JANUARY 15, 1900. Iggg,Ttffisg) Alias A# Steamer Ocean Amrea To- of Flaaaoaa
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S PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. S PRICE THREE CERTS, ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15, 1900._Iggg,ttffiSg) Alias a# steamer ocean amrea to- of flaaaoaa. Other rill— oa Nek sad examined oooatry north of Mon Mm night from Glasgow and Liverpool via this will com* Uler. The eooeld Nidge. SPATE ORATORY. subjeot FALK. 8t Johns, N. F. Tbs Uorean was M hoots "Saleore no IAY Be of the Samoan la nan- reports o'lemga. erotloa treaty ovvrdas and It bad been fetred that tbe Ilea will bo resumed If Ike legls- “All well oa Deeember M at Male- —-Jyir steamer wrecked at Hi Mery's bay was and Senators Beeon laMte work permlfp, king.” this boat. la and Money will make apeoohes oppo- LOSS OF TUB SUFFOLUa WilEKK THE WRKUK LIES. sition to It. It le ale* possible that the Debate to the Continuation of Lonoa, January 1A—A doepetoh wrecks have ooonrrsd In Ut. report la the Quay ease may take plaee Many New* from Naaawpoorte, dated tbs week. Dally Mary's bay. It Is one of the wildest parts on during unfortunate Philippines. January Mb, describing the of tbe biswfonndlaad onset. There la IN XUS HOUBIC. morrmint wltn toe wtye: Wreck Pos- Soffolka, St. Mary’s Bay eoaroely a section of It that has not Washington, January 14 —The Hones “Oan. Frenob the permitted attempt proved treacbarons to some vessel or ves- will Into the roatlno work of the of UeaA Col. Wet- plunge at tbs argent teelre sels. at. Mary’s bay Is dangerous ba- ex- Identified. session this week. Meet of the Mate, ton. The march at began midnight. sibly nanas no dependence aan be placed on tbe cepting Friday, which has been set apart The man woe aaaraa shoes, or falling The and Boar Resolotions of Natal Town on Gen. tidal entreats. One of tbe worst disas- Pettigrew for tribute to the memory of the Depends the Safety taelr toika. paying these, marched In ters la the bay about thlrty-Bte de- happened late Vice-President Hobart, wlU be was difficult aad many baits Coining Ip. ground years mo, when an Allan line eteamablp voted to consideration of the appropri- the were neeeeaary to verify position. was wrooked near at. Hhotta. Four ation bills. It Is that both the Bullet’s Second expected Attempt. Oa reaching the commit of the bill, hundred lost their llvse In that persons deficiency and the pension appro- crest to argent the officers advaaned over the catastrophe hills will be passed this week, who evident- To Be Domin- priation rrooonltre. The Boers, had Thought The Domlnon liner Texas strnek a 'lbs former, containing as It does many bean warned of the movement, opened Some Speeches ly ledge ell Hi. tcbotta on Jons 4, ISM. Possibly millions for the army aad navy, may Brett’a com- ion Coal Steamer. terrific f Ml lads. Cap! There were ne lives lost la that wreck. as to the lasur- raise the whole question a Boar uvaeh. Then on Finance Bill. pany charged Into Tbe Texas’s bottom was stove In. An- reotlon In the Philippines with it* allied retire. It oame In a seme an order to other wreck In tbe bay was that of tbe Issues and lead to a very protracted de- the two shoot from the Born Here and Allan liner Hanoverian. The many lives bate. Still Surrounded His Movements rear oompaalea, oomatotaly deeel rod, which have bmn lost In the bay make It How fhr the leaden will Republleea carried It oat. Of toe two ed ranee root the dread of mariners. allow the debate to run baa not yet been House Will Take I p (he Appro- pan lea IN were killed or wonaded. Oapt. but If the Democrats are In- From determined, by Mystery. Brett got hie men onder eovar and mat Sailed Philadelphia January sistent and they can hardly priation Hills. persistent, s sergeant with Ora man to oat hie efuse them several In view of tbs First. days way eat and to oak the British artillery In- large amount of the appropriations to dlreot the Ore to the right, leasing volved. The bill Is pension appropriation that the guns might opan on him. Three also to cause tom* debate likely spirited men tot through wltn the awssage, but H.