Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By INDAH PERMATA ASIA Student Number: 154214040





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By INDAH PERMATA ASIA Student Number: 154214040






Drs. Hirmawan WUanarka. M.Hum. May 6,2019

lvlay 6,2019



INDAH pnfftlu ASIA Student Number: 154214040

Defended before the Board of Examiners onJune ll,2019 and Declared Acceptable



Chairperson :Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum.

Secretary : Harris Hermansyah Setiajid M.Hum.

Member I : Dr. Tatang Iskarna

Member 2 : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum.

Member 3 : Harris Hermansyah Setiajid M.Hum.

Yogyakarta, June 28, 2019 Faculty of Letters itas Sanata Dharma Dean

. Tatang Iskarna



I certiff that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously written by any other person except where due the reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Indah Permata Asia Nomor Mahasiswa : 154214040

Demi pertimbangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul

SHANE WALSH'S MOTIVATION TO MURDER TN THE WALKING DEAD TV SERIES SEASON 2 EPISODES 3, 10 AND 12 beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dhaima hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media la-in, mengolahnya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di intemet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal 3 Mei 2019









I would like to express my highest gratitude to my oldest brother, Cindra, for becoming my main source of motivation. To my second oldest brother, Chandra,

I love you for introducing me to The Walking Dead seven years ago. Ever since that day, I never stop falling in love with this stories. I thank my parents for always believing in my decisions and never giving up on their children. Also, I am really grateful for His never ending blessings.

I give my thank to my thesis advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum., for his guidance, support, and suggestion to finish my thesis. I also would like to express my gratitude to my co-advisor and friend at the same time, Harris

Hermansyah Setiajid M.Hum., for his time, advice, and patience to improve my thesis. I would extend my gratitude to Universitas Sanata Dharma and Van

Deventer-Maas Indonesia for giving me scholarships.

Lastly, I sincerely express my appreciation to my beloved friends that I have made for four years. Thank you Igna for trusting me. Thank you Dila for being my karaoke buddy. Thank you Widya for always accompanying and supporting me. I also give my special thanks to PR Squad, Vena, Emma, Lintang, Ardhia, Santi,

Christien, Rizky, and Katon, for the foods, jokes, and supports.

Indah Permata Asia





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objective of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of Term ...... 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 5 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 5 B. Review of Related Theory ...... 8 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ...... 8 2. Theory of Motivation ...... 10 a. Internal Motives ...... 10 b. External Events ...... 14 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 14

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 16 A. Object of the Study ...... 16 B. Approach of the Study ...... 19 C. Method of the Study ...... 19

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULT AND DISCUSSION ...... 21 A. The Description of Shane Walsh’s Character ...... 21 1. Dishonest ...... 22 2. Disobedient ...... 25 3. Manipulative ...... 27 4. Caring ...... 28 B. Shane’s Motivation to Murder ...... 30 1. Fear ...... 30 2. Anger ...... 32 3. Sadness ...... 34 4. Psychological Needs of Autonomy ...... 35



5. To Reach Ideal State ...... 38 6. Psychological Needs of Competence...... 40


REFERENCES ...... 46




ASIA, INDAH PERMATA, (2019). Shane Walsh’s Motivation to Murder in The Walking Dead TV Series Season 2 Episodes 3, 10, and 12. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

One of the familiar crimes in real life and fiction is murder. However there is always a motive behind someone’s behavior and action. The object in this thesis is a TV series entitled The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead TV series is adapted from the comic that also has the same title. The researcher chooses The Walking Dead TV series because it tells about human survival in the zombie apocalypse. It also portrays internal and external conflicts when human to adapt in the new environment. The researcher focuses on Shane Walsh, one of the major characters in season 1 and 2. The researcher chooses Shane since he is the first character who appears to fully adapt in the new world. He murders people in order to achieve his goals. There are two research questions in order to analyze Shane Walsh’s motivation to murder. First, this study aims to analyze the characteristics of Shane Walsh that portrayed in the three episodes on season 2. The second one is to explain Shane Walsh’s motivation to murder in The Walking Dead season 2. Shane’s characteristics influence his thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Then it also influences his motivation to murder. The method of the study that the researcher used in this thesis is library research. The primary sources were the scripts on three selected episodes of The Walking Dead season 2. The three selected episodes were (episode 3), (episode 10), and Better Angels (episode 12). The second sources were taken from various books and articles from internet. The researcher applied theory of character and characterization and theory of motivation in the study. In the study, the researcher analyzes Shane Walsh’s characteristics and his motivation to murder. The researcher finds that Shane’s characteristics are dishonest, disobedient, manipulative, but also caring. Next, the researcher also discovers that Shane has six motivations to murder three people based on the three episodes. He has three emotions that influence his motivation. The three emotions are fear, anger, and sadness. The other three motivation to murder occurs from his psychological needs which are ideal state, autonomy, and competence needs.

Keywords: motivation, to murder, psychological, characteristics




ASIA, INDAH PERMATA, (2019). Shane Walsh’s Motivation to Murder in The Walking Dead TV Series Season 2 Episodes 3, 10, and 12. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Salah satu tindak kriminal yang lazim di kehidupan nyata dan fiksi adalah pembunuhan. Namun, selalu ada motif di balik tingkah laku dan tindakan seseorang. Objek pada skripsi ini adalah serial televisi berjudul The Walking Dead. Serial televisi The Walking Dead diadaptasi dari komik yang memiliki judul yang sama. Peneliti memilih serial televisi The Walking Dead karena menceritakan tentang kelangsungan hidup manusia di kiamat zombie. The Walking Dead juga menggambarkan konflik internal dan eksternal saat manusia mencoba untuk beradaptasi di lingkungan baru. Peneliti fokus pada Shane Walsh, salah satu karakter utama pada musim 1 dan 2. Peneliti memilih Shane karena ia merupakan karakter pertama yang tampak sepenuhnya beradaptasi di dunia baru. Ia membunuh orang demi mencapai tujuannya. Ada dua rumusan masalah untuk menganalisis motivasi membunuh Shane Walsh. Pertama, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik Shane Walsh yang digambarkan dalam tiga episode di musim kedua. Kedua, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan motivasi membunuh Shane Walsh di The Walking Dead musim kedua. Karakteristik Shane memengaruhi pemikiran, emosi, dan perilakunya. Lalu karakteristik Shane juga memengaruhi motivasi untuk membunuh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti pada skripsi adalah riset kepustakaan. Sumber utama adalah naskah pada tiga episode pilihan di The Walking Dead musim kedua. Tiga episode pilihan yaitu, Save the Last One (episode 3), 18 Miles Out (episode 10), and Better Angels (episode 12). Sumber kedua diambil dari beberapa buku dan artikel di internet. Peneliti menggunakan teori karakter dan karakteristik dan teori motivasi pada penelitian ini. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menganalisis karakteristik dan motivasi membunuh Shane Walsh. Peneliti menemukan karakteristik Shane yaitu pembohong, tidak patuh, manipulatif, tetapi juga peduli. Lalu, peneliti juga menemukan bahwa Shane memiliki enam motivasi untuk membunuh tiga orang berdasarkan tiga episode. Ia mempunyai tiga emosi yang memengaruhi motivasinya. Tiga emosinya adalah ketakutan, kemarahan, dan kesedihan. Tiga motivasi membunuh lainnya terjadi dari kebutuhan psikologisnya, yaitu kondisi ideal, kebutuhan otonomi, dan kompetensi.

Keywords: motivation, to murder, psychological, characteristics




A. Background of the Study

Hurlock states that individual personality is conducted from learning during the social relationship with people inside and outside their (1974, pp. 19-20).

Each person has thoughts and feelings that make different from each other.

Thus, personality characteristics can describe individual and distinguish them from one another. Human beings can be seen as kind if they love to offer help without asking anything for return. On the other hand, human beings can be considered as heartless if they kill guiltlessly.

Crime can be found every day and everywhere. One of the familiar crimes in both real life and fiction is murder. According to Hollin, murder is an intentional act of taking the life of another person (1989, p. 72). However, there is always a motive behind someone’s behavior and action. Based on Gorman, motivation concerns with what pushes people toward certain types of behavior. It is an attempt to answer the ‘why’ of behavior (2004, p. 1). For example, a student studies every night because she/he wants to pass an exam with outstanding score. Another example, a man murders his wife he found out she was cheating.

