From: Wilkinson, Eric [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 11:13 AM To: Margolis, Anne Cc: McNamara, Ed;
[email protected]; Krolewski, Mary-Jo Subject: VEGSPC Comments from ISO New England Hello, Please accept the attached comments from ISO New England. Do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide any more information to the Commission. Regards, Eric Wilkinson External Affairs ISO New England One Sullivan Road Holyoke, MA 01040 Office 413.540.4686 Mobile 413.387.7197 Fax 413.535.4379
[email protected] Please consider the impact to the environment and your responsibility before printing this e-mail. memo To: Vermont Energy Generation Siting Policy Commission From: Eric Wilkinson Date: January 30, 2013 Subject: Comments of ISO New England ISO New England (ISO) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments to the Vermont Energy Generation Siting Policy Commission (Commission). The ISO is a private, non-profit entity that serves as the regional transmission organization for New England. The ISO operates the New England bulk power system and administers New England’s organized wholesale electricity markets. Planning the bulk power system is also key a responsibility of the ISO. Part of this planning responsibility includes studying the potential reliability impacts of proposed new generation resources on the bulk power system. This is an important function as the ISO is responsible for maintaining reliability and must meet regional and national reliability criteria. The purpose of these comments is to make the Commission aware of the ISO’s role in the interconnection of energy generation resources.