1 KODIAK/ALEUTIANS FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE 2 REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING 3 4 PUBLIC MEETING 5 6 VOLUME I 7 8 Kodiak, Alaska 9 March 22, 2011 10 1:00 p.m. 11 12 13 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: 14 15 Speridon Simeonoff, Chairman 16 Alfred Cratty 17 Patrick Holmes 18 Alexander Panamaroff, Jr. 19 Samuel Rohrer 20 Richard Rowland 21 Della Trumble (Telephonic) 22 23 24 25 26 Regional Council Coordinator, Ann Wilkinson 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Recorded and transcribed by: 45 46 Computer Matrix Court Reporters, LLC 47 135 Christensen Drive, Suite 2 48 Anchorage, AK 99501 49 907-243-0668 50
[email protected] 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 (Kodiak, Alaska - 3/22/2010) 4 5 (On record) 6 7 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Good afternoon, 8 everyone. I'm Speridon Simeonoff, Chairman of the 9 Kodiak/Aleutians RAC. I'd like to call this meeting to 10 order. 11 12 And before we get really started, I'd 13 like to let everyone know that there's some information 14 on the back tables. And if there's anyone from the 15 public that would like to testify, there's some papers 16 back there that you can fill out and give to our 17 coordinator. 18 19 And may we have a roll call, please. 20 21 MS. WILKINSON: All right, Mr. 22 Chairman. Antone Shelikoff is absent. He is trying to 23 get here. I just spoke to him about a half an hour 24 ago, and he had to turn back.