This study analyzes three episodes and focuses on one of the major characters on The Walking Dead TV series. The Walking Dead TV series is adapted from the comic book by , Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard, which also has the same title as it is. The Walking Dead is post-apocalyptic that tells about




human survival in zombie apocalypse. The show starts with who finally awakes after a coma and finds out that the world is in chaos because the dead people return as zombies or they call it as walkers.

The more intriguing aspect of the series is the survivors and whether they can maintain a society surviving in. Which makes zombies an ideal metaphor, as Godzilla was in the nuclear age, for our nightmares du jour: pandemics; decentralized terrorism; the collapse of social, financial and ecological systems. Zombies are viruses, really — leaderless networks, organized on no other principle than destruction, multiplying exponentially until they burn themselves out, taking with them (Poniewozik, 2010, para. 9). One of the important aspects in The Walking Dead is the need of survivors to build and maintain society in the world full of zombies as stated above by

Poniewozik. Based on Oxford Leaner’s Dictionary, du jour comes from French, meaning of the day. Thus, Poniewozik compares zombies with people’s nightmares of the day which are scary. People lose their parents, friends, even lovers, but the living have to stay together in order to survive. In the outbreak, not only the undead, but humans are also one of the threats that can create danger to the whole community. However, dangerous people can be found not only from external, but also within the group. The researcher chooses The Walking Dead because it portrays human survival in the new environment. The characters also show developments in their characteristics. Sometimes, they do not have any other choices except killing humans in order to survive.

The researcher focuses on Shane Walsh, one of the major characters in season 1 and 2. Before the apocalypse, he was a police officer along with Rick

Grimes. Shane protects Rick’s family at the beginning of the apocalypse since all



of them believed that Rick is dead. Also, Shane shows great ability to survive in the apocalypse, making him the first leader of the group.

Unhappy at being usurped, Shane (played by Daredevil's Punisher himself, ) consistently undermined his friend at every turn, becoming the first ongoing TWD character to insist that the only way to make it in this new world is to leave all scruples and sentiment behind (Murray, 2016, para. 3). According to Murray in Rolling Stone, Shane is ranked 16 among the 30 best The Walking Dead characters. Shane uses to be the leader of the group before

Rick joins them. As the leader of the group, Rick makes decisions for the group’s sake. However, Shane often does not agree with Rick. He feels that Rick will only put them, especially Rick’s wife and son, in danger because Rick is unable to abandon his morality. The first reason why the researcher focuses on Shane Walsh is because he is the first to become the main antagonist in The Walking Dead.

Second, he is also the first character who fully adapts in the new world.

The three selected episodes from season 2 are Save the Last One, 18 Miles

Out, and Better Angels. The researcher’s reason to choose the episodes is because in those three episodes, Shane’s characteristics, emotion alongside his motivation to murder are shown. Shane murders two people named Otis and Randall. He also wants to kill Rick although he fails to do it. Human makes decisions all the time in life. However, the decision that a person makes may lead to his/her doom, just like

Shane. His emotions influence him to murder Rick even though they have been friends since a long time. The researcher will analyze Shane’s characteristics and his motivation to murder in the three selected episodes on season 2.



B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background, the problems of the study are stated below

1. How is Shane Walsh portrayed in The Walking Dead season 2 episodes 3, 10,

and 12?

2. What are Shane Walsh’s motivations to murder in The Walking Dead season 2?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulation, there are two objectives of the study.

First, this study aims to analyze the characteristics of Shane Walsh portrayed in the three episodes on season 2. Then, the researcher elaborates Shane’s characteristics with his motivation. Thus, the second objectives is to explain Shane Walsh’s motivation to murder in The Walking Dead season 2.

D. Definition of Terms

To give more understanding, the researcher gives definition of terms that often found in the study. First, motivation is the study that concerns with the reason why certain individuals think and act the way they do (Graham & Weiner, 1996, p.

63). Second, according to American Psychological Association, behavior is an organism’s activities in response to external or internal event that are observable

(2009, p. 41). Third, emotion is a complex reaction that individual attempts to deal with a personally significant event (American Psychological Association, 2009, p.

126). Fourth, murder is the intentional act of taking the life of another person

(Hollin, 1989, p. 72).




A. Review of Related Studies

The researcher collected some articles about The Walking Dead season 2.

The first article is written by Hannah Dunleavy. She mentioned that The Walking

Dead season 2 is “a series in which everybody basically did nothing. Except when they were doing incredibly stupid things in order to drive the plot.” (Dunleavy,

2018, para. 20). She includes The Walking Dead season 2 as one of the worst television series in her list. However, the researcher tries to prove through analyzing

Shane Walsh’s actions that his actions are not ‘stupid’ as mentioned by Dunleavy, but he has some motives that drive his actions.

Another article about The Walking Dead is written by Zack Handlen. He reviewed one of the episodes on the season two entitled Better Angels that also will be discussed by the researcher in this study.

The Walking Dead is a show I have a hard time defending. I enjoy writing about it, and watching it (mostly), but it’s so often a case of frustrated potential and sloppiness that I wouldn’t ever recommend it to anyone else. Sometimes, I wonder if it’s just a lost cause, one of those shows that are doomed to shamble through airwaves, maintaining ratings more through inertia than any real craft. And yet I see enough glimpses of hope, scenes or even whole episodes that seem to have been lifted from another, smarter series—one which I would have no problem defending—and those moments keep me hooked (Handlen, 2012, para. 10).

Dunleavy might state that season 2 is one of the worst television series, but

Handlen has different opinion. He states that although sometimes he finds it frustrating, he still sees potential in The Walking Dead scenes or even the whole




episodes on his review. If one tries to look deeper into the characters, The Walking

Dead contains potential, like mentioned by Handlen, such as the characters’ motivation worth defending.

The researcher also searched for two undergraduate theses that discuss the same topic, but in different works. The first undergraduate thesis is written by

Sedyo Utomo from Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta entitled Sweeney

Todd’s Motivation in the Murders in Hugh Wheller’s 1979 Musical Thriller

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and the second undergraduate thesis is written by Helynka Resi Astika entitiled Thomsen’s Motivation to

Overcome Poverty of the Villagers Seen in Living Poor A Peace Corp Chronocle by Moritz Thomsen.

According to Utomo, characters must have sufficient drive in order to achieve their goals (2018, p. 1). Drive plays important role to determine what characters will do to accomplish their own desires. He also states that Hugh

Wheller’s Musical Thriller, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, is one of the perfect examples of how psychological fitness of a person can influence their desire and the way they achieve it (2018, p. 3). Sweeney Todd is the main character that the writer analyzes in his thesis.

The study aims to analyze the characteristics of the main character, Sweeney

Todd. After analyzing Sweeney Todd’s characteristics, the writer elaborates how his characteristics influence him to the conclusion to his own actions. After that, the writer identifies the motivation of Sweeney Todd in the story. The writer uses



psychoanalysis approach in his study and the theory of motivation by Abraham


By analyzing the play, the writer finds two major characteristics from

Sweeney Todd. The first characteristic is that he is an overly confident and the second characteristic is that he is a very violent person. Based on Maslow’s theory of motivation, the writer finds that Sweeney Todd is able to fulfill his physiological need, safety need, however he fails to fulfill his belongingness and love need.

Sweeney Todd finds a way to fulfill his belongingness and love need by winning a barbering challenge and obtaining Judge Turpin’s and Beadle’s trust in order to get revenge.

The second thesis, written by Astika, analyzes Moritz Thomsen’s work. The writer aims to analyze the characterization of Thomsen and his motivation to overcome poverty of the villagers in Rio Verde. She states that character’s motivation is one of the essential information in literary work (2018, p. 2). Thus, motivation in her study refers to the reason why Thomsen overcome poverty of the villagers (2018, p. 4). The writer uses psychological approach in her study.

The writer concludes that Thomsen is a smart and caring person. He is also confident and enthusiastic person. The writer uses the theory of motivation from

Petri, Jung, Murray, Huffman, Vernoy & Vernoy, Worchel & Shebilske, Beck, and

McClelland theory. From the theory of motivation, the first Thomsen’s motivation is to change the mindset of the villagers. Then, the second is to make a better life for the villagers.



