Caowners Shoulders Threat of Reprisal Against Italy

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Caowners Shoulders Threat of Reprisal Against Italy .. *,.j _W-—■ THURSDAY, SSft>TEMBER 9,198!fl| [fAGBfWELVB ilanrlr^Bfor £tmtittg ¥mil& AVKBAfMB DAILY CSBOHLAT10M WBATHEB far the Month of Angwt, U n FntennM el D. 8. Wan that Bwhaa, Local people'wlll he sorry to hear John DiSalvo, proprietor of the Tba Manchester Veterans Aaao- H nttfard The name of Herbert B. House, Mrs. Rom Uoriooni and Infaat daughter were discharged yester­ that Arnold Rnapp employed on the State Tailor Shop, was removed to dation will meet in the Army and president-treasurer of the J. W. the Hartford bo^tal yesterday for Navy Chib tomorrow night at 7:30. day from the Oak Nursing home Ferris wheel which played here at p ,JW.HAMcott 5 , 8 6 1 Oanernlly flair tonight; deody ABOOTTOVN Hale company ba« been added to the tbe K. of C. carnival suffered severe observation and a p o^ b le opera­ All members ars requested to be Walter N.Leclerc list of men who have consented to and Mra. Alice Hostetter of Oak tion. He was stricken lU in tbe presenL of the Audit Salardny: aUghlly warmer. street was admitted. burns about the face and heaR be­ e (i a Mtei Alma Fcwter, clerk, daugh- serve on the committee of 35 in the fore leaving town. Monday night afternoon after working at bla shop Funeral Director SELF SERVE Ikr o t Mr. aad Mra John R. Foster in the morning. " MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM campaign for funds for the Salva­ Miss Eleanor Jeffery left yester­ when a stove used by the candy ap­ ADVERTTBEMENT— M 6S Hamlin street, and FrancU E. tion Army band, of which Charles ^<!9 i ^:30 to 5:3(hFRIDAY Beking, clerk, son of Mrs. JuUa J. day for Rochester, N. Y., after ple concession blazed up in his face Ray. president and general manager as he was trying to adjust iL He Mr. and Mra. David Ford of 8 Early colds ars dangerous. First VOL. LVL, NO. 291 .MANCHESTER..CONNV FRTOAT, SEPTEMBER 10, 1937 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Beklng of 46 Westminster road, spending a few days with her par­ Aid cold Tablets for prompt relief. of the Rogers Paper company is ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Shaw of was treated at-the Manchester Me­ Cottage street wUl spend the week­ SPECIALS fta^ applied at the town clerk's of- chairman. Mr. House'a name was end at Black PoinL Sdd only at Magnell Drug Ck 8 m fhr a marriage license. 593 East Center street. morial hospitaL not on the original list furnished SPEQAL CXiaae A Sanborn ^ Oeneral Welfare club No. 1 wUl the Herald for pi:bllcatlon. Widow and Victim Iwld their regular buslneaa meeting COFFEE 6-MEN PROBING Several boys on the west side of Innerspring tomoirow eroilng at 8 p. m., at the By GEO. HOLMES, Decorative Upholsterer. JAPS STRIKE AGAIN feast Side Recreation parlor. Aside the town have been caught fooling arotmd cars owned by employees of Over 31,000 ^ tisfled Customers. THREAT OF REPRISAL p om general bualnesB topics there Cheney Brothers. Up to now, the FUNERAL MATTRESS 2 4 c ">• NAZIS’ ACnONS Vffl be an election of a vice presl* car owners have reprimanded the OSBt to comidete the selection of boys but more serious consequences AT SHANGHAI BUT Dm major officers. Interesting news wiU result if they are caught again. An Kbda of CampbeU'a from Washington denoting the up­ RE-UPHOLSTERED FOR SK WEEKS ward swing of national interest to­ Yonr 8-Plece U v b g Room Set Only—-. 912.95 AGAINST ITALY MADE The Friday evening class meeting Choice of eoverings, aew oprlngs, new SOUPS ward bringing the bill out from the will be omitted tomorrow night at eommittee. The office force of the flIUng, new fsashlons; made to look like (Except Chleken) MAKE NO PROGRESS the Church of the Nasarene. In­ Hoover Says Inqinry Urged jpgialatlve committee will be on the new. ■ K E M P ^S stead the Rev. Samuel Young, the 85.00 Down — 1 Year To Pay! •round during the recess of the district superintendent will meet at X cans CoBgreaa which has never been done 7:30 with the official board of the Just PHONE 861S-..Hava oar repreoea- t y Two Senators Is Al­ BY RUSSIA’S ENVOY before from the old set-up. church. tatlve eaU with tomplea. All Three Annies Hold Same An orders completed In a speek or leaa. Pieces CHINESE REDS During the past week Mrs. Ann Woreeater ready Under Way; 20,000 ADVERTISEMENT— We have bnmhes for aO tjpee WE GO ANYWHERE! PostioDs As When War­ Richards of 97 Mather street re­ of powei mntors >n stork and can F. E. BRAY Revelators In Nazi “Expose” . "The Soviet Govenment signed ber position on the WPA Lowest prices in town at our make repairs without delay. SALT JOIN DEFENSE Said to Be Sworn to Hitler. sewing project. Mrs. Richards who Liquor Department Arthur Drug fare Started; SheD Frag­ '9 - was regarded as one of the most Store, Rubinow Bldg. Pulleys — Belting Jeweler Cannot Allow Anyone to efficient needlewomen was given Manchester Upholstering Co. state Theater Building 1^ lb. pkg. a farewell party by the other mem­ NORTON 48 Madison Street ments FaD Near Marines. AG AM T JAPS Washington. Sept. 10.