•«'. .'^- 'jf* .'V ‘

jKmtrIr»ator pontitig % TUESDAY, bCtOBER 16. IM I Um etudes adult guidance, th« oeeurf- Geoiaa Marlow, Dr. W. John Flold, TIckata for ’Tall Faahion FaaU- llysUo Revlaw, Np. S, Wonum's Aveirafa Daily Net PrcM Ron val,’* the Taahion ahow being pre- BaoefU Association; will meet this Girl Scout Goal ty of fHendshlp with glrie their Attorney John 0'Connoi‘, Mfo. A. 1 n e W e a t l M r > ^ u t Town aantad by fhe Wilroba Draoa Shop evsnlng In Odd Fsltows Hall. Ths own o f«, the odvontagM of out­ B. BundqulsL John Plcktee, Aldo under the anapicaa of Group D at Guard tsam la espacially uiaad to door life and tka opportunity to Pogonl, and Mrs. Alloa CtoimiteL ' « s 3 ' s a r * Woodruff Hall, Center church, to­ ba present for rehearsal of the team and nrooUea real frlendShif. x r. and n n . H»y unteers. AU o f the money raised it*s your best bargain buy! Bareaa of Orealatlora trovried os for aa Arkaneos. T h y served by Mrs. Ernestine Merll, WUI be ueed loeaUy. ..it>B ' M aneheBter^A City o f ViUago Charm alao XMBt aevefal deya in Waah- and Roger -Loucka, well known ing Week of 2ft; • - \ tenor, wlU alng between acta. Mra. Owen Mott and Mra. Mary Bioldea Chairman CMckett,oth- BVaOLABT DflfS D K ^ iOB Big economy box of 48 y kngtoo. D. C ____ Hills. C.. Crockett ’Chairmav or mambsrayof the Finance eom- and BEAL BSTA’BSTAm mittee oaotenag in the dHire for an rag* lA) Intermediate Glri Sewt Troop 1 8 8 Oentor S t. M .' 8-MSI VOL. LXXI, NO. IB MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNBSDAtl OCTOBER 17,1951 (TWENTY PAGES) The Manchaater Reglatered 50 will hold ita first fall msetlng A Swedish baking sals win bs funda ore Rev. Robert OorrOU, $■149 pRici rii^ cim Nuraea AaaoclaUon haa aet T h w Thursday evening from 6:80 to 8 conduct^ Saturday morning at 10 Attoroay Charles N. Crockett, day, N«v. 1, for a nimmage aala o'clock in the Girl Scout room at o'clock In the vestry of Emanuel chairman o f tha G irl. Scout - Fi­ A. It wllh' be held In Cbopar HaU of the Center Congregational Church. Lutheran Church by the Dorcas nance committee, announces, thqt tha^South Methodiat CJmrch, be- Miss Louise Tracy is leader of the Society. Miss Vivian Larson and the annual drive for funds will' be Will Yon Save a Life? conducted during Girl Scout Week, ,dlimiaf at 9 a, m. Mra. Herbert troop. Miss Hattie Peterson, co-cheir- Sariaat of 201 Henry atreeh teL men, remind the members to have Oct. 38 through Nov. 8. IV e O M e r 2-021S, heada the committee. The midweek study and prayer their contributions of fobd et the Prior to the officisl opening of Herabera and f r i e ^ may bring hour tomorrow evening at 7:30 at church no later then 0 o'clock. the campaign, letters are ' belAg' The usual line of Swedish coffee mailed to business, professional. Allies Attack Kumsong Bastion their donaUona to tfia hall the eve­ th e Covenant - pongrcgational IN SHARIEAOHENEY BROS. ning previoua to the sale. Church will be followed by a short rakes, breads, pies and a variety business meeting at 8:30. of other cakes will be on sale. STOCK SELLING TO YIELD823% The son bom Oct. 9 in Manches­ The Women's Society of ths ter Memorial Hospital to Master North Methodist church Is plan­ TRUSS FITTING Sergeant and Mrs. WilllAm Mar- ning to have a rummage sale at Based On 1950 Difidend ceau of 52 Fulton road has been the church Friday morning at Subject To Prior Sale By AUBON aiadoated Caperta' named Peter Colin. They have an­ 9:30. ''•a 3ocicfr/tCHC^ alaal Mappatta. Blaa- other son, William, 3 years old. Sergeant Marceau, who left Sun­ A daughter, Linda Ann, was British Face New Woes in Sudan , aad an typea el tor- day for Germany with the 43d born yesterday to Mr. and Mra. COBURN A MIDDLEBROOK, INC. \. Private PH- Division, had a three-day pass to T. Tucker Foster of Philadelphia, spend with his family. The mater­ Pa. The baby is the grand­ INVESTMENT SECURITIES SUGGESTION nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 641 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER TEL. 8631 tt-WAU Quinn's Pharmacy William Lynn of Fulton road. The Foster of 23 Pearl atreet and of JVSJAWO OF THE WEEK formica paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Mra. Daniel Doyle of Middletown. COUNTERS Suez Canal Florence Harlow, and great grand­ No Profits in Red New UN Oil Plan Push Ahead mother. Mrs. Hattie Carter, both John L. Spencer, 66 Holl street, of Bolton. Is one of the 14 seniors In the Air W HArS THE BEAL PBICE Force ROTC at the University of A rea L ik e On Central ON TOCB jlOCSET Lakota Council No. 61, Degree Connecticut who have been desig­ CUSTOM Want a special purpose Negotiations: Mac nated diatingulahed military atu- It’s National Rejected hy Iran . Tea’ll And nor competent of Pocahontas, will hold a regu­ KITCHENS room built? A flush wall EXHMTS lar meeting tomorrow night at 8 denta. The award ia baaed on A DiSPUYS tpotaiaera well qualified to scholarship and leadership qualifi­ television? A commercial Ai*my Camp Battlefront b ^ yea. o’clock at Odd Fellows hall. After Miami, Fla., Oct. 17—— The tests that the United Nations own sandwiches,' and tea. coffee that you cannot- proflumiy nego­ Aflhigga party called upon the The Allies gained 1,600 to 2.000 Boltoa ■ and dessert will be served by the Mr. Crockett atates that Man- federal Office, of Price StobU- is-not competent to deal with yards In the fifth day of their cheater'a Girl Scout program In- tiate with Oommunlata any more Isatioa may soon go along with people of Sudan for a cam­ hoatessea. Mrs. Charles Oole, Mrs. than you can with any other t j ^ the controversy. drive toward the Reds' central Walter Altken and Mra. Alda Coancetlcut's new state law paign of disobedience to Joao Carlos Muniz of Broill, this Korean bastion. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,5:30 to 7 P. M. malefactor In civilized society. driving up the price of cigar­ Adams. "The only persuasion that will British authorities there in month's presiding officer, took the The Reds were described of­ PtICE: $1.50 — CHILDREN: 75c ettes. the campaign to drive the position that the council never hod ficially aa "slowly withdrawing.” move them la toe reristonce to this ladlcattoB came today RESERVATIONS: TE L 4924 or 2.1363 Miss Katherine GIblin of Cot­ aC the MkitPhaater area . dowato bleod aa argently their abusive pressure by adequate Britons out of the land over token a formal decision os to ite Whether this was general along tage street and Mrs. Beatrice from Mrs. Chose Going Wood- legal competence to deal with any toe entire 22-mlle central sector Isou: Turkey, dressing, gravy, masked potatoea, turnips, psas, HALE'S By anr orated fera e ovavaeoa at ttia Uoodmobito noM which counter-pressure.” house, special asslstaat to fed­ which Egypt now has pro­ 'niomas, knitting instructor at wU he ototloned at Woodruff Hon tomorrow from 8 m. to S£ The general did not coll for a quesUon and that such a decision remained to be seen. It was still llsty, eraaberry tnnee, rolls, coftei^ apple or pumpkin pie. eral o n Dtreetor BUehael V. claimed King Farouk the sole possible for the. Reds to make a Hale's store, left this afternoon p, m. . breok-Off la toe Kaesong truce Is not necessary now. < for New York City. ■ Tomorrow Headquarters talks, but he left it clear he puts DMolte. monarch. Iron's aged Premier Mohammed ■tand south of Kumsong. they ' will appear on the Wana- BO talto la them and would open In toe Buss canal area, toe Bri­ Mossadegh and Russia's Semyon Allied infantrymen trapped a maker Philadelphia store program ARGENTINA TO GET SHIPS tish reported that the Lancashire K. Tsarapkin have demanded that pocket of Clilneae on the highest POR all-out war against the Reds In Philadelphia. Oct. 17—(>PV— on TV for 16 minutes, or from the For East oS the best way to toe whole oil dispute bs thrown peak guarding the aoutoern ap­ 10:45 to 11 a. m„ to demonstrate get on agreement. Hie United States tarns arer to out of the council on tha ground proach to Kumsong. First esti­ . . .get that New Hat feeling! Senators to Seek Afgeatlaa today the Sret of Miss Glblin'a recent invention, M en Assails Tnunoa Washlngtoa, Oct. 17— 8 Alhtlk*$ Trlfh M M Hmth§ OH." Congressional adjournment tola announcement tost he wonts toe Anastasia Crew Stops The leader of this four-year-old Recommendations On week. 1982 Republican. Preaidentlal nation was shot to death yesterday Stassen Oaim ^ c s (W e. dial was a wArIr of an idea you had If the Senate folia to agroa to MoundaviUe, W. Vs.. Oct. 17— at Rawalpindi in the Punjab, \ nomination drew a "too early?” (ff)—An 18-hour revolt of 1.300 when yon ordered AiUntic's Triple Rctncd aOYS* REGULAR $3.98 Qiina Mission in 1944 another conference with the House reocUon today from backers of Where he had Just begun a speak­ Heettng Oil ihii winter, h barns clean, gives the tax cqmpromlae would be risoners at the West Virginia ing tour-' The body was flown to Gen. Dwight D. Elsenbower. Strike at Army Dock tate Penitentiary ended without Challenges Testimony maaimum keai, sod saves as needless repsirs. W( dead, unless House leaders re­ Karachi early today and hurried HtillNC OILS aahlngton, O ct 17— For- But there also was a feeling in gcasualties at 9:48 a. m. (e.s.t.) And that's no blabbcrr* • , UBARDINE Vice Preal' versed Tueadays 208 to 187 rejec- toe Bce-for-Prasideat comp that funeral Strangemantt were made He Was at White House atdent Henry A. Wal­ Uon. today. CmB Or Wrilt Ntw lace today denounced aa "alonder" the general should oanounes his New York, Oct. 17 —(ff)— Strlk-"» gong of criminals toking our Jobs.' while tbS liotion trenlbled at the Okr mu! Tha House already haa named State Police MoJ.> R. W. Boyles prospect of vidfonce In the wake of Talks on China Alms ing kmgshorsmen returned to 51 aad “nonaenae" atatementa by ex- avoUabUlty soon—provided he an­ Speakers denounced Joseph Ryan, suddenly appeared on the steps of SLACKS Oommunlat Louia Budenz that its representatives for a new com- nounces It at an—lest Taft get too 'Work today at Brooklyn's huge head of the AFL International the aasosaln's act. L. T. WOOD CO. TH. 4400 Jukift ft whert wmrt I’vA ^ promise attempt. toe administration building lead­ The crowd was orderly, obvious­ Woahln^on, Oct, 17—(j^ A m - Bine aad Ton. Mxea 8-13 Wallace mode Oommuniat-line long a head start In toe race for onhy base, after underworld fig­ Longshoremen's association, who ing Into the two-acre exercise , raoommendatlons after a 1944 mia- Expected to be named by toe national convention delegates. ure Anthony Anastssia led an im­ had blamed the walkout on Com­ ly stunned. As the body was borne baasador Philip C. Jeuup today Senate later today oa conferees yard where the prisoners had through the streets on 6 flowar- accused Harold E. Stoasen of re­ alwenrs wan oton to CJilna. Taft yesterday became toe first ported crew of workers through munists. milled all night. la. T o r from following a line are Senators George, Connolly (D., declared Preaidentlal candidate In toe gatoa. Then, in a body the stevedores decked artillery caloaon, PaMatant sorting to a "grasshopper tech­ Tex.), Milllkln (R., Colo.i. Toft He yelled: "I have a measege officials announced for tha first favorable to the Gommuniata," either major party, announcing hla The bock-to-work move at. the streamed onto the piers. As they for you.” nique" in an effort to free him­ , Wallace declared, "my misalon (R.. Ohio) and Byrd (D., V a). intentions a full nine months Army base, one of toe nation’s shaped up for work. Anastasia and time that they Idcntfled Llaquat's self "from the moraea of mla- Byrd repHraa Senators Edwin "Get on toe loud-speaker,” ■layer aa an Afghanistan nationaL reoulted in recommendation, to ahead of toe GOP nominating con­ major shipping centers for Korea his followers beat a hasty retreat colled bock eome of the prisoners. ■tatementa In which be has be­ mmmmmmmmimmmmmmmm tha Preaident which. If promptly C. Johnson (D., Oolo.), who took vention In Chicago. and other military outpoeto came Tha heavy-set, 66-year-old na­ come mired." , port In the initial conference, but Warden Orel J, Skeen's voice tional leader was'defenae minister This Is The Third Reminder! followed, would have been moat Hie Ohio Senator followed oa toe government considered come on toe prison public-address -Jessup made the chaise under harmful to the Communiat cauae la out of the city now. bringing in troope to handle cor- ■a well sa prime minister. Both his oath before a Senate Foreign Re­ through by attacking the Truman system. Jobs were taken over today by the PINE PHARMACY ia China." In advanee of a meeting of toe administrations health program goea “ I t you men care to go In your lations subcommittee which is WaUace teaUfied before the Senate Finance committee there Anaatooia, accused before the governor general. Sir Khwsja studying President Truman's con­ 664 Center St. — TeL 2-9814 and spending policies thus giving News Tidbits cells,” hs said, "the doors are Naslmuddln, the radio said. ~ Sqnate Internal Security subcom­ a forsUate of the campaign he la Senate Crime committee of lead­ There troversial nomination of the Am- (OBatoined ea Page Two) mittee. The room'woa pocked,' and likely to wage. ing hired “goons and touga” to CaHad froai (4*) Wins (f b aMaaM ■■ Fhge FVtosa) baosador-at-Lorge as a United Na­ REMEMBER would-be spectators; unable to break another strike showed up at (OsaUaasd eo Fag* Two) Uona delegate. . *' K /^ltdAk/ ■queeaa t h ^ way In, crowded’ toe hose this rooming with eeverol -Jessup sharply challenged 8 U » around the door outside. truckloads of men. Fairfirid County Superior Court eea!a sworn testimony that official It. was before the some Senate ToUag Oar Jobe records its first eaes under'amend­ records indicata Jessup took p m group that ^ d e n s gave testimony Dewey Urges U. S. Shift Aa toe men followed him ed sUtuto which ntwllshed F3S,6M in preliminary meetings which Isd OCT. WATER that Wallace a recommendations through toe gatee, some 280 etrik- Scores Lack of Ethics to a 1949 proposal that U. a old maxlmnna damage claim previous­ ’ 031 SiTT. '81 0 followed the Communist line. Ing stevedoree outside began miU. to the caunese NaUonoliats bo Budenz 1. a former editor o f the ing about reatleesly. One of them ly allowed in death ocUona.. .A 1 halted. Mr. Truman rejected toe Oommunlzt newspaper, "Doily climbed atop a car, and yelled at exondtr McKaown, 48, o f 267 Hub­ proposal after it bod been discuss­ Worker.” He renounced Oommu- Propaganda for Asia , In Govt, and Congress HEATER toe throng bard street, GUetonbuty, Is kUad i ed at a White House coofaranse Biom several years ago and la now T-et's go In and get thoae other in that city's tkiri fatal nutomo- Fsh. S, 1949. jiu* turn tha faucott At your finiar tipq te a coiuUnt, Remember this im* a professor of economics at Ford- Hartford,' Oct 17—(ff)—Gov.q. guys out.” bile accident Wall leap ham university. These sallies were toe closest Washington, Oct. 17—(ff>— A-laws and a strict code of official ampto tupply of hot wator— oU you cka uat at Juat portant fse t: The ^ Thomas E. Dewey says United Dewey came to. a partloon attack 'Iliere also were shouts about "A Defense Department. Idantlfiea Senate subcommittee declared to- , conduct, however, it said the eth- tha-right taoipataturA Fully automatic, too, tcMl fM» more you bfingjwur . States information services have In a speech unusually free of poli­ 185 more battle coeualUee ia doy that tome administrative offl- icol standards of public officiate Backs Pearson THIS IS THE LAST DAY hatd-fo^Mlw adiiiitiM at any tima. Pont Haatan tics. . Korea, reporting 86 killed, U 1 elate aad CongreM members have aro ‘"probably higher toon those car here-for proper^ 'faar Cer Scour Ocean Area Pteysd IntojftUBslan'hands la the wounded, 12 mteeing in action aad aanra gatt^aUantly and (aithfuUy. aupplying cryatal struggle for Asia. “Let’s start winning bock toe Moot Voters Shun fnllod to "comply with decent I prevailing In buaineaa and other ••• o i m I Dalivar service, tlie LESS friends ws have lost for ths cause six injured in combat aeddeuto... standards of condufl" In running walks of life.” In Damage Sait ctear. atain fro# wntar that a p q ^ yeur’ houaMiold America must quit “trying to Coast Guard heliooopter uses rotor TO FILE YOUR choroa. Banutiful atranmlinad datign mokaa a Ford you’R have to spend #8 A t Rasd For 11 Lost Ainiien moke toe rest of the world over of freedom,” Dewey ssld.' He con- Hartford Primary tosir offices and in political cam- I Power ef . , \ Unued: blades to bfow to safety two chil- poigna. It did not name any. Washington, Oct. 17—(ffV- A Hantor a priam addition t6 Mtchan, baaamaat or Into our own image," he odds, be­ dren stranded on- raft in Son In onlllng for tougher bribery \ "The clever man who mokes a illkim m for costly repairs. cause our gorornment la not be­ T n toe post, where our Informo- ‘fast buck' gets a certain amount federal Judge has ruled there te PERSONAL PROPERTY utility foom, aad a ipaeial dwabte'Aaiah naana 'Weatover Air Fora Baae, By ASSOCIATED PRESS Froncieeo Bay. no reason to throw out of court - g — ------g------g M a ^ Get. 17—iff)—A aaMSkr of yond crlUctem and others .“do'not UoB services were not actually In . Only one in 18 of Hartford’s J9,- ' of acclaim, provided he mokes iGIUIHG DGMM]rl ... Im §u I want to copy us.". ■ Deato tkreats aad briba at columnist Drew Pearson’s 88,100,. T^Mw djr* waa foomd oa tha aea the bende o f Icftwlngera who t)06 eligible voters porticipatod in enough of tosm.” toa report Iqr. a • If yo« have a dooor’a The New York governor, ad­ tried to stab us in tha b^ k , they to Btato'e chief srifneas la pending 100 Ft. Spray Cut subcommittee on Ethics said. 000 suit against Senator i i c C o f LISTS .«u sr AND lUCTSOiVIfS CANT rOlfCN TMMf aoiay 480 miles eaat of Oapa Tuesday's primary election, and ChicaM murder trial of poUcemon toy (R , WIsc.)^ toe Washington- Ood hy a aeoreh plane seeking a dressing a Connecticut Bar orao- were in toe hands of sincere veteran politico there says this "The political trickster fre­ :EXCEPTING MOTOR VEHICLES) preacripdoa to be coom elation banquet laat night, called bunglers who tried to seU America who killed two youths ore dis­ quently esn claim his rewords— Times-Herold and othera Ford patoatad reck iaaar liaiag comptotaly Miod- aatealag Strotofrrighter aad her "morkro lacked of interest” would closed by special proaecutors., . . , Ship Drill for Ike Judgs F. Dickinson Letts, in ss poondod, aad ao ooa w 1 en w e d U . ----- for a shift in Ameiicmi iropogoa- oa a commodity and not oa an lead'to a return Of the two party if he wins. There te-tolersnce in nataa eocreaioa aad withatanda coolimioua uao at all da towards chompionlRg “Asia for ideal. Michigan City, lnd.r poBcetum to American life for unscrupulous ruling yesterday, did not sxploln i rtramaa of watar - ttoaparatura Ford Autonmtic ayStom, factory and business absentee rec­ Aboard Flagship Des Moines off hla decision. Attonieys for to* ‘ I ^ K h I t n shol b* Med boI I itor Hm o Oetobor •cad » a drag n ort, |«at Weatover Air Force Bose, the Asians—not for toe Ruaelana’’ ^ T ^ y prssented on America Republican Regietror Andrew O. methods which M n g Immsdtato Haatan have a SO-yaor warranty— built to laat a His remarks about his recent Jdilch was a (littering picture of ords In their esareh for d a e to dte- Sardinia, O ct 12—(ff>— A gale rewards, even tooura tboee meth­ defendants hod argued that Pear- . lUrtydInt la Boeli yaor. or If rtio Hilrtydlrst i Im E lolaphoBa oa. Our bmo- Oct. 17—Cff)—Xlfhtoen search Njrstrom aoid 1 ^ night that toe appearance of 4Hley-«|d baby. toat^ whipped up sprays 100 feet son hod suffersd no actool mens- ~ 40,000-mile for eastern tour were how wealthy and comforUble life turn out WU a "recoM low” for ods, if tosy should- bscome uni­ bo Soodoy or o lo9d h o R ^ , thoo oa Hm aoxt pteaaa bora down today on on area broadcast nationally by toe Amer­ «»uld be under freedom and de­ Eighteen Philippine regietror high forced the Sixth Fleet again versal. would dsstroy tos vtiy so­ tory leas and tost bis complaint •oogar will caU for ih# FORD HIATIRS MIAN mocracy ...” thq four years sines toe council- tion officials kidnaped by Com­ today to coll off maneuvers plan­ was too 'vagiM. •1m m day folov^ . SCO mUeo oast of Cape Cod where ican Broadcasting company. manager system of government ciety In which they ore tolerated.” ^ pnacripdon; dalivar iht IVhile Aston governments "ore Astona were given pictures of munist Huks IS days ago ore le- ned for Gen. Dwight D. Elaen- The report,.'Writ^ under three- No date has been set for trial r 5**?w • P»«»We clue and the non-partisan form of elec­ leosed and told by toeir captors to Slower. in tos cose, now In Its prellmlaaiy -iirfis to toe fate a misslBg Strato- not fbe best of all governments," ■tow-car garages, gas stoves, re- tion was instituted in 1947. tion o f Senator DAiglas (D., HI), oompoaadad madldaoi. frelghtor end her U-mon crew. Dewey aoid, 'T venture toe sugges­ pignrators and even green tile' "keep osrar from eleeUoas” Nov. The atqrm turned toe general’s the subcommittee tonlrmBii. urged stages. It probably win not bs Bestea Bar«t MU.. Ootm ^cut aad New York voyage Into a roller coaster ride. heard for moatoa I ^ U n g of ^ latormlttont tion toot there te nobody wltoln bathrooms” when tlislr big worry Nystrom sxpreasad too balteJ Americana to bsware of oonditlona failNre to File Sueh Lists Means No extra choxga. B« aart voMr la (via ««ik or Mia Mte Ughfii on toe North Atlontle early toe sound of my voles who is will­ was getttog *Tlce and fish.” ths highway efBelala aimcnmoe their ThU 17,000-ton heavy cruiser described by tola old English Pearson has accused McCortoy, ar lab. VOv^Moa aa rapoir bMi that only ”good oM-foahtenod par­ amement on Joactloa polntifor lurched In 32 degree rolls Uks a quatrain It quoted: tos TImes-Hsrald. eolumnist IB tttephoat oa aon dmet twtey ^ y e d hopeathen»enof«K ing to suggest that we In America tWb-ums GOP presldentlsl nomi­ ty pdUtles” can revive Hurtfora'o wlA fora Maria fro* Rfriliaa mt. nee said. Wiftway planned by toe two rowboat In a aquall. Walls of “The law locks up both man and Westbrook Pegter, radio commen­ Btr^ofrrightor — Mg double- have toe moat honest, the most Intorsst in elections, aad added TEN PER CENT Additional to aka. tal ai.aiHawla aa laMWaa deeked, four eaginod cargo carrier competent and the best of sU pos­ a t ^ to perelM Boetoa Poet reed water smashed against the bow woman tator Fulton Lewis, Jr., and five m fora Noritr la yoar haaw. aa«.^ Ruaslsns turned tote kind of that although tob two party wj*. (Route 1). othsn of conspiring to have nswsr PINE —will bo found. The traaaport sible governments.” pnvaffnadk against us, Dewey and reached up as tar as toe ad­ "Who atoote tos gooss from off ' (•ap la or pbaaa.Ptaari tom may have aome evite I t ’s Um Senate-Houae txinfereee eeek miral’s bridge, 100 fast above toe toe common, t papers and radio boycott him. Taxpayei*s List dteappaarad Monday. Thers was laughter sad ap­ ssld. to omvliies Aato tost Ameri- heat darn eyatom on toe face eg , PHARAAACY The Air Force said twd' o f its plause, at this comment, and than esM “mqdoit toe rest of toe world Mwat oa tenaa of eompro- water Une. "But lets tos greater felon looas thft- tGrth.** MU to ralao pay of moat gov- Visibility was rero. Faroeioua *Who steals tos eemmoB from Trsagnry Balance •M Ccatcr St.' T tL S-M 14 SUPER-SERVICE^ ptoam spotted the lighu about 160 DeSmy dspsrted from hla prapersd^ and itd> Asia to r their own con - Nyxtrom aoid toot If toe rondl mites aouto of Sable lataad. N. JB.. ant em ployes aomswhere ■wens were whipped by wind tos goose.” Pros Dettrary text to suggest. smilingly that** fo rt” ■ detee of toe Cltteene Cherter eon- Washington, Oet 17—(ff)—-Ilia CO. at about toe some spot vrhere a New York and Connecticut have arooad |400,(H)0.000. . . . Former nuts up to 62 miles on hour. The aubcommlttsc denounced posltian of tos Tressuty Oet 16: Ckaodlen Air Ifo’ree Lancaster "We have played toe Ruoslon mlttoe hod not eent out campaign iMtelntor end exHdiarigf are com­ Eisenhower holed up in kla cabin whnt It termed "toe growto o f in­ Henry A. Miitrie, 21 MAPLE STREET PBONErMSTS "SALVr* VENDRUO, PROP. the beat governments. gome for them,” he added. ”1 pro- cards toe turnout might have here Nat budgst reeslpU, 181827,. georchhomber Yeeterday picked up "In Washington, I have' my pleting two-mrato probe ef abaea- os Vice Admiral Matthias Gard­ fluence peddling” la Wiehlnffton 06S.06; h u d ^ eapsnditiima. 8250,. Ik • • • poee that we atop It and never reduced to ee low ee Bve per eeni toalam hy atfte eirqployee o f Oon- ner ordered toe Beet temporarily Cor. MM * SpyacB Strooto— ToL 2-8196— ^ • weak BOB stgaOL doubts,'* ha added. again do It so hmg as ws Uve.” S77m 88: cukM aiiea.86.TUri a Assessor o t toe eligible rotere. neettent to Mspend maaeuvern. a p w i a M i •0T.S01JS, ■ ■ mmm R r r i ■ m i r ■ ■ ■ r a

*- f sV I - . .1 ■ ' ' ! *■ ■ \ '- l- ■ : • ■ ■ i ' t KAWC H M T tl ■VPWNQ HEBALD, MANCHEgTER. OOWW, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, •_ ‘\ . ' M AN UlittriliiN NVihNiiNi* HtulkAiJi. kUU^CkUiAlluii, CU M M , Tv LDIvESDAV; CC’i'UBEk 17, 19^1 P A O l' duatry under the aponsorobip of landed aristrocrat from Daoca, tul followers and waa prime mini- the technical aaaiatance program Artists’ Concert Liaquat Rites the capital of .East Phkiatan. Ha •tar of troublad Bengal befbra its q Change in Attitude, of the Economic Cooperation Ad- waa one of Jlnnoh’a moot fhlth- partition. : mlniatration. Roland Ferron of the yam divl- At High Tonight 4- Are Rushed (^n^ Up French Production akm and Clarenoe Luplen ot. the SBMi III a M ^ peraonnel department met the 17- The thM annual artlata’ concert iCoMUnood’fro a P a d OM)' > member delegation at 9:40 and will be - hetij Uur evantng at 8 i \ «nner in which prod^Uon EXYRA! B(TRA! began conducting ttaa tour through o'clock In the High School audi­ raa Aa ------' T t t a A nllk hnd nrtlflciaJ* T c«b b* lncr««*«l in rrnne* by re- the yahi manufacturing' dlvialon, waa no immediate announcement gMciallati which ia ramping the attltudea and thlnk- after which they were to see yam torium. Btudents participating of a new governor general. TOMORROW NIGHT are all members of Manchester A quiok funeral was arranged Brothera today la t»( of the French Induatry and dyeing, piece dyeing, printing and M:W ■ . worker along American lines. finishing,' pile fabrics where they High School: namely, ^the High for Liaquat. Officiala apparently ADDITION TO Oeorge M. Powell.jthe E.C.A. pro- would abe velvet producLioo, * m School Orcbeitra, Rptind Table feared a prolonged period. Of "PAINTING THE CLOUDS WITH SUNSHINI'* ; Ject manager who la accoupany- I Lroadgoods wcavlng’’rtlviaion. Slngera, lifartha Dlaha, aopnino; m6tfrnlh|f mightMtt^ hatrcihi^rb Shew ; ittg the group, aald today. ' r-’ayo Knudaoo, clirinetlat; John iroauIt.ta wldebp^^ *HQiUYWOOP^ . Pi’ovan, baritone; Paul Paige, Punjab Governor Sirdar Araur ' "We think French Industry’ ran pianiat;. Joyce Jarvia,- soprano; f be Increaaed tremendously even Seiiatorti to Seek Rah Nlahtar, Finance Minister .- • BANT FBEB PABKDro • without apendlng a .dime for new Roger Turkington, violinist; Hans Glnil^i Mohnmincdy^and Nnzi- SNEAK PREVUE Doering, baritone; Mary VVilaon, niuddfn flew to Karachi in th-e machinery/* he said, "in France a Tax Hike Aceoril pianist. ' OBBOf riMNBWiaiHitSollfSI ' ahop foreman can't talk to another .special plane that returned Lia- - Accompanists will be Elinor j quat’a body. . - ' ' foreman a^eut production prob­ - MISS IT POLKS— YOUTJ.LOVIITI iP b a ’ ((.'on'lnned from Page One) Hussey, Paul Paige, Marilyn Loy- Nazimuddin, the . new primo to OM e< lems becauae they are all In com­ zum and ,Anne Balkua. . I minister, is a short, chubby. petition with one another. They’re - w n r n j m M - so afraid of losing their jobs. were strong Indicatione another Keith's Is Serving That's one of the things that Im.s efiort would lie made to teat'll an Greatest Of AIK Mudcalil to be corrected.'’ agrci n cnt. Tlie puzzle w'es- What STATE BETTER DEAL The group is making the day- kind of a tax lioost woirtd he sc- Its 3rd Generation I long tour of fheney Brothers In replalile lo Uic House. . ami the PONTIAC DEALER I connection with a .six-week study i^enate ? It’s SuniTiep than Sunshine/ >>. .I»’f j of American productivity methods , Tlie liill under pfeparatlivn near­ of Homemakers >' in the silk and artificial-fiber in- ly nine months . 'vvss tossed aside TONIUHT M i TOMOPnaW \ summarily by the House yesterday in a half-hour rollcall, witli sd- IIN H U N te« 1.1. M Un mlnislraUbn leaders hardly more TNI UWTON STCR7 a.stauipted by. the o.drome than Keith^s Parade of the group which put ano.is the 2 ^ to IJi? roup.