The two previous theses have similar topic with this study, both discuss the character’s motivation. Utomo focuses on how Sweeney Todd’s characteristics and his ability to fulfill his needs motivate him to do things based on Maslow’s theory of motivation. On the other hand, Artika focuses on how Thomsen’s characteristics motivate him to help the villagers to overcome poverty. However, this study will focus on Shane Walsh’s motivation to murder, unlike Artika’s thesis. Also, this study is slightly difference with Utomo’s since the researcher will not focus only on the character’s needs, but also the character’s emotions and thoughts.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character is perhaps one of the most important components in literary works. Based on Abrams, characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it – the dialogue – and from what they do – the action (1999, p.32). Character can be differentiated into major and minor characters; then flat characters and round characters (Lodge, 1992, p.67).

Based on Hynes, minor characters have less attention than major characters since the author does not have to give a backstory to minor characters (2014, p.42).

According to Forster, there are two different types of characters, flat characters and round characters. Flat characters are characters that only have one idea or quality.

On the other hand, round characters are much more unpredictable that flat



characters because they can develop and have more than one qualities. Round characters have to surprise the readers (1927, pp. 103-118).

According to Roberts and Jacobs, there are four ways to disclose the characters in fiction (1987, pp. 123-124). a. What the characters themselves say (and think, if the author expresses their


Speeches can be made to analyze the characteristics of the speaker.

Sometimes, it also reflects the characters’ thoughts or emotions. One of the example is in Macbeth. “Macbeth’s despair at the end of Shakespeare’s play Macbeth is voiced after he has been guilty of ruthless political suppression and assassination.

His speech therefore reflects his own guilt and self-hatred” (Roberts and Jacobs,

1987, p. 123). b. What the characters do.

We can also analyze characters from their actions. The characters’ behavior may indicate their characteristics. Roberts and Jacobs states that sometimes the action is inconsistent with logic or expectation (Roberts and Jacobs, 1987, p. 123). c. What others characters say about them.

Another ways to disclose a character is from the speech from other characters. “In stories and play, as in life, people often talk about other people”

(Roberts and Jacobs, 1987, p. 123). From the statement, it means that other characters’ speeches are also important to identify a person’s characteristics.

However, we also have to consider the context and source of the speeches in order to disclose a character.



d. What the author says about them, speaking as storyteller or observer.

Author is the one who created the whole story, from the plot until the characters. Thus, what the author says about a character is usually accepted as truth.

However, authors frequently avoid interpretations of the characters so that the readers themselves that drawn the conclusion.

2. Theory of Motivation

According to Reeve, motivation varies between different people. People may share the same basic motivations and emotions, for example anger, however what motivates them clearly differ from one another (2009, p. 8). Some people might really care about their appearance in front of others, but some people do not really care about it as long as they are comfortable with themselves. He also states that the point of motivation theory is to explain what gives behavior its energy and its direction (2009, p. 8). Energy means that behavior has strength, whether the behavior is weak or not. Direction means that behavior has purpose, a goal that wants to be achieved by someone. a. Internal Motives

Reeve divides internal motives into three specific types, which are needs, cognitions, and emotions. i. Needs produce desires that motivate any behavior in order to maintain individuals’ life (Reeve, 2009, p. 9). For example, every human being needs to eat in order to survive. Needs also essential for human life. If it is neglected, it can bring damage to the person. Damage can affect the body, so the motives happen from physiological needs in order to avoid body’s damages (e.g., thirst, hunger, and



sex). Damage can also happen to the person’s psychological state. The motives from psychological needs occur to develop the person’s growth and adaptation (e.g., autonomy, competence, and relatedness). Next, damage can also arise from social environment. The motives from social needs happen in order to preserve identities, beliefs, values, and interpersonal relationships (e.g., achievement, intimacy, and power) (Reeve, 2009, p. 77). ii. Cognitions refer to mental events, such as thoughts and beliefs (2009, p.

206). The example is when a student believes in his/ her own ability to get a perfect score at exams. There are four elements in cognitions, plans, goals, implementation intentions, and mental simulations. A mismatch between a person’s present state and the ideal state initiates an experience of incongruity which has motivational properties. Suffering incongruity, people formulate a plan to remove that incongruity (Miller et al., as cited in Reeve, 2009, p. 207). Thus, plans become the tool to pursuit the ideal state of a person. Present state represents the person’s current status of how life is going. The ideal state represents how the person wishes life was going (Reeve, 2009, p. 210). A goal is whatever an individual is striving to accomplish (Locke as cited in Reeve, 2009, p. 211). After a person determines the goal then he/she has to make plans. Implementation intention is a plan to carry out one’s goal-directed behavior – deciding in advance of one’s goal striving the “when, where, and how long” that underlies one’s forthcoming goal-directed action

(Gollwitzer, Moskowitz as cited in Reeve, 2009, p. 222). Last, mental simulations focus on planning and problem solving. People need to mentally simulate how the process for them to reach the goal (Reeve, 2009, p. 223).



iii. Next, emotions are individuals’ reactions to events in their lives (2009, p.

9). Like other motives, needs and cognitions, emotions also energize and direct behavior (Reeve, 2009, p. 302). Emotions has four aspects of experience which are feelings, physiological preparedness, function, and expression.

By orchestrating these four aspects of experience into a coherent pattern, emotions allow us to anticipate and to react adaptively to the important events in our lives. For instance, when we face a threat to our well-being, we feel afraid, our heart rate increases, we desire to escape, and the corners of our lips are drawn backward in such a way that others can recognize and respond to our experience (Reeve, 2009, p. 9).

From quotation above, it can be concluded that feelings happen after an individual is faced with certain event, for example a person feels afraid after being threatened by unknown people on the street. The increase of heart rate is the physiological preparedness, how the body adapts to the situation. The increase of heart rate occurs because the person feels afraid. The desire to escape is the function, what the person want after the event. Next, expression is how the person shows his/ her emotion to others. It can be seen from the facial expression, for example the corner of the lips.

According to Reeve, there are six basic emotions which are fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest (Ekman; Ellsworth & Smith; Izard; Shaver et al.;

Weiner as cited in Reeve, 2009, p. 313). a) Fear

Fear is an emotional reaction when a person faces dangerous and threatening situation. Thus fear motivates defense. Through the fear, the emotion system tells the person’s vulnerability (Reeve, 2009, p. 313). For example, a person will feel fear if they are threatened.



b) Anger

Anger arises from restraint, for example a person’s plans, goals, or well- being have been interfered with some outside force. The essence of anger is the belief that the situation is not what is should be; that is, the restraint, interference, or criticism, is illegitimate (de Rivera as cited in Reeve, 2009, p. 313). Anger is also the most dangerous emotion since its purpose is to destroy the obstacles in the environment. People become more sensitive when they feel angry. When anger stimulates aggression, it produces needless destruction and injury. For example, a person damages properties. c) Disgust

Disgust involve getting rid or getting away from a contaminated, deteriorated, or spoiled object. The object depends on the development and culture.

Through disgust, a person actively rejects some physical or psychological aspect of the environment. d) Sadness

Sadness is the most negative emotion. It arises from experiences of separation or failure. Sadness motivates the individual to initiate whatever behaviors in order to prevent the same situation happen again. Also it motivates the person to restore the environment to its state before the distressing situation (Reeve,

2009, p. 315). Because separation from significant people causes sadness and because sadness is such an uncomfortable emotion, its anticipation motivates people to stay cohesive with their loved ones (Averill as cited in Reeve, 2009, p.




e) Joy

Joy is emotional evidence that things are going well. It is the opposite of sadness. Joy is a social glue that relationship between lovers or coworkers.

The positive feeling brings balance to life experience of disappointment, frustration, and other negative feelings. f) Interest

Interest creates the desire to explore, investigate, seek out, manipulate, and extract information from the surrounding objects. Interest motivates acts of exploration in order to gain information. Interest enhances learning (Alexander et al., as cited in Reeve, 2009, p. 317). b. External Events

External events happen outside from individuals’ minds. External events are environmental, social, or cultural source of motivation (Reeve, 2009, p. 10). It exists as stimuli or events. External event gains the capacity to energize and direct behavior. The external events occur from many different sources, for example a person who commits suicide after being bullied or a police who is offered a big amount of money. The surrounding or culture from a person can also become the source of external events.

