtiw u~e of the linn, By GRf of the ties, and assorted celebrations city, Throughout the piece it evening, at 8 p.m. in the Mande­ Robert fripp produced, razor nological innovations as well. that becomes the rhythmic possibilities of recent t chno· of the human spirit. for those of remains a sociological and emo­ ville Center Recital Hall. The sharp second album. The period As ifturns out. Gabriel has more backdrop for the cntire piece. logical inno\'ations such as the adventurous spirit. this friday tive response and not a political program will be a mixture of was not without experimenta t han I i v e d up tom y The key word here is 'backdrop' CMI and the Linn. Although afternoon offers the opportunity commentary through music. standard works and rarely heard Peter Gabriel tion, hower. as is evident on expectations. - for the main emphasis is on these in.,truments are being to experience something differ- From the Paris Conservatoire contemporary selections. Peter Gabriel " Exposure." a seven minute Yes. the African rhythms are s Sliding Chapman used by other bands (CJeoff ent. On this day, " the hump" in comes Nicholas Verin 's "Agita­ The Sonata in f Minor. op. Geffen Records journey featuring Frippertronics there. pumping out hypnotic., Stick bass. and Gabriel's highly Downes of A~ia use~ a (Mil it front of the student center will tion Perpetuelle," a work struc­ J20 . No. J for clarinet and piano (Fripp's tape loop method for random pulses on . Rhythm of volatile vocals. with the Linn took the insigh t and temper­ guitar) layered over a repetitive the Heat. " "I Have the Touch ," be the focal point of a different tured around a fundamental by Johannes Brahms will feature By II PI KASSOUNI adding occasional drum ance of a Peter Gabriel to exam­ kind of concert. cyclic motive of dynamic char- Richards and pianist Kazuko bass and lyric. and " Kiss of Life." The real story patterns. ine their :'>cemingly limitless When Peter Gabriel left Gene· Adventurous souls, or even acter that draws the listener Tanosaki. Gab riel's third album, in this album is not the African Th e most impressive piece of potential. The~c attribute.. sis in 1975. many rock non-adventurous ones. will have into its excitement. A work for unaccompanied released in 1980. was a poineer . rhythms, however, in that they music on the album is "Lan our along with hiS unmi takabl observers saw it as an act of the occasion to hear Electric- Included in the concert will clarinet. Reflections (inner­ in terms of the synthesis of new· are mainly used for an occa­ Hands on Me. " a compJtox, voice and personalit} make works, a veritable Fireworks of also be Durand Begault·s "Hard space music) by the Belgian surrender - that art rock. the wave and African elements. sional heightened attack. highly structured ~ho\\'ca'it. for Peter Ciarid el tru rO(J~ electronic music presented out- Rubber" which is a work that composer Andre Laporte will genre he helped define. had lost Though the path had been pre· Rather, Gabriel has chosen to his showy narrativcs and iI reali trailbldler. side on "the hump," combines acoustic and elec- also be presented, finally. the its classical base under a veil of viously charted by Brian Eno spotlight two of his new toy~ - pretension and epic bombast. and The Talking Heads on a programmable computer­ This concert will show listen- tronic generated sounds within Concerto for Clarinet with Others, however. felt that he Remain Gabriel was keyboard called thl' eMI ers that electronic music the context of a theme and Chamber Ensemble by Americn in Light simply needed to abandon his the first to incorporate it into a fairlight. and the Linn program­ needn't be confined to a concert variations. composer Alvin Wer will close typecast in order to devote less rigid rock framework. Whe· mabie drum. hall. but is free to roam wher- Finally. wi II be Victor the program. This work is writ­ Tops in Po more time to the as of yet reas the Talking Heads were Up to the present. the e ever the speakers and equip- lupanc's "candy" which will be ten for clarinet solo with eleven untapp d potential of rock - a depe ment can go. Oue to the varied presented as a representation instruments. which include ndent upon the rhythms as ma chines had received :;ome­ Below is a 1151 ofth top album, at UrSDanddround the pursuit that could not be the principal focus ofthe songs, what negative respon from styles of the pieces. Electric- for "the pop sound of the 90's." UCSD faculty member and c.s country. These rating) are based on sales and {uml ~hed by I imited by the restraints and Gabriel preferred to shift them music critia.. mainly becau'ie of Assorted Vinyl and Billboard Magazine works will also shatter the pre- To those unfamiliar with elec­ trumpet player. Edwin Harkins. sacrifices of collective effort. Here vailing myth that all electronic tronic music, Electricworks UCSD faculty member Tom Nee back and forth. so that they their wretched misu.'!e and self­ Though the controversy I. Peter (Jabllrl reter Gabriel (J ffen musIC sounds the same. may seem strange and impos- lASER~um will conduct. The concert is free could be used either as a rivet- indulgence by the so·called 2, SpeCIal Beat $Pn'ice [nglish Beat I.R.S ing. but if you listen in. you What's more fun than a barrel Jett and REO Speedwagon as and open to the public. remains. Gabriel has more than ing pulse. or a more subtle back- 'synthesizer bands." Recently. 3. Busine~s a.~ U.