EASTWOOD fifOOBBTHnik^ NATIONALLY FAMOUS HEY GIRLS! i l-AIKK r,uAsr TRKVOK RORRRT parir your JRAKNr f'tARKr. Hom efiirnisliiiiQs... rsA iN r percolaiori! “Hard, Fast “People and O n WeU-atoehed Oeaeeee e toil, Will Talk** B eautifur te WoHlac Te genre TOV! KROEHLER SMARTSET Jack Smith tayt 1:15 • fl:S5 flrKDAV: LOUNGE CHAIR f "Cestale Heretle Herablewer’* $79.50 VALUE NOW E . M .L O E W S H a R 7 F O R O $59.52 DRIVE Kroohli'r, nmf only Kroohlcr, makci ENAMELED ALL STEEL rt hiMiiK-iiH SMAUT.SKT I»unge Chair m hlu' thiH, TWO-TONK TAPKSTRY 2 HITS ON SAME SHOW! fabric in ob'^ani .sliaiJos of brown, vtd CHINA CABINET green, *or gray. CIRCLE FRIDAY Thin MONDAY 34.95 VALUE TNI trofiy THC OANCm NOW $24.95 AN01 Imagine s rnbinot that can hold lowcl.v, KROEHLER SMARTSET / sheets, pillow enses, linens, canned graKis, “ V, electrical appliances, groceries, vege­ tables, cleaning utensils, cto., all wllliin LOVE SEAT easy reach. Beautiful Ifiyte mirror. Made 0 u » te * « iM nf 24 gauge ateel, finished in sparkling 109.50 VoliM Now white enamel, doors reinforced for extra strength, stnnding 64" high. Truly the DENNIS VIRGINIA ^ . GENE cabinet of 1,000 u.«es. $99.52 MICKEY Buy One . . Buy a Pair ■ i ' Create new colorful room arrangements - ROONE, AN ALL M i U mi • C « fictfll ii it with one or two of those Amt* . VOU W'OOlPS DtfIVf IH‘ . STAR CAST in PIER 23 delightful I.x)ve Seats. CC*»*N'.-l-J OxM** PLUS Featured In new, mod-, .'.H'W --- ^ cm, T E X T U R F, D BOIICLE with satin- bsek. Choice of newest colora. IT'S FORMFIT V^EER AT BURTON'S Traditional in Charm... u \ iritoii ^ Modern in Function... Suet Uilnk of It . . . the mellow styling of egelee* design . . . Mg MAPLE COLONIAL overalae pieces with the spacloaa room you've dreamed of . . . glowing haadinbbed finish that mirrors the beauty and grain of fine fumltura ROCKER . . . excluaive bmabed brasa hardware . . . gnaranteed ooastmctlon. H m beauty of fine Hepplewblte etyllng and. of oonrae. all the mod­ em convenience of modem ceastmetton Indndlng amazing dnrablllt.v. $2.1.50 Value $19.52 And yon can bny it In any eombtoatlon of pieces yon desire. Furnish jronr bedroom exactly to suit yourself at this unusually low cost! Here's s piece that will add comfort and beauty to sny room in your house. Yea CL«^t Similar To Blnatratloa 8 maple rocker in . the kitchen is some­ thing we would all enjoy.^ DOUBLE DRESSER AND SLEIGH TYPE BED. REG PRICE $209. ... $179.52 Maple acony 3-PCS. SINGLE DRESSES . . . SLEIGH TYPE Kneehole BED . . . 5 DRAWER CHEST. ^ l A A C ^ DESKS KROEHLER LAWSON REGULAR PRICE $243.50...... ^ I W e D i b $69.95 Val. 2-Pe. SUITE sportin' wools Triple Dresser. Reg. 1189.50 ...... NOW 1158.53 Poster Bed. Reg. $89.50 ...... NOW 879.53 279.S0 VALUE Double Dresser. Reg. $144.50 ...... NOW 8139.53 NOW $249.52 Single Dresser. Reg. $94.50 ...... NOW 879.53 Tills picture doesn’t do this desk justice, This la a period style group that are gre featuring without the fringe but It could be ordered y*« can b'agln~PaifMVeeF Night Stand. Reg. $22.50 ...... NOW 8I9.S3 It has a 9 drawer effect with one drawer with one If you so desiied. It* quality through nnd through . . . uphr.lstered In a fine qual­ Dressing Tsbie. Reg. $79.50 ...... NOW $89.5$ double depth for filing. Dsd. mother, sis­ ity beige fabric . . . Other colors may be ordered . . . No lower price anywhere for this na­ J ter, brother ran make good use of this tionally famous quality. Chest on Chest. Reg. $104.50 ...... NOW 894.5$ wonderful value. Night Table Chest . Reg. $42.50 ...... NOW $89.53 ravanascanen gKim »urn Sleigh Bed Full or Twin. Reg. $64 50 ...... NOW $54.53 5 Drawer Chest. Reg. $84.50 ...... NOW 873JS3 for only $3 “Sleeping on is like Sleeping on a Cloud^[ ^ COLONIAL SOUD CHERRY If you've never used fomou* Revenescence yot/H went BEDROOM New Bobbie to see whet it con do for yo««. When you do, -r B ^ Color-gay, cloudlipht and warm . . « you'll find that your skin hot booomo detvy-fresh,' 8 drawer dreaaef and mirror, extra f f heavy^ poater bed and 8 drawer . . i f i ' wonderful Sacony dreasea in mas- cheat . . . 3 pieces. . terblended wool . . . marvelous to U nder- Wanders*^ soft, smooth, mere youthful-jeekinN. You'll see how^ wear from this winter through next it hM|» protect it from the drying offedt A 8879.^ Value. lor tkof BBoti slick look NOW ...... $329.52 springt of cKmoto and coiender. Yeull tee how flattering 4 or the liame bed and dresser with it it under moktHip each day. That's why a 7 drawer chest on chest for only A Sacony "waletbander**. . . smartly yoked Trim 'n terrific I That*8 yon, with the flattering new Bobbi* . . . newly pocketerl . . . the flexible waiet- $10 more. Briiclies. For they give you the eleek line, ^ou aced to eet your noxt jar of R m m n e * ^ will bo rfw ; bard flt.s like ak harm. Sizes 10-20 . .. ,St.95. Do you want the finest In authentie All Wool BROADLOOM CARPET your Bmoother, more fitted clothe* off to beetadvantago. $ # or $1 • siae. AH price* plus tax reproductions in style and finish 7 'Ttiey're sheer, feaiher-lighr flly/oa LOrtex Net 't|ial watiiea \0 Ail wool broadloom carpet . . . Wilton vzeave for C O Reg. 849.98 VaL \, B Our tri-tone wool beauty has miracu­ This Is it and you’ll lovp it. I t’s f Ic-i^ wear. $9.95 value . . . Sale p ric e ...... ^ / .W A NOW lously summing line, . . . and s striking and driea la a jiffy. Complete with 4 dctachohle garter*. all yours a t savings during dur one* combination of rich new colora . . . and a irear Amitversary Sale. J^ot only can you cover'your room wall to wall with this ex­ a'genuine cobra belt. Sizes 10-20 . .. .3S.00 To go with your new Bobbie Briteheo, you’ll want a Bobbia $39.52 Bra. It'* the bM that Mnait high-*chooler* say accentuate* ceptional carpet but you can make It Into room size ruge . . . Similar to Illustration Typical aizea and prices are:— "* Gentle, refreshing sleep comes naturally when you “just enough.'’ Cool, oomfoitahlo, tubbable—in white, your 1 4‘:Li,v IT'S A WONDERFUL BUY! Small Down Payment Value Sale Priee relax oa a perfectly balanced Scaly innerspring mat­ favorite color. Stop ia and got your BobbiM aowl ’ Many Month* to Pay 9x9...... $ 94.50 8 7S.52 9 X 10.6 ...... $109.50 f 84.53 tress. Compare Sealy’s fine quality, expert design* BOBBY NYLON BRITCHES ...... 3.fB 9 X 12 ...... $124.50 8 96.53 durable construction. Buy your Scaly mattress today. 9 X 13.8 ...... $139.50 8107.53 BOBBY BRA (TEEN SIZES)...... 1.2B 9 X 15 ...... $154.50 , 1 8118J3 AS ACKAM STYUSH STUDIO SLEEPER 9 X 18 ...... $184 JiO 8141A3 Mtcfchig Roe Spriag $39.S2 BOBBY STRAPLESS...... 1.71 Closed Wed. at Neoa - Open Thors. Yli 9. Opea dreoa aaloa Other D^ys from 9 to 5:90. $79.95 VahM. •* NOW ...... $69.52 O F MANCHESTER OPEN EVENINGS by Ap­ Here’s another outstanding Anni­ pointment, Phone 4159 or w i t m versary value that can b* used in see jronr salesaiaa AS A IIQUIP ; as a mask many different rooms. How handy IA will be when that unexpected •^m p an y comes. It has a box pleat­ ' > Park te oar lot beold* corset dept. gOHBflle bw ed ekirt around the base . . . ea the store or on Blate St. Innerspring mattrea* . . , new style ooutk of the store Where 2 cushion back . . . choice of colors. there ora • • meters. eiih1115 MAIN ST. OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL - V""..... > - -I \ j i V , < - > » ■■“ T MANCHESTER lYKNINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, OCTTOBER 17.1951 PAGE —.A HANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER,'OONN« WEDNESDAY. OCTi/uER 17,1961

ding plana with Mrs. Hubbsod, ed aa dual-purpoae drexaea for ao- aide, while sliding glass doora af­ vented r e c a ll of the plecea order* W BAV — n * wh6 will be able to advise them on dml functions aftar they hava ford a vtsw o f tbs bridal growns, Pilgt —Get Teri’s Offers with the oolorful drssass o f tha nl^ w n o - t w i every detail, gf thelb trouascau, aervad thalr original uaa. Ona dresses and hats for the bridal a t' glamorous ambroidered gown in tendsata on tba other side. W THA—lM .t Today *8 Radio tendants, everythfng from wedding gold aatln and net was designed FsdnK Main street la a unique ■ Relief Now WTHT — IM * Bridal Service with a cape which might be re­ Millions of sufferers in the last Invttatlona to photography, and gate aiirangement which permits 4Q years have found a way to fast even the wedding cake. * moved and used aa/a peplym. a mannikin on the street side as relief from itching amarUng piles. The shoice o f the bride's dreaa la Many clavar toiichas were noted watt aa ths Inside. White silk They uae a delightful cooling Miss Ivaniski Founds the moat important she la called among the collection. Another 'oblnta dmpss, with a design of ^*WTMT—Club Can-Do. toothing astringent formuU — _mO,_B»dttUc« W M ».^ upon to make; the next la ex­ sarvloe .at the new shop Is tinting roaes, eoaosal a work room on one New Shop to .A m I s I Paterson’s Ointment. No wonder, rnrr—Kem: Bob Ctoy« quisite lingerie, and this exclualva ths ahoes'to match the faama of ■Ida ■nd:n dressing room on ths bns sufferer writes. "The Itching WTHT—News. shop' has a stock o f the latter, the attendants. other. A rose-tinted grey carpet Shoir. WTIC—Meredith lyUaon's Mu- In Planning Weddings snd smarting were relieved, and r ircoOr-Muiic. and also o f the favorite gleaming Th f salon is most attractive In covers ths entire ,floor. Velvet up­ ■lept all night Peterson’s Oint­ VHAlPt-New»: Pledgo Show. sic Koom. satins with lace trim or gowns a color scheme of ivory rose and holstered furniture ia used tempor­ WDRC—Dance Orchestra. **Tart'a Bridal Shop, a brand new ment is marvelous.’’ 40c and 70c,( n O fB —Newo: R«quf«t Mati- entirely of lace, and the equally green. The Illusion of space la ef­ arily to complete the picture be­ Tsi all druggists. Be delighted or 1«:‘ acrvlca for the women qf Mahchea- Important wedding veils. cause a delay la shipment has'pfa- Ha*. ^ WTHT—Travel Diary of the fected by mirrored walls on ona money hack. V D R C -^iaiM r Ibka AH. ter and vicinity, will opin IM doora Bridesmaids’ dreaasa In the Air. I5-“ ** this week, in Room 2 of the State allowing at Teri'a are the most K m c —SUUa DaUat. I ll:Ob— beautiful In color and design ob­ iniAT—Medea Proeram. News on all stations. theater building. 7.5.3 Main street. tainable. They might be dcsignat- 11:15— Open house, which will afford all KT>RC—Yankee Kitchen, WTHT—Sro*"** Program. interested an opportunity to In­ WDRC—World Tonight. ( m o —Young WIdder Brown. spect this newest enterprise, K?OCX3—Newa; Music. ' W H A T—Night Watch. (VHAY—Polka Hop. W TIC—News eapeclally prospective brides, is W ONS—Jack's Wa.aworks. seheduled for Thuraday evening .WANTED i v n e - -Woman In My House. 1 !:*.■(— from 7 to 9 o'clock. Pro- >r WDRC Pirtilic Scnicc The proprietor i.a the well ivDRC ,Newsa Old RccorjJ gram. known Terry Ivaniski, who lia.s for COMMON PLASTIC DRAPERIES Shop. WHAY- Spbrta. several years served a large clien­ Full alzid with valance. Solids and patterns. Regular values W H AY—Story Queen. 11: tele at Teiry's Beauty Salon ad- 51.29. —News; Bob Lloyd W TIC—Music. Jolnirig the bridal .shop. Mrs. A l­ LABORERS , Show. ID-W— ma A. Hubbard of Ifil Main street, IWYIC—Just Plain Bill. WONS - News who has a wide acquatnlnnep with W ONS—Bobby Benson |2;0A— local clubwomen, will be the bridal STARTS TOMORROW mnsultant. Bridcs-to-bc and tbeir PLUMBERS Sale Price W KNB—News; Sports. >^XIC-Nrws and Music. Furniture Department 88 Nobody ouf-doot Marlow's when It comoi to vdoo^giving . . . nobody — that it —• oxcopt Marlow's whon If comoa tlmo to c d n b r f Telerislon mothers ma.v discuss their wed- WDRC—The Old Record Shop. on onnivonory. Wo IV yon horowith jnst a fow worthwhilo bqrgdns that go on sdo tonwirrow. Btit thore ore hundrods of otbow and Plumber’s Helpers 9 0 W H A Y—Crosby's Quarter. WNHO—TV 867 MAIN ST. * MANCHESTER scattered i^ tairs and downstairs throughout the stero. It's groat buying ot Moriow's. If you wear it . . . If you us# it . WTIC— Front Page Farrell r. M. 4:00 Film .'Ihort EAT ANYTHING WITH PLASTKON PLASne :50— hot , f and they have it at lower>thm*over 40th Anniversary Sdo prices, 4:1.V--Katc Smith .Show FALSE TEETH! APPLY THE ONLY STORE OF ITS KIND IN CONNECTICUT ! ,%:00 . Film .Short. w n o - N o t e s and Quotes. 5:15—Time for Beany. If Ton hiiTf tfOuhlR with pistes Bathroom Ensembles ilW H A Y—Band by Demand, _ ffsff flip Bod rock snd cause sore DESIGNED TO BRING YOU THE LOWEST PRICES Blue, Greea, Gold, Black sad White. Complete Hollyweod Drapes f WONS—ayde Beatty Show, 5:30- Howd.v Doodv. •nms—ttrBrimmt PlAsci-Liocr. One spplics- fi;00- Song Premiere Jarvis Redlfy Co. hlarlow’s blorklong hanement store, with 2 convealent cntrancee on Main g fteet and aaother entrance off-the-street across from and 6 x 8 shower curtains. Regdlariy $S.4t. OUR FAMOUS GRACE MAE if WTHT—Mark Trail. lioa inekc* tmmth and tu$y uay, Piirni>ll’s Parking Station, now nuke It possible for you to buy E VERVTHINO la homefamlshlngs at the lowest prices In all Con- 5 WDRC—Memory Lane. ■ 6:2.5- Weather Forernst. becana# Brimma PIaati>Liner U a prrmsnrni 6:30 -Evening News Roundup. rtliotr. If ralloet and refiu loose plates in a r> DOVER RD. TEL. 4112 nrctlnii: It’s easy to buy this NEW WAY! F.verjthlng Is pla'niy marked with giant price tickets! Select the Items you want, rail ■ :45^ war no powder or paste can do. F.ven on old the dernrator in charge . . . he’ll arrange delivery whea ydu w ant It! No hlgh-prpaanrs aelUag! Come In and stay aa long aa you (WDRC—Curt Massey and Mar­ 6:45 . Connecticut Spotlight. rahherpIatcarooEntCOod retults sit months T'foo- Kiikla. Fran and Ollle. like! t ______tha Tilton. fo a raar oc lootaf. vou can cat anytm inc i Sale Price $ {W H A Y —Sports. T:.30—Demo. Comm, of N. H. Slmptr kr •eft atrip of Platli>Uncr on crouhl*' T 4.5 - News Csrsvsn, •OBt nppar or lower. Biia and it moldt per- (Plasties—Mala Floor) (litahi Floor) NYLON HOSIERY 6 00—Arthur Godfrey. factlr. Ea/r^afie,tasteless,odorless, harmless |WONS—Te* Fletcher CO TOO and your plates. RemoTtble if desired. (Manchester made). First quality, fidl-faahloned. New fan R^-enlag 9 00- Strike It Rich. M oeef Isack U not completely aattshed. Atk NOW shades, loing-wearing ds.vtlme ami evening sheers. Hites P 30 Plalncloth#sman .______ymrdfttggial _ ^^STIC COATP^ 879. "SLIM!*'"*RcguUriy 51.1, 1:15"“ W nC —St ri c t I y Sports; Sale Price $1.39 Sale Price Weather. WONS—Sports SPECIAL PURCHASE Slyh4* PAIR ASHTtAY Price WDRC—Jack Smith To X M 87 ltS5— 11 IK’HITi: SHEET BLANKET^ . WDRC—Jack Zalman. Regularly 52-59. (Lhigerto—Mala riser) I:S*— SALE W TIC—Your Senator from Con­ necticut. NOW $1.98 W THT—Sereno Gammell. News. WDRC—Record Album. (Domestica—Main Floor) >h d . V WONS—News: Bill Jenkins BRAND NEW 17 INCH Show. iHnarspring M atIrassM 1:45— $ 5 9 9 HASSOCKS " WDRC—Lowell Thomas. PHiLCO TELEVISION SAVE SI 0.00 Sale Prl W n C —Three Star Extra. ■.g. $7.9S A large selection of Hgs- SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES ce W THT—Stock Market Sports; Special purrhaae for socks all reduced f Model 189S (W ith Balanced Beam Tube) this sale nukrh this CANNON ANDJPEQUOT SALEM Bongs and Btorles. To ofuoorofo oorly ChrHlikes SAVE $30.07 etnrthig at 4.40 bvying . . . From Qct. 19 to value peesible. Guaran­ TJrper UM. 81 X te aad 12 X 100. WONS —rmtcsi Lawla, Jr. Regular Price $415 Oct. 91 you con hovo yowr teed quality. io b y 'a SKnna BoowtHwHy COnON FROCKS W nC—Wayne Kbig Show. 1 ^ 3 9 WDRC—Beulah. broniod in solid motol . . . ot MELLOW MAPLE W H A T —Samphony Hall. sovinft yoo con'l oHord to Fmit Of The lAioni, Cotton City pnd other fa* W TH T—News; Songs and Stor- miss. Oivo tKo ftft with tKo thrill tMrf lotH forooor. Bring SOFA-BED SUITES PILLOWCASES 42X,6rim52c mnuH frocks. Carefully styled in fall pattema WONS—TeUo-Teat yoor shoot In NOWI and bright printH. Sizes \ \ )/ i to 2 4 '/|, 12 to 20 W TH T—Elmor Davis. This suite ,coasUts of maple sofa (DoasesMea—Main Floor) and 38 te 44. Regularly $3.39 and $3.49. WDRC—Jack Smith. and matching chair revered la 1 .4 0 plaid materiM. A special value. W TIC —News of the world. W TH T—Lone Ranger. *•». $3.98 WONS—Gabriel Heatter. $15.00 DOWN DEUVERS AT MARLOW'S W HA T —Symphony Hall. 9.95 TABLE LAMPS COVERT WORK TROUSERS WTJRC—Club Fifteen. SALE |4S— Porcelain bases. Bcstutifnl Sanforised, heavy-dnty tallortag. M-44 walsL AH lengths. WDRC—Ed Murrew. COMPLETE shades all at ai ^ 40 PRICE W ONS—Newa. special sale price ' W TIC —One Man’a Family. M i r l t HOLLYWOOD BEDS • (^INETS WDRC—Mr. Camelaon. (Ore -Main Floor) WTHT—Mvatery nieatar. This outtit eonsteta of Sale Price salb W H A T - Family Roaary. headboard, Innersprlng W n C —Halla of Iw . mattress, box i.pring on legs. ^kicb $ 1 -9 8 WONS—Hlddan Truth. :1&— W H A T —Stan OB Parade. MEN'S WDRC—Dr. Chriatian. W n c —Groat Oildertleeve. WTHT—Caaabook of Gregory | UQUISITt PQItTIAIT STANI ^ Broadcloth Pajamas Hood. WOMEN'S WONS—Intarnattonal Airport; I $12w 3-PC. MAPLE BEDROOM 1 4.957.W A Y Cost sad middy styles. Bright pattema A-B-C-D. M-46 Newa. sixes. Regularly 55.49. RAYON *.«. fi4.rs FLOOR LAMPS M W nC—You Bet Tour Life. Warranty and. Special value bed, dresser, chest UMBRELLAS WDRC—Red Skelton. Inatallatinn Extra A ls o Raducadt furnished In mellow m.iplc at a , . 4 0 r WONS-Music. # Stylo 86 Ashtroy saving of 550.00. See this value to­ 9.40 with 2 shoos . . . . morrow. Sale Pric^ W n c —The Big Story. TAKE itof. $io.rs SUPS WDRC—Bing Croaby. SI 5.00 DOWN DEUVERS AT MARLOW'S W THT—Mr. Preaident. 72 WEEKS • Stylo SO $io*> MEN'S 5:M— Bookondt ■tf. f12.«S MnlUfUament slips, laea W'DRC—Boxing Bouts. TO PAY ^ POSTER BED OUTFIT d o o r trimnoed. Hites 84-46. Reg­ WONS—Frank Edwardi. ATHLETIC SHIRTS and BRIEFS ularly $1.98. W n C — Barrie Crane, Conflden- I First quality. All sisea. tial Inveatlgator. ’SHOE ’This outfit consists of SAt-R ISilS— bed. spring, mattrcM WONS—General Douglaa Mac-1 complete. SALE PRICE -Arthur. 4 4 ' ^ IS-rib, bright, sturdy tahrtrs. Color- SALE ENDS OCT. 31 Sale Price 4 4 c fu1 handle styles; polished frames. •see•eaeeeeeaeeeeeeeee• Reg. 58.98 and $4-98. BENS ON 5 Pc. BRIDGE SETS (Men’a Dept.—^M$da Floor) RADIO — TELEVISION — APPLIANCES SALE PRICE ’S Metal folding tables with 713 MAIN STREET — TEL 353S SHOE REPAIR I-owcr RL Floor Level 18.40

*egdw|y $ (Uagerie—Mala OVAL 3-PC. LIVING ROOM (Notions— Main Floor) An three pleeeo at a pried 4 0 m III you would expect to pay for SADDLES two. Covered la a bMuUful GIRLS' fabric that will eabamw any mm, CMECR-up Black and White and Brown and ^ '■ STORM ANNIVERSARY h6iiw mVENTS , While. Narrow, Medium widths. $21.40 DOWN 0njVEk$ MSTIY KPAlRS ■OUDOIR CH AItS PRICE ^ f . 5 9 SPECIALS! $ 3 . 4 9 MROMESETS 5 5 * ^ Variety of styles A A A STORM DEWEY-RIGHMAN starting at .... ▼ .“ V Jewelera — Bat ISM ^'7 . •HUNDREDS 1f 1 Main Street Gabardine coats and a l^ c a lininx. HANDSEWN LOAFERS Lnxnriona Menton collar. Green, Brown, Wine, Tan. Matching aid caps Medium and Narrow 1 9 • HUNDREDS available. Refularly |22.9jS. I -n Gabardine coata with alpaca widths. Rag. lining and'Mouton collar. Belt­ OF OTHER WHY ed atylea in Green, Browh, 8-Cdp Wine and Tan. Sizes 6 to 14. YOUR u s r RUY .WaiMg Reg. $22.95. Matching aki caps ATTRA671VE INFANTS’ SHOES 9x12 Sole Price available. American Kid, W’hite or ROLL-AWAYt BEDS FELT BASE RUaS Brown Boot. Sizes 3-9. ACA CaMon Mattreea PLASTIC ROCKERS COFFEE M A K ^ 40tll Moc t4>e or plain toe. $2-99 Sale Price EHD TABLES $6.40 Heavy t e a M »! eevees. Cholee of UHP TABLES By the Yard SALE Annmrary l4tlM.4Stk STS.«4tk AY $ 1 9 * 4 6 , 49cY A R D . S£r.*.r? 29.40 R e9 M0 Hy.S9 . f S ' SO 9« ^ HEW YORK PRICE $ < 1 A . 9 5 Simials

BLsanifoaliitiia lL i SHOE DEPARTMENT MARLOW'S serv-ur-self Furniture (Girls’ Dept.—Alain Floor)' * (Main PlooD—-Rear) MAIN S T R E t l MANCHESTi-R .1 J L. H 1 ' ■ . V ' ii ■■ 11 • ^ 1 1 1 % 1 ■ * '1 I • - I* A, 40 ) , ■ '• t - Jih;-. ■■ ...rFUy ... 1 V > V '

