•«'. .'^- 'jf* .'V ‘ jKmtrIr»ator pontitig % TUESDAY, bCtOBER 16. IM I Um etudes adult guidance, th« oeeurf- Geoiaa Marlow, Dr. W. John Flold, TIckata for ’Tall Faahion FaaU- llysUo Revlaw, Np. S, Wonum's Aveirafa Daily Net PrcM Ron val,’* the Taahion ahow being pre- BaoefU Association; will meet this Girl Scout Goal ty of fHendshlp with glrie their Attorney John 0'Connoi‘, Mfo. A. 1 n e W e a t l M r > ^ u t Town aantad by fhe Wilroba Draoa Shop evsnlng In Odd Fsltows Hall. Ths own o f«, the odvontagM of out­ B. BundqulsL John Plcktee, Aldo under the anapicaa of Group D at Guard tsam la espacially uiaad to door life and tka opportunity to Pogonl, and Mrs. Alloa CtoimiteL ' « s 3 ' s a r * Woodruff Hall, Center church, to­ ba present for rehearsal of the team and nrooUea real frlendShif. x r. and n n . H»y<l« If work at the nUly.ln Wllllmantie Set at During Girl Ooout Woek a door- Vbffgy M M gH w n m wold « t Ookliuid otTMt hove ret morrow evening, may be pur- 1 0 ^ 0 3 chaaed from any member of the Oct 37. They are alao requeated to to-door campaign will be conduct' (3A1X MODESS f * o k Tkuesnr uanlm^ UMSe (haaia toraed o f l » o two v » » - ;waLU'iiirjtU ri iwuifLiuiii Q«ruUl group or at the door. The ahow la bring their govima. .A aoclal will ed throuikout town by adult voir Msreber o t tte AaSIt 4 2 M SanvaniBre MalgM Here-' tton trip. durUit which ttey Ckoriet W* LathfOD scheduled to begin at 8 o '^ k . follow, and refreshmenta will be' Drive WUTBe Held Dui> unteers. AU o f the money raised it*s your best bargain buy! Bareaa of Orealatlora trovried os for aa Arkaneos. T h y served by Mrs. Ernestine Merll, WUI be ueed loeaUy. ..it>B ' M aneheBter^A City o f ViUago Charm alao XMBt aevefal deya in Waah- and Roger -Loucka, well known ing Week of 2ft; • - \ tenor, wlU alng between acta. Mra. Owen Mott and Mra. Mary Bioldea Chairman CMckett,oth- BVaOLABT DflfS D K ^ iOB Big economy box of 48 y kngtoo. D. C ____ Hills. C.. Crockett ’Chairmav or mambsrayof the Finance eom- and BEAL BSTA’BSTAm mittee oaotenag in the dHire for an rag* lA) Intermediate Glri Sewt Troop 1 8 8 Oentor S t. M .' 8-MSI VOL. LXXI, NO. IB MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNBSDAtl OCTOBER 17,1951 (TWENTY PAGES) The Manchaater Reglatered 50 will hold ita first fall msetlng A Swedish baking sals win bs funda ore Rev. Robert OorrOU, $■149 pRici rii^ cim Nuraea AaaoclaUon haa aet T h w Thursday evening from 6:80 to 8 conduct^ Saturday morning at 10 Attoroay Charles N. Crockett, day, N«v. 1, for a nimmage aala o'clock in the Girl Scout room at o'clock In the vestry of Emanuel chairman o f tha G irl. Scout - Fi­ A. It wllh' be held In Cbopar HaU of the Center Congregational Church. Lutheran Church by the Dorcas nance committee, announces, thqt tha^South Methodiat CJmrch, be- Miss Louise Tracy is leader of the Society. Miss Vivian Larson and the annual drive for funds will' be Will Yon Save a Life? conducted during Girl Scout Week, ,dlimiaf at 9 a, m. Mra. Herbert troop. Miss Hattie Peterson, co-cheir- Sariaat of 201 Henry atreeh teL men, remind the members to have Oct. 38 through Nov. 8. IV e O M e r 2-021S, heada the committee. The midweek study and prayer their contributions of fobd et the Prior to the officisl opening of Herabera and f r i e ^ may bring hour tomorrow evening at 7:30 at church no later then 0 o'clock. the campaign, letters are ' belAg' The usual line of Swedish coffee mailed to business, professional. Allies Attack Kumsong Bastion their donaUona to tfia hall the eve­ th e Covenant - pongrcgational IN SHARIEAOHENEY BROS. ning previoua to the sale. Church will be followed by a short rakes, breads, pies and a variety business meeting at 8:30. of other cakes will be on sale. STOCK SELLING TO YIELD823% The son bom Oct. 9 in Manches­ The Women's Society of ths ter Memorial Hospital to Master North Methodist church Is plan­ TRUSS FITTING Sergeant and Mrs. WilllAm Mar- ning to have a rummage sale at Based On 1950 Difidend ceau of 52 Fulton road has been the church Friday morning at Subject To Prior Sale By AUBON aiadoated Caperta' named Peter Colin. They have an­ 9:30. ''•a 3ocicfr/tCHC^ alaal Mappatta. Blaa- other son, William, 3 years old. Sergeant Marceau, who left Sun­ A daughter, Linda Ann, was British Face New Woes in Sudan , aad an typea el tor- day for Germany with the 43d born yesterday to Mr. and Mra. COBURN A MIDDLEBROOK, INC. \. Private PH- Division, had a three-day pass to T. Tucker Foster of Philadelphia, spend with his family. The mater­ Pa. The baby is the