L ^ \ -S^Iy S P F< H Uisie^L Force Foi a F S Trik E for NAT( Ouncil Ok

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L ^ \ -S^Iy S P F< H Uisie^L Force Foi a F S Trik E for NAT( Ouncil Ok I W e a t h e r ♦ '■ ‘ i -fr F ini n s a l * P a r t l y Cloudydy y H E d d itii itio n ^ ----------^ -------------------- . _p.e__MT h « M »agic tit VaUw Newspan>.rHPT JMn ^ iicatgdi , - . u lo Servtngjntnd d E*romotingPromotii ^he Growth of>f Nine IrrigatedIrrii Idaho Conntieaiiea __________ :' __________________ ______________~ TWTWIN IN ]FALLS. IDAHO,^FRIDAY,' FRIDAY, MAY 24. 19^ q-EN CENTS l ^ o b e ^ f b S u g a r ^ i ? t , \ f S p H u i S I ea ^ F l S t r i k^ e i \ ^ - S ^ i y jf^ice feet g | | T ~ ” r F o r c e f o o i r N Al TTO ( II •ASHINGTON, May 24 t e F< i^JIpThe senate finance; agfe -----------------------^------------------»- JE oninto soaring 7 --------- -r —------ • n( i f M ^prices aa 800n as poa- • ^ o u n c i l OO k k ay ' ! ^-chairm 8n-Hatty_F. — I f c l ® S , P.. Va.. said today. : M ■ r — OlTAWo i T A i A.'kay 2-1 (UPI)—TheD—The NATONA council tyduy formally approveda] a new II nuclcar strike forcc wliich Secretary ofo Stntc pean Rii.sk said wouldwoul add "consid- |l f; e r a b le w h IIoi)" to alliiuicc firepower,firepower. The foreign and defense mi SJwTdted ''»ky-roeketlnB- H g ilofense ministers at the ^ same timetim charged Russia with keepin Q uiets In hit own aUt« of . 1 with keeping the pot boilitip overver Cuba, Laos1 nnd other I m g i l l ; aad urged th a t ft itu d x ^nJI|Uj|B|g East-WesEast-W est peril points. NATOVrO Secretary-GcncralSecreta Dirk U. Slikker warnedwa the Krem. II ' llnlin thatthnt NATO,i “now is in- ------------- volvedv o lv e d inii nny part of the 01*1 L ^ world”w o rld ” and is keeping a Plenty H watchfulw u tc h fiil eye on the Carib-: k v’ e r M Ut o ^ B e I ViSBlNaTON, U*7 U VU. beanb e a n and Far East, as well as Europe.E n ro ]j JSIJI l ^ t n baad «r la ■ifM- Rusk saidsa "manaRemeht" by*, B*7 u ilt a t B elleve l l e v u e J th e NATO commander of nticlear ■ R irr r i? tb« arrioBltan elements pulled] togcUicr from'■ ,..:n'B ELLEVi U E, May 24 — A silver concentratingcon mill h T iim tn l n U today. ... J ' existing fcforccs also would give" 'Vwill ^ be° constructed at Bellevue,10. officials of the Federal' \ ^ y«*iM i i ! r - ^ 1 — 2ii£iL.EmaW«it Enronr«m a rh a nrr tnn EcsOUrCCHRcaourccs corporation announcedneed FridayFridn in Salt Lake sliare }n ^ (y eoold develop woold aiiare Jn targeting nuclcar wea-- City.City FloydFloy B. Odium, chairmnan an of the bonrd, aaid the pons, againstagain communist missiles niiir?a py i !TfH M nHm en te H o u d i t aimedaim ed at westernv Europe. '® mill is expected to be in operationration late this year or in M RiukR usk a«„lbedde th. «tt.i,ge- “"'ly,early 1964. Several thousandid tons of silver-lead-zinc < I ment lo14 putp British, nuclear V- ore alreadyalread; have been mined and stockpiledstockpi by the firm I t Did« ot w hether BpecuUt<)r« bombers w d U. S.- Polaris ^ub-i for oneratoperation nf the mill. Thp..cnmpanj in tirliK to’ "rig" Ute m arket.et. — iiiiuhics ill the Medllirrane'tm ------------------ W ie ld wyou ayra tiiat ni —■ ■ under NATO management's "an" : • operationsoperations at tho famed | o^Usds Uiere are "curplusesea ^ H | important stop.” both mUltarlly | - I a o i « Silver Star-Queens here in 1 iM V on hand a n d tb a t m osts t and psychologically. >■ XiCJCal.Hearings on Selate IA6I. "W ith the prea- I tbe countries a re XultUllngIg BBe e said partlclpaUon by Euro- snt strong price for silver, : I ^ Quou, agrementfl.” pean officersofflct In strategy work at ^ a t a T' of which management predicted I jdudeld said > number o( . NATO headquartershci as well asii NewJ-'C W Wlieat when It entered Into this ven- I Mtioa businessmen, parttc* U. 8. Strategicstt air command'd •*i •»•-j-vi 1 ture,ture, we feel:feel fortunate that'Fed- I vV to the sott drink bottUngIg MILITIAMANMILT] OP BAlTrS bDletetor-Prcsid le teto r.p rcsld en t FrancoU D nva-• X>iiTallerXtaTaiier titnangniated hlfflaelf loto a secondaecond presldenUalpr term amidd headquartersheadquarw hi Omaha would 1- aonstratlon In Davaller'a honor onI IndicationsiDdlcatlona the eoootry la ntirneir bankruptoy.bankrupto Hla aetions have coiutltute eral is now able to take lt« place tU. b*d voiced concern to himm Her rod<rode » ateer during » demonstration In e constitute a "major sharing otft Act rlanned aa a sliver producer.