Fort Screven

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Fort Screven EXHIBIT 1 American FactFinder Page 1 of 1 Main I Search I Feedback I FAPs I Glo AII ages 18 years and over Subject Numbe Percent Numbe Percent I I ~~~ RACE Total population 1,821 100.0 1,382 100.0 One race 1,816 99.7 1,377 99.6 White 1,389 76.3 1,071 77.5 Black or African American 403 22.1 289 20.9 American Indian and Alaska Native 7 0.4 6 0.4 A_;_.. 1 "l 1 -0,011 I. ".ni . Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 2 01 1 01 Some other race 14 0.8 9 0.7 Two or more races 5 0.3 5 0.4 (X) Not applicable Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) Summary File, Matrices PLI. PL2. PL3. and PL4. lang=en vt name=DEC 2000-PL U QTPL geo_id=l6000L. 1/3/2003 - -~ - -_ - American FactFinder Page 1 of I American FiictFind _" Main I Search Feedback 1 FAQs I Glo I___- @& 7 Quick Tables LO hili FdL,. I .-A QT-PL. Race, Hispanic or Latinp, and Age: 2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) Summary File Geographic Area: Tybee Island city, Georgia NOTE: For information on confidentiality protection. nonsampling error, and definitions. see http Illactfinder census govlhomelenidatanoteslexppiu html. (X) Not applicable Source: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) Summary File, Matrices PL1, PL2, PL3. and PL4. geo 12/11/2002 ~ -PL-U-QTPL --id=l600' ~ American FactFinder Page I of 1 Main I Search 1 Feedback I FAQs 1 Glo Detailed Tables C P27 PLACE OF WORK FOR WORKERS 16 YEARS AND OVER--PLACE LEVEL [SI - Universe Workers 16 years and over Data Set Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) - Sample Data U.S. Census Bureau Census 2000 Standard ErrorNariance documentation for this dataset: AccJracj of the Dara Gens-s 2000 SLrnrnary F e 3 (SF 31 - Sarnpe Data (PDF 141 5KBj liLtp:// 1211 112002 United Stales Postal Service - Post Office Locator: Listing Detail Page 1 of2 UNlTED 5 TATES &2 POSTAL SERVICE Post Off ice locator porrered bySwitchboWdd' .. .. Tybee Island, 102 S Campbell Ave. Tybee Island. GA 31328 P'nr'Aorr's' Regular Business Hours: Monday 08:30AM-O4:30PM Tuesday 08:30AM-O4:30PM Wednesday 08:30AM-I2:30PM Thursday 08:30AM-O4:30PM Friday 08:30AM-O4:30PM Saturday 10:00AM-01:00PM Latest Collection at Post Office: Week Days 05:OOPM Saturday 03:OOPM Phone: 912-786-9632 For TTY service for the hearing impaired only, 1-877-877-7833. iittp:// 12/11/2002 United States Postal Service - Post Office Locator: Listing Detail Page 2 of 2 Mapclicking will:IZOOm In A Problems printing? Get a Printable Map. Plan Route to this listing from the following address Fill in some or all of the fields below. [Explain Addresses] Street Address (e g , 600 Mountain Ave, or Mountain Ave 8 South SI, 01 Mountain Ave) City' State ftybee island, GA .%code:~ (e.9 , Murray Hi//,NJ 07974, or Murray Hi//,NJ. or 0797. orjust NJ) Pimr Rourr > b You can find other addresses using: Business Yellow Pages Residential White Pages Type of BusinessView Lis1 First Name 7 Business Name LastName 1- city city Maps 8 mules by Maps On us for lhe United Slates Postal Service Map dab copyright Tele Atlas North America. Inc, 1984.2002. use subject to license agreement espariol - site map - contact us - FAQs - search - keywords Copyrighi 0 1999.2002 USPS All Rights Reserved Terms of Use Privacy Policy hrtp:// ... 12/1 112002 USPS City State / ZIP Code Associations Page 1 of 1 City State / ZIP Code Associations To find the ZIP Code for amailing address, check out OUT Z1P+4 Code Lookup. Quealions and Comment5 I Return to ZIP Code Lookup and Address Information - TYBEE ISLAND GA is ascocizted with Lhe For ttiose ZIP Codes, ZIP Code follo;4ing ZIP Codes: the ci.ty name is: Type 31328 ACCEPTABLE (DEFAULT) STANDARD ... ... .. .... .. .. ~ .-..- .. .. .. .. Version 5.0 Database 12/2002 Copwighr 0 1997.2002 United Stoles Postal Service. All rights reseived. Dewloped hy lhr USPS Nationril Cuslomei- Support Cenler 1211 1/2002 Tybcc Home Page Page 1 of 1 Historic Tybee Island by Katherine D. Ferreira I 1 Fort Screven The Tybee Island Resort Era * Tybee Island Image Catalog Sabnnnah Images Project Tbe images in this data site are the property of the Tybee Historical Society. Permission to reproduce these images for any purpose, including academic or commercial publication, must be obtained in advance and in writing from the Tybee Historical Society. Copyright infringements are not the responsibility of Armstrong Atlantic State University. http:/lwww.sip.armstrong.cdu/Tybec/Tybccindex.html 1/2/2003 Early History Page 1 of 1 Early History of Tybee Island 'I'lic origin of the niiinc "'I'yhcc", according to niost historians. tlcrivcs from the Native American t:uchcc Indian word for "salt", which \vis hut one of thc many natural resources found on 'lyhec. lany flags have flown over T!.bce. 