
Vignette: Grammar of graphics of genealogy (ggenealogy)

Lindsay Rutter, Susan Vanderplas, Di Cook ggenealogy version 1.0.1 , 2020-03-04


Citation 2

Summary 2

Introduction 2 Installation...... 2 Preprocessing pipeline...... 3

General (non-plotting) methods of genealogical data4 Functions for individual vertices...... 5 Functions for pairs of vertices...... 12 Functions for the full genealogical structure...... 12

Plotting methods of genealogical data 14 Plotting the ancestors and descendants of a vertex...... 14 Plotting the shortest path between two vertices...... 16 Plotting shortest paths superimposed on full genealogical structure...... 19 Plotting pairwise distance matrices between a set of vertices...... 24

Interactive plotting methods of genealogical data 27

Branch parsing and calculations 34 Quantitative variable parsing and calculations...... 34 Qualitative variable parsing and calculations...... 35

Conclusions 37

1This LATEX vignette document is created using the R function Sweave on the R package ggenealogy. It is automati- cally downloaded with the package and can be accessed with the R command vignette("ggenealogy").

1 Citation

To cite the ggenealogy package, please use:

Rutter L, VanderPlas S, Cook D, Graham MA (2019). ggenealogy: An R Package for Visualizing Genealogical Data. Journal of Statistical Software, 89(13), 1-31. doi: 10.18637/jss.v089.i13



The ggenealogy package provides tools to examine genealogical data, generating basic on their graphical structures using parent and child connections, and displaying the results. The geneal- ogy can be drawn in relation to additional variables, such as development year, and the shortest path distances between genetic lines can be determined and displayed. Production of pairwise distance matrices and phylogenetic diagrams constrained by generation count are also available in the visual- ization toolkit. This vignette is intended to walk readers through the different methods available in the ggenealogy package.

Caution igraph must be used with version >= 0.7.1



R is an open source software project for statistical computing, and can be freely downloaded from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) website. The link to contributed documentation on the CRAN website offers practical resources for an introduction to R , in several languages. After downloading and installing R , the installation of additional packages is straightforward. To install the ggenealogy package from R , use the command:

> install.packages("ggenealogy")

The ggenealogy package should now be successfully installed. Next, to render it accessible to the current R session, simply type:

> library(ggenealogy)

To access help pages with example syntax and documentation for the available functions of the gge- nealogy package, please type:

2 > help(package="ggenealogy")

To access more detailed information about a specific function in the ggenealogy package, use the following help command on that function, such as:

> help(getChild)

The above command will return the help file for the getChild function. The help file often includes freestanding example syntax to illustrate how function commands are executed. In the case of the getChild function, the example syntax is the following three lines, which can be pasted directly into an R session.

> data(sbGeneal) > getChild("Tokyo", sbGeneal) > getChild("Essex", sbGeneal)

Preprocessing pipeline

In the ggenealogy package, there is an example dataset containing genealogical information on soybean varieties called sbGeneal.rda. It may be helpful to load that example file so that you can follow along with the commands and options introduced in this vignette. To ensure that you have uploaded the correct, raw sbGeneal.rda file, you can observe the first six lines of the file, and determine its dimension and structure:

> data(sbGeneal) > head(sbGeneal)

child devYear yield yearImputed parent 1 5601T 1981 NA TRUE Hutcheson 2 Adams 1948 2734 FALSE Dunfield 3 A.K. 1910 NA TRUE 4 A.K. (Harrow) 1912 2665 FALSE A.K. 5 Altona 1968 NA FALSE Flambeau 6 Amcor 1979 2981 FALSE Amsoy 71

> dim(sbGeneal)

[1] 390 5

> str(sbGeneal)

'data.frame': 390 obs. of 5 variables: $ child : chr "5601T" "Adams" "A.K." "A.K. (Harrow)" ...

3 $ devYear : num 1981 1948 1910 1912 1968 ... $ yield : int NA 2734 NA 2665 NA 2981 2887 2817 NA NA ... $ yearImputed: logi TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE ... $ parent : chr "Hutcheson" "Dunfield" NA "A.K." ...

We see that the sbGeneal data file is a data frame structure with 390 rows (observations) and 5 columns (variables). Each row contains a child node character label and parent node character label. Each row also contains a numeric value corresponding to the date (year) the child node was introduced, an integer value of the protein yield of the child node, and a logical value date.imputed, which indicates whether or not the year of introduction of the child node was imputed.

Now that the sbGeneal file has been loaded as a data frame, it must next be converted into a graph object using the dfToIG() function. The dfToIG() function requires a data frame as input, and that data frame should be structured such that each row represents an edge with a child and parent relationship. For more information, try using the help command on the function:

> help(dfToIG)

We see that the function takes optional parameter arguments, such as vertexinfo (a list of columns of the data frame which provide information for the starting “child” vertex, or a separate data frame containing information for each vertex with the first column as the vertex name), edgeweights (a column that contains edge values, with a default value of unity), and isDirected (a boolean value that describes whether the graph is directed (true) or undirected (false); the default is false).

In this example, we want to produce an undirected graph object that contains all edge weight values of one, because our goal is to set an edge value of unity for every pair of vertices (individuals) that are related as parent and child. The dfToIG() function uses the software igraph to convert the data frame into a graph object. For clarity, we will assign the outputted graph object the name ig (for igraph object), and then examine its class type:

> ig <- dfToIG(sbGeneal) > class(ig)

[1] "igraph"

Above, we confirmed that the ig object is of class type igraph. The ig object is required as input in many ggenealogy functions, which will be demonstrated below.

General (non-plotting) methods of genealogical data

The ggenealogy package offers several functions that result in useful information beside plots. Below is a brief introduction to some of the available non-plotting functions.

4 Functions for individual vertices

The ggenealogy package offers several functions that you can use to obtain information for individual vertices. First, the function isParent() can return a logical variable to indicate whether or not the second variety is a parent of the first variety.

> isParent("Young","Essex",sbGeneal)

[1] TRUE

> isParent("Essex","Young",sbGeneal)


We see that “Essex” is a parent of “Young”, and not vice-versa. Similarly, the function isChild() can return a logical variable to indicate whether or not the first variety is a child of the second variety.

> isChild("Young","Essex",sbGeneal)

[1] TRUE

> isChild("Essex","Young",sbGeneal)


We see that, as expected, “Young” is a child of “Essex”, and not vice-versa. It is also possible to derive the year of a given variety using the getVariable() function:

> getVariable("Young", sbGeneal, "devYear")

[1] 1968

> getVariable("Essex", sbGeneal, "devYear")

[1] 1962

Fortunately, the returned year values are consistent, as the “Young” variety (1968) is a child to the “Essex”variety (1962) by an age difference of 6 years. In some cases, you may wish to obtain a complete list of all the parents of a given variety. This can be achieved using the getParent() function:

> getParent("Young",sbGeneal)

5 [1] "Davis" "Essex"

> getParent("Tokyo",sbGeneal) character(0)

> getVariable("Tokyo", sbGeneal,"devYear")

[1] 1907

We learn from this that “Essex” is not the only parent of “Young”; “Young” also has a parent “Davis”. We also see that “Tokyo” does not have any documented parents in this dataset, and has an older year of introduction (1907) than other varieties we have examined thus far. Likewise, in other cases, you may wish to obtain a complete list of all the children of a given variety. This can be achieved using the getChild() function:

> getChild("Tokyo",sbGeneal)

[1] "Ogden" "Volstate"

> getChild("Ogden",sbGeneal)

[1] "C1069" "C1079" "D51-2427" "D55-4090" [5] "D55-4159" "D55-4168" "Kent" "N44-92" [9] "N45-745" "N48-1101" "Ogden x CNS" "Ralsoy x Ogden"

We find that even though the “Tokyo” variety is a grandparent of the dataset, it only has two children, “Ogden” and “Volstate”. However, one of its children, “Ogden”, produced 12 children.

If we want to obtain a list that contains more than just one generation past or previous to a given variety, then we can use the getAncestors() and getDescendants() functions, where we specify the number of generations we wish to view. This will return a data frame to us with the labels of each ancestor or descendant, along with the number of generations each one is from the given variety.

If we only look at one generation of ancestors of the“Young”variety, we should see the same information we did earlier when we used the getParent() function of the Young variety:

> getAncestors("Young",sbGeneal,1)

label gen 2 Davis 1 1 Essex 1

6 Indeed, we consistently see that the“Young”variety has only 2 ancestors within one generation, “Davis” and “Essex”. However, if we view the first five generations of ancestors of the “Young” variety, we can view four more generations of ancestors past simply the parents:

> getAncestors("Young",sbGeneal,5)

label gen 27 Davis 1 26 Essex 1 25 Ralsoy x Ogden 2 24 Roanoke x (Ogden x CNS) 2 23 Lee 2 22 S55-7075 2 21 Ogden 3 20 Ralsoy 3 19 Ogden x CNS 3 17 CNS 3 18 Roanoke 3 16 S 100 3 15 N48-1248 3 14 Perry 3 10 Ogden 4 13 PI 54610 4 12 Tokyo 4 11 CNS 4 9 Clemson 4 6 Roanoke 4 8 Illini 4 7 N45-745 x (Ogden x CNS) 4 4 PI 54610 5 3 Tokyo 5 1 Ogden x CNS 5 5 Clemson 5 2 A.K. 5

> nrow(getAncestors("Young",sbGeneal,5))

[1] 27

In the second line of code above, we determined the dimensions of the returned data frame, and see that there are 27 ancestors within the first five ancestral generations of the “Young” variety.

