Celebrating 162 years of service! Vol. 164, No. 05 • 50¢ SINCE 1855 July 12 -July 18, 2018 TODAY’S GAS Elrich wins by 80 votes PRICE $2.93 per gallon Board of Elections needs to certify closest County Executive race in recent memory Last Week tions has yet to certify the results, are eager for definitive outcome to $2.92 per gallon By Neal Earley @neal_earley which it will do during its meeting on the Montgomery County Executive A month ago July 16, but as of Elrich is the race, we must respect the election $2.98 per gallon With all the ballots counted, leading vote-getter with no more bal- process and let the Board of Elections Council member Marc Elrich is the lots yet to be counted. finish their audit and certify the re- A year ago unofficial winner of the Democratic “I’m excited, there’s a lot of sults,” said Laura Evans Manatos, a $2.30 per gallon Primary for Montgomery County Ex- work to do... but I’m excited to have spokesperson for the Blair campaign.

AVERAGE PRICE PER GALLON OF ecutive. the opportunity to take that on,” El- “We are also closely reviewing the fi- UNLEADED REGULAR GAS IN MARYLAND/D.C. METRO AREA days of vote-counting, and rich said shortly after he learned of nal results to determine if a recount is ACCORDING TO AAA a race that was too close to call on the results. appropriate. The residents of Mont- Election Night, Elrich edged busi- During the next few days the gomery County deserve our collec- nessman David Blair by just 80 votes Board of Elections will audit the re- tive patience in this important elec- INSIDE FILE PHOTO after Montgomery County Board of CouncilmemberMarc Elrich sults, meanwhile Elrich declared tion.” Elections officials finished counting himself the winner, while a For months, six candidates – ballots late Sunday evening. second, with 37,449 and 28.95 per- spokesman for the Blair campaign most of whom are long-time politi- With all ballots counted, Elrich cent of the vote. said the candidate will wait to see if a Editor’s has 37,529 votes, with 29.02 percent The results are unofficial as the recount is “appropriate.” See “County Executive” Notebook of the total count, while Blair came in Montgomery County Board of Elec- “While we recognize that many page 8 by Brian J. Karem G-Prep graduate nominated to Supreme Court Supreme Court. By Neal Earley @neal_earley On Monday, President Donald County J. Trump nominated Kavanaugh as Chevy Chase resident Brett an associate justice to the Supreme Executive Kavanaugh could be mistaken for Court, replacing the outgoing jus- Race many suburban fathers in Mont- tice Anthony Kennedy. Ka- gomery County. vanaugh, who currently is a U.S. He has a high-paying govern- circuit judge of the Court of Ap- The Democrats may ment job, and he lives in a small, peals for the District of Columbia, screw up their shot at the wealthy community. Like many is a resident of Chevy Chase and County Executive slot. County residents, he has both an has deep ties to Montgomery Page 4 undergraduate and master’s degree County. from a prestigious university. He He also credited his mother FILE PHOTO coaches his daughters’ basketball Martha Kavanaugh, a former Council member Nancy Floreen games on the weekends. COURTESY PHOTO Montgomery County Circuit Court If you were not following the Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh Judge with being his legal inspira- Floreen jumps news his friends and neighbors tion. “My introduction to law came say, it might be easy to mistake gomery County resident – and not into Exec race Kavanaugh for just another Mont- a nominee for the United States See “Kavanaugh,” page 8

By Neal Earley @neal_earley Environmentalists weigh in on stormwater compromise County Council said they are hopeful ,” said Diane Cameron, a mem- More than a week after filing her By Neal Earley intent to run, Montgomery County @neal_earley about the prospects of a compromise, ber of the board of directors of Con- Big Train Council member Nancy Floreen has the environmentalists who testified servation Montgomery. announced she will run as an indepen- While the County Executive and Tuesday said they still have doubts Currently, the County offers sep- dent for County Executive in a move Council have reached a tentative com- about the plans. arate contracts for different compa- The Big Train moves for- promise on the issue of the future of Plans originally proposed by nies to plan, design and build ward with a victory in the Cal local political watchers say could se- verely divide the Democratic vote in stormwater-management projects and County Executive Ike Leggett to stormwater-management projects. Ripken League. their contracting, environmental streamline the permit process for Leggett proposed putting the entire page 20 November. Meanwhile, Republican Robin groups say they are skeptical about stormwater projects has caused worry process – the planning, designing and Ficker says he isn’t concerned if Flo- the plans. among environmentalists, who believe building – of a stormwater-manage- reen gets on the ballot – or not. “I think On Tuesday, the Montgomery that the contracting work, done by ment contract into one contract for a I will win whether or not she gets her County Council held a public hearing companies for profit, could lead to a re- company to bid on, saying it would signatures and gets on the ballot,” on the compromise bill, which would duction in the quality of environmental make the process more efficient and Ficker said. bridge the divide between members of standards for stormwater projects. save taxpayers money. While Floreen filed her paper- the County Council and the County “So, we must make sure we Some members of the Council work to run last week, she said she Executive on the future of contracting maintain our expert DEP [Department worried that Leggett’s proposal could for stormwater projects. of Environmental Protection] staff See “Floreen,” page 8 While some members of the and work with them, not against See “Stormwater,” page 8 2THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL JULY 12, 2018 EFLECTIONS The Montgomery County Sentinel, published weekly by Berlyn Inc. Publish- R ing, is a community newspaper covering Montgomery County, Maryland. Our of- fices are located at 22 W. Jefferson August 18,1970 Street, Suite 309, Rockville, MD 20850. Founded in 1855 by Matthew Fields. All mail to: P.O. Box 1272, Rockville, MD 20849-1272. Subscription Rates for The Condo developers sue Montgomery County Montgomery County Sentinel – Weekly by mail: $40.00 per year & $26.50 for Se- Each week the Sentinel visits a beyond the original intent of the leg- and the number of rooms of furni- against the recently enacted 120- nior Citizens. (USPS) 361-100. memorable story from its archives. islation,” he said. ture he possesses. A tenant’s total day moratorium on condominium According to the suit filed in assets are not taken into considera- conversions. That suit is not expect- Bernard Kapiloff PUBLISHER E MERITUS Two developers and the county Circuit Court, the developers – tion when determining the size of ed to be filed for at least several Board of Realtors are suing the Rockville-Grosvenor and LaVay- payments. weeks, however. The moratorium Lynn G. Kapiloff county, challenging the constitu- Rock Creek – would be liable for up Ryan said he thought it was expires November 10. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/ PUBLISHER tionality of a county law requiring to $1.1 million in relocation costs. “unfair” that some individuals with The Board of Realtors, the [email protected] condominium converters to pay Ryan said across-the-board re- substantial assets might qualify for Apartment and Office Buildings As- moving expenses for displaced low location costs would be passed on to relocation assistance because of a sociation, the county Chamber of Mark Kapiloff ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER –and moderate –income tenants. consumers through increases in the low annual income. Commerce and several major prop- [email protected] At a press conference last selling prices of condominium The plaintiffs have expressed erty owners have contributed to a le- Thursday the group charged that the units. concern that the mandatory pay- gal fund which will be used to fi- EDITORIAL county had made a series of legal er- The bill passed last month by ments are too high. Minimum pay- nance the moratorium challenge, Brian J. Karem rors in designating the bill as emer- the County Council requires con- ments for qualifying applicants are according to board member Joan EXECUTIVE EDITOR gency legislation and in drafting verters to reimburse displaced ten- $500. Ryan said he believed actual Hatfield. [email protected] regulations to carry out the bill’s in- ants in need of financial assistance moving expenses would be in the The District of Columbia has Brandy L. Simms tent. up to a maximum of $750. range of $200 to $400. had a law since 1977 which requires SPORTS EDITOR Terry Ryan of the Board of Re- The plaintiffs complained that One developer said privately landlords to pay $125 per room to [email protected] altors said there was no indication Gilchrist’s regulations require pay- he feared that the bill would encour- cover moving expenses for low-in- MARK ROBINSON that an emergency existed. Further- ment at the time the tenant vacates age tenants to move out to take ad- come tenants displaced by conver- [email protected] more, regulations drawn up by the building, rather than after the vantage of the relocation payment. sions. There is an income eligibility CITY EDITOR County Executive Charles W. move is completed. Payments are The Board of Realtors is also in limit of $8,879 for the adjusted BARBARA TRAININ BLANK Gilchrist “have distorted and gone based solely on the tenant’s income the process of preparing a suit gross income of a single person. COPY EDITOR


NEWS George Smith PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Council reviews police internal affairs policy TAZEEN AHMAD CALENDAR EDITOR [email protected] Safety Committee on the internal af- in an administrative case, if the scale Write By Neal Earley CALL 301-838-0788 @neal_earley fairs-investigation process – some- just starts to tip, you know 51 percent thing that becomes more relevant af- starts to tip it toward we think you The Montgomery County Sentinel FAX 301- 838 - 3458 In the wake of a Montgomery NEWSROOM AND LEGAL ADVERTISING ter an officer-involved shooting in did it; that’s all that’s really needed welcomes letters. County police officer shooting, the Montgomery County. for someone to sustain an adminis- ADVERTISING County Council held a committee Currently Badgujar is being in- trative allegation on an employee,” All letters must be original, Lonnie Johnson hearing to review Montgomery vestigated by Howard County prose- he said. ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE signed by the author County Police Department’s internal cutors as part of a potential criminal Complaints filed against MCPD 301-306-9500 affairs-investigation process. inquiry, but if Howard County does officers are first send to Internal Af- and must include the author’s daytime EMAIL: [email protected] While the June 11 officer-in- not seek charges against Badgujar, fairs, where officers review when the volved shooting, in which Mont- telephone number Montgomery County Police will complaint could be considered “for- Sherry Sanderson gomery County Police officer Anand conduct their own internal affairs in- mal” and investigated further; if the for verification. LEGAL ADVERTISING MANAGER Badgujar shot and killed unarmed vestigation into the shooting. complaint is sustained, it goes up the Send letters to: CALL 301-838-0788 African-American man Robert According to Sullivan and chain of command to Police Chief FAX 301-838-3458 Lawrence White, is being investigat- Schwarz, Montgomery County Po- Tom Manger for disciplinary action. The Montgomery County Sentinel [email protected] ed by prosecutors in Howard County, lice investigates every complaint the Complaints can also be sent to the Montgomery County Council department receives, whether they “intake,” which is a non-disciplinary 22 W. Jefferson St. Suite 309 PRODUCTION Public Safety Committee held a come via email, phone call, in per- track where most complaints go. But, Rockville, MD 20850 Lonnie Johnson hearing Monday to review how son, or written. In 2017, MCPD’s In- if warranted, MCPD can choose to PRODUCTION MANAGER MCPD conducts its internal affairs ternal Affairs Division opened 291 review the policy or refer the officer Fax: 301-838-3458 [email protected] investigations. cases, 208 of which were considered to counseling or some sort of retrain- Peter Lui While the meeting did not go minor. In total, MCPD considered 83 ing. Email: [email protected] GRAPHIC PRODUCTION STAFF over any of the specifics of the June of the complaints “serious;” these Complaints against officers are CIRCULATION 11 shooting, as it is still under inves- were processed as formal com- usually put on hold if there is a crim- tigation by the Howard County plaints. inal investigation into the officer’s THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY [email protected] SENTINEL (USPS 361-100) is State’s Attorney’s Office, the meet- Of the 83 serious complaints, action, such as the case with Badgu- published every Thursday by CALL 301-306-9500 ing did cover the basics of the Coun- seven were sustained, while the rest jar, said Captain Willie Parker-Loan, Montgomery Sentinel Publishing, FAX 301-306-0134 ty police’s own internal investiga- were either closed either because the Director, Internal Affairs Division Inc., 22 W. Jefferson St., Suite ACCOUNTING tions. 309, Rockville, MD 20850. officer was exonerated or not enough for MCPD. While any person has a Deidra Darsa “You guys hired us to patrol Subscriptions by mail are $40.00 evidence was found to back the com- constitutional right against self-in- per year; by mail (out of MD, VA, CREDIT / COLLECTIONS/RECEPTIONIST your communities and to enforce the plaints. crimination in a criminal investiga- & D.C.) additional $ 5.25; on laws, and that’s important because Sullivan explained that MCPD tion, if the criminal investigation is newsstands 50 cents. Periodicals that makes us accountable to you, used the preponderance-of-evidence concluded and an internal affairs in- postage paid at Rockville, MD THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL IS A and that’s how it should be,” said Sgt. standard for complaints, meaning vestigation begins, MCPD can com- 20849-1272. WOMAN OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY AND Mark Sullivan, an officer in Mont- that whatever side most of the evi- pel the officer to talk. POSTMASTER: Send address gomery County Police’s Internal Af- IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND. dence leans toward is the side “We tend to wait until the crimi- changes to THE MONTGOMERY Montgomery County Publishing, Inc. fairs Division. MCPD’s Internal Affairs investiga- nal investigation is over because we COUNTY was absobed into Berlyn Inc. on SENTINEL, P.O. BOX 1272 Sullivan and fellow MCPD Sgt. tors will come down on. can order you to talk,” Parker-Loan January 1, 2015 Harley Schwarz briefed the Public “Essentially, in one of our cases, said. Rockville, MD 20849-1272 JULY 12, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 3 NEWS Minimum wage hike affects local businesses in MoCo county Council, in a move spearheaded by Newmyer is not against increas- However, when she heard that trained. “In my industry, people are By Suzanne Pollak @SuzannePollak Council member Mark Elrich, the ing the minimum wage, but he just new employees with no experience not productive for a minimum of six Democrat’s unofficial candidate for wished the hike could have been en- would be making basically the same months,” said Gorinson, who has When Ron Newmyer closed his County Executive, voted to increase acted more fairly, he said. “I’m not base salary as her even though she owned the Stride Rite shoe store family restaurant for good right be- the minimum wage annually until it anti-minimum wage, but it’s not a has worked at the shoe store for 18 since 1990. fore the July 4th holiday, it marked reaches $15 an hour. one-size-fits-all,” he said. years, she decided to move on, he Gorinson pointed to McDon- the end of a popular restaurant that Executive Ike Leggett signed “Taxes aren’t applied” equally said. ald’s restaurants, which increasingly had been serving customers in the the bill into law in November of last across the board so why must the “This is a sales job. The income has been adding kiosks for customers Silver Spring area since 1989. year. minimum wage, he asked? has to be based on the sales of the to input their orders, thereby reduc- Newmyer blamed several fac- As of July 1, employees who The new law should treat mom- store,” said Gorinson, ing the number of employees need- tors that led him to shuttering Ar- work at a business with 51 or more and-pop stores differently than large Fortunately, said Gorinson, ed, he said. mand’s Chicago Pizza on Seminary employees will receive $12.25 an corporations, he suggested. “business has been up in the past 12 Costco Wholesale, which has Road, including the County’s deci- hour. Businesses with fewer employ- “I’m sure that we won’t be the months.” locations in Wheaton and Gaithers- sion to increase the minimum wage ees must pay $12 an hour. only business” that goes under fol- Even so, due to the minimum burg, won’t be increasing wages for each year between now and July In one year, the rate will jump lowing the increase in minimum wage increase, “I am scheduling less its workers. 2022. again. As of July 1, 2019, the mini- wage, he said. people that I did in 2016 and 2017.” The starting wage for employ- “I’m not going to blame our mum wage for those working in Richard Gorinson, owner of Also, he said, “I am very reticent of ees at the members-only warehouse closing on that, because we made companies with at least 51 employ- J&S Shoes in Wheaton, said his hiring new people.” club is $14, which is $1.75 more per plenty of mistakes,” Newmyer said. ees must be paid $13 an hour. For store manager of 18 years recently Gorinson would have preferred hour than the new County minimum But, he added, the mandatory wage smaller businesses, the rate increases quit due to the minimum wage in- that an increase to the minimum wage. increases “makes it exceedingly dif- to $12.50 an hour. crease. wage take place six months after a “The new minimum wage in ficult” for small businesses to suc- Pay increases for minimum The woman made $16 an hour, new employee started working. Montgomery County, Md. has no im- ceed. wage workers will continue to in- but with sales bonuses, was bringing “It kills me to that kind of pact on Costco’s operations,” ac- The Montgomery County crease through July 1, 2022. more like $19 an hour, he said. money” on someone who needs to be cording to a corporate spokesperson. Metro Board may increase service at selected Red Line stations proved, could involve directing all loading, [and there would be] im- plete elimination of the Grosvenor weekdays, compared with White by Kathleen Stubbs @kathleenstubbs3 the rush-hour trains that haven’t been proved on-time performance, and a turn-backs Thursday, Metro has the Flint, Twinbrook and Rockville sta- traveling north of Grosvenor-Strath- better customer experience” from money for the turn-backs already. tion parking lots. Metro’s Board of Directors may more Station, to continue traveling Cleveland Park to Farragut North. The board during a meeting in June Riemer said he hopes the board approve an increase in rush-hour ser- all the way to Shady Grove and stop Citing Metro data from April voted to amend the Fiscal Year 2019 approves the Grosvenor turn-back vice on part of the Red Line during at the stations in between. Complete 30, Erenrich said the trains starting at budget to fund the additional service elimination, but also that Metro will its meeting Thursday, a change the elimination of the Grosvenor turn- Shady Grove had every seat filled by for up to full elimination of the someday increase the number of board requested three years ago. backs would involve the four stations the time they reached Grosvenor- Grosvenor turn-backs. eight-car trains and eliminate the If all Red Line trains that would – Shady Grove, Rockville, Twin- Strathmore Station, with about 75 Federal Board member Steve turn-back at the opposite end of the normally start or terminate at brook and White Flint – receiving people per car. Between 7:48 a.m. McMillin voted against the turn- Red Line, which includes Silver Grosvenor-Strathmore Station in- twice the current train frequency dur- and 8:48 a.m., every car had more back elimination money, saying he Spring Station. He added he wants to stead traveled past Grosvenor to ing rush hour. than 100 riders by the time the trains disagreed with funding the service see Metro run more trains per hour in Shady Grove, as in the proposed Another option the board is con- reached Grosvenor-Strathmore, so increase before the board had ap- general. change, that would double the ser- sidering is reducing but not eliminat- Erenrich concluded the Grosvenor proved the service increase itself. He “You have a lot of room for im- vice to Shady Grove and three other ing the Grosvenor turn-backs. turn-backs are a safety issue. He said added that he was concerned after provement as far as our service lev- stations. County Council President Hans he expected midweek ridership to Metro staff said the four stations el,” said Riemer of Metrorail in the The board will vote on both a Riemer said he’s excited about the show additional crowding, although might require $20 million to $30 mil- County. service increase for four Red Line possibility of the Grosvenor turn- he had data only for April 30, which lion in improvements to ensure the The board agreed to reduce late- stations during rush hour and on backs ending. was a Monday. safety and reliability of service with night service to allow more time for whether it approves a federally-re- “Half of the trains currently turn County Executive Ike Leggett the additional trains. maintenance and repairs starting in quired equity analysis of the service back during rush hour, and they head has planned and budgeted to increase The board added $1.25 million 2016. increase. An employee posted the eq- back in the other direction,” skipping housing near Metro stations, also for the additional service for the re- On the operational side, Metro uity analysis, formally known as a four Red Line stations, Riemer said. known as transit-oriented develop- mainder of FY ’19. In future budgets, staff wrote in a memorandum to the Title VI analysis, on Metro’s website Back in June, Gary Erenrich, ment, under his “Smart Growth Ini- full elimination of the Grosvenor board for the Thursday meeting that Monday. special assistant to Montgomery tiative.” Multiple-housing complex- turn-backs would cost $2.5 million they had studied operations involved Currently, some Red Line trains County Transportation Director, said es are near the four stations for which per year. with ending the Grosvenor turn- heading to or from Shady Grove Sta- in his analysis of ridership and pas- elimination of the Grosvenor turn- The change would be perma- backs. The staff determined that tion stop and turn around at senger loading of the Grosvenor back would increase service. nent, although the general manager Metro needs more oversight of dis- Grosvenor-Strathmore Station rather turn-back, obtained by the Sentinel, Metro Board member Michael would retain the ability to propose patching trains, and it plans to add than at Shady Grove Station. Metro that he is concerned about ridership Goldman, who represents Mont- changes to service levels in the fu- more staff to oversee dispatch of Board members and Montgomery and crowding at the four lesser- gomery County, said increasing Red ture. trains. Staff did not indicate whether County Council members call this served stations. Line service to the area would en- Goldman said riders seem to the probable future positions would arrangement the “Grosvenor turn- “The crowding worsens on the hance the appeal of nearby current prefer the Grosvenor Station so they require additional operating funds. back.” Rush-hour riders boarding at Shady Grove trains when compared and planned housing complexes, don’t have to wait as long for a train. Metro’s Board of Directors stations from Shady Grove to White to trains that originate at Grosvenor. many of which fall under the Smart “Commuters are voting with signed a motion in 2015 ordering Flint must wait eight minutes for a The result is an uneven passenger Growth Initiative. their actions that they would rather staff to propose ways to eliminate the train, whereas riders standing on the loading and longer station dwell “Better Red Line service will have four-minute waits to eight- Grosvenor turn-backs, to start July 1, Grosvenor-Strathmore platform times, and poorer customer experi- make those Red Line properties minute waits,” said Goldman. 2018, although staff told the board have to wait only four minutes, ac- ence,” said Erenrich. “If all the trains more attractive,” Goldman said. Goldman said Grosvenor- earlier this year that the soonest cording to the schedule. started at Shady Grove, then there Although the Metro Board is Strathmore Station’s parking lot and Metro could increase service is De- The service increase, if ap- would not be an uneven passenger scheduled to approve partial or com- garage are closer to being full on cember.