C. Theoretical Framework

In this study, the researcher uses two theories that are used to answer the problem formulation. The first is the theory of character and characterization by

M.H Abrams and Prof. James Hynes. The theory is used in order to analyze the



character’s characterization that portrayed in the episodes and to answer the first problem formulation which is to describe the characteristic of Shane Walsh in the season 2 episode 3, 10, and 12 in The Walking Dead TV series.

The second theory is the theory of motivation by Johnmarshall Reeve. The second theory is used to answer the second problem formulation and to analyze

Shane’s motivation to murder people in The Walking Dead. The researcher analyzes

Shane’s internal motives and external events that become the source of his motivation to murder his victims.



A. Object of the Study

In this study, the researcher analyzes three selected episodes on The Walking

Dead season 2, Save the Last One (episode 3), 18 Miles Out (episode 10), and Better

Angels (episode 12). It is adapted from the comic book written by Robert Kirkman,

Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. There are nine seasons aired in AMC from 2010 until 2018. Save the Last One is written by Scott M. Gimple, 18 Miles Out is written by Scott M. Gimple and Glen Mazzara, and Better Angels is written by Evan Reillly and Glen Mazzara.

The series has won several awards such as Seoul International Drama

Awards for Most Popular Foreign Drama of the Year in 2011, AFI Award for TV

Program of the Year in 2011 and 2013, Online Film & Television Association

(OFTA) Television Award for Best Cinematography in a Series, Best Makeup/

Hairstyling in a Series, and Best Visual Effects in a Series in 2011, also Best

Cinematography in a Series, Best Makeup/ Hairstyling in a Series in 2012, TV

Guide Award for Favorite Horror Series in 2014, Satellite Awards for Best

Television Series in 2012 and 2015, IGN Award for Best TV Sci-Fi/ Horror Series in 2012, IGN People’s Choice Award for Best TV Sci-Fi/ Horror Series in 2012,

Best TV Horror Series in 2013, ASCAP Award for Top Television Series in 2013,

People’s Choice Awards USA for Favorite Cable TV Drama in 2014 and Favorite

Cable Sci-Fi/ Fantasy TV Show in 2017, Astra Award for Favorite Program

International Drama in 2014, Chainsaw Award for the Best TV Series, Best TV




Makeup/ Creature FX in 2015, iHorror Award for Best Horror Series in 2017, and

Saturn Award for Best Horror Television Series in 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Save the Last One is the third episode in the second season. Carl, Rick’s son, is accidentally shot by Otis in the woods. After being treated by Hershel, Carl needs more blood in order to survive. Shane and Otis volunteer to get the medical supplies from the nearby high school. After they get the medical supplies, they try to distract the walkers in order to get out of there, but they get discovered by the walkers. They run away from the walkers with not enough ammunition so Otis makes an escape plan. He tells Shane to get out from the window while he tries to distract the walkers. Unfortunately, Shane’s ankle is sprained when he tries to get out from the window. There are a lot of walkers and both of them are exhausted from running.

On the next scene, Shane returns to the farm without Otis, but he brings the medical supplies. He tells Rick that Otis sacrifices himself for Shane. He tells them that Otis lets himself get eaten by the walkers so that Shane can return safely. After that Shane stands in the mirror and he looks at the scar on his scalp.

He flashes back into the time when both of them are running from walkers. Shane realizes that they cannot survive because there are a lot of walkers following them.

Then, he shoots Otis’s leg so that the walkers will focus only on Otis. They have small fight when Shane tries to get Otis’s bag filled with medical supplies. The scar on Shane’s head is the result of the fight between him and Otis.

18 Miles Out is the tenth episode in the second season. In this episode, Shane has a fight with Rick. Apparently, Rick knows that Shane kills Otis and he also knows that Shane has a relationship with his wife, Lori, before Rick is able to join



the group. Rick wants to make sure that Shane knows that Rick can keep his family safe. After that, they drive around looking for a place to release a stranger named

Randall after he get captured wandering around the farm. Shane does not really agree with Rick’s decision to release Randall. He actually wants to kill Randall to ensure the group safety. When Shane and Rick start to go, Randall tells them that he knows Maggie, the farm owner’s daughter. Shane concludes that Randall knows the exact location of their farm and he draws his gun, ready to kill Randall.

However, Rick still has different opinion with him. Shane tells Rick that by letting

Randall alive means putting the group, especially Lori and Carl, in danger and he cannot keep them safe. They have a fight after that. When it is over, once again,

Rick states clearly that Shane has to follow his lead if he wants to stay in the group.

The third selected episode is Better Angel, the twelfth episode in season 2.

Rick asks Shane to keep the farm safe when he goes out to, once again, release

Randall. Though Shane still does not agree with Rick’s decision, he cannot do anything against it. Later, Lori approaches Shane and thanks him for everything he did for her and Carl, but she states clearly to him that they cannot be together again.

Shane takes Randall out by himself and leads him into the woods while nobody knows it. He kills Randall by breaking his neck. After that, Shane hits his face to make sure people believe in his story. He goes back to his group and tells them that

Randall runs away.

Rick and Shane go together to look Randall into the woods. Feeling something wrong, Rick turns his back and realizes that Shane will kill him. Shane explains to Rick that he will tell the group that Rick is killed by Randall. He tells



him that he is better than Rick when it comes to protecting Lori and Carl. Rick starts to persuade Shane that it does not have to end this way. He slowly approaches

Shane. Finally when Shane lowers his gun, Rick stabs him and he dies.

B. Approach of the Study

The approach that the researcher used in this study is psychological approach in order to analyze Shane Walsh’s motivation to murder in season 2.

Psychological approach is an approach in order to locate and demonstrate certain repeated patterns and refers to another knowledge which is psychology (Rohrberger

& Woods, 1971, p. 13). In order to apply psychological approach, psychological theory is used in this study which is the theory of motivation by Johnmarshall

Reeve. Psychological approach is chosen because in order to analyze Shane’s motivation, to kill Otis and Randall in the season 2, the researcher has to deal with his behaviors and characteristics. In conclusion, psychological approach will be used to analyze Shane’s motivation to murder since there is always a reason behind every actions.

C. Method of the Study

In analyzing Shane’s motivation to murder in The Walking Dead season 2, the researcher used library research. The researcher did some steps in order to finish the research. The first step was watching The Walking Dead TV Series season 2 while focusing on the characteristics of Shane Walsh. Then the researcher decided two research questions that needed to be answered.



The second step was finding the sources to analyze the problem formulation.

The primary source was the script of Save the Last One (episode 3), 18 Miles Out

(episode 10), and Better Angels (episode 12). The script was taken from The secondary source that the researcher used were Abrams, A

Glossary of Literary Terms (1999), American Psychological Association,

Dictionary of Psychology (2009), Johnmarshall Reeve, Understanding Motivation and Emotion (2009), and others related studies to support the main sources.

The third step was analyzing the problem formulation by using the theories that the researcher chose. The researcher applied the theory of character and characterization and theory of motivation by Johnmarshall Reeve. The researcher analyzed Shane’s characteristics from three selected episode, Save the Last One

(episode 3), 18 Miles Out (episode 10), and Better Angels (episode 12). Then the researcher analyzed what were Shane’s motivation to murder people and attempt to kill his best friend, Rick, although he failed to do it. The researcher analyzed

Shane’s internal and external motives that turned into his motivation. After that, the writer wrote the answer to the problem formulation. The last step was writing the conclusion based on the analysis that the researcher made.




In this chapter, the researcher provide the analysis of the problem formulation that have been mentioned in the first chapter. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part discusses Shane Walsh’ characterization in the three episodes. Next, the second part discusses about Shane’s motivation to murder his victims that revealed through his actions and emotions.

A. The Description of Shane Walsh’s Character

Shane Walsh is one of major characters in The Walking Dead. He works together as a cop along with Rick Grimes. After the apocalypse happens, he protects

Rick’s wife, Lori, and Rick’s son, Carl. In order to analyze Shane’s characteristics, the researcher uses the theory of characterization by Abrams and Roberts & Jacobs.

According to Abrams there are two method to show the characterization of the characters, by showing and telling method (Abrams, 1999, pp. 33-34). Also according to Roberts and Jacobs, there are four ways to disclose characters: (a) what the characters themselves say (and think, if the author expresses their thoughts), (b) what the characters do, (c) what other characters say about them, and (d) what the author says about them, speaking as storyteller or observer (Roberts and Jacobs,

1987, pp. 123-124). However in this study, the researcher can only use three ways to analyze the characteristics of Shane Walsh since the author does not occur as storyteller or observer in the series.