Similarly, if we only look at the first generation of descendants of the “Ogden” variety, we should see the same information as we did earlier when we used the getChild() function on the “Ogden” variety:

> getDescendants("Ogden",sbGeneal,1)

7 label gen 12 C1069 1 11 C1079 1 10 D51-2427 1 9 D55-4090 1 8 D55-4159 1 7 D55-4168 1 6 Kent 1 5 N44-92 1 4 N45-745 1 3 N48-1101 1 2 Ogden x CNS 1 1 Ralsoy x Ogden 1

Indeed, we see again that “Ogden” has 12 children. Additionally, if we want to view not only the children, but also the grandchildren, of the “Ogden” variety, then we can use this function, only now specifying two generations of descendants:

> getDescendants("Ogden",sbGeneal,2)

label gen 28 C1069 1 27 C1079 1 26 D51-2427 1 25 D55-4090 1 24 D55-4159 1 23 D55-4168 1 22 Kent 1 21 N44-92 1 20 N45-745 1 19 N48-1101 1 18 Ogden x CNS 1 17 Ralsoy x Ogden 1 16 Columbus 2 15 Cutler 2 14 C1266R 2 13 Semmes 2 11 D60-7965 2 12 D60-7965 2 10 D59-9289 2 9 Beeson 2 8 Calland 2 7 Hood 2 6 N48-1867 2 5 D52-810 2 4 N45-745 x (Ogden x CNS) 2 3 R54-168 2 2 Roanoke x (Ogden x CNS) 2 1 Davis 2

8 We see that variety “Ogden” has 16 grandchildren from its 12 children.

For users who wish to apply obtain the ancestors or descendants across generations for not just one, but for a list, of individuals, please note that getAncestors() and getDescendants() can be run with a list of individuals as input. For example, here we can obtain ancestors for the past five generations for the last four members in the sbGeneal object (“Williams 82”, “York”, “Young”, and “Zane”):

> nr = nrow(sbGeneal) > listInd = sbGeneal[(nr-3):nr,]$child > listAnc = sapply(listInd, function(x) getAncestors(x, sbGeneal, 5)) > listAnc

Williams 82 York Young Zane label factor,21 factor,11 factor,27 factor,55 gen Numeric,21 Numeric,11 Numeric,27 Numeric,55

Note that we verify our earlier finding that “Young” has 27 ancestors across five generations. To view the entire structure of ancestors across five generations for these four members, we can include a simplify = F option:

> listAnc = sapply(listInd, function(x) getAncestors(x, sbGeneal, 5), simplify=F) > listAnc

$`Williams 82` label gen 21 Kingwa 1 20 Williams 1 19 L57-0034 2 18 Wayne 2 17 Adams 3 15 Clark 3 16 Clark 3 14 L49-4091 3 13 Dunfield 4 12 Illini 4 9 Lincoln 4 11 Lincoln 4 8 Richland 4 10 Richland 4 7 Lincoln x CNS 4 6 Lincoln x Richland 4 5 A.K. 5 2 Lincoln 5 3 Lincoln 5 1 Richland 5 4 CNS 5


9 label gen 11 Dorman 1 10 Hood 1 9 Arksoy 2 8 Dunfield 2 7 N45-745 2 6 Roanoke 2 5 CNS 3 4 Ogden 3 3 Clemson 4 2 PI 54610 4 1 Tokyo 4

$Young label gen 27 Davis 1 26 Essex 1 25 Ralsoy x Ogden 2 24 Roanoke x (Ogden x CNS) 2 23 Lee 2 22 S55-7075 2 21 Ogden 3 20 Ralsoy 3 19 Ogden x CNS 3 17 CNS 3 18 Roanoke 3 16 S 100 3 15 N48-1248 3 14 Perry 3 10 Ogden 4 13 PI 54610 4 12 Tokyo 4 11 CNS 4 9 Clemson 4 6 Roanoke 4 8 Illini 4 7 N45-745 x (Ogden x CNS) 4 4 PI 54610 5 3 Tokyo 5 1 Ogden x CNS 5 5 Clemson 5 2 A.K. 5

$Zane label gen 55 Cumberland 1 54 Pella 1 53 Corsoy 2 52 Williams 2 51 Calland 2 50 L66L-137 2

10 49 Capital 3 48 Harosoy 3 43 L57-0034 3 47 L57-0034 3 42 Wayne 3 46 Wayne 3 45 C1253 3 44 Kent 3 39 A.K. (Harrow) 4 41 A.K. (Harrow) 4 40 No. 171 4 32 Harosoy 4 38 Mandarin (Ottowa) 4 29 Adams 4 37 Adams 4 27 Clark 4 28 Clark 4 35 Clark 4 36 Clark 4 31 Lincoln 4 26 L49-4091 4 34 L49-4091 4 33 Blackhawk 4 30 Ogden 4 12 A.K. (Harrow) 5 24 A.K. 5 25 A.K. 5 11 Mandarin (Ottowa) 5 23 Mandarin 5 8 Dunfield 5 22 Dunfield 5 7 Illini 5 21 Illini 5 4 Lincoln 5 6 Lincoln 5 18 Lincoln 5 20 Lincoln 5 3 Richland 5 5 Richland 5 13 Richland 5 17 Richland 5 19 Richland 5 2 Lincoln x CNS 5 16 Lincoln x CNS 5 1 Lincoln x Richland 5 15 Lincoln x Richland 5 14 Mukden 5 10 PI 54610 5 9 Tokyo 5

11 Functions for pairs of vertices

Say you have a pair of vertices, and you wish to determine the degree of the shortest path between them, where edges represent parent-child relationships. You can accomplish that with the getDegree() function.

> getDegree("Tokyo", "Ogden", ig, sbGeneal)

[1] 1

> getDegree("Tokyo", "Holladay", ig, sbGeneal)

[1] 7

As expected, the shortest path between the “Tokyo” and “Ogden” varieties has a value of 1, as we already determined that they have a direct parent-child relationship. However, the shortest path between “Tokyo” and one of its descendants, “Holladay”, has a much higher degree of 7.

Note that degree calculations in this case are not limited to one linear string of parent-child relation- ships; cousins and siblings and products thereof will also have computable degrees via nonlinear strings of parent-child relationships.

Functions for the full genealogical structure

There are many parameters about the full genealogical structure that you may wish to know that can- not easily be obtained through images and tables. The function getBasicStatistics() will return graph theoretical measurements of the full genealogy. For instance, is the full genealogy connected? If not, how many separated components does it contain? In addition to these parameters, the get- BasicStatistics() function will also return the number of nodes, the number of edges, the average path length, the graph diameter, among others:

> getBasicStatistics(ig)

$isConnected [1] FALSE

$numComponents [1] 11

$avePathLength [1] 5.333746

$graphDiameter [1] 13

12 $numNodes [1] 230

$numEdges [1] 340

$logN [1] 5.438079

In this case, we learn that our full genealogical structure is not all connected by parent-child edges. Instead, it is composed of 11 separate components. The average path length of the full genealogy is 5.333746, that the graph diameter is 13, and that the logN value is 5.438079. We also see that the number of nodes in the full genealogy is 230, and the number of edges in the full genealogy is 340.

But can we view a list of these nodes and edges? To do so, we can call the getNodes() and getEdges() commands to obtain lists of all the unique nodes and edges in the full genealogical structure. Here, we obtain a list of the 340 edges (with each row containing the names of the two connected vertices, and an edge weight, if existent). We will simply view the first six rows of the object, and determine the number of edges by counting the number of rows (340):

> eList = getEdges(ig, sbGeneal) > head(eList)

child parent [1,] "5601T" "Hutcheson" [2,] "Adams" "Dunfield" [3,] "A.K. (Harrow)" "A.K." [4,] "Altona" "Flambeau" [5,] "Amcor" "Amsoy 71" [6,] "Amsoy" "Adams"

> nrow(eList)

[1] 340

We then obtain a list of the 230 nodes. Again, we only view the first six rows of the object, and determine the number of nodes by counting the number of indices (230).

> nList = getNodes(sbGeneal) > head(nList)

[1] "5601T" "Adams" "A.K." "A.K. (Harrow)" [5] "Altona" "Amcor"

> length(nList)

[1] 230

13 Plotting methods of genealogical data

Until this point, the vignette has introduced functions that return lists, data frames, and statistics about the genealogical dataset. However, the ggenealogy package also contains visualization tools for genealogical datasets. Access to various types of visual plots and diagrams of the lineage can allow genealogical researchers to more efficiently and accurately explore an otherwise complicated data structure. Below, we introduce functions in ggenealogy that produce visual outputs of the dataset.