~ual Men at "ork (ol~rrb.a TWo of the works on the pro- might ~urprise yourself by lik­ of TGs. more exciting than an AS well as perennial favorites like justified the move through his drop for his urgent. discrete however. their pre.sence ha~ adventurous, often eclectic solo 4, forever Now r,Ylhedelic furs Columblil gram, "Jabberwocky" and ing it. fiectricworks is pres- meeting and able to leap tall The Who. Bruce Springsteen and vocals and lyrics. become much more noticeable 5. Niafrt and DJtl Joe Jackson '\&"1 Nonage to Mark Rothko" by ented under the auspices of freshmen in a single bound? It is the Rolling Stones. Music conf. work. The aft e rshoc~ of this new in the pop rock world through Igor Korneitchouk, present both Atomicafe. UCSO's forum for laserium, This concert/presentation is The first two albums, released direction (albeit indirectly the work of Pete Shelley, the There the lighter side and th serious composers. friday's concert The program which being presented by UEO and will Those interested in 20th cen­ in 1977 and 1978. saw Gabriel inOuenced by Enol were wides- Human League, and Depeche I. American fool John Cougar Po ygyam side of the composer's output. starts at .3:15 p.m. and will be originated in Los Angeles a few be performed Thursday and tury music will want to attend a depart from the textured . shift­ pread among the music indus· Mode, to name a few. 2. Mirage fleetwood Mac Warner Brother~ Also presented is Robert repeated at 4:.30 and 5:45 and is years back has become one of be performed ton ight and lecture by Alban Berg's nephew ing opuses that had become try. . . . What distinguishes Secunty .3. Abracadabra Steve Miller Capitol Thompsons "Ulster Commen- absolutely free. for more in for­ the major attractions on friday in Mandeville. Tickets are Erich Alban Berg. who will dis­ Genesis' trademark. in order to ThiS bring us to Gabnel's from these groups. however. is 4. Nebraska Bl1Jce Springsteen Columbia tary." originally composed for mation on electronic music. campuses across the country. $3.50 for students and $4.50 for cuss "Berg and his Cultural Sur­ establish a more conventional latC!>t efforts, Security. Having the subtle. yet effective way 5. Emotions In Motions Billy Squier Capllol video and evokes the compos- stop by on friday and listen. Laserium highlights music general admission. Tickets are roundings." Thursday, October approach. Though Gabriel's had two and a half years for a Gabriel uses the devices to con er's feelings of the Celtic mysti- Don 't forget to have a good time from such contemporary available at the UCSD Box 21. at 12 p,m .• room' 6210, Man­ work during this period tread no possible refinement of his new struct intricate accents. cis man d its cur r e n t either, of coursel superstars as the Go-Gos. Joan Office. deville Center. UCSO.

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Opens Friday 10/ 8 The Year 0/ the Monkey Shows Eve 7:00. 9:05 Mal's Sal & Sun. 2:50, 4:55 • Vilio Lo Jolla Or. l.J VI AI a Jolla \/illaQ'" Proqrof' IS 51u" ~r~(lvl Revolt on Campus THIS FRIDAY xc. .). "'> t:ngog. ntl 1968-69 A WEEK'S VACATION .. PRECISION 12.30 :l 2 4 2' '1 0" 1C 10 'I? ---- 8 and 10 PM HAIRCUTS LA CAGE AUX FOLLES , 2 '\ 2 31 4 ~ 6 3 ~ '\ ", ) faculty author Women $15 USB 2722 TfSl PREPARATION Men $12 WAITRESS Dr. William McGill , P[CIAlIST~ SI Ncr 1938 .3 ,,, 4 <"'S 65:- 8"n 1 40(1?) will be Includes LAST TANGO IN PARIS Autographing Copies 1230.255 5.30.800. 1025 \~) Tickets: shampoo, condition, at the $1 S'~-H . cut & blowdry Valley' I • at Stadium Way (Long hair extra All Center Programs Slart Fnday' At UEO Box Office MPUIN for blowdry) Educational Center - CELLULOID- Coli [)ays Evenings & Wfonkpnrt; E SWORD AND THE SORCERER University Bookstore '--_____1.::.2.::.30:.;,. . ..::.2.:,:35:.;,. . .=. 4:::::.40.6 45. 840. 1045 t~) ____ 2180 Garnet Pacific Beach WAITRESS . 245.430.6'25.8.20. 10.10 (I?) Thursday, October 21st 270-6810 r------LAST TANGO IN PARIS CLASSES I With thiS coupon only 1230. 3 Xl ",0 8 OC 1l 30 R from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm IFOR MEN & WOMEN TO HAVE AND HAVI ON : PRECISION HAIRCUT CAMPUS 1$10 Refreshments \1 , I t I~ I' I In cludes sh~lmpoo, condition, Y .tp..,;f lJ . Pu I RICO nIl r' in II'" 737 Pl'drl : cut (Blowd ry ('xtrd). I. 1156 1170 Cheech & Chong Tuple BllliiI - THINGS ARE 115G 1815 : PERM $29.50 NICE DREAMS NEXT MOVIE .l-______1 I. ______Expires 10/ 18 41 J ~ l' R 2(1(; F, II idtus OLlober 14, I !J82 Octo tx'r I I !18 2 Hiatu Concert Calendar Furs take on a load named Todd: following the leader over the Josie Cotton goes for a joyride edge in tbe cult's playground Nick Lowe David Undley Rundgren, one of the mo t Tonight By CANOIL October 21 forever Now versatile memb rs of the rock Convertible MUSic world. And we want to know Image deals with the de pro­ Consider epi- as Bacchanal 560-8069 Rodeo 457-5590 rsychadelic furs community, specializes in Josie Cotton more about this loving and gramming of Joshua a.k.a. the psychological effect pro­ flowing pop melodies which are smiling young woman and how Danny. The director cleverly t:mmylou Harris Josie Cotton Columbia Elektra duced when a group of people constructed just a notch too he came to be this way. gives us Pratt the depro­ October 15 October 21 gather together for a single pur­ progressively to gain mass Their first date is at a screen­ grammer as a moustached vcr­ fox Theatre 236-6510 Distillery 741-9394 Hy MARK HElMER By I'1IKt:L T00I'168 appeal. The furs just don't seem pose. If you equate an epi­ ing of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, sion of Neal. If one listens phenomenon with a rei igious The post punk era in England to be compatible with this sort Josie Cotton's debut album movie epi. Here is where we closely, one hears a good expose has spawned a host of groups of