2012 Contracts (PDF, 498.96
Contract Awarded Contract Expiration Contract Number Contract Title Vendor Name VendorABN Contract Amount Date Date CW22831 V Line - Miscellaneous Services Agreement V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD 29087425269 1/01/2012 31/12/2012 $ 422,290 AL5913 Labour Hire - Test Analyst HCI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PTY LTD 52108307955 5/01/2012 27/06/2016 $ 334,710 AL6212 General Solid Waste For Disposal Contract For Spent Railway Spoil COMPACTION & SOIL TESTING SERVICES PTY LTD 44106976738 6/01/2012 31/05/2013 $ 179,559 AL6696 Concrete Or Aggregates Or Stone Products Manufacturing Services BORAL RESOURCES (COUNTRY) PTY LTD 51000187002 9/01/2012 30/05/2013 $ 148,872 AL7090 Maintenance Works For Outdoor Advertising Billboards At Seven Locations SFS 22703705163 10/01/2012 21/05/2012 $ 217,100 AL7099 Oracle Software License Update And Support. ORACLE CORPORATION AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED 80003074468 10/01/2012 23/01/2012 $ 1,293,796 AL8049 Procurement Of Legal Services HENRY DAVIS YORK LAWYERS 94516079651 12/01/2012 16/01/2012 $ 282,939 CW21625 Supply And Implement Waratah Train Set Qa Db INTEGRUM MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS PTY LTD 73125273494 13/01/2012 30/06/2016 $ 542,551 CW34115 Supply Of On-Board Catering Services For Nsw Trains APEX PACIFIC SERVICES PTY. LTD. 16102856440 14/01/2012 15/07/2016 $ 25,682,400 CW34571 Nsw Trains - Country Regional Network (Crn) Access Agreement CRN COUNTRY REGIONAL NETWORK 61009252653 15/01/2012 14/01/2015 $ 3,700,000 BL0124 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Fees ADVISIAN PTY LTD 50098008818 16/01/2012 26/07/2012 $ 149,285 BL0358 Labour Hire - Project Manager PROVINCIAL PERSONNEL 11002921468 16/01/2012 19/09/2013 $ 237,827 BL1229 Asset Taggingaffix Railcorp Supplied Barcode Label ADNET TECHNOLOGY AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED 52071304213 18/01/2012 29/03/2012 $ 186,816 BL1343 Greta & Branxton Footbridge Balustrade Upgrade RKR ENGINEERING 74052053031 18/01/2012 5/07/2012 $ 198,000 BL1218 Planned Bus Services From Central To Wollongong/Dapto On 4 And 5 February 2012.
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