P l ace Y o ur L ocal Ads I n

The Mo n tgom e ry Count y Se n t ine l 4THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL JULY 12, 2018 OPINIONS &VIEWS Elrich, Ficker and Floreen

This will all make for great po- litical theater as we march toward Editor’s Notebook the 2018 midterm general election and the drama probably will help by Brian J. Karem drive up local voter turnout. Who doesn’t like a good street brawl? But the seriousness of this com- And so it’s over – or is it? ing election cannot be understated. Councilman Marc Elrich ap- At issue is the top executive parently survived an attempt by lo- seat in the county – a job that enjoys cal businessman Donald Trump, I a great deal of policy making power. mean David Trone, I mean David Robin Ficker represents the Blair to buy the Democratic nomi- GOP’s best chance in a generation nation for county executive. By just to take away the election from a De- 80 votes Elrich emerged victorious mocratic party many in the county from this summer’s primary elec- consider elitist, ineffective and out tion only to face a cornucopia of of touch with the lives of those - challenges headed into the fall gen- ing to make ends meet. eral election. Ficker may not have all the an- For voters everywhere, this swers, but to those who are tired of election should put aside the ridicu- escalating taxes on everything from lous notion that one vote doesn’t plastic garbage bags to the falling count. By the slimmest of margins rain, his cries of draining the local Elrich emerged victorious. Mean- swamp appeals to many who other- while Blair most certainly will push wise may not vote or would hold for a recount – who wouldn’t if you their nose and pull the lever for only lost by 80 votes? someone they don’t like and have Nancy Floreen, a county coun- little hope of supporting. cilmember who apparently detests The Democrats, with their Elrich is at the ready – eager to toss swagger and smugness, believe her hat into the ring as an indepen- Blue Montgomery County will al- dent candidate to try and stymie El- ways remain within their rule. rich. It is this arrogance that could Elrich isn’t seen widely popu- prove to be their undoing, as it was lar with business interests while on the national scene with the elec- Floreen’s is. For his enemies Elrich tion of “King Wannabe” Donald is the epitome of the elitist tree-hug- Trump. ging liberal from the People’s Re- Yes, the hapless Democrats public of Takoma Park while Flo- could make the same mistake local- reen is seen as more of a centrist – at ly. Yes, Ficker has a better chance least compared to Elrich. than any Republican in recent mem- Both labels are gross over-sim- ory to become the next executive. plifications of reality. Still in poli- There are many voters in the tics appearances often hold more county so upset with the indiffer- sway than reality. ence and deaf ears of the council But wait. There’s more. It dices that they already turned to Ficker and slices and makes Julian fries – and voted for term limits. whatever they are. That was the shot across the Over on the Republican side, bow to local Democrats. The pri- Robin Ficker – who campaigned for maries show they seemingly didn’t and got term limits for county coun- hear it. cil members and swore in a forum Now they are embroiled in a sponsored by The Sentinel he wasn’t fight to be the “anointed one” who spearheading the effort in order to they believe will automatically be run for office – is now sitting (after elected to the county’s top spot. emerging from an uncontested Re- The Democrats got handed publican primary) in a very strong their hats in the national election position to take over the county ex- with such assumptions and they got ecutive seat if the divisive Democ- smacked silly in the last Maryland rats continue to bicker. gubernatorial race because of simi- Ficker, a well-known gadfly in lar sentiments. political circles pants with delight It is often said there is nothing watching Democrats who look to be worse than a Republican – unless on the verge of disintegrating. it’s a hapless Democrat. Sound familiar? While the situ- Can Floreen, Elrich and Blair ation isn’t a direct parallel with the make their peace? Does anyone 2016 presidential election, it has care? Certainly not Ficker - who of- some striking similarities. fers a vision for the county quite dif- The Democrat is emerging ferent from the average democratic from a tough primary challenge and politician and most county regis- the party seems fractured. Ficker tered voters. fancies himself a populist. Though How this falls out is anyone’s not as crude as President Donald guess at this point – but it’s going to Trump, Ficker does pride himself on be an interesting ride until Novem- heckling NBA referees and getting ber – that much is . publicity for doing so. JULY 12, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 5 LETTERS The folly of fleeing an accident scene About our independence The truck owner testified that cide whether this flight shows a To the editor; THE he loaned his truck to the defen- consciousness of guilt.” After be- In retrospect, after the American Revolutionary War, the declara- dant, who called that night claim- ing convicted by the jury on all tion— “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created COURT ing he had struck a deer. charges, the defendant appealed. equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable REPORT After his arrest, the defen- The defendant that rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” dant’s statement to the police was since the charge of leaving the was unanimously passed on July 4, 1776 at the second continental con- recorded and then played to the scene includes the very fact that gress in Philadelphia. jury, during which he did not deny he had fled, it could not be said The Declaration of Independence demanded ending colonial tribute driving the truck that night and that flight from committing some to King George III’s excessive taxation administered by a colonial state by Tom Ryan did not claim someone else was other crime warranted the jury be- governor’s demands to enforce increasing import taxes with trade tariffs driving. ing given the flight instruction. on Boston harbor tradesmen— who were British loyalist and business Under Maryland law, a per- The State presented evidence The appellate court found accomplices in the service of the Crown (following the mad king’s son involved in a fatal motor vehi- of calls the defendant made from that here there was evidence of routes to make foreign investments). Additionally was taxing cle accident has the duty to stop jail trying to claim someone else another crime, namely driving on working-class colonial subject’s purchase of imported goods to con- and remain at the scene, to render was driving, and the defendant a suspended license, which re- tribute to finance England’s military buildup of “man of war ships,” car- aid to the victim, and to report the called an alibi witness for the time quires the State to prove the de- go vessels, conventional battle forged weaponry using gun powder for accident to the police. of the crash. fendant knew his license was sus- world-wide interventions, and expeditionary strategies for parliament’s Maryland’s intermediate ap- The prosecution also proved pended. approval to win trade wars. pellate Court in an unreported that the defendant’s driver’s li- The jury was therefore enti- The Treaty of Paris of 1783 was negotiated between the United opinion last week addressed what cense was suspended at the time tled to consider whether defen- States and Great Britain. It officially ended the revolutionary war for other crimes fleeing the scene of a of the incident. The trial judge at dant’s fleeing the scene without American independence. fatal collision may prove, in a the State’s request gave a “flight reporting the incident indicated The Continental Congress five-member commission attended by case called Richard Curtis v. State instruction” to the jury. that he was aware of his crime in patriarch Benjamin Franklin’s diplomatic persuasions and his distinctive of Maryland. The instruction included that driving while suspended. cursive signature helped John Hancock’s election as president of that A witness at trial testified to “a person’s flight immediately af- congress. hearing the sound of a crash, then ter the commission of a crime or Hancock is remembered as being the first to sign the declaration. observing a pickup truck speeding after being accused of a crime is His flamboyant signature after the document’s last word overpowers all away from the scene where it had not enough by itself to establish other signers, their names clearly identified. struck a pedestrian. guilt; but it is a fact that may be Thomas Patrick Ryan is a part- Historically, the "John Hancock" signature has become a bench- The witness called 911, and considered by you as evidence of ner in the Rockville law firm of Mc- mark logogram for American financial corporations. The “John Han- the police investigation led them guilt…If you decide there is evi- Carthy Wilson, which specializes in cock” signature is a registered trademark. Use of John Hancock's signa- to the damaged vehicle. dence of flight, you must then de- civil litigation. ture copied from the Declaration of Independence and used as a logo or any other form of market branding is trademark infringement. “John Hancock” has become a bugle call to engage signatures hav- ing intrinsic value for selling goods and services, as well as financing real estate land deals to wealthy club members only. Giving credit is necessary when credit is due Traditional “American exceptionalism"— the idea that America is more exceptional than other nations, that it differs qualitatively unlike pays to the allowed limit. for the Credit did not reapply. Addi- anything else from other world enterprises is being challenged. According to the State Depart- tionally, many homeowners who To Wit: That is to say; when your signature is required to identify ment of Assessments and Taxation purchased homes since then have yourself on official documents and it is to be used as your official signa- REAL website (dat.maryland.gov), the also not applied for the Credit. ture doodle-mark—who are you in the pursuit of happiness? Do you ESTATE Homestead Property Tax Credit is Besides being unaware of their know how to legibly hand-print yourself -identity in upper and lower- granted if during the previous year: eligibility for the Credit, they may case letters in the space below your scrawled tag? Should I believe a SOLUTIONS the property was not transferred to not have understood the Homestead John Doe is a person and similarly, identify corporations are real people? new ownership; there was no change Property Tax Credit and the applica- Do we hold these truths to be self-evident with “certain unalienable in the zoning classification request- tion process. rights?” Jack Martinelli By Dan Krell ed by the homeowner resulting in an But this will change because of Rockville increase value of the property; a sub- two bills passed by the Maryland It’s been eleven years since stantial change did not occur in the General Assembly (HB990 Home- Maryland forced all qualifying use of the property; the previous as- stead Property Tax Credit Notifica- What about the children? homeowners to reapply for the sessment was not clearly erroneous; tion on Acquisition of Property, and Homestead Property Tax Credit. the dwelling must be the owner’s HB305/SB158 Homestead Property To the editor: Prior to the change in the appli- principal residence and the owner Tax Credit Program Eligibility Aliens have been crossing the Mexican border into the United cation, applying for the Homestead must have lived in it for at least six Awareness). States. An undetermined portion of them will be found to have crossed Property Tax Credit was almost au- months of the year (including July 1 Beginning July 1st, the State illegally. Some have brought children. Our government has been sepa- tomatic for homeowners who of the year for which the credit is ap- Department of Assessments and rating the children, even very young children, from their parents. The claimed a primary residence. plicable), unless the owner was tem- Taxation is required to mail notice government's conduct has inflicted pain on the children and thereby on However, many abused the pro- porarily unable to do so by reason of about the Homestead Property Tax their parents. One stated reason for inflicting the pain is to deter future gram to get tax credits on non-prin- illness or need of special care. Credit to individuals who purchase a similar conduct by others. cipal residences by claiming multi- A homeowner who vacates home. And effective October 1st, So far as I am aware, no one has yet suggested applying this princi- ple properties or rental properties as their home for major improvements, the State Department of Assess- ple to the children of others who have violated different laws. The chil- their primary residence. The 2007 or plans to raze the home to build a ments and Taxation is required to dren of Osama Bin Laden come immediately to mind. Osama Bin Laden change was implemented to reexam- new home may qualify for the Cred- identify homeowners who may be violated many laws. Inflicting pain on his children would, under the it if the following two conditions are eligible for the Homestead Property government's theory, deter unlawful conduct by others. ine ownership, so as to stop the abuse of the property tax credit pro- met: (1) the property was the home- Tax Credit Program (but failed to ap- Wilbur H. Friedman owner’s principal residence for at ply) and provide information on ap- Rockville MD 20853 gram. The Homestead Property Tax least 3 full tax years immediately plying for the Credit with each as- Credit was created to assist home- preceding the razing or starting the sessment notice. Opinions are like ankles . . . owners with significant assessment improvements; and (2) the building For more information about increases on their principal resi- of the replacement home or the im- your Homestead Property Tax Cred- To the editor: dences. provements must be completed it eligibility status and application Journalists are supposed to be objective. Paul Schwartz is anything The credit limits the amount of within the next succeeding tax year process, please visit the State De- but a journalist. All he does is give me his commie liberal opinion. He is taxable assessments. The state re- after the tax year in which the razing partment of Assessments and Taxa- part of the “Fake News” media. quires each county and municipality or the substantial improvements tion website (dat.maryland.gov). Ray Bruce to limit taxable assessments to ten were commenced Damascus percent or less. Since 2007, many homeowners Most of Montgomery County is and home buyers have been unaware Dan Krell is a Realtor® with editor’s note: Actually he’s a columnist and as such, it’s okay to limited to the state cap of ten per- of the Homestead Property Tax RE/MAX Success in Potomac, MD. voice his opinion. In fact we request he do such. cent. The Homestead Credit limits Credit. Additionally, since then, You can access more information at the property tax that the homeowner many homeowners who may qualify DanKrell.com 6 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL JULY 12, 2018 NEWS G-Burg receives survey results Takoma Park addresses junction redevelopment fic standards,” said City Manager land State Highway Administrator felt were most conducive to growth By Nickolai Sukharev By Peter Rouleau Suzanne Ludlow during the Wednes- Gregory Slater that the state will look in the Corridor. @Nickolaiss day evening meeting. into funding improvements to the in- @PeterSRouleau “Staff is pleased that roughly a TAKOMA PARK — With the Ludlow explained that Mont- tersection because it is a “preexisting GAITHERSBURG — The third of the respondents identified as vote to approve the Takoma Junction gomery County traffic standards re- condition” that cannot be alleviated Gaithersburg Planning Commission Gen X or Gen Y,” Howell said. Redevelopment site plan approach- quire signalized intersections to have with “Band-Aid fixes.” joined Mayor Jud Ashman and the “These younger Corridor tenants are ing on July 25, the City Council con- delays of less than 80 seconds. Relating to the financing of traf- City Council at Monday night’s City less inclined to engage through tradi- tinues to resolve questions regarding She added that the two studies, fic improvements, Council member Hall meeting to hear the results of a tional methods, but they are the ones the project. done by A. Morton Thomas for the Jarrett Smith (Ward 5) asked if the public survey on how to best utilize a who are going to experience any After the unveiling of the site city and The Traffic Group for the city could implement a tax-incre- stretch of land along Route 355. long-term changes to the Corridor.” plan in April, traffic studies associat- County, indicate that the intersection ment financing program, commonly The Corridor Development The first question on the survey ed with the project were released in at Grant, Carroll, and Ethan Allen known as a TIF, to fund traffic im- (CD) Zone was originally created to listed goals of land use and zoning June, analyzing potential traffic Avenues would exceed the 80-sec- provements. implement the 2001 Frederick Av- regulations and asked respondents to changes the project could have on the ond delay with a substantial recon- Under Maryland’s Tax Incre- enue Corridor Land Use Plan. A rate them as “Somewhat important” surrounding area. figuration. ment Finance Act, municipalities can 2013 study by the city determined or “Very important.” “Some of the main takeaways Council member Cindy Dyballa implement a tax-increment financing that the 355 Corridor did not need a “Respondents tended to favor from the two traffic studies are that (Ward 2) raised the issue of who program, which would allow the city new zone to foster development; in- protecting the quality of the environ- with the recent changes to the timing would pay for any potential reconfig- to subsidize economic development stead, the study found that the CD ment and protecting open space and of the traffic signals at the junction uration of the intersection. using anticipated tax revenue for in- Zone should to be refined and made recreational areas as zoning goals,” area intersections, the traffic level is Mayor Kate Stewart said she dustrial, commercial or residential the primary zone in the Corridor. Howell said. “But for each of the just barely acceptable by county traf- had received assurances from Mary- areas and infrastructure projects. The city sought public input goals, save the last one – ‘Enhance through an online survey as to how to tax base of the city’ – at least 90 per- improve business opportunities in cent of respondents listed each as at Man charged with stabbing girlfriend in their home the CD Zone. Rob Robinson and least ‘Somewhat important,’ so it’s victim, who is Perry’s girlfriend, and on their phones, Goodale said. Laura Howell of the city’s Planning fair to say that the respondents do un- by Kathleen Stubbs and Code Administration presented derstand the role zoning plays in cre- @kathleenstubbs3 transported her to a local hospital for Perry went to a fire station in the results of the survey and staff rec- ating opportunities for the city.” treatment of a minor stab wound. Prince George’s County after he saw ommendations to improve the CD Another question pertained to Montgomery County Police ar- The woman told police that Per- the Amber Alert and turned himself Zone. the list of allowable uses for the CD rested and charged a 35-year-old ry stabbed her in the lower back dur- in to Prince George’s County police “For outreach, we wanted to Zone. Instead of listing all allowable man with first- and second-degree ing an argument in the home, and officers. Police transported him to take a different tack than the classic uses, the city currently cross-refer- assault after he admitted to stabbing then took his two children – an 18- the District 3 Station and interviewed meeting in a school gym or cafeteria ences other zones, so that any use his girlfriend in their home Tuesday. month-old girl and a 9-year-old boy him. He told police where the chil- – where there’s some stale cookies that is a by-right use in any other The commissioner placed – and left. dren were and admitted to stabbing and a bunch of bores,” Robinson zone is also permitted in the CD Dwight Perry of the 700 block of Maryland State Police issued an his girlfriend. Zone. Staff found that this could be said. “We wanted to design a unique West Side Drive in Gaithersburg, on Amber Alert Tuesday for the two Montgomery County detectives webpage for the project.” confusing, since certain uses, such as farming, while not explicitly prohib- no-bond status Tuesday night, said children on behalf of Montgomery and Prince George’s County Police The city publicized the survey police spokesperson Officer Rick County Police. officers located the children safe and by mailing over 2900 postcards to all ited, would not be appropriate for the property owners and residents along Zone. Goodale. Police transported him to “He [Perry] was without the unharmed. They found the girl at a or within 200 feet of the Corridor and “Because of this, staff recom- Montgomery County Detention Cen- kids in Prince George’s County with relative’s home and the boy at a day- emailing developers, members of the mends that the allowable uses for the ter in Clarksburg. his friends” at the time of the alert, care center, both located in Prince faith community, attorneys and other Zone be clearly listed,” Howell said. Police said Montgomery County Goodale said. George’s County. stakeholders in the Corridor. Ulti- The results of the survey and Fire and Rescue personnel on Tuesday Perry had left his cell phone at According to court records, Per- mately, 317 people responded to the staff recommendations are available afternoon responded to the Gaithers- his girlfriend’s house in Gaithers- ry’s preliminary hearing is scheduled 12-question survey, which polled online at https://publicinput.com/cd- burg home following a report of a do- burg, but his friends showed him the for August 10 at Montgomery Coun- area residents on which policies they zone. mestic stabbing. They found the stab Amber Alert when they received it ty District Court. NEWS ANALYSIS plementing White House policy re- top. It is, indeed, technically “illegal” migrants, available resources had to can't imagine this try thinking of garding immigration on the coun- to try to enter the United States be- be used apprehend and deport ALL your own children or grandchildren try’s southern border. tween the ports of entry. However, individuals attempting to cross the being separated. Paul’s View As for investigating violations try to imagine escaping a building on border between ports of entry. This Now, conservative justices By resulting from illegal entry beyond fire. Yes, there is an approved route included individuals who clearly did have, in the past, limited the Eighth that border, that responsibility falls to vacate the building, but when run- not pose the safety threat continually Amendment to criminal acts and it is Paul Schwartz primarily to the Special Agents of ning for the safety of you and your emphasized by the president as a crit- possible for the courts to consider ICE. However, and this is the most family you take whatever route you ical element of his fear mongering these separations to be a civil regula- important point I would like to make can to reach a safe haven especially if agenda. This included families with tory action. That, in my opinion, Back in 2003 the Department of regarding ICE responsibilities: the approved route is blocked by fire. small children and the elderly, for ex- would be wrong considering the ex- Homeland Security was established rounding up immigrant families who Likewise, those fleeing the violence ample, who clearly did not pose the planation of the zero tolerance policy by combining several agencies from have entered the United States ille- and corruption of Central American threat that the administration has by the Attorney General. Remember, other U.S. departments under one gally between the ports of entry is countries to seek refuge in the Amer- brainwashed its base into fearing. it was he who explained that any at- overarching umbrella. The thought NOT its only responsibility nor its ica that had offered refuge to genera- I find it unimaginable for a tempts to cross the southern border was placing all of these disparate primary responsibility. tions of immigrant families through- small child to be taken from a parent. into the United States between the agencies under one department When it comes to ICE there is a out our history may not have the op- Yes, the process saw some children ports of entry and not through the would somehow make activities re- myriad of responsibilities including tion of waiting in line at the port of temporarily separated from their par- ports of entry to legally seek asylum lated to homeland security more effi- investigations involving human traf- entry. They may not have the option ents under previous administrations. are criminal acts and would be dealt cient and effective. ficking, child exploitation, cyber- of “coming back in a few days” be- What stands out, however, is the with accordingly. To me, that makes Whether simply placing agen- crime, and intelligence gathering cause it is their children who face magnitude of parent-child separa- it clear that the Eighth Amendment to cies under the same federal depart- among others to go along with its re- danger back in the country they are tions that was unnecessarily created the Constitution applies. ment resulted in any significant im- sponsibility for locating and extradit- fleeing. by this president's zero tolerance pol- Oh, and while we are on the top- provement in information sharing or ing criminal immigrants and appre- What caused this process to be- icy. ic of the Constitution and for Sarah a more efficient operation is still a hending and deporting non-criminal come overwhelming, as many of you The Constitution, specifically Huckabee Sanders specifically, hav- matter for debate. What is not a mat- (meaning non-serious criminal) but already know, is when the adminis- the Eighth Amendment, prohibits the ing one's day in court is the very ter of debate is one of the agencies, still illegal immigrants. tration decided on a zero tolerance infliction of “cruel and unusual pun- essence of “due process”. It is hard to ICE, ( Immigration and Customs En- Regarding immigrant families, policy. This meant that, instead of us- ishment”. I can't think of anything imagine any other manner in which forcement), is now under intense it must be understood that the contro- ing resources to, as mentioned earli- more cruel than the separation of a to achieve due process than for one to scrutiny due to how the agency is im- versial policy came from the very er, locate and extradite criminal im- child from his or her parent. If you have his or her day in court. JULY 12, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 7