scheme. Power is what made covers some of the same ground group. you will have the theme receive our first manipulation of on how epi is used to manipu­ with visible roots from this Talk Talk Talk such a fine record, -'60s-style girl-pop - already of the movie Split-Image. epi. The movie of Jekyll does late people. What Pratt presents period, one of the better of and for some reason the band explored by fellow Angelinas Before looking at Split-Image, deal with the idea of good and is reality therapy. but like Neal. which is the Psychedelic Furs. decided to give up most of that the Go-Go's. Now, there's let's clarify what " epi" is. evil within us, and it is used as he is totally one-sided in his Their 1980 debut was marred by Danny (Michael O'Keefe) is kidnapped by the deprogrammers. in favor of Rundgren's softer. certainly nothing inherently In our modern, highly popu­ not just a presentation of that approach. And like Neal he uses poor production and lack of distant touch. wrong with that, but the world la~ed society. many of our expe­ idea, but rather as a lure to get repetition and isolation of our consistent material. But on last The lack of intensity cannot deserves better than Convert­ riences involve being in large us to come visit Homeland, a emotions as technique to con­ yera's Talk Talk Talk. the Furs be attributed solely to ible Music crowds of people we mayor may place where people are con­ vert us to his dogma, combined powerfully honed Rundgren. Defections have also This album contains a not know. When the crowd is cerned about good and evil in Overall. Splil-lmage implies guitar with shadowy, rustic hurt the band. Guitarist Roger number of highly likable, highly gathered with a single intent our world. that we need a balance of epi vocals to come up with one of AT THE MOVIES Morris has departed, leaving derivative tunes - some they can produce a contagious A few of us decide to attend experiences and a reality aware­ the best records of 1981. high. Examples of this are John Aston to handle things on written by Cotton herself - the three day retreat into Home­ ness so that our own personal CENTER 3 CINEMA 4) BLADE RUNNER / ROAD Unfortunately, their newest his own. Saxon ist/ Keyboard ist which are played with the Charger football games, movies land, and the moment we step image does not become split. Fashion Valley WARRIOR effort. produced by Todd Duncan Kilburn has also left. utmost competence, The like Rocky and f .T" political off the bus, we are greeted by a The more subtle .portrayal of 297-1888 5) AMITYVILLE II Rundgren, is a poor follow up. These three together provided a problem is that Cotton's rallies, religious congregations mass of loving people. epi 01 this comes through the charac­ .) LOOKING TO GET OUT l LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN ChOo')sing Todd Rundgren to full and extremely intense singing, although pleasant. is or even tragic situations such as group acceptance of a stranger. ter of Rebecca who makes the (lOllS) THE SWORD & THE 6 ) LOOKING TO GET OUT produce this album is a curiou'i SORCERER framework for vocalist Richard extremely bland. Her lack of the mourning of the deaths of Then our first meal. Kool-aid changes Danny does without thc choice to say the least. John and Bobby Kennedy. In our and brownies. sugar bombing, a hype used to make the mOl( ie 2 THE LAST AMERICAN LA JOLlA VILLAGE THEATER Butler. definition merely serves to dull VIRGIN/HUMUNGOUS normal lifespan you will proNt­ physical mechanism for excit­ story of Danny mteresting. La Jolla Village Square The album's good cuts are few the impact of many ofthe songs. ') '» WAITRESS and far between. "Only You and but in one instance - Johnny bly experience hundreds of epi. ing our spirit and lowering psy­ In conclusion, perhaps tht 4:)3-7831 Lindley will so it is well worth your efforts to CLAIREMONT 1) LA CA,GE AUX FOLLES I" is one of the few songs with a Are You Queer: written by chological resistance. During strongest and most subtle understand how epi affects you, (lalremont Mesa ,( 10/1 5)WEEKS VACATION rough edge and a pounding beat producers Bobby and larson the opening stages of our life at scenes involve the constant vis­ return here During the opening credits of Homeland. we are gently ual return to the windmills in 274-0901 2) SPLIT IMAGE supplied superbly by bassi~t Paine - an already suspect 1) INCHONIAMITYVILLE II (10/15) LA CAGE AUX the movie Split-Image we are stroked with the power we can the night. These are not just Guitarist David Lindley and Tim Butler and drummer Vince treatment of a controversial 2) ROCKY IIIISTAR TREK II FOLLES introduced to Danny, the self feel by allowing ourselves to his group EI Rayo-x. whose con­ Ely. Rundgren's sax and topic becomes .'>omewhat backgrounds, for no story 3) TEMPEST COVE La Jolla cert last week at Humphreys was keyboards help make "No Easy offensive. The Go-Go's once driving gymnast who keeps become absorbed into the action occurs with the wind­ (10/15) WAITRESS pushing himself beyond the group, This is one ofthe strong­ mills. They are constant remind­ 459-5404 Gil Scott-Heron The Who stopped by the Harbor Police, Street' interesting, and Rll hard pulled this .')ong off in their live ANNIE 4) LOOKING TO GET OUT agreed to come back and play at Butler '>hines on thc album's d . most likely because you pain of blood-torn hands to per­ est features of epi. But then we ers that we can be our own (10/15) lAST TANGO IN October 16 Octob'r 27 fect new dismount. only to fail (l Ol lS) ON GOLDEN POND the Rodeo. The ~how is \et for best cut. " Run and Run. could .'iense that 50me of their a start to get the indoctrination