1. Dishonest

Shane is described as a dishonest person. The researcher finds it through his conversations with the other characters. He lies to cover up his murders in order to achieve his goals. He does not mind to do dirty things in order to get his goals. He tells lies about how Otis and Randall died and makes up stories to make it looks believable. The first proof of his dishonest characteristic can be found through his conversation with Rick and Hershel after he came back without Otis on the night when they search for medical supplies for Carl on season 2 episode 3.

Hershel : Otis? Shane : No. Hershel : We say nothing to Patricia. Not ‘till after. I need her. Shane : They kept blocking us at every turn. We had nothing left. We were down to 10 rounds. Then he said... He said he'd cover me and that I should keep going. So that's what I did. I just... I kept going. But I... I looked back and he... I tried. He wanted to make it right. (Gimple, 2011, lines 387-399).

From the conversation above between Shane, Hershel and Rick, Shane states that Otis sacrifices himself for him in order to survive. He tells Rick that Otis will cover him so that they can run away from the walkers. However, when he looks back, Otis has sacrificed himself since he felt responsible that Carl is hurt because of him. Then, Shane has no other choice except to keep moving forward that night.

He does bring the medical supplies for Carl which is really important at that time.

However, the last scene reveals what really happens between Otis and Shane.

Otis : Down to my last. Shane : Me too. I'm sorry (Gunshot) Otis : (Screams) Shane : Will you give it... ah! Give it! Otis : (Screams) Otis : I'll kill you.



Shane : (Screams) Shane : Let go of me! Let go! (Gimple, 2011, lines 445-455).

It is revealed that Shane is the one who killed Otis. Since they are surrounded by walkers, Shane shoots Otis’ leg in order for him to get eaten by the walkers. Shane is the one who sacrifices Otis in order to live. He runs away with the medical supplies and makes up the story so that the people do not suspicious about him. Rick also cannot accuse Shane at that time since his priority is Carl’s life. As states by Roberts and Jacobs, the author describes the character through the speeches and actions, where the audience can also see the character’s characteristics. Telling lie to the people that Otis sacrificed himself, makes Shane innocent and free from accusation since there is no witness on that night.

Another proof about Shane’s dishonest characteristic is when he lies to

Randall in season 2 episode 12. Randall is locked in a hut by the group since Rick has not made up his mind whether to release or kill him. Then, Shane takes Randall outside secretly.

Shane : I'm the only shot of you getting out of these woods alive. You hear me? Now you start talking, boy. Where are they at? Randall : We had a camp set up off the highway... Shane : Okay. Randall : About five miles from here. Shane : Shh-- Okay. Randall : Who knows if they're still there? Shane : Okay. So you gonna take me to 'em? Randall : Why? Shane : Because, man, I-- I'm just-- I'm done with this group, man. They doomed and I want no part of it. That's all. Randall : So you're not gonna kill me? Shane : Come on, man. If I was, you'd be dead. Come on (Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines 288-300).



Shane brings Randall to the woods and tells him that he is the only one who can save him. Shane says that the reason he lets Randall free is because he cannot live with Rick’s group anymore and he wants to change side to Randall’s group.

Although Shane is the one who insist to kill Randall before, Randall, on the other hand, does not have any much choice. If he keep locked in the hut, his life might be in danger since Rick’s group can kill him anytime.

Randall also does not have time to rethink because he is not in the position to bargain with Shane. He is unarmed and tied. Then Shane appears as his savior.

Thus he follows Shane since he believes he can be freed. However the truth is Shane tells lie to Randall and lures him into the woods. After Randall tells him about his group, he walks in front of Shane to lead the way for him. However Shane unexpectedly breaks Randall neck from behind. He murders Randall in the woods by lying and luring him. He easily tells lies to Randall and makes Randall believes him. The researcher also finds another conversation that shows Shane’s dishonest characteristic.

Rick : Does this way feel right? Shane : As right as any. Rick : Snatched your gun, huh? Shane : Yeah. It's my favorite piece too. Gonna wish he'd-- Wish he'd killed me when I find his sorry ass. Rick : You say he got you with a rock? Shane : That's what I said. Rick : Inside the shed? 'Cause that door was shut when T-Dog rolled up. Shane : I saw that too. Must've slipped through the rafters in the roof. (Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines 373-378, 384-389)

After Shane is able to separate the group, he searches the woods together with Rick. In order for him to lure Rick away from the farm, Shane has to lie to



Rick so that Rick will not feel any suspicions about him. Since Rick is unsure about the situation, he questioned Shane about the incident. Shane is able to deliver the lies easily by saying that Randall took his gun and hit him with a rock. The author shows Shane dishonest characteristic through his speeches and actions. His dishonest characteristic appears as one of his tools to murder people. Being able to deceive people makes them lower their guards. Thus Shane has his dishonest characteristic to murder people.

2. Disobedient

The second characteristic that the researcher finds is disobedient. This characteristic can be seen from Shane’s dialogues with Rick. On the season 2 episode 10, Rick and Shane go out to release Randall, a stranger that they capture.

Then on this episode, Rick decides to free Randall so they drive for 18 miles away from the farm. However Rick and Shane leave Randall at the police department only with a knife. Trying to gain their sympathy, Randall speaks in order to get their attention “I went to school with Maggie for God’s sake!” (Gimple & Mazzara,

2012, line 199). Maggie is one of the members in Rick’s group. Also Maggie’s father, Hershel, allows Rick’s group to live in their farm at that moment. Taken aback by Randall’s confession, Rick and Shane come back to him.

Shane : He knows where the farm is, Rick. Where we are-- he knows. Say he finds his way back to his people... Rick : Shane, no! (Gunshot) Not now-- just not now! Shane : Well, when, Rick? When? (Gimple & Mazzara, 2012, lines 214-219).

Shane does not want spare Randall’s life since he believes that Randall is dangerous for the group. They have met Randall’s group before. On the other hand,



Rick does not want to kill people. After knowing that Randall knows Maggie, one of the members in their group, Shane starts to worry that Randall will bring his own group to the farm and take their place by force. Shane thinks it is possible for

Randall to know Maggie’s house.

Without discussing it, Shane pulls out his gun and shoots Randall. However

Rick attempts to save Randall from Shane. Eventually, Shane fails to kill Randall.

Shane is not really cooperative if things do not go according to his will. Shane’s decision to shoot Randall makes him disobedient. He does not want to obey Rick’s decision even though Rick is acknowledged as the group’s leader. The author shows

Shane’s disobedient characteristics from his sudden action and the conversation with Rick. It clears that he does not want to follow Rick’s order. His disobedience even makes Hershel and Rick concern.

Rick : Andrea. When I'm out with Daryl, help Hershel keep an eye on things around here. Andrea : Me? Rick : Shane's got a way of letting things get out of hand especially when he's all torqued up. Andrea : I think we're all a bit torqued up at this point. Hershel : If you're staying here permanently, he's got to understand that it's what Rick and I say, not whatever he wants. (Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines 76-84).

Shane’s disobedience can be seen from the conversation above. Before leaving the farm, Rick asks Andrea to keep an eye on Shane because he worries if

Shane will get things out of control without Rick at that moment. Also, Hershel says that Shane do things whatever he wants and he has to understand that the decision makers in the group are Rick and Hershel. It clears that the people around

Shane consider him as disobedient person who cannot be ordered. Shane also hard



to be controlled by people. The author decides to show Shane’s disobedient characteristic through other characters dialogue about him. The speeches’ from other characters are important in order to identify the characteristics of a character.

3. Manipulative

Shane is also depicted as manipulative person. He manipulates Randall’s death in the woods in season 2 episode 12. In order for him to separate the group, he manipulates the story so they believe that Randall has escaped. His intention is to kill Rick while they search for Randall. After he kills Randall, he hurts himself by crashing his head on a tree. He also hides his gun in the leaf pile. Then he starts to do his plan.

Shane : Rick! Rick! Rick : What happened? Shane : He's armed! He's got my gun! Carl : Are you okay? Shane : I'm fine. Little bastard just snuck up on me. He clocked me in the face. (Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines 322-326).

