Southern Wind Energy Association swea P.O. Box 1842, KnoxviUe, TN 37901 Februan' 14, 2017 —, _ received Dr. Talina R. Matliews Executive Director FE6 10 ?{)|7 Public Serx-ice Commission 211 Sower Boulevard PUBLIC SERVICE P.O. Box 615 C0iVIMjS3,Q^ Frankfort, KY 40602-0615 RE: KENTUCKY POWER COMPANY 2016 INTEGK\TED RESOURCE PLAN DOCKET #2016-00413 Dear Dr. Matthews, Thisletter constimtes the Readlst file required bv 807 IC\R 5:001, Section 8(5). The Southern Wind Energy' Association hasnot requested inter\^ention in Kenmckj' Power Company's 2016 Integrated Resource Plan (Docket #2016-00413); however, pursuant to 807 IC\R 5:001, Section 11 (2e), we file the attached written comments regarding the subject matter of the case, including an original unboundand ten (10) additional copies. Sincerely, Simon Mahan Director Southern Wind Energy Association
[email protected] 337-303-3723 cc: Service List Southern Wind Energy Association swea P.O. Box 1842, Knoxville, TN 37901 KENTUCKY POWER COMPANY 2016 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN received DOCKf-rr #2016-00413 FEB 1 6 ?0I7 COMMENTS OF THE SOUTHERN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION PUBLIC SBRViCE FEBRUARY 13, 2017 COMMISSION The Southern Wind Energy Association (SWEA) is an industrt'-led initiative that promotes the use and development of wind energt' in the south. Over the past three years, SWEA has engaged inIRP processes in Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana and Tennessee. Westrive to provide the most up-to-date and publicly available market information regarding wind energt' resource availabihtyy pricing, performance and forecasting. SWEA appreciates the oppormnity to comment on the Kentucky Power Company (KPfi) 2016 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).