windmill generators that PARIS Bacchanal 560-8069 Stadium 272-8862 over and over. not even coming FINE ARTS October 21. Per ons with ticket O\'eraIL ho\\e~er, the Fur gave best friends were gay. but J~ for that Homelnd could not have receive the energy of the com­ close to completing the feat. Pacific Beach LA. PALOMA livid ewton-John Dingo Boingo from the late shoy, 01 the up on what was \\orking OC'it for Josie. welL. }OU Just don t know. been if not for Neal. its founder. munity winds to keep us going Then the movie springs forward The second halt ot Split- 274-4000 EnCinitas o tober 16 (k tober 29 October 7 performance will Iv> th 'tn. In'itead of developing th Th big qu tlon ral~ed '1erc i in a dark world. to the competition and in the LA VIE CONTINUE 436-SHOW Sports, r£ lJ 224 4176 admitt d frce. General adrnb Irle,ls 0'1 Talk Talk Ta/Ii they no~ .Johl1n~ .Ire }OU '111(' rl l( 0 Gym 52-4559 fervor of the hometown crowd WASN 'T THAT A TIME 5ion tl I cts arc $6 and avail bl moved into an ar \\hlch.s but JOSie, do }OU I]ave a FLOWER HILL CINEMA DelM.ar I BOUND FOR GLORY at tl e ({oj c d arl\' not wit I] nt' r pro lllty) encouragement. Danny per­ ,lIlg 755-5511 (10/17) A BOY & HIS forms his dismount perfectly, DOGITAKE IT TO THE LIMIT his first epi, the thrill of sports. 1) SIXPICK/PI RATE MOVIE We are next exposed to Dan­ (lOllS) DAS BOOT SPORTS ARENA ny's family life, the great Ameri­ 2) YOUNG DOCTORS IN San Diego LOVE/ THAT can dream, a designer label 223-5333 ( lOl lS) THE CHOSEN 1 J CLASS Of '84 home of the best money can 3) MY FAVORITE YEAR buy, all Quantity with I itt Ie 2) TEMPES" r gard for Quality. prcsrnted to UA GLASSHOUSE 6 3) JE i.L & HV:->E' T Sdn Diego GETHER AGA. us (I humorousl} likeable in 223-2546 4) MY FAVOR TE YfAR form rcmini"ccnt of our daily 1) TRON 5) FAST TIME:S AT ~ JE. illdoctrination of 'iit-coms and ISTAR TREK II MO T t'<..l <,(lap operas: TV epi. 2) SPL T I..... \AGE Rf(HAR[" P~ ATTENTION! Danny',; fir~t mceting with 3) BEST LImE CO~CERT I{ebecca b loaded \\ Ith all the WHOREHOUSE .'" 'l'tXAS 6 HI'; G '" modern clj(hc~ \\l' han' come to IINCUBUS GOLDEN PO ;) d(CCPt. except that Rt'beu:a (()IllC~ across to Danny and the Prograf'lS subJ(,( t to c.han( e Without ":>tlC(, ,wdicnce as someone with a All Student Cultists following Neal back to tJomeland in 'Split Image', fH~h and ndtinq view of lht: Organizations UCSD STUDENTS, STAFF Be FACULTY requesting funds SEll from the A.S. must o CE file a budget request RE U ST e, ... Now: ):..1'" 13M.. " ... ! lP<~ yc..ur'" 11 lr y 1l"r.UU Fast: Ccpy a ,'Ie ro' .lJ form with the A.S. the same r ,I:,.:ett~ I', If 1f,ll' ~ rr..r'Jtes Simple: "LC,yas xH'-.J )Qng a letter Inexpen­ HOUSE sive' ~ l1" n 'r.rukaLly lc.w PI1C<' If h l,jes the Rezound Copy C'1SSe tte fearure~ a the Accurate: '";ulJ"cmtr p j pprtel"' m( 'Iaural cOpies every ur.p Versattle: Office by Oct. 22. regular Sv'1c1ouc 1\0' ]kt. I L 3 r lor "('[ iJroqra:p.5 See GET greo'er soor~1 9 effects TO me Marietta Williams PERSONAL' eyes Exclusive TO I SKI. the new rose-bose lens (452-4083) provides the ultimate in eye comfort. quality, University Bookstore, Q--OOB and prOTecTion. University of California, San Diego Do it All in UNIVERSITY OOOKSTORE. Q-008 La Jolla, California 92093 for information The UCSD , University of California, San Diego I Electronics Department 452·4291 Guardian! ~ --- and forms. 2334 O1fX.1EL ~LLEY RD/DEl MAR 481'8866 La Jolla, California 92093 l. Expires November 5, 1982. 452-4291 6 tliatus 0 tobl'r I·t 1 82 o .tobcr 14. 19t12 Hiatu 7 ----- ~ ~------~- I - ~ _~--=-=--_-==--=-=-==---=-=-======---~-==----=------~-~~-- -~- California rr ~ ~------ATrENnOlV PRE-MEDS: . c7Rc SIogurf ell/lair Ballet ., Tht, IT SD (' uardian Page 7 frozen Company General / Phil Lauder. Spin'. Erlitor Odoh(" 4, t ~82 25(: off continued from page J Organizational ~ogurt any purchase creations of $1.00 or more { hour and a half class each Meeting \ morning, followed by rehearsals in the afternoon and evening for 1030 Torrey Pines Rd 1 e 198 TONIGHT, 6 :00 pm, major productions, ~ at Herschel ' Along with her dance career, CardlJlals (lnd Breu ers lied (// one jfOJ}/e eat/z te 2nd. Floor of Student -~ ' La Jolla Dabrowski . the recipient of a '1PIJ) f,~ (OHIiI/, II fa J1 Center. Attendance is UCSD Alumni Scholarhsip for Bre\\t·r. to thl' '\1. En.,t tl'lt· \ ggrt''''' 1\ t a I h,.' ,It .1\ 1>:,' one per c ustomer 1) ofth important ot this first academic excellence. is By KELLY P,\HNELL Tht' t('al11 ha ~ gottell tht' t hClr dell'Il' 1'1 {'In carrying a full load of classes. In A great ~ ('ar for t hl \\ orid IlIl'KnanW " I1a n 'e\'·;., Wall I,\('r... harlll\\t·d. [JOIl t Id 'rdt meeting!! \/ I f ..- -- - ..... I Senes No spla"h~ c1u b~, no hal1gas." becau"e !\-l ih\ au· • -'::;I! \ ~~.a. ~ --' , . J describing the difficulty she has fml ~ IlU \\ IWIl DIal ir g ~(Jur I ~ ~C::;_ " y ~ I Al hig nanw ball pla~ er;.,. noglarn­ kt'('\ pm\er hitter., can all hIt Week r --..... til·t ,>, 'I'11{' Brt·\\ 'I' dpl( n.,t ••• •J) , yC , .. " • ~ fr juggling two careers, she ' ~-,-::,:",...... __ - y~ - ,' .:r - ,~ orutls. fast paced C1!le~ behmd \'m ()\er the \\all 21(1 hOI1H' ma\ 1)(' l'\'t"-\'lllt g,.,d a t explains, 'It's hard, but I'm used :1., Coupon OctoberD 18, 1982, - the teams, Thl~ )ear's S('rI('S runs IS e\ idence of t Lat Loti IS '. - E",pire~ to it by now. I don't think about IS between two mld­ I~ II bin y, Ull I • t Ill' the amount of work I have to do. ",estcl n. bille collar. "h()rt~top for ;\llhau· BILL BULLOCK . . I just do it and everything beer drInking cllies, k{'e. \\' 111 probabl y be works out." The dancer adds The 79th World Senes Series chosen a" I h(' \ILJst \'al· 'len· ... -'O('Cl'r with a sm ile. ' I don't get a lot of Ix'tween the MIlwaukee uable Player of the In hI" .,(,l1lor :. tar dt 1 l ~I). Bill I" h;1\ Illg a fint' !,l'II<.;on sleep though. ' Brewer... and 1Ill' St. t·. :\' Schedule American LCilgll ot T Iw capt ill n of t he team and ilmong t ht'lt'am kader., 111 bot h All of her hard work and Louis Cardinals \\ ill be only is he good wit h l ill' nn e\ cit Ing plavoff ;h~hl'- ;Illd goal. hI' had hI" [inl""1 perlormance la, I wl'ek per~evcrance have paid off, She glow. ,but hl<; balllllg HI' ,-('o!'l·d two gI,al a ~am..,t ~'()u th'rn Cal Culieg'. end bet w('('n t \\ 0 t l'a m s GAME ONE; at <;:t. Louis gets great joy out of performing. ,,1 at ist It'S incilldl' a :l:l l dgin--t 1.0 , \ \1,I.