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© Pepco, 2018 8THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL JULY 12, 2018 COVER STORY County Executive ends up in historic close call for Elrich ahead of Blair, with thousands of Elrich, a three-term member of and schools when they decide to schools work.” “Elrich, ” provisional and absentee ballots yet the County Council, could no longer build. In contrast to Elrich, Blair was a From page one to be counted. run for re-election to the council due During his speech, just after political unknown before he decided As officials from the Board of to a new amendment to the County midnight on Wednesday, Elrich ad- to enter the race and opted to largely cians in the County – jockied to win Elections counted ballots during the Charter voters passed last year dressed his critics in the business self-fund his campaign, spending the Democratic primary campaign following days, Elrich’s small lead which was sponsored by the Repub- community in the hope of allaying millions of dollars of his own money to succeed County Executive Ike gradually shrank, as Blair eclipsed lican candidate for County Execu- their concerns about him. on advertising. Leggett. While Blair and Elrich him in provisional and absentee bal- tive Robin Ficker. “I want to say to my friends in Blair, who worked as the CEO were among the favorites, accord- lots. But the race was so tight Blair Elrich, who pursued public fi- the business community who seem of the Rockville-based Fortune 500 ing to some polling, it was unclear only managed to gain a few hundred nancing of his campaign had long to be totally unnecessarily scared company Catalyst Health Solutions, how close the race was until the re- votes on Elrich, ending 80 votes be- considered running for executive of me ... I’ve never been against built his campaign around economic sults from Election Day started hind him with all ballots counted. and gained the endorsement of most jobs and development or housing ... growth, promising to turn the Coun- rolling in. Elrich said he spent that time clean- of the County’s progressive organi- I’ve been against people building ty into a startup haven. While Elrich came out the ing his house and organizing his zations. things and [not] infrastructure,” El- Now, if the vote total holds, El- leader in early voting ballots, he was home office. While opponents have labeled rich said. “This isn’t a development rich will face Republican Ficker and quickly passed by Blair. Elrich “I'm pretty Zen about things him as “anti-development,” Elrich battle; this is a battle to get the in- potentially fellow County Council would retake the lead late in the like that; you can't worry about has always balked at the attacks, in- frastructure that you need to sup- member Nancy Floreen, who filed night on Election Day, ending the things you can't change,” Elrich sisting instead that he wants devel- port developers so neighborhoods her intent to run as an independent evening approximately 500 votes said. opers to pay more for infrastructure work, transportation works, [and] candidate last week. Floreen will run against Elrich and Ficker as an independent tent to enter the race as an independent. wait until the Board of Elections cer- to mine,” Elrich said the Mayor of Garrett Park for one- “Floreen,” “I am a candidate for County tified the election results, she has For 16 years, Floreen has served and-a-half terms. From page one Executive – unexpectedly, I admit – made her decision to jump into the as a member of the County Council For his time on the Council, El- because it would be a terrible loss for race before Elrich’s nomination as the spending much of that time as chair rich as voiced his skepticism about only did so to meet the July 2 dead- this county to fall into the sort of po- Democratic candidate is secured. If of the County Council Planning, some of the County’s master plans, line, saying at the time in a statement larized posturing that has poisoned the results hold, she will face Elrich Housing & Economic Development arguing that developers need to pay she had yet to make up her mind as our national Politics,” Floreen said in and Republican candidate Robin Committee. Because of an amend- more in taxes in order to help fund the not all the votes had been counted in a statement. “That’s not my way. I Ficker in the November election. ment to the County Charter that vot- needed infrastructure that comes with the Democratic Primary with no win- want to get things done for all of us.” When asked about the possibili- ers passed in 2016 limiting members increased growth. ner declared. Before she can get her name on ty of facing Floreen on the ballot, El- of the County Council to three con- Floreen on the other hand, has Now that fellow County Council the ballot, at least 6,400 registered rich said Floreen does not offer much secutive terms, Floreen could not had a much more pro-development member Marc Elrich is the unofficial voters will have to sign a petition sup- of a contrast against his candidacy. seek reelection in 2018. voting record, arguing the County winner of the Democratic Primary, porting her candidacy. “Her voting record on other than Prior to her election to the Coun- needs to accommodate growth if it Floreen announced Wednesday her in- While Floreen said she would development is pretty much identical ty Council in 2002, Floreen served as wants to progress. Kavanaugh is the latest Georgetown Prep graduate to be nominated to high court “G-Prep,” wife, Ashley, well over the last tried to live that creed,” Ka- might think about his gay high- worked as the personal secretary few years, especially since Ashley vanaugh said during his an- school classmates when he is pre- for President Bush. From page one serves as the village’s town man- nouncement ceremony on Mon- sented with a case that will shape But while Kavanaugh and his ager. Chernack said the Ka- day. my life and my family.” wife have held high-profile Wash- at our dinner table, where she vanaughs can often be found at One of Kavanaugh’s class- Both Maryland senators criti- ington jobs for more than a practiced her closing arguments, neighborhood events, especially mates from Georgetown Prep, cized Kavanaugh. Sen. Chris Van decade, the two fit into their com- “Kavanaugh said of his mother. the Fourth of July parade in which State Sen. Rich Madaleno (D-18), Hollen (D), promised to vote munity like any other family, “Her trademark lines was, ‘Use Brett Kavanaugh serves as the said he was anxious that Trump against Kavanaugh’s confirma- neighbors say. your common sense. What rings community’s “traffic cop.” appointed Kavanaugh to the tion. While Sen. Ben Cardin (D) Kavanaugh’s coaching of his true? What rings false?’ That’s Chernack said while he may Supreme Court because he wor- did not say which way he plans to daughters’ basketball teams has good advice for a juror and for a disagree with some of Ka- ries that Kavanaugh could vote to vote, he instead asked his fellow earned him the nickname “Coach son.” vanaugh’s rulings, he described overturn the Supreme Court’s 5-4 senators to “think carefully” K," a tongue-and-cheek reference “I've never had a political Kavanaugh as “down to earth.” decision that made marriage about Kavanaugh’s appointment to legendary Duke University conversation or a deep judicial Kavanaugh, like Trump’s last equality the law of the land in all to the Supreme Court. Head Basketball Coach Mike philosophy conversation with appointment to the Supreme 50 states – an issue that Madaleno Prior to his appointment as a Krzyzewski, who goes by the Brett...I talk to him much more Court, Neil Gorsuch, is an alum- said touches him personally. judge, Kavanaugh worked for same nickname. about the Nationals,” said Greg nus of Georgetown Prep. During “Tonight I wonder if his com- Special Prosecutor Ken Starr, as Chernack said he can easily Chernack, a neighbor of Ka- his announcement ceremony, Ka- mitment to being a man for others Starr conducted an investigation imagine him continuing his hobby vanaugh’s in Chevy Chase. vanaugh credited his Jesuit educa- considers me too much of an ‘oth- into President Bill Clinton, which as “Coach K," while also serving Chernack, who is the chair of tion at Georgetown for helping er’ to be guaranteed the same led to his impeachment. Later, as a justice on the Supreme Court. the Village of Chevy Chase Sec- guide his worldview. rights he probably takes for grant- Kavanaugh served as an associate “He's certainly not going to tion 5 Town Council, has gotten to “The motto of my Jesuit high ed,” Madaleno wrote in a state- counsel for President George W. stay out of his girls’ lives,” Cher- know both Kavanaugh and his school was ‘men for others;’ I’ve ment. “I hope Brett Kavanaugh Bush, while his wife, Ashley, nack said. Environmentalists weigh in on county’s tough storm water management problems “Environmentalists,” of its budgeting, and could not focus change for the Council gaining While environmentalist are not $10 million. From page one on the details of Leggett’s plan. The greater oversight over stormwater- against Leggett’s proposal to shift “Given the experimental nature confusion and eventual disagreement management projects. bids to design, build and maintain of this proposed contract, we ask that lead to the County de-emphasizing led to the Council’s leaving Leggett’s This increased oversight will al- stormwater projects to one contrac- the Council consider a smaller $10 environmental concerns for reforms out of their capital budget. low the Council to have more control tor, the worry is that companies will million appropriation for a contract stormwater projects using the pro- The disagreement came to a over stormwater projects, through not prioritize environmental con- that covers the full life cycle of a sub- posed contracting process. head after Leggett issued a line-item getting quarterly reports from DEP. cerns. set of projects, instead appropriating Leggett’s proposed change was veto on the capital budget, something In addition, the Council can allocate Sylvia Tongetti, a member of funds for only the first phase of a initially met with skepticism by he has never done as County Execu- additional funding for projects, and the Montgomery County chapter of five-year project for all capital pro- some members of the County Coun- tive. This eventually led to the com- will require officials from DEP to the Sierra Club, asked the Council to jects,” she said. cil, who felt the proposal was rushed promise, where the County will test consult with advisory groups on the reduce the amount of funding for The bill is set to go to committee when the Council was in the middle Leggett’s contracting reforms in ex- project. DBM contracts from $20 million to on July 17. JULY 12, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 9



CASE NO. 9486


On June 15, 2018, Washington Gas Light Company filed an application for approval by the Public Service Commission of the Company’s new gas system strategic infrastructure development and enhancement (“STRIDE”) plan and accompanying cost recovery mechanism to become effective January 1, 2019.