- aald NeU se palaee grounds at Fort au PrinceTtoce Taeaday.Tuesday.. The foUcwing dayr preciplUUipreciplUted a crisis la the CaribbeanCaribbean area. (AP wirephoto) nuclear rc goat U» iky-rodcetlnK Increase palaee i _ nuclear responsibilities with the WASHINGTON,WA8HIN< May 34 OTO— W. SUlhelm,Stalhelm , president. , , lb* w t of sugar." -------------------------------------------------------- allies." • Chairman Harold R. Cooley, D.. "FederalT e d e r a l alBoal haa obtained op- ’ Bl itld sugar In Missoula, BU^er charged Russia wiUi NN^c™o*f° .C .. of UietJ house agriculture tlaUois is on oUieoUier mining properUes I lat, tM IM-M p e r 100 pounds j o L [ Body Found Isasabouglng otaglng disarmament Ulks lommltt«committee said todoy hearings laIn theUio area. 1Design of th e bill Is , 1 1 lb ; 21 compared wlUi t9.4S O i l Board of EduE d u c a t i o n as Uie council caUed for a changese on Uieth. poUtlcally-potent quesUon progittsing nrapidly," Odium aald. ' , ttu um e da(« la st year. S I Short2 S Circuit B 02 KBTCHDM. May 34-A ■ ^ on Russia's atU tude toward of proposedDroDweJ new wheat legUla. "and land hahas been obtained ad- I { » "short circuited” carrier To End Hunt crlUcal Issue. •^ tlon 3would d be scheduled soon. JacentJacent to th«Ui« mining properUea , pigeon dropped to on Mr. W l P I Tho.T he. councilCO said conUnuedod Cooleycoolev saidn Rep. Graham Pur. Uas a nililmill tiUsite. ';tie miu Is being ' S e n a t e M eeting Hgeld d d H e r e _ t_ prcsence_of_8pvlet.troop# ln Cuba cell—D—^ deslgned-to-bandle tip to 3M----------- OK’s “rand Mrs. J. N. Hurley cell.—D q -T e * r- « h a in n a n - t) t- * d sa lg n ed -to - — ? -aurtng-Rn-»lectrtcal-8torm-' ' t’7' " For Idahoan " was a “cauae for concern" and «hrat mibc U)ns o t ore per day; b u t iniUally — I —TburBd»5^-*«n4 a g, «nd —■Jfie J-Tie TntIdaho atftt.fi hnard-ol^ducation)t£ducatIoiijnBt_iiLl!ffibJilla i l l s ’ ----------------- expressed expressed "dlsoulet over recent ^ —HARSINOrHa-y“ 2«'W —The evenU in ; R^eaRw— from all Indications seems Friday m 8. several school problems, a ^ nie events m Laos.’’ It said the'coni-"■ after-ft-, Purcell'spu.ce return from Texas TheThe companycompa offldato sald'Uie Friday morning to diacuss several Bcl “It month-long search for a 19- munlst pe 19- munUt peril to Berlin and Oer- next week.week miningmining andand mUllng operaUona to have settled down there. provenrovp appointmentsanr and givegive an awaaward to a state offi-m - year-old Gaywayc JuncUon, Ida., many rom The Hurleys, who live' a {f da., many remained as great as ever. wm augment F ed^'a current ard yoMth-came to.Bn-end'yeaterday —The-for ._Cooley.-addcd...howeTcr._Uiat iilver-A cts -----------------jmire- s o u th ^ r 'h w r o n T J B :' ^ial^-Ezra-HawkearPocfttello,-f ia J r ;l^ r a ello,- chairmichairm an,-said-the-board yo\ith-cam iay —The-iotelgii -and defensr mln- w .itwCV major Income'.'froin urthlum flg wben his body was found In mg-ug- bters of thei 16 member nations he sUU thinks there Is virtually niajar Incot WASHINQipN'. M ay 2i \Fh- i confirmed the appointmentent of Dr. Charles Kegel aa P no chance Uiat oongreaa wUt i^ a ln g and“ <». mUlln«. I n addlUon r _ J ged country near Succor creekeek formaUyformally ratified the BrlUsh- "? “ ®"®* to handling ore from Iti own ' be teos(e passed and sent to g SUde< new dean at Idaho State collegelollege and ppresented an award“ “ In^ western , “ t!enii Owyhee county. American plan for puUlng togeth- pass new wheat kglslatloa Uito handling ddent Kennedy a bill to re- to George Denman, Boise,e, state diredirector of vocationalnai Owyheeowyhee county Sheriff ‘ Al er target year, . properties,properties, Uiett mill Is expected to highw ay 93. said th e bird c o n firm e e Al er targeting arrangements for ' — custom-processcustom.proce ore from nearby ilUuslher purchase acts. Tbe education, for his outstandinginding work and contributionion Barberis esaid Ute body of Del-)el- existing nucleari -forces In the TI tewu 68-10. gilded In to a landing on new dean properties where operaUons have Mrs. Hurley’s sboutdar.and to*- educationneortri as state direc*.5: -------------------------------------------------— foford rd Bha;Sharp waa found earlyirly European area. These Include IBO f T, G . not been economically feasible n a measure also viU auttiorlze ^ ° Thursday by Antonio BUboa, an British nuclearti bombers, three ^ itrttsuxy to retire lt« preaenthe ,wouldn't ^ lea^e.
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