Conception et réalisation :Département de la Seine-Maritime /Direction de la Communication et de l'Information
[email protected] ou 02 35 15 69 11 du lundi au vendredi. au lundi du 11 69 15 35 02 ou
[email protected] Informations — Informations Rouen : N : Rouen . inv. 391 (A) 391 inv. o Museum of Antiquities, Antiquities, of Museum allowing the spectacle to last longer. last to spectacle the allowing Some breaks could happen during the fights fights the during happen could breaks Some (1841). 2 (1841). C. AD. C. 3 to rd nd , found in Lillebonne Lillebonne in found , missio possibility to ask to be spared. be to ask to possibility gladiator begging for his his for begging gladiator Statuette of a Thracian Thracian a of Statuette for his missio, which means that he had the the had he that means which missio, his for the fight was called ad digitum -, and beg beg and -, digitum ad called was fight the raise his hand or a finger - the duration of of duration the - finger a or hand his raise The gladiator who was losing the fight could could fight the losing was who gladiator The exhaustion, wound or death. or wound exhaustion, (arbitrator), and ended with one of the fighters’ fighters’ the of one with ended and (arbitrator), the by equipment the of verification the rudis — guide Visitor’s ■ E NN OF LILLEBO OF and an with started always fights These ave “fighters with a sword”). a with “fighters (lat. fights gladiatores some gladiator gladiator some munera : the afternoon, the In mimicked some executions.