Plotting the ancestors and descendants of a vertex

One visualization tool, plotAncDes(), allows the user to view the ancestors and descendants of a given variety. The inputted variety is highlighted in the center of the plot, ancestors are displayed to the left of the center, and descendants are displayed to the right of the center. The further left or right from the center, the larger the number of generations that particular ancestor/descendant is from the inputted and centered variety.

As such, this plotting command does not provide visual information about specific years associated with each related variety (as is done in some of the visualization tools introduced later), but it does group all varieties from each generation group onto the same position of the horizontal axis. Here, we specify that we want to plot 5 ancestor generations and 4 descendant generations of the variety “Lee”:

> plotAncDes("Lee", sbGeneal,5,4)

We immediately see in Figure1 that this visual representation of the ancestors and descendants of a given variety can often provide enhanced readability compared to the list output provided in the previous functions, getAncestors() and getDescendants(). We notice that even though we specified for 5 generations of ancestors, the extent of documented ancestors of “Lee” includes only 3 generations.

We also see now that some node labels are repeated. For instance, the “5601T” variety appears twice, once as a great-grandchild (third generation descendant) of “Lee”, and once as a great-great-grandchild (fourth generation descendant) of “Lee”. This is because there are two separate parent-child pathways between “Lee” and “5601T”, one pathway with only two nodes (“Essex” and “Hutchson”) between them, and one pathway with three nodes (“Essex”, “T80-69”, and “TN89-39”) between them.

Why does this happen? In this visual tool, we are constraining the horizontal axis to generation count. Without allowing nodes to repeat, this data information cannot be clearly and succinctly presented. Most graph visualization software that genealogists might use to view their datasets do not allow for repeated nodes, as per the definition of a graph. Hence, the plotAncDes() function is one of the more unique visual tools of the ggenealogy package.

It should be noted that the plotAncDes() function, by default, highlights the centered variety label in pink. However, the user can alter this color, as we will show next. Furthermore, the user can specify additional grammar of graphics plotting tools (from the ggplot2 package) to tailor the output of the plotAncDes() function, which we also show below.

For example, we will now change the color of the center variety label vColor to be highlighted in blue. Also, we will add a horizontal axis label called “Generation index”, using the ggplot2 syntax. Note that this time we do not specify the generational count for ancestors and descendants, and so

14 A.K. Illini S 100 S62−6−16−12 R66−1517 Lee 74 TN81−2 TN89−39 Gordon D70−3115 Bradley Pickett 71 Leflore Centennial Hagood Dillon N72−3213 N77−179 Holladay J74−39 D68−18 Lee Lee x Peking Dyer Bedford D68−127 TN5−85 Mack Narow Lee 68 Lee 74 TN81−2 TN89−39 Hagood Dillon Young Cook Brim TN5−85 Essex T80−69 TN89−39 5601T Pershing Hutcheson 5601T Essex x L69−4143 Pioneer 9381 IA 3023 Sprite Pioneer 9381 N73−1102 Brim D56−1185 Ransom N72−3213 N77−179 Gnome Clemson CNS Elf

Figure 1: Ancestors and descendants of the “Lee” variety, constrained on the horizontal axis by gener- ational separation from “Lee”.

15 the default value of three generations is applied to both cases. Remember, to determine such default values, as well as all function parameters, simply run the help command on the function of interest.

> plotAncDes("Tokyo", sbGeneal, vColor = "blue") + ggplot2::labs( + x="Generation index",y="")

We verify immediately from Figure2 that the “Tokyo” variety does not have any ancestors in this dataset, an observation consistent with what we discovered earlier. We also see the “Tokyo” variety only has two children, but has many more grandchildren, and great-grand children.

Plotting the shortest path between two vertices

As this data set deals with soybean lineages, it may be useful for agronomists to track how two varieties are related to each other via parent-child relationships. Then, any dramatic changes in protein yield, SNP varieties, and other measures of interest between the two varieties can be tracked across their genetic timeline, and pinpointed to certain paths within their historical lineage.

The ggenealogy software allows users to select two varieties of interest, and determine the shortest pathway of parent-child relationships between them, using the getPath() function. This will return a list path object that contains the variety names and their years in the path. The returned path object can then be plotted using the plotPath() function, which we now demonstrate.

The getPath() function determines the shortest path between the two inputted vertices, and takes into account whether or not the graph is directed with the parameter isDirected, which defaults to false. The getPath() function will check both directions and return the path if it exists:

> getPath("Brim", "Bedford", sbIG, sbGeneal, "devYear", isDirected = FALSE)

$pathVertices [1] "Brim" "Young" "Essex" "T80-69" "J74-40" "Forrest" "Bedford"

$variableVertices [1] "1977" "1968" "1962" "1975" "1975" "1973" "1978"

We see that there is a path between “Brim” and “Bedford” varieties, with 5 varieties separating them. We are not considering direction, however, because the ig object is undirected. However, to demon- strate the importance of direction, we will recompute the path where the direction matters. We first produce a directed igraph object dirIG, and then try to determine the path between the same two vertices, “Brim” and “Bedford”.

> dirIG = dfToIG(sbGeneal, isDirected = TRUE) > getPath("Brim", "Bedford", dirIG, sbGeneal, "devYear", isDirected = TRUE)

Now that we are considering the direction, we are only considering paths where each edge represents a parent-child relationship in the same direction as the one before it. We now would receive an error warning that we cannot compute a directed path on an undirected graph. We next try to reverse the input order of the vertices, as shown below, but we will receive the same error message:

16 R66−873 F59−1505 D58−3358 Volstate Jackson D49−2491 x Jackson


Ralsoy x Ogden Davis

Tokyo Roanoke x (Ogden x CNS) R54−168 Ogden x CNS

N45−745 x (Ogden x CNS)

N48−1101 D52−810 N48−1867 N45−745 Hood N44−92 Ogden Calland Kent Beeson D55−4168 D59−9289 D55−4159 D60−7965 D55−4090 D60−7965 D51−2427 Semmes C1079 C1266R Cutler C1069 Columbus

Generation index

Figure 2: Ancestors and descendants of the “Tokyo” variety, constrained on the horizontal axis by generational separation from “Tokyo”.

17 > getPath("Bedford", "Brim", dirIG, sbGeneal, "devYear", isDirected=TRUE)

We can derive from the errors returned in the last two commands that the varieties “Brim” and “Bedford” are not connected by a linear sequence of parent-child relationships. Rather, the path between them branches at some point, involving siblings and/or cousins.

Hence, unless you are working with a dataset that must be analyzed as a directed graph, it is best to use the getPath() function with the default third parameter indicating lack of direction, and to use an igraph object without direction, such as our original ig object. We do just that, and save the path between these two varieties to a variable called path:

> pathBB = getPath("Bedford","Brim", ig, sbGeneal, "devYear", isDirected=FALSE)

Now that we have a non-empty pathBB object that consists of two lists (for variety names and years), we can plot the relationship between the two using the plotPath() function.

> plotPath(pathBB, sbGeneal, "devYear")

Notice that the horizontal label by default uses the general label of the input column name (in this case “devYear”). We can tailor this plot by appending basic ggplot syntax. For instance, if we wish to change the horizontal label to the more specific value of “Year”, then we can do as follows:

> plotPath(pathBB, sbGeneal, "devYear") + ggplot2::xlab("Year")

This produces a neat visual (see Figure4) that informs us of all the varieties involved in the shortest path between “Brim” and “Bedford”. In this plot, the years of all varieties involved in the path are indicated on the horizontal axis, while the vertical axis has no meaning other than to simply to display the labels evenly spaced vertically.

Although a call to the ggenealogy function getVariable() indicates that “Bedford” was developed in 1978 and “Brim” in 1977, we quickly determine from the plot that “Brim” is not a parent, grandparent, nor any great-grandparent of“Bedford”. Instead, we see that these two varieties are not related through a unidirectional parent-child lineage, but have a cousin-like relationship. The oldest common ancestor between “Bedford” and “Brim” is the variety “Essex”, which was developed in 1962.

However, there are other cases of pairs of varieties that are connected by a linear, unidirectional combination of parent-child relationships, as we see below:

> pathNT = getPath("Narow", "Tokyo", ig, sbGeneal, "devYear", isDirected=FALSE) > plotPath(pathNT, sbGeneal, "devYear")

From the output, shown in Figure5, we see that the variety “Tokyo” is an ancestor of “Narow” via four linear parent-child relationships.

18 Plotting shortest paths superimposed on full genealogical structure

Now that we can create and plot path objects, we may wish to know how those paths are positioned in comparison to the genealogical lineage of the entire data structure. For instance, of the documented soybean cultivar lineage varieties, where does the shortest path between two varieties of interest exist? Are these two varieties comparatively older compared to the overall data structure? Are they newer? Or, do they span the entire structure, and represent two extreme ends of documented time points?