The Maryland Public Service Commission has instituted the above-titled proceeding to consider approval of the Company’s proposal.

A Pre-Hearing Conference in this proceeding has been set for  July 25, 2018, beginning at 1 p.m. at:

Maryland Public Service Commission 16th Floor Hearing Room William Donald Schaefer Tower 6 St. Paul Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202

The purpose of the hearing is to set a procedural schedule for this proceeding, consider any petitions to intervene that have been filed, and consider any other preliminary matters requested by the parties.

Any persons seeking to intervene in this proceeding should file, by 5 p.m., Monday, July 23, 2018, an original and seventeen (17) copies, plus one electronic copy*, of any petition to intervene with   , Executive Secretary, Maryland Public Service Commission. William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul Street, 16th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.

* The Commission encourages parties to use the Commission’s “e-file” system for filing the electronic file copy. Details of the “e-file” system are on the Commission’s web page, www.psc.state.md.us. Additionally, five paper copies of the petition shall be three-hole punched.


Call Lonnie Johnson at 301-306-9500 or e-mail [email protected] 10 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL JULY 12, 2018 NEWS Local artists take part in Silver Spring Arts and Crafts Summer Fair nity needs events like these. artists. ized clothing items. Richard Brown, “We wanted to create a “Pro- By Abby Cruz “No matter what you do in life, “A lot of times, it’s the people owner of 3D Printing, set up a 3D sumer” [combining the words “pro- @Abbbbeeeyyy you can recognize where there is art,” that say ‘Oh I really don’t know any- printer at the fair to show residents fessional” plus “consumer”] busi- SILVER SPRING — Jamal said Childs. “It doesn’t just have to be thing about art, or I don’t make art so how the process works, along with a ness, in which we would develop, Childs, 25, nodded his head to the something in the museum or some- why would I be interested?’ Those few custom creations, including make, and sell products in our home, hip-hop song “Bad and Boujee” by thing like graffiti; literally you walk are the main people I would suggest “Black Panther Wakanda-Inspired while continuing to buy other things Migos playing on his Beats By Dre by art every day, and these types of to come to these events,” he said. Lighted Calla Lily” for sale. like everyone else,” according to his portable speaker as he colored in his events is just a concentrated area to “Just support these types of home- “I’m here to participate in the company’s website. latest sketch drawing, using “no pen- get all that at one time,” he said. town events … show tangible sup- fair and show people 3D printing,” Just a few stands over, Sharon cil, all ink pen.” Childs, who said he has been port.” Brown said. Brown said many of the Fox-Mould, owner of Artists and Childs, a Takoma Park native, taking art seriously “all my life, pret- Along with Childs, dozens of items he was selling at the fair he also Makers Studios in Rockville, sur- attended the Silver Spring Arts and ty much since I was able to hold a vendors participated in the down- sells online at Etsy – items like rounded her display area with paint- Crafts Summer Fair at Veterans Plaza pencil,” explained that for events like town Silver Spring event, selling Christmas trees that light up, small ings and portraits created using dif- on Sunday not only to sell his art this to continue, residents should handmade portraits, custom house- dinosaurs, and currently the Wakan- ferent mediums such as watercolors, pieces, but also because the commu- consider supporting their local hold accessories and even personal- da Calla Lily. pastels and oil paints.

Montgomery County, Maryland Department of Environmental Protection

PUBLIC NOTICE Application for a Temporary Noise Waiver

The Department of Environmental Protection is currently reviewing two applications for Temporary Noise Waivers as allowed under the Montgomery County Noise Control Ordinance, Chapter 31B, Sec- tion 11(a).