\ r '' ’ ;f\: ■ir ■ MANCHSSTEB BVSNINO HERALIX MANCHESTER, CX>NN* WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17,1961 MANCHESTER BVENINO HERALD. MANCHE8TBR. OOMIC. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17.1951 PAOBBBVEIi^ hinted at a Soviet Veto, if the Grace Townsend, 28 Ensign street. msanwhils, announced he would I WHA1*a THE SEAL PBUai cf rictory." . . accept amendments to a British council tried to adopt any resolu­ S. A call for this country to bol- Birth yesterday: A daughter to New UN Oil Pliin resolution bffered 'yesterday by In­ tion. , j ON TOUE noUBBT •.w V No Profits In stor the defense of Allies without Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larsen, lu l T o w n Cromwell; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Rejected By Iran dia and Yugoslavia. The amended Yen’U fM -e n r eeasnetoat depleting our own resourem w d resolution has generally the same Negotiations: Mac only if those nations "pledge their Chester Oroetol, Bolton. MVftoaere weB g t a U M to Blood Donor provisions as the new Elcuador t t Um BucldMd Com- own Urea and full rssijurcss to Birth today: A daughter to Mr. (Continued from Page Ode) b «p vea. NOW OPEN plan, except that it omits any ref­ secure their own defense.” R Ohik «r * 0* th* (Ooatbwed from Page Oae). and Mra. Gene Andreinl, 89 erence to the competence of the WE OAEET ALL_^ I EenMastar, there la never Program 1 pwty to to told at the Weaver road.. . ‘their own accord and seek an council. Iran and Russia have at­ SPECIAL Hospital Notes . say obBgaMon when ven oaD •va iw c to • o’clock. Truman administration policies. Discharged yesterday: Alexen- agreement LEAIMNO BEANOff Later, Antonio Quevedo of tacked both the British proposal antflCBdiooIa Arthur der Rydlowicx, 46 Server street; JAEVM EBALTV Dr. David M<, Caldwell, ohlef Other highllghU of the MacAr- Elcuador Introduced a reaolutlon and the amendments. . iMok to the club Admitted yesterday: Victor Mrs. Lillian Schaefer, Olsston- Mosaadegh threatened yesterday AiHiirDrigStolii zurgeon at the Manchezter Me­ eonditlQBa la thur addrSas included: propoilnV Just that. The new pro­ Mnncheotei 4118 Morra. RFD No. 2, Manchaater; bury; Mrs. Dorothy Therrien, 35 a possible walkout and Tsarapi^ morial Hozpital, la one of the local 1 . A charge that he "(MacAr- Mrs. Ann Sylvester, 48 Bear- Drive B; Mrs. Lydia Wogman, 25 posal merely stated that the coun­ group of respected medical au- cil, without deciding on tpe ques­ 6 thur) had "unqueatlonably wreck­ borough road: Mrt. OsrtrMS Fairvisw street; Diana Peterson, thomies who are convinced of the tion of US own competence, should PURCHASE! ■ ' The r t i m i t f Clrde wUl hold lU Fisher, 51 Lenox street; Mrs. Ot- 27 Tumbull road; Mra. Rita Betko, vital importance of the blood pro­ 1 ed" a secret plan to let Formosa 51 Horton road: -Stephen Binoic recommend a resumption of nego­ ntU y l i f t tug this •vsnlng gt fall to the Communists and per­ tavla Storrs, RockrlUs; Fred gram to the well-being of their a ?SSo& totoTTMCA. 7 9 North 11 Liwls street; Mra.' Emma tiations. patients. In connection . with the mit Red China to anter the United Rlchipond. 47 Myrtle s tr ^ ^ Moesadadegh was not present ae a bIr itooto. Catherine Capriloztl, 1250 Hilliard Giard, 41 Llnmore drive; Charles vlait of the BloodmobUe unit to Our Entire Stock PLUS A Maniifadurer’s Surplis ’ Nations. . ■ . Purdtn, Rockville; George Jones, the council convened this rooming. 2. A charge that there has been street: Gordon Geer. 85 Wethersll Manchester tomorrow, he em- C. B Alien of Chot>Un left at street: Mrs. Helen Benson. 16 118 North Elm street; Mrs. Susan Associates said he was at hla hotel phaslzea what the maintenance of a "sta llin g and dangerous shift" working on a speech in which he 1 m 4lecaM,«fflee early thia mom- Munro street. Sargent, Brdad Brook. iC blood bank, now seriously de- I ? ¥eIeTto>raya of fo^h l. in basic U. S. military poHcy which Discharged today: Studwell will sum up his position at an aft­ forces the armed forcee td "soften Admitted today; aifford eted, means to us in Manchester, a ' coMan baA' with buda ond bloa- Kanehl. 19 Waddell road; Mrs. Ul- baby boy, 105 Eayt Center street; ernoon session of the council. S a M aito.hB accompanyhiRnote our blows and send men into bat­ Britain’s Sir Gladwyn Jebb, ( "Since the present blood pro­ llan Warner. 95 Broad street; Mrs. Bums toby boy, Rockville. gram waa established in Connecti­ a » ln » : “Can aprinr to < ^ ln * tle with neither promise nor hope I rain ao * ?” Foraythia la cut, It has been a help and com­ 0000 fort to patients, doctors, and to BOYS’ FINE WINTER SUCKS ^ shrub to blossom in (4 ^ f f t da area In the aprtng. the bright the administration at the Memori­ BO YS'4 to 12 I itidan flowera appearing before al hospital,” he said. "Proper types 1 10 Isgvss. The .branches brought 'and adequate amounts of blood are BUILT-UP STRAP I 1 to tor. AUen have ^lII-al^ed available at all times for such pa­ I roan laaeaa aa well aa flowera tients as require It. Blood is par­ GABARDINES I ad buda. and all look freah and ticularly important to the speedy' m tocovery of many patients, es- I aw. i^cially before and after surgical € 0 T T 0 N House’s Harvest of Values procedure, in the case of accidents CORDUROYS Janet' Barnard. Marie Dalton. 1 illlan Farrand. Eatella Kut* and / THREE DAYS OF SPECIAL VALUES - THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY or extensive bums, and, -in short. Itaneaa a to . local membem of In any case where the patient has LANSHIRE TWILLS t la Legal Secretariea Aaaoclatlon •uffered serious shock or blood ) f the Hartford Area, attend^ a GIVEN WITH CASH STLES loss." SUP ▼ahiea In thia group to 3.98. All aUea and all color* in avezy fahrin Igga. Will you be willing to deny this , laeUng held lart night at Car- H belted and boxer top.v. 1 rn'B Reirtauranf. Hartford, a^ help and comfort to those who are ' rhich the gueit speaker waa »W- THURSDAY ONLY GREEN 01 and in desperate need o f the I W Leo J. Carroll of the ^^al* Double Green Stamps pint of blood you can so easily ■ollce. Dorothy Yo\mg amf Ma­ ■pare ? W ill you handicap the BOYS' 10 to 14 le Dalton were named a^ Aiidlt- doctor who is trying to save a life, I i»g eommlttee. by denying him this most import­ LONG SLEEVE FANCY ant ally to his efforts? WDRSTED PUIDS In a news item csrtrted In the . Or will you come to Woodruff terald yesterday it was Mated Rail tomorrow between 2 p. m. hat Miss Kathe?me Olblln and SPORT SHIRT and 8:30 p. m. and be a blood don­ Partridge CDRDURDYS frs. Beatrice Thomas would ap- WOOLEN STAMPS or? It will not take long. It may tear on a TV /firogram today In aave a life. tow York W demonstrate Miss SPECIAL HEAVY CDRDURDYS IlMln's recent invention. "Knit TOPCOATS ^part.” The correct name of the Given With Cash Sales In Both PTA Hears Talk j f I Straps .stay in place, won’t levice la "Tam-Apart •’ $3.95 to $8.95 Values Sixes 34 to 48. Ration and HEAVY TW IUS OFF bite into shoulders, straight set-in sleeves...... OFF On Rec Program Cheney Brothers Athletic Asso- These Stores All Day Women's Hoid Shirts dation has set the date of Wednes- cut 4-gore style. Sizes 34 to John Hedlund, recreation direc­ lay. Oct. 24. for a public setback Sanforised ceffon in All regular 4.49 to 4.98 qualities, ronluroyn all ex­ larty. Playing will begin at 8 tor for Manchester, described the 44. In pink or white. UNDERWEAR many activities of the recreation Fall's tmarla'tl colors >’elock. Three prizes will be award- tra heavy qualltlea. All zlzez Including hueklea. d and refreshments served. rogram to membera o f the Wash- COnON AND NYLON MEN'S igton P T A at the gtoup's month- Edgar R. Clarke, of 175 Bast Smeeting last night. He waa in­ Canter street has been appointed troduced by Mrs. Howard Hansen, :halrman of the local board com- SHORTS and BRIEFS chairman of the Program commit­ 'PARK AVENUE IRREGULARS' HEAVY tee. Sun-fcisl, lub-fait and cut BOYS' FUR COLLAR QUILT UNED nlttee bf the Connecticut Associa­ $1.00 to $2.95 Values tion a t Insurance agents, accord­ THURSDAY Mr. Hedlund stated that the pro­ for' comfort. Convertible gram la devoted to children from ing to an announcement by Aaso- OVERCOATS ebllar to weor 4w'o woy*. eiatioB President F. Chandler Mof­ SHIRTS O C T O B E R 18 10 to 18 years of age and serves ZIPPER JACKETS fat of Westport. $1.00 to $3.95 Values to keep them ^in healthy and in­ / Reg. 1.59. Sices 32 to 40. (.Broken sixes and colors . . . OFF structive actmtle*, thus keeping NYLONS Blxea 4 to 10—Zelpn or tackle twill. 4 ^ gged eolora. Chapman Court. Order of Amar- TEE SHIRTS them off the streets and out of 0 FUU FASHIONED ith. will meet Friday evening at trouble. o'Cloek In the Masonic Temple. It $1.00 to $1.25 Values OFF The speaker advised parents to • rislll to vtsltlag matrons' and pa- be interested in their children's, trooa’ Bight R o ^ Matron Mrs. sports activities and to attet^d w o o l , TWEED, FLANNEL .M l CORDUROY games and give their moral sup­ BOVS' FUR COLLAR QUILT LINED RMsb toiitsll of New London, and LOOK FOR UNADVERTISED SPECIALS Iota Pstgati'um of Hartford will port. Without this parental In­ prsslda a ^ s the degree is con­ T k CORE terest, he continued, the child will SHIRT JW HALC lose Interest regardless o f how STORM COATS ferred. Other offices will be filled by matrons and patrons from SPORT MAI4CNISTU 6>NM a good the recreation program is or Save 19*A on Gray or tan. Siaez 6 to 16. Belted ztyle- full Bourta th roi^ ou t the state. A so­ SPECIAL how good an athlete the child is. length. cial hour win follow with refresh- After his talk, ^M r Hedlund Boys' cotton flannel SMnta t o tora. Clara Agnew and COATS showed Little Leaguy films. Both her oomsslttse. Plain colors, fancies and the talk and movtey' were wcll-re- ceiyed. / stripos. $2.95 to $5.00 Sixes 34 to 44. Regular, ' Mra. Bracat Upgerer presided at BOYS’ HEAVY COTTON Richard BchubsK, son of Mr. I P £ 4 / P Values ...... longs and sh orts...... the buslnees meeting. and Mrs. Max Schubert of 59 Coop­ OFF OFF Mre. Stanley Juros' second and er strost who was graduated in third grade room won the attend­ luns from Trinity College with a ance prize at the September meet­ fPVKT FLANNEL ROBES BE. degraa In mathematics, is now | ing apd Mrs. Henry McCann's studying at the University of Con- CEHOUSE&SON SIZES 8-14 I t s i e . : sixth grade won the prixe at this aectlcut for his masters degree In I COnON ond RAYON W E 6 1 V E STAMPS meeting. SHIttTS education. He intends to teach In ! Coffee and doughnuts were SIZES 4.4 $1.98 / this field. A ll served in th « attractively decorat­ PAJAMAS ed school cafeteria by Mrs. Rlch- Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Hue of zuvl Bagge and her refreshment MEN’S W School street, who reached Plain colors, foncies ond committee. WOMEN'S thair SOth wedding anniversary j yesterday, will hold open house on stripes. $4.50 to $8.75 KNITTED BRIEFS Aunday, Oct. 21. from 2 to 5 | Values ...... Pheasant Meal Set Famous ‘Vildng’ lo'clock for friends who wish to OFF WOOL HEN’S SlUTS JU For •eg. 1.79. Fend elf the cold FULL FASHIONED By Vernon Chut*ch $1 with colorful plaid ihirlt. Ooneordla Lutheran Church Shorfcskiri, worsted, gobor- SPECIAL PURCHASE - SALE Soft Comb(>d Cotton 30-40. boir bold a rehearsal tomor- They're Sanforized to keep JERSEYS win SAVE 50% ON THIS SPECIAL AT PARIS The First Oingrregatlonal (Church evenlng at 7:45. A full attend-- dines, serges ond imported of Vernon O n ter will hold its an­ fit. Wear 'em lucked in . .. NYLON |ance is hoped for. WOOL Undershirts 2 mr $1 nual Pheasant Supper in the Rib Knit 36-46. or outside. Sizes 6 woolens and twnnds. AN " '7 ' I Chapter 1094. Women of the church social rooms on Thursday, | . 9 8 iMoose, win conduct the first of a SHIRTS Oct. 25 at 6:30 p. m. models, regulars, longs, Mra. Harold Ellla win serve as > series of bingo parties this eve- CHILDREN'S IRREGULAR B o | t’ Boxer Unnsarees HOSE *ning at 8 o'clock at the home of shorts and stouts. Sixnt 34 ’’general chairman of the aupper Mrs. Selma Smith, 171 Hilliard Plain and fancy. $4.50 to and will be assisted by a group of tha church members. Mrs. Ruth street. Prizes will be awarded and $ l7 5 Values . to 50...... * OFF Denim, 4-10. Reg. 1.18 ... 9 7 c 1 * lovely ztylez. All new fall refreshments served. The affair is Broil, local pheasant grower, and CREW SOCKS 5 $1 OFF eolora. Sizes 32 to 38. -open to aU interested. The chap­ Mra. Robert Amende will supervise White or Colored 8-8i/,. 35c Vakie. . ter propoass to conduct these par­ the actual roasting of the pheas­ SutioR Fly DuRgareee 8 8 / ties through the winter months to ants and the preparation of tha l-DT Pair raise money for various com­ Brazil nut dressing which will b « Sanf. denim, 4-16. Reg. 1.78 .. ■ munity drives for funds. LONG SLEEVE ' served. Mrs. Harold CTotton win be in charge of the dining room and e let QVAi.rrr •I- WOOL Mrs. Douglass Ingram will serve MEN’S WONK HOSE Boys’ Aaklets e .NATIONAI.I.V FAMOrS • SO DRNIRR MKRlirt: POLO SHIRTS as hostess. i Reg. 2S4. Qvallly coHon Reservattpns must be made for striped, 8-8 i/|. tSc vnl. .. 17c a 1.5 ORNIRR .•4IIF.KK iport or ilock length O ld • HIZK.S 8^ to It JACKETS the supper by Wednesday, O ct 24. in tizei 10 le 12; WANTED Plain, fancy, stripes. $1.9$ As it is necessary to litnlt the tickets to 1 (X) it is hoped the res- Gorduray Loaylet Colorful ploids and plain I.lmilM Quantity! to 54.95 V alu es...... ervatlona wlU be made early. Tick­ . • -■^.ST 10 PAINTERS OFF colors. Sixes 34 to 44 .... ets may be reserved by caUing Zip fly, fall colors. Reg. 3.49. OFF RockviUe 5-9023 or 5-9358 or Man­ BLACK SILHOUEnE ■1 chester 7274 and 2-9815. HEEL SHEERS Apply r MEN'S SOCKS ^ BIG 30” X 48” JOHN I. OLSON Choice Of JSiock REGULAR 45c VALUES 35c Pr. THE H H EST if CHENILLE RUG pr. m . 'a.77 , REGULAR 6Sc VALU ES...... 49c Pr. MEN’S DRESS AND WORK IN A Reg. 1.98 I 2 new shades. 51-lS zheer, dark Mam. 74 Henry St. Phone 4370 Regular 1.79 value. - REGULAR 75c VALUES...... S9c Pr. RAINCOATS USEDCARS REGULAR $1.00 VALUES ...... 79c Pr. 1948 Bukk 4-Deor Se­ SPECIAL-LAYAWAY SALE - CHILDREN'S BOOTS WANTED REGULAR $1.39 VALU ES...... $1.00>r. Gabardine, tackle twiU dan. A rtol nice cor. \ 20 PC. HIGH SCHOOL BOY REGULAR $1.50 VALU ES...... $1.29 Pr. and Mock rubber. Sixes 3$ 1947 Club Cpe. I STARTER SET A good buy. Big t i i value. Deep tone or poslela 4 eaeh dinner Q A t BUY AT THESE LOW, Holds REGULAR $1.75 VALU ES...... $1.39 Pr. FOR MAILING ROOM |l| to 4 4 ...... OFF platea, bread aad bnlteni, fruit, enpa and aaucers, w LOW PRICES WHILE On 1944 Pontioe - STOCKS ARE COMPLETE Pereisnent work. Must be REGULAR $2.25 VALUES ...... $1.79 Pr. MATCHING COLONS L m ra w sy able to report for work at . A Kol henoy- EXTRAWIDE.AT • LONG-WIARING PLASTIC ^ ___ ' 2:4!>. COnON RAYON — NYLON ond WOOL ^OTWe O PINIST QUALITY DRAPERY DAMASK 20” X 40” Apply In Person 1947 Okb Sedonetto. M EN’S MEN'S MoekoideaRy phrfect. HeraU Office SHOWER and WINDOW CURTAINS 1.98 value. Luxnriona leaf do- BATH TOWELS sign or hammered satin y.45 Absorbent plaids in many colors. A wonderful cpecial purchaze givez 1947 ^2-OoorSodan. motif. 5 beautiful colors. I NECKWEAK SPECIAL ReSf* oe...nee.«...«nge»... ••••«•• , ^6 SWEATERS you a chance to give your bathroom RUBBER BOOTS SIteveloss. puNovor and a brand new look' at Just half the Per Set 1948 Rwd 2-DoorMon. price. Stripez, floralz and zwan pat- Red good boys. coot stylas. AN sIm s ond RUMMAGE 59c 2r.r$T.OO temz in rote, blue, green, gold and *3.98 colors. OFF black and white. REGULARLY $7.98 '38's ood 39’s—Aloehon- 4 Buckle Overshoes ic8 specials. Como In 3.97 SALE MEN'S ood ghfo 09 cm o ffer.' VISIT MANCHESTER'S LARGEST TOYLAND 9isaa C to 12 chlldren'a—11 to 2<,j youths—2 ^ to C boya. A ll CELANSSE w in d o w DRAPES (zeporote) $1.98 lined. E |U ck only. R E 0 .U 7 GRANTS BASEMENT TOY SHOP HAS HUCB ASS^tftXllENT N e.H lell»d i8 t Ciinrch HARTTORD ROAD LEATHER -.f t »O r DOLLSi^^^VfHElSL TOYS» 6 AMES AND m I cIIA N I^ TOYS C H IU ’S r - ftIO «. EL, ^ Oct. I f USED OARS BELTS SHOP 8T6 HARTTOnO UOAO >wr HOSTESS BOOTS battle Bleive. K yeil have gyioMsm PARIS TBLRFHONB S-SlM p n i srUk to he eaOed fer SbM 30 to S O ____ W E GIVE dtWODEFN STAMPS 1 , re sai OFF 829 M AIN R TBBBT,' » TELEPHONE 2-2T4T IhtR 9 P. M. Md’n St.. Manrhestar. Conn. Black, brown, white and red. All aizee.i an agea. A . M n. «MbM PkUea 8188 W . T . G R A N T C O . f ' I . - f - .


MANCUBBTBB IVBNINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17.1961 BIGHT apertment housa. Into a church each offering to pay the sum of and pariah house with neoeesary $380 to Sellew and Ryder. This Raps Ethics Lack Church Holds changea and additions. It waa CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS ■UnoB Orumilg, Roxanna Mark­ arill attend New Highland Untver- ants Oorp V. Joseph Halehek et al; ern Naw England Talaphona Com< generous offer was accepted with Uiam fuU war. Then, mayba, thayil bought by the church on Did, 20, (COattaaed from Page Oaa) HbmrlfrBtrr ham kad EUan Zabaer, aaristanU; alty. Motors Insuranca C o n . v. WUUam p d ^ v. Itohsit a O a i ^ r at ala; lf48, from" Edward J . HoU, aa a thanks; and it waa decided to have POWER CLEANED learn a lasaon. Rockville Alfrad Drahar, Pat KuebenaM, Bnmmage Bale A. Raynolda; D. V. Friona A Oo. and Marla C. Jansen t. O. V. m - Budget Meet the associate areshitects also draw SEE tb is la ao natural and human It Tha Sisterhood of the 8*081 Is­ Inc. ▼. Town of Mansfield; south­ ona A Oo. Ja e . long-range Investment; artth the lana tor alterations in the present and suggested as one possible TIRES TIRES Frad Hahmahi and Bally WhUng, niEsomptioNS view of using tho site to r a future In M

Now For Spring Beauty 884-828 TEI.. 5181 MAIN WT. MANCHESTEB TUUPS — NARCISSUS — DAFFODILS Gross Seed Good biilbt tliot will qrow well and blossom in profnsion noxt Spring. THE Saving 6dnk<”^MdHcke$ter A MUTUAL SAVinOS DAHK WE HAVE SALT HAY. OAT STRAW AND PEAT MOSS FOR MULCHiNG DcpnfUls msde on or before the Now is Hm rimo fo plant ryo for a covor crop fifth of snj' month draw Interest from the arst of the month. WARD Hedging LARSEN’S 10 FOR 5 1 .^ Feed and Hardware WEEK 100 FOR $13.80 34 DEPOT SQUARE T EL 5404 SALE OF SPORTS & AUTO NE2DS

tS4-8I8 MAIN STREET TEL. 5161, MANCHESTER Y tW Rag. 3 .19 Johnny Lu{ack Football...... 2.47 et S Reg. 1.89 Extra Heavywt. Sweatshirt . . 1.57 JEWELERS Reg. 69c Athletic Socks, 40% new wool 57c 533 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Reg. 1.35 Duck Hunting C a p ...... 1.17 **e iL o c x Reg. 1.15 Rubber Floor M a t...... 8tc y m e is ! Reg. 15.45 Best Fiber Seat Covers .. . 12.88 Reg. i.l9 Commander Oil, Fed. tax incl. 97e Fertilizers STORE HOURS 9:00 to 5:30 THURSDAY 9:00 to 9:00

824-888 xMAIN STREET TEL. 5161, MANCHESTER h o l l a r ® m re rf I bulbs y o a i * AK COMim ATIOM REO. 24.99 OFFIR INCLUDMt •k IsicM Modd SHOTGUN DOtmLE-WAU Speed Qmim WaAct * l*tte XAMNtXr 21.88 Tawnita * *^adi Day MalT Wattaiji Field boh ac­ FREE! Mf SHmmaIr* n 4 "JawoT S tfo illaad dialfi fword OoilMt BailM tion dip repeater, 3-ihot. raWtetor mounlp4 on r t « r kaapt doddfif foadpr IbrMfpriilsM ridtof. •k 24 Pachagee af 12, 14, or 20-go., full to cMto. SMwrafy imiiwtode $50 W ORTH A MHmdwood choke only. UeeDl pod. Walnut flock, forearm. OF MERCHANDISE g| Reg. 23.95 West- REO. 39.95 PRICE REDUCED WINTER AUTO NEEDS SALE em Field M/94 Skigle H U OUT AND DEPOSIT THIS r Shot Gun. 12, 14, 20, 3 5 . 8 8 Mtaadard Boffery ( 0 . 4 4 Jteg. Ji.98 I k 4.* er .4 10-gouge, full COUPON AT OUR SALESROOM — choke. Wolnut-hnished Sove doHors on Howthome Model "50," o slw d ^ stock and forearm If.lU Oaarpateed 84 snesitlw. 41 tomivy 4a4j pfotee, IM DRAWING SATURDAY, OCT. 27tli streamlined bike for boys er girls, luill for years of anipniv-hessr nep. Eguale meet erigtaal equIpinrAt. hard ridkigr with big Stmonite "jewel'* reflector, P ------Heavy Service—gearwteed 88 moalJis. 81 platea safety.choin guard and handy kick stand. Atr*Cush- n t aasp.-kr. ei«iM!lty. Beg. 14M ...... |i.S8* ion balloon tires moke riding smooth, eemfottoble. I NAME ...... I Ine Oaard Aati-Freece. Eqoals MlieMlIy advertiiMi d) Save during Ward Week on full size or junior site. braade sMUng for 81.50. Oallms...... 'J...... 8te X' I STREET ...... • I I I OITTT aes*»ees*seaaea*egaaaeae»eaeteeeeeee#fr4 I Liberal Trade-In L ______...... ______.J REGULAR 2.39 VITALIZED 0|MR S A. Ms T il Dark—IncluiiRi Saalayi LUNCH KIT On Riverside Deluxe Tires O IL SALE "EvorytMiig For Your Gordoo Noods"_ i. . Balk ( 7 c Q ,. WARDS DELUXE D auxi At* CUSMON CHOOSE YOUR OWN PLANTS M l 5 1.95 Save now—for work or Prmiium flradr. One of school lunches. Enameled the flneet olla made. FOR ONLY a.tie-18 1 6 . 9 5 J a.ie-16 n 811.75 1 8 . 9 5 metal box. Fint vacuum FIghte ehidge, earbon, IN pUR"SELF-SERVICri SALESROOM 7* W FEKS DOWN bottle hoi aluminum aclda. Fed. Tax IncL* TO PAY A drinking-cup top. Keg. l.tS Two Gal* 1.57* Trade-In your troubicaome, nnuaed mlleaga oa new Arat-lbw, llral-genllty This is a genuine double-wall Speed Oueen wi.k Deluxe Urea. Made with cold nibher. they fawt longer, yet ooat leaa tlma ethw arvt-Hn« tirea. Yon'U get su^footed twacUan, anfer atopa an wet pnvcnintn. WMe, flat Wend runagtftUi, atnara enMIy. Low prieei. ®(^‘**‘* “ oo«y-»«ving oppoctnnity SALE REO. 49o come iQ Of phooe iust as agvMi mm SPECIAL PUR­ WARDS DELUXE TU||s SPARK PLUGS s “T'"- »*—I”* ~ -i«2l: L d W arit OOMBDfATlOlf SALE CHASE RADIO W A W WEDK 8ITO1AL»IIEW DAYToilE OOTTONS RECAP 2 .6 5 -aje-lA Phm Taa ' 33c... 2 3 . 8 8 Sedba 29.95 S-L- '- Yoar Mideraaps o i t i n t 2.00 Jg-2a 16M 4V U 3 8 ^ Fowerful 5-lwhe model. Guarontead to lost os I '. Yoar ttrea,are only as g o ^ an jranr 8wy e set of Words beautiful lest tabea. Bay'new Ochue tnbea tar mem H not ^ipadoty purdiotad. Words prioo You’ll tM ploidt,choda,florab, geemsiria. FloiHc Aaron coven et a sale price. Fits 8W 'x4'x9Vk'space long and perform os Snooth Dras _—R- M A N C H K S n R Radio, Television, AppHancca tira adleacw wouM be 2.9t, Yovi find eoty-l»4ran Afl ore wadMbl^ AH «ra M pert and hutaUed free. O et wUhoiit extra cost wen os any plug mode Mp and buHon-trenhicritp orgon^.pkpia bright, youV waid to tooop-ap on omfuL 'dhsl, 5* speoher. Out- / rbgardless of price. 718 Main Street—Telephone S5SS o regular 1A 9 metching seat cushion. Com or ToEood TurKplio w TIRES MOUNTED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Ifiimi fvH sklrti) deep handy pocksh. Hurry, get yovn before Ihsy'ie gone. stendkig at Ihit price. Save more; buy a set. Jnnetloa of Cosuserfleut Highway Bassto 88 i ..

