Electoral Regulation Research Network Newsletter October 2017
Electoral Regulation Research Network Newsletter E RRN Electoral Regulation Research Network October 2017 MELBOURNE LAW SCHOOL Dual Citizenship Cases: In the matter of questions referred to the Court of Disputed Returns pursuant to section 376 of the Commonwealth Electoral Director’s Message Act 1918 (Cth) concerning: Matthew Canavan, Scott Ludlam, Larissa Waters, 2 Malcolm Roberts, Barnaby Joyce, Fiona Nash, Nick Xenophon 3 Electoral News Re Roberts [2017] HCA 39 Alley v Gillespie 12 Research Collaboration Initiative Brooks v Easther (No 3) [2017] TASSC 54 Forthcoming Events 14 Hussain v ACT Electoral Commission 16 Event Reports Moonee Valley City Council Myrnong Ward election. Victorian Electoral Commission v Municipal Electoral Tribunal (Review and Regulation) [2017] VCAT 1156 22 Working Papers Manningham City Council Koonung Ward election: Victorian Electoral 22 Recent Publications Commission v Municipal Electoral Tribunal Z485/2017 24 Case Notes Robert Arthur Smith – Fail to lodge a declaration for a political party Director’s Message I am delighted to say that the New South Wales Electoral Commission, Victorian Electoral Commission and Melbourne Law School have committed to funding the Electoral Regulation Research Network for another three years (2018-2021). This milestone is the result of the efforts of many, in particular, the Network’s convenors and editors; its Administrator; and its Governance Board. At this juncture, it may be useful to be reminded of the rationale of the Network. An essential starting point is, of course, its founding document which provides that ‘(t)he purpose of the Network is to foster exchange and discussion amongst academics, electoral commissions and other interested groups on research relating to electoral regulation’.
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