There is a function available in the ggenealogy package, plotPathOnAll(), that allows users to quickly visualize their path of interest superimposed over all varieties and edges present in the whole data structure. Here we will produce a plot of the previously-determined shortest path between varieties “Tokyo” and “Narow” across the entire dataset (in this particular dataset, some edges are not plotted, as they contain NA values):








1965 1970 1975 devYear

Figure 3: The shortest path between varieties “Brim” and “Bedford” is not strictly composed of unidi- rectional parent-child relationships, but instead, includes cousin-like relationships.

19 > plotPathOnAll(pathNT, sbGeneal, ig, "devYear", bin = 3)

The resulting plot is shown in Figure6.

While the first three explicit parameters to the function plotPathOnAll() have been introduced ear- lier, the fourth parameter (bin) requires some explanation. The motivation of the plotPathOnAll() function is to write variety text labels on a plot, with the center of each variety label constricted on the horizontal axis to its developmental year. As is the case for the plots before, the vertical axis has no specific meaning. Unfortunately, for large datasets, this motivation can be a difficult task because the text labels of the varieties can overlap if they are assigned a similar y coordinate, have a similar year (x coordinate), and have labels with large numbers of characters (width of x coordinate).

For each variety, the x coordinate (year) and width of the x coordinate (text label width) cannot be altered, as they provide useful information. However, the vertical coordinate is arbitrary. Hence, in an








1965 1970 1975 Year

Figure 4: The shortest path between varieties “Brim” and “Bedford” is not strictly composed of uni- directional parent-child relationships, but instead, includes cousin-like relationships. We changed the horizontal axis label from Figure3 to now be “Year”.

20 attempt to mitigate text overlap, the plotPathOnAll() function does not randomly assign the vertical coordinate. Instead, it allows users to specify the number of bins (bin), which partially controls the vertical positions.

If the user determines to produce a plot using three bins, as in the example code above, then the varieties are all grouped into three bins based on their years of development. In other words, there will be bin 1 (the “oldest bin”) which includes the one-third of all varieties with the oldest developmental years, bin 2 (the “middle bin”), and bin 3 (the “youngest bin”).

Then, in order to decrease text overlap, consecutively increasing vertical positions are alternatively assigned to the three bins (For example: bin 1, then bin 2, then bin 3, etc.) repeatedly until all varieties are accounted. This algorithm means that there are at least two vertical positions separating any pair of varieties from the same bin.

In this plot, edges not on the path of interest are thin and gray, whereas edges on the path of interest






1920 1940 1960 1980 devYear

Figure 5: The shortest path between varieties “Narow” and “Tokyo” is strictly composed of a unidirec- tional sequence of parent-child relationships.

21 M63−217Y L57−0034Merit Lee 74 L11L15 J74−39J74−40 Hood HodgsonEvans FordHill Essex x L69−4143 D49−2491Cutler x Jackson TracyBradley RoanokeRalsoy x (Ogden x Ogden x CNS)CrawfordSprite D65−6765D51−2427 Wilkin N48−1101 L69−4143Swift Clark x Blackhawk Forrest RansomLee L66L−137Williams Davis x Peking TN5−85 Chippewa Mack D60−7965C1069 ColumbusBonus D59−9289 R66−873 F59−1505 D68−18 R54−168D58−3358 D70−3115Amsoy 71 N55−5931 N77−179 N48−1867 Cook N48−1248 CallandCorsoy HarosoyDorman Beeson D55−4168 Pickett 71 D55−4159 D64−4636 CapitalC1079 Young Anderson WayneYork x Kanrich Jackson R62−550 Kershaw Lincoln x CNS Lee 68 FremontZane D49−2491 CusterAltona Clark x CNS Hark Ozzie Roanoke LefloreNarow OgdenPerry R66−1517D61−618 Gordon N45−745 x (Ogden x CNS)Wayne Dawson Semmes Epps BlackhawkHawkeye PRX9−274 N45−745 PekingPickett x Scott PRX9−249 LincolnClark x Richland KanrichDavis WilliamsDouglas 82 Adams D68−127 Lawrence Wells Amsoy Gnome OgdenS 100 x CNS (Lincoln x Richland)M372 x Korean Elf Braxton Pella5601T D49−2510D55−4090 Renville x Capital Oakland Patoka Renville L707−543G CNS Pershing Kingwa Volstate N70−1549 CumberlandFranklin Dunfield x Haberlandt L49−4091 Century RichlandM10 HarosoyKent 63 Lincoln Dyer HutchesonTN89−39 Mandarin (Ottowa) D52−810 Holladay Mukden C1266R Gasoy No.171 S55−7075 AmcorBay PI Mandarin71597 Lee x Peking V68−1034 PI 70502 BraggD56−1185 x D60−7965 Harcor PalmettoIllini L15 x L11 Bedford EssexDare PioneerTN81−2 9381 PI 54610Dunfield Hagood Arksoy D59−5289D67−3297 Dillon A.K.Manchu (Harrow) C1253 CentennialBrim D60−9647Bragg PI 71.506 ClemsonA.K. S62−6−16−12 Tokyo N72−3213 N73−1102T80−69

1925 1950 1975 devYear

Figure 6: Plot of the shortest path, highlighted in green, between the varieties “Tokyo” and “Narow” superimposed on the full genealogical structure, using a bin size of 3. are bolded and green, by default. Also, variety labels in the path of interest are boldfaced, by default.

Using the plot, we immediately recognize that the path spans most of the years in the full data structure: “Tokyo” appears to be the oldest variety in the data, and “Narow” appears to be among the youngest. We note that many varieties have development years between 1950 and 1970.

However, this plot has significant empty spaces between the distinct bins, and almost all text labels are overlapping, causing decreased readability. To force variety text labels into these spaces, the user may consider choosing a larger number of bins. Hence, we next examine a bin size of six:

22 > plotPathOnAll(pathNT, sbGeneal, ig, "devYear", bin = 6) + ggplot2::xlab("Year")

Figure7 shows that the bin size of six successfully mitigated text overlap compared to Figure6, which had a bin size of three. Most of the remaining textual overlap is confined to the range of years (1950-1970) of which the most varieties had development years.

Notice from Figure ??, that the default horizontal axis label for the plotPath() method has a value of “Date”. Given that the “Date” variable in this example dataset is on the timescale of years, we wanted to change the default value of the horizontal axis label to “Year”. We did this in the code above for

N72−3213 T80−69 Clark x CNS Custer FremontZane Roanoke Merit AltonaN73−1102 Perry L57−0034 Hark M63−217Y Ozzie L15 Lee 74 Narow N45−745 xOgden (Ogden x CNS)D61−618 R66−1517 J74−40 Leflore Hawkeye L11 Gordon Hood Wayne J74−39 Blackhawk Dawson Hill Semmes Hodgson Evans Epps N45−745D49−2491Ford x JacksonPickettEssex x L69−4143 Clark Peking x Scott PRX9−274 Kanrich PRX9−249 LincolnAdams x RichlandCutler Davis Bradley Douglas Tracy WellsRoanokeRalsoy x (Ogden x OgdenD68−127 x CNS) SpriteWilliams 82 Lawrence S 100 D51−2427Amsoy Ogden x CNS (LincolnD65−6765 x Richland) Crawfordx Korean Wilkin Gnome N48−1101M372 Swift D49−2510D55−4090 Clark x Blackhawk Elf Braxton L69−4143 5601T RansomRenville x CapitalForrest CNSPatoka Pella Lee Renville L66L−137Oakland Davis x Peking WilliamsL707−543G Volstate Pershing ChippewaN70−1549 TN5−85 Kingwa Dunfield x Haberlandt L49−4091 Franklin M10 Mack D60−7965C1069 Kent Richland D59−9289 ColumbusCumberland Lincoln HarosoyDyer 63 Bonus Century F59−1505 R66−873TN89−39 Mandarin (Ottowa) D68−18 Mukden D58−3358D52−810 Hutcheson C1266R No.171 Amsoy 71 Holladay Mandarin R54−168 D70−3115 N55−5931S55−7075 Gasoy N48−1867 Bay PI 71597 N48−1248Lee x PekingN77−179 Amcor PI 70502 Cook Palmetto BraggD56−1185 x D60−7965 Harosoy Corsoy V68−1034 Illini DormanL15 x L11Calland Harcor Dunfield D55−4168Essex Beeson Bedford PI 54610 Pickett 71 TN81−2 Arksoy D55−4159 Dare CapitalD67−3297D64−4636Pioneer 9381 A.K. (Harrow) C1079D59−5289Young Hagood Manchu AndersonC1253 York Dillon Clemson JacksonD60−9647 Wayne x KanrichCentennial A.K. Lincoln x CNSBragg Tokyo D49−2491 R62−550 Brim S62−6−16−12Lee 68 PI 71.506 Kershaw

1925 1950 1975 Year

Figure 7: Plot of the shortest path, highlighted in green, between the varieties “Tokyo” and “Narow” superimposed on the full genealogical structure, using a bin size of 6.

23 Figure7 by appending appended ggplot2 syntax.

Plotting pairwise distance matrices between a set of vertices

It may also be of interest to generate matrices where the cell colors indicate the magnitude of a variable (such as the degree of the shortest path) between all pairwise combinations of inputted varieties. The package ggenealogy also provides a function plotDegMatrix() for that purpose.