V y 'li1 V ■' .1 . 1 ■ -1 -'.’t-'- -A t ~ ■ ,.A t-f-^ ->------\- r - ■ ■■• A MANCHB8TBR BVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17.1951 IjVI'* ed Cigar Corp. for ona y«ar from Moaka to Daniel F. O’Brimi and DBATH8 LAST MIOHV MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, HANGU£STE:R. CUNN^ YVKUIMESUAI, UC'IUBKR 17, 1951 Florenc* M. O'Brien,' property nt ;' January 1, 1953, 36 acres of land. Stamford, —TTiomaa H. Beck. Obituai^ Oeorga H. Bryan to Consolidat­ 79-81 Well* street. Cheerful Homee, Inc., to Leo J. 70, retired cliairinan ' of the Victor J. Della Fera, proprietors, port* providing a euiwrlor eurface ed Cigar Corp. for 8 year* begin­ Crowell-Oolller ^bUshing com- > erytiii.16” has. led the bualneaa cir­ f for oil to rlrctilate to engliM port* Classified Advertisements ning A|M11 1, 1953, two tobacco Landry and Margaret M. bandry, Marlow's Reaches cle of the community in moderniza­ Firm Is llam lliiig explain that the new super lubrl- mnlna In mispension throughout lor oil to' lybrl^ate, the proprietors when the outomoblle t* itortcd property on Parker street. pany, aad aaodnted with maga* eant ia dealgned to be added to the lubrieation system of an en­ nay. SEE PAGE EIGHTEEN sheds containing 14 bents. sine publishing for 40 years. He — tion and store planning; its light­ after a tong atop. Graphite par­ John Bewchuk and 'Vivian Bew- ing system and air-conditioning New Lubricant luhrict|ng oil and gasoline. gine and forms a protective The product providee lubrlcaUun ticle* are ao nmall they paaa free­ Deaths Richard E. Bryan, to Consoli­ was bom in Oakland, Calif. 40th Anniversary The colloidal ayntlietlc graphite graphnld film on all frictional during the five minute* It take* Kooma Wiuhmii M*»Hrd__M Hooms for Solo 72 Wanted—Real Estata , 77 dated Cigar Corp. for 8 years be­ chuk to Camillo Gambolatl, prop­ plant are the finest in the entire ly through oil fUtera. 61 erty on Campfleld road. Los Angeles—Sidney B. Sieg- area. LIST WITH an actlv* coticam tor ginning May 1, 1953, one tobacco man, 68, a co-founder and execu­ Manchester Auto Parts, 22-24 a t t r a c t iv e room for two. Gertlflcate of Trade NauM A new department store record But with all these year* and _____j m o VALWBs. a«ii* NEW! Two or 3-Bedroom Homes. reliable courteous aervic*. Free shed containing 12 bent*. tive of the Rochester (N. 'Y.) But­ Maple street, is now handling a ' EiHiar Dnig^Stofit complete light housekeeping fa­ Elisha Hilliard Warrantee Oeeda Bruno Bycholskl doing business wma reached in Mancheeter this growth with Mancheater. Marlow e MBaettlc m ln n . l25.M: Ren)- cilities available. Central. Mr*. Hallln Brothera. Phone 2-9221. ' appralaal arriving at aatlafactory ton Co., one of the nation’s largest has never lost sight of the primary new lubrieating material called I „ fUad «-hMd fhavcr, teg. Jerome, 14 Arch street, first floor. selling price to you. The Allen Brunig Moeke and Sophia M. as Bycholskl Motor Bales. button manufacturing companies. vireek with the celebration of Mar­ requirement of a good mtaller; , , , Manchester's Carpet Specialty Store 9, $14>76. Sunbeam ail rhrome HOMES—City and Country. Man­ Realty Oa Phon* Mancheater low’* 40th anniversary in Manches­ i "Miracle Pr.v."r." Edw,nd and 1 chester, RockvlUe, Coventry and Passes at 70 ter. No other etore in this category, quality merchandise at'reasonable OPEN DAILY 9 to 5:30 WEDNESDAY TO NOON flieeemaslera, $a4.»5: General TWO PI^RNISHED ro o m s avail­ 5105. prices. It Is with that theme that See Thursday’s Herald able with Hltchcn privilege*. Can vicinity. Priced for every pock- and few of any type, can claim : JUtetiie automatic toasteri, etbook. Agent. 2-3151. alngle, uninttrrupted ownership Marlow’s Inaugurates- Its 40th An­ THURSDAY And FRIDAY 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Praato preesure cooker*, be made into a two-room apart­ CONSIDERING SELLING Was niversary tomorrow as the "Sale AUTO INSURANCE ment. *19 a week for both rooms. YOUR PROPERTY ? Retired President and operation for such a span of HEART ATTACK OR t 913*6, 4 qt. *10.95; Brail­ COZY FOUR rooms and bath. yeaiia. MarloWs is still under the Of Values." l e brotlera, 918.96: Genera! Reply P. O. Box 788, Manchester. Knotty pine finish. One acre lot. Without obligation to you, we And Treasurer of the will appraise or make you a pash active guidance of its founder, Na­ Page* 4 and 5 of today's Herald IRDIGESTION? > R. E. GORMAN naetrle haatera, 95.50 and 99.95; ROOM FOR RENT—One or two 15 minutes from Manchester. R. offer for property. Bee us before Old Hilliard Mills than Marlow. carry some of the values for this niANRHKA VSN81 8lo$t tltacku ar« Ju$t iteltf V Rimraon portable radio*, reg. persons. Private family. Inquire O. Denton, 6734. Bver conscious of the needa of event but everywhere throughout ' indlRfHtloG. WbfB U Hinkra. lak* BelKanu AM. LINES OF INBIIRA.NOB 937,95, our price, 935.99; Porce­ you sell. , the community, this unique institu­ the etore there are hundreds of un- tablet*. Th6y oonialo the faBte8t*icUnt 42 BRtMiKKIEI.D flT.«-«4«9 42 Hollister street. FOUR-ROOM HOUSBl—42 Home­ Phone 6273 Elishd Ernest Hilliard, retired ALLESON’S I medlelne* knnwn to doctor* tor the relict « lain top kitchen table*, 16.99 up; MENl^S AND ROYS' WEAR tion, boasting of the sale of "Ev- ad\'ertlsed values. beartburn. |a i and almllar diatrea*. 88#. l a r g e ROOM Central. (Continu­ stead street. Asking *10.500. president and treasurer of the E. BIGELOW 9 lb deluxe waehlng machine, BRAE-BURN REALTY 728 MAIN ST. (CXIRNER B1S8ELL ST.) TELEPHONE 6614 n g 9134.96 - *69.00, pump (10 ous hot water. Gentleman. Phone Phone 6988. E. Hilliard Company in the Hll- FOR ONE OF THE LARGEST OKtia; Norge 8 cubic foot freezer, 4724. SELLING TOUR property? liardvUle section of Buckland, died MANCHESTER — fllx-room Oolo- Wbether it be a lot, house or this morning at the Hartford Hos­ A o o A 4 4 < * b C l a n d s u r v e y in g SELECTIONS OF TCg. 9(89.95, rale *369.00; Norge nial with fireplace and attached business In town or'country, you pital after a abort Illness. He was I t lb. automatic waahlng ma- Boarders Wanted 59A garage. One block from new will get prompt and personal 70 years of age. BANTLY ehlne, reg. *8(9.95. our price *199; Bowers school. Lavatory on first Bom in Manchester March 26 A LOAN FROM Edward L. Davis, Jr. Taggi or conical antenna* com­ service by calling Elleworth MIL Better Buy NOW BROADLOOM CARPETS floor, built-in comer cupboard in 1881, the aon of the late Ellaha Registered Ijind Surveyor plete a1th lead-in, wire, lightning a n d bo a rd — Gentle- ten, agent. Phone 6930, % ROOM dining room, and bookcase in liv­ CTIinton Hilliard and Alice White 15 Proctor Road. >lanrhr*ter OIL CO. arreeter, chimney mount, atand- man. Phonf* 7675. ing room. Recreation room in W ANTED-lour jeop^ety to sell Milliard, he moved to Hartford ROYS' WINTER Tel. 7019 Extra care i.s jrivtMi to every detail. eff holder*, ground rod. ground basement. Attractively land­ about 1890 but for many years Reliable ouyera waiting with K.\l)t)H'.'d edges are carefiillv hand TEL. 5293 Wire, maak priced at *9.98 up. Apartments, Flats, scaped lot. For further Informa­ 'cash. Finances ■ arrauged. We maintained legal residence in Man­ You get friendly, underriand- FOR OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT Complete Hotpolnt electric atove* tion call 2-0354. need 4-5-6-'( room euigles and 3 chester, He was always actively FUR COLLAR SUR JACKETS ing, felt lenrice! It'. “YKS” NATIOMWIDI CASH CRiOIT! hound. A specijil tool is used in the XOg. *379.96 - *199; G.E. electric Tenements 63 Interested In Manchester affairs. family nouses Howard R Hast­ prom ptly 4 out of 5 men, EBtabliah yotir credit at over 600 imqier removing of the liase-shoe Range and Fuel kitchen clock *3.99; Sunbeam egg FOUR-ROOM APARTMKNT mid. MANCHESTER — Two - Family ings Phone 2-1101. Hilliard donated money for lab­ women—tnerrled or .ingle. affiliated office* In U. 8. and aooker, *7.99; G. E. oven roaater. House. Nice condition. All con­ oratories In the Manchester Me­ Come in , . . write . . . phone Caaeda «rlth a Nationwide Cath- TERI’S Credit Accoimtl No co«t to fvpen or (luai’ter roumt. dle-aged couple preferred. Write veniences, including oil heat. For Only $12.98 - $14.98 - $16.98 Oil Distributors n g. $Si.n - *21.95; Sunbeam Box G, Herald. OWNERS WHY ADVERTISE? morial Hospital, as well as rooms Bought month* ago. Made by nationally famous “William Barry." Nylon gabardine, water repellent. TODAY.'Get e one-vi.it loen our Accouiit no loen nece**er>'. GLASS maatera, reg, *24.95 • Good sized lot. Two-story bam. Caah clients waiting for duplexes, in the Hartford Hospital, both in il you phone fint. f'ay only If you u*e Account tn wain* 100% wool quilted lined. Everything a Jacket should have. n t caih . Invaluable at or awav For Kvery Purpose 333 MAIN ST. 918 95; chrome allclng machine*, Main street location. *1.660 year­ flats and acreage. Agent, 2-3161. memory of his parents. He also U mm *2S to 9500 from borne. Apply todeyl Business I/ocntions for ly income. Sale price *13,900. donated the tapestries in the Tap­ #■ SIgnahire alone Aulo. Mirrors. Window BRIDAL SHOP SEE OUR DISPLAY and SALESROOM reg! *24.95 - *18.95; Dormeyer Call Ellsworth Mitten, Agent, WANTED—Houses to Bell In Man- electric mixer with hamburg Rent 64 estry Hall at the Morgan Memori­ Plate. Ubscure STATE THEATER BLDG. Bl I)(;ET TERMS ARRANGED grinder, *43.50 - *29.95; Waring 6930. cheater and vicinity. Contact this al in Hartford. SPECIALS DURING cofl^ANYflYNAr aiAtt ro sat APPROXIitATELV 4,000 square office for personal service. Alice The E. E. Hilliard (Company U hlendera, *22.95; G. E. roaater*. FOUR FAMILY HOME Cflampet Agency, 843 Main street. Phone .l:rJ2 NEXT TO TERRY’S BEAUTY SALON BIGELOW TRAINED .MKUHANK'S HOWARD GHAGE r*g *48.00 - *81.95; G. E. cleaner, feet of heatec ^)ace for rent on founded by his father was one of m i m u u f in a n c e Hilliard street, ground floor. 2 four room apartments on first Phone 2-4543 or 2-0880. the oldest woolen mills In this vi­ 'A l l e s o n 'S" d a y s *79.95 - *49.95; Dormeyer floor. 2 five room apartments on 2nd FLOOR—JARVIS BUILDING Teacher Of Frl-Well, *49.95 - *19.95 We *ell Ideal for storage. Phone 8818. second floor. Excellent location. FOR QUICK RESULTS in selling cinity. It manufactured blankets 866 MAIN STREET (Over Woolworth’i) M.\NCIIESTER, CONN. W HITE OPEN HOUSE K.C.A., Zenith, Dumont, Bendlx, and flannels chiefly. In business O FFim S TO RENT One to six- House In good condition. Large lot. your property call Suburbah for 90 years, the mill was closed Olal 3430 • Oeerge H«W «, Y H M ANeg.r THURSDAY 7 to 9 P. M. Crodey. Admiral televlalon*. G. E. room suites. Main street near Priced right for quick sale. Inquire. Renltv Co., Realtors, 541 Main I am« ta ftildunii ef fU larm adiaf tivat GLASS CO. MANCHESTER SAXOPHONE streel. Call 8215. during the depression after an ex­ Tidy cleaner, reg. *44.50 - *29.95; Post Office. Plenty of parking CHARLES W. LATHROP tended strike. . I.W ri Iia .wn UWM i. » conn..... owhi, d ilO .i 24 Birch *^1. Mnnrhesfer Standard TV booatera, reg. apace. Phone 6988. 100 Center Street and 1*4BO* *19.95; Sunbeam toaat- Telephone 2-0384 or 7856 WANTED Hilliard sold theunill and stock JACKETS FREE ROSES AND and the buldling lay idle until Carpet Center maiter hoipltal tray* with toaat- World War II when It was used by Hip length nylon gab­ « *21.95: G. E. lightweight iron, Wanted to Rent 68 NYE STREET — Nicely located House or lot on either Main, ardine Jarkete — fur ’ DEPENDABLE CARPET SERVICE CURINET (Tape Cod. Four large finished United Aircraft. eoilar, wool quilted REFRESHMENTS fg’ea, 4 alic* toaater. *16.93; WANTED—Veteran, wife, two rooms, space for two rooms up- Center or h’ast Center Strect.s, He is survived by a sister, Mrs. 308 M AIN STREET TEL. 2-434^ AzTlli gnu. reg. *12.50 - *5.50; lined, green, maroon. f.eMwna At Your Home children need 5 room apartment ■talrs, dormers, fireplace, hot Suitable for office. Lucius B. B.arbour of Hartford; a .Size* 6 to 20. Regular Corner MicUlle Turnpikr at PInehurat Corner O. E. heating pad. *5.95; or house, vicinity Manchester, water heat, oil burner, combina­ nephew', Lucius H. Barbour of 915.9A Tel. 8001 ■Uam'lrona. *13.96. Brunner a TV Bolton, Andover, (Coventry, Will tion screens and storm windows, Hartford; and a niece, Mrs. Mor­ Dept, in baaement of Packard Telephone 2-0779 * 1 2 ” consider buying if owner holds redecorated. Vacant. This charm­ eau D. Brown, of Haverford. Pa. >,nM4ng at 358 Eaat Center street mortgage. Call Manchester 2- ing home for only *12,900. Terms. Funeral services will be held at Open €V«ry nlRht till • p. ni. It 4310. Wm. Goodchlld. 8r„ Realtor. his borne, *6 Woodland street, pou want to aave real money on Office 15 Forest street. Tele­ Hartford, at 2 p. m. Friday. Pri­ uoliancea »ee Brunner. Easy YOUNG COUPLE desire 2 or 3- phone 7926 or 8891. AI>out Town vate burial will be In Buckland on purchaae of *50 or more. room rent. Willing to do odd Jobs Cemetery. Arrangements are VERNON—C:*pe Cod, 4 down, 2 being handlc(f by the Pratt Fu­ SUR JACKETS ^ your Xma* ahopplng-now— around the house. Telephone Center Thespians will hold thoir gave money. ______3-4192. partially finished ilp Aluminum October meeting tonight at 8:00 neral Home. Hartford. Ixtng length, gray, storm windows, deep lot. Only o’clock In the Robbins room of the blue, green and tan. /SfJBNWOOP Gas and OU Com- CXiUPLE—Age 86, and one year *11,000. Barbara Woods, Agent, Center church house. Fur rollar, quilted naZT PIIBtIC SHOWINO MiiaUon Stove. Excellent condi- old aon, desire 4-5 rooms, tmfur- 8702. lined nylon gabardine. $ 1 4 9 8 Dmi. Sacrifice *20.00, Phone nlshed. Phone 2-2471. Funerals Size* 8 to 20. Regular BOlfTON—7-rooai houae, all Im­ The Manchester Ministers Asso­ «^0M . ______916.98. YOUNG ENGINEER at Pratt and provements. Bam, large coop, 26 ciation of which Rev. Lcland O. K L T OHII tW IN METAL BED FYamea. f ^ Whitney, wife and two little girls Hunt Is president, will meet to­ Albln E. Wolfram acres. 8om< bulMIng loti, beau­ morrow forenoon at 11 o’clock at The funeral of Albln,E. Wolfram Sad. anUque require 2-8 bedroom one'-story tiful location. Barbara Woods, •hUd’s coat. Phone 2-9428. ..house. Suburban. References. the main entrance of the Aetna of 335 Center street who died sud­ Koenig—8 a. m. to 5 p. m. at Agent. 3702. Life Insurance Company's honie denly Monday afternoon, was held lifXlERN TAPPAN Four-burner office building >on Farmington this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Hartford 89-9129; after 7 p. m., A’VERY STREET —' Eight nice T. P. Holloran Funeral Home, 175 95v2 Oaa Range in excellent condition Glastonbury 3-3539. avenue, Hartford. They will tour ISB.OO. Phono 2-2138.______rooma, and sun porch, one acre the building and be guests of the Center street. STORM COATS WANTEI>—Apartment or house lot, 165 X 264. Steam heat, three- company at luncheon. Last month Rev. Clifford O. Simpson of the i , *, WASHING MACHINE. *26 for Aircraft Production Engi­ car garage. Priced for quick sale. the ministers visited the Pratt and Center Congregational Church Fur collar, nylon gabardine, quilted lined. Tan, green nnd bhte. Slzee 6 to 12. Whits kitchen sink with drain neering employe and family now For appointment please call How­ Whitney plant of the United Air­ conducted the service. LARM ASSORTMINT hoard, *10. Unfinished door. *10. living part. Chll 3017 or Hart­ ard R. Haatinga, 2-1107. craft Corporation. The bearers were Thomas K. Phone 6810. ______ford 33-0628. Atamian, Alexander and Walter REGULAR I,JtKEWOOD CIRCLE — Nearly The Mary McClure group of the jrmi.VTNATOR Refrigerator—Ex- new 6-room ranch home. Picture Ferguson. Ronald Gates, CTarence $18.00.$22.50 7f f C H £ 5 T £ R window, fireplace, built-in book­ Second Congregational Women’s Mason and John Porterfield. aanaat condition. Freezer, crlsp- busincM Property for Sale 70 League will meet Friday evening Interment was in the East an, vagatabl* bln. Very reason- cases, hot water heat, oil burner, at 8:00 o’clock at the home of Mrs. STHENS-SWAGE-imiCA-Kills abla. n m a 3-8288, 6 to 9 p. m. full cellar. (Tomblnatlon screens Cemetery. MAIN STREET—Bualneas aoned and storm windows. 80 x 168 ft. H. K. Kuhney 4543 or 2-0880. Our reg. (1.39 quality Of OAM AMD and pad, *6.00. May be seen at brooks. Barn, detached milk END SPECIALS •4T TOVt StAtON't 66 Euro street or phone 2-1421. house, alio, dairy stable with 17 SIX-ROOM SINGLE, near achool MOWMiMtMnHOWeiMIMT* M towlow MtCItMICM stanchions, full set of farm ma­ and bus line. Excellent condition. Aad AR OMwr Nwrthif W—ds A t Low Prlee* chinery, 17 high grade cows, 9 (Tiolce location. Ample room for SERVEL Gas Refrigerator. Also head young stock. Two-story 8- large family. It’s a buy at PERMANENT FINISH W itt (umace grate. Phone 8092. ------—------room house, elfctric lights, bath, *14,000. Phone Agent, 2-8106. h a s m no central heat. Full price ORGANDY lAW N SIX-ROOM SINGLE—North End. X I90OM FOR GENTLEMAN— *26,500. Walton W. Grant. Real­ WOMEN’S AND GROWING GIRLS' Breakfast optional. Phone 8092. tor. 647 Main street. Hartford, In good repair. Hot water heat, RUFFLED 2-7584. Evening phones—Man­ oil. Closed-ln porch. Lot 50x140. chester 3160 or Frank Pinney Garage. Priced to sell. Phone HAND-SEWN Maekincry and Tools &2 3877. Agent, 3-8106. CURTAINS BPEX3AL PRICES — New disc THRIVING FRUIT and Poultry THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS 44-68-73 and 81 Inches long. 43 barrow, *160; Bog harrows, 9174; Farm, 140 acres, eastern Con­ 6 ROOM HOME -Good oil fur­ inches wide each aide. For lim­ •“aiL •2LUsf6ei* pIoWB, *135; for Ford-Ferguson necticut. About equal distance nace. large lot on Conn. Co. bus ited time only! WfATn tractors. Selection of used trac­ from Hartford, Worcester and line. City sewer, water and side­ STRT tors, plows, harrows, etc. Dublin Providence. Facilities for 15,000 walk. Selling price *10.500, dowm 14 n. eau' Tractor C?o., North Windham broilers, 2,50 apple trees, brook, payment *3,00<) to *3,500. Early road, WUllmantlc 3-3217. pond. Buildings Just appraised at occupancy. *28,000. Very good 10-room home, 6 ROOMS—(2 partially finished 98c Pair $2.98 pair in e n new steam oil heating plant, upi 6)ji|ear8 old, A-1 shape, oil heat ^ 4* 11**1 24» TO MostciU instrum ents 53 Youngstown kitchen. Walton W. Partially finished basement room ANY Grant, Rei^tor, ^47 Main street, and hatchway. Amesite drive, deep OPMCIAL tUXTACI ALTO AND TENOR Saxophones, Hartford, 2-758A FJVening ph6nes lot, good chicken coop, other pens, Both in excellent cond^ion. Ward — Manchester 3160 or Frank Pin­ Nice shrubbery and fruit trees. ■ASKRTIALL r*. MOkAtWl SMtOMA 9 le tn A m TRY A Krause, 5336. ney, 3877. Only *11,500 for quick sale. *2.500 SMOIS to *3,000 down. Immediate occu­ WMM OnUMN Wflsnng Apparel—Furs 57 LEBANON - - .State road. 70-acre pancy. 1 dairy farm. 40 cleared, brook, 6 ROOMS -All finished. 8 year 5 ^ GIRL 8UT o u t f it , .sire H barn with stahles for 14 head, old dwelling, near modem school Twm r RANbi Green winter coat, size 14 Blue drilled well, 14 milk cows, some and Conn. Co. bus. Oil heat, nme- LOAFERS RATON MARQUISETTE e • • e | fall coat, size 6. Phone 2-36.'i3. young stock. 9-room house needs site drive, city water, sidewalks, OIL BURNER. some repairs, hath, central heat fniit and shade trees. Special price ONE PIECE CONSTRUCTION WITH TAILORED CURTAINS $1.98 Pair FULL LENGTH Black .Seal Fur '-*16,800; Walton W. Grant, Real­ *12,500. About *3.500 down pay­ BI— nr'VAUIt IM YiASt Coat, size 18. Elxcellent condi­ tor. 647 Main street, Hartford, ment. Early occupancy. FLEXIRLE SOLES. IN RED AND 46 inchee to 73 inches. tion. (?all 8195 after 5. 2-7,584. Evening phones—Man­ THE ALLEN REALTY CO. chester 3160 or Frank Pinney. RROW N. SIZES 4 »o 9 A A - I nrt IN ANVl 3877. 180 Center Street Manchester a A N • i Phone 5105 or 2-04.38* NYLON JAILORED CURTAINS . . . $4.98 Pair M t? 9UAU ' BUNNY FUR JACKET S iz e 12, ITT iMATfg. 95.00. Call 4972. 63 incha* and 72 inebea long, 43 inches wide. Double 1*U A N * Houses for Sale 72 OON|tsB& Lota for Sale 78 stitched Mde hem*. BO N. t OaI . . t O 11 CON.J Wsatctf—-lo Bay 5M CHOICE BUILDING SITES TAINBL LAND FOR SALE—100 ft. front­ AUTOMATIC$ WANTED — Upright Piano, not ■yi to 1 acre building lots lo­ age. 180 ft. depth. On Ciyatal WASHING! over 54" high. Very reasonable. cated on Belridge Road in Glas­ NINON AND FIGURED COMFim WI7N 4U^irr»M*S You owe it to yourielf to come Pbone 2-9980. Lake road. Route (0. Will sell tonbury just over the Man­ reasonable. Telephone Rockville TAILORED RAYON CURTAINS .... $2.98 Pair I8P 6-7918. in and see the new Norge TIME ONLY WANTED — SKI OUTFIT — chester line. These large wood­ a iBehM aad Tl tadiHi taig, 41 bndiM WMa. ’ 50 MATBIAl 'Wheelbarrow, axtanaion ladder, ed lots are ideally suited for LINE Automatic Washer in ac­ lawn sweeper, andiron set ranch style homes. Reasonably T1UN9FAMNT IWCITt NLUKI with screen, storm windows with­ priced. Sabarbaa for Sale 75 A Regular $6.92 Value tion. Only Norge lus the revolu- in 1" larger either way of sizes; GOODYEAR 'If* AW6 AVITH CNIOMI AH* 34x43,. 35x36, 32x51, 19»,x39, ARTHUR A. KNOFLA ANDOVER — Cheerful home of PACIFIC TRUTH C A R jrlS O R tTAiNUit srm tmm tionaiy new TIME LINE. It's 38x47^4, 24x31 >i. Phone 3932 Realtor six rooma. large porch, furnace, Firat quality SHEETS A N D fUASANTIIO NOT 10 .between 6 and 10 p. m. 875 Main St.—Est. 1921 rock garden. Elarly occupancy. ent. CRACX. IAN M ALWAYS TOP VALUES AIRFOAM PILLOW CASES D I S C O L 0 >■ DAT M the easiest to use... easiest to Phone OffiM .6440 Call Madeline Sroltb, Realtor, 3- NIOHT------ION. TtSV 1642 or 4679. Bh66tl 73x108—8lJlM Rooms Withoat Uoord 59 EverBngs 5988 or 2-4278 IN QUALITY FOOTWEAH PILLOWS read control for automatic -wash­ Home Listings Wanted ONLY (1,500 TO (2,000 DOWN— $2.47 South Coventry, 10-year-old six- FOR THE EHHRE FAMILY ing ever designed. This new Norg* RENT — Telephone HAN(^ES71ER—2-fomlly house, $7.95 room home, large knotty pine offen dozens of other new and ex­ 5-5, good condition, reoaoiiable living room with atone fireplace, Boxed with aipper PILLOW CASES .r r 1 J i ■A8H.T BfaVALLOD Attractive Room in new price. For further Information open atalrway, modem kitchen, tr ttr r On bue line. only call 3-3849. oU heat, full cellar, drilled well, SAVE... SHOP AT HAJPER’S 43x88 aad 46x86 citing features... to give you far c u t 3rM13 or 8386 after 6:30. large glaaaed porch. Full price s TREES! 'niEES! Lot 70 x 150. (8,200. Early occupancy. The B7c Each 9 7 better washing results. See it nowl room near both in Immediate occupaacy. Bubetan- Allen Realty Oo„ 180 Center I borne. Ooovenlent to Cen- tial e-room home. Choice loca­ ■t.reeL Phone 6106 or 2-04(8. t r I tr aad CbeMy*B. Phone 2-2044. tion. Screened porches, oil furn­ STUDIO SETS i TR/PLFM, ace, garage, ameaita drive. Juet FIVEl-RQOM Apartment aad Gro­ bOl'lVE ROOM for one or the home for a growing family, cery Sbire plus Gas Station, on 3-cushlon. '.W(fle or 2 1 « « Private entrance. (14,300. f .CaU Madeline anith. State Highway, doing good busi­ H A R PER S O l Blue. Reg.,98.98 THE _ . Fhoae 8905 after Realtor 3-1643 or 4679. ness. 6-year lease. Cash price Shoppinq Ccn’^cr for the Thrifty S r O R F S h (o^dodt. (4.800, including large stock and $6.98 ' A. L. SIDCOMB, Prop. ■i...... SIX-ROOM Cnp* Cbd, 3 baths, oil fixtures. Over *76 per week after 918 MAIN ST.—NEAR MAN. SAVINGS BANK ^ ”9 OKN^BRr—Clean com- steam heat, fUrepIace, open stair­ all expenses are paid. The Alien 1009 MAIN ST MANCHESTER (Downatatra DepL> non la quiet home. 30 way, . nice nel^borhood. Call Realty Co.. 180 Center street. . Specialisinw In Curtaini Qnd Draperies <81 MAIN STREET A ^U White m i . Pboaa 9106 or 2-0499. ---»A*CBZ»TER ■ 358 EAST CENTER ST. — TELEPHONE 5191 Aho At: 315 Trumbull St., Hartford .4 - --i'o :— Mm-. ■' > 'isjA I jL V. ' • • -r'- ^5^