A Temporary Noise Waiver is being requested by Washington Gas, 6801 Industrial Road, Springfield, Maryland, for the purpose of re- placing natural gas valves at three locations: Sherwood Forest Dri- ve and Randolph Road, New Hampshire Avenue between Tanley Road and Jackson Road, and New Hampshire Avenue between Oak- lawn Drive and Powder Mill Road, Silver Spring. Federal safety PHOTO BY PETER ROULEAU regulations require continuous construction to complete the work. A local couple is using Pink Flamingos as a form of public protest. The scheduled work hours will be over several three-day periods Not John Waters’ Pink Flamingos but still a starting July 24, 2018 with completion scheduled for October 2018. powerful statement displayed in Kensington A second Temporary Noise Waiver is being requested by NPL, 6100 Columbia Park Road, Hyattsville, Maryland, for the purpose of re- Laythan and Golden now own Douglas High School in Parkland, By Peter Rouleau placing a natural gas line along New Hampshire Avenue between @PeterSRouleau approximately 200 large and small Florida, on February 14. Each lawn flamingos, which they use for flamingo’s grave is marked with a Linden Avenue and Auburn Avenue, and Kingwood Drive and Ersk- KENSINGTON — Pink, plas- their exhibits. In the exhibits, the tombstone of the cover of the April ine Street, Takoma Park. The work is being performed at night to tic lawn flamingos are regarded as a flamingos are posed carrying signs 2 issue of “Time” Magazine, which tacky decoration by some, but for or in tableaux illustrating a particu- featured the cover story “Enough” alleviate traffic congestion and impacts to businesses and pedestri- one local couple, they have become lar issue. about the March for our Lives in ans. The scheduled work hours are from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. The a medium for public expression. “The ’mingos were sympathet- Washington, D.C., and nationwide For several years, Michael ic to Puerto Rico after the hurricane on March 24. Laythan and Golden work is scheduled to be completed by October 2018. Laythan and Mandy Golden have and Las Vegas after the shooting,” said they may design a future ex- arranged large and small flamingos Laythan said. “They supported the hibit to commemorate the victims in their yard in exhibits designed to Women’s March after Trump’s in- of the Annapolis “Capital Gazette” The applications and related documents are available for public in- call public attention to social ills auguration. The response we’ve shooting on June 28. spection and may be viewed on the Department’s website by visit- and to protest policies. gotten from neighbors has been “That shooting happened be- ing the Noise Waivers & Suppression Plans page at: “When I first met Mandy in overwhelmingly positive.” cause of one guy who had a long- 1990, she was wearing flamingo Their lawn currently features standing feud with the paper,” https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/DEP/contact/noise-docu- earrings,” Laythan said. “She gave two flamingo exhibits. In one, sev- Laythan said. “But the rhetoric of ments.html#waivers. The Department will receive comments on me one, and I hung it on the mirror eral small flamingos are enclosed the president and others, calling in my car, and they’ve been sort of a in a fenced area while larger journalists the enemy of the people, the applications for a minimum of ten (10) days after publication of theme for us ever since. Ten years flamingos are outside looking in. may have, in a way, made the shoot- this notice. ago, I was finishing up a year-long This exhibit was designed to er feel like he had permission to do treatment for Hepatitis C, and protest the Trump Administration’s that.” Mandy asked friends of ours to buy policy of separating migrant chil- Laythan said that he participat- Comments, questions, or requests to examine documents may be di- a flamingo or two. When I woke up dren from their parents at the bor- ed in the first protest against the rected to Gretchen Ekstrom, DEP/DEPC, 255 Rockville Pike, Suite the first morning after the treatment der. Vietnam War in 1971. was finally done, the yard was just The other exhibit features 14 “I never thought I’d still be 120, Rockville, MD, 20850. Telephone 240-777-7750, Fax 240- full of flamingos. Since then, the small flamingos and three larger protesting this many years later,” 777-7715 or email [email protected]. ‘mingos have come out off and on. flamingos with their heads buried, Laythan said. “I’m so sympathetic We find it’s a good way to make a tribute to the 14 students and whenever I see anyone carrying a known our opinions about what’s three teachers who were killed in sign saying, ‘I can’t believe we still 00033918 1t 07/12/18 happening in the world.” the shooting at Marjory Stoneman have to do this.’” JULY12, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 11 ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Expectations about grieving clash in Unexpected Stage’s ‘sad comedy’ our own mold.” By Barbara Trainin Blank @traininblank That’s what Brad and Melody, who are closer in age than she was One thing Ruthie Rado likes with her husband, try to do. about the D.C. area – to which she re- “She leans on him to get through turned after years away – is its “rich it, sometimes inappropriately,” artistic community that feels like a Goodrich said. community.” Of course, creating her own Life is different for Melody, the mold gets Melody into trouble with isolated character Rado plays in Hope, who lost her husband 36 years “How to Be a Good Little Widow.” prior and never remarried. Among At 26, Melody finds herself a her widows’ league rules are dressing widow, when her slightly older hus- in black. band dies in a plane crash. Many of “Widow” is a bit of a digression those around her, especially her for Rado, who tends to do children’s mother-in-law, Hope, expect Melody or devised theater – the latter mean- to mourn a certain way. The older ing that a group, rather than a lone woman belongs to a widows’ league, playwright, creates it. whose members know “all the rules.” Both came together in 2013, Because Melody had moved when she founded Pocket Change cross country to marry Craig, she Theatre Company, a nomadic theater lacks a sense of community. She had for young audiences using the de- never been to a funeral before, and vised approach. expected life to be different. “But I love that Unexpected The “sad comedy,” as play- Stage presents many tender, intimate wright Bekah Brunstetter called her shows that ask the big questions but work, is Unexpected Stage Compa- have complex characters,” Rado said. ny’s next production. She first appeared in the the- Aside from Melody and her ater’s “Oblivion,” as a teenager tak- mother-in-law Hope, the four-charac- ing a different religious path than her ter play includes Craig and his work parents. partner, Brad, who is “going through Rado found the stage directions a grief journey of his own,” said in “Widow” compelling,” in that Rado. they are very specific – which goes Christopher Goodrich, the the- COURTESY PHOTO against the trend in contemporary Emily Morrison and Ruthie Rado, play the widowed daughter and mother-in-law in Unexpected Stage’s “How to Be ater’s co-producing artistic director, plays. a Good Little Widow.” along with his wife, Rachel Stroud- What also appealed to her, Rado Goodrich, said, is her “enchantment” with agenda is a new play by Audrey ton area rebuild a sense of safety and Emily Morrison is Hope, and Lans- said he was attracted to the Melody: the actor feels very similar Cephaly, which it will perform at the hope after experiencing a loss, life- ing O’Leary is Brad. play’s “quirky style,” to its being “de- to the character, who is “goofy and Kennedy Center’s From Page to threatening illness, violence or other “How to Be a Good Little Wid- void of melodrama, and funny and still figuring life out.” Stage series. trauma. ow” runs July 12 through August 5 at witty in unexpected places.” “How to Be a Good Little Wid- The theater, as it does at every “We’ll donate a portion of the the River Road Unitarian Universal- “Sometimes we need that levi- ow” teaches that whatever way you production, is running a benefit for a ticket sales at the benefit perfor- ist Congregation Building’s Fireside ty,” he said, “especially for people need to grieve is OK, said Rado. nonprofit whose mission relates to mance – which is Sunday, July 29, at Room, 6301 River Road, Bethesda. who went through [grief and loss]. “But it does that in a touching and hi- the play. This time it’s the Wendt 2 p.m. – to the Wendt Center,” said For tickets, visit: We think there’s a right way and a larious way.” Center for Loss and Healing, which Goodrich. http://www.goodlittlewidow.brown- wrong way to do things, but we create Next on Unexpected Stage’s helps people in the Greater Washing- Nick Duckworth plays Craig, papertickets.com. Students rehearse for the well-loved iconic musical ‘Godspell’ “But young actors are pretty clowns. Kearney said: “We like to challenge Highwood’s version, Eliza and Pro- By Barbara Trainin Blank “That’s not in the script, though our kids, and they always rise to the fessor Higgins are “in love with @traininblank gung-ho” he said. “Because this is summer camp, these kids have cho- it fit the early ’70s when the musical occasion.” each other,” Kearney said. Summer may be overall slow, sen to be there.” opened,” Gottfried explained. “In Many of the student actors – The directors didn’t alter the but Highwood Theatre is gearing up One element that makes “God- essence, it’s about a social and spiri- grades three through 12 – were al- actual script, which is for amateur for two student musical produc- spell” different is the looseness of tual movement – of young people ready familiar with the show from licensing. The one change they em- tions. the stage directions. who are trying to live in the world other productions, including its cur- braced was making Colonel Picker- First, there’s “Godspell” – this “They give directors a lot of the right way and pick up on Jesus’ rent revival on Broadway. ing, Higgins’s friend and house year’s Musical Theatre Intensive leeway,” said Gottfried. “The script teachings.” Some had seen the 1964 film guest, more prominent. program for seventh through 12th is covered in notes, like: ‘You can There’s “much need” in “God- version with Rex Harrison and Au- Otherwise, Kearney said, graders. do something else.’” spell” for every cast member’s tal- drey Hepburn, but Lipczenko delib- “We’re trying to keep the story sim- The show, with concept and The cast members were initial- ents to be on display,” he added. erately avoided it. ilar to what people remember, and book by John Michael Tebelak and ly less likely to know “Godspell” “Everyone has secret skills.” “I try to stay away from the the students know and love. It’s a music and new lyrics by Stephen than the other Highwood musical The Highwood Summer Musi- movies of the shows I’m directing,’ great story with great music.” Schwartz, brings vaudevillian ele- this summer, “My Fair Lady,” he cal is “My Fair Lady,” the beloved he said. “I want to make original If “My Fair Lady” presents one ments and diverse musical styles to added. “‘Godspell’ – which started 1956 musical by Alan Jay Lerner choices, not automatically do things challenge, it’s the manner of speak- a contemporary take of the Gospel as a college production, then went to and Frederick Loewe about the a certain way.” ing. “The accents have to be accu- of St. Matthew. off-Broadway and Broadway – was Cockney flower girl who takes elo- Because of familiarity, Kear- rate and sound different from each Henry Gottfried, an actor who “pervasive” for a while, Gottfried cution lessons from a haughty lin- ney found the students needed little other,” said Kearney. “That’s central appeared in the first national tour of said, but then has mostly went off guistics professor. explanation – except about the his- to the story.” “Godspell” runs July “Bright Star” and the TV production the radar. Mason Lipczenko, entering torical period and its societal norms. 20-22, and “My Fair Lady,” July 26- of “Peter Pan Live!” is directing. Gottfried himself didn’t know ninth grade at Sherwood High “We also had discussions about 29, at Highwood Theatre, 914 Silver “This seemed like a stretch of the musical. “So, it’s fresh and fun,” School, and Kevin Kearney, High- a bit of a contentious issue – the way Spring Avenue, Silver Spring. For the muscles,” he said. he said. In the early years of “God- wood’s executive director, are co- some men in the show treat more information and tickets, call It’s also new for Gottfried to be spell’s” existence, the tendency was directing. women,” he said. 301-587-0697 or visit www.the- directing kids this age. to set the characters as hippies and On choosing “My Fair Lady,” But there’s no question that in highwoodtheatre.org. 12 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL JULY 12, 2018 NEWS The new Honda plug-in provides a lot of Clarity — to reduce wind resistance — and a second mini-windshield gives a bit of an extra rear view. Auto Drive Inside, the Clarity’s minimalis- tic interior has a touchscreen info- By tainment system with no physical buttons. It keeps the dashboard look- Brady Holt ing clean, but it’s functionally com- promised. Nor is the system as ad- vanced as newer Honda models, which have also added back conven- If you’re interested in a compact tional buttons and knobs. Simulated fuel-saving car, it’s not hard to find open-pore wood is a classy touch, one that looks the part. Models like and the tested Touring trim has rich- the Toyota Prius hybrid, Chevrolet feeling leather upholstery. Volt plug-in hybrid and Nissan Leaf Note that although the new electric car are easily recognizable. Clarity is shaped like the Prius hatch- They don’t share their styling with back, it does have a trunk rather than ordinary gas-powered vehicles, and an open-cargo hold. That cuts into its are often sculpted to maximize their versatility but helps keep the cabin fuel-saving aerodynamics. quiet. And, with 14.8 cubic feet of But perhaps you want the extra trunk space, it’s still more functional interior space or smooth, quiet ride of than the Fusion, Sonata or Optima a midsize car. For a number of years, PHEV models. And passenger space you’ve been able to buy a plug-in hy- is competitive with these midsize brid (PHEV) version of the Ford Fu- sedans, a cut above the compact sion, Hyundai Sonata or Kia Optima Prius and Leaf, and much better than sedan. These PHEV vehicles can be the extra-tight Volt. charged up with electricity from the On the road, the Clarity is grid to deliver some all-electric dri- smooth and serene, especially when ving range, and then a gasoline en- it’s operating in all-electric mode, gine kicks in until you’re able to feeling more upscale than a Prius. It’s charge up again. composed rather than outright But you’d have to pay close at- sporty, even compared to a Honda tention to recognize anything special Accord or Civic, but it’s respectably about the PHEV versions of the Fu- agile. sion, Sonata, or Optima — some The tested Clarity achieved just subtle badging, and a car-charger over 50 miles per charge even on port on the front fender. And the all- days that included less-efficient electric ranges of these models linger highway driving, edging out the in the 20s, meaning, that longer com- EPA’s 48-mile estimate. That’s out- mutes will regularly rely on gasoline. standing for a sedan that’s roomy, re- The new 2018 Honda Clarity fined and reasonably priced. One solves both problems. This new mid- niggle: Most partially electric cars size sedan features aggressively fu- have more advanced displays to help turistic looks, an aerodynamic body, you keep track of your range, a spacious and well-finished interior, mileage and driving habits. The Clar- and an EPA-estimated 48 miles per ity’s gauge cluster and infotainment all-electric charge. And, as with other screen can present such information, plug-in vehicles, drivers are eligible but often only one piece at a time. for a federal tax credit and can travel Another note: Gas mileage isn’t solo in Maryland HOV lanes. outstanding by hybrid standards Pricing for the Clarity PHEV once your electric range is used up: starts at $34,295, with plenty of fea- 42 mpg in mixed driving. That’s bet- tures, and the tested $37,490 Touring ter than a gas-only sedan but behind model adds leather upholstery, pow- even most midsize hybrids today, er seat adjustments and an in-dash much less a compact Prius. And the navigation system. If those prices seven-gallon gas tank will mean ex- seem high, subtract the $7,500 feder- tra fill-ups if you take your Clarity on al tax credit — more than you’d get a road trip. on any similarly sized plug-in hybrid But if you’d stick mainly to competitor. (Honda also makes fully electricity, the Clarity is a supremely electric and fuel-cell Clarity models, economical, yet impressively spa- but so far they’re available only on cious and refined sedan. Unlike simi- the West Coast.) larly sized plug-in hybrids, you can The Clarity’s exterior features easily avoid burning any gasoline various details that different eyes even on long commutes. And, unlike will find either delightfully unique or a purely electric car, you do have ex- forced and fussy. Start up front, with tra flexibility if you need to take a low headlights and a chrome grille longer trip or are unable to charge it. bar that runs into them, atop a set of It’s not perfectly executed, but its L-shaped LED bands. The side of the strengths far outstrip its weaknesses. vehicle features several scoops and swoops, and its partially-covered rear wheels recall Honda’s first hy- Brady Holt is a member of the brid, the 2000 Insight. Around back, Washington Automotive Press Asso- the trunk is almost as high as the roof ciation. COURTESY PHOTOS Two views of the Honda Clarity. JULY 12, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 13 NEWS ANALYSIS Paul takes a close look at Hogan, the governor’s race and much more tion, I stated “Governor Hogan backs fiscal year 2019 budget represents an Sun Headline: ‘Hogan Opposes ruary 2018 the governor announced By Paul K. Schwartz weaker gun safety legislation as evi- increase of more than 7% from the “Skinny Repeal” Of Obamacare.’” support for several targeted initia- @PKSpaul denced by his A-rating from, en- $6,054,313,390 that the previous ad- My response: This is an example tives, including: support for ‘red A few weeks ago, my column dorsement by and campaign contri- ministration invested in K-12 educa- of Governor Hogan taking credit for flag’ legislation, which allows family “Will the real Larry Hogan please butions from the National Rifle As- tion in fiscal year 2015... other people’s work. Governor Hogan members or law enforcement to peti- stand up?” published June 7, took a sociation. It took the Great Mills “In his proposed fiscal year opposed the bill once it was clear it tion the court for an order that would look at some key issues that will High School tragedy to get him to fi- 2019 budget, Governor Hogan will would fail after Marylanders and mil- prohibit an individual from possess- surely be debated during the Mary- nally sign into legislation a ban on be providing an average of $7,542 in lions of Americans flooded Congress ing firearms or ammunition if they land gubernatorial campaign. To say bump stocks, which turn semi-auto- per pupil aid for students across the with calls in opposition to the bill. In were deemed by a judge to be a dan- it generated some controversy would matic weapons into more deadly au- state, this represents an increase of March of 2017, as Republicans were ger to themselves or others; federal be putting it mildly. Like most things tomatic weapons. He is also on over 4.7% from the $7,198 in aver- pushing TrumpCare, several mem- action to institute a universal back- in life, there is always more than one record as opposing Maryland’s age per pupil aid provided for stu- bers of Maryland’s congressional del- ground check system, which the gov- side to any issue. To say that the gov- Firearms Safety Act of 2013 while dents across the state by the previous egation urged Hogan to join the fight ernor has supported since his cam- ernor’s office, specifically his Direc- supporting the carrying of concealed administration in fiscal year 2015. against the bill. Instead of joining the paign; support for legislation to tor of Communications, Ms. Amelia weapons.” Every school in the state has received fight, Hogan accused them of “grand- strengthen and clarify current law to Chasse, took exception to my por- As for mass transit, I claimed increased funding under the Hogan standing.” Months later, in May, prohibit an individual convicted of trayal of the governor’s record would that Governor Hogan proved not to administration by ensuring that no Hogan appointed an Obamacare critic domestic violence from possessing be quite the understatement. be a fan of mass transit by sacrificing system will lose money next year by to lead Maryland’s healthcare com- firearms...; support for legislation As an advocate of the “fairness “some $900 million in federal funds proposing $15.2 million more than mission. By the time Hogan opposed banning ‘bump stocks.’” (Governor doctrine,” the purpose of this column for the Red Line in Baltimore. He required to help protect Baltimore the bill, it was clear it was dead and Larry Hogan, press release, 2/28/18). is to provide the governor’s office clearly favors roads over mass transit and other jurisdictions from what the work was already done. Governor Hogan: ‘Immediately Af- with an opportunity to share their as he wants to let private companies otherwise would be funding decreas- To my claim regarding Gover- ter The Tragedy In Las Vegas, I view and provide the reader with a widen I-270 and I-495 and build so- es because enrollments have de- nor Hogan not stabilizing the health Made It Clear That It Was Time To more balanced approach. For space called ‘managed lanes’ with extreme- clined. insurance market: “In April 2018, Ban Bump Stocks – Let’s Get It considerations I will have to con- ly high tolls. ‘Private,’ by the way, is Quite a lot to go through, but Governor Hogan signed landmark Done.’” dense much of their input, but I will often a euphemism for ‘profit.’” here’s my response: From 2009- bipartisan healthcare legislation to My response: Governor Larry make every effort to capture the Lastly, regarding job growth, I 2013 we were ranked first and now, stop insurance rate increases and sta- Hogan has an A-minus NRA rating. essence of their responses. I will also claimed that under Governor Hogan you say, we dropped to third since bilize insurance markets. ‘But the You do not get that rating without take the opportunity to offer my own “job growth in Maryland sorely lags 2014. Thank you for confirming my most significant thing that’s likely to earning it. Further, after Democrats response to their counterpoints. I’ll behind Virginia and the unemploy- original statement. emerge from the 90 days of lawmak- announced their proposal to ban leave it to the reader to judge the ment rate in Maryland is higher than More significantly, however, ing came with little fanfare or contro- bump stocks after Las Vegas, Hogan merits of either side of the debate. the national average. He also vetoed Governor Hogan’s very first budget versy, one of the most aggressive ef- dismissed the proposal, saying, and I In that original column I made the legislature’s paid leave bill attempted to cut more than $100 mil- forts in the country to protect the quote, “I don’t think anyone in the several claims regarding the gover- and, once again, it took a Democratic lion in public school funding. The state’s Affordable Care Act insurance history of our state has ever been nor’s record. I stated that under his State Legislature override of the gov- governor’s last budget proposed exchange from collapsing under a se- killed by a bump stock.” Again, and I administration “Maryland’s school ernor’s veto to enact the legislation. nearly $100 million in education- ries of blows from the Republican will repeat, it was only in the after- rankings, once the best in the coun- Add to this the fact that Governor funding cuts to vital programs to im- Congress and President Donald math of the Great Mills High School try, have dropped every year since he Hogan was silent when Trump tried prove teacher retention and provide Trump.’ (Editorial Board, ‘Mary- tragedy and the political climate it took office in 2014.” Moreover, I to cut the budget of the National In- afterschool programs. land’s Year Of Health Care,’ Balti- created that the governor signed the stated that “he attempted to cut funds stitutes of Health by some 20 percent Moreover, after Democrats in- more Sun, 4/6/18)” bump stock legislation. for public schools but was stopped even though NIH is a major employ- troduced a constitutional amendment My response: The editorial cited To my claim regarding the gov- by the Democratic legislature and er in Montgomery County.” to ensure that casino gaming revenue also stated: “But it doesn’t entirely ernor putting business interests be- that the State Commission on Educa- So now you have what I said in goes to our schools, the governor solve the problem. First of all, the tax fore the environment: “Since taking tion stated that Larry Hogan’s bud- that rather controversial column. used legislative tactics in an attempt deal only lasts one year (to match the office, Governor Hogan has made a gets have underfunded our schools Now for the objections to those state- to water down the bill so he could federal hiatus, which is also only record investment of over $4 billion by almost $3 billion.” I described ments by Governor Hogan’s Com- continue diverting casino gaming good for 2019). Other legislation re- in state funds toward Chesapeake Governor Hogan as “a fan of Betsy munications Director and my re- revenue from our public schools quires the state to apply for federal Bay restoration initiatives. In April DeVos, the unfit Trump appointee as sponses to her objections: which, it is estimated, he has done to help to support the reinsurance pool 2018, the Hogan administration op- Secretary of Education dedicated to To my claims regarding school the tune of some $1.4 billion since he on a long-term basis, and at one point posed the EPA weakening emissions increasing the use of taxpayer funds rankings and education funding: took office. the Trump administration actually standards. The Hogan administration for private school vouchers.” “There was a major change in how To my claim regarding Gover- encouraged states to do that. But is urging the U.S. Environmental In the area of healthcare, I stated education rankings are calculated nor Hogan being a fan of Betsy De- since then, the signals have been de- Protection Agency (EPA) to leave the “Maryland’s healthcare is also at risk since 2014. Maryland held first place Vos and public funds for private cidedly mixed, and Maryland may current greenhouse gas emissions under Larry Hogan who was silent as in the Education Week rankings from schools: “Please find a single exam- wind up being on its own. And sec- standards for light-duty vehicles in Trump tried to kill the Affordable 2009-2013. In 2014, Ed Week didn’t ple of Governor Hogan being a ‘fan’ ond, the pressure on the risk pool in place and to allow states like Mary- Care Act, putting the health of rank states. In 2015, when Ed Week of Betsy Devos. There aren’t any.” Maryland and elsewhere will only land to continue to adopt vehicle 400,000 citizens of Maryland in changed its ranking system, Mary- My response: Larry Hogan intensify when the requirement that emissions standards that are more jeopardy. Further, Governor Hogan land placed third. rolled out the red carpet for Betsy individuals buy health insurance ex- protective than federal standards... has not offered any plan, after a one- “The previous administration DeVos weeks after she was con- pires in 2019 as a result of the “Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan year fix expires, to stabilize the inflated national test scores by ex- firmed as Trump’s Education Secre- Trump/GOP tax law. Fewer young, on Wednesday committed to joining health insurance market and costs in cluding special-education students; tary, making her the first Trump ad- healthy customers will buy insur- a bipartisan coalition of states to Maryland.” I went on: “Just as egre- the state’s schools excluded a higher ministration official he hosted in ance, making the risk pool older, meet the goals of the Paris Climate gious, Governor Hogan underfunded percentage of special-education stu- Maryland. Being a fan of DeVos is sicker.” Agreement ... In a letter Wednesday, the Heroin & Opioid Prevention Ef- dents than any other state, according not as troubling as being a fan of De- To my claim regarding Gover- the Republican governor wrote that fort (HOPE) by some $16 million ne- to data from the U.S. Department of Vos’ efforts to use public funds for nor Hogan and guns and bump he opposed the president’s decision cessitating the Democratic State Education... private schools. stocks: “Top Democrats in the Gen- then, and he opposes it now. Mary- Legislature to return these funds.” “The governor has, with some To my claim regarding Mary- eral Assembly want to expand Mary- land’s clean air standards were al- Regarding the environment, I minor exceptions, funded Maryland land’s healthcare being at risk: “Bal- land’s assault weapons ban to also ready significantly stronger than the claimed “Governor Hogan has put education at the level the state’s timore Sun Headline: ‘Hogan Op- forbid the sale of bump stocks, the Paris climate accord and still are, business interests ahead of environ- spending formulas require. Doing so poses Latest Version Of Obamacare device used in the Las Vegas mass Hogan wrote in a letter to the coali- mental concerns as evidenced by en- has enabled him to claim record Repeal Bill.’ New York Times: ‘Two shooting to turn a semiautomatic ri- tion’s executive director, Julie forcement of environmental crimes funding for K-12 education every other Republican governors, Mr. Su- fle into a rapidly firing weapon. In Cerqueira. (Brian Witte, ‘Maryland’s being the lowest in two decades. year, but that’s beside the point, too. nunu and Larry Hogan of Maryland, November of 2017 Governor Hogan GOP Governor Commits To US Cli- Moreover, Governor Hogan vetoed a The idea that we used to be first in expressed similar concerns in sepa- said expanding the assault weapons mate Alliance,’ Associated Press, bill to speed up the move toward use education and have slipped to sixth rate statements. “The Graham-Cas- ban to bar the sale of bump stocks is 1/10/18). of solar and wind energy necessitat- (as charted in Education Week’s an- sidy bill is not a solution that works ‘ discussing.’ (Erin Cox, ing the Democratic State Legislature nual rankings) is a canard. for Maryland,” Mr. Hogan said. “It ‘Leading Democrats Push To Ex- See the rest of the story to override the veto. He has consis- “Since taking office, Governor will cost our state over $2 billion an- pand Maryland’s Assault-Weapons tently resisted air quality improve- Hogan has committed record K-12 nually while directly jeopardizing Ban,’ The Baltimore Sun, 11/27/17). ments and opposed the Maryland education funding in each of his four the health care of our citizens.”‘ Bal- “To take immediate action to online at: anti-fracking ban before finally sign- budgets, totaling $25 billion...Gover- timore Sun Headline: ‘Hogan Wants further restrict access to guns for in- ing it.” nor Hogan’s record investment of Congress To Renew The Obamacare dividuals with mental illnesses or a www.thesentinel.com Regarding gun safety legisla- $6.5 billion in K-12 education in his Subsidies Trump Cut.’ Baltimore violent criminal background, in Feb- 14 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL JULY 12, 2018 CALENDAR What’s happening this week in Montgomery County July 12, 2018 – July 18, 2018 BLACKROCK CENTER FOR THE ARTS Washingtonian Center, 209 Boardwalk Place, ONGOING Gaithersburg, MD 20878. • LENNY KURLOU AND THE REGGAE ART EXHIBIT: TRANSIENT IDENTITY: ALLSTARS SATURDAY, JUL 14, 2018 | 7:00 PM | FIGURE & FORM $FREE Through Aug. 11. Curated by University of JULY 14 Maryland art students, under the direction of Profes- FOOD ADDICTS ANONYMOUS • SIZZLIN’ SALSA SATURDAY, JUL 21, 2018 | sor Jason Kuo, in collaboration with the Brentwood Jul. 14. 9:30 – 10:30 A.M. Food Addicts Anony- 7:00 PM | $FREE Arts Exchange, this exhibition features the work of mous meets every Saturday at the Unitarian Univer- Lorenzo Cardim, Victor Ekpuk, and Wilfredo Val- salist Church, 100 Welsh Park Drive, Building #4, STRATHMORE ladares. These artists, drawing upon their own com- Rockville, MD 20850. We welcome new members. plex cultural identities, create works that challenge For questions, please visitwww.foodaddictsanony- • BACKYARD THEATER: JOJO & THE our perception of identity as singular and unchang- mous.org or call Valerie @ 240-543-3090. PINECONES THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2018, ing. Where: Brentwood Arts Exchange, 3901 Rhode 9:30AM & 11:30AM Island Ave., Brentwood, MD 20722. For more in- FRIEND’S HOUSE ELEPHANT THRIFT formation call 301-277-2863 or go to SHOP • AMP COMEDY: JAY NOG & MIKE KEE- arts.pgparks.com. Jul. 14. 10:00 A.m. – 1:00 P.M. Summer GAN THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2018, 8:00 PM | AMP clothes, furniture, and household items will be fea- ATOMIC DOG AND CONSEQUENTIAL tured. The shop will be closed for the month of Au- • AMP: MARILYN MAYE SATURDAY, JULY CAT ART EXHIBIT AT VCA ALEXANDRIA gust. All proceeds support activities for seniors in 14, 2018, 8:00 PM | AMP ANIMAL HOSPITAL the Sandy Spring/Ashton area. The shop is located Through Sep. 30. Del Ray Artisans and VCA at 17340 Quaker Lane in Sandy Spring, MD. For • DIANA ROSS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, Alexandria Animal Hospital present a Gallery With- more information contact Jean@friendscommuni- & WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 8:00 PM | out Walls Exhibit, “Atomic Dog and Consequential [email protected]. THE MUSIC CENTER COURTESY PHOTO Cat”, inspired by our furry friends. This show fea- Grammy and Golden Globe-winning rapper, singer, hip-hop artist, tures a selection of artwork by Del Ray Artisans and actress Queen Latifah is joined by Academy Award, Golden members. The show can be viewed during regular THE FILLMORE JUL 16 Globe, Emmy, and Grammy-winning hip-hop artist Common at The business hours at the VCA Alexandria Animal Hos- A WORKSHOP ON GRIEF FOR THE Filene Center at Wolf Trap on Friday, July 20. pital (2660 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314) • CHICKEN & MUMBO SAUCE SATURDAY, LGBTQI COMMUNITY now through September 30. Details: www.DelRa- JUL 14, 2018, 4:00 PM Jul. 16. 6:30 – 8:30 P.M. Two-session workshop yArtisans.org/event/dog-and-cat/ for members of the LGBTQI community. Led by professionals who are members of the LGBTQI NEW COUNTY PROGRAM SEEKS • TORY LANEZ: MEMORIES DON'T DIE cluding Hambo, Schottische, Swing, Tango, and Reservations are required to attend and seating is community. Montgomery Hospice, 1355 Piccard SKILLED VOLUNTEERS 50+ TOUR FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2018, 8:00 PMz Polka. The 45-minute dance lesson begins at 2:45 limited. For reservations contact Julie Sabag at Fox Drive, Rockville. Registration required: 301-921- The Montgomery County Volunteer Center's p.m. with a half-hour introductory Waltz workshop Hill at 301-968-1850 or at: jsabag@foxhillresi- WOLF TRAP 4400. Additional date July 17. new 50+ Volunteer Network connects skilled volun- and a more advanced move presented the last 15 dences.com. teers with nonprofit and government agencies that minutes. Social dancing follows until 6 pm. Admis- need assistance. This unique program is perfect for • QUEEN LATIFAH AND COMMON FRI- sion is $13. No partner required. For more informa- MONTGOMERY HOSPICE DROP-IN DIS- DAY, JULY 20 AT 8:00 PM | FILENE CENTER those who are age 50+ and want to make a signifi- JUL 17 tion, call Joan Koury at 202-238-0230 or Glen Echo CUSSION ABOUT GRIEF AND HEALING cant contribution of time and talent to the communi- COPING WITH THE GRIEF OF AN OVER- Park at 301-634-2222, go to www.Waltz- Jul 27. 1:00 – 2:00 P.M. For anyone mourning • GLADYS KNIGHT & THE O'JAYS ty, while still retaining flexibility. Through personal DOSE DEATH TimeDances.org or e-mail info@Waltz- the death of a loved one. Led by professional coun- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 AT 8:00 PM | FI- consultations, trained advisors help find volunteer Jul. 17. 6:30 – 8:30 P.M. Grief workshop led by TimeDances.org. The Glen Echo National Park is selors. Free and open to anyone who lives or works LENE CENTER opportunities that match particular areas of interests, professional counselors. 1355 Piccard Dr., located at 7300 MacArthur Blvd., Glen Echo, MD in Montgomery County. Montgomery Hospice, skills, and availability. Options may include ongoing Rockville. Registration required: 301-921-4400. 20812. 1355 Piccard Dr., Rockville. Registration required: program management and support, short-term con- 301-921-4400. sulting projects using professional skills, and direct JUL 12 BETHESDA OUTDOOR MOVIES services to clients. For more information, email OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS MEETING JUL 18 Jul. 24 – 28. 9:00 P.M. Don't miss this year's YOGA AND GRIEF WORKSHOP [email protected] or visit 14th annual Bethesda Outdoor Movies. Admission Jul. 31. 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. For anyone mourning a Jul. 12. 7:15 – 8:30 P.M. Overeaters Anonymous SQUARE DANCE LESSONS AND DANC- www.montgomeryserves.org. is FREE and show times will begin at 9pm at the death. No experience with yoga required. Led by meeting Thursdays at the Rockville Church of ING corner of Norfolk and Auburn Avenues in Bethes- professional counselors. 1355 Piccard Dr., Christ, 1450 Montgomery Ave., Rockville (in Parish Jul. 18. Square dance lessons and dancing at VIDEO PRODUCTION CLASSES FOR HS da’s Woodmont Triangle. Movie Schedule: Tues- Rockville. Registration required: 301-921-4400. House). For further information, http://www.oa- North Chevy Chase Christian Church, 8814 Kens- STUDENTS (FREE)-GANDHI BRIGADE day, July 24 – Remember the Titans; Wednesday, dcmetro.org/ or Linda S at 301-641-9508. ington Parkway (in Parish House). Wednesdays: Mondays. 3:30 P.M. High school students will July 25 – Casablanca; Thursday, July 26 – The Big “ANCESTRY” ART EXHIBIT AT DEL RAY 7:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. $7 per person. learn fundamentals of video production and work Sick; Friday, July 27 – Mean Girls; Saturday, July ARTISANS GALLERY SUMMER CONCERT SERIES Contact phone number: 301-598-2574. together to create short films about topics of their 28 – The Post. Aug. 3 – Sep. 2. The “Ancestry” exhibit show- Jul. 12. 6:00 – 8:00 P.M. Join us on Thursday http://www.gerrymanders.info/ choosing...and earn SSL hours! This program starts evenings from May to July for live music that rocks cases the strength of Del Ray Artisans community, January 24th and classes are held from 3:30 to 5:30 downtown Bethesda! The concerts take place on CELEBRATING THE EXPRESSIVE ART namely our cultural diversity. Together, the “Ances- pm. Must be a high school student. Registration is Thursday evenings, from 6-8pm in Veterans Park, (AND BIRTHDAY) OF ZELDA SAYRE try” exhibit highlights how the diverse, vibrant cul- required at bit.ly/mocovideoclass. For more infor- located at the corner of Woodmont and Norfolk Av- JUL 19 FITZGERALD tures of our members come together to form one mation, please call the Gandhi Brigade at 301-592- enues. Musical genres vary week to week and will ROCK ART Jul. 24. 2:00 – 3:00 P.M. This program will focus strong community, just like our country’s motto—E 1900. Visit www.gandhibrigade.org for more infor- include rock, funk, jazz and reggae. Bethesda Jul. 19. 1:30 – 3:30 P.M. Libraries Rock! With on an often-neglected facet of Zelda's life: that of a Pluribus Unum, or “Out of Many, One”. Opening: mation. Where: Marilyn J. Praisner Library, 14910 restaurants will also be a part of the concert fun! some paint and imagination, you can turn a humble serious artist who produced numerous works of art Friday, August 3, 7-9pm. Exhibit at Del Ray Arti- Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring. This week Oasis Island Sounds (Reggae) will per- rock into something extraordinary. For ages 11-17. throughout her adult life. With a style epitomizing sans Gallery, 2704 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexan- form with food & drink by Rock Bottom Restaurant Registration required. Register online at www.mont- the carefree spirit and piquancy of the 1920s, Zelda dria. Details: www.DelRayArtisans.org/event/ances- CANCER SUPPORT GROUPS & Brewery. gomerycountymd.gov/library. Click Branches, se- produced a fanciful visual diary of figures and try/ Hope Connections offers weekly groups for peo- lect Quince Orchard Library, then Upcoming dancers, paper dolls, children's illustrations, flowers, ple with all types of cancer, caregivers, people with YAPPY HOUR & POP-UP DOG PARK Events. All supplies provided. Dress accordingly, cityscapes, biblical paintings, and landscapes in wa- 9TH ANNUAL MONTGOMERY COUNTY advanced cancer and a bereavement group. Support Jul. 12. 6:00 – 8:00 P.M. In partnership with things can get messy. Please call 240-777-0200 for tercolor, gouache, pencil and oil. Free, no registra- VISIONWALK groups are held at both of Hope Connections for Montgomery Parks, our pop-up dog park will con- more information. Program sponsored by the tion. Where: Twinbrook Library, 202 Meadow Hall Sep. 23. 9:00 A.M. Registration. 10:00 A.M. Cancer Support’s two locations: Beaumont sist of a small dog area and a large dog enclosure Friends of the Library, Quince Orchard Chapter. Drive, Rockville, MD 20851. Phone 240-777-0240 Walk. Come out and join the fight against blindness House at FASEB, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, area for well-socialized dogs. The event will also Place: Quince Orchard Library / 15831 Quince Or- at the Foundation Fighting Blindness' 9th Annual MD and 8401 Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Lan- feature live music along with food, beer and wine chard Road / Gaithersburg. FOREIGN AFFAIRS DISCUSSION GROUP Montgomery County VisionWalk! This fundraiser dover, MD. Orientation sessions are held every from Ruth's Chris Steak House and World of Beer. Jul. 24. 7:45 – 9:00 P.M. The July 24th Foreign 5k will take you around Rockville Town Square as Monday at 11 a.m. at the Beaumont House in Weekly concert is at Elm Street Park (4600 Elm Affairs Discussion Group’s presentation “Making you walk in support of the visually impaired com- Rockville, and every Wednesday at 11 a.m. in Lan- Street). Peace in an Authoritarian Era: What Role for Con- munity in Montgomery County. This event has no dover. Additional orientation sessions are held on UPCOMING flict Diplomacy?”will feature Dr. Chester A. Crock- entry fee - simply bring an open heart and your the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. in er, the James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic walking shoes! And, bring your friends and your WALTZ DANCE Bethesda. Orientations are Free - RSVP required at Studies at Georgetown University. He teaches and family too! Light refreshments will be provided JUL 13 & 14 Jul. 22. 2:45 – 3:30 P.M. Waltz Workshop | 3:30 301-634-7500 has written extensively on conflict management and throughout the day. Location: Rockville Town RIO SUMMER CONCERTS to 6 pm: Dance. Join us for a Waltz Dance in the regional security issues. Dr. Crocker’s presentation Square Plaza (30 Maryland Avenue, Rockville) Jul. 13 & 14. 6:00 – 9:00 P.M. Live music every Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park featuring the will be held in Fox Hill’s Performing Arts Center Friday and Saturday night on RIO Patio near the ensemble Summer Waltz Trio playing a lively mix and is free and open to the public. Fox Hill is locat- paddle boats and Union Jack's! Address: RIO of folk waltzes with a few other couple dances, in- ed at 8300 Burdette Rd. in Bethesda, MD 20817. 16Continued on page 15 JULY 12, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 15 C ALENDAR8 What’s happening this week in Montgomery County July 12, 2018 – July 18, 2018 Continued from page 14 ten-minute walk south on Wisconsin Ave from the Fridays. 9:00 – 10:00 A.M. Christ Episcopal Bethesda Metro Station at the intersection of School welcomes you and your 1-year-old to our GUIDED TOUR OF WOODLAWN MANOR Bethesda Ave. and Wisconsin Ave. Open Wednes- One-on-One Friday Fun. Our monthly playgroups HOUSE AND GROUNDS days, Fridays, and Saturdays 7:00am-4:00pm. Our are the perfect way for your child to have a first Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays. 11:00 – 11:30 A.M. historic Market Building (circa 1932) is open year- school experience in a warm, toddler friendly setting or 2:00 – 2:30 P.M. Take a guided tour of Wood- round (Jan – Dec). while you meet other parents. Children will explore, lawn Manor, a 19th-century Federal-style manor learn and socialize in a calm, nurturing classroom house, and learn about Dr. William Palmer, his fam- THE WIDOWED PERSONS SERVICE OF community with our Preschool faculty. Activities ily and other residents. Tour will include interior and MONTGOMERY COUNTY include playtime, snack time and an art project. All exterior spaces, including some that are not ADA- Weekly support groups for newly widowed per- sessions take place on Fridays in the Preschool accessible. www.woodlawnmanor.org or call 301- sons at three locations: at Margaret Schweinhaut House from 9:00-10:00am. There is NO COST, but 563-7519. $3 fee Center 1000 Forest Glen Rd. Silver Spring on Mon- space is limited. Contact Janet Gerber (301-424- days, at Holiday park Senior Center, 3950 Ferrara 8702 or [email protected]) for more infor- WOODLAWN MUSEUM Drive, Wheaton, on Thursdays and at Jane Lawton mation. Fridays & Saturdays 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M and (Leland) Center, 4301 Willow Lane, Chevy Chase Sundays 12:00 – 4:00 P.M. The Woodlawn Muse- on Thursdays. These support groups are open, free VISARTS COCKTAILS AND CANVAS um featuring multimedia exhibits throughout the of charge, to all widowed persons who have suf- CLASS 19th century stone barn. Interactive exhibits high- fered a loss within the past two years. Those prefer- Canvas Class in the VisArts Painting and Draw- light the area’s agricultural landscape, the Under- ring an evening group are encouraged to call the ing Studio. 155 Gibbs Street, Rockville. Price $40. ground Railroad, local free black communities and WPS office. The groups are facilitated by trained Visit www.visartsatrockville.org/cocktails-and-can- the Quaker experience in Montgomery County, re- volunteers. For more information or to register, vas for more information. vealed through the lives of the Woodlawn’s resi- please call: 301-949-7398 to register. The Widowed dents and enslaved laborers. www.woodlawn- Persons Service is a non-profit volunteer organiza- SENIOR FIT manor.org. Adults $5 Children (6-17) $4. Through tion sponsored by AARP, the Montgomery County Mondays & Wednesdays, 9:15 A.M. & 2:15 November 2018. Mental Health Association, and other community P.M. This 45-minute, multi-component exercise organizations. program is for people age 55+. Ongoing classes are COURTESY PHOTO offered at 23 locations in partnership with Kaiser Permanente. Call 301-754-8800 to request a physi- Del Ray Artisans and VCA Alexandria Animal Hospital present a cian's consent form to register and for a class sched- Gallery Without Walls Exhibit, “Atomic Dog and Consequential ule. Where: Holy Cross Hospital Senior Source, Cat”, inspired by our furry friends. 1 now through September 30. 8580 Second Avenue, Silver Spring. For more infor- Pictured is "Cuddle" by Suzan Ok. mation call 301-754-8800. Cost: Free.