Here, we plot a distance matrix for a set of 8 varieties, defining both the x- and y- axes titles as“Soybean label”, and the legend label as “Degree”. Syntax from the ggplot2 package can be appended to tailor the output of the plotDegMatrix() function. In this case, we denote pairs with small degrees to be colored white, and pairs with large degrees to be colored dark green, using scale_fill_continuous:

> varieties=c("Brim", "Bedford", "Calland", "Narow", "Pella", "Tokyo", "Young", "Zane") > p = plotDegMatrix(varieties, ig, sbGeneal) > p + ggplot2::scale_fill_continuous(low = "white", high = "darkgreen") + + ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15), legend.text = + ggplot2::element_text(size = 15)) + ggplot2::labs(x = "Variety", y = "Variety")



Calland Degree 10.0 Narow 7.5 5.0

Variety Pella 2.5 Tokyo 0.0 Young

Zane Brim Pella Zane Tokyo Young Narow Calland Bedford Variety

Figure 8: Colored matrix plot showing the degrees of the shortest paths between all pair combinations from a set of eight varieties of interest.

24 plotDegMatrix(varieties, sbIG, sbGeneal)

25 Figure8 shows that the degree of the shortest path between varieties “Bedford” and “Zane” seems to be the largest in the dataset, which should be around 10. We can verify this simply with:

> getDegree("Bedford", "Zane", ig, sbGeneal)

[1] 10

Indeed, the degree of the shortest path between “Bedford” and “Zane” is 10. The distance matrix plot provides us additional information: The degree of 10 may be a comparatively large degree within the given soybean dataset sbGeneal, seeing that the degrees of the shortest paths for the other 27 pairwise combinations of the eight varieties that we explored here are less than 10.

In a similar function plotYearMatrix(), the difference in years between all pairwise combinations of vertices can be constructed and viewed:

> varieties=c("Brim", "Bedford", "Calland", "Narow", "Pella", "Tokyo", "Young", "Zane") > plotDegMatrix(varieties, ig, sbGeneal)



Calland Degree 10.0 Narow 7.5 Pella 5.0 Variable 2.5 Tokyo 0.0 Young

Zane Brim Pella Zane Tokyo Young Narow Calland Bedford Variable Figure 9: Colored matrix plot showing the year differences between all pair combinations from a set of eight varieties of interest.

Here, we did not change any defaults. As such, the resulting plot in Figure9 contains the default values of “Variety” for the x-and y-axis labels, and “Difference in dates” for the legend label. It also uses the default colors of dark blue for small year difference and light blue for large year difference.

26 Running this function on this particular set of eight vertices suggests that most combinations of varieties are only one or two decades apart in year introduction, with the exception of the “Tokyo” variety, which appears to be separated from each of the other seven varieties by about six decades. This is not surprising, because we have seen throughout the tutorial that the “Tokyo” variety is the oldest variety in the dataset.

Interactive plotting methods of genealogical data

There is a second example dataset included in the ggenealogy package of the academic genealogy of . More information about this example dataset can be found in the R/data-statGeneal.R file. We can load the example dataset of academic genealogy of statisticians (statGeneal) and examine its structure.

> data("statGeneal") > dim(statGeneal)

[1] 8165 6

> colnames(statGeneal)

[1] "child" "parent" "gradYear" "country" "school" "thesis"

As this example academic genealogy dataset is much larger than the example soybean dataset, we can begin by creating a plot of ancestors and descendants. The ability to plot ancestors and descendants by generation was demonstrated using the plant breeding genealogy in Figure1 and2. As we believe this is the most novel plotting tool in the ggenealogy package, we will test it again here using the academic genealogy.

We need to choose a central individual of interest in order to create this plot. Perhaps we can use the academic in the dataset that has the largest number of “descendants”. To determine the name of this individual, below we use the ggenealogy function getNode() to create a vector indVec that contains the names of all individuals in the dataset. We then use the dplyr package to apply the ggenealogy function getDescendants() on each individual in the indVec vector. We set the parameter gen to a conservatively large value of 100 as this dataset is unlikely to have any individuals with more than 100 generations of “descendants”.

After that, we can generate a table to examine all values of “descendant” counts in the dataset, along with the number of individuals who have each of those values of “descendant” counts. Of the 8165 individuals in this dataset, 6252 of them have zero “descendants”, 322 of them have one “descendant”, and 145 of them have two “descendants”. There are only 17 individuals who have more than 30 “descendants”, and there is one individual who has the largest value of 159“descendants”. We determine that this individual is the prominent British statistician Sir , who is known for the Box-Cox transformation and Cox processes, as well as for mentoring many younger researchers who later became notable statisticians themselves.

> indVec <- getNodes(statGeneal) > indVec <- indVec[which(indVec != "", )]

27 > dFunc <- function(var) nrow(getDescendants(var, statGeneal, gen = 100)) > numDesc <- sapply(indVec, dFunc) > table(numDesc) numDesc 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415 6251 322 145 88 58 36 31 22 23 14 17 13 14 10 9 6 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 34 37 4325743322611321 38 40 41 44 45 48 49 60 61 75 77 84 159 1111112111111

> which(numDesc == 159)

David Cox 1980

We can now visualize how these 159 “descendants” are related to Sir David Cox by calling the plotAncDes() function of ggenealogy. As such, we create Figure 10 using the code below.

> plotAncDes("David Cox", statGeneal, mAnc = 6, mDes = 6, vCol = "blue")

We see from Figure 10 that Sir David Cox had 42 “children”, many of them becoming notable statisti- cians themselves, such as Basilio Pereira, , Gauss Cordeiro, Peter McCullagh, and . Of his “children”, the one who produced the most “children” of their own was Peter Bloomfield, who has 26 “children” and 49 “descendants”. In total, Sir David Cox had five generations of academic statistics mentees in this dataset.

> length(getChild("Peter Bloomfield", statGeneal))

[1] 26

> nrow(getDescendants("Peter Bloomfield", statGeneal, gen = 100))

[1] 49

At this point, it would be insightful to examine a more detailed view of one of the longest strings of “parent-child” relationships between Sir David Cox and one of the two individuals who are his fifth generation “descendants”. We do so with the code below, choosing his fifth generation “descendant” to be Petra Buzkova. We set the fontFace variable of the plotPath() to a value of 4, indicating we wish to boldface and italicize the two varieties of interest.

> statIG <- dfToIG(statGeneal) > pathCB <- getPath("David Cox", "Petra Buzkova", statIG, statGeneal, "gradYear", isDirected = FALSE) > plotPath(pathCB, statGeneal, "gradYear", fontFace = 4) + ggplot2::theme(axis.text = + ggplot2::element_text(size = 10), axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10)) + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(.1, .2))

28 Figure 10: The 159 academic statistician29 “descendants” of Sir David Cox. Petra Buzkova

Thomas Lumley

Patrick Heagerty

Scott Zeger

Peter Bloomfield

David Cox

1960 1980 2000 gradYear

Figure 11: The shortest path between Sir David Cox and one of his fifth generation “descendants”, Petra Buzkova.

30 This code results in Figure 11. We see that the shortest path between Sir David Cox and Petra Buzkova is strictly composed of five unidirectional “parent-child” relationships that span about 55 years. We see that the time difference between when an advisor and student earned their degrees is not consistent across this path: The three statisticians who earned their degrees earliest in this path span more than 30 years in degree acquisition, whereas the three statisticians who earned their degrees later in this path only span less than ten years in degree acquisition.

We also notice in Figure 11 that Sir David Cox received his statistics degree in about 1950, and Petra Buzkova received her statistics degree in about 2005. This genealogy only contains historical information about obtained degrees, and does not project into the future. Hence, we can be assured that Petra Buzkova is one of the younger individuals in the dataset, at least in the sense that the youngest individual could only have received his or her degree ten years after Petra Buzkova. However, we cannot be assured that Sir David Cox is one of the oldest individuals in the dataset. As such, it would be informative to superimpose this path of interest onto the entire dataset, using the plotPathOnAll() function of the ggenealogy package, as we did for the soybean genealogy in Figures6 and7.

We can achieve this using the below code. After trial and error, we use a bin of size 200, and append ggplot2 syntax to define suitable x-axis limits. The output of this process is illustrated in Figure 12.

> plotPathOnAll(pathCB, statGeneal, statIG, "gradYear", bin = 200) + + ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 8), axis.title = + ggplot2::element_text(size = 8)) + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(.1, .2))

We see from the resulting Figure 12 that almost all text labels for individuals who received their graduate-level statistics degrees between 1950 and 2015 are undecipherable. We also see that the year Sir David Cox acquired his statistics degree is somewhere in the later half of the variable date for this dataset, as the oldest dates for acquisition of statistics degrees in this dataset occur around 1860. However, the number of individuals who are documented as receiving their statistics degrees between 1860 and 1950 are few enough so that their text labels are somewhat readable.

