The Dynamic Medium an In-Depth Look at Journalism Forged Under Fire
IC SEPTEMB. 22, 1969; FIFTY CENTS The dynamic medium An in-depth look at journalism forged under fire THESE RE SOME OF THE 343 TOP QUALITYCOLUMBIA FEATURES THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN SHOWN ON NETWORK Fr, HerKeye, to ternityOfLife, TheTheEddyLast Duchin St oTELEVISIONry. Thome Full , Man, Angry Operation Mad Ball, Middle Of The Night, Bell, Book and Candle, All On The The Kings Men, f' Waterfront, The Caine Mutiny, Born Yesterday, The Last Hurrah, They Cordura, All The Came To Young Men, Fire Down Below, Member Of The Wedding, The Man Laramie, Jeanne Eagels, From Miss Sadie Thompson, Phffft!, The Harder They Fall, The Long 1Grey Line, The Four I. " Poster; The Juggler, The Wild One, It Should Happen To You, My Sister Eileen, The Strange One, Abandon Ship, The , 1pened Solid Gold Cadillac; Salome, It Hap- One Night, Lost Horizon, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington. .' THESE ARE SOME OF THE STATIONS WHO WILL SOON BE SNOWING THEM IN T WOR-TV New EIR MARKETS York, WABC-TV New York, KTTV Los Angeles, les, WPHL-TV Philadelphia, KABC-TV Los Awe - WFIL-TV Philadelphia, WHDH-TV Boston, WNACi Indiana University Boston, CKLW-TV Detroit, KGO-TV San V Francisco, Francisco, KEMO-TV San Francisco, KTVU an WTTG Washington, D.C., WKBF-TV S E P 2 91969 WPGH-TV Pittsburgh, Cleveland, WUAB-TV Cleveland, WTAE-TV Pittsburgh, KDTV Dallas, WFAA-TV Dallas, Hartford, WNHC-TV New Haven, WHWT Library Atlanta, KDNL-TV St. Louis, WXIX-TV Cincinnati, WATL WLBW-TV Miami, KCRA-TV .*,,...031(wiuxoxx xicox WKBW-TV Sacramento, KVVV Houston, WGR-TV Buffalo, Buffalo, WISN-TV Milwaukee, WSWO-TV IWBNS-TV Columbia, Dayton, WTRF-TV Wheeling, WCTU-TV Charlotte, WKZO-TV Grand Rapids, Orleans, KCIT Kansas City.
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