1953-01-29, [P ]
Thursday, January 2g AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR S. COMMERCE MOTORS BUY WHERE INTEGRITY COUNTS —CLtVELAND’S VOLUMEjNASH DEALER. (FORD) 13608 ST. CLAIR AT HAYBEN EAST END It MU. 1-4000 wheel of FORTUNE MU. 1-4000 NASH 1951 1951 Fora Ford $1595 Fordor Station $1595 Wagon; Green. radio, heate: radio, heater. 1951 Fordomatic 1951 / ' t_GlANT WAREHOUSE SALE!_J Ford 2 Dr. Ford $1295 $1395 WlTr* Po!i Green. Green, factory radio, heater. overdrive SH 1843 19511 1951 Chevrolet 4- Chrysler STATESMAN WE'VE GOT LOTS OF GOOD 2-cir., Blacx $895 $1295 Windsor Sed tie factory black, equipped 1951 1951 heater USED CARS Plymouth Plymouth ” $1295 4 Door AND WE LOVE TO TRADE! Club Coupe $1395 factory Rock Bottom Prices MANY Black, radio, •quipped heater MANY Real Deals Top Traders OTHERS OTHERS aa,e. We'ro overloader! with aurpiu* used cara of all makes and mooela. JUST SEDUCED TO Wa re clearin* our deck*—all depart ment* ar* being mobilised to mova WHEEL OF FORTUNE used ear*. For th* balanc* of thl* week, *1! ear* will be moved to our dant used car olt and to our beauti ful new ear showrooms. We ar* SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J emptying our warehouse of all used DON’T PAY cars to display them at our 3 bit OR MONEY REFUNDED location*. Prices Smashed Every car must be sold—Drastic Reduction! ! ! MORE NASH VALUES FORDS, WE HAVE PLENTY MERCURY5 STUDEBAKERS 1948 Kaiser 4-Door Sedan? beautiful grey finish, motor RALPH STEWART 1953 Amba .sedor sedan, 1950 De Luxe Tudor —795 1951 Mtrcomatle sedan...*1798 1980 C9om..:on *edan, ov rdr.v*--——8 os- recently overhauled; very clean interior; good We're Cleaning Hydramatle —.*2398 1950 custom Tudor .,-- *>298 1949 Custom 4-door ——*129* ONE OWNER 1983 Statesman sedan, 194« D* Luxe sedan 298 1931 Ccnm.inder »t*te overdrive 1949 Da Lux* sedan ,* 695 m de! aedan.
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