The text labels are so numerous in Figure 12 that simply trying different values for the input parameter bin will not solve the text overlapping problem. Instead, one approach we can try is to reconstruct the plot using the same ggenealogy function plotPathOnAll(), only now specifying variables to render the size (2.5) and color (default of black) of the text for nodes that are on the path of interest to be more noticeable than the size (0.5) and color (dark gray) of the text for nodes that are not on the path of interest. Moreover, we can make the edges that are not on the path of interest to be represented in a less noticeable color (light gray) than the edges that are on the path of interest (default of dark green). The variable names and options for these aesthetics is further detailed in the help manual of the function. We provide one example code that alters the defaults of the text color and sizes of nodes and edges below, which results in Figure 13.

> plotPathOnAll(pathCB, statGeneal, statIG, "gradYear", bin = 200, nodeSize = .5, + pathNodeSize = 2.5, nodeCol = "darkgray", edgeCol = "lightgray") + + ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 8), axis.title = + ggplot2::element_text(size = 8)) + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(.1, .2))

In Figure 13, we can now see each individual on the path of interest, and how their values for the variable date are overlaid on the entire genealogy structure. We can also more clearly see that, even though only ten years span between the youngest individual in the genealogy and Petra Buzkova, there

31 JohannesGeraldBarbaraHenryCharles VenterChase RobertGrabnerWolfgangChak BraunWilhelmA. LundN.Walter Alonzo DanielRaghubhushanAxel TihomirDongpingTsoBalakrishnaChewSusanaGiselaFranciscoScarlettDanielleMichaelJulieSusan Bischoff Jan DrissChristopherTenbuschSauerbreiAmbrosiusKyriacosValbonaKosukeHaiyanJavierHyongginIrene DavidVibhavJianhuiPaulKarenNettletonAndreasMingSanghan AdelRossAnuragHyunsoon AndréAsparouhov Yee AldoParnerAmanda XuanyaoTunesEyheramendy SaâdiaYanting FrancyelleFangLiewenGoodingYueAniOraichiBellamy Ting ShnaidmanHarveyBaxter Klugkist TarríoLeiWheelerCysneiros FatemiIdil LeeWangKaiCampbell ImaiMedinaBukkapatanam BejleriZhouEloyanMattheouHüslerJia PrasadPasupathy daArtemiouYangAnYavuz LeeJames CuiRahmani LiGomes Jiang HeChoSaavedraSilva SilvaGaray Oates C.George R.Thomas RaoOtfried EdwardResnikoffRobertThomasCharlesMaria Bentson WillkeBeyerIngridMarnixDennisDavid WegmanJohnAzencottAbdulAshot TerryBruceIvetteLewisKelleyDaniMelinda PronitaMariaGnutzmannDianaMiguel VandemaeleHydeJonesBradyMcFarlandAlessandra TessemaPhilipYaohuaAzzamKakosyanSpencerKostas Richard RudolphGamerman GomesJudithRonaldCooil ChristianLinaJun StevenMichael AlexandraKelmansky Sharma G.HarderDelgadoVeronicaJeffrey AndrejKokicGraceVeronicaHoonKaiNelsThiAbdusAnders MohamedTanweer LiuTamannaMMalgorzataElenaMartinaSimonHaeRomain DongmeiElvanWuLisbethVicenteTriantafyllopoulosMoysesRousseauWenyingChiranjit GregoryPritamViktorTerrence ChristinaAstatkieHassane JohnCookMuse BrookhartShufangThomasDavidToddBertilThuWangJanon BryanLiangWeiMatthias DaviesYoussifCaiBenKiranmoyMicheletti Grevstad EichlerGieger KimNanshiMorrisKyungCarolinHuDaryleXiaoxiaoBlejec ZiyueShuo KarlaAkivaWahed BuzaianuJinAnnaCeyhan VinciottiBjörkström PiryatinskaLunagomezHuongCarewJiayXia WangLukociusRapleyIverson BremerHaalandCarstensenRanjanWegmannThibaux WyncollShaplaNascimento LiuAlexandre HowieHowladerZhaiMukherjeeZhouHather HuangFaouziHui Schäfer NjimiRahimLiuChen LiuLeykImFoxLorenzHou GershOlsonShaGuhlichPütter Das HoangTang Frank Massey,Stanley Jr.LonnieWilliamYogendraKatherineRoy ScloveChristhard ByrdBeatriceNicholasShepard WardeM.KamelChun−Houh DavidChaubey IsabelMontiBinodRandySureshAleksandarFrankJohnRicardasBaniSara Mark BaldwinAlexandre PilderLangeRekabFirthXiaohua Andrew FragaTatianaMarthaDoraJoshiTuhao RituparnaDiegoMallickBrooke CastronovaJohnBartlettSebastienAnirbanMarkShain MinjungZorayrRicardoMaaritSandraPaulHyunsuSharmaBilly JosephJingyuanWeilingMichelleYonggangPiyadaSholaTredeMartinYupingJiangdianRonaldoPhilipp SaijuanRongNesrin ChenAníbal KrikstolaitisYan Genethliou ElvynnaMatthewAlvesHilaryXipei DogandzicDiCongKeighley ChenDavidFranksLancasterGiftGallardo TatarinovaNasonZhangJianRieck YihuiBouchard−CoteTanBuckley ManukyanLaaksonen AnAdeyemiLan BhattacharyaTang SinisiKwakThongjaemFuchsCovasBoyer JuDengWuSenRütimann GülerAreiaQuinlanOrazio ZhangYangZhao ZhangMirandaFeng ParkerLi YaoDailWang Xie LeongDavis Mateluna AdolfAustinHans−HermannP. F.Adam S.CarlSmith, J.VictorThomas Klaus SwamiDouglasBonisJamesChristopher MorrisSuan−BoonJohnWolfgangJames FredrickJr.ClariceYohai CornelisJanRichterMadhuri Raymond Corwin TurnerInglis Henri MallenbyHurtBockSimon BergumH.BrunoSnehMatthew AnthonyRingChangyong Efstathia AlexSchäferWhaley WarrenMatthewJennisonThoma VanKaiTanGwétAlexJacinte M'HamedMulekarRafaelJoanneTorgnySusan SébastienBettinaAdam YoungGulatiRebeccaKarolina AmandaAdamsXiaofeng AaronSansoExuzidesSungheeDominikHaipengSunKaleviShotaDavidAmirFeng−shouMontfortNatasaAndrewDavidBruceSonya BrianBinAzraDarrinGitelman JanKatheHyonhoYunTracyWeimingStefanoStephens JhamesSinaeHamdyLifangBissonWenjingMayXiaolinFengHaitian Yang BuraKennethJeanHaojinCarltonRicha SherriGutierrezMartinChengOrbeLindström BranscumLukeSarahRahimi TianleChiaPude..ko MinKulleChrist WangYijieCarlaSongKurbasicBeaudoin GugushviliNevalaYueAndersonReichBoFayZheng WeiKadriHeltshe KrzemieniewskaMorrisLewisRajicicHepler BjorkWootenColangeloFinley WangKimShenLiuDaLeeZhangZhao Chun QinMahmoundCastruccio FanJiangBornnSampaioVatsa WangRoseFanZhangZhou YangTietjeZhaoTaylorKoHoweHuVeiga Wu Ke J.Richard WanzerJoelJohn Jean−PierreWoo−ChulOthmanGoldmanWerner Schwaller ChengMichaelPhillipDrane A.Kellermeier GregJer−YanVermulstSerapio JayRobertGoldmannAbu−Libdeh WilfredoRonPeterChapmanChenThomasMadhuri FredrikSørensenNicoletaKimGregory I−MingPatriciaAllenbyVer ChoongTimothyAlexandrosCumhurAnnaZhengjunCarmenS.LacombeRadhendushkaSaidMarkJaroslav NaventhanRongLamb Jing KlausLinUmbertoGieserByekwasoJustinGanguli LianshengSteinerGokarnaAndrewXiaolingHoefMariëlleSongmeiJeffYufengDanielRongPei Linglong SeanJensStephanieElPalmaSomaEunGranathLegedzaLuDeniseZuofeng JeffreyKastnerHuaWoolrichKuber ZhenyuLiuHanjooBrunoJean−Paul IsabellaDongli(Jenny)William