CHESS CLUB Tuesdays. 6:30 P.M. Join us every Tuesday year EVENING GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Grab your friends and come to The Barking Dog for around to practice and improve your game. All lev- Thursdays 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. For anyone grieving a good time on the dance floor. Every Friday and els are invited. Ages 6 and up. the death of a loved one. Registration required at Saturday night the Dog brings in a DJ to play the (301) 921-4400. Hughes United Methodist Church, Top 40 and your favorite songs. Make sure you AFTERNOON GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP 10700 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20918. check out their great drink specials before you show Tuesdays 1:30 – 3:00 P.M. For anyone grieving us what you got! The Barking Dog, Elm Street the death of a love one. Registration required at PARENT LOSS SUPPORT GROUP Bethesda, MD 20814. Free admission. (301) 921-4400. North Bethesda United Methodist Thursdays 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. For adults who have Church, 10100 Old Georgetown Rd., Bethesda, MD experienced the death of one or both parents. Regis- SUNDAY NIGHT WINE SPECIALS 20814. tration required at (301) 921-4400. Mt. Calvary Join Us For A Selection of Wines, Chosen From Baptist church, 608 North Horner’s Lane, Our Unique List & Cellar. A great opportunity to try SALSA NIGHT Rockville, chrisMD 20850. that wine you've had your eye on, or one that you Tuesdays 7:30 – 12:30 P.M. Come to the Bark- would not normally sample. Priced Half Off. Visit ing Dog every Tuesday night for their sizzling Salsa THURSDAY MORNING BOOK DSICUS- http://www.blacksbarandkitchen.com or call (301) Night. Take lessons with salsa instructor Michelle SION 652-5525. Black’s Bar and Kitchen, 7750 Wood- Reyes from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. for only $10. Learn Thursdays. 10:30 P.M. Join us every fourth mont Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814. to shake those hips, and then show off your new Thursday of the month as we discuss notable books. skills to the music of a live salsa band during the This month's book is The Snow Child by Eowyn LAUGH RIOT AT THE HYATT open dance after class. Visit salsawild.com or call Ivey. Where: Marilyn J. Praisner Library, 14910 Old Saturdays 8:00 – 10:00 P.M. Check out a live (301) 654-0022 for more information. 4723 Elm Columbia Pike, Silver Spring. standup comedy show by local standup comics St., Bethesda, MD 20814. every weekend at the Positano Italian Restaurant, OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS MEETING Bethesda. There's a $25 cash prize joke contest for LOSS OF A CHILD SUPPORT GROUP COURTESY PHOTO Thursdays, 7:15 – 8:30 P.M. Overeaters Anony- non-comedian audience members after the show. Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award winner and cultural icon Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. For parents griev- mous meeting at the Rockville Church of Christ, Check it out every Saturday night! Comedians can Diana Ross take center stage at The Music Center at Strathmore ing the death of a child of any age. Registration re- 1450 Montgomery Ave., Rockville (in Parish sign up to perform by emailing quired at (301) 921-4400. Montgomery Hospice, for two evenings - Tuesday, September 25 and Wednesday, Sep- House). For further information, http://www.oa- [email protected]. Cost: $10 at the 1355 Piccard Dr., Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850. tember 26. dcmetro.org/ or Linda S at 301-641-9508. door. Visit http://www.StandupComedyToGo.com or ePositano.com for more information. Address: PRESCHOOL STORYTIME (AGES 3-5) ZUMBA GOLD DROP IN CLASS Positano Italian restaurant located at 4948 Fairmont Wednesdays. 10:30 A.M. Join us for stories, Thursdays. 12:00 – 1:00 P.M. Have fun every Ave. Bethesda, MD 20814. No Show June 23. GUIDED HIKE UNDERGROUND RAIL- songs, rhymes, stretches and flannel board stories. Thursday and get a great workout at the same time. ROAD EXPERIENCE TRAIL FOX HILL WEEKLY OPEN HOUSE Where: Marilyn J. Praisner Library, 14910 Old Co- Where: Long Branch Senior Center, 8700 Piney SPAGNVOLA CHOCOLOATE FACTORY (April – November | Saturdays 10 am (July & Wednesdays, 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. The public is in- lumbia Pike, Silver Spring. Branch Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901. TOUR August 9:30 am) | 1st Sunday of month 10 am vited every Wednesday for refreshments and tours at Saturdays and Sundays: 2:00 – 6:00 P.M. Meet https://www.montgomeryparks.org/parks-and- Fox Hill Retirement Community in Bethesda. A free CORPORATE BARTENDING FOR CHARI- COUNTRY THURSDAYS the owners, learn about the origin of chocolate, and trails/woodlawn-manor-cultural-park/underground- to the public open house will be held on a weekly TY Thursdays, 9:00 P.M. Union Jack's traditionally see how it is grown and processed. Experience how railroad-experience-trail-hikes /Call 301-563-7519. basis. Visitors are welcome to see the one, two and Wednesdays 4:00 – 7:00 P.M. Send your CEO or British pub in Bethesda heads to the South for their chocolate is made from the actual cacao to the $8 fee (7 and up). three-bedroom model condominiums with a wide VP to Tommy Joe's to bartend for charity! Can't bar- all new Country Night every Thursday. Live coun- final chocolate during this "sweet" educational tour, range of floorplans offered in a maintenance-free, tend? No problem, the on-staff bartenders are there try/rock bands, free cowboy hats for the cowgirls, from chocolate bars to truffles to bonbons. Each tour BETHESDA FARMERS MARKET cosmopolitan environment. Reservations for the to help for a good cause (no experience necessary). bandanas for the cowboys, drink specials, including also includes a FREE chocolate tasting! 360 Main Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. 7:00 A.M. Open House events can be made at foxhillresi- Represent your company during happy hour, and a $2 PBR cans, $2 Budweiser bottles, $4 Jack Daniels Street Suite 101 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878. – 4:00 P.M. The Farm Women’s Market is a unique, dences.com/rsvp or at 301-968-1850; walk-ins are portion of the proceeds will go to the charity of your drinks, food specials including 50 cent hot wings. Visit http://www.spagnvola.com or call (240) 654- intimate, quirky and festive shopping experience in welcome as well. Fox Hill is located at 8300 Bur- choice. Maybe you can even pull off some flair be- Best of all, there's no cover to get in! And be sure to 6972. Downtown Bethesda. The Market features great dette Road, Bethesda, MD; 20817. For more infor- hind the bar and make Tom Cruise proud. Visit tom- get there early for Union Jack's famous Beat. 4915 food, drink and music with artisans, crafts and bou- mation, call Julie Sabag at 301-968-1850 or visit myjoes.com or call (301) 654-3801 for more infor- Saint Elmo Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814. tique businesses from around the Mid-Atlantic re- www.foxhillresidences.com. mation. 4714 Montgomery Ln., Bethesda, MD gion. Local vineyards and breweries provide tast- 20814. HEY MR. DJ ings and food trucks offer a quick meal. We are a ONE-ON-ONE FRIDAY FUN Fridays 9:00 – 2:00 A.M. It’s time to dance! 6Continued on page 16 16 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL JULY 12, 2018