'lhe first ofwhich was Spain's. In 1520, Lucas V:isqucz de Ayllon liiid claim lo T?;bce lslantl iis part ol'Spain's "1,s Florida" which cxtcndetl from the Ihhanias to Nwa Scotiii. In 1605, [lie French were drawn to 'Tybcc in search oiSassafras ronts, which at tlic timc were considered by lruropcans to hc B rniraclc cure. The Spanish would tight (he lrench in ii naval httlc just off the shore c~f''l~I~ccIsland to regain control over the area. Spain would he forced to give up their cliiiin lo 'lyhec and other extremities due to superior French iind Uritish settlcmcnts. In 1733. General .lames Oglcthorpe and ;I handful of settlers cainc to the arra. 'l'hc first scttlcincnts were cstahlishcd on 'l'yhee Island hy Oglethorpe to check out watcr passagcs from the cast. Tybcr Island was considered cxlrcmcly important to the development and future ot'Satannah and the colony because of'its location itt the mouth of the Savannah River.. Tybee settlers built a for1 at one of the scttlen~entsto insure control over access to the river, and Oglelhorpc ordcrttl ;I lighthoiiac constl-uctctl 10 mark the entrance to the rivcr in 1736. 'l'ybce wits one of ttic satrllitc scttlcmcnts estahlishcd by Oglethorpe. ~l'licscscttlcriicnts were :I "tlcfcnsc screcn" around Savannah. They stretched from positions up and down the Savannah Kivcr and the Ogccchcc Kivcr. 'I'ybcc 1sl:ind would play a significant role throughout (;corgis and U.S. histoiy, including the Itcvolutionar!. \war whcn Tybec sei~cd;is the st;iging area for French iidrniral O'Kstaing's ill- I'iitcd 177') "Siege ol' Savannah." During the War ~l'1812, the British used the Tyhce Island Lighthouse as a signal tower to warn Savsnnah of a possible ;ittack. 'l'hough no such attack took place, a "Rlartello 'lower" was constructed on 'l'yhcc to provide protection in guarding the Savannah River. 13)' tlic outbreak of the Civil War, 'I'ybcc would again play ;in impork;lnt military role in U.S. history. I:irst Confederates occupied tlic Island. In 1)eccoil)cr 1861, the Kehcl forces would withdixrr to Fort I'nlaski under orders from Itohcrt IC. 1.lnion forces under the Conimand of Qiiincy Mains Gillnore took control of' Tybce and hcgan constructing cannon haitcries on the westside of'ryhcc facing Fort I'ulaslii about onc mile ;way. On April I I, 1862, those cannon b:lttcries ~vonldfire a new wcapon ciillcd "rifled cannon" at Fort I'ulaski and change forever the way the world protected its coastal areas. 'I'VI3EE MAIN PAGE 1/2/2003 Tybee Island Light Station Page 1 of 2 Tybee Island Light Station I'he importance afa lighthouse on l'yhec Island was understood from the earliest days of cstilblishing the I%riti\hcolony of Georgia in 1733. I'ntler the direction of Noble .Jones of Wornisloc l'lantation, work hcgan on thc first lighthouse built on 'l'ybee Island. Completed in 1736 and riiatlc of wood, the first lighthouse stood ninety feet tiill and was reported to be the tallest building of its hind in America. l~nforlunately,lhc first 'l'yhce lighlliouse wa$ constructed too closc tn the shore and was thrcwtcnctl by beach crosion. Work began on a new lighthouse just before a Severe storin washed the first onc away in August of 1741. A new slnnc and wood tower was completed in March of 1742. h thirl>-fnot tlagpolc was ;idded to the ninety-foot tower making the signal one hundred and rwcnt! four feel tall. According To (;enera1 Oglcthorpc, the structure "was much the best building 01 its kind." l'hc sccond 'l'ybce lighthousc, like the first onc \\as constructed too closc to the Atlantic Ocean and wah threatened with destruction. In 1768, ii lhird lighthouse was built. A site further awqy from the nccau was sclccted and (he third 'I'ybcc 1,iglrtliouse built of hrick with interior wooden stairs and landings was conipleted in 1773 and stood one hundred feet tall. In 1790, the lrnited States 1,ighthousc Est;ihlishmcnt oprratcd the Tj bce Lighthouse.
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