Shane manipulates the story as if Randall hurts him and runs away with a gun. He is able to fool the group with his story. After Shane shows up, the group has to divide themselves into a group of four people to search Randall and the rest have to stay in the house. They have to hunt Randall because they believe that

Randall is armed with a gun. Also there is a possibility where Randall can bring his group and kill them. Shane realizes by using Randall, he can separate the group and execute his plan to murder Rick. He even plans to manipulate Rick’s death.

Rick : You really believe if you walk back onto that farm alone- No me, no Randall- Shane : I want you to hush up.



Rick : You really believe they're gonna buy whatever bullshit story you cook up? Shane : That's just it. It ain't no story. I saw that prisoner shoot you down. I ran after him. I snapped his neck. (Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines 396-400).

Shane has made the plan to manipulate Rick’s death. He will tell the group that Rick is shot by Randall and Shane is the one who kill Randall. His manipulative characteristic is shown by his actions which are hiding his own gun and killing

Randall thus making the group believes that Randall is really escaped. He easily manipulates Randall’s death in order for him to achieve his goal. Then, from his conversation with Rick, it shows that Shane is ready to manipulate Rick’ death by blaming it to Randall. Shane wants to be the hero of the tragedy by manipulating the death in order for him to be from suspicions.

4. Caring

In the beginning of the apocalypse, Rick is hospitalized and his family cannot stay with him because of the chaotic situations. Thus Rick disappearance makes Shane decides to protect Rick’s family. However, Shane develops feelings for Lori and Carl. He loves Lori and thinks of Carl as his own son. He always makes sure that Lori and Carl safe. Even though Rick finally returned to his family, Shane still cares for them. His caring personality towards Carl is proven by his speech,

“As long as I'm around you, nothing's gonna happen to you, Carl. But I can't keep my eyes on you 24/7. Only you can do that” (Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines 117-

118). Shane really cares about Carl by reassuring him that as long as they are together, Carl will be safe. Another conversation happens between Shane and Lori that shows his caring personality.



Lori : You led us out of Atlanta with no thought for yourself. Do you remember that night? The flames, the-- And I'm sitting in our car thinking "We're gonna be all right. He's gonna make it all right. We'll get out of here." And I never thanked you for that. Even though things got... Confused between us, you were there for me. You were there for me. Thank you. Shane : You don't need to thank me for that. (Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines 165-176).

Finally Lori has proper conversation with Shane ever since Rick returns to her. At first, she does want Shane to be near her and Carl because she afraid that

Rick will suspect them. However Lori still wants to thank Shane because he always puts them first at the beginning of the apocalypse. At that beginning, everyone believes that Rick is already dead since he is left in the hospital alone. However, they do not have the opportunity to rescue Rick because things are chaotic when they apocalypse happens. When they start to adapt with the new world, Shane slowly takes over Rick’s roles as a father to Carl, husband to Lori, and naturally as the leader of the group.

Although Lori does not want their secret relationship to be found out, especially by Rick, she still appreciates him for protecting Carl and herself. She realizes that without Shane, they will not be able to survive the chaos. Shane has stayed with Lori and Carl since the beginning of the apocalypse. From the conversation above, it can be seen that Shane truly cares about Lori and Carl. He does not want Lori to thank him because he thinks it is his responsibility to protect them. Even after Rick comes back, Shane still protects Lori and Carl. He even risks his life to bring medical supplies for Carl. The author shows Shane’s caring characteristic through the conversations between characters and actions.



B. Shane’s Motivation to Murder

In the previous part, the researcher has analyzed the characteristics of Shane

Walsh. Shane is portrayed as someone that dishonest, disobedient, manipulative, but also caring. The researcher has already mentioned the murders that Shane does and his attempts to murder Rick. Although Shane cannot finish his plan to kill Rick, he still shows that he is prepared and planned his actions well. After the apocalypse happens and Rick returns to Shane’s life, Shane starts to lose his old self. Everything does not go according to his own will. His emotions also one of the factors that drive his motivation to murder. In the end, Shane’s plan is ruined by Rick. He cannot reach his ideal state and die. Ironically, he dies when he executes his last plan in order to return everything back to ‘normal’ when he can live with Lori and


According to the theory of motivation, behavior occurs because there are something that stimulate energy and direction to the behavior itself. There are two types of motives which are internal motives and external events. Reeve divides internal motives into three types, needs, cognitions, and emotions. He also states six basic emotions which are fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. External events happen outside a person’s mind. It can occur from environment, culture, or social events. In season 2 episodes 3, 10, and 12, there are six motivations to murder by Shane Walsh.

1. Fear

Shane’s first victim is Otis. He murders for the first time in season 2 episode

3. Shane and Otis have to find medical supplies for Carl’s surgery. However things



do not go well. They are trapped by the walkers in the school. When Shane tries to escape from a window, a walker grabs him and makes him falls down. His leg is hurt and he cannot run. Using gun only makes it worse since the walkers are attracted by the sounds.

Shane : Look, we ain't gonna make it, okay? Otis : Got to try, man. Come on, get up. Shane : You're gonna take these and you're gonna go. Otis : I ain't leaving you behind. Shane : Okay. (Gimple, 2011, lines 354-357)

Even Shane himself already gives up at that moment. Since he cares for

Carl, his priority at that time is the medical supplies inside the bags. He feels afraid that if they cannot come back to the farm then Carl’s life will be over. He tells Otis to take the bags and go. However, Otis does not want to leave him behind and Shane eventually decides to keep going. The situation is not good since they are already tired and they do not have enough bullets. If they cannot survive that night, it means

Carl will not be able to live. The thoughts that none of them can survive that night make Shane afraid.

Fear occurs when a person is faced with dangerous situation. His environment has change since it is an apocalypse. He can die if he puts down his guard in the current world. There is no safe place anymore. Being surrounded by walkers with no enough bullets is external events that affects his emotion. The helpless thought influences the feeling of fear in Shane. Although he desires to escape, he realizes that they cannot survive only by running away.

His fear becomes his motivation to murder Otis. By killing Otis, his goal to save Carl and survive will be obtained. He also does not have time to think another



plan except to sacrifice Otis since he is in danger. If Otis was eaten by the walkers, he will have enough time to save himself. Although fear motivates him to murder someone, he is able to achieve his goal at that time. Because of the medical supplies that he brings back, Carl is saved.

2. Anger

Shane’s next victim is Randall. Before he finally kills Randall in the woods, he already tries to murder him in the police station on season 2 episode 10. Randall confesses that he knows one of the people in Rick’s group. His confession does not make Rick and Shane happy. It turns out Randall makes things more complicated for Rick to make decision. Thus Shane is not happy with it.

Randall : The hell is this? Oh, come on, don't be stupid. I owe you guys. I can help protect what you've got. Why would you save my life jus to kill me by leaving me here? One guy-- one guy can't make it alone. That's why I was with those dudes. I was alone. Don't be stupid! I'm not like them! I'm just ! I used to watch football and screw around on the Internet. I lived with my mom! I lost her like you lost people. I went to school with Maggie for God's sake! I went to church. I rode the bench on varsity baseball. Rick : You went to school with Maggie? Shane : You go to school with Maggie? Answer the question! Did you go to school with Maggie? Randall : I-- it-- she didn't know me. Didn't even know I existed. I mean, I knew her. I knew who her dad was. There is no way I would ever do anything to hurt her or her family. Rick : Jesus. Randall : Or you-- or your people! I'm not like the guys I was with! (Gimple & Mazzara, 2012, lines 186-213).

Both Rick and Shane are not happy after they listen to Randall. Shane’s anger can be concluded since he does not show patience towards Randall. It can be seen when Shane demands straight answer from Randall. He is also angry because

Rick’s plan does not work out. Shane has tried to follow Rick’s decision as the



leader, but at the end, Shane regrets it because he thinks that his plan is better and safer than Rick.

Anger usually occurs when a person’s plan is disturbed by outside force. His motivation to murder Randall for the first time occurs because of his anger. He wants to believe Rick that after they leave Randall outside, far from the farm,

Randall will not be a problem anymore to the group. However, it turns out Randall becomes a bigger problem since he probably knows their home. Anger’s purpose is to destroy the obstacle. In Shane’s situation, his motivation to murder Randall is created so that Randall will not become threat or obstacle to the group in the future.

He wants to keep the group safe therefore he believes that he must destroy the obstacle, which is Randall, at that time. Shane thinks it is easier to kill Randall since there is no laws at the current world.