{('ll~ Bap!I' hl (,}red tilt' mn t -;pt'ltdldlar WI! h OPPosIte st\le;.,. Milwaukee 10, Sl. Louis 0 "The actual performance i., the a\·e rage.::!9 hOll1t·"". ;1I1d ~".d of the l"I 0\1 Coal ~ [JUC'I{ Arrl"'r JIIg SaiCIl \\i.- 'he 11 i RBI ~, lit· St" '1l1 ~ to reason I like to dan ce. It'.s a The Cilrd i nills ;11(, l he GAME TWO; at Sl. LOUIS 'II'" tllrl'hl.'d t't''1th,,~()I: , ('dtr()p('npla~ (tn' ,r f' lyplfy PIe Ilallclu il. t ht' natural high. Ht'hearsdls and lavon t'S lo \\' \11 The) 51. L()ut ~ 5, :Vlil", a ukee , ~ l'1 "oro; kl 'k 'I Ill' J'I.d l'l Ipt d llf ,I fme \ ('('1< fur t hl -:'11 fill Bn'\\ {'p. :tn' (",n hi o(cer It ,I .., t a I '1 cla~~C5 alc tiring and difficult. It'd tht'lr league \\ ith GAME THREE; at ,\[il\\';tukee ~O() :-toil'1l !Ja.,e:-.. '1'111:- h (nlly laltntul III lhl But the fcc Iing you gft from th Fri.. Oct. 15; 5:30 p.m. start \\ a\ the house with ~ pl'l'd Clroll nr! performance ... the applall~c ... and a tIght dl'll'II"t·. ~t. GAME FOUR; at Milwaukt'{' ~I ~ mo:w~ gOl''' 1\ It h the whole atmosphere of the t hl' Brt,\\ er." Th('\ ,Ire Men's water polo Ltlui, has lX:l'n in the Sat., Oct. I (); 10:20 a. m ~t art theatre. that's what makes it all playoffs hefore. and t ht' \I nderdog..., 1)«'(\\1 ,(, GAME FIVE; at Mtlv,,'(lukee of their laCK of l'Xlx' worthwhile. manv fed I hat theIr 12th nationally DubrolVski ha~ been named (·xl>e'ricncl' \\ ill payoff. un" Oct. 17; 1:45 p,m, start rienre. btl t the\' dl'! I nllely ha\e the talent til Stud nt of the Year at the GAME SIX; al St. Louis Is up and dOWJl leanz good enough California Ballet School (19791, The Brewers. on l he lake'it illl ~t. Loul~ can ot her hand. ha\'e ne\ er Tues., Oct. ] 9; 5:20 p,m. slart Dancer of the \ear for the \\in \\Ith it-; ;.,peed , as to earn ATCAA TOllYJZanlenl berth? been 111 contention for thcy dl'play(.'d in the Company (1980), and has !>ren GAME SEVEN; at t. Louis the World Series m anv playoffs agilinst tht' chosen a~ a c,[holar')hip .,tudell! Wed., Oct. 20; 5:20 p.m. start n, ~lIhE (,REE'BERG way. shape, or form dur­ t\t lam a Bra\ e~. ano· - ""til ff \\ nIH for summer \\orl<. at Ihl ing Ihei r existence as ther power hillIng Pennsylvania Ballel Company Trymg to ... ummlzc ju~t hO\\ g(kKl the tOC:: [J men" \\ att'r polo a ball club, They ;.,tarte!'n \, t,.I' hl'\ , 1 \:!: t tl't \ performed at 8 p.m. on both the i" a defll1ltl' ,'hill in both the:t1r l'Xpl.'nence under their belt". l', !'Clio\"L cular -t arnll11 \I d should h,,\e IL'\.t'I\ l'd IdS (a;"lr - .1"1:\'l \ \ I OU"II, \I nt bId, 15th and 16th of October, with and \\'at er :It ,\11' lOll 1).1\'. ,\ l'tl1l1pn"l'" l hl' core anJl1l1e1 -lbo\'l' all. mentnl lOlKt>ntr, Accordl\lg '/ till! rllonlf.,\ch, l'l:31l Illll.,t knock olt l If till' an additional matinee on gloup of slllllllalllbuiI'tlC whIch lim; \ ear'~ tl'am will lx' linn, Hot h no\ Ice and team, ranKc'd all 'ad of tlwllI 'f the} ,11'e l!OITIC: '0 obll.ll tht' Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Discounted oarsmt'n adju"l t Ill'l r Inllit It IS t'hese \l'teran .. \\ ilo \ l'tl'rans will spend t ht· co\t'led bid lhe\,"'o desire What better placl' to rml'. n lIP~t't student rates for I ickets are footstretchers. seell re lheir \\ Iii set l he standard;., of Jut urn n mont h., in \\'l'ight t han right here ill lieSD \\ here the Triton., pia) ~ix ot :Iwlr next available. for ticket informa­ oarloch. and prepare to rowIng com pelenee and traIning and caraio\'as('ular se\en tion, contact the Ca lifornia launch. "One fool center, competltl\e intensity \\hirh condItIOnIng which, combined \Vhal l'l In'ine i;., to water polo. Alabama I~ to lout l)all ~Ol s hove off, and in!" this }car s novIces wIiI ~trI\l' \\ Ilh rowIng lechnlque. \\ill Ballet at 560-5676, or the Ea~t on 1\' are the Allleater~ r ha .. hCl'n pia y 111g l'\ l n'nwl) U Museum thl;" fall to furthel hone thclI hour l'ilch da~, fi\'e dm:- Iwr \\l'ek, of '\Tay. IJurIng 1111" \\ \,11 01 btl'. and thaI buIld., a Ipi of Ltlllllti"lIce rim IIlg skIlls in prt'parat Ion \\ Ct'k thi;., Fall. \\ orkln~ :-l:l"un. \\tl1l1t'n'~ coach .Jark Th e Italian film, 8 111. directed ;11.:0. J .... Stat l' for Ihe strl'I1UOUS \\Intt'r an d toward lIl ;htt'rin,S t he ,.k ill~ 01 \'altl'!l!a and!llt n', 'oach hhl' 'I \\.' \\ t'L~~ l l :-1) 1 ttl numb,· ... 11 ranked Fr,-..no by Frederico Fellini will be "pnng tr;ul1lng and Ill\\ Ill).! rem IIlg pl":\"l lurn If) I'al!l' 10 "Il· .. .,l· (\11'11 III I'''~l' !} shown at the La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art at both a 2 p.m, l1Iatinee and at a 7 :30 p.m. evening performance on Wed­ nesday, in the museum IRMASTIRS I auditorium. . " Blh is considered by many to 454-8 4 KINKO'S be one of the most influential films in the last twenty years ------r------· Low Prices and one of Fellini's greatest No Minimum works. l PERMS i HAIRCUTS : S~~ i '1lckets are availab Ie In advance or at the door for the I $35.00 : $1000 : SPECIAL : :.:.~ 1<1. 51,.1" ,e 7:30 performance. General I I·, I . I $2900 I I_____ irlO Cu______t I _____I L ______. _ I Open Seven Davs admission $3. tudents and Home Made Soups All You seniors $2 . Admission to the 2 l Giant Salad Bar Can Eat! p.m. matinee is free with admis· WIth thllcoupon. Expires 10/28/82 'W:t·lI {,','NJ --- sion to the exhibition, Italian 8855 Villa La Jolla Dr, Sandwiches & Qlllchc, Breakfast Rc-Evolution: for more infor OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Ralph's Shopping Ctr. Fresh Muffms. Bec' & Wine '-, II ( \\. ,~, nd II.. maUon (ali 454-3541. ,\101Id,. It 8 Hiatus October 14 ,1982 " J -,- s, 8-5 (Evenings by apPoIntment) 457-3775 S"t SI SlJll 1100"3 [t.ll I"tI" l',., Q:O i 454-3453 8 The UCSD Guardian Thursday, October 14, 1982. Thursday, Octobcl' 14, J 982. Guardian 28 teams, 28 strained budgets By TODD HAINES Sherril. The salary: over sports. far above the national Running Thoughts Sports Line and TYNAN SCHMIDT $220.000. Take this coach's average. Yet one coach from salary and apply it to UCSD another school make almost By JEFF SAV,\GE and MIKE GREENBEIU; Picture this: 80,000 Slaff Wn'"'r, By MIKE GREENBERG screaming fan cheering on sports. and you have the entire as much money a UC D Staff Wriler WHAT' GOING ON HERE PEPT. It 's unbelievabll' how their football team as they take intercollegiate funds for allow for 28 teams, and a.. One of the worst and most work on the re t of their game nill\ e '-,omeone With so much authority can be. It's a poor the field. following I heir Triton teams. Although UCSD budget of $280.000 does not go boring spectator sports is earlier. reflect ion on lICSD as a whol(', and IOten.'ollt'glate athl('()cs In highly price mone\ a\ il'la ):(' lea"1" art' (lI\1sion s aligned lOappropriately? ff \'uu an..,wrred yes to nny of forward movement the they're overmatched against If thee rule were Point Lorna College was the team's last victim. UCSD won on the road 15·10. 15·9. 15·4. Thi~ (If athll'llc fund ... are 1I1ll1"-'Cl allol\.itcd tr attmnl'C In rn McEnroe). This change wou ld competition, tennis would be a UCSO's Main Gym. team's style 0 1 play. force them (the big servers) to better sport to view. dt,\ elop a wurkl11g relationsh I p .'weel. "It lak6 cn'ati\ I.' ot Ill'r ... ou ret"'; • ..,uch a ... t hl t' C THEY A KED FOR IT DEPT. TexasA&1\l got tired of losing unique among team alhll'tll"s. budget l'ut ting to get (JUI "'htt'Ol or the ~L'At\ Thl <,\'er) year to the lIm\ ersity of Texas, so they decided to do SIO C{' each oarsman mllst programs under way." OJ the lImited tim ell'lg re ... tr.o ... something about It. They lured Jackie Sherill away from e s S l' n t I a II \' . , fee I .. the entire budget. almost one· ClllllpdltllJO of our team ... to Pillsburgh with a multi·mlliion dollar contract that rnake ~ Fa ter Processing & mm'cment and strength of the third pays for adminl..,lrati\·e Southern California. Sherill the highest paid coach in the country .. 0 far hi~ othrr members of his or her and coaching "alarw .... The Bctter Copy Get Wllh a lImllt'd bud~et LOntributions have been minimal to sa~ the least. After a month crew, a powerful bond e\ gt'. I' I hard 0 SUN 125 crews, hoods, zips, v-necks, Sterling. l{eallzlOg t hat they \\('r(' cIJ"l'lI..,SlIlg 'ionwt hing toget her tn fl:gat tas 10 the Ln" CO"" arou nd .~~O pel .~a 111e fllld gOtJd co;Jch" 1ll"Pltt ell Illllx,rtant III a rather "el"rt>lI\{' fnshlon. w{' Sl'nt our fanJritl' Angeles area and t'\'en to Other ",pl)rts need mOll' of t hl',l' faclt)!' ... t'C ~J) h'l I I ~TT~CHE­ in the latest, hottest colors. \\'"11 tel Andrt't.' to eCl\e<,drop on t hell' com ersat ion ~hockingl~ . Nort hern Calliornia offICial ... ane! pla~ morl' game ... trouble fieldlllg:!/) :l'arn, \\'nh Portable Computer \\e dlscO\ered Sterling has a fasclOatlOn with football and he's In the past, the l 'C <.;() tTt'\\' than \,olll·\·l>all. makin~ a butt, mllrt' I11l1nt'\' l'l'~Il.:an $3995 gomg to bu) the Chargt'r<,. Theonly problem hold 109 lIpthedeal has al' h It'H'd a n a bm e a \ erage official,.. ;10 Important nSpt'rl bring It ... a: hIli il r;put at WIl up SOFT Sun·Thur8 at this POlOt is Sterling's demand that ~hack lIarri., come out of level of success, producl11g townrd budget l'lIttln~ to Ill,ltch Ih lluI ... tnndll'g An mdhlll'n'ible tool for the Expressions Unlimited ret iremenl to quart erback t he team. S('\ eral l'S :-Jat IOnal Team Equipment I another academiC I't'PUI at IOn. 'tud~nl. rt"earrh('r ~nd \\ filer 1030 Torrey Pines Rd, 9:30-6:30 CONTACT LENSES Word prcX'e"lOg mduded (By the Yogurt Arrair) Fri-Sat ------454·8006 9:30·10:00 COMFORTABLY SlJl'l nl ",Ih AltaI h"l'unhil'e I'nnlln~ ,~ Spt'iilng LO rrl'lltnn AFFORDABLE St" \ ' "<~ Call for Inf'" A Radical T-Shirt Shop! Sculptured Nails $22.00 Scientific kin Care DR. ROBERT HELLER OPTOMETRIST 450-0]81 THE CALIFORNIA LOOK MICROSYSTEMS fills Only FOR MEN AND WOMEN ONLY With $12.00 --- \ $135 DE IGNERS ...... ~ LEARN HURT... -FOR MEN- studen t 10 -- J " III 'tit I ... ' INCLUDES: - FacIa'S ~'nl \ ilia I , I.. lla fir "Il' I J:!1 ~ HOW TO BECOME ~ Contact lenses, exam I nation, - Jeep Pore CleanSing IN A CAR ACCIDENT?---" A removal of blockheadS patient training, follow up, AMILLIONAIRE Manicures and pustules chemical care kit and fitt ing FROM A SELF·MADE MILLIONAIRE • Pro(esslOna I lega I adVice IS • Who pays m~ for my pain I EXTENDED WEAR LENSES /' $5.00 \ cTltlcal anJ sulk"nll' ONLY $295.00 .....- "7 DR. MICHAEL DEAN, Ph.D, • Who pays me If I am Injured n. Worl(f ~ f or( mnst HyprlCJl l<,1 'Ir my ca r I~ .! ••malleJ' • Fn'e nmsult.ltInn -FOR WOMEN - L:. "7 PRESENTS A DYNAMlC LA JOLLA VILLAGE SQUARE Chic Nails • Who rays me tor the time I - Skin Care SUCCESS SEMINAR haw Ime at work! - t::oce & Bod\! \I a.lng ( nSlde the Moll ower evel) :", ", 454-8222 if ~ ',,, .. .. - Ma suo <' • \,'( 'hat It I w.,nt to 8657 VdlCl La Jolla Drive "".! - Eyo mh Ir'tlf"g , SUite 136 031 "...... !.!...;. - ilp Pore C,eo'1~I:'19 • Whar .1 'OOl,'(rlll' ,u,'s me' j 8 LECTURES - 24 HOURS I ...., P .,Nd I! LOW PRICES fAll SEMINAR · OCTOBER 18. 19, 20. 21 . 25. 26. 27, 2& ---.~. 452-7374 We offer Clorins products from France FAST SERVICE , " ,I • io' ' . QUALITY COPIES ,. I' '" I'" I ~l "" .. , •.• .1. ''Co, " 1010 Pearl Sf.. SUite 3 • J1 I .... 1\ I GEORGGIN & SHANN .' . La ..,010 klnko's CO les h·t> S 1!> ul:r t· .. ,~ III(H1 ",;, If fl"r ttl(' St'Pt GASLIGHT BANQUET ROOM UPSTAIRS ~IOWAY 8 ROSECRQNS 8855 Villa La Jolla Dr. PRESENTED BY INTERNA TIO NA L CO """'UNICAIION INsnUIl, 25';:; l:"ll11l1hl .l,'l RIl) 0l1th, l.It,' 2l I.} (Ralph's Shopping Ctr) For Information Call 222· 8120 ~;111 nll'gll. Laltlllrnt,l Yl.ll) , REGISIIiATtON FlIsl meellng at Ihe door 600-700 P M.wr rg a VI' heavyweight and lightweight Typing IBM chOice of style~ Editing, Revelle week. ( 10/ 14) PE~ MOOt. ""arts 'I'Our IT II THE AIR? Wanted bard. Costume ,s opt LOOK for oarsmen will act as a catalyst research IISSlst High qUlllity, low prices w t~ke e.I "more ( 4 Hlliloween Dllnce and hartlor cru"<':, nore InIO !.Con 10 I 1 for a well·balanced men' · Karen 272·'i469 ( 10/ 2B ) Oct 30 rrom 8 11 pm Featuring II live SKIP ~e e'\ to qood fr e A e he-' MA75AO happy £l.y S850of'er 451-0732 rl0 28 Revelle Commuters Hump OIlY Breakfast and infectious enthusia sm of week Must be rree efternoons Health Avalon hili o r SPI St'ategy game Call tax-free incentives. Dependents' benefits available. Extensi,'(' training pancakes and fruit only $1 Wed 10120 MOV1NG OVERSEAS seiling eve'Yl! Ing t he participants. Interest and fleXIbility helpful KeIth at 45 3·2745 (10/18) 7;30,930 WtTy not here. Sign up ,n Cars. IIrtlQues and ~oll'..ehOld goods ''JI' program provided. Promotion program included . "Sit ready. Ready, all . .. BIr1ots Chnstlne 225·8536 (10/ 14) Fnday Your big bro, Surfer Joe ( 10/ 14 ) by her b'g bro ( 10/ 14 ) InCILld ng rllb,es gOOd 'lelJred Happ 21st Mat1< ' Have II farrring good affect onate, well behaved eeds'lImlty I-- LookIng for a Cnnstlan fellowsh ip? Come John M· Gilld to see you can plllY ProfesSional mllnuscnpt se,,"ce. Typing, b lrthdaY" (10,14) and ethernewllnlrTllll ends by october proofreading, editing QUllilty at to Seekers thiS Sun. 7pm at the Sunhouse Mexlcen Your II great guy and w ere gled Hey Stew' You're a sluOOergIJlhon 2$ Cel Alleqra 483·4222 1')' 8 rellsonable priCes 297-0224 (10/ 18) of LJ Pres ( 101 14) to have )'Ou pledge TKE . Hope you enjOY Happy anniVersary-,ere'S to mar>ymore the late night reading marterrll l • 8,g Bro , '181 KawllsallJ 4401. 'D 65 p mog Water polo Typ lng·dlssertat,ons theSIS, termpaper; Commuters tned of the dell bun on to Your 10\ll"g wenct'i, Lnde (10/14, ( 10/14) rreewlIY ow "lIles, ~cw nre< QU'Cksl e' IBM selectrlc,close to Cllmpus, the runs. Come to the Hump DIIY Deye S • hey Ilitie bro-can t wa t 0 see leff 1''3 5995 firm 273·4329 '0 14 expenenced 452·1588 (12 / 2 ) Commuter bleakfllst Wed 10/ 20 See return of the body s natch e~ lit tne you at the dance Clue r I be e one ,n 25 "blC It"efr,,! vervclear 575 O~ • continued from I>aj.!t' H ( 1011 8) next TKE meeting ( 10/ 14 ) Pregnant? free professional counseling 9 'aMY rug Witt> beautlfu patte'T' (a Klrchmeler \\ ill pit their ('jght the 50·s outfit LooKmg foward t a great and seMces. SlIn Diego Pro-lIfe League CASINO NIGHT. The new trad,tlon thiS Du nstan · Hey, 10k below I put you ,n one yellr Wi th you' love your Big SIS (1 ~ 14, Kathv 45()-9639 elte' 6w 1 14 In 24 hour hotllne 583·hfe, 941 1515 Friday Bring 5or ( 12/ 2) m.lllonare (10/ 14) the border tape, vaL ( 10/ 14 ) contro\'{'r<.;v. :\n apparpnt four ' BA(K·we missed you over ' he summe' E"al~atlons book. 50< a: e BooKSIore meter foul ' same as a foul in Counsehng Protess,onlll-confidentlal­ Seeker; Chrlstllln fellowship for college HERMOSA, LOVE YOUR BUNS QUIt Love the TKE s l ste ~ (101'!,l') Ge".,al Store, Groundworks or CAPE adjustllble fee. Betty lIghtstone students meets 7pm SundllY at LII JolllI plcklng on me and don't be so constant. off'ce (10/18, t he penal ty Ix)\{ In "ocrl'r) \\ as Cllrolyn - Hllppy Birthda Y' Wllleh out, LP008727, 232·1251 . (10/ 21 ) Presby\enlln Church ( lD/ 14) Love you Y (10/ 14) T'cke ts for 11 11 e v e n~ nc San Dle90 end not called on a Hullrlng your favonte roomies (lOt: 4) Los Angeles . Gooo, reserved Who sellts. AcademiC typing - dissertations Low Commuter MexICO tnp to TIjuana Tlilies Nancy· catch yll troday. I'~ be the )l!lzed dl'fendt'r in IhI' do. 109 min· Susie 0 Congratsl Your II teke hope you 455 -9888 ( 1O{1 8) rlltes, fast service. Pro-Type 454.0860 La for dinner/ drinks Slit 10/23 lellve 4'3()- Cllt wellnng )lImS , Your big bro, daddy-o ' ute.... t h\\:1rl ing a T r ll o T1 enjoyed the champagne·more to come For sa le TRS-80 pocket computer wI JolllI (6/9) 5:00 Sign up Comm Centr (10/ 18) (10/14) chance to tit' I hi' ~T :lmr I . Love your Big Bro ( 10/ 14) cass .nterfllce and manuals, good Ali typing - speclllllze In SCI. & Tech IBM Pursue your career Do an internship Still love you Debbie, even though I'm ~l'\ t'n,l.((' \\ 111 I'll he 1'1" ' l' Tim · HIIPPY 21st b lrthclav' 8e good and cond,t.on, New batts S110 firm Cell 455· SelectriC II, Elizabeth, weekdllYS, 452· winter qUllrter Aplliclltion due Oct 15 getting IInother little Sister, you Will 9729 ( 1011 8\ for ('(:,» \\'h\'n FI " I ) don t filII down' - Mia ( 10/ 14) 5030, eve/wkends 223-1304. (10/21) lit ASIO, 452()-4689 (10/14) alway:. be my first ( " 1) Little Sister - Chmblng eqUipment - m,sc He..es and tn\ advs San I )iego Sal urd;!\ Garv (10/ 14) Tim & Damlne Reliable sources tell us Guys & Gills Hllirstyling shllmpoo, AUSTRAlIA NEEDS YOU? Compare to us , stoppers, all In new or good cond Ste"e, nlgl.t. .omL' 01 I he TrilOIl pl a~· that you re a couple of grellt guys Best of hllircut lind blowdry$22, With UCSD Cllrd Available Resell rch WMt IS an "lIlustrllted To Linda my new httle SIster We don't 457-o743111'ter 5 pm Best. (10/14) crs \\'('n' 'i lill bllt('1 aboul Ihe luck pledging" Luv your 81g sisters $17 Oct. 1 thru Nov 1 5, 1982 The Off·the-wlIlI"? Find out In the pages of know ellch other very well, but I hope MOVing sale TI 55 calc w l book and 1\\0 ( 10/ 14) Irilm,,' lasl mel'ling . .'aid HairstylISts 549-8229, 7463 Glrllrd St., LII CAPE 5(] a little seasonll1g Ff~,\:,\KI ( I{ I $399 ow / $699 rl before they cou ld compete ancl J> :\R.I ~ $438 ow I $837 rt \\ In agatnst t he best teams In $508 ow I $879 rt IhL' nat ion' \Vr shou ld have an 1\ 1'111-':'\ ~ Saturdays, Join us for your favori te an,,\\'('r th:s \\ cekend. - 11/\\ ""I I l l\~l l h 1/1 \'" ' \11'/11/ 11 1/ i'< \f'\, Sundays, and Evenings. libation from 4'30 pm to 7:00 pm, II'I/lu ll d - /' lIf",ll'",,," ""It'd "II Il il' '/111/ Monday through Friday. WATER SPLASHES: lin <:'111 COUll( il I r,l\ d ('lEE) & SdH'! ! {, i llill.' /I ,II 1'1111 till}} /I}}!'I/If"m,· III ,,, AASAFE Complimentary hors d 'oeuvres I!I,IJII d llr ., /I!/., -""JI,!tIl·. IIIII}/ lit, I IIiU I -;.!-Oh 1\1 I ( "I) "I"", I ( II 1\-" _ I " .",1 10 , ·, I 'I _"' l l DRIVING lit., IIIIIII}!!! /II/>II}/I'\I .\'"I}/IJlt/1 1t;1IJ1 limp! I on l in Sod, \ -'.i.t ~ IJ tfl:.. II ~/ II II " SCHOOL / '( Nm r, id, 111.,1 I;mlur 11 I 1111 , l.Ll Jolla ' I~(/I {(,(IIIIJI!! III! l/,T 10 (/IIn"llu ulI};11 Iullt (/ In).! J.trl 111, . I/JIII il {(lIdtJ II ', /r Ill I Register (III!II (/ 1 II h,l/n 111111 lit 1111> " /u l "I fall ul. . l'I(I\'lT~i (Onln/( III... 011 /,H/l0 1 454-3595 !III(" Ilig gil)}}, 1IJ.!IIIJI ., 1 Inllll , .\1,)'( /i,,"',}}. d, ,, ,, " III" ,hn",'/n " g,l IIJI!! I.·/I" 11111/ 1"./1" 11I1I"~lllIr"" I " " " " Ih, flllm IIIJI In I II lI',' lI'ill h, p.,r, Itl'd III/ "Ti}/I . Hill " ·(1.111 1, ' '' lfI' ~. '1II1,.,dl" " II"IIIJI hl'lll /1111}} " 111 />Ia\' IIII! If"}}" II .. ,II I".IIII/J.!;'. hl/lllilf 1//1} ,IIII' .t"" . ! tlllllk II '" I!lm " J.!lmd , III/JIll . • '1"" Ullltlm. J.!//(l11I " /'d lit:, SUN MYUNG III "IV ", "I/Ild I" III /III}}}. hI/I" " /11 .,1 .1111 }fllli,li, /llip'/lIlh 1(( // illilm IInm , /lIfIHHII;IIIIII " Fi}//lllv. /lMl'o . I do}}'/ tik, l",nul; III pili 1'1/11 }}lImh" "II, I"II}/ MOON III /I" 1111//1/1} alit' 1'''H'IIIJ.! /l'/'/'WI! II! ... ,jmo/'... rho ( \ {( flfIlUI,' II (h(O/II 1m ,m 1'1'''' 11',,// ill ml1lliii'Il' Itf II /III II , 11'111 ha l" /" /h 'lIl' .,/lIIII/llIn!! 'I" d," " I FRIDAY OCT. 15th Ihllllil {l"1 '1('(/u l /oUIIi • I'll, mo"'/" II Fe~\tlll"\\ .lnd .11 ~L) Ih, I,;"" /.\ ,,1 0pluIII_\/"- IIHIII 'fttlfll n I;" ,wu, I , ~\ hi}!" III' II" h,g 1/ /I ( , III/ \,tJII "'~i III the 8 P.M. lit" r-. ,/"\.\ ,,1 l/tal II ",g I ' /1 1/ ,1/1',,"/'/ .I\d 11'111 n l\ (]SB III \, " ,"h II/O /.. ' ,I {iIlfr / f JiI I (/~"" J/ ' " ''''1 2622 dl)( lllnen LlI\' flllll " ' 11 0 ' ''1!U Hlf\.lIf I'/rl\l'(/ 111/1/ , , \tUt/ II ,'fll ~ \ f/tf/' l""'lllion 11 11 11 I f) HI FR • • "Afoon ch J Id:' ~lrl' 11 "-Il'hn"ur"ct h\ J \..,t ( "-IU PtOllrdmmlOCl ( '"nrnift,>., 12 T he UC 0 Guardian Thur-;day, October l ·t, 19M2.

AFSCME/UC AFSCME/UC'S demands speedy economists will elections. strengthen your hand in cont ract AFSCME gua ra nteed talks. elections for more than 45,000 UC workers when To back up our it immediately filed peti­ demands at the bargain­ This is no t ions with the signatures ing table, AFSCME / UC's of tens of thousands of economists are already bargain for UC employees asking for on the job preparing a the chance to choose complete report on the AFSCME in a representa­ impact of recent and UC employees. tion election. future state budget cuts AFSCME has demand­ on employees through­ ed that the UC elections out t he UC system. be held as soon as pos­ UC employees can Until now, UC sible so that UC employees have an even stronger employees have been will be able to win better voice at the bargaining forced to accept what­ pay and improved job ta ble - with a vote for ever pay and working security at the bargain­ AFSC ME, one strong conditions have been ing table. union of UC employees. doled out to them by t he Reg ents, the Legisla­ AFSCME is strong t ure and t he Governor. on bargaining UC employees now experience. have t he right to choose a union that will negot i­ Our skill ed negotiators ate a cont ract through a have won dramat ic gains process called collective for public employees bargaining. throughout California. This right was brought They include substantial one big step closer to pay increases, cost-of­ reality last week when living increases, increased the Public Employment job security, better ca reer Relations Board esta­ opportunities, improved This is the new blished bargaining units health, safety and other coveri ng most of UC's working conditions, and staff employees. pay for out-of-class work. way to bargai Now AFSCME/UCs ------, negotiators are prepared for better pay to win similar advances for s UC employees. and b fits.

· D.1VI~ • Berkeley _B L I . San FranCISco A Stronger Voice in Contract Talks · Santa Cruz · Santa Barbara • UCL A • Riverside • IrVine · San Diego _.J One Strong Union of ue Employees ====~~~~~~=