■'I''.' ■' ■ J IIANCHBSTEB kvENTNO HERAM). MAJ4CHESTBR; CONN*'WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1051 PAGE;jriirTiiwi:VT-’^bi,gi.i'iaiiiiiliA!'~ .'J IIANCHESTBS iV SN IN a I^A L D . MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17.1961 Jamea Duffy told Judge John S. rejits an hour and arc retroactive Hitch-HikinK SoMier Q. Rottner today that Wilslnskl to Ai't. 15, the beginning of the Sewer Hearing Town to Buy > had not complied with the depart- Town Workers fiscal year. Wants His Topcoat mant’a wishes and had failed to Director Katherine Bourne ques­ support his family aa ordered. To Get Raise tioned the diet'rl^itlon of aalary NOW IS THE TIME Is Continued win th'e Manchester raal- 52-Acre Plot Judge Rottner told Wilslnskl that Increase,. She hnrt been alwent dent, owner of a 1946 or 1947 • , 1 . ' ■ hts policy was, to put Into effect from a previous Informal meeting TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR A Four-door Nash that made a any suspended sentences when DirecLorti Pass 815,000 where distrihutlon was dIscUMSd. Gardner Street Proper­ trip from Wa.shlngton, D. C„ Property on Oak Grove probation waa violated and faith Mrs. Helen Frltzpatrlck voiced ob­ last Sunday please take note. broken. He ordered the suspended budget Addition; Wad­ jection to the increase in the Gen­ HARD SURFACE DRIVEWAY ty Ownew Object to The driver of this car offered Street May Be Used sentence put Into effect dell Is Boosted 82,500 eral Manager's salary and brought a ride to a hitch-hiking Army up the question of an aaslatant to mrer Method of Assessment private who waa going to Ft. For Park, Recreation Edward L. Mahoney of Salem, Waddell. AMESITE - ASPHALT - CONCRETE Monmouth, N. J. "nie soldier, Maas., was found not ^ llty of two ’The Board of Directors last Th* public hearing on th* ax- whose name Is Oeorge.H, Nae- The Board of Water CommiB- parking vtoihtlon* Tha tickets night unanimously approved the tenaion of sanitary lewers on gell, left his top coat In the car sioners last night voted unani­ were handed "out for overtime addition of $15,000 to the budget to EFFICIENT and is anxious to have It re­ parking In February. Mahcmey provide salary Increases for' all Highland and Gardner atcae'U waa mously t o authortza General Man­ told the court he waa .employed town employes except teachers continued laat night to next Tues­ turned. He haa written to Po­ ager George H. Waddell to pur­ dwwingWrigley’s 10% DOWN day evening after property own­ lice Chief Herman O. Schendel th* Oolumhu* Coated Fabric Oor- and library workers. Tk« FASHION FW nVAL or dangeroua aeddenta may re- however. It was heavier material RELIABLE chase a 53 acre tract of land on poratton of Cbiumbus, Ohio, and General Manager George H. Royal R6i$e Doily on which you were sewing, alaah Make It From ers on Gardner street objected to who turned the, letter over to Oak Grove street offered for sale at Ctntar Chnre)i^ Wpodntff auH from anch a heavy-handled tbe proposed method of assess­ The Herald. had Juit taken over the New Bhig- Waddell's salary waa lncrcas«d by Speimwit Gum S S W to b* SoMgbtfuMjr “differ Utenail'a tendency to apill. Oieck the dart and press it open In the Up To WORK to the town by Cheney Brothers land district two waeks ago. He $2,500 from $10,000 to $13,500. same way that ymi would a seam. A Yard ment. Naegeli says he had aome for $10,000. further stated that tha car was M « otyU •bow, wo h««r. And for balance with the lid on the The proposed sewer route wrould personal and valuable property About 150 persona art affected by i tlw dromo, aulU ond coota. th o ^ pan. then reniove the cover to aee The land will bq bought from owned by tha company and the the Increase which will average 10 Helps Refresh You A CLEARANCE SALE ON GUARANTEED run along Gardner street to in the coat. Including a foreign- former salesman In' th* dlitrict tor an aorta of occaaloM by the how well it atanda alone. >36 MONTHS Highland and along Highland to made cigarette lighter. He can water department funds but may Ydtt’r* always tec WILROSE SHOP at 601 SUITS offera some beautiful al'l- be used for park and recreation waa sent elaewhere. He was not to enjoy a relreib- wool suits at only $35.00 at Machine Spread West Branch Gardner street. Paul be contacted through the fol­ the operator of the car when the Street hare the la t^ tWea, t^ The big REXAU, ONE CENT Dougsn, owner o f the abutting lowing address: Pvt. George H. purposes. It was estimated that h g lift when aaweat “touchee," the asoat fa ^ - lALE (two articlee for the price BLAIR’S, 757 Main Street. For­ ON BALANCE 50,000.000 gallons of water may vlolatlona occurred. 24 Hour yea hava a package merly priced up to $49.08, theae Power Rolled and land on Highland street, would be Naegeli, 52089417. Oo. L.8.T.R., ionaUe colon, and the becoming of one, plua a penny) atarte to­ exempt from assessment because Fort Monmouth, N. J. be stored if a dam on the land Othr coses disposed of this of WrigiQr’a Spear­ wearability that makea for amart morrow at the PINE PHAR­ new-atyle suits are extraordinary built by Cheney Brothera but now morning were; Bernard W. Se- Ambulance mint Gum with you. values. Also on sals are the grade of his lanq makes It Im­ diatinetlon in dreat- MACY, 664 Center etreef.' It’a We Have the Proper Equipment and Know How possible for him to hook Into the In disrepair Is rebuilt. core, 36, of 33 Park atraet. Hart­ This delidoui gum tbe chance of the year to atock all-weather raincoats, reduced The purchase was recommend­ ford, speeding, $21: Joseph A. haa a lively. fulU from $19.98 to $10.00 In several DONT DELAY • CALL TODAY sewer, he says. He plana to Service Thoaa OI^AMOROUS UPHOL- up on neceaaltiea and maka huge build a private sewner along the ed by the Town Planning Com­ Brophy, 45, Hartford, passing red bodied, real ipear- STERT f a b r ic s which you prob­ aavinga for your budgeL Sam­ color* rear of homes on his property. Directors Approve mission as well as the general light, $6^ Thomas B. PoweU, 50, ttlat flavor that ably law in the Cheney Dleplay ples of the Innumerable ttama are: Middletown, Intoxication. IQ^daya cooli yoar piouth, moittaiM yoor laBalar t t Vahwl' Strongest objection to the exemp­ manager. throat and troehsns your taat* Tha at the Mancheeter Pioducta Show two bottles of rubbing alcohol for ANKLETS FOR CHRISTMAS tion for Dougan was registered by Legion Donation auopended; Elwood E. Spear, 24, ate available for leea than yob $.60: two Jara of cream shampoo GIFTS can be advantageourty THOMAS D. COLLA Andover, allowing minor to oper- pleamat chewing action givea you an Wa aas only dniabl* QUAG Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Anderson, added little pkk-up that helm ym karo IT Y m akrtaif that add aaoefha might expect for beautifying your for $.80; two tubes of lavender picked up now In the nice variety PLACE YOUR Manchester owners of property at 43 Gardner ata motor vehlcla on highway, ^ hoSe at the CHENKY mentholated shaving cream for at Cheney’a. Priced at three pairs FREE The Board of Directors laat $15. going at your beet. And wriglay a a f warn to yoor A o a * W a ih BROTHERS REMNANT SALES­ street. Spaanntot Gum ooets ao Uttla roa can $ «0; two bottles of Imported olive for $1.25 or for $2.00, are cottons, ORDER NOW 2-9219 ESTIMATES The Board of Water Commis- night voted to donate $000 to the Court Cases Also Frank D. Vlttner, 54. And­ l6rtr It oft4a every day. d<»a whUs fsa trai, H pm ROOM. oil for $1.S«: ta-o Cannon buck cotton and nylons, or a .wool, ny­ slonera made plans to visit the American Legion to help offset the over, overnight parking, $5. ond FoiyoiwngnaioN Rarawnbrn. too, Wrigwr’a Spsarmint preitt. towels for $.37: two bottlea of S'! lon, and angora combination. violation of probation and $3 on each of two parking viola­ Gardner street-Hlghland street expense of Halloween parties for • rally Iqwtopaa Gum meata the high standarda of qual­ SILVER HOLLOW WARE U baby oil for $.58: two plnU of There’s a wide color range In these area with the general manager breaking faith With tha Town tions; Arthur C. Bobb, 40. Stolra, * Camplataly M s Bam ity lat by New Jutland tastaa It It tha available In many graciona forma witch haxel for $.*56: two two- super-socks at the CHENEY Manchester children. violation of rules of the road. $11; next Sunday to attempt to work Court resulted this morning In a ^ * kamsBlBtaly Avallokla product of a company that pioneered ‘lUFDE '-.li^ii ' at MATHER’S AT THE CENTER. quart hot water bottlea for $2.30; BROTHER.S REMNANT SALE.S- out an acceptable plan. Director T. J. Crockett said he 90 day Jail sentence for Edward Harold Lewis, 27, Hartford, the development of quality chewing RtGLi.ZED & ■ I /•■ il :) To add dlatlnction to one’a own two boxes of Lord Baltimore writ­ noois. had heard adverse crltlcUm of W. Wilstnskl, 33, of 15 Broad driving without a license, $25. gum. So. be sure to grt the original hoopitality or to make a worth- ing paper for $ 86; two Urge box­ town spending for parties and cel­ street. WllsInskI was placed on Continued until Monday was a Wrtgley’a Spearmint Gum. Look for LIKE NiW' Wm. P.Quish the green apear on the packag* wbUe gift, one cannot do better es of baAi powder for $1.28. Sparkling • Into high style are 1^300 Prisoners ebrations and recommended that probation recently and received a violation of rules of the road ^ M u m -I than to chooae a beautifully deco­ * ______the PINS, NECKLACES, and a more stringent policy be adopt­ ■us^nded 90-day sentence for count against Janet M. Bezzint of rated bread tray or aandwlch plate, We are all Interested In the BRACELET.S of huge and brilli­ ed at aome future time. non-support Probation Officer IWaat Hartford. huge "aaplc" aupper dlah, a grace­ Return to Cells CmOHE MANCHKiai 4340) things that brighten up our homes ant rhinestones Juat displayed at fi ful candelabra, or any of the many and make them more pleaaant to the DEWEY-RIC7HMAN COM­ bandaome piece* For far-alghted live In.'Of the varioua means at PANY, 767 Main Street. Singly or (OontiBsed from Page Ooe) Chriatmaa ahoppera, the Lay Away our disposal, color la the most Im­ In combination, this Jewelry la a Plan la available. portant. If you have color prob­ “converaation piece", aa well aa a . open. And when you get In. we’ll lems, drop In at THE SHERWIN- moat becoming and enllvenihg or- PINE to feed you. We CAn*t feed If your blanket blndlnga are 664 CENTER STREET WILLIAMS CO., 710 Main Street, ' nnment for one’s beat suit or dress. TELEPHONE 2-9814 you where you are.” eapeclally dirty, try tackling them . There waa a surge for the door. with frothy Boapauda and a aoft and conault our STYI-E GUIDE ! Varied slzeB suit various uses, but dND STYLE GUIDE COMPAN­ all are glamorous. There were some acattered yell* bruah before plunging the entire ION: or arrange to borrow them, among the leaders; "No. no. no." hlapket into the laundry,.water. without obligation, to study leU- The main body of the cold and COUPON Don’t discard your millinery hungry convicts paid no attention urely at home. The Style Guide errors, at least until you’ve tried A new ahlpment of INDIAN aho^’B over one hundred actual 2 2 3 to them. HEAD APRONS all atamped in By Mr* Anne Oabot them before the mirror with your Even the leaders Joined the j-ush. I Flo* P«hrh FinfiA I color, ready for croaa-atltch em­ llved-ln rooms. In full color, and locks arranged In aa many dlffer- the Stvie Guide Companion con­ This lovely 16-lnch dolly will 8649 •Hiey apparently feared they S 2 1 ^ LIi m h S broidery, la on hand at the J. W’. lend charm and distinctiveness to -ent ways aa you can concoct. might be Identified If they heM HALE CXIMPANT. With a aolid tains 6'06 authentic color combina­ When you hit u|^n the right style, 32-45 A r t h u r tions. any room. From the dahlia-like ouL I ttatlOMry | color ruffle and tie in red. green, center of while to the luscious that's your coiffure cue. By Bne Barnett ^ ^ DRUG STORE * ^ m A S E 3 \ W nfaiiM or blue, theae aprona, at $1.10, will Irish rose edging worked In varie­ What could be easier or more ■ \\lG u L _ w arn ■ make very nice Chriatmaa gifta-^ When your Ivory or bone-han­ The recently and locally Invent f42 MAIN STRICT AT ST. JAMI8 STRIIT aa will the towcla. place mat* dled cuUerv begins yellowing, try gated thread the dolly la crocheted thrifty to sew than this useful bib whitening it with a paste mlxt\ire in simple and effective stitches. ed YARN APART SETS for pre­ stylo apron that’s ready for active Penonal Notices chair aeta and pillow caaea — all venting multi-color yarns from atamped in color on plain or col­ of whiting to which you've added Pattern No. 5223 contains com­ kitchen duty. You’ll need Just one itMin p a little lemon Juice. plete crocheting inatruettons, ma­ tangling In one's knitting are yard of gayly colored fabric for In Himoriam c Z ^ p e n a j d r u g s t o r e ored background* terial requirements, atltch Ulustra- available at the Yarn Department the smaller sizes. of the J. W. HALE (XJMPANY. In lorln* memory of our mother. C H R O ME AND PLAS'nC A DUPLICATE OF TOUR tlona and flnishing directions. Pattern No. 8649 Is a saw-rite Mre. Joeephlne atron*. »ho died one OWN FIGITRE makes your task Send 25c in coins, your name, If you saw the attractive display perforated pattern In sizes 32, 34 ADD A PENNY ANtTGET T W I C E AS MUCHI year efo todey. , DINETTE SETS, aa done How­ at the Producti Show, you know ell* are very handaome buya at of sewing for yourself InSnltely addreaa and the Pattern Number 36. 38. 40. 42. 44, 46. Size 34, 1 Puretest HEIEN CORNELL easier. For fttting. for hanging to Anne Cabot, Manchester Eve­ how successful the spools and yard of 39-lnch. Tour memory Is es dear today C A M A Y SOAP EEMPS INC., 763 Main Street. . Aa la tba hour you poaieC away. ■COULAII s a c CARCS (UmM 9) ...... Diapite the tight aituatlon on skirts, for trying out atylea and ning Herald. ll.’iO Ave. Americas. tubes can be In' contrast to un- For this pattern, send 36c in ASPIRIN CREAM SHAMPOO 3 1 2 7 * efarme, there are many atylea, lines, a model of you la Invalu­ New York 10. N. Y. gulded yams, set for five colors is coins, your name, address, size de­ No faster-acting as­ ^ Contains lanolin and water- Donahtar. Mr* Kaymend Oardaer GIFTS atarting with a charming three- able For only $24.75 and an Anne Chibot's New Album of $1.49. sired, and the pattern number to pirin made! 5 grain ^ . Boa. lUyiBond Hall aet at $77.75 which haa a hour of vour time, the SINGER Needlework is a "must." It's Sue Burnett, The Manchestre Eve­ softening Klenzoron. leaf apartment-elzed table, se w in g ' c e n t e r . 832 Main chock-full of charming designs as Do you know about Krylon ning Herald, 1150 Ave. Americas. lOO’s. Hag. 54c. 4 ounce.. Reg. 79c VALUABLE PRIZES - VALUES GALORE the chrome framea and the Street, will make your model on well aa beginners’ "How-To’’ di- Acn'lic Spray? It la a blessing for New Y.ork 19, N. Y. W A X PAPER beantifnl Formica plaattc topa are a lasting form. An easy and rectiona on knitting and crochet­ home owners because of its many Don’t miss the Fall and Winter 2-OT. VICTORIA g g s i M m BED and WHITE CHEPUHC—lee-rr. e o tis (Umut)...... 2 T Fashion. It contains 48 pages of HEROURY abnpUdty itaelf to keep in con- pleasant process with a long ing . . . a gift pattern printed in uses—to prevent rust, to atop ANTISEPTIC Atlon. Colon of table topa and and worthwhile future. the book and many other grand tarnish, to protect screen* metal new styles, simple to make frocks HOT WATER BOTTLE ORANGE JUICE 2^^|49c chair* tnchide the new pearl, green, features. 25 cents. furniture, leather, or p%per. A pro­ for all ages; decorating tricks; Mouthwash and all­ 1949 4-DOOR SEDAN and gold. It'a a good Ide* before actually tective coat leaves no more reapon- ^ f t pattema printed inside the Rtf. $2.3t 2 f * r 2 * * purpose antiseptic. «* beginning your cleaning, to alt nook. Send 25 cents today. Reg. 79c Pint lladln. heater and overdilv* BED and WHITE CREAM STYLE start such Itema as rubber glovea, slhlUty for further care than a ^.ExMptloiudly clean. 30,000 ABSORBINE JR. Bafora baying a oooUag utenail, down for a few minutes and wipe with a cloth for looks. Kryo* aiuM M)TTLB (UmUD...... 8 8 - enumerate on paper all the special furniture and floor pollshe.^, scrub GARDEN SPICE MEDFORD mOe* One ewner. cheek to aee whirther it tipa caaily. bnishes and detergents. This will Spray Is $1 (W a can at the J(3HN- and onion, using medium chopper CORN 2 31e A too-welghty handle may cauae cleaning aids you’ll need for the ,SON PAINT kemps tle effort on your part. Rugs and garden this fall and for many lUIIING AlCOHOl PEACHES I *1“ Hop. M t 4-ca b oiila. . . A w O ’ m LAVENDER BATH POWDER 9 on.. .. Reg (175 2for126 Inaorporatad upholstered furnltum can be Liver Lo*f With Tomato Hance falls to come with the glowing CAMPBELL’S NEW PACK TOMATO 1*. aitllN MA^ 17$ cleaned and brightened with (6 servings) CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANTS Reg. 59c Piflt BILLFOLDS men's and ladies'...... Reg. (1.00 2for1J1 RED and WHITE ^ ^ ^ 9*0. aO eS-eabotiU... I I 79.M aia Street Green Stunpe Given TaL 5680 now selling for $.50 and up at Foam-O-Kleen without endanger­ One-half pound of beef liver 1-3 P L A ^ APRONS 2-color, bib (tyle... Reg. 50c 2 for 51c MCRGUItOCNIIOMEl 9$ I PvaHore and Moaic Hom# of Priftidaire ing fabric or color. There are cup hot water, 1 small onion, McCONVILLE’8. 302 Woodbridge PETROPOL SOUP 3 C im 31* Haady I sane* bottla .. lA | all kinds of preparations for small pound of bulk sausage, 1 teaspoon Street. Phone 5947 for delivery. HAIR BRUSHES Klenzo, nylon...... Reg. (1.00 2 for 1.01 MINERAL OIL DISABLED repairs, from patching wall paper aalt, cup qtdck-cooklng oat­ POCKET KNIVES Iroquois, 2 blades.. .Reg. 60c 2 for 61c to puttying cracks. Name your meal, H cup atofk from liver, 1 It you want your aheals to laat AMERICAN MILK 2 25 problem; they^keve tbe answers. egg slightly beaten, 1 teaspoon out a lengthy lifetime, without R if.N e N rt PLASTIC SCUFFS assorted sizes____Reg. 59c 2fMG0c Worcestershire sauce, dash pepper, "accidents" to hasten their end, VETERANS If the darts In your homemade \ cup condensed tomato soup. avoid these mistaka; Never yank garments sometimes tend to look Heat oven to 3.56 degrees F. the sheets off the bed when you’re A T OUR bulky, remember thi.s simple rule. (moderate). Add 1-3 cup hot wa­ In a niah; they may catch on the MONEY SAVERS! springs or upon broken or aplln- If they’ve lM>en stitched Into light- ter to liver and aimmer 5 minutes^ LBS. WTlght fabrics, press them flat. If. Save water for stock. Grind liver tered parts of the bed. Avoid too- e ^ B E E F , WINE t FORfiET-ME-NOT BANANJIS 2 29s hurrtea rinsing of your sheets, lest TACIAL TISSUES ^ MASTERCRAn LIQUOR DEPT. soap be left in them. IRON TONIC FOR W a ll T ypa DAY LEMONS 8 25c C a n O panar PARKER’S RESERVE ...... Stli S2.T8 NYLON MARQUISETTE In POTATOES peok 89c CARSTAIRS ...... 6Hi S3.46 Cheney quality is the fabric that CHOCOLATE BARS Liggett Jumbo size...... 2 tar 37c kZIgUil PUNITEST THURSDAY, OCT^ 18 OLD THOMPSON ...... 5th $3.45 one dream* of for making window 2 BCNCHES 29c FRESH FOWL LB. 39o curtains which combine the film­ CANBV POPS Tiny Tot cluster of 7 ...... 2 desten lie MINERAL OIL CARROTS IM PERIAL ...... Sth 53.49 iest beauty of appearance with ANALCESIC CALM Rexill Puretest. .l-ounc« tube 2 for ■ ■ ■ ■f'ELt«rp)»:'G;""19c.... FAIRMOUNT FRYING CHICKENS EACH The elegance the most rugged wearing qualities ____ ^ i2 / k r W ^ SPINACH 81.98 PHILADELPHIA ...... Bth ST.8T and the utmost ease in making ttX-SELTZER alkalizing tablets.. .PKkage of 25 2 far 99c LOAM PKo. MORRELL’S SHANK HALF HAM FLEISCHMANN’S ...... Stk $3.65 up. The marquisette — forty- KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES nylon bristles. .3 styles 2 for 4 0 c ' g B B lPANOVITE Now la the time for seeding NATIVE TOMATOES 23c eight Inches wide— Is priced at a COB LIVER ON. Raxalt Pwatest high potency, Pint 2 far 1.41 wumdm very modest $.75 a yard at the Multi-vitamin m , Dark. Rich, Cultivated Loam MORREU’S DAISY HAMS CREAM of KENTUCKY .... 5th 53.45 caps. No. I Loam $S On. Vd. ' CHENET BROTHERS REM­ CasawMcs SiAjaet ta TiL rastfved to liinit quantitlM. 100’s RED and WHITE 9-pftct 5*1 CROSSE iMd 8LACKWEU 5th 53.65 NANT-8 AU18ROOM. . — No. 3 Loam $3 Co. Td. In Tmek l.nad Lota Jr>roond To Order Lb.. 79d MORREU’S BACON LB. 59c C u p s and MANHATTANS WITH CHERRIES Sauicara BMABT PEN AND PENCIL Meo: Sand. UraveL Stone W w r r C C " Vacuum Tin Lb. 89d MORREU’S LINK SAUSAGE LB. ^ 8 SETS. like thoae displayed at MiMWYAUlES PHONE 5408 httf MARTINIS WITH ONIONS Sth 53.85 MATHER’S AT TOE CENTER, I AMERICA’S RED and WHITE OVEH niartd ■ G R A V ES G I N ...... Sth 52.85 are almoat "standard emipment" >T MORRELL’S SKINLESS FRANKS PRO. 99o aimeilv. iMklaf. for achool or.buainaa* ’ihere’a a MBUt /CkMONiATib NUSSDORF DIXIE 8EUE G IN ...... Sth 53.15 trim aet by Waterman for as lit­ Q 9 q u i k - b a n o s 4 9 . CONSTRUCTION CO. CENTER GUT PORK CHOPS LB. 85c tle aa $5.10. Sheaffer seta and t SSTH BASTE Q 7Qa BAKED BEANS 2 ’^^ 4 7 c SHOE PARRBR*S GIN ...... Bth 52.79 the famous Parfeer 21 aiid Parker U. of III. Ilcansad formula. 3(4<6L W fir f w * Choice of regular of elastic styles, aa. A A * 27 Deerfield Drive 51 come in varied color* Pona RED and WHITE FROZEN FOODS BIRRS EYE PEAS tit LACES AU POPULAR MRR ' and pencils may be purchased sep­ JAN i WINSLOW $i.oowauii ■ AND ALE REFRIGERATED arately of conrao. 14 Ox. Bot. WHIPPED CREAMS QQc COLOGNE DUET OQit CATSUP 2 3 c BIRDS EYE FRENCH FRIES 21« 3 10^ Oaraied cMeken ftleaaaae la de­ Nylon Marquisette licious aervod over squares of Chocolat* covtrad; 6 flavors. 2-Bl bti w w u . Mpla Blossom • Gardenia lalh h r Q v * p freshly baked corn bread. To make CLIP *11118 VALUABLE COUPON BIRDS EYE SPINACH 288 interpreted by the com bread the quick and easy “ •4B0’’ OATMiAL CROSSE IBUCKWELL Proctar & Gambia's fobulauB n«w Curtain Material way use a packaged mix. BAG O’.POPS AM. COMPLEXION SOAP JOw. SWEATBItS rO R OmipS AND As$ort9d flavors; C$116 bags of 30. u. £a£r 3ouncacalies...... BaialB " tv * FROZEN PRANCE JUICE 188 HOME PERMANENT WOMEN come In the prettiest of WIN A RUSHEL OF GROCERIES^ colors this fau a t the MOKT- “ Cardlaffy Yawrs” I ReflII $1JS GOMERT •. WARD COMP ANT Chip-llatittant Idgaa 7 5 c yard From the gayest of "fireman’s The fashion fabric, woiuferfully soft red" to the amart naw "ginger W RITING PAPER CQc GLASS TUM 9LIRS 4C . Ctiayltlt Kil $L2S and supple suede, is used by Air Step snap" shade, there are many FgohioiMd shNts and anvalopas. b tu .v V In popular ihifM . He. lOe tack • far V w * ' (PUm TAX) T (Remnaato Bad Ipaperfacta) rbolcet. In bright and deep col I In$16 this 66*69 new ItC T T style. 9% ^ IV . You'll « V i l l i ^ ^ ^ Addreaa ^ CLEM’S GROCERY For a wove that looks - faals • bahavas ora. On* group of aU-wow eai'p YOU CAN DEPtND ON ANY DRUG PRODUCT THAT BEARS IHE NAME '7^'xall A ratn r m ane! at its value for jiUt SI 1.95 digana In boxey or fitted style* la C U M IN T F. L M P A C C H IN O for mora Ilka •ACf STAtlS $a*« ta:$«A6 iii alaea 54 to 40. AT YOU* fUT i Wool eardigana In aUes $$ to 46 Fill la this aoopoa aai briag to oar ator* You may win | CHENEY BROTHERS qpa $t.M to $6.98. Tb* popular aoa le baebele of gtooertea to be givea away at the draw- > 361 CENTER ST. nvten cardigan* stsaa M to 60. tog to take ptoea Saturday at 9:00 P. M. You aaed not be I PLENTY OF ROOM TO PARK (5 u n S u Ho& iJ REMNANT SALESROOM are $5.96. SUp.«n sweaters In preaeat to wto. * ■ lllcitejtflMi ■UHTFOIto all irael or ait nylon'are $1.98 to PRiCES RFPRCTIVri THURR. P11I. 9AT.. ;OCT 19. 10, 80 9S.99. It y^ sf# them yen/re 8 0 D M ; DiOy.f $9 5:10 a*6 Satupdeye 6 te 4;w, Gustafson's Shoe Store apt.tp want 'nwra than pat' ^ A l^ OPKN OCT. 18-COLUMBU8 DAT 70S MAIN STREET MANCHESTER TELEPHONE 2-ft14 ’.I----- ^ The Inquirei 664 GUNTER STREET 1 A- ■■ ■ ^ : y r ! \ , . ■ \,A‘ ■I ■ ' , . ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■■■. ■/. ■■ - \Ai- .■ ■ I ■ ■ ------' 'V '■: MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1961 r A o i i i m MANCHESTER KVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER.'tiOMN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17,1961 > \ . V/''' Silk City Entertains Chiefs Tonight at Nebo Under Arcs iSiJi Teams to Compete in Eastern Pro Basketball .League