Shane also has another desire to murder that created from his anger. His anger occurs while he questions Rick’s decision about Randall. Later his emotion causes physical injuries to both of them. Shane’s obstacle at that moment is Rick since Rick prevents him for murdering Randall. Thus his motivation to kill Rick is created.

Rick : We're going back. It's a man's life. I need a night to think it through. Shane : You're gonna bring this piece of garbage-- this piece of garbage who-- he shot at you, Rick. He ran with men who tried to kill you. You gonna bring him back to where Lori sleeps? To where Carl sleeps? Rick : He'll be locked up in the barn, unless you bust it open. Shane : Oh, don't start that shit. Rick : I'm taking the night. Shane : Man, you take that-- you think on it, Rick. Keep struggling with it. It ain't hard, man. The right choice is the one that



keeps us alive. It's always the same with you. It's like the first moment-- it's whenever you're put to the test. Rick : Stop acting like you know the way ahead, like you know the rules. (Gimple & Mazzara, 2012, lines 223-239).

Rick says that he needs time to think about Randall’s fate. However Shane does not agree with Rick’s decision. Shane believes that it is not complicated to make decision about someone’s life. Rick still finds problems to make choices because he still thought about human’s life. He still values lives especially in the apocalypse when human population keeps decreasing. On the other hand, Shane already makes up his mind. He thinks that a person does not have to think twice about right or wrong anymore. In the new world, the right choice is always the choice that keep them alive. As long as they live then they do not have to think about another choice. The disagreement between Shane and Rick creates tension.

Then anger motivates Shane to eliminate Rick and Randall. However Shane fails to murder both of them at that time. After he calms down, he decides to follow Rick’s decision once again.

3. Sadness

Another emotion that happens on Shane is sadness. Sadness can occur when someone is faced with separation or failure. When Rick turns out to be alive, Shane and Lori are faced with forced separation. They cannot tell Rick the truth that while he is missing, Shane and Lori develop feelings for each other. Thus when Rick comes, Shane has to withdraw from the relationship. After a while, Lori decides to talk with Shane about their relationship on episode 12. She speaks to Shane,

“Whatever happened between us, whatever the hell we thought it was-- And not



just you, but-- I'm sorry, Shane. Please believe me. I am so sorry”

(Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines 178-182).

Lori chooses to end her confusing relationship with Shane. Since she does not want to put her husband and Shane in difficult situation anymore, she makes up her mind and chooses to stay with Rick. The distressing situation occurs to Shane because he has to be separated from Lori. He fails to maintain his relationship with

Lori. The failure of maintaining relationship and separation influences Shane’s emotion. Sadness is the most negative emotion thus it creates Shane’s motivation to murder Rick.

Usually when a couple is faced with separation, one of them might try to restore the situation in order to prevent sadness which is an uncomfortable feeling.

Sadness motivates Shane to restore the situation back to the normal state before the distressing situation between him and Lori. Since Lori decides to stay with Rick,

Shane desire to eliminate Rick becomes stronger. If Shane succeeded in murdering

Rick, he believes that he can restore his relationship with Lori. Lori will probably come back to him since she does not have a husband anymore.

4. Psychological Needs of Autonomy

Autonomy is one of the needs in individual’s psychological state. Autonomy need is fulfilled when a person is able to make his/her own choice without any external force. However the researcher finds that Shane does not able to fill his psychological needs of autonomy. The lack of autonomy makes Shane’s motivation to murder Rick occurs. The first proof is taken from season 2 episode 10 from the conversation between Rick and Shane.



Rick : You and Lori-- I get what happened. When I figured it out and I figured it out pretty quickly-- I wanted to break your jaw, let you choke on your teeth. But I didn't. That wasn't weakness. It took everything. That is my wife. That is my son. That is my unborn child. I will stay alive to keep them alive. You don't love her. You think you do, but you don't. Now the only way you and me keep on. Is that you accept everything I just said right here, right now, and we move forward with that understanding. (Gimple & Mazzara, 2012, lines 50-66).

Apparently Rick is already aware of Shane’s relationship with Lori. Thus he confronts Shane about it. He emphasizes that Lori was his wife, Carl and the unborn child are his children. Rick also stresses that if they want their relation to keep going, Shane has to accept everything Rick said and move forward. Rick also makes sure that Shane will understand him completely. He states once again at the end of the episode, “That is my wife. That is my son. That is my child. If you're gonna be with us, you gotta follow my lead, you gotta trust me” (Gimple &

Mazzara, 2012, lines 456-460). Shane cannot freely show his affection toward Lori and Carl because of Rick. Rick also forces Shane to accept him as the leader and

Lori’s husband.

Rick : After that, Shane'll assign shifts while me and Daryl take Randall offsite and cut him loose. Shane : We're back to that now? Rick : It was the right plan first time around. Poor execution. Shane : That's a slight understatement Rick : You don't agree, but this what's happening. Swallow it-- Move on. (Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines 59-66).

The conversation above, taken from season 2 episode 12, is the second proof that Shane is failed to fill his autonomy needs. Rick already makes up his mind to release Randall even though he realizes that Randall knows one of the group



members. Shane with his disobedient personality starts to question Rick’s decision once again. It clears that Shane still does not agree with Rick’s decision. However

Rick tells Shane to just accept his decision even though Shane does not agree with him. Rick does not even consider Shane’s opinion and decide Randall’s fate by himself. Rick’s attitude makes it harder for Shane to fulfill his autonomy needs.

Shane’s failure to fulfill his autonomy needs is portrayed on two different episodes. From the conversations, the researcher finds that Shane lacks of autonomy mainly because he is being bossed around by Rick. Rick appears as the obstacle in

Shane’s life. Since Shane has disobedient personality, it means that it is hard for him to be bossed around by someone else, especially someone he does not get along with. Originally, he wants to be the decision maker in the group. He wants to decide what, when, even how to do something in the group. On the other hand, none of his idea or decision is used in the group. The group has chosen Rick as their leader and not him.

Thus Shane’s motivation to murder occurs because he tries to fill his psychological needs of autonomy. His target of murder is Rick. Since Rick presents as the decision maker, he believes that Rick is the external force. Shane thinks that there is no other way for him to fulfill his autonomy needs if Rick still alive. He will be bossed around longer than that and his freedom is limited. His motivation to murder appears since he desires to do his own choices. He also has different opinions with Rick, especially about Randall’s case, but Rick shows no interest to make an agreement with him.



Shane has got so many pressures from Rick. He cannot behave whatever he wants or even express his feelings toward Lori and Carl. Therefore by murdering

Rick, Shane believes that he can gain his autonomy needs. He can destroy the obstacle and have the freedom he wants. By having the freedom, he can gain control easily on the group and make them follow his leads. Shane always believes that his decisions are better than Rick’s decision.

5. To Reach Ideal State

The researcher finds that Rick appears as an obstacle in Shane’s life. When

Lori, Carl, and Shane thinks that Rick is dead, Shane takes over Rick’s position as their family and protector. Shane is really cared about them. Things are going well between Shane, Lori, and Carl. However after Rick comes back, Shane has to let

Lori and Carl back to Rick. He has to withdraw from the relationship. Even though at first Shane acts as the group leader, he has to approve Rick to replace him because the members naturally look up to Rick.

Shane believes that his ideal state is with Lori by his side and Carl as his son. However, it slowly changes. Later Shane’s present state does not go smoothly.

Shane’s present state is shown in the entire season 2. He confronts Rick by saying,

“You come back here and you just destroy everything! You got a broken woman.

You got a weak boy. You ain't got the first clue on how to fix it” (Reilly & Mazzara,

2012, lines e 430-433). It can be inferred that Shane thinks Rick is the one who destroy his ideal state.

He is unable to do things without being interfered by Rick. His ways of survival also cannot be accepted by Rick. Shane believes murder is needed to keep



the group safe from threats. Because of Rick, Shane has difficulty to fulfil his psychological needs. Thus Shane suffers from incongruity because his present and ideal state are mismatched. Therefore Shane psychologically starts to make plans in order for him to change his present and reach his ideal state.

His goal is to return everything back to ‘normal’ when Rick does not existed in their lives. Manipulating Randall’s death is his first step in his plan to accomplish his goal. After that his plan is to separate the group and be alone with Rick. When he successfully lures Rick into the woods, far from the farms, he will finally murder

Rick. His last step is to manipulate Rick’s death by pointing Randall as the murderer.