grand­ INVESTMENT SECURITIES SUGGESTION nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 641 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER TEL. 8631 tt-WAU Quinn's Pharmacy William Lynn of Fulton road. The Foster of 23 Pearl atreet and of JVSJAWO OF THE WEEK formica paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Mra. Daniel Doyle of Middletown. COUNTERS Suez Canal Florence Harlow, and great grand­ No Profits in Red Push Ahead New UN Oil Plan mother. Mrs. Hattie Carter, both John L. Spencer, 66 Holl street, of Bolton. Is one of the 14 seniors In the Air W HArS THE BEAL PBICE Force ROTC at the University of A rea L ik e On Central ON TOCB jlOCSET Lakota Council No. 61, Degree Connecticut who have been desig­ CUSTOM Want a special purpose Negotiations: Mac nated diatingulahed military atu- It’s National Rejected hy Iran . Tea’ll And nor competent of Pocahontas, will hold a regu­ KITCHENS room built? A flush wall EXHMTS lar meeting tomorrow night at 8 denta. The award ia baaed on A DiSPUYS tpotaiaera well qualified to scholarship and leadership qualifi­ television? A commercial Ai*my Camp Battlefront b ^ yea. o’clock at Odd Fellows hall. After Miami, Fla., Oct. 17—<fl*)! the bu.siness meeting there will be cations and if the high average is Hat Week display? A distinctive New York, Oct. 17—(4*)-— ' maintained until graduation from — General Douglas MacAr- The two Latin American Bianrmhrr there la never a "chatter" party taken from a Cairo, Oct. 17—(Jf)— I s -! Slain U. S. 8th Army Headquar­ any eMgarioa when von call popular TV show, with ’prlres the univeralty he will be eligible fireplace mantle? Call thur declared today “you ' BuUetins members of the U. N. Securi­ mailia in the Suez Canal area i ters, Korea, Oct. 17—^P)— given for mystery words. The to apply for a regular commiaalon SHIPSHAPE for the ex­ cannot profitably negotiate ty Council tried a new ap­ iABVlS BBALTT committee Is headed by Caroline in the U. S. Air Force. Attorney Oiarlrs N. Crockett ARCHHECTUftAl from the AP Wires was an armed camp bristling Allied infantrymen drove to CABINETRY tra special job — for OISnAY with Communists" .and he proach today in the British- ■taaobeater 4112 Avignone. industrial and other townspeople nVTIIDEC with machineguns and tanks within rifle range of Kum- A son, David, was bom at ths things you can’t buy in cAU^d for the use of greater Iranian oil dispute, but an Hartford hospital yesterday mem- asking for their financial mppOTt M ilitaij power in the Korean 90,988 WAR CASUALITES today, and as both British aohg on the centr.il front to­ in maintaining the Manchester Washlagtoa, Get. II—<ffh— Iranian spokesman quickly Ing to Mr..and Mrs. George Frost, the store—and enjoy in­ War. and Egyptians rushed rein­ day. of 81 • Bun'ce drive. They have Girl Scout program. -Annonneed U. S. battle eesual- forcements there. Britain dispelled any hopes-that it Chinese defenders retreat­ A goal of 88,500 haa been set dividual design, custom In a ringing attack on the od- tlea in Korea reached 90,988 to­ another aon, Gary, age 20 months. faced new trouble in the would be acceptable. to maintain the high standards craftsmanship in your ministration’s military policy, the day, oa increase of 1,888 since ed slowly before the advanc­ ousted five-star general told the Anglo-Egyptiaq Sudan. The central id^a of the new ing U. S. 24th Division and TURKEY SUPPER St. Mary's Guild will meet that Manchester girl scouting has CUSTOM MADE last weelc. plan was to avoid a showdown achieved In the past. Over 1,200 SASH A DOORS own home. CABINET MAKCtS American Legion convention: One leader of the powerful the South Korean Sixth Divi­ Thursday at noon in the guild SUPFUES "We negotiate and negotiate and on Russian and Iranian pro­ UiiM Methodist Church at QuarryvillCv room. Members will bring their girls and adult membera comprise o io a r e t t e s t o g o u p pro - Egyptian Sudanese sion. the local organisation. negotiate, never seeming to learn Hartford, Oct. 17—<ff>— The tests that the United Nations own sandwiches,' and tea. coffee that you cannot- proflumiy nego­ Aflhigga party called upon the The Allies gained 1,600 to 2.000 Boltoa ■ and dessert will be served by the Mr. Crockett atates that Man- federal Office, of Price StobU- is-not competent to deal with yards In the fifth day of their cheater'a Girl Scout program In- tiate with Oommunlata any more Isatioa may soon go along with people of Sudan for a cam­ hoatessea.
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