league teame to own. or control, Improved over what it aras last Cheer I.eadcrs To Sell s);>rl^.” Charles Calkins Gets Play. With Locals Tonight Knight Greatest Cager [Phil Wrigiey minor league teahie. No Operation Reynolds said he plana to give First Hunting Permit To Play In Uragnay But O'Connor aald hs did not —^ Bowling Scores — Grid Tickets Thursday it a full test In an exhiblUon game Aces After Second Win know how baseball could drop the Manchester to Defend this Sunday, and if things go as Top Witness farm system now, without causing Manchester High's prstty F or Reynolds First hunting permit at the Bobby mught, weli-known considerable upbes'val. CkaAty A. A. Vlllsse rkarmra cheer leaders will assist in the ha a x p e^ them to, he will skip season issued by Town Clerk Hartford bnakeOmll atnr who the operation. On the Pacifle Coast situation, (‘ArlMA Tr«fk^r« Ml Vflrrt (1> CrerkrII l u . AgeBr, 4i> advanced sale of fn«thall Samuel J. Turklngton was re­ performed wlUi Mnncheater In ChApmin 103 ta’> 93— 399 Klrlnut hmli.t 10.1- 2.88 Whitt M) 99 11— 387 Loop, Playoff Titles HMr Twit, i r - m - U AJ- George Weiss, general manager O f the Season at Home O'Connor gave the Congressmen ticketa for Saturday's game it oat ived by Charles Calkins of the Blnatem League Inat win­ I Chicago Baseball Owner Toppltijf 88 103 86— 376 ^IrLaufrhlin 83— 383 Orockftt 13 102 8 3 - 266 was announced today by Ba lUjnu^di baa kia wajr. Wa good of the Yankees, said It was not the S3 Drive B, Silver l4Uie ter, haa been named "the a peek at a plan he said Is being McCirthy 91 91 *6- Mavflln 138— S84 Oanipanellc 68 91 94— 3U policy of the club to advise the worked out to meet objections Faculty. Manager Dwight Per­ A MX team Saatern Pro Boaket- -alb ait mttUiK—ricbt albow wU homes. , . * greateat baakctball player ever First Semi-Pro Contest prison squad Is tha beat htf has bad To Appear Before Cuahliif 8S 100-^ 183 PontlUo 96— 313 Stafford 78 71 'll— 390 record ^ players one way or the other. He In yean. from the West., These aref that P trkey 103 113 3(M ROi DeMar! 81 74 7 0 -2 1 1 ry. boll I.«ligue seemed assured lost port'e Sunday I ammaiag Uka a pair ol Hunting season In Connecti­ to appear in Uruguay” by a petron* 75 — 75 The girls, attired in their did ask Reynolds to submit , a re­ cut opens Saturday for pheas­ Montevideo broadcaoter. In Several Years at Best known back with tha Gmgressional Croup the Eastern big'leagues are keep­ night wiibii officlala met with' Manchester la Um caatiBata naat aaaaon. port on the condition of his arm ing the Pacifle Coast from having T otal! 483 493 S28-160I Total! ^ 878 418 409—1330 srhool colors and uniforms, will regular season and playoft ehain- ants, ruffed grouse, quail, gray The aensationol cager la now ^ le fs la Don Panono, former | T ottlk 488 ■ 4Sr. 463—1404 WraxliiR 431 * JaliaMd Faint <1> be on Msin street Thursday franchise hoMera in Meriden to 'n a CUaf, flrst pitcher in niBXt wpring. Night Expected to Citadel etar. Oon Doty, a 230- ■ Washington, Oct. 17—(ei—Phil Its own big league, or having big plon. Details on the looal entry squirrels and raccoons. touring South America. He will FrtnreiiR <3) 90 99 88- 283 KHckaDh . 99 101 9 9 - 396 night and will be selling tickets -liscuss prellmlW pisn. for the ^ bi-m season wlU ba u - jUBarioaa League history to hurl Dr. Sydney Gajmor, the Yank ^und fullback, and 300-pound I Wrigiey, owner of the Chicago league tesnia moved from the Phlllip» 97 ‘ 90 107— 294 W. F*rcv t,19 109 94— 322 Bank. 104 94 1 7 - 185 physician, however, haa been of return to the United Statea in Attract Big Crowd East to the West. ^01^ 307 for the Manchester— Meriden coming RcaAon. Owy two tDanui nouncod Docni. (wo no-hit gaaea a one aeaaon, early November. pipp Jones a n other veterans Cubs and the Los Angeles Pacific 10.1 101 99— 30.7 Rautonbrrr i n 9.1 llolmP! 91 83 108- 371 High game which will be haa deddsd not to have hla elbow the opinion all along that Reynolds vrtth the squad. The personnel In- woaat League team, waa today's He said he could not discuss de­ Klotfr gfi 04 89— 381 Hayden 106 108' Conlan 74 75 78— M5 that were in the league last year I League warfare U «»M 0tod to season, although be finished -'with 106 108 108— 819 played Saturday afternoon at 2 operated on tor removal of some should get the chips removed. He Portable Ilghta will be turned on riudea many 'former memben of :op-blIled witness before congresa- tails. but that one change would 90 J08— .304 Whalon Shrldon 11 11 73— 384 were in attendance khmehester ay araund Tiiaskaslv- once observed Jokingly that he a 17-8 record and won one World Farmington High taams. be a provision allowing a Pacifle Mrlntonh 104 92 89— 386 o’clock at Mt. Nebo. I ing. Monohealer will play itd home looae bone chips. For the past tonight at Mt. Nebo when the Silk 'nen investigating whether base- razlAnoR 74 — 74 TutaU 638 517 472—1627 Total! 448 493 419—1118 and Bristol—but two former ! month, he haa been planning the would not want to be the doctor to Series game against the New York The team will be attlnd In gold Mil is a monopoly. Coa^t player to indicate in his The biggest crowd in years gomes at tha onhory. operate because if Allle doein't Giants. Scandal Expected City Acee take the football field is expected out for the (XHL teams and two new franchises surgery. pants, white helmets and blua and Wrigiey (Its right in wl»re yes- contract whether he would be sub­ Totxlp 498 4.M 493- 1441 Main Ufflrr <•) darfi! Realty (41 "I was pitching too well down throw three-no hitters next year If all goes well with AUle, who against the Ftirmington Chiefs. white Jerseys., ject to draft by a big league team. game, which, if Manchester were awarded. was examined by Dr. Bennett In '.erday'a testimony left off; The Prlcono 97 88 lOr— 389 Ruddpll 88 90 »4— 370 Art Pungratz and Julie Larese the stretch this past season to the operation probably would be Kickoff will be at 8 o'clock. The Sunday afternoon the Acee meet Another strong objection from the S. F. Rada Nhnp M) Srhwrlirr 89 73 87-" 348 Mrnurr 97 93 8 9 - 378 wine, will clinch championship Baltimore yesterday, pitcher Vic To Spread Again House Judiciary subcommittee take a cbsnce on an operation deemed a failure. locals will be out after their second the RockvUle American Legions at landting the probe centered all West Coast has ^ n to a base­ .Facoba 92— r4 Farron ' 99 10.1 93— 394 Rohrbarh 98 78 7 9 - 149 honors. represented Manchester and Bris­ "If the arm swells up on me aft­ Raschl will be the only Vank to go MorroR* 92— 207 Klnfr 97 98: 9 6 - 387 Lrdoun T9 90 99— 361 tol respectively. Middletown is re­ Vbifllt IMS thM now,” he said yesterday, ta reveal­ straight triumph at home. 3:16 at M t Nebo. lay yesterday on the farm sys- ball law allowing the majors to er the game Sunday,” said Rey­ through any off-season treatment. New York, Oct. 17—UP)—The Ilumphrifa 87— 168 Baldwin 94 113 114— 330 Frrrmnn 79 88 78— 141 turning to the fold under the man­ ing his plans to the New York Head Coach Swede Solomonson '.em. and in particular the Pa- take one plave~. at a stipulated Jan'l! 88— 200 2 packs cf eiganttctl Yankees. “NaturaUy Dr. (George) nolds, "some doctor will hear from Ranchi has been troubled with a oricc. from each Pacifle Coast agement of Joe Wloe, a shoe store Joint in his right knee which has college basketball scandal la ex­ reports that hla charges came out :lflc Co.ost League. Kvaniakt 92— 206 Total.p 470 470 495—1444 Total!* 439 434 444-1394 owner in the Forest C?lty. Tony Bennett cannot guarantee the re­ me. But I don't think it will." team. Wrating (4» Benner! Naineil been puffing up for two years. Dr. pected to spread to more schools of last Sunday's game In good con­ Stonehan Doubtful Leslie O'Connor, a Cliicago law- Sapifnxa — 75 Ray Molara 49> Rlnsldl and Hay Diibuc will open sult of an operation. As a matter Reynolds, who la 33 years old. rjr who is counsel for the Pacifle O'Connor abo said the coast llab crrm 97 90 — 187 IflFntand 93 106 8 0 - m o . was bothered by the chips all last Bennett will inspect it Friday and players according to Assistant dition and no lineup changes are TMalJ* 410 411 4.^1 -1106 niod<*r b « lOl 96— 304 Sutn 77 89 a fram^lse in Southington. Roth of fact, he says the elbow Is much planned. There will one addition :Joast League, was the chief wit­ loop is thinking about becoming TO- 316 were connected with Meriden last District Attorney Vincent O’Con­ Of Park Sale an independent league, freeing it­ MaarkaatFr Radiator! 8> Snurlrr 91 133- 316 AvrrajtV T1 71 71— 31.1 Bark of Week Spec Fla veil to the squad tonight who did not less. O'Connor was for 23 years Bvcholakl 113 96 88— 290 Murphy inn 98 903 year. Meriden did not attend the ner. self from its present ties to the Conoi*‘r 98 71 88— 349 play last Sunday—Pretzel Jacobs. II close adviser to ba.sebaH's flrst Brrarnaki 9.1 97 90-- 2S0 Taapafaarl* 104 94 91— 389 Valontinr 84 74 S7— 345 meeting. The Allied Red Devils of O’Connor made this assertion eastern majors. yesterday follcsvlng the arrest of The . little will-o-the-wiap from ^ New York, Oct IT— Notre Deme, and Bobby Dillon of Island University and New York eight yean ago In high achool, the property on which the ball park Wrigiey himself. ' T otal! 461 479 801—1446 sporta editor of the Bridgeport ram club, for instance, signs a Sabourtn 88 89 tot— 2T7 Texoa. who mode the key defen­ Herald, to fill the post of presi­ rm UM vanity.' Aces preNnt a well-coordinated la situated. The News said that if ToUlfl 397 386 464- 1236 I 0}r Hoaa*‘ tSi S. Hotmra 83 98 9 3 - 390 sive play in the bitter Texai-Okla- Now Proudly Presents O'Connor Indicated that Benln­ attack. the park Is aold the Giants wlU rood second baseman, but the ma- White‘Plains. N. Y.—Vince Mar­ Howard*! LandtripInE Clark 74 94 ins— 3T4 Arthur 80 90 9t— 358 dent, vacated by Lou Black loot QueiUon of the day: In what<^paat. In tha aeml-pro tank% have iof club already has one. the for­ tinez, 149'4, Paterson. N. J., t>. CowiM 101 9! 94" Corby 109 88 9 4 - 391 homa battle. spring for business reasons. Cohen tende was''singing" on colleges In­ Vlalton Strang play their games in the Yankee' Fllhl! 79 71 8 8 - 346 As might be expected, Benners football game will Jimmy "Min alwaya produoed aoma Mttor mer may be put into "cold stor- knocked out Dick Cannadv, 146. TourlPllot 79 94 102- Pirklnpon 90 in M— 29.8 HaKley 78 77 91— 346 assumed the presidency last night volved but not mentioned so far in Coached by Walt Aston, former Stadium. Morton 8i) 104 91- 97— U» drew most of the prsise in bsilots nie" Mlnlcuccl loae his footbcUl struggles. There is no lova loat In ige"): and because minor league Newark. N. J.. 3. Iriah 92- in an effort to help the league sur­ AT THEIR ADDITIONAL LOCATION the scandal. pro performer with the Hartford Stoneham said, "Wa have a ('rniulall 02 80 94- Vi'iHi# It . 116 134 il6— 368 panta? ’The big tackle-fullback haa either camp in regard for the oth- 'arm teams Io.se revenue through Newark, N. J —Tippy Larkin. Total! ¥H 410 473^1318 sent in by sportswrlters and broad­ vive. lie liSH been prominent in the CHAMP Benlntende was arrested Mon­ Blues and current coach at Farm­ term lease on the site of the Polo Low Man 62 68 71- Duchrane 87 — 97 casters, but Dillon's heads up dr- nearly been stripped of his panta ^ er side and reports have been re- nahMity to sell players. 140V4, Garfield, N. J.. outpointed sports field, psrtlcularly bsaket- day night at LaGuardU Airport as ington High, the Chiefs will pre- Grounds. The Coogsns own the r«nntfT rink WaoM fenoive play generously I sf hell AI in each of the Indians' last three I ceived that the full guarantee In ' The farm system sllows major Total! 424 443 4.63—1319 T('ta)a 4M 6t4 801—1.801 ball, for over 25 years. A product he stepped off a plane from Bos­ ■ent a twenty man squad. The property, Wo own the plant. We Humberto Sierra, 137'4. Tampa, 8. Spoont tl> praised. games. Sunday's gams will be at stake Chiefs opened their season Ust 86 99 7 3 - 347 of Meriden, Cohen captained his 299 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST ton. He was Indicted Aug. 17 on a havesve signedsign a lease and I’m sura McCormick* Although hs's been filling the Ims welDitl Mede el ewllr when the Rockville Legion comes Sunday against the strong Weth­ Rrrprrn 74 88 78— 218 high srhool team and played var­ NEAR BROAD STREET bribery charge In connection with as president of the National £ c- Southwest sir with footballs for sity hall at Wesleyan. He played "KS" fur, freekeped tre e e -i Manchester High haa scored (o town for the first half of a ersfield Prison Trojans and were hibitlon Company (The Giants) Krlaon 48 76 8 8 - 338 an alleged fix attempt of the 1050 Paatorr 78 71 78— 333 several seasons, Benners enjoyed several years in the semi-pro •4 diepe. twenty-two touchdowns In four home and home aeriee with tha NCAA championship gsms be­ whipped. Prison Coach Tony Ran­ that the Ooogana would let ma hla greatest day against the __ < am*SUk aties. 0 dall reported last night that the Wllkir 73 89 •8— 344 ranks and was on outstanding games this scaaon. 'The Indiana tween OCNY and Bradley. know whether any negotiationa Lockwood •7 11 r — 388 amazed Irish lost Saturday —and coach of scholoatlc, semi-pro and have rolled up 145 points for a Chiefs are a fine team suffered were under way for the sale of the with a nationwide tsievlaion audi­ first game Jittera lost Sunday. girls teams for many years. Hs 36.1 per game average. Volley ball classes will resume See Leases property. Up to now we have Total! 486 473 410-1437 ence watching the ihow. Unhur­ also is an ex-refereee of the Con­ W slsat Street (I) RandaU add^ that this yeaur's heard nothing." DHrrra <91 Monday night at 5:30 at tha Y. Philllpi ried and unruffled, Beners complet­ necticut State Board. He was G LEN N ErS Jack Crockett and Frank Robin­ «« — n Bar»er 88 83 81— 334 ed 32 of 42 paoaes against a team Concession stand at Mt. Nebo, Hewitt 108 n« I— <1S DrMartln •7 73 1 0 - 130 sporta editor for the Meriden owned and operated by the police son report that they are all set for Mussrs S3 — 83 Oanfwrra 74 78 13— 331 that had prepared for a passing at­ and firemen, baa been completely another ambitious season. It Is Wlniler 111 111 113_ 14t ! Harrington 78 93 8 9 - 359 tack but could do nothing to stop SYLVANIA renovated for the football season. possible that a league will be or­ Zwick 134 114 107— 3U 1 Ijiktnfr 77 96 109- m It Linoleum was laid on the floor ganized. Andenoa n o 106—«334 lltllnakt 97 111 103- H9 Notrs Dome knew Benners would Quey 111 u o - m pass on virtually every play—the yesterday. All profits from the ' Total! 481 194 lit—IIM doiiViiillDihD stand are turned over to the Jun­ Ed Wlerzbicki, assistant direc­ Totals Mustangs did not run with the ball tor at the West Side Rec, reports 6M 578 886—1846 once in the first quarter—because ior Athletic Fund which is main­ Feet oaice (I) Rra!!lai (11 tained by the police and fire de­ that reservations are now being ac­ McCarthy 91 134— 318 ; MamlM<>n 87 79 99— 315 Scouts had seen him complete 21 Golden Jubilee TV partments. All police and fire­ cepted for badminton and volley Kerr 109 K — 194 ' rinnFKan U 89 9 8 - 198 out of 3B against Ohio State. Still men who man the stand at foot­ ball groups on Thursday, Friday McGulra 103 90 114— 807 1 Groa.l 69 •7 '68— 191 they couIdnH stop him. The Irish and Saturday nights. P. Aceto 93 113 113— 316 ' X. Johnson 19 91 17— 367 lineman ebarged frantically, baliks ball games donate their services Tweronlt! 103 138 99— 839 100 78 It— 364 gratia. 1 nilitiaDor scurried to cover potential receiv­ Parents' Day will be observed Martin 101 133— 334 i Ilrnton 15 94 90— 374 ers, and still Benners connected. ' £ X Saturday at Mt. Nebo when Man­ Total! 497 51< 573—1585 Total! 488 473 449—1401 9FNHC-TV Case Brothers' bowling league chester High's gridders entertain Romora Ara Bpibetf will start action for the season to­ Fttitrr! 49> Meiiden High in a CCIL game. Araar)' TsTera (I) ; Dummy 78 76 7 9 - 338 CHANNM. I night at Murphy's alleys. Joe Parents of students who purchase Sarpola 104 98 88— 390 i Dummy 76 76 75— 336 NoahvtUe, Tenn.«Oot. IT—UP)— Campbell will be in charge of the tickets in advance will be allowed StKVpni 91 107 90— 388 1 Dummy 59 M 99— 177 Rumors Utot BUI Bdwanls would 10 F. M. pin setters this season. two admissions for the price of one PlochArzyk 85 100 98— 383 Hall 87 u 79— lU resign m (botboU eoseh at Von- Porda 90 n 9 3 - 373 'OU Berrera 114 99 94— 807 derbUt Untvsnlty were opUied ticket. The advance sale of tickets Fairfield no lAcBrlda 99 101 97— 390 Graham Holmes added another will end Thursday night. Regular 93 97— 399 I AT YOUR AUTHORIZED I when be w m glvati a new ran- s f i fH§m Af rNtii. ffl.F gn A victim to his list of ring foes last price of adult tickets will prevail Total! 504 498 467—1467 Total! 479 498 499—1487 tract lost night Monday night in Holyoke when he at the box office. Hartford Boad Grill (S) sed lINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER easily decisloned Gene LeBIanc of Ge!! 118 85 89— 383 Fall River in the six round semi­ Posters have been distributed to Sadroiln!ke 96 96 117— 309 final bout. Holmes won four Blaaonette 106 87 n o— 303 'ars local stores advertising Saturday's winter 91 111 95— 297 rounds on each of the two judges' Manchester-Meriden football game Madaen 101 90 111— 303 The Madison cards, a like number of the refer­ at Mt. Nebo. It is the first time in TELEVISIOM ee's card, with two rounds being years that* posters have been out Total! 513 469 533—1503 Motorola TV TAKE ^ 18 MONTHS TO PAY • R T Mahogany called even. before the public. A rxouirvf m a m -o Ua r d Expensive Experiment D d .n o Conaob Girfrer's Work Clofrhot Rockville and Manche.stcr meet­ Meriden High dropped a 14 to 7 San Francisco, Oct. 17—UP)— 1947 OLDSMORILE CLOI COUPE For Painters, Carpenters, Plunbem • M«vinOaar*aeneB ings on the football field in the decision to Woodrow Wilson High President Hugh C. Willett of the Green. Radio and henter. Hydrnmatle Drive. of Middletown last Saturday in National Collegiate Athletic As­ C1AOC i t INfrANT *T. • Stsdi»Ckaf* aotmd Middletown but according to the sociation says the NCAA Is spend­ Excellent condition. Stock No. U-S79...... l w Y 9 • Baekihbe Meriden Record, the Silver City ing $100,000 to determine the 1944 OLDSMORILE CLUl COUPE was robbed of a touchdown by poor effects of live television on col­ If K-fkt gkititn • Non-dan; wMown^viewinj officiating. lege athletic incomes. BInck. Rndio and henter. Standard transmlielon. ttOORI StRRok EiootrtRlo Laboratorioo with damed, thnt-eoaied lace One owner car. Stock N o.'U -4tl...... fflAriHav ff y 481 Middle Turnpike East TeL t-llM • Also available in blond 1949 WILLYS THAETON CONVERTIILE irs SMART Green. Radio and bentor. Excdlent eondirion. d O O C \ V Low mllenge. Stock No. U-SSl...... This Offer Repeated 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN TO OWN A Radio and heater. Eeoaomlenl car. C G A C F e a t u r i n g Stock No. U -SM ...... By Popular Request 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEMSATIONAl MEW Clnb Conpd. Black. Radio and Heater. - d G O C Lew mllenge. Stock No. U-418...... 1949 FORD CLUR COUPE FREE DECORATING SERVICE SAVE Oraeak Radio and'km tar. Low mUeage, Stock NOb U-SM...... GAPEHART! 1950 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN 'I Color Mack. Radio and kentor, overdrive. Low C 1 0 A C GREYHOUND mileage. One .owner car. Stock No. U-413...... ^ 1 "The Frame o f light for Viewing Comfort” 1947 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN 0 • 9!-' 'i Radio and kentor. Ootori Maroon. See Stock No. U-414...... J ou’ve read about it in national magazines, . . you’ve ir irs Comfort 1950 MERCURY CLUl COUPE ...... seen it in pictures. But NOW you can see for yourself rOU WANT, CHANOC ON "L o o k at Y Blaek. Radto, kentor. overdrive. 18,009 nallee. C 1 0 A C , -ret aOO*“ ‘ how HaloLight works! One Owner ear. Stock No. U-49S.'...... : ; ; I much e tc new 1949 UNCOLN COSMOPOLiTAN CLUl COUPE 810^ The sensational new uhpibvienmnt loir television viewing Cedoffi Black. Radio, kentor. everdri m C I O O C c . p e b M « ' » THE GAPEHART comfort—the soft, cool 6‘ame of light around your screen A ene-ewner ear. Stock No. U -S M ...... I O T 9 1949 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN : “ ------that gives you a wonderful new experience in restful view­ Sym phoo'C-to "GEORGETOWN" ing b here at (dealer’s name). SUroon, Radto and kentor. Stoeli No. U-XM . v»> • • $1495 ' [ I 1947 NASH 4-DOOR SEDAN 17-inch crysVil-clear picture; World re* ...WHAT COLORS GO WN|RCt l^t us show you h<5w HaloLight actually makes the O w y - MI d M i iM tor. la «seeUeBi OMidittoa. C Q O C nowned Capfhart Symphonic-Jone. Compart picture look clearer—makes it seem larger. But you must eoeojse. eesoeoveoeeoe oooeoeeooe ^9 \ x o v t L a p r U Let Kae Brewster, our color conaRHant, help you COAT too, a p a r t with your decorating problems. Let her know what 1940 OLDSMOMLE STATION WAGON sets t t modem styling in piahogany finish. Also ^ act now, for HaloLight is only on a limited number qf the b io M iy your furnishings age, and aliell mail you a person^ Oraem Radio and kentor. RxceOent aendlHen. ca l o o k » t thep*'*^*** available in laxnrioUs Korina. ' ized fecommendation which includra sam|dcu of the Sylvania complete, new, feature-packed Golden Jubilee Ime. ScUct any $50.M jost teach. paint cotors and wallpapers which will “do mort er better tdpeeat tf4R ttERCURT 44100R SEDAN - ; o t h e r s evetyoo® for your rooms. There** no obligation, whether it* -BiMk. Radto and kentor. Oomptete motor Jokb h a r t l one room or a whole house. FILL IN AND BIAIL frem eur iteck end Stock No. U—SIR ^7 o f» 9*P* f e d e r a l e x c is e THIS FORM TO .... Come, see HAIX3LlGHTiVoto/ we'll take $10.00 eff 195 1950 CHEVROLET CLUl COUPE TAX iNCI.I’ DF.D ' the price. Thif effer Sed Mark Henter. Lew mllenge. W a r r a n t y e x t r a KAE BREWSTER geed enly Thursdey, e/a BfoGUl Coaverae, Friday end Satur* 1949 UNCOLN SPORT SEDAN riaSL. I la n iK ia j ' day. Ail new eeets OfWto Radto, kMtar. everdtton. SSoek Nn. U<«M . . $1795 — gaberdines, ce> FREE INSTALLATION INCLUDING OUTDOOR AERIAL. NORFOLK PAINTS ALL A lO V I CARS HAVE THE FAMOUS *YD** "Rc.uity iiy the Gallon" ''C^. MALONEY’S verts end tweeds. - - YOUR CHOICE OF CONICAL OR YAGGI. ^lss!i!sstMs& AHigater eeets net SULLIVAN SAFE RUY USED CAR WARRANTY ...... - . _ . . • • - . ii RADIO AND TELEVISION Included. IH MDDU TURNnKI WIST ~ NEAR RROAD STMIT AND fIS M fH O m STORi DiMLY ttSO A. RA-V P. M. ORIARTY^ > MANCHHiat etosi SHOE STORE YOUR FIRESTONE DEALER 848 MAIN SnWET >1H1 HOURS: SAT. t:30 A. M.-S P. M. TELEPHONE 7080 825 MAIN STREET Q ie n n e y ^ s a iin m tn i/Mreeai 1 •54 MAM q p i r n m m r n E \ r ' ’"c • .-'t ------Y. "T- • I MAN(jREStBl BVENINirilEKAm HANXnliEOTBK, CONNn WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17.1961 FAGB HPfBTEBN XAIVCBEffTER EVENING l^B A LD . MANCHESTER. OONff. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17.1951 ■ V ; ♦■Av o i HY J. K. WILLIAMS SIDE GLANOBR RY GALBRAITH C'ARNiVAL BY blCB TOBNBB