YingMenéndezBreazHuangBushiWarnesOliver EmilioMelhaouiTzeWaterhouseYingzhuoSklarWangYusuf NordhausenMakChen YuanDavis SimakNaZhang NohYang MehnertZhong Brummel BruynoogheMrochGryparisLi PicchiniDhavalaWuLintingHao GhuaAryalMahadevan WuStrattonEbnerFerrari CaiWang(Mera)Zhou ZhuMorellKimKongYang DemirkaleShangGengLeedsSeijoZhangGollini SrivastavaSimon LucasFuGalván Melvin SpringerVladimirTitoAdnanFrançoisMarvinThomasBernhardArjunWilliam D.Mijares AntonKolemaevIframArthur DipankarLentnerPe−ChengLakshminarayanGuptaShlomo JohnDavidSteffens Seung−Ho PolfeldtJosephCoberly Rüger FredericFlorian AnnickDavidRothJohnSheikhAlejandra JonathanKitchin J.DavidEdelman ChristopherShu−JianSudhaSawilowskyEva BenjaminBandyopadhyayP.JuanOlga Peter PigeonYoungSengarapillaiHelenJacobCologneWangMorris EhabPitipanageLeroyJafarMichael KairysHakanEun−KyungTirthankarJennifer RichardChristineMehdiIngerPaikRiccomagnoRahmanLeeYontha JoseChristianRobertCarstenShapiroIrinaJamesDamienMahdi MaryMatthieuAntonDanasLauraWeiminXuenaYoshidaPurohitCarlosMelissa JessicaAshtonJimmyCabanaYongwuGilbertKhalidForsterJianbin RitwikXueliangLuqiang Minggen ChoudurCloughAbhijitLaadingAbdJoo JeffreyAhmadiGordanaHamidSchoenbergMianChrisWei−WenJaradMiguel HanChenDaniel EmiliePerssonMarieLinJoelGuardiola JenniferOstrovnayaBekeleDemirtasJérémieJabbariZhigengLiYuhua Matthias KelleyTrinaMeek O'KellyHaoAthBunnerGreevySwartzEmadiDegnanAndriyashinCowen Xiaoyu BinWeiZuokasEl−Fattah WangPeiSpinkaFranzMartinez−OvandoChen FrançoisOlssonWuOhmiti FernandoZhangJieRaudeSinha HuangDasguptaVaughanBinghamKubrusly JewellVignesNiemiFuMandalArivalzahan Shao LeeGhofraniAndrewsNgVogelMarino VillaronWangHanPatelDai PanLiLuSilva SuXu DjurasBoyko NooghabiHsuRiou GengTanLiu AnandI. Savage B VasanL SanfordSrivastavaJanetAntoniCharlieWilliamMarkBrenda YoavThanyamanta KaizoMiltonKhandaker StephenStyszynskiPui BrubacherRamon Emma Berman BenjaminiFiskeauxHalteman John Lam GeorgeCoxXavierBeltrãoAlainKatyKweeWilliamHongzheXiaorongKerby Xiaoming FridtjofHaslettIzumiDurazo−ArvizuFrazierBungeLeungJulieArnabAlfred XiaohongC.MansurGabrielHarrisonSimonsen LisaFrancKirstenDavidJeanFlorent YeoSebastianWenGuozhi AaronMinEric ArezouCiroYihaoReeseStuartKaryShedden SamuelJunheePabloMoudarBrowneKobayashiDouglasJohnPaul BenmeiJackCamilleDenogeanThomas BartekDerekIulian KumeJaredBhattacharjeeLiPan MauriceWanjieYunSongWu XiaYuyanHintzeCuiFriendenbergShengVelasco−CruzJohn FrahmMyers Doehler AutinRendahlDeng Kidwell ZhouBaileyEhrlinger GaoHuangVerdeSawilowsky RadHua Li HanCookIliesSoumaya MurrayCyr YanKnapikLiuBaysse Lewis WangWang Le Faucheur AndreStephen LaurentJohnKhursheedRaymond Allen,Claude GeorgeEtanAshfordVernon Jr.MarkowitzDavidPeter JohnHokeLoadholtMichaelAlamChiaoC. CanavosNasrolahBarbaraJames Luis LawrenceThomas LuisTerezaFortiniSedcole Ospina−BoteroHill,RubenDarren EmiliaSuzanneFelipeRobert SubhadeepConlonIlana John SungwookStockHong−BinAkihiro AfonsoGarcía−EscuderoChristopheFuqingJr.Tze−ManAlvin DahliaMohammedBashardoostAlessandroKatherineMark AlexZainudinTatsukiChavesChristopheWoojinXiaogangErnstJin GeorgeJurgitaJaneSarah MichaSmith−CayamaShankar SakuraiRomanDavidBelitskaya−LevyWilkinsonFigueroaKittelsonElenaMyriamJonathan OgdenTonyYongAxelParamitaTanzyDamianYoungsuk DeniseLinglingQianqiuAnnaKathrynEdwardMarcoTyler WenhuaJoannaKlasSzatkiewiczAnandDéliaGonzagaAbhimanyuSteffiYu−Hui InoueYongSeokSommerGoncalvesHamnerMichaelJunAndriusMarcosNielsenHuangAnn MohanGregorSimonMonacoGlatzerZifang Airton KoyamaZhouChang WinstonFangHartzNg MandelLeeGandydaAnnisQing ChungTurkuviene(Deep)Jirina TangArsadPouetvon BogsjöLuMcCormickSt. KozhanLoveLiu LazarGouveiaVimondSuHöseViswanathan TuSanfins RinaldoShakhatrehSilvaReeves PatilOsinski WandlerScott NortonSunHanLiSharpeChang Saha ClairJiangPrates BorriesFangCiginasKaneByrneLiXuGuoKistSuhPant KastnerHoll Park MukhopadhyaydaGuptaLin EhrlichSilvaReis ArnoldTomislavMarionWolframGeneNarendra GoodmanJackSophroniaIndushobaDebra AnthonyReynolds,RosaSoglieroZecevic RamakrishnaHerold DaliceTomskyRichardChris NathHuangJürgen IsabelBurton Seh−JinBernsteinMan−SukMaríaSiuUrsulaJ.Nedret PantelisXiaozhe WarrackDijkstraPhilipGenningsWardJoeChengalur−SmithSim Singh HoGingerJr. JorgeMeltzerTheodore JorgeMarksLlatasAkarinHsu JamesBöttcherEdithMudjiandokoIngaMguniHelge GilbertPiperJukkaMallikarjunaKrämer SullivanKláraMyungClaireRomeoChangMichaela DulceNiels HongyupEversonTing−LiShenoyCongrongBillor LiuxiaViolettaGentryOh ZuohengChangown ChristianVlachosGuohuiAlessandro MaríaCharles(Catherine)SantiváñezGonzálezLiangliangJiGoffKarenSarahBarrientosYonghai Seong−JoonYuchenSeierFrancesca Tzu−LinAshleyNester HalisPhaibulpanich JingKaFarrell−SingletonLangsethGullenYa SumantaHorni..ováErinRantaYunzhangZhuHansenHong VolkerShangaJordan Pereira AsadJianxinSuk Lystig MaciucaWangYoungJin ChenWhiteFasano YiDallaGelin McKeownHaileHamiltonSakAhnLiu MillerHolland LouKimFamaWangLiRettiganti BenderAli PohlHsu Burgos Lim Wang MarinWeiCartaParkBasuWangIeva Zhu Kim GunnarRonaldCorwinJi..íAlvin RaymondEklundGisbertRamalingamAndrew And..lHacklemanAndréAshisRobert Rainosek AtwoodJ. M.Paul QuelleDale SenGuptaTchen Richard EwartWilliamsAnthonyDufourShoreMichael CarlosLin SusmitaChellappaXiangyiGarryDamien−BarthélémyGailGorana ShawEstebanKristenThomas StepanaBrunoJungSangpilBrophyMahtab PeterVivekanandaLaValleyLazaroSawyerJi−Yeon BirgitDavidFahoomeDavideJoakimMelanieRongningPanuChinnErikChristofRiyanIngridYupingHsin−Hsiung IssamMamadouQinyingKlausQixuanRejaneIrinaOnd..ejDattaMengSungsuMinHai JiangHeGrantJamieZhigangWook Capkun MendesMatan AnjuRydingLundquistLin BloomquistFang XiaoyuYinFloresFenderArn/Schrödle Hwang ErästöHu MunshiGoodwinLazarovaEdwardsXuZhangIrincheevaChengRicard KimLaBöckerEkströmElhattab DongLu LiAutinWiechers SchneiderLinChenRochaParkGleasonGoyalChocholaHe Kim WuShaoVecchiaGavish YaoKoné RoyLi Huang Jacquemart Theodore Anderson,RussellShelemyahuGordon JonasKazemBradtGünter Jr.AntelmanLennart Vassilis EllenbergZacks NaihuaMohammadKyungMann LotharHohmannSusanRobertGholamrezaStevenDavidAnwar DanielHa−HyunRhodinMyung LouisGiakoumakis AlexanderRalitzaChrisDuanFahad Audrey BoltzeHiroshiSanchezBernardSebastian AhlbrandtDimitriosFrankKaplanLeslieKatherine WenjiangPaulHossainRamsierMundfromBrendaLindaAdamSonyaStephenCheolwooMonicaDaniel RadaorosonGuosheng KahngJi−Ping RogersDonaldMaiyingKim JulianeSoumia DediNathanJoRohitPeterCaterinaTianliGueorguievaAl−AboudKimberlyAlice