He tells Rick, “It ain't gonna be easy, but Lori and Carl-- They'll get over you. They done it before. They just gonna have to” (Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines

401-404). Shane’s way of thinking about his own ideal state influences his behavior to murder. He believes that Lori and Carl will forget Rick and Shane will be able to replace him again. Thus he mentally creates a plan and set a goal in order to reach his ideal state.

The researcher concludes that Shane suffers from incongruity since his present and ideal state are mismatched. Based on the theory of motivation by Reeve, people who suffer incongruity will formulate a plan in order to remove the incongruity. Shane wants his ideal state to be existed. After Shane makes his plans, he does implementation intention by executing it. Last, he does mental simulations by focusing on problem solving. He has already thought about how to cover the murders that he does.



6. Psychological Needs of Competence

The researcher finds that Shane has another reason to murder Rick beside to fulfil his psychological needs of autonomy. Before Rick finds his way the group,

Shane acts as the leader. When Rick finally comes back alive, Shane has to switch his role with him. One of a leader jobs is to make decisions for the group’s safety.

However Shane finds some of Rick’s decisions false. Although Rick knows that

Shane does not agree with him, Rick still forces Shane to accept his decisions. Thus it leads Shane psychologically lacks of autonomy since he cannot have freedom to construct and execute his own goal.

A leader also has to gain control over a difficult situation. The ability to gain control means the psychological needs of competence is obtained. However Shane believes that Rick is not able to fulfill his own competence need. Thus it makes

Rick unfit to be the group leader since he cannot adapt to the new environment.

Rick : I heard what really happened at the school. Was it to survive? Shane : Yeah. One of us wasn't gonna make it out. It had to be him. One shot to the leg, Carl lives. Reality is... He had no business being here-- There. Whatever. Rick : You don't think I would've done it? Shane : No, man, I know you wouldn't have. Rick : You don't think I can keep Lori or Carl safe? Shane : I didn't say that. Rick : Or my baby? Is it gonna have to be me too? Shane : Rick, you can't just be the good guy and expect to live. Okay? Not anymore. (Gimple & Mazzara, 2012, lines 25-42)

The conversation above is the first time they discuss about Rick’s competency. Rick is aware that Shane murders Otis thus he privately confronts

Shane. Shane tells him that even if Rick are in his shoes, he will choose not to kill



Otis. Using Otis as a bait for the walkers makes Shane and Carl live. Shane also says that Rick cannot be the good person anymore in order to live. Thus it means that Shane thinks Rick is unfit to survive in the apocalypse since Rick still mentally weak since he cannot bear the burden to murder someone. Shane believes that he has done a great job by murdering Otis. It can be seen from his dialogue with Rick, only by one shot, Carl is able to live (Gimple & Mazzara, 2012, line 31).

Another conversation is taken from Gimple and Mazzara on season 2 episode 10.

Shane : I don't think you can do it, Rick. Rick : It's my call, man. Shane : I don't think you can keep them safe. (2012, lines 243-245)

This conversation occurs at the same moment that created Shane’s anger motivation to murder Rick. Shane clearly tells Rick his opinion that he personally thinks Rick cannot keep his family safe. He thinks that Rick cannot control the situation properly at that moment. The reason is that Rick finds struggle with his decision whether to let Randall live or not at that time. Shane cannot comprehend why it is so hard for Rick to make up his mind although the decision is for the group safety. While Rick insists that it is his call that mattered, Shane bluntly states that

Rick is incompetent to keep his family alive. There is also another conversation between Shane and Rick that concerns about Rick’s competency as a father.

Shane : Hey, man, you seen Carl lately? Rick : He's inside with his mother. Shane : Look, he came to me. Okay, I wasn't supposed to say anything, but he was out in the swamps yesterday and he came across a walker stuck in the mud. He got scared, ran off. Rick : The same walker that killed Dale?



Shane : That's the one. Rick : I'll have Lori talk to him. Shane : Look, man, I think-- I think he wants to talk to his father. Rick : Well, I need this Randall thing done already. Shane : Man that needs to wait, okay? Rick : It's my call. Shane : How about I ride out with Daryl? Good for us to a little time together. Rick : Nah, I need you here. Shane : Don't think I'll handle it right, huh? Rick : Didn't say that. Shane : What you say? You know, your son-- He gave me this. You should get that back to Daryl, huh? Freeing that prisoner. More important to you than Carl. (Reilly & Mazzara, 2012, lines 196-219)

The conversation above happens on episode 12. Shane comes to Rick to ask about Carl because he concerns about the boy. However Rick replies to Shane that he will ask Lori, instead of himself, to talk to Carl since Rick has to take care

Randall. Since Shane really cares about Carl, he tries to make Rick stays so they can have a conversation between father and son. Then Shane can substitute Rick to release Randall. However once again, Rick rejects Shane’s offer.

Rick considers his status as a leader is far more important than as a father.

Thus Shane concludes that freeing a stranger is more important to Rick than taking care his son. It can be seen from Shane’s reaction that Shane thinks Rick cannot decide the most important thing to him. Shane believes that Rick should have care about Carl more than Randall.

The researcher finds that Shane considers Rick unfits to face challenges or control unexpected situations. He also believes that Rick’s skills are incompetent.

Rick can bring failure to the group and more importantly to Lori and Carl. Since

Shane considers Rick is not good enough to protect the people he cares, Shane’s



competence motive occurs. He told Rick that, “I'm a better father than you, Rick.

I’m better for Lori than you, man. It's 'cause I'm a better man than you, Rick” (Reilly

& Mazzara, 2012, lines 426-428).

Shane believes he is more capable than Rick when he is faced with difficult situations. He will not let himself shaken by unexpected situations. Shane also thinks he is better because he adapts in the new world faster than Rick. He will easily gain control over situations by murdering. Shane considers Rick’s way of survival is weak. Thus by changing his perspective on survival, Shane thinks he is more competence than Rick in many aspects.

His psychological needs of competence occurs because Shane desires

Rick’s position. He believes that he is a better man than Rick. Shane’s motivation to murder also happens because his tries to fulfill his own competence needs. He thinks that eliminating Rick is the only way for him in order to correct the whole situation and reach his ideal state. By eliminating Rick, he can replace Rick to become the leader once again.




In this study, the researcher analyzes Shane Walsh’s motivation to murder in season 2 episodes 3, 10, and 12 of The Walking Dead TV series. Shane Walsh is one of the major characters in The Walking Dead. In order to analyze Shane’s motivation, first the researcher discusses his characteristics that portrayed in the three episodes. The researcher finds that Shane’s characteristics are dishonest, disobedient, manipulative, but also caring towards Lori and Carl.

In order to answer the second problem formulation, the researcher applies

Johnmarshall Reeve’s theory of motivation. The motivation to murder occurs from

Shane’s fear, anger, and sadness. Shane also has others motivation that come from his psychological needs which are ideal state, autonomy, and competence needs.

After Rick turns out to be alive, things do not go well for Shane. Otis is murdered by Shane since fear influences his behavior at the dangerous situation. Since his present mismatches with his ideal state, Shane makes plan and set a goal in order for him to restore the situation back to his ideal state. Then Randall is murdered as the part of Shane’s plan to murder Rick.

Rick is the main target of murder since he is the main obstacle that presses

Shane’s autonomy and competence needs. Shane believes if Rick is eliminated then he can gain his psychological needs of autonomy and also competence. Furthermore




he can remove his negative emotions and reunite with Lori and Carl. He feels sad after Lori decides to stay with Rick instead of him.

Shane is described as disobedient person. He does not want to follow Rick’s orders. Shane also believes that Rick is not suitable to be the group leader, husband, and father. Rick always puts the leader status first even when his own family needs him. However, Shane cannot agree with some of his decisions. It also creates the emotion of anger in Shane. He feels that Rick will bring failure to the group and especially to Lori and Carl. Thus Shane’s desire to gain control and restore the situation make his motivation to murder Rick occurs.

The researcher concludes that Shane’s characteristics also influence his behaviors. Since people have different characteristics, it means that everyone needs are also different. Thus, people behave in many ways. Shane’s ultimate drive to murder is his desire to have power. By having power, he can gain freedom to do whatever he wants.



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