— (A P )—A bers of the project with all best Busy Since 1922 737 litoin Street disclosure that the Justice Depart­ Destroy Its State Propo^ wishes extended to ber in ber new ELECTRICAL Watch and Jewelry ment already Is Inveatlgstlng re­ andeavora OonfecUonere^ ANDERSON INSTRUMENT CO. Repairing At Shanghai, Sept. 10.— (A P )— Strong Armies Nambering ported Nazi acUvItiee in the United , ty,” Marim litvhioti Says A~meetlng of the bousing com­ Greeabonaea and Flower Shop Phone 4060 SUGAR Japan’s streamlined war ma­ States followed fresh demands to­ mittee appointed by Local 63 T.W. 158 BldrMga SC Fhooe 6466 HlUisrd Street Msnebeeter Reasonable Prices day for s Congressional inquiry. J. at Genova Parley; Will O.C will be held tonight at 7:80 p. chine struck at stubborn Chi­ 100,000 Move to Block Edgar Hoover, chief of the Federal m. at tbe union office. Step in and see one nese defenders on all fronts to­ Burtfu of InvesUgaUon, said at BEAB WHEEL Manchester Public Market of Manchester’s 7 « day, placing Americans and Japanese Thmst in the PorUand, Ore., that Attorney-Gen­ Act Alone If Necessary to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Benson ALIGNMENT other foreigners in serious eral Cummings ordered an InvesU­ and family, who have spent the Largest Selections gaUon six weeks ago and it was be- summer at Coventry Lake, today Spedallxed Everyone Heads For Tbe Armory Tavern HNE QUALITY SEA FOOD danger from the spreading hos­ Northwest CUoa Areas. gim at once. Stop Piracy, He Dedaresa moved Into their new Cape Cod Brake Sarvioa Wlwn It eomes to eata—we can't be of Greeting ('ards tilities. "We expect to make an extended home at 71 Princeton street beat! Cards For All The aew assault found report on the Naxl M atter, but, 1 Swordfish, center cuts' . ............................................ .35c Ib. Peiping, Sept. 10— (A P )— The can't say when we will be ready to GIBSON’S GARAGE Spaghetti and Meat Balls - Grinders Read The Henid Advs. Chinas armies holding virtual­ Above are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reeves. The 2S-year-old mill worker, G«nevx, Sept. 10.— (A P ) ^ Mias Rose Christine Pagan!, silk Fancy Fresh Halibut Fresh Butter Fish. Occasions powerful Chinese Communist give this report to the attorney- worker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 18^ Main S t Phone 0013 And Many Other Good Things ly the same positions as when father of two children, was killed In the culmlnaUon of an illicit ro­ Soviet Rusfiia’g foreign coal* Fresh Scallops...........................................................29c pint armies of Gen. Mao Tse-Tung were general,” Hoover said. "It will be Frank Paganl of 138 ffiJrldge Shanghai warfare started Aug. mance with 20-year-old Margaret Drennan, tbe latter confeaaed. The several weeks because we are goinj missar warned a nine nation stoeet and Vincent Frank Borello, SATURDAY NIGHT reliably reported today preparing ■booting o c cu n ^ at the Reeves home while Mrs. Reeves was away. HOME BIADE ITALIAN RAVIOLI Fancy, Fresh Filet of Haddock. 13. • to take the field in Shensi and into this matter very tborougbly.” Mediterranean (inference to- clerk, son of Mrs. Francesca Borello Two senators joined In proposing day that his (tountry “ moat and of 109 Odiidge street have applied United States Marines guard­ Shansi provinces to block tbe thnut FREE PRIZE DRAWING of the Japanese army in northwest Congressional inquiry. Senator will take ita own measureaff at ths town clerk's office for a mar­ DANCE Chowder Clams...................... 15c q t ing the northern boundary of Burks (D , Neb.), said be would to' riage license. Ballanthie and Ruppert On Tap China. The first Independent word againat aubmarine pirates in VERNON GRANGE HALL Steaming Clams .................. 15c q t the International Settlement of tbe Communist forces in many troduce a resolution proposing one Vernoii Center SALE OF SAFETY TESTED were endangered when a Japan­ Immediately upon ' reconvening of that sea. Vincent Btneilo, Prop. foreign missionaries evacuating the TRUCK DRIVERS’ STRIKE ADVERTIBEHENT- EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ARMORY TAVERN Fancy Mackerel ............................................................15c Ib. ese shell fragment ploughed in­ weeks was brought here today by Congress. Senator Borah (R., Ida­ TfaiB W8S in te im tid ho), expressed the opinion an InvM' Modern - Old Fashioned Dancing Fresh C o d ..................................................15c lb., 2 lbs. 2.5c to the heart of the barricades.
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