—The Senate In oortoln Washington, January owing to the disposition Oapt. Brett waa forced to surrender with will reiuine oonalderatlon of the Petti- to oiitlolsa the conduct of the quarters Advances With bis remains, T8 men. (or osr- doubtless will Gen. Warren grew resolution making request pension oBloe. Attempts The Hobarae (Uadenbt) behind whlob laln Information the begin- be made to legislate the olll rever- Wreck Has Off oonoarnlng upon lbs Boors were lying, wee very high end Slipped Mon- commission- ning of the war In the Philippines, sals of some of the pension Eleven Thousand Men. loubly loop-holed, bat abeolatcly undls- 'This will be sueoeeded at ers but as all sash le Rocks. day morning. rulings, legislation Dorersble exoept by balloon aad too high S o'elook a on the financial to a of order It will fall. by speech subject point to be stormed by coaling ladders." bill by Senator Hawlinge of Utah, If the There Is no present prospect that the Quality h„ mid. Koberts case will Into in* House be- BIG BATTLE COMING. preaant programme Is followed. Senator get them the fore next week. leading Cigar in Pettigrew will continue his speech on Boer Headquarters at Coleneo, Thurs- the Philippine resolution, and aftsr he BURNED TO DEATH. day, January 11, via Pretoria, via Lou- NEW ENQLAND. concludes Senator Berry of;Arkansas, Are renso Marques, Friday, January 12.— That Boer Troops Leaving A favorite in home, take the floor for a deports to a battle with- Her Mast Remains every club, will general epseoh Boarder Lose Their Everything points great Only Top Man and Wife and or office. of choice on the Philippines problem If sufficient in tbs next few day a Every judge Lives. Natal. Above Water. has time remains of the morning hour. Ladysmith, far the last two nights, baa cigars When the Pettigrew resolution Is dis- been firing rookata. The object Is not Manchester, N. H., January It.—Alon- PERFECT CONFIDENCE In posed of, the Hoar resolution will supply known here. so Blanobard and his wife and a boarder Waitt & Bond Blackstones food for talk raob day In the morning TREASON IN CAPE TOWN. by the name of William Mooney, who hour and after that the Hate resolution Ho. S3 Blackstonc — St., Boston. reside on tbe road In the northern part uapo iuwu, mwowvi ooooernlng the leisure of Amerloan goods of tne town of Marrlmas, about seven The for treason Instituted be taken proceed Inga by Brest Britain will up. other more menu were miles from this wers burned to Simultaneously the Dutob oolonlale who were X. Jan. 14.—It was Aldrich’s announced olty, London, January 15—4 80 a. m.—Lord against Halifax, S., report- It Is Senator pur- made. A column under Col. Pllober death Saturday evening end the oonee of announcement taken la arms at Sunnyaide, are being to press consideration of the tlnan- BobarM’a enlgmatloal ed here tonight that the steamer wrecked pose tbe lire la unknown. It ooonrred short- went from Belmont to the eoutb of (Jen. hare been In the does noth- pressed. Witnesses Interrogated lal bill eaob day after the oonolnslon of “Mo obange situation,” in St. was named the after A o'clock and wben the blase was Heblng ton’s route, while a portion of the the examination be- Mary's Day, X, F., ly to anxiety or to explain today; preliminary the morning hour, but It Is not probable ing allay publlo of Klokfonteln and dlsoovsred any nld to tbs unfortunate Uen. Duller'r garrleoue Honey fore the magistrate will be held Inter and Falk and that she had a black and red that be will sucoeed In securing a dally tha mystery snrronndlng ad- victims was The Neat Kloff, under Major Byrne, Ike trial will be oonduoted by Senator 'Teller entirely lmpnislbla. movement on the Togo la, and although probably smoke-stack, with a black diamond. Tho speech on that subject. toward Jacobadale. Blanobard* bad returned fiom tbe elty vanced Uen.Bablng- the supreme oonrt will some time •here Is a to regard tha de- Falk had been the probably speak during disposition ton IS miles and hie seouta £0 engagod during past and when they passed the houee of one advarae penetrated The ooloalal Uutob point outtbea tboee this week alter Senator Hawllns con- spatoh ns disposing of Saturday's of tbe both were said to have They saw no signs of armed Boers. will aerre to make mom m- season in the coal trade by tho Domin- Senator neighbors tha week has In a state prosecutions cludes. It Is also concluded that rumors, opened toe been In a and from The farm bouses were found empty, Pela aa oontldar Iba treatment of the tbs engaged dispute of to that of last week, they ion Coal Co., but was last reported sailed Daniel will be heard soon on quss- suspense equal had new* of the ad- tbelr eppaereao* they bad been drinking, In oooopants having designed to tarrlfy them. because It Is rsoognlssd that failure prisoners from Philadelphia January 1st, for wnlcb Is said to be new. Their vance and gone farther Into the Interior. tbs nothing Uen. Buller's attempt would seal Some Britons regard proaeoutlone present at Havana.