AafokMiOis fw Isis AatesHbOee l»r Bale 4 PMp Waatsd—-Fsamls If Hs» Wtotsd-ilitola 85 DiaeHwde—W atdn Orrared 18A Sense and Nonsense g u a r a n t e e d u s e d c a r s I960 CHEVROLET TtodorTp. De(X)RMIER MOTOR ARHYODL0NB8OMB7 Do your Jswalnr 48 HSTHIMCSSOU C iM tiiiM i srgUds, radio, hsatsr.'low mils- SALES, Inc, FLAT FINISH HoUaad wiaSaw MdMren go off to aehooL doeo AiarrtfOdooD . Priced To Sell ags. I960 Deluxe Tudor, straight friend hulmy go eff to the office EXPERIENCED LEONAKO W. YOST. Jew ilei. w . ATdHOlCCwORK. A landlord In Reno, Nevada,'la A mothar-in-law with a seniM of tranamlssioa. Lika new through- SAYS: "Any . of these could shadea made to moMiire. All pnlra, aSluac watdiae expertly. ««DLnX.MCVCR being criUeixed for advertising humor Is supposed to be somewhat A dvtrtiiM M ib metal Venetian Minds at a new and leave the bouse a lonesome - - - VBO". 1948 Chevrolet Sedan out Douglas Motors, 888 Main be s leader, placel7 Onne to Burton’s for a RweobaWe prteas. Open SaUy. apartments for rent as folk^: of a rarity, but la not antirsly «x- street low price. Kaya made wlilla yon SHEET METAL Thunday evaumsa. tSS Spruce ‘Tfew modern ^l^nlshed epkrt- tlnct, According to the story told f v CLASSniED ADTT. 1948 Chevrolet Two Door wait. MarloWa ~ friend!lendly Job In a friendly store., BEriORCHEOTZ SmTE 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 1949 CADILLAC 4-DR. sre have many interesting full etreet Phene 3-48S7. HE MUSKY NEEP menta Pets ' welcome. No chil­ by a friend of ours. d ept. HOURS: dren,’’ He could offer a partial de­ His mother-in-law Is an Im- BANK 8 tliA .M .to 4 :S0 P.H. 1946 Ford Two Door .1961 PONTIAC SUPER SEDAN WEAVING at bona, moth M time positions open. Ask for Miss MECHANICS and A loaded smoothie. Priced and tom doUUas, hoateiy now. Johnson. Burton’a 641 Main fence we Buppoee, by contondlDg mcniw woman, who knows she’s | 1946 Pontiac (Sik) Sedanette atreet. Fast and Fsad 49A that pets can be trained to behave fat, but doeanT cty about i t Re- DELUXE CATALINA to sell. baadbag* npairad, aippav ro- themselves. COPY CLOSING TIME 1946 Oldsmobile (Six) placement, ombraUas rapatrod. EXPERIENCED ciwUy aha went to havs her pic­ Sedanette FULL OR PART TIME HELP FIREWOOD FOR BALE — For ture taken, while getting ready FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 8 cylinder. Only 8,400 miles. 1948 CHEVROLET 4-DR. mea's MUrt eoUan revereed and Wanted. Apply Annex Snack furnace, etove or flre^ace. Phono Man—What’s that pieca of cord for the picture; the photographer SEDAN replaoed. Marlow's little Meadlag ASSEMBLERS Coventry 7-6619. tied around your finger for? Executive car. Fully equipped ~Shop. ' Bar, East Center atreet thought her head etiould be tilted MON. THRU PRI. COLE MOTORS—4164 Fully equipped. An immacu­ Friend -My wife put It there to e hit more. 10:S0 A. M. including hydramatic. DEPENDABLE Postion offered as Photographer—Will you pleeee Two Locations late ear. aaeietent in dental office. Expe­ Gardtn—.ra m —Dairy remind me to post a Isttsr. SATURDAY t A. M. Bslldlag—CaEtfsetiBiTH Apply Man—Jtnd did you post it? raise your ^In a bit? 91 O nter St, 486 O nter St. BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. 1947 CHEVROLET 2-DR. rience not naceasary. Write Box ______Prodneta______M MoUier-ln-Iaw-4.Whlch one? CARPENTRY. Experteaeed la con- XYZ, c/o Herald. Penonnel Office Friend—No, etie forgot to give NASH SEDAN—Original owner. A two tone darling. This Gr e e n m o u n t a in no. one m-1 Tomi oooPBBATKnr w nx •tructlon of smaU homea, ga­ AN1340OTAT CORP. It to me. If people were aa determined to n AITBECIAraD Never in accident Well equipped. 166 Center Street you’d love. WANTEI>-Eldsrly Woman to do spected potatoes. The beat aatlnF' Low mileage. 1985. $100. Tel­ Telephone 2-4646 rages, dormers, alteratloap and general housecleaning two or OF get ahead In business as they are JobMng- LucK and Pateraoa. potato grown. Delivered to your Every so often we hear of wills In driring a car, there would be ephone 806L 1947 CHEVROLET 2-DR. three houra every morning. In­ AMERICA door. Call Hathaway 3-1890. which are either too old' or have D IA L Open Evenings Until 10 P. M. Tel. Manchester 4026. quire 618 Main street between 3 15 Flower Street been badly dra\^*n In the first comparatively fe^' failures. 5121 SEDAN and 4. MILES OF SMILES WITH A Radio, heater, defroster. Hartford ' plsu;e, causing hardship to widows A local business man was kept BARLOW GUARANTEED 1948 CADILLAC 63 Fordor Sedan. Cleaner than a hound’s tooth. Florlats—Nanwrias 15 WANTED — Temporary House­ HooaehbW Goefis 51 and othera It is the part of wls- out late St a business conference Radio, heater, hydramatic. Beau­ (k m to havs wills properly drawn USED CAR keeper for elderly man until pres­ —— n——em—an—a.—* AAA SUPER VALUE! with blue, red and white chips. He tiful black finish. Excellent con­ LARGE QUANTITY of Oma- ent one returns from hospital. WANTED—Stock Clerk for gro­ and revised aa circumstances are sneaked Into the house and got In­ dition In every respect. Douglas A LITTLE OLDER BUT mental Nursery Trees, very low cery department. Morning or WANNA BAROAINT WEU< I 40-17^ changed. X/MT—Ltdy'i aterllng tthrar wrlit price, 50c and up. We alM do Can 8186 or 5903 for Informa­ h a v e 3 ROOMS FURNITURE to the bedroom without being de­ r< - 1951 Hudson Hornet 4-Door Sedan Motors, 333 Main street HEALTHY tion. eifternoone, and all day Saturday. tected. Just ns he was atxu(t to wmtch. Black cord band, aapphlre —Hydramatic, radio and heater. ______i______planting and guarantee our work. AND APPUANCES THIN SRIM AND THICK. ----- msav—wo, « • e kitersveo. ae». me W it-L iA M ^ A doctor, attending a wit who Item, ^ctalty of the Center and Apply Manchceter Public Mar­ pop Into bed hie wife said, good Transportation, cheap. 1938 American arbor vitae end pyra­ HOUSEWIVES—Saleeladiee! 40^ ket. WHICH IS A BIT SCRATTCHED was very 111, apologised for being Main atreet. Phone 40L^ ARC, MV non. LATge ears and ahort tall, Model 88. Radio and heater. ^ r o o m . Living Room, Dinette, doctor ? to sleep.” nnder call Rockville 5-8819 or LOOKING FOR A GOOD Burnside avenue. East Hartford. Mam stnat . iootceo CUCKOO at f ir s t . DEAR 3ACKA66eS.f— SUT 1950 PlymoiAh 4-Door Sedan—Ra­ 1939 PONTIAC CONV. Call Hartford 8-3001 before 8 a WANTED—Girl for shirt folding. Rugs, Lamps, all have In my BOT IT asAV BE AN AID TO iGMOCANCe OF rtlSTOKY > S-0S45. Reward. MACHINISTS—First Class. Sec­ store •' Tf you forget whore you planted Nlght/<(rlvlng is becoming still dio and heater. USED CAR? CLUB m. or after 6 p. m. Steady work—five days. New HlBSOlATlONf gEAROED FORBIDS MXIR KNOWING V flower seed.'', you c.an tell by more^Jfazardous and manV accl- f 9fi. BM. «. FAT. System Laundry, Harrison street ond or third ehifte. Able to read SINCE LAST YEAR more d AOWt 1B51 >Y mtk MRVC5, IOC t. m. an. «. a ntr. sw. 1949 Dodge % Ton Pick-up- Come In and look,over these one 1939 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN 6EazaR5 ARC. 6UPP06EP THAT GREAT GCNCRALS I watching where the most weeds dents undoufctedly I are c.luseil by eora. iwt sr as* asaum ais Aanoaseeaenu S blue prints and eet up own work. And I’ll sell It to the first like t e e AND GRANT, ^ grow. Heater. owner care. Rooflng—Siding 16 WAITRESS WANTED — Day or Experience on lathe and mUling pftrty at such a low price, TO a rr a ll w in ter dazxllrixiing headlights. It la onsior 1949 Dodge H Ton Panel—Like ,1938 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN e j eWENOOKS. FDets of William colleN Than everc' to dim lights when pn.*!.s- •’Certainly I'm atlll prasidant of the bank— tart a dirty side­ DRAPERIES Made to order. Any 1949 Ford Two Door Sedan—Very night work. Six-day week. Ap­ machme eesentlal. Plenty of over­ you’ll believe that there really E n o g alG T H E BRVANVS HEYDAV, PRES­ Ethel Why. do. poct.s alwayaf walk onnoya me et much at your overdrawn aeoountr'. "Now, Mre. Dibble, I wont you to give the eourt your ver- atyle, lined nr unllned. TeL 3- new. clean—81.095. WE SPESdALIZE In roofing and ply In person. Garden Restaurant, time combrned with highest hour­ Is a “Santa aau s.’’ And I’ll sell Ing cars, but fewer than evor be­ 1949 Dodge 4-Door Sedan — Corn- 1936 FORD COUPE elding. Hlghesi Quality ma­ 840 Main street it on low Friendly Terms. HI IDENTS GARFIELD, haves speak of the moon aa stiver? - fore seem to do so. eion of the Incident-^H** o*** worder 8909. 1947 DeSoto Custom Club Coupe- ly n te equals top take hdme pay AND SO ON HAD BEARDS.' net model. Radio, heater. Three Radio and heater—81,095. At terials. Workmanship guaran­ for Hartford area. Apply Spen­ hold It until you need It. no Harvey—tfe because of ths EXPERT DRTVINO instruction In to chooee from. 1941 Nash Sedan—8250. teed. A. A. Dlun, Inc., 299 Antumn WANTED — Intelligent, Capable cer Rubber Products Company, matter how long, and It won't ---HAR-0JMPH?? quarters and halves, I suppose. Man—What’s the date today? BUGS BUNNY FUNNY BUSINESS BY RBRSHBERGBR auto driving, given by appoint­ 1940 Dodge Conv. Coupe — Radio 1942 Ford Sedan—Radio and heat­ DeCORMIER MOTOR street Phone 4860. Young Woman to work In family Chapel etreet, Mancheeter. cost YOU a penny. So. If you’re Wife-- Let me look In the news­ ment Call Mancheater Auto and heater. er-8350. SALES, Inc. ahoe store, fuU or part time. Ehc- Interested, just get on ths Summer brings tiyrf' urge to hit paper yo:i h.nve In your pocket. HlVA,«YUVB*T«lt.'1 NO VA AraAN A NO- &OOP Drtving Academy. 3-4087. TTLO ROOFS end etdewalla guar­ * perience preferred but not neces­ DIE MAKER—Ehcperienced, want­ phone and < I’ll make an ap­ the open road—whtdh you lumally Man—No use, It'a yesterday’s WW«T'« TH' FOR. Ct-ST- LAXT ALLBT CACT 1948 Pontiac Coupe Sedan—6 cyl­ 1943 Hudson Sedan—Radio and 24 Maple St. Tel. 8854 hud closed for ropqlrs. —Grit. paper. RU*H ? ^ CHAT, auVTUO*.' •UAA LIKB VOL ''LST'* inder. Radio and heater. heater—8350. Manchester anteed material and workman­ sary. Good working conditions ed by established company for pointment with you any. time ship, 87 yean experience. Free and good wages. Apply In per­ full time work. ’The Phillips- you say. either during the day I HAb/e A IG BnALLV -f- OT »« 1948 Ford Station Wagon—Radio 1948 Studebaker Land Crplser Se­ B i ------ocupg, ours dan.—Overdrive, new tlrea. PLYMOUTH 1950 Deluxe Club •stimatee. No obligation. Call son to Mr. Perry, Harper's Out- Beal ICto., 340 Hartford road. or evening, to show you this DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZI.E ...1 AAA AN and heater. Coupe, purchased December, 1950. George Collins, Manchester 5117. let, 1009 Main street between 9 super duper” bargain. THE PROSPECT HIU School for 1949 Hudson Super 6 Sedan—Ra­ EXPERIENCED ’TOOL MAKERS 1948 Willys Jeep. dio. heater, overdrive. Only 20,- Mileage 14.000. Price 81.500. and 5 or call 3-4831. by appointment m young children. Pre-Kindergarten. OUARANThlKD Roofing and roof Wanted for smaU gauges and cut­ Kindergarten. Monday through 1946 Pljrmouth 4-Door Sedan—Ra­ 000 miles. New car guarantee. Phone 4449. ONLY DAY OR EVENING! 'Anawtr to Piavloua Puul# dio, heater. If you are looking for a real repairing. Gutters and eonduo- ting tools. Call Hartford 8-6790. FOR appointment Friday. Transportation fum i^- 1951 BUICK RIVIERA 4-boor Se- tora Coughlin 7707. Help Wanted—Male 36 PHONE MR. ALBERT SouHiera Strptnf a eerpent 301 the aoririls Heater. Jipholstery. Radio and heater. bobbin, forward and reverse fiMautbward for an interesting full or part noon. teed roofing call Coughlin, Man­ MEN WITH TREE cUmMng ex- STOCK CLERK—Good starting stitch, wal ciny pressure foot to I Insect time job . . . and enjoy our hap- 1950 Chevrolet Sedan—Radio and chester 7707. perience. Steady employment. rate. Chance for advancement tor 15 Sea cows 4 Can (Scot) heater. New white wall tlrea. ambitious young man. Apply •ew over plna. automatic bobbin m atmosphere . . . ask for Miss BARLOW MOTOR SALES 1934 PLYMOUTH In good nuinlng H. F. Sweet Phone 7587 after 5 winder, drop feed for darning, MPoomss SOetmaa king Johnson. Burton's. 841 Main WAPPINQ CENTER condition. Anxious to sell. Call ROOFING SpeclaUaing In repair­ p. m. Mr. Ruhmel, F. W. Woolworth ISWUa rrtd y i;ll ir J Lli »,J1 i!>6'X|ikii ■ Out Of The High Rent District McCLURE AUTO CO. 3-4718. Company. atUchmertA rwenty year guar- I ilRI b:. lla l l.iir_lMssi-*i-. street ing roofs at aU klnda. Alao new antes. Worth 83t4, sacri&ce now. 16 Ancient 7 Imprcesloo Phone 5404 roofa Gutter work. Chlmneye nui II ii-:luM niicjh4n INTERESTED in Stocks and 873 Main Street 1949 MERCURY COrtverttble. Ex- WANTED for $139. Wil’ take $3 per week. ■ , capital of < Continent Open Evenings Until 9 cleaned, repaired. 36 years' ex­ I'UUNEUVILLE 1>'ULK8 i6y FONTAINE FOX U'EBfpt MPrAistorie 44 Heal Bonds? Call your local broker­ ^ All Day Sunday Phone 2-9442 cellent condition. One owner. Sftmtlofis Wanted— CaU 7691. _z SExclamatlCQ ----■- -a Call 2-9219. perience. tree eettmatee. CWl 18 Moist lOUncodted PCfKM 48 Volcano in age office for information. No HowIey. 'Menchester 5861. A-1 MECHANIC ______Fenuilb 88 need to go to Hartford. Call 8315 1939 CHEVROLET 2-door, 1195. SELL YOUR CAR to Balch for WINDOW .--HADES. Measured, The Fam ous Ea s t TookeTr v il le S ystem for 19 Two (prefix) II Prevents, 83 Wood Sicily >' any time. No obligation. 1939 Dodge sedan, $195. 1939 Immediate cash. O.P.S. price. No Our increasing service busi­ SEXJREJTARY with executive and made and Installed 10 colors and 20 SmaU house red tape—no waiting. Balch Pon­ Asto Accessoric KBEPINO TRAMPS OUT>UT THE NEIOHBORHSOP. 13 Hate 84 Indolent 46PretenM Oldsmobile, 8195, 865 down, bal­ ______T l if ______ness has created a need for diversified experience desires full qualities in stock. Keith Furniture iWR.aai5ajg 22 Concerning 17 Specific 86 Contract 49 Literary A RIDE WANTED — Comer Hart­ ance 18 monthe. Cole Motors. tiac, Inc., 155 Center street. Heating—Plnmblng 17 or part time work. Central. Phone 4159 23 Vow ford road and Bunce drive to Phone ■ 2-4545. Open evenings additional good mechanics. If 25 Seines * gravity (ab.) •7 Browns bread ■erapo p t 4164. BEFORE YOU buy tires see ua PLUMBING and heating. Furn- Phone 2-0734. 30 Book divisions by beet •I' T vicinity of State Capitol. Hours 'til 10. Goodyear distributors. Gorman you are one of these, looking ARISTO BILT unfinlriied . book­ 37 Finnish bke 81 She 8:30 to 4:30. Call 3-4105 after 1949 CHEVROLE7T Deluxe Four- acei, oU burners' and bMlera. cases and chests' In many sizea 31 Makes bigger 43 Pronoun 63 Hebrew dcitj Motor Sales, 285 Main street. Earl VanCamp. Tel. 6344. for a good proposition—See 28 Misplaced eOMLI 5:00. door Sedan. Beautiful two-tone DILLpN'S GUARANTEED Phone 2-4.571. our Service Manager Mr. Gay. Situations Wantrd— Hardwood tables and chalra. The 29 N ^ pubUc2« Holding 4SDoves’ caUa 85 Parent H I PAY. 4 Radio, heater, viaor; extremely USED CARS Wodshed, 11 Main streeL (eb.) WANTED—To Join car pool to 2—1960 Ford Custom Deluxe “S' EFinciENT Plumbing and beat­ ______Mal4 ; sharp; like new condition. Guar­ ing. Plugged drama machme 30 Nitfogta ■ r j f i j l . Storra; hours 8 to 4:30. Telephone anteed. Douglas Motors, 333 Tudor—Heater. CAR RADIO — 825.00. Phone MORIAR’TY BROTHERS WANTED—Odd Job Work. Out- WE BUY and sell good used forpi- (prefix) 2-3389 after 4. Main street. 1—1950 Ford Custom Deluxe “8' 5336. cleaneq. Carl J. Nygren, SOS door work preferred. Easy Terms ture, combination ranges, gas ‘K’e fi shove-through knob to dlepourage peddlerti" Club Coupe—^Heater, ra­ Oakland etreet Phone 6497. 301-316 Center Street 81 Note to Telephone 4388 Manchester. ranges aAd heaters. Jones Furni­ Guides scale dio and overdrive. MotorcycIMi— Ricvclea II ture Store. 36 Oak. Phone 2-1041. AotnawiMlaa Far 8alc 4 t r ip l e c h e c k e d u s e d c a r s 1—1960 Ford Deluxe "8'' Tjidor— PLUMPTNO Alterations. New MAN to take charge of wash 33 Artificial work. Repair and water piping. lenguaeo' BEIFORE y o u Buy a used oar Overdrive. GIRL'S 26” Columbia Bicycle; room. Ehcperience not necessary. Pnts—Birdi Pots 61 9 X IS FLORAL RUG and Pad! 1950 Chevrolet 2-Dr.—Black. 1— 1960 Chevrolet -Deluxe Tudor—boy's 26” Columbia Bicycle, orig­ Manchester 3636. Good pay. good workmg condl- Rose color. Used two mm tha 33 Ripped see Oorman Motor Sales. Butek BEAUTIFUL OolUe Puppies Sa­ 35«th — FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS It’e Spreading BY MERRDX C. BL0 8 8 ER Sales and Service, 285 Main 1960 Ford 2-Dr.—Heater. Maroon. Heater. inally 850 apiece. Will seU for tlona and benefits. Apply In per­ Price 8110. Phone 3-1395. 2— 1949 Ford Custom Deluxe 825 ”8' each. Phone 3-0241. PLUMBING and heating, special­ son. New Model Leundry, 73 ble end white. A.K.C. ra fte re d . S8Passage in fb» street. Phone 3-4571. Open eve­ 1950 Dodge Tudor Sedan—Radio ising In repairs, remodeling, cop­ Three weeks old. CaU 2-9206. FLORENCE Parlor Stove, two- brain, nings. and heater. Light green. Fordor—Radio and heater. Summit street. DoeeoNe.' 1^ HEAitD? />N0AD«7^ jS h OON a BACKSmSKTOfABnatYf 2—1949 Ford Custom Deluxe “8“ per water piping, new construc­ burner. Very good condltloB. 39 Resound HANSriN' TTAKg SMALL FOX TERRIERS — Nice ' Reasonable. Phone 2-3793 after (^fwitTW iRP/ YOU g e t a 100,000 mUe deal 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Club Coupe Tudors—Radio and heater, COLUMBIA BICY Cl£- Good con­ tion. Estimates given. Time pay­ WANTED — Rellsble Young or 40Noteof scala IT IDA UJ ID TH' BMr 4,nOSA/ m l o n l y X B«jrANCF,BUr DM diTHBFWCCWeD 7 S l y N W SEASON/ whan you buy your Pontiac from man’t Kennels, Lake street Bol­ 41 Achievement CLEAN fiUWEp/ Balch-Pontiac, Inc., 155 Center dio and heater. Phone 6979 or 5044. stqtlon. Steady, light work, good 47Suaflod GOTO IHeOpeRA./ y 1‘MTAKINd- 1949 Club Sedan— 2 - 1946 Mercury Tudor — Radio salary. Inquire George's Elaso ton. Phone 6387. WRINGER TYPE Wesbing m4-‘ Y 0 0 7 street Manchester. Radio and heater. Hunter green. and heater. H oalnaaa 8arsHea Offeiwd IS Station, corner MaM and Bissell chine. Good condition. lUdaon- 4 8 I t b e l ^ t o 1948 Dodge 4-Dr. CUSTOM—Gray, 1—1948 Ford >4 Ton Pickup. Moving—Tracking—' streets. PURE BRED Pointer Puppies— able. Phone 6474 b e tw e ^ 6 and ' th e----- POWER SAW Work. Trees taken One male, one female. Four 7 p. m. / (amOy BALCH “BETTER BUY” radio and heater. DILLON'S SALES and SERVICE Mtorsga M 319 Main St. Telephone 5185 down. Building lota and land WANTED, Man to work on drive­ months old. Come over and SO It is found in USED CARS 1948 Ford V-8 2-Dr —Blue. cleared. Tel. RockvUle 5-5536. way construction. Apply 249 make an offer. 13 Oenterfleld KENMORE Gas and, OU Combina­ MANCHE»TE» PACKAGE Deliv- street. tion Stove. Fou^ jrears old. Ex­ —— America 1946 Nash Anibassador 4-Dr.—Ra­ 1940 PLYMOUTH Tudor, nicely ery. Local dght trueUng and Broad street. 61 That man’f dio and heater. reflnished, good condition. 1938 refrigeration Service, com­ cellent condition. Phone 2-8329. 1946 Ford Tudor Sedan. Plymouth Tudor. 1936 Pl3rmouth. mercial and domestic. See our package delivery. Refrigerators, S3 Demestle slave washers and stove movmg a StDocoratlca 1949 Pontiac Chieftain 4-Door Se­ 1946 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Fleetmaster. Plenty good transportation left display of guaranteed used refrtg- WANTED—Dump truck driver. SEVEN WEEKS OLD PUPPIES. dan. —Heater. Black. Douglas Motors, 333 Main atreet ators. George H. WlUlams Asso­ specialty. Phone 8-0753. Apply 249 Broad atreet Reasonable. Phone 2-4458. SOFA—Eighteenth Century style. 56 Actual ciates, 260 Tolland Turnpike, Telephone 3-9611. S7Marteenf 1946 Chevrolet 2-Dr.—Radio and FORD—1939 Coupe. Good condi­ CALL PHIL for moving, light MAN—18 or over. Apply Man- 17 1949 Bulok Special 4-Door. heater. Manchestet Phone 2-3585, nlghU WINDSOR Circulating Heater, oU guides tion. very clean. 8250. Telephone 7691. trucking, sand, gravel and loam cheater Tobacco and Cbndy. 32 Articles for Sate 45 1947 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Tudor. 7298. delivery. Good work. Call 2-9248 Birch atreet or coaL Reasonable. Phone v a z O s . TRUCK SPECIALS after 5. BOL/TDN — Building stone and 3-332L 1948 Pontiac 8 Streamliner Sedan CABINET MAKING, reflnlsh and WANTED — Meet Cutter and Sagetoas Bolton Notch Quarry. PRISCILLA’S POP Food For Thought BY AL VERMEER Coup*. MILES OF TROUBLE-FREE tepalr furniture. Cornicea made to MICKEY FINN Qaick Recovery! LANE LEONARD 1947 Dodge—Two ton, 158" wheel d r iv in g THE AUSTIN A. Cbambera Ob., Counter Man for Saturdays Ap­ Phone 3-0617. Stanley Patnods GAS RANGE — 660.00. May be base. Fine condition. order. Phone 2-9533. John Hahn. local and long dlstanea moving, ply Manchester Public Market. seen at 44 Morse rood after 5. THAT REMINDS ME! WE’VErQ 1947 ifercury Conv. Coupe. Every Car Guaranteed In Writing NOW IS THE time for seeding Call 2-3869. IM 9 0 HUNQJJV 1942 Dodge M Ton Pick Up. 1951 Chrysler New Yorker 4-Dr.— COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R packing, crating and stocaga rVEIEENSIJCINC WEU.THDIFS ) CAN’T SLEEP.'L . aOT A LES OF LAMB IN Service to all peuis ot the U. 8. FJRST CLASS lawna. Dark, rich, culUvated WAXLYEVCRySHOT THE SEASON FOB / 1941 Dodge IH Ton Rack Body, Radio, heater. Famous V-8 en­ Wolcott on mashing machines, loam. No. 1 loam, $8 cu. yd.. No. -4BP GETTING NO AS IB SPECIALS gine. Executive's car. Big Sav­ A and Canada. ObU S187. BarU IT/WJUTEGOr^ 12 foot. vacuum c.'eaners, motors, small TOOL MAKERS 3 loam, 83 cu. yd. m truck load Casco Steam Irons, Uni­ PIGTANCCATALL/ 70URMCMTIMNO ings. 83.850. applianesa. Free pick-up and de- ford 6-1^88. versal small appliances. Uni­ OVER TOO FABJ 1941 Ford 4-Door Sedan—$398. 1961 DeSoto Deluxe 4-Dr.—Heater, loU. Also sand, gravel, atons Call llvsfy. A-1 repair, sales. ISO 3408. Nuaedorf ConstrucUao versal and Admiral Ranges 1939 LaSalle 4-Door Sedan—$95. CUT PRICES ON PRE-WAR new seat covers. Nice family car. Main. Phons 8597. CARS and TRUCKS Big savings. Full price, 82.395. Patnttag—Passrlng 11 INCREASE Company, 37 Deerfield drive. and Refrigerators. New furni­ 1940 Oldsmobile 2-Dr. $.395—8295. 1950 Dodge Coronet Club Coupe— DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, PAINTING — For free eettmatee ture for the entire home and BALCH-PONTIAC, Inc. Completely equipped with radio, ROYAL AND Sinlth-4X>raaa port' 1937 Ford 8-Dr.—850. copied, vacuum cleanen, Irona, call 2-0065 dayi. X>renliif8 after YOUR INCX)ME able bnd etaadaix, type err item TV. 185 Cwter Street heater, gyromatlc transmission. guna, sto., repaired. Shears, 6 p. m., 3M)736. All makes of adding macumei' Full price. $1,695. knives, mowers, etc put into con­ Telephone 3-4548 1949 Chrysler Club Coupe—Radio, aoid or raatad, R e p ^ on at CHAMBERS FURNITURE TRUCKS dition for coming needa Braltfar Part Tinfa Jobs Open makes Marlow's Open Evenings Until 10 P. M 1988 Plymouth H Ton Plckun heater, new seat covere. Extra, waita 53 Pearl street. m 8195—8125. nice. Full price, 81,795. 6-10 P. M. Shift At The Greea 1949 Studebaker Champion 4-Dr.— ANTIQUES Katmished. Repairing MATTRESS. Tout oM /S 3S h 6EK BRUNNliJl'S Srst—and save Radio,.heater, 31.000 miles. Full eteriUaed remade uk* CHICKEN MANURE for lawns Open 9:30 to 5 done on any rnm itura ‘namaaa, Apply and gprdena Phone 6971. r' a. wa. ma H. «. PAT, I plenty on used cars of excepUon- SOLIMENE, Inc. price 81,295. 189 South Main straot. Phoaa Gall Jooea Furniture and Floer ally high value at really low 834 Center Street Manchester 1946 Plsonouth Deluxe 4-Dr.— 5648. Ooverias, Sd Oak. TsL S-104L RICH FARM top soil, 810 and Evenings 7:30 to 8:30 prices, generously , guaranteed. Dodge and Plymouth Cara Heater, clean inside and out. WILCO $13.50 per truck load. Delivered BOUTS AM) lILK BUDDIES Romance? BY EDGAR MARTIN WASH TUBBS Nice Cutting, Boys BY LESLIE TURNER Liberal Trades. Save your time, Also Dodge Job Rated Trucks Motor just completely overhaul­ OIL BURNERS expertly cleaned S E ^ R A L WASHING MACHIn 'e ed. Full price, 8795. Basilicas Opportanitlca 32 within three mile limit. Also make it "One Stop” at Brunner's. Telephone 6101 or 6102 and serviced. Let us servios and MACHINE TOOL gravel and aand for tale. CbU' motora 86.00 each. Watkins Get a ''Hot^*.1eal every time. Buy 1946 Chrysler Conv. Club Coupe- JU5TM0W ANNUDER 7*016 ~..WeTL DUH-M-H- A Safe Place To Buy Used Cara repair washing machine or re­ GOOD BAKERY ROUTE m 7195 between 9 apU, 6., ____ Brother^, Inc., 935 Main street YOU PROFOGE FIFTY CUT DEM 9WIU 5UITG ' with "No regrets” as thousands Radio, heater, good tires. Full - COMPANY Mancheater, Conn. ~ ■ popo toONosa, 6RBAT,,JUMPIM’ ( price. $950. frigerator. Metro Sendee. 3-0883. Hartford. Exe^IIefit opportunity. TW; TDC1JT8XPEMSE5 6 0 5iqMPy PAJ5ATEKIAL of others have. You can always 1941 CHEVROLET Tudor, clean, Owner baa other mteresta Phone TWO DOUBLE-BARREL Shot- O O IP PM V V(b% ND INCREA&E H055 FLIE5! do businesa here. Open 'til 6 ex­ 1942 Chrysler Royal 4-Dr.—All IJNOUCUM Remnanta SOe square COLEMAN 30 GALLON Auto- wvet- good tires, battery, nice running new recap tlrea. Radio, heater, Manchester 3-^7. 222 McKee Street guna 825. 15- Gauge German matte-Gae Water Heetem with VOVWt*. PROFIT# A OUTRAGE! HMU... cept Wed., Thurs., Frl. 'til 9— motor. A real aolld renewed jtard. Asphalt tUe, waU covering. make. <50. Phone 3-4291 or 15 new seat covers. Fluid drive. Done by reliable, weU-tralned t r u c k m a n WANTED for essen­ Manchester, C!onn. magnesium rode. Just 8 alight- Saturday 5. 358 East Center car. Douglas Motors, 333 Main Full price. 8395. WestSeld street ly damaged. Regular 8129.95. sueet. Brunner's Used Car Paiw- Street. men. AU jobs guaranteed. Hall tial mdustry. Over 35, owning or WANTED—Auto mechanic. If ■'iS» diae. Many Others Linoleum Co., 56 Cbttage street able to p u ^ a a e and personaUy ADJUSTABLE Hospital Spring, Your choice $99.96. . Watkins SAVE! A limited number of new you are not satlafied with prasent fits any twin aixe bed, 849.(j0. .Brothera .Inc., 935 Main street BROWN-BEAUPRE, Inc. Phone 2-4038, evenings 6166 or drive acceptable trucktag equip­ Income, stop In and see ue for • Mancheater, Conn.. GUARANTEED USED CARS Hudson automobilea at the old 30 Bissell St. Phone 7191 8109. ment. Year ’round long-term Sale <39.75. Watkins Brothers, price! Top trades for your old very 4 attractive propositioa. Bo­ Zhe., 985 Main e t r ^ Manchester, PRICED TO SELL con^et. Substantial earnings. land Motors, 869 Center atreet .9 X 13 BLUE Floral Domeattc Rug car. McClure Auto Company, 373 GUARANTEED USED CARS_ TYPE^WRJTERb and adding ma- Phone Mr. H. C. Shannon, Conn. —Just cleaned. Ebccellent condi­ Main atreet Phone 2-9442. 1951 Chevrolet Club Coupe — 1949 Chevrolet Fleetllne. like ehtnee sold, rented,' repaired. Oct. 14 through Oct. 19 a t ‘the WANTED—Man for salsa ALL WOOL REMNANTS for chU- tion, <75. CoU 2-2929. IjOM miles, heater, radio, power- new, one owner, low mileage. Prompt service. ReaaoaabTe Bond Hotel, Hartford, Conn. service. Salary and commleelbn. dren's skIrU, 00c-<1.75; slaclu. B»*44. gray. 1950 Studebaker Champion Regal 1949 Fbrd Custom Fordor. Radio rates. Guaranteed worit Office BEnGCRAL FLOOR SAMPLE Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan—Overdrive. Apply Singer Sewing Machine 81.96-88.96; coats or robea $8.50- 1950 Qievrolet du b Coupe—Heat­ and heater. One' owner. Ehccellent supplies. Free pickup and delivery Oo., 682 Main street, Manchester. 16.65. Colonial Remnant Shoppe, electric rangea Save up to <50. Heater. condition. Clarke Motor Sales, aervloe. Friendly Typewriter Watkina Brothers, Inc., 935 Main er, radio, 7.000 miles, black. 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4- Phone 8888. 115 Center street. 1941 Plymouth dub Coupe. 301 Broad etreet Open evenings. Service. 1305 Main street. East FOR SALE 'street Mancheater, Conn. «Dr. Sedan—Radio and heater. HarUord. TCL 8-5786. TRUCKMAN for eaeantial indiw- REASONABU: — A. O. M. oU ■ — . .a....— 1941 Chevrolet Tudor. 1949 Ford 2-Dr. Custom-Radio 1940 CHEVROLET NEW ELEC'l'HIC Drop-Head Sew­ and heater. tvy. Over 35, owning or able to burning space heater. Large. ing Machine. All attachmenta BY MICHAEL OWALLET Best Terms—Best Trades MASTER DELUXE WINDOW SHAJJBP made to otder MIDWAY LUNCH purchase and peraonaUy drive ac­ See It after 6 p. m. 47 Deepwood ALLEY'OOP Harid CnstoaMr BY V. T. HAMLIN VICPLINT Winding It Up • 1947 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan—Radio and taefallfd. Vaaettan Minds 316 Main Street <135 cash. No phone calls In­ and heater. Black. Single owner. ceptable trucking equipment drive.______quire 14 Arch etreet Shccellent throughout. and eurtala rode. 84 aoor aervloe. Year ’round kmg-term contract BELIEVE ME,6IR. NfiUTeduWWHAr yra5#5F65EiXeoiD puoEfF A x HM/E\0u 700»Jr.l 666Vu #HAKS8F>8AWI 6RSSTING6, LOUiB. COLE MOTORS—4164 1947 Dodge Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan- SEVERAL Good Uoed ’Television 91 Center Street 5339 Bsttmatea gladly given. Pagaa Substantial oornUga Phone Mr. FURNACE for Steam B eat 30- 80U060LD ARMOR] IVUANT. FROM WHVIOFOOURSE] IDMATMNK TNAF KN0W,8IRA)URVu K8 A BOOR) LfiNA WIlC aK A’T A N ^P H ^ _^ Z. HOW'# T H E QUARTBRA. Radio and heater. Window Shadw Oo^ Route 44 at Excellent Opportunity Seta In several acreen sUea emt>RACT1CAL.> 7HEA07D10E.. HERE'S ASAMPLE; YOU CAN SET OOLDfUJEO VNOrMYnAULr FOR HI# MB'# Nt/TB and 1941 ^Packard 4-Dr. Sedan—Eadlo H. C. Shannon, Oct, 14 through gallon water tank. iQae water TO BB OR NOT S TBLL BoRm Notch Phono S-447S. For Couple O ct 19 at the Bobd Hotel. Hart­ * <68.SS' and up. Terma Bwuan-’s BUT u r r MB BMCBPT FOR 486 panter Street and heater. T.V„ 718 Main etreet beater. Good eoadttlon. Tele­ .’’asSlgW’VW KBBKr Auoammr th k t MAN TAN— 8 8 . "THAT I# ■“ ?ou=-5uri/ 1937 PONTIAC ford, Conn. phone 6556. WANT IT R3R SHOW YOU BB MOKM Special Deluxe 4-DR. SEDAN FLOOR PROBLBIsS solved With TEL. 2-1S4S I TVIAT# M f T u te . Radio and heater. Motor CHORCHES MOTOR SALES linoleum, unphali tUe eouater. SPECIAL BARGAIN^ SALE— UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC Ranga ^ 6AIv>AND 80 Oakland Street $69 Between 7 and 8 P. M. MEN Permanent Antl-FTe^ popular IN TNA trunalM lM svethauled. ExpertYwor,. oaneMp. free esi Excellent condition. Cell Rock- — fPUTumm. Ortldaal Meek p i n t See Pete at Manchester 2-9488 MsMl Open eveiuagB. Joues Fui- First Shift Opentnss branda Retail at wh^esole vine 5-9844 or 5-8734. CUMn Mstor U m , 801 Broad 1940 FORD 2-DR. ttlture. Oak street Phone S-104L price, <3.96 nUon; regular price 1949 TWO-DOOR Deluxe Chevro- «.75. Mendteeter Flooring, 719 10’ 6” X 8’ S’* American Oriental i i Open evenings. Just repainted. TAVERN FOR 8ALBL Good lo- Aimly Personnel Office X— Black. Excellent condition. Good shape. LIGHT TRVCIONO—Ashes and PIONEER PARACHUTE CO. Main atreet and 341 North Main Rug, English lounge eoCa and E3CCXPT10NAL BUT—1950 Olda- ^ o n s 6888after8 p . H I. rubblah removed. Attlee, ceUan ’ cation. SxceUent equipment. ’Tel­ otree^ chair, <78.0g Phone 3-3471. ■Wfctie Buper Deluxe. Radio and 5269 and yards cleened. Prompt eerv- ephone- S-33S3, between d and 8 Forest Street ksataw ^ mtruL Low mileage 1 ^ 4-Door Be- / 1» at reusouaMe prieee. John p. m. Manchester UNIVERSAL ; Washing Machine U d good tlrea. Private p ^ oaa. Radio and heater. Excellent BRUNNER’S Haberern. PhosM 8-8749. ALMOST NEW Studio Day Bed. yrtth pump and automatic timer, CaB 9-91U.. . oonditlon. call 3-811L FntST CLASS MECHANIC— Blua COU 3-9783. <15.00. Drop headtreadle P ack ard Help Waatsd—PasMls 85 Good wagea and working condl' sewing machine In anclCsed cabi­ iMB ftDIMMr 1M8 CHEVROLET Fit. Tudor. tlona Apply at Solimene, Inc. lO'iT 4-Door Sedan. K ^ o Md heater. Beautiful con- 856 Vast Center St. Off wad AVON G irr SETS an in gnat net, <15.00. Both In good Condl- Good nmaing eondltkm. No 13A 684 Center street Fail sM Fssi 4»A Uon. con 3-0S19. «Uon throughout, 11095. 1940 demand. ' Open terrttortea avail­ 3 Phene PJymouth. 1938 Plymouth. Dou- TeL S ltl CURTAINS — Will do your cur- able for women who have need of TRUCK DRIVER'S HELPBR- OORDWOOD, fireplace or any eJr-i S»aa Motora, 888 Mala atreet talns m my home. AU w < ^ done money. .Write M n. Frank Fraw- Apply ehlppiiig clerk, Watkliaa laogth. delivered <1A00 per #pea Hvtniags by hand. Phone 1-3411. Iqy, North Brasford^ Ooaai ^ Bros. . . . oord. M . .WUUsMaUfi S-831T^ V-' 1 '. 8BB PAGB TWfcLYB * .-V #a 1 ' , ■ ■ t v * h ! . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17,1961 Ittittirlrifatiff T-n«r/w-nras*. p* a ".a* -V." *t Forget Donate