Continued from page 15

FOOD ADDICTS ANONYMOUS Your Saturdays. 9:30 – 10:30 A.M. Food Addicts Some Fun Anonymous meets at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 100 Welsh Park Drive, Building #4, community. Rockville, MD 20850. We welcome new members. For questions, please visit www.foodaddictsanony- mous.org or call Valerie @ 240-543-3090. Your world. WORLD SERIES OF POKER Every Tuesday and Sunday night Flanagan's hosts Poker in the rear from 8-10 p.m. it's Bethesda's At your own version of The World Series of poker. Call (301) 951-0115 for more. Flanagan's Harp and Fid- dle, 4844 Cordell Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814. fingertips NEED A SITTER? IT’S LEGO TIME AT VISARTS! Saturdays, 12:00 – 5:00 P.M. Go on a date, get some shopping done, or just relax for a few hours while your kids get to play with more than 15 pounds of LEGO bricks! Children can play on our LEGO race track, build a car, a tall tower, a city or free build. They can even take part in a LEGO craft project! Our top-notch staff are LEGO enthusiasts and ready to entertain your kids while you get some "me" time. Register at [email protected]. At VisArts in Rockville.

GAITHERSBURG ROTARY CLUB WEEK- LY MEETING Every Tuesday, 12:15 – 1:15 P.M. Hilton Hotel, www.thesentinel.com 620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg. For more infor- mation, please visit www.gaithersburgrotary.org.

DROP-IN YOGA IN BETHESDA Fridays, 6:00 – 7:00 P.M. Community classes are Compiled by Tazeen Ahmad mixed level, one-hour asana classes taught by a ro- tating selection of Unity Woods teachers. Just drop in – no registration required! Unity Woods Yoga Center, 4853 Cordell Ave. Bethesda. Ages 18+. Cost: $8. Cash Only. For more information, call 301-656-8992.

TEEN SK8 AT WHEATON ICE The Montgomery Most Friday evenings 8:00 – 10:00 P.M. The Wheaton Ice Arena is the place to be on Friday County Sentinel nights! Play along with our theme to get the 'Cheap- skate' rate of $6.50 for admission and skates. regrets to inform Wheaton Regional Park, 11717 Orebaugh Ave in Wheaton, MD. For more information, call: 301- organizations that only 905-3000 or visit: montgomeryparks.org. Montgomery County

groups or events located

within the county will be

We’ll bring published on a space-

available basis. you a Send news of your Brand New group’s event AT LEAST two weeks in advance to:

Audience! The Montgomery County Sentinel 22 W Jefferson St. Suite 309 Rockville, MD. 20850 To Place Your Ad or email Call Lonnie mc- [email protected] or call 301.838.0788 at


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Grow LinkedIN and Google Ads Words AIRLINE MECHANIC your Revenue with a business through MDDC’s Social Media TRAINING size ad in this network; Let the Ad Network; Call today to find Get FAA certification to fix planes. Financial Aid if qualified. 301-317-1946 Multi-Media Specialists help out maximize your presence on you increase your customer Social Media; 410-212-0616; or Approved for military benefits. base; CALL TODAY 410-212- email Wanda Smith @ wsmith@ Call Aviation Institute of Mainte- 0616 – See your results NOW mddcpress.com nance 866-823-6729 We'll bring you a brand new audience. Ask about classified zone buys 301-317-1946 July 12, 2018 The Montgomery County Sentinel 20 Big Train takes nailbiter against Red Birds 12-10 third baseman Taylor hit a two-RBI By Harry Lichtman @hslichtman double that sent home Semones and catcher Ben Martz for the 5-1 lead. BETHESDA — The marquee The fourth inning featured five matchup in the Cal Ripken League combined runs; three from the Red- Saturday night featured the Bethes- birds and one from the Big Train. da Big Train (21-7) and Baltimore Baltimore also scored in the top of Redbirds (25-4), the best two teams the fifth on a Tim Elko RBI single in the league, facing off at Shirley that drove in shortstop Anthony Povich Field. Servideo. Both teams put up a ton of runs Bethesda still led 6-5 when the in the eighth inning with the Big seventh inning ended. But when the Train coming out victorious in the top of the eighth came, Baltimore’s end for the 12-10 victory in what Servideo tied the game up at 6-6 may have been the game of the year. with an RBI single that drove in out- Bethesda got things going in the fielder Christian Hlinka. Servideo bottom of the first when second then scored the go-ahead run when baseman Fox Semones hit a leadoff first baseman Joe Zirolli reached on PHOTO BY GEORGE SMITH home run to deep left field. Then, an error by the third baseman. The The Big Train’s Tyler Reis gets Redbirds’ Tim Elko at third in a decisive inning. baserunners Carson Taylor and Tyler Redbirds scored three more runs to Villaroman both advanced on an er- take a 10-6 lead in the middle of the that sent home outfielder Tyler Vil- ner Tyler Reis scored the go-ahead The Redbirds may have put up ror by Redbirds catcher Will Har- eighth. laroman. run to give Bethesda the 11-10 lead. five runs in the inning, but the Big less. Villaroman scored and Taylor “Eventually he’s going to be Then the Big Train tied things This followed with Semones coming Train outdid them by scoring six. moved to third, and then to home playing on a very high level,” said up at 10-10 when first baseman John to the plate and also getting walked Hunter Brown was able to secure the plate on a wild pitch to give the Big Baltimore manager Tom Eller on Glenn hit a two-RBI single that with the bases loaded as outfielder save for the Big Train. Train a 3-0 lead. Servideo. “We’re going to be watch- drove in Taylor and outfielder An- Jacob Westerman scored. “I think when people think of But Baltimore responded in the ing him on TV someday.” drew Shebloski, who subbed in for “Just hit the baseball,” said the Cal Ripken League, you think of top of the second with an RBI dou- The Big Train didn’t give up Wylie. Martz on what was going through the Big Train and the Redbirds,” ble from designated hitter Bo Ma- though, as they showed signs of life. With the bases loaded, Martz at his mind. “Just get a bat on it, and Martz said. “So I think it’s really jkowski that drove in Harless and After two walks, Taylor singled to the plate, a 3-2 count, and the home don’t strike out in that situation. If cool to kind of confirm our domi- that cut the deficit to 3-1. center field and drove in Semones crowd on the edge of their feet, a it’s a ball, then laugh, but if not, then nance over them. I know they got us However, in the next frame, and Justin Wylie hit an RBI double fourth ball was called and pinch run- we’re going to hit it.” one time, but they’re a great team.” Loudoun Riverdogs silence Rockville Express 9-8 with Express pitcher Andrew Pena’s the bases loaded. First, infielder By Harry Lichtman @hslichtman throw to first being off-target, which David Angstadt got hit by a pitch, allowed Aponte and Blackwell to thus allowing Thomas to score. ROCKVILLE — The score. Loudoun led 4-1. Then, Ebersole got walked, which Rockville Express (11-14) almost The Express didn’t back down allowed Popatak to come home and overcame a 9-4 deficit, but the visit- though; in the bottom of the third, extend his team’s lead to 9-4. ing team, the Loudoun Riverdogs Godrick doubled down the left field “We did a good job,” Riverdogs (7-19), were able to hang in there for line to score shortstop Alex Yi-Chen manager Bruce Hall said. “We’ve the 9-8 win Friday in an offensive Jou. Then, Blum hit an RBI single been hitting the ball a lot better re- slugfest at Montgomery College. that drove in Godrick. Just like that, cently anyway, and we came over In the top of the first, with a run- the deficit was 4-3. here and we knew we needed to win ner at second, Loudoun shortstop Aponte got his third RBI of the tonight.” Alejandro Aponte hit a line drive to game in the top of the fourth when Loudoun is one of seven teams Express second baseman Matt he hit a sacrifice fly to left field and in the Cal Ripken Collegiate Base- Kruszka, but just as he attempted to drove in Loudoun catcher Collin ball League below .500, but Hall turn a double play, Kruszka commit- Casey. Later in the same frame, first said he felt confident that his team ted a throwing error which resulted baseman Greg Popatak got walked will reach the playoffs. “Remember in outfielder Ben Blackwell scoring with the bases loaded, which al- I said that today,” he said. to put the Riverdogs on the board lowed Blackwell to score another Rockville then attempted a first. run. Then, designated hitter Caleb comeback by scoring four unan- PHOTO BY MIKE CLARK However, in the next frame, Beatty hit a sacrifice groundout that swered runs in the last three innings. Andrew Pena came out of the bullpen to help the Express. Rockville responded with a sacrifice brought home third baseman The runs came on an RBI single groundout from first baseman Evan Matthew Thomas to extend the from Kruszka, a two-RBI double so is Evan Voliva,” Hall said. just worked on the timing in the cage Blum that sent outfielder Billy Go- Riverdogs’ lead to 7-3. from designated hitter Jhao-Yuan “We’ve got two of the best guys in before the game,” Jou said. “I think drick home to tie it up at 1-1. In the bottom of the fifth, the Jhang, and an RBI single from Blum the league for closing. We’re just that works.” The next inning, Aponte came Express added another run when that came in the bottom of the ninth never ahead in the end, but we will Rockville is currently third in through with his second RBI of the Blum tripled to deep right field and with two outs. Despite the resilient be.” the North division and still has a game; this time an RBI single to left drove in Jou. effort, the Express fell just short. Despite the loss, Jou had him- chance at the postseason. field that drove in Loudoun outfield- Loudoun’s next two runs in the Robbie Lively secured the save self a night as he went 2-for-4 at the “We have some chance to get er Jordan Ebersole. This followed top of the sixth both occurred with for the Riverdogs. “He’s a stud and plate with three runs and a walk. “I into playoffs,” Jou said. JULY 12, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 21 SPORTS Gaithersburg Giants shut out Herndon Braves 13-0 when Holesa slammed the ball over By Eva Paspalis @EvaPaspalis the fence for the second three-run homer of the game. GAITHERSBURG — The However, Gaithersburg wasn’t Gaithersburg Giants (18-14) of the finished with the highlight reel plays. Cal Ripken Collegiate Baseball Giants outfielder Nick Yovetich League earned their second shutout added the cherry on top with a home win of the season Monday after de- run of his own to close out the eighth feating the visiting FCA Herndon inning. Braves, 13-0, at Criswell Automo- “Everyone was hitting and hit- tive Field at Kelley Park. ting well,” said Gaithersburg infield- The Braves (13-17) couldn’t get er Andres Machado, who finished into an offensive rhythm and the Gi- with two RBI. “It feels good to win ants took advantage, capitalizing on like that. Offensively we had a good their opponents’ mistakes and forc- approach and we were hitting our ing quick outs. Gaithersburg pitcher pitches and hitting them hard. Hope- Brad Sawyer struck out batter after fully we keep winning like this.” batter before surrendering the mound The Giants sit in second place in to Ryan Johnston after the fourth in- the North Division with eight games ning. left in the regular season. Two of Gaithersburg catcher Saul those games are against the Balti- Garza generated three runs when he more Redbirds and the Bethesda Big registered the first home run of the Train, which are the top teams in night. Garza’s homer handed the Gi- their respective divisions. Gaithers- ants the momentum needed to me- burg currently sits eight games be- thodically put the Braves away. hind the Redbirds. “I feel like our team just did a Meanwhile, FCA Herndon is great job of adjusting to the [Braves] ranked third in the South division, pitchers and then it felt like everyone just two games behind the DC Grays. started really driving baseballs,” said Braves manager and head coach Garza. “The team played really re- Chris Warren said he doesn’t think laxed today and that’s when we play the blowout loss against Gaithers- our best. Today the team attitude was burg will negatively affect his team just fun, and come game time, we as they gear up for the playoffs. were ready to go.” “We play 40 games a year and The fun atmosphere that perme- when you play that many games, ated the Gaithersburg dugout spilled you’re going to have games where it out onto the field as the Giants took gets away from you and I think their time at bat and kept the FCA tonight was an example of that. I Herndon offense off the field. don’t think it’ll have a cumulative ef- Gaithersburg led 9-0 at the bottom of fect,” said Warren. “We have 10 the seventh when infielder Nick games left and our goal is to get Holesa, a freshman at Virginia Tech, things figured out and play well in stepped in as a pinch hitter. those games and find a way into the PHOTO BY GEORGE SMITH The Giants already had two outs playoffs.” Nick Holesa is back in the dugout after blasting a three-run homerun for the Giants.

