The Way of Emunah Collected Thoughts on the Weekly Parshah From Rabbi Meir Isamar Rosenbaum shlita Devarim Rabbi Rosenbaum’s weekly shiurim in Yiddish can be heard over the telephone by calling The Way of Emunah Hotline In The U.S.: 718-298-3717 ext. 1 In Israel: 072-278-6444 ext. 1 In England: 0203-874-6800 ext. 1 To receive this pamphlet every week by email Please send an email to
[email protected] And write your name and the email address you would like to the pamphlet to be sent to For comments and questions, please call one of the above phone numbers and leave a message on ext. 9. 2 Parshas Devarim Parshas Devarim Everyone Was Spoken to On Their Own Level Moshe Was Able to Speak to Bnei Yisroel Because He Did Not Speak Egyptian Sefer Devarim Represents Tefillin Shel Yad Moshe Praised The People For Accepting His Rebuke Don’t Criticize Others When You Should Improve Yourself Don’t Publicize The Sins of Others The Importance of Learning Mussar Moshe Appeased The People After Chastising Them Blessings Are Hinted To in The Curses The Sins That Turned Into Merits On Shabbos, We Receive 1,000 Lights One Should Fear Them Like He Would a King One Who Recognizes Hashem With Live With Joy Bais Hametzarim Sinas Chinam Delays The Redemption/Ahavas Yisroel/Love Every Jew Like Yourself/Loving One’s Fellow Jew Leads to Loving Hashem/Many Mitzvos Are Dependent on Loving One’s Fellow Jew/One Can Fulfill This Mitzvah at All Tomes/ What Does Hashem Ask of Us?/The Reason The Yeitzer Hara Fights So Hard Against This Mitzvah/Giving a Poor Man One’s Cow/Do