Avtraia Dally Nat Praos Ran Thff Wggthgr TYPE 128 CANNON OR LOCKWOOD GENUINE LEATHER Far tha Wash Badlag ffawoaal ef D, ft. Waathar ftartoa I / SUMMER STOCK OF October 18, IMt SHEETS and PILLOW CASES lj^tE!i^1tllUN)U) ' Oeeadaaal gght 4Maala tMa with paaa eaaa, ehaagra ppna and Inpr M dan. a ^ DRESSES REDUCED 10,303 2ltllatlft|P0Xirr IC uFutt^ aftoraoan, tonight. Friday oeeaa ^ tton s, hamharg Manber of tha Aadtt loud rata, eeatiaaed eaol. »^Tax OOC ahdars, spuns, “ Bureau of OIrealattoaa Manchester— A City of Village Charm 81 X 108. REG. 8^*20 n*a«saaaaanoa< affact. Rag. f Hill s^tto^iatoakwasraleito^a*■dh^^^^^ $2.89 1 't, ' 9t«.M vahia. $5.00-$7.00 f prttm a a • • • • • MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16,1951 VOL. LXXI, NO. 16 (CXaaalfM Adrarttalag a* Page 18) (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENT!. 81 X.09. REG* 8^*D8 aasseantaaaaadt d REG. $1.89 AND $1.98 »2.i69 BALL POINT PENS BLOUSES' CROMPTON’S WHALEBONE Plastic biarral with gold finish mstal top. RaflU- 42 X S6 or 46 x 88 PILLOW CASES. EACH 64c able. Each ...... 27c CREPES. REG. $S'98. SALE PRICE * 1.00 and CHECKED CORDIJROY Cannon or Lockwood quality that will gfivs yaara of asrviea. Moscow Rebuffs U. S. on Korea Truce Plan BaauUrul quality In wUle wate for coata, ^ ^ ^ ^ekata, ainta. roljea and chlldran’a wear. ^ ALL SILK SCARFS REG. $7.98. SALE PRICE .. *3.00 HEAVY pU A U TY LADY ROBERTA Oelarful prints with relied hama, aquara styles. MATTRESS COVERS Each ...... 88c RES. $3.98 FINEST pUAUTY HOUSE DRESSES WITH RUBBER BUTTONS. REG. _ — ,ja , noral pattema, eheeka, _ m ^ a, button coats and wrap around ftik * B m i 1 British, Egypt Clash Over Suez $ 4 .6 9 ...... I V TWH.L BACK VELVETEEN $1.00 COSTUME JEWELRY Sal# price rour rich eolora In th* tneat quality valve- Necklaces earrings, brooches, bracelets, gold and t»en. Black. navy and forest rreen. silver finish. Also simulated pearls. Harvest Sale $3.47 WITH ZIPPER. REG. $4.98 ...... PluaTax Colling Meetg Tito $4.19 79c OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF TWIN AND FULL BED SIZES England Takes^®®f* Quit in West, Same high quality covers wc have sold for ysara. Bsams all bound. Bids for Talk 59e FINE 1 ' ' ^ A small irnoup of all wool plaids and plain 98c — British and Egyptian a aeries of key hills in western ■ By EDWARD E. BOMAR eeiorad wool and rayon rabardlnea. A won- •troops ^ claaned yesterday Korea to attacking Ameri­ i iT Washington, Oct. 18— (A>)—Moscow haa rebuffed g secret dsTful vatltM. Tard TWIN S IZ E ...... RAYON SUITS BuUetins $1.98 $3.79 along the Suez (3aiiftl and the frofti the AP Wliog cana today- But they atif U. S. proposal that she act to bring about an armistice in British seizM the o i^ bridge ■ ■ I ...... fened against Allies crunch­ Korea, offering instead to talk over the general causes o f $IJ8NYL0N HOSIERY Reg. $35.00. lizes 9 to 18. All sales crossing it. Two Egyptian East-West tension. flBal. Reduced to ...... ing forward toward their FULL SIZE...... *4.79 New flattering' Fall color in 60 gauge ahecr, 15 sddiera 'were killed in the Vo t e AOAiNgT s e s s u p Kumsong stronghold in the Initial State department reaction was that tWs offer was denier full fashioned reinforced semi sandal foot $19.95 F ighting. Waahiagtom Oet Ig—(P>—A center. propaganda, but the wording of the Russian note was such as RES. $1.29 WESCO 42" WASHABLE for axtra wear. Magic dark seama Bices 8 4 to Tha Cairo nataqpraar A1 lOacl ganati Fmeiga RebatloM aob- Thaos pads are filled with sterilised purs white filling that Is 98c Troops of the U. 8. First Caval­ to set off guessing among diplomats as to whether the 11. Pair said that by seising Um bridga tha oomnUttee today voted against ry DIvlalon overran four hills guaranteed to launder white. GROUPOFSPORTCOATS British bad cut tha canal area olf Senate oenflrmatlon of Am- Kremlin is sincere. SPUN RAYON CREPETONE haaaader PUgp C. gaasop as a northwest of Yonchon almost un­ Moscow and the State depart­ A M tha rest^of Egypt. But tha opposed. ment dlzcloeod last night that ■tin etia of tha baat aallars. tiooka Hka wool Arabic newspaper A1 Zaman later IJalted Nations driegata The vote was 3 to E The Americans had been fight­ Ambassador Alan G. Kirk on Oct. Truman Set napa. Twalva eelora. Tard , , ...... REDUCED aatd tha British bad withdrawn ing for the ridge line for two 8 made th* approach for Soviet frum tha bridge—called El Ferdan weeks In one of the bloodiest small intervention to end the deadlock *1.09 FOR THIS SALE ONLY—ALL SALES FINAL —and that Egyptian troops had BOOgTg POSTAL EATE8 resumad guard duty In tha area. actions of the entire United Na­ between United Nations negotia­ Egyptian cansors bald up newa WaAlagfna, Oot 18—on— tions autumn offensive. Chinese .. tions and the Cbmmuniats. T o A ir ’5 2 ef yestarday*# clash for 34 hours. ■enate-Bouae eoofereea agreed deserted the western hills during Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei It atartad about 3 a. m., accord- today ea abin hUdag pastel the night after beating off a series Vlehlnaky gave no direct reply, RES. 99. rates by aboo* fll7.00ftgM a of flame-throwing attacks Wed­ I but ha noted that Russia is "not HALE’S mg to tha British version, and year. nesday. a party to theae negotlationa.” Plan in Jan. Gen. g. Lewtoa Collins (left), IT. 8. Army Chief of Staff, apealcs lastad IS miniitaa. Tha Egyptian In the center of the Korean Alra Red Views vandon wus that lealatanea eon- front Allied troopa ran into atlff with Marahal Tito fright) at a reoeptlaa hi Tlto’a iMMne hi Belgrade, He alao; (1) Charged tha U.N. SMART FALL FABRICS ttnued Into mld-menring. glONg ARMS FUND BOX. Yugoslavia. Collins and Gen. Kane E. Partridge (renter) visited Wsahington, Oct. 18— Baby Shop Waahlagtoa. O ct Ig— CT»— fighting . before capturing two command created the cease-flra Tan w « w m k m m tn i *aaasa ad i New Demanstrattne key hills south and southwest of Yugoslavia during a tour of European defenao Installstiona. (IflEA stalemate with "all kinds of In­ — President TYuman made it Prealdeat Tramaa today algaed Telephoto). MHtes at (Ma apaalai; pttoo. Tard Today in Cairo, a shouting Kumsong. cidents''; (3) Supported tha clear today that he doesn’t FITTED CRIB SHEETS— Colors are white, pink, blue straat mob of 3,000 demonatratad tlM $55337AOflASO military ap- 77c propciationa bllL gen. doha t . WUllama (R „ Del.) American and South KoreM North Korean-Chtnesa poaiUon re­ intend to say before mid- or maize. Fits standard size crib. Reg. price $1.59. Sale hi front ef Shepbearda Hotal, dis- troops advancing along a 22 mile garding a truce line in the area of Sdff. Me. 46” Wnihable Spun Rayon Failld. ptaytag newspaper front pagae Largest amonat aver givea ecenetid the latemal revenue aerv- front toward Kumaong were with­ January, at the earliest, OF VALUES wrie*^$l.29. ■be nuHtaiy la peaeettme. It fl- lea ef aUowteg William l i th* 88th parallel; and (8) Of­ carrying pictures of rioting at Is- in three miles of the town. Rdg. Me. 42” Wanhible Spun Rayon Gabardina. naacee tfte Army, Navy and Air b In rugged mountains to the east Holds 22 in Fraud getic support” of measures for reelection. shouted anti-Brltiah and anti- Faree for the fla ^ year ending Detroit, whom he d ^ r ib e d aa a Allied infantrymen attacked a GIRLS’ AND BOYS' FLANNEL PAJAMAS—Sizes 4-8. next Inae SO. Much ef It wtU "Botortoua racketeer,” to owe the 'the successful conclusion of In a bantering exchange with Reg. price. I2-89. Sale price—$2.29. Western slogans. towering, craggy peak. Their reporters, Mr. Truman rapaatad Tha picturaa ahowad a funaral go for aew arms. gevenunent $S4M,0 In taxes morning aaaault waa unsuccessful. and geaaltlea wMbeat exteriag that he has made up hla mind but Three Gr — Thaalanguan schools In Mtoml and a ffiitolai And, ha added, ha would ha tha S I .0 0 . add fthar aoanaa woWing lar. la sat today aloag the Baat Oaaat aad Reveals New FBI today aimOunced the arrest Miami mach, the Dayton Tala- wortk Um tt la ■ola judge o f that, troops in tha straelal the weather hureaa predieted In Munaan, efforts to ravlva Ko­ of 22 persona on charges of fraud vision Institute, Inc., and tha Lin­ FINEST QUALITY PRINTS rea truce talks took a hopeful turn Di . a more serious vela, tha PURE LINEfJ P i l l o w c a s e s —F or crib or carriage, 111 tha old aection of tha dty an winds of aear gale velocity tWi against the government In con­ coln Gregory Trade School, Inc That waa the5 Dfesldeat's only President said ,^he would ba busy angry crowd aelaad a soft drink . afteraooa. today after the United Nations DOUBLE Green Stamps Gifts to Huh nection with the O.L educatkmsl of Linden, N. J., as the five schools eoanmeat Aoiriet Foreiga until mid-January preparing thraa some fancy or plain. Reg. price 12.60-82.98. Special command submitted a compromise PUNJAB, A.B.C and QUADRIGA tniek and amaahad all its bottles Wamlags were peatod from program. involved. He said names of those meaaagea to the new aeaalon o f and wooden cases. Police halted security sone proposal. Minister Vlahlnaky*a atatoment - $ 1 . 4 9 Bieek lalaad, R. L, to Cape Fourteen arrests were made in arrested would be made public lo­ that U. g.-Sovtet relaUotw ooald Ckmgreaa and would not have time T O R r a n SALB ONLT! Doaana ed pattamaand m the demonstrators from breaking Hatteraa, N. O. The winds were Tax Collector Communist liaison officers took Miami, Fla., two in Detroit, one cally. eelortaCB for draaaaa, aprons, ehlldran’s waar, / § 1 1 ^ luudly be worae thaa they are for other things until they ware Given With Cash Sales Ail Day THURSDAY Into a shop where guns are on expected to conttnue tonight but the suggestion under consideration in Dayton, O., two in NeW York In the past 10 months, he added, out of the way. drapaHaa, badspraada, slip covers, ate. T a r d ___ COTTON BLANKETS—In pink, blue, mint, white or sale. overnight. now after Mr. Tramaa had aald dtodmmbefM " City imd three in the Newark, N. FBI Inveatlgattons have resulted In a Sfeeeli tiuit Baviet agrrea- mhi$e. Crib size 36 x 60. Reg. $3-98. Sale price—$3.59. A Britiah army apcdiaaman said Washington, O ct 18.—(Jli— A J., ares. Mossachuaetta attoiney aald to­ in the arrest of more than 800 meato are not worth the paper (Ooatlaaed aa Page Two) tha canal area was ^ e t again last FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover persona charged with veterans night and today. day former Boston tax collector ea which they are writtea. WARREN’S KORASEAL BABY p A n TS—W hite only. Denla W. Delaney received $3,000 identified those .arrested aa em­ school frauds totaling close to geeond BaMa Seek Accord Find 23 Dead ployes, officials, and • owners of $1,000,000. CANNON HEAVY Slightly irregular. Reg. price 60c. Sale price— 19g. It waa tha aeoond auocessive day for two trips to Washington where SUSHT IRRESULARS OF Children’s and Misses’ ANKLETS ha made "a few social Introduc- five vocational schools, including Under the OI plan, tha govern­ negotiatiopa” — successful pre­ Alsop Assails tha Britiah had fought with the Berlitz School of Languages of Fins quality msreeiisad cot­ tloiu" at the White House. ment foots the bill for a veteran's sumably from the Red viewpoint Egyptians. They opened fire Tues­ On Tax Hike In Plane Wreck America, Inc. at Miami. tuition and other school qxpensea. TOWEL ENSEMBLE ton anklets with nylon rein­ day on rioters and lootera at Attorney Jamea Donovan of Viahlnaky alao questioned the forced heel and toes for ex­ Lawrence, Maas., told a H— charges o f receiving $12,500 In Nanaimo, R C., Oct. IS—01^—A show that tha government of tha $2.98 HANDBAGS « *) Queen Charlotte Airiines plane, Demands Truman Curb Pearl Wick Hantperette...... $5.00 Ifnnae Bumtu eaaf eteea a g r ^ connection with tax cases. U.8.A. la not at all concerned with Washington, Oct. 18— (ff)— CSol* Failla, vflvats or plaaUc calf handbags In laboring futilely at full throttle to 8 ^ vantUatlng. Aaaortad colors. today aa a aew eompromlee Donovan was the first witness the maintenance of peace.” 29e FACE CLOTH ...... 22c top handla styles. Many with aippar com- $8,750,085,050 tax bllL The at today's hearings on allegations gain lUUtude, crashed Into the umnist Joseph Alsop taatlfted to. Aa examples, he complained of panmant. Colora black, brown, navy, rad. side of a mountain 10 miles from day the removal of Gen. Joseph W. the baat valus we can And We have aold hundreds of doaena Dr. Tobias States proposed ladividaal Inoocne tax of tax irregularities in the office Key Industry Strikes economic measures the U. S. has still green. Each ...... of the Boston Collector of Internal here last night, carrying 23 per­ $2.59 Increase# are slightly smaller taken recently against Russia and SUlwell from hia wartime China TYPE 140 DAN RIVER or HALE’S at these low prices. Flamingo, peach, green, yellow and aqua. Plus Tax TV Snack S et ...... $3.96 revenue. ’ sons to their death. than m the blB turned by the the Soviet bloc and of President command waa "the heaviest blow Anti-Red Feeling Scheduled for hearings later In Ihe victlma ware 30 miles from 8 piacaa, 4 plates, 4 cupa Haoae aairHer this week. Btlaail, Fla., Oct. 1 »—OF)— A draft dodgera "aa those who de­ Truman's statement that agree­ that could be struck to the Com. the day were four interna] iwenue their destination at Vancouver, WONDERCRAFT SHEETS U m American Legion today de­ sert in the face of the enemy." ments with Russia aren't worth numiate in China at that Ume.” agents who lefused to aiuwer a B. C.. nearing the end o f a south­ Washington, O ct 18—(/P>— Dr. Washington, Oct. 18— — Ad- manded removal of the entire As the session opened, a delegate the paper they are written on. He alao told the Senate's Inter, LIGHT WEIGHT IRREGULAR committee questionnaire requiring bound 400 mile flight from CSiaiming H. Tobias, nomiMted mlnistiratlon leaders in Congress leadership o f the U. H. State ahouted objection to a newspaper See Propaganda nal Security subcommittee that C O n O N CREPE and CHENILLE Plastic Storm Windows...... ea. $1.00 a detailed personal flnanciid ac­ Kernsno, when the twin-engined by President Truman as a Uhited cast .about for a new compromise department to reetore oonfl- headline that the convention yes­ The rebuff convinced top Ameri­ ex-Communist Louis Budens "was AdJufltGBiG traiupGrtat WGt«rproof. FlU moat sUc windows counting. craft hit the rocky side o f 5,000 Nations altamate delegate, awore on a ftmlti-billion dollar tax in­ dense in foreign policies. terday had cheered "an attack on can officials that at the moment o f Uiree untruths” In earll. CANNON FACE CLOTHS . . A ... today that “Communism aiwa^ crease today with a nudge from Donovan, who sSid * be had foot Mount BenMn. AU those the President” by Gen. Douglaa er tesUmony about former Vice., known Delaney probably ^ years, Moscow ia not Ihterested in confi­ BRUNCH COATS haa bean repugnant to ma for tha the Whits House to aaek all poasi- aboard except the' three crew Miami, Fla., Oct. 18—(41— Tha Mac Arthur.' ’ President Henry A. Wallace's 1044 said the Raytheon company In dential negotiations Ilkq. thoM mission to China. While quantity laata. Aqua Bptcial buy of tkasa popular itAaa. Tour Perfection Room Heater ...... $12.50 vary good reaaoa it ia godleaa.” hla apaad. American Le^on called on Presi­ MacArthur laahcd out at Tru­ which ended the Berlin blockade. The Negro religious leader While the conferaneaa were go­ 1946 paid him $2,000 as a legal fee (Coattaaed- aa P$m;e Fear) Alsop, a lieutenant on Maj, Gen. only...... clioida of cotton erepa or chenUla aaaortsd Oil burning for negotiating with the govern­ dent Truman today to prevent man administration policies yes­ They tabbed Vlabjnsky's response 10 /dr $ 1.00 made the statement to a Senate ing on at tha Capitol, President strikes and slowdowns In key de­ esaire L. Channault'a staff-during SLIGHT IRREGULARS color and ataas...... 1 ...... ment for a federal building. terday to the cheers of the conven­ "propaganda.” 1 the war, aald "The truly draatlo $3.98 Foreign Relations subcommittee Truman told reporters he waa con­ fense industries which the Legdon tion. Donovan said he gave Delaney Charles Bohlen, Stete depart­ ebnsidring the President's slate cerned about the situation and step” that Wallace recommended $1,000 of It for coming down to said have endangered the Uvea of ment counselor and Secretary Presto Collander Cover...... 49c of 10 nominees to the November about the delay in enacting tax Bill Murad of Cleveland, Ohio, to the late Prealdent Franklin D. REG. S9c YD. 25'/. LINEN Washington with him "to tell peo­ Americana fighting in Koreh. urged the convention "go on record Acheson's principal advisor On ra- FAMOUS BRAND TYPE ISO Ragular $1.35 meeting of the U. N. General As­ leglalatlon. News Tidbits The action came in adoption of latlons with the Kremlin, told re­ sembly In Paris. ple who and what I was” and to that we never have cheered (Coatbraed aa Page Twe) Delay may make a eonsidarable make "a few social introductiona.” a reaolutlon prepared by the Le­ porters; "It 1s characteristic of dlfferenca In'the amount of addi­ Called froBi (/pT Wing agalnat the President of the Unit­ CHENUIE ROBES Later in the same year, Dono­ gion National (Convention Secur­ ed States.” He Is vice commander Soviet procedure that when they Combed Yarn PERCALE SHEETS STARTEX PRINTED TOWELING tional revenue collected this year I FuU langth robs of flna quality cbanllla In TV Snack Table ...... $1.98 van said Delaney again came to ity committee. The resolution o f the 13th Legion District. are aeriously interested in any Wo8idtrful StartSK printed toweling that la so from any biU Anally written into Washington with him for "the said: GOP Solon Finds assorted colora. Blaas 19 to 30. W r ^ drawl. Mack Six Slavs Escape law. Screen star Elizabeth Taylor Murad aaid the cheers were for subject they don't publicize it the abaorbent and non-IInting. Uee It for draparles around style. Reg. gS.OS. B ale...... same thing” in connection with a and her ex-huaband, Nick Hilton, There now exists certain work MacArthur himself Und not direct­ way they did this.” REG. $3.79 72x108 .. *2.99 Gi3K>- ...... $5.29 Asked if ha Is eonfldent Oon- license application by Radio Sta-. ^ described as bvlng back on ro- atoppgges and slowdowns in key ed against Mr Truman. Murad At the aame time some officials 44c . I n ‘ F r e e d o m P la n e ’ greaa wm.paaa bUL M r. Worth In Truman a. tax Uon WZ/AW e f Lawrence, Maas. mwatle tenna In •New-York-Daily industries contributing to our na­ g ot a rotmd o f applause but the thought, they detected two possi­ W bhe T)ea Cups .... ^...... ea; man aald ha hop^ so but waa not He aald he got a $2,000 fee from News alory. . . Mias Anaie H. |Ito> tional security which have de­ chsUrhrian ruled the motion was out ble hints that' lloscow would be eonfldant about anyth^ Cbn- tha Station, and that he under­ her, who served two years in Con­ Waahlngton, Oct 18—(4V-A *ES.$3.98 $1x108;...... $3.29 Zurich, Switaarland, O ct 18—(/n graas might do. layed, Impeded and In instancea of order and would have to be-re- CLOSE OUT OF —^The Yugoslav "Freedom Plane” stood Delaney also received $2,000. necticut General Assembly aa rep^ actually stopped essential war ferred to a committee for action. (Coattened on Page Tire) Republican Congressman reported ■Ufht oily threads or unevtn hems. Guaranteed the same as first Wear Ever Aluminum Cleanser .... pkg. 5c resentative, dies in her New Haven with some wonderment today that quality. vdiich landed here yesterday with production, thus directly jeopar­ Ragular 17# 33 paasangerq and a craw of five home. dising unnecezaarily tha lives of he'a found aomethlng to approve What A Value! POPULAR MAKE BRASSIERES was flown back to Yugoslavia te- Nationalist China's premier, our'armed forces peiaonnel In Ko- o f in tha Triiman admlnlatratlon. “ In the midst o f all the .confiH An adUta. M n n alias. day tw a naw pilot Chen Cheng, asks to resign be­ Vea...... < Cult Leader Held in Death .Metal Vcsetable^Bin .. *. $2.98 iSIgnteeiBteen of tha pasaengera ai Fear Violence in N. Y., cause of 111 health . . . Junes Wil­ Mr. Truman was urged to “take ■ion that ia official Washington.” REG. $ 19.95 100% W OOL 72x90 FULL 4 LBS. three of the crew said they did not liams, 10 of Pittsburgh, Pa., stu­ auch action aa necessary" to pre­ said Rep. Oakley HUnter o f CaU. REG. 45c NIAGARA «nd MARTEX COTTON. REG. ft.OO. SALE ...... *1.69 Bhia, daeoratad wish to rejguUn la BiritaerUnd and dent at Yal# University, is Injured vent any such developments In O f Twa A fter Flogging Rite fornla, “it la refreshing to not# raturnad willingly to Odtamimlat when his auto overturns on Merritt the war industries. that a number o f algna havO' ap - • Mariposa BRTM ORE BLANKETS Yugoslavia. They had been un­ Pacific Dock Disputes Parkway, east of White Plains paared on the deaka o f minor The convention also urged (Con­ bureaucrata, by which they aljdy Bought specially by aur Naw Tork " ■ Milk Glass Table Lamp and Shade . . . $4.89 aware of the kxig-preparad lAaa of road overpass. gress to pass laws which would MSHTOWELS the plane's two plbtA who turned Central Mediterranean's worst SL Paul, Minn.. O ct 18— (47— i-The paaaaga aaya. T h a bhianasa poke fun at Uiemaclvaa.” offlca at a real low pries. Beautiful /ttk ~ l /R NYLON. REG. $2.96. SA LE ...... provide the same punishment for Tba second victim of a frenzied of a wound elaanaath away evil Wetidarful dryiiif, non-lint, and long waarlng. haavy weight 100% wiMl la Mahgotd, Rfh / B . V J W J *2.39 off tbatr course Inuaediately after N gw Qcte IS"—H^~Wild**^tliG utdoQK>ppoGGd Etrlks BDsrked- gale In almost 60 years slackens . For inatanca, n’ algn at tha Nn* taking off on a scheduled flight cat dock Btrlken U^tenad their |br after taking death toll of 88 and religious cultiat died early today and ab do atripas the ‘Inward. parte tlonal Production authority: MulU-color atripas, aach.. Rosedust, Copan Blua, Maroon and 9({7 J L J . '* ^ ^ X______^______' members of the weird sect | of the belly.” Pyrex Special. . * ...... •• 96c from LJubUana to Belgrade yeater- grip on New York aty piers to- j contract * ” newly ratified causing property damage estimat­ Tt takes a real bureaucrat (a N. Y. Scientist Wins sought to explain their whipping t rtaeaa, 1 quart caaaarala and covar day morning and landed In Zurich. aa rumblinga rf poarible vlo- | As an aftermath to yesterday'# ed at up to $5,000,000 . . . Large 'T know I am abaolutely guUty; develop chaos out o f confurion..” rites by quoting Bible passages • 5-oU. custard cups. Rag. lin g Each o f the. pUots had hia wife lence spread along the waterfronts I episode when atrikebreakers lad collections of items that adorned I waa In a franqy; I beat them And another at the Vaterana ad- Her back a mass of bloody welts aad son aboard tha plana. Swlas her# aad on tha West Coast. by onderworid figure Anthony and furnished late President Nobfd M edic Prize down,” tha sheriff quoted Lennan- ministration:' from repeated lashings with a RAYON CREPE SUPS authoriiias today were cofisidaring Apparently beyond control of Rooasvelt'a cottage at Hyde Park, dpr aa saying. “Whipping la need­ “Why be diffleult whan with • AnaataaU temporarily sent Army three-foot-long whip, Mra. Ardith Beautifully laea^WUMMii MjBiw fun ant, ^ g-a tha two families’ request for polit­ AFL loagahote leaders, the atriks base stevedores back to work, tha N. Y„ ia eonslgnad for aalo at ed for wrongiaoiag and meat al- little effbrt you ean be tanpo*. Stockholm, garadaa. Oct. 18— (ff) Laimander, 35 succumbed. Mra. ■IblaT” PRE-TEEN-AGE DRESSES siUuBtahla stiuaa. Buy iww fUr Ctolatmas ical asylum in gwitXarUnd. leap-frogged to more docks in Army today bimned any rapeti< Hammer Galleries, In Manhattan, wmym a paraoiv gate It admits Brooklyn, and virtually numbed -T he 1051 Nobel priM In madleine Anas Halvorson, 84, who bad alao it It drivaa out tha devil.” Hunter, a alx-fbot-fbur ax-FK ' Extra Special I OottofiG-pGlMo 8 to 14 eottem pUtdi. lU f. giSbk WMIU. iU w ‘£ r ) b w » .W « .^ 8 M Police and airport official had tlon. by Elliott Roosevelt and Mra. had a secret, advance warning of the entire Hudson River Iratar- Franklin D. Roosevelt. waa awarded tonight to Dr. Max been whipped, waa found dead Dr. A. M. Ismdholm, deputy agent, raportad this daval^maafe 8g1G pVlCG • a a ••■■•••• a a a t ••••••• a froat on Manhattan's West Side. “U the ragular crews won't Milk producers organization pre­ Tbeller of Naw Tork for develop­ yaaterday. coroner, said aa autopsy ahowad in a news letter to tha fOlka badt tha plot It cams from a Yugoslav work, we'rs going tp. shut tha SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF 39e and 45« HATS refugee who arrived hare Tuesday. Vital dafansa and commercial dicts New York dairy farmers will ing the first effaetlva vaccines Sheriff Tbomaa Gibbons - was all o f Mrs. IBalvoraon’a right riba home, and enlarged ea tt tor a $4.49 gates and not 1st any outaideni 'H. shipping, alike ware aaverely crip- racsive $4.88 per knndredWelgbt against yellow favar. holding edthout charge Mrs. Lan- ware broken an well as ona on the reporter. ’ $1.00 RR$T QUALrfV SHHR «u4 SEMI-SERVICE b ft food diolM of colon ’qMdally murked-for Barvust pl5d. In.” aald Ariny CoL L W. LittaU. (alMut 47 quarts) for October milk The award , recognised the con­ nandePa husband, Curtis, S3, who, left aida, and her braaatbona. Ha Fenmally, ha aald, ha tblnka T t t u x e t y B a laa eg At Brooklyn's big pert of em­ “Wa don't want any roughnseka . . . Prime Minister Jewaharlal tribution of Dr. Tbeller—who has the sheriff said, freely admitted in aald her body was covered with a Itttto slog^aarlag la a fiaa of VuuM Sfd* at or flghta.T Cannon Turkish HAND TOWEL barkation, one of the nation's ma­ Nehru laahea ant at both comrou- bean on tha ataff of tha Intarna- a tapa-raborded statement that ha n^ta and h im clots. IflW BaT TRICB IN TKAR8. What a valua In t Washington, Oct 18—(ff)—Tha jor shipping canters for military Amid rumors of posaibla claah< nlam and democracy, atating Uonal Health DlvlslogoftheRock- whipped the two women during n Otbbona aald Lehnandar uaad a ***rirery room'la tha rn ffig iin Full Fiisliteiifil^NYLON HOSIERY poBlUoa o f tha Ttaaaury O c t 16: O onoajBngBlar aoUd color hand towala In all With raiaforesd hast and teas fUr axtra waar. mm auppUaa and troops, nearly 1,000 aa At struck Brooklyn docks, po­ “Conuntmlam for all Its triumphs afallfcr Foundatloii fbr 31 years sect meeting Monday night. S-foot whip to beat hla wife and ought to have Gen. Dwight D, 5 ® * - P*™* JW*n, yellow, aqua and flamingo. t ^ J W H A M c H P Nat budget reealpta, $77,103,- stavadoraa gathered on the atraeta lice doubled thqir gfuards In the In many fields, cruabea tha free a tha most important achieve- Quote Proueiha Mra. H alvonon at tha Monday Elaenbearac'a warat o f ia. la ifa Ba hara aariy for thaae. E ach...... 29c Naw fall ahadaa. Blssa ■% to 11. Bpacial pr. . . . . ^ Bgw $1.98 ond $2.98 t97.1$: budget capanditurea, $314,- outsidt, but ignored "shapaup" areas—aending out a detail of 08 spirit of man; democracy itself mant in 80 yaara In the fight Sect members pointed to the night naetlng nt the home of Mr. letters on tha w all: T a a |ireWaai M 4HBHM I CMMb 4SM84.38; eaah balanM, $4,878,- whistles. gradually kuccumba to tha new words of Proverbs (20:80) in an ■8O.84g.08. ^ agatost one o f tha great plagiues RW as the fourth atratght day of cult of force and violenea.” of tha worid. effort to explain tha wUpplnga