Walker and Melone share Ripken League player of the week award The Cal Ripken League Players of the Week for July 2-July 8 have been announced. Cal Ripken League Standings The Pitcher of the Week award went to Noah Walker of the Gaithers- Montgomery Cup burg Giants. Walker picked up three Team W-L WPCT GB saves this past week striking out five Bethesda Big Train 8-1 .889 - batters in three innings of work while Gaithersburg Giants 6-2 .750 1.5 allowing two hits and an earned run SS-T Thunderbolts 3-6 .333 5 over the span and only walking one Rockville Express 2-10 .167 7.5 batter. Walker is currently a rising sophomore at Texas State University Cal Ripken Collegiate North and a resident of Austin, Texas. Team W-L WPCT GB Strk L10 Baltimore Dodgers infielder Baltimore Redbirds 25-7 .781 - 4W 9-1 Jared Melone won the Offensive Gaithersburg Giants 18-14 .563 7 2W 7-3 Player of the Week award. This past Rockville Express 14-16 .467 10 2L 5-5 week, Melone had a .552 batting av- SS-Takoma Thunderbolts 13-19 .406 12 1W 5-5 erage with 16 hits, two doubles, two triples, and 10 RBIs in 29 at-bats and Baltimore Dodgers 10-20 .333 14 2L 3-7 two stolen bases. He also has a 10- game hitting streak and hit in his last Cal Ripken Collegiate South 17 out of 18 games. Melone is a resi- Team W-L WPCT GB Strk L10 dent of North Wales, Pennsylvania, Bethesda Big Train 27-5 .844 - 1W 8-2 as well as a rising senior at West DC Grays 15-17 .469 12 1L 5-5 Chester University. COURTESY PHOTOS FCA Braves 13-17 .433 13 3L 2-8 Meanwhile, here are the current Noah Walker up top. Jared Melone Alexandria Aces 12-17 .414 13.5 1L 3-7 Montgomery Cup and Cal Ripken directly above. Loudoun Riverdogs 7-22 .241 18.5 1W 3-7 League standings: 22 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL JULY 12, 2018 SPORTS Springbrook boys keep Sorunke at bay to beat Rockville rebounds and one assist. Hawkins By Matt Cohen @Matt_Cohen_ had 13 points, one point, two assists and one steal. ROCKVILLE — With a 15- Springbrook has new leadership point lead, and under five minutes to this year in the form of Hawkins, the play in a Tuesday night Maryland only returning starter from a year Elite Summer League game at ago. Through the Capitol Hoops Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, Summer League at DeMatha and the the Springbrook Blue Devils varsity Maryland Elite Summer League, boys basketball team seemed primed Hawkins has taken well to his new- to cruise to win over the Rockville found leading role. Rams. “We’ve grown up,” Meyers said Then Jimmy Sorunke, the con- of how he’s seen his team improve troversial Rockville big man, over the summer. checked back into the game. Sorunke had a double-double in Rockville went on a 12-2 run the game, with 12 points, 13 re- with Sorunke back in the game, and bounds, one assist, one steal and five cut the Springbrook lead down to blocks. four. “I was just doing everything to Four points was as close as the help my team,” Sorunke said. Rams would get, as Springbrook Sorunke has gained national at- would respond, and pull away to win tention for a Deadspin report claim- 54-48. ing he is 20 years old, and not the “I thought we played sloppy in teenage rising sophomore he is the beginning,” Springbrook head thought to be. Rockville head coach coach Darnell Meyers said, “but after Todd Dembroski said Sorunke will that I thought we played good.” play with Rockville during the sum- Rockville started out the game mer, but refused to comment any fur- on a 9-0 run, but the Blue Devils ther on Sorunke’s status, or the ongo- fought back, and took its first lead ing investigation into him. midway through the first half. Xavier “We’ll worry about the winter Harris led the charge back for when the winter gets here,” Dem- Springbrook, with nine first-half broski said of Sorunke’s status for points. At halftime, Springbrook led the season. 28-22. “My coaches and my team have The Rams played as two com- been helping me,” Sorunke said of pletely different teams in this game, how he’s dealt with the attention. and that was largely dependent on With the win, Springbrook im- whether or not Sorunke was on the proved to 5-2 in the summer league, floor or on the bench. Springbrook while Rockville dropped to 5-4. had no answer to the size of Sorunke, who stands at 6-foot-10, but when he PHOTO BY GEORGE SMITH was out of the game, Springbrook dominated. Sorunke led the come- back attempt for Rockville, but it fell short, as the more experienced, and David frankly, more talented Springbrook team responded. vs. Timitrius Hawkins hit a baseline jump shot to end the Rockville run, Goliath and that was just the spark his Blue Devils needed. Springbrook won the game 54- Xavier Harris tries to muscle out 48, with Hawkins and Harris leading Jimmy Sorunke, the Rockville big the way. Harris had 16 points, three man in summer league action. Blue Devils defeat Cougars in Maryland Elite basketball but a stubborn Blue Devils squad space around the perimeter or risk imental squads, it was expected. Cougars awarded the Blue Devils By Carlos Alfaro @carlosalfarorod made sure they kept that lead for being boxed out. Both coaches hope to minimize the four shots, all of which were sunk only a short time. Timitrius Hawkins, the top impact of turnovers in the future. and gave the Cougars a seven-point ROCKVILLE — The Mary- The Blue Devils elected to go scorer for the Blue Devils and in “I felt like we could’ve, wide margin late in the game. land Elite summer league game be- man-to-man in stopping the general, made 22 points Monday should’ve won the game, but we Two final foul shots by the tween the Springbrook Blue Devils Cougars from scoring, to varied re- night, proving himself to be invalu- had too many unforced turnovers,” Cougars’ Nathan Dorsey narrowed and the Quince Orchard Cougars sults. Shots were not falling for the able to the Blue Devils’ offense. said Cougars assistant coach Ver- down the lead to four, but the Blue was scrappy – and at times sloppy – team from Quince Orchard, but a “I think my impact was the non Buckle. “We had them on their Devils neutralized the Cougars but the Blue Devils eked out a nar- last minute hustle saw the team go biggest impact on the team, ‘cause heels the whole game.” enough to make sure the final sec- row 50-46 win against the Cougars. through into halftime with a two- without my scoring, we don’t win,” The second half saw more of onds couldn’t be used against For the most part the Blue point lead, at 24-22. said Hawkins. the same, but the Cougars almost them. Devils had the lead. The match The Cougar defense kept the Through breakaways the Blue clawed their way back into the lead “I just thought our press got to started with a stalemate, but once score lower than the Blue Devils Devils found this space, surprising more than once. After losing a one- them and we got turnovers out of it the Blue Devils got a steady lead would have liked, as the Cougars the Cougars with a steal that ended point lead early on in the second and we scored out of it,” said Blue the Cougars played a game of suffocated their attack. Multiple in a braggadocios dunk sometimes. half, the Cougars came close but al- Devils head coach Darnell Myers. catch-up. players guarded a single shooter, Turnover trouble plagued both ways barely missing it. or the fences really,” said Occasionally they got a lead, forcing the Blue Devils to find teams and, in the two largely exper- A technical foul on the Schroeder. JULY 12, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 23 SPORTS Rockville Express crush Silver Spring T-Bolts 9-0 mound. By Brandy L. Simms @bls1969 “Seven strong innings,” said Blum, a Georgetown Prep graduate SILVER SPRING — The who currently plays at Holy Cross. R.E.M. song “Don’t Go Back to “Fast, curve, slider, change, mix. [He Rockville” was the theme of Satur- was] throwing a lot of fastballs early day’s Cal Ripken League contest be- in the game and as the game went on, tween the Silver Spring-Takoma second, third, fourth time through the Park Thunderbolts and the visiting lineup [he] started to pitch back- Rockville Express. wards, mixing off-speed more, The Thunderbolts’ eighth annu- change-ups to lefty’s, really locating al “Don’t Go Back to Rockville” well. [He] looked good out there.” night featured tunes from the alterna- The game was tied 0-0 until the tive rock band throughout the fourth inning when Livian Reinoso evening. The song was written by crossed the plate to give the Express band member Mike Mills as a plea to a 1-0 advantage. Rockville later his then-girlfriend not to return to added runs in the sixth and seventh Rockville. innings before the Thunderbolts un- Unfortunately for the Thunder- raveled in the eighth inning; bolts, the Express did go back to Rockville added six runs on three Rockville, escaping Blair Stadium hits and the Thunderbolts committed with a 9-0 victory. three errors. “We were neck and neck up un- Rockville improved to 13-14 til like the third or fourth inning and with the win while Silver Spring- then made a couple mistakes that Takoma fell to 12-19. Despite their kind of cost us a couple runs,” Thun- mediocre records, both teams are derbolts outfielder Ace Felder ex- blessed with talented players who plained afterward. “In baseball if you compete at the collegiate level. don’t hit that switch soon things are “In this league if you don’t have contagious in baseball.” a certain name on your jersey you Rockville pitcher John kind of get looked at a certain way,” Stankiewicz earned the victory after said Felder, who noted the Rockville going seven innings on the mound. Express was a team full of “underrat- “He did terrific,” said Rockville ed talent.” Express head coach Rick Price. Silver Spring-Takoma head “Yeah, he went seven strong.” coach Doug Remer said Felder has Stankiewicz, who was named to shown drastic improvement from PHOTO BY GEORGE SMITH the all-star team, struck out nine bat- last summer. Spencer Haroldson lets loose with a fastball for Silver Spring-Takoma Park Thunderbolts. ters and yielded five hits. “A year can make a big differ- “He was a solid pitcher,” said ence if you’re paying attention,” said forward to competing in the Cal Rip- season at Grambling.” bolts defeated the Express in a con- Felder. “He knew how to locate with Remer, who noted that Felder’s ken League for the remainder of the Meanwhile, Rockville was led tinuation game so Rockville was de- two strikes, he didn’t leave anything strength, speed and baseball IQ have summer. at the plate by outfielder Jarel Mc- termined to get a win in the nightcap. around the plate.” skyrocketed since last year. “If “Baseball is full of ups and Dade and catcher Eurick Perez who “We did not play well the first Rockville catcher Evan Blum, you’re willing to develop and he downs so I just try to keep a positive each finished the game with two hits. game so that can go south and get who was selected for the all-star clearly came in with the desire to mindset,” said Felder, a Dallas na- Billy Godrick, an outfielder, and Mc- worse,” said Price. “They just have a game, described the win as a “team come out here and prove himself.” tive. “You got to be optimistic and Dade compiled two RBIs apiece for very good habit of forgetting about effort” and was also impressed with Felder, a rising senior at Gram- just making sure I’m making the the Express. the last game and playing the next Stankiewicz’s performance on the bling State University, said he looks right adjustments going into my fall Earlier that day, the Thunder- game and that’s what they did – 9-0.” Remembering a fallen colleague and a valuable community member message, sent from city editor Mark “Cole Classics! Maryland Basket- History of the Terrapins,” which day at a chapel in College Park was Robinson. “There was a shooting in ball’s Leading Men and Moments,” tracked the program from its first attended by more than 300 friends The Sporting View Annapolis at the Capital Gazette. was co-authored by David Elfin, a game in 1892 through the 2008 sea- and family members including We’re concerned that other newspa- longtime friend. The book featured son. That book was released in 2009. Williams and current Maryland head By pers may be targeted so don’t come former Maryland center Joe Smith “I think one of the things I coach Mark Turgeon. back to the office until you talk to dunking on the cover, flanked by found working with John was his Johnny Holliday, Maryland’s Brandy L. Simms me.” photos of legendary coaches Lefty love of the game of basketball,” said longtime radio play-by-play an- Later, McNamara had been list- Driesell and Gary Williams. Williams. “Sure he was a reporter, nouncer, delivered the eulogy. ed as one of the victims of a shooting “John was a very professional, but he just enjoyed watching games Perhaps the University of I didn’t know John McNamara at the Capital Gazette office in An- dedicated and serious journalist and I really enjoyed getting to know Maryland should consider honoring well but I did consider him a profes- napolis. from word one,” said Elfin. “I would him from that angle. John was one of McNamara in a special way by nam- sional colleague who I crossed paths McNamara, a University of refer to him as a bulldog, old school. those reporters you could trust and ing its press box or media room after with over the years while covering Maryland journalism school gradu- He was respected by all the coaches for that he was always welcome in him. My media colleague Rich sporting events at the University of ate and Montgomery County resi- and players that he dealt with, and the Maryland basketball circle. I re- Daniel made that suggestion on Maryland. dent, was a well-respected member everybody knew he had a job to do member in 2010 in Spokane walking Facebook. Last month while covering the of the press corps that covered and he did it well. He loved journal- with John and you could tell he had a “He was an alum, died on the Quicken Loans National, I received a Maryland football and basketball ism, he loved the University of real joy for his profession. Maryland job and loved the Terps more than couple text messages from my office games. Maryland and he loved the Terps. He is a special place and John happened anyone I know,” wrote Daniel, a regarding a shooting in Annapolis. He penned two books about met his wife, Andrea, on the campus to attend during a special time when Poolesville native and fellow Ter- “Shooting at a newspaper in Maryland Athletics including one of Maryland, so College Park will there was Cole Field House and rapin alum. “It’s not the emotion Annapolis,” the first text message that I helped promote on television always be his place and he will be Lefty Driesell. Guys like John truly speaking. John truly deserves it.” read. “Do not come to our office.” when I worked as a sportscaster for missed.” appreciated every moment of their “Brandy, do not come back to Cable News 21. He also wrote “The University job.” You can contact Brandy at: blss- the office,” read the second text Released in 2001, McNamara’s of Maryland Football Vault: The McNamara’s funeral on Tues- [email protected]. 24 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL JULY 12, 2018 SPORTS RM pastes G.Counsel to that position where we could fight By Brandy L. Simms @bls1969 for that finish.” Good Counsel went on a 14-7 ROCKVILLE — Djordje Or- run in the second half and took a lead cev saved the best for last. on three consecutive baskets from The Richard Montgomery Mbeng. Rockets’ rising senior scored two Mbeng’s jumper late in the con- key baskets late in Monday’s game test gave Good Counsel a 35-31 ad- against the Good Counsel Falcons, vantage with 5:15 remaining. Waters sparking the Rockets to a 43-40 vic- scored moments later to give the Fal- tory over the Falcons in the Mary- cons a six-point cushion before Or- land Elite Summer League at cev sparked the Richard Mont- Charles E. Smith Jewish Day gomery comeback. The Rockets School. went on a 9-3 run highlighted by Or- “He had an awesome game,” cev’s putback dunk with 2:20 re- Richard Montgomery assistant maining and a three-pointer from Azhar Shamsudeen said afterward. Liyanamana. Orcev, who finished with a “He had that nice putback dunk game-high 18 points, converted a so he had a strong three, four min- free throw with 49.6 seconds re- utes,” said Shamsudeen, “and Miles maining in the contest and scored in was huge down the stretch.” traffic to help the Rockets seal the The Rockets are coming off a deal in the waning moments. strong showing in the Capitol Hoops “We were down for most of the Summer League at DeMatha and game,” said Orcev. “It was a rough have been impressive this summer first half, definitely, and we came with wins over some of the area’s back, we inched forward and at the top private school programs includ- end there we had to close it out.” ing DeMatha. Meanwhile, Good Counsel was “We’ve just been trying to led by Bez Mbeng, Daysjuan Waters prove this whole summer that we and RJ Floyd who combined for 28 can compete with the top teams and points against Richard Montgomery. any private school, any public Mbeng, a rising sophomore, school,” said Orcev. “Just like in the finished with a team-high 10 points DeMatha league we showed that we and Floyd and Waters each scored could beat Bullis and compete with nine points for the Falcons. Georgetown Prep and DeMatha.” Devin Liyanamana, a rising ju- Richard Montgomery guard nior, finished with 11 points, includ- Ryan Cornish, a rising sophomore, ing three three-pointers, and 6-foot- finished with six points but also 9 forward Miles Gally was a strong played an integral role down the inside presence for the Rockets. stretch. Gally, a rising senior, rose “We’re going to be really good above the rim and slammed home and deep this year so that’s really two points to give Richard Mont- big,” said Shamsudeen. “You know gomery a 20-18 advantage with how high school basketball season 12:54 remaining in the contest. is, you have injuries, you have any- “He had a little bit of a rough thing crazy happen so it’s good to start at the beginning,” said Orcev, know that you have a deep team and “but at the end there he had two huge even if you have one guy or two PHOTO BY GEORGE SMITH post-up moves that really pushed us guys out, you could still compete.” Richard Montgomery’s Miles Galley goes for the block. Magruder also waxes Counsel Asamoah, who led the way with 24 Two problems Good Counsel By Harry Lichtman @hslichtman points. He also nailed six three- head coach Anthony Guy addressed pointers. His teammate Travis Cran- were the lack of defensive intensity NORTH BETHESDA — The dall also contributed to the win by and the inability to complete the pos- Good Counsel Falcons varsity bas- registering 17 points. session. “We probably gave up dou- ketball team (3-3), always known for “It was a good team effort,” ble-digit offensive rebounds which their athletics, took on the Magruder Asamoah said. “My team was get- obviously led to probably 10 to 15- Colonels (5-3) in Maryland Elite ting me a lot of threes, so I just shot plus points for them,” Guy said. Summer League basketball action my shot, and I saw them dropping.” “There’s a couple backbreakers Tuesday night at Charles E. Smith With a record of 5-3, Magruder down the stretch where we played Jewish Day School, but the Colonels is in good shape for the playoffs, great defense for 28 seconds, shot were the ones who came away victo- which come in a week. goes up, and we can’t complete the rious in the end for the 62-52 win. “I feel like we can go all the play and get the rebound. They obvi- Magruder, led by head coach way, honestly,” Asamoah said. “With ously get it back, burn more time off, Tony Giles, never trailed at all in this our team, with our ball movement, and convert a bucket.” game, despite the Falcons making it it’s a very good system and I really Guy still feels that his team will close at times and cutting their feel we can go all the way.” bounce back. “We’re a very young deficit to three points as well. The Meanwhile, Bez Mbeng led team,” Guy said. “With that come Colonels were able to score in transi- Good Counsel with 19 points despite the highs and the lows, the ups and tion, the paint, and behind the arc the loss. The Falcons previously par- the downs, but the one thing about very well. ticipated in the Capitol Hoops Sum- them is they’re resilient, they’re de- But the key player in the mer League at DeMatha Catholic termined, and they’ve been working PHOTO BY GEORGE SMITH Colonels’ victory was Ebby High School. hard all summer.” Magruder’s Mike Fernandez defends against Good Counsel.