MahbubulArturoGongfuMichaelReneMcDonnellHelenRongJun QingSoo−HyunKurataXiaodanJingchenJiguoJandaghiRuojiaLangerEunShuvaRosalieShalineeElliott Ji−Yeon AmeryYauXiaohuiSchöne CeruttiHafdahlFaizaToddSongHongMarkVartivarian IgorZhongyiEno EsraDavidKurlandKion KunSungminRosadiBagkavosJackson AdamLiDomhofTobias ShengKulkarniZhengFuYeungParkerTranbargerZou WangBarkauskasRyung SchäferYingleiKuelheimYiZhou KongZouTintleNiParkErdelyLotfiSongCysneirosCao Kheifets ZhouKuffnerLiGupta YinVodhanelWheldonWu ChenMayElkhafifiJiangCaoKurumLoveKim WuWheelerLi Fan SpadeYang ChangMajumderLiuTekeLane VoigtYuanKim LeeLiKim Allan BirnbaumAmaliaMdGeorgeHaraldP.Louis DmitryMostafa Knopov KhusuNorbertOscarKarenKeavenByoungSeonMax Jensen GreggPaulFritzschMichaelStyanHowardAlfonso SkryabinAlan JeeMorris Yow−JenBustosChulKafadarMatzlBrianMcClellanMelinda NicholasMohammadAndersonLisa MichaelMarcia DinseKimWilliamChristopherLippmanChunfuA. HoganPakGordalizaStefanProskin Ahn HoJuanitaGrieveMarxAlanManuelaChiacchieriniJennifer ChristineAndreasChoiAntonioAnaGenmingHonghua JunSylvieDorinAlexander KwangmiKuenStephenStavroulaDrumRuiKamalPatriciaTchilabaloLukCiolMarceloAlenaJouBethanyKonstantinMilena JenniferChristophRebeccaArafatDaniel DanielsTravisYujunSchorkEplerWenge QiuYukiSilviaLailaPolinaGousTinaYoonsuhHaiyunVan YingyingXavier HyeokRichaVillarStefaniePaulo GáborRajeevLyons MatinXinScottJihey XiaoyuDrigneiPhilip TchumtchouaHolmesTobiasGauvinZhi BuzoianuWenSakasaiOettingTébar AelstHamidieh KarlssonWuHunterTayebKohnen PoissonGaydosCuellarBriandLiverani CarlinYiou Shi JiangZhaoStanislavTaddeoHarikWhiteLloydGuoAhn SharmaHePoulopoulouZhangKulikovMilhaudC.Hwang ClarkSz..cs KpanzouLeeBuser JungKumarGlombekLeeZhou Li Titoff CheKleySteortsLi Wilfrid DixonMarsHaroldB.JamesGeorge Rao ZuzanaCramerChristyDavid Sackrowitz Chen−HsinReinmuth Duncan BerengutPrá..ková MiguelChuang−SteinHeikoYounshikEdselLise−AnneNolaPatrickSylviaHumbertoMarleneWantaneeKwok−LeungErnestoM.Victor BecherWeizhongAngelWai KeshavPenaConcepcionChenTracy ShaguftaJürgenGloriaYaningNandita EmmanuelChanRichardLenzElizabeth VictoriaFernandoInyoungCedric DavidGroenenZhenkuiVolkanGeorgeChungJanneZhigang AzeemIsobelChulminJamesChan StephCrispinFrédéricDenizByungtaeEmmanouelaXinqun DaeyoungMüllerEnzoLoRomanVinzenzGuanhuaMichaelaKarenByeonghwa AlfredTalebXiaoweiPrithwijitJasonAndreaHaoMiguelHanwenGutiérrez−PulidoSanThomasHongfeiWei Matthew SurapaitoolkornParkGiorgosJagannathanIcazaShanghong ValerieAixin RebeccaAlainVoßMiguelYangYuanyiMease WenwenYing Perret−GentilMitra KujalaFengHeUmstätterAslamCevherMontgomeryTamGiacomini GormleyKeetonYenigunZhouMartín WuKimDartnallSirbuShaikhZhangAhmad Mutshinda MbahHansenPutnamZhouLaCombeYan FedrianiAusinSikaliKim AhmedRichardAngel TanKrajina ErhardtWangHauser Sun SeoDeLiParkerHuang..edová LuKimFelder ZhouColomPanWhiteMinas Park LeRepapiTao Li Martel Samuel GreenhouseAndreasPeterChengJosephGaryMahmoodRaghuRichardBrentonRobertMichael Myung−HoeAndreEnis BellmannHsiaoBetsyRegula CchmielStefGeorgeZachary KackarJohn AlexandraUlhasHee−JeongRong A.DuinFrancisAnaLomaxRogatkoChongsunClarkeChing−KangChih−Rung AdrianoMichael ThomasPhilippSamiei CragerVanLakshminarayanTim BeckerJamesKuo−renFernandaE.KarinGeorgy OrazemQuirogaSergeSonja BoSorourKarolyiEvangelosChad ChenDixitSiongAdrianaFabioBooilRafalKeyesHuhBuurenDesaleStoumbosHongAndreaGraceYongtaoTinaQinRebeccaRaydonalDebarajJiangangChunyaoMei−FangMarcela YiBasheer MarkYueDarrylXindong MarkussenDominik SibbertsenHaigePolpo HalupczokZhiwuSmithLarsenYimengKapatouLingyanHongxiaAugustin(Derek)JonathanHuijing ClaudiaLuyan AndrijaYen−Yi(Sarah)MaritsaVerena ParkKuhntLouScherrerGuillasJoKangSofronovRuibin MarquardtKustraSarahRapalloAudreyLinUtkarshWenrongJunLiangFigueiredoChen YanYiJoseph IngYingboHabtzghi BruscatoBergesioPenenberg deGuanSenShenHo SvarcYan AndridgeEvangelouYeAhmad FengFangZhaoOspina SznajderDaiFang KaoJiangLuYe Ruan MihociHoReeseCamposXiRajaramYangStrauchFeirer SongToroKuehLane Dang FiecasLiHu JayantOm SrivastavaMohammadDonald RichardLeonardJackDeshpandeEdwardStavrosEckhartVladimirMohammedMargaret DoyleKeesAnthonyJ.Jeffrey MartaJulioBerry JosephJarrettBrianHowell, JonesYong AmezianeCamlin YuehuaKourouklisZeelenbergZinziusTorMeshkani DebraVolkovichSingerJorgeDarcy GeorgeGarciaWilsonEkkehardCopenhaverMalini Yi−Hau GrayÀngelMaríaKukWeiming KarlaAbdel−YazidWenpuJacobsonJeremy JonathanLeeDavidMarceloMamounSamuelIbrahim Jr.El−SaidiChan−HeeHawaida ThomasTierneyClaytonAdelmoHydornChristopher deWuJohnJuhyunYounanAnthonyJimmyChenganJenniferMaysHuapingJessicaWenguang Chun−Ju QingAnneIyengerYishiJasonYing AliciaBenHemmingScottMatthewCherfouhTorres JácomeIliopoulosXinyi JenniferlaGorsichMatú..Jennifer Chen LiYangOakleyBurcu Yili WeiGlimmWuJacobGuifangLiVegaStevensMoreiraLili Fei AbuMinTaylorKangWei Siyu WangJingDoi KrampeScottParkBertoldeJohnsonSchwartzRabieXijiaFriedliChenXuHong Goldstick Young HuckettDingGichuhiAragóZhengDjaidja WangJoFeng MaciakLiu WangPumarHammad EkeWangGongora Guerra SinnottBienBobbMcMahanQingXiaSun Liu Fu EmilOm KempfRichard Bogus..awaAggarwalJayaramWilliamEdwinKathleenElliottCharalamposKennethJagdish RolfSingletonKamalAnthonyAnthony Hunter Bradley,BorwankerNebenzahl Sundberg Bednarek−Kozek Sharon−LiseLambornPatelRobertRichardWeldon AbeywickramaMichaelSharonKatrinaManuel SwainQuinzi JosephSaraidaridisJr.Cheng−ShiunDonggeonHidehiko FountainMárcia A.PushpalGuyShu−PangDeveauxVeronica Christopher BenjaminNavardLavioletteSharplesYing Febrero−BandeGuoguangShireenJohannesAdrianHsiRoudraJanCibeleStephenSaikatMd.DonatelloVictoriaBrankoRyanShilpa MichaelEarlAbeerMarkusTaeyoungMassaroThomasJessicaNormandNkietLangHuichaoChongLanZhenhuan JihnheeKrisBrettSebastianRuixueNirianWonkukGuang KeyiVirginiaZhangShawnBranco Svato..Yu−ChengZongmingNaSaikatJiaoKamiyaOttmarReneRunlongAbdusAudrey Xiaoping YuanMukhopadhyayLawrenceMinghuiChih−YingBrianKim WanlingBarnettElmoreJoseph KongMontesDebroyBehrensDe KhareRishmawiJingJuanChakrabortyMadboulyLiXin CowlingHuangHouldingMiladinovicWangNa StoddenLeuErickson YangMerzHofmannMartin WangSchmidt−HieberPruszynski MaSaundersKneib LiudeTelescaSung Brabanter SimpsonChenYuHongSahaParkRecta FranczakTongKimSalamYangCronieDai Boruvka CuiBaliEngelke TangJonge ShiUsset ShiDeWongMaKu Lin OcaAkanda Hans−LudwigFrank SchwarzStratisDanaJohn ProschanMarcusStanley KouniasTadeuszVorlí..kováRadcliffeEmmanuelGