Risk in the food economy – theory and practice INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD ECONOMICS NATIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Risk in the food economy – theory and practice Editors: dr Justyna Góral dr Marek Wigier THE POLISH AND THE EU AGRICULTURES 2020+ CHALLENGES, CHANCES, THREATS, PROPOSALS Warsaw 2017 This monograph has been prepared under the Multi-Annual Programme 2015-2019 “The Polish and the EU agricultures 2020+. Challenges, chances, threats, proposals”. The work aimed at analysis of different types of risk and its valuation in the food economy. Additionally, the authors presented the possibilities within the field of risk management. An active part of the state and the European Union in the field was shown in the background. Reviewers: PhD Gabriel Popescu, Professor, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania PhD Dimitre Nikolov, Professor, Director of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, Sofia, Bulgaria Proofreaders : Joanna Gozdera Katarzyna Mikulska Technical editor Joanna Gozdera Translated by Summa Linguae S.A. Cover Project IERiGŻ-PIB ISBN 978-83-7658-681-6 Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy ul. Świętokrzyska 20, 00-002 Warszawa tel.: (22) 50 54 444 faks: (22) 50 54 636 e-mail:
[email protected] http://www.ierigz.waw.pl Contents 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 11 Dr Marek Wigier 2 The role of public policy in risk management: the case of the Hungarian Risk Management System ................................................................................................................ 15 Prof. Anikó Juhász, prof. Gábor Kemény, PhD András Molnár, PhD Ivett Illés, MSc Anna Zubor-Nemes 2.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 15 2.2. Evolution and operation of risk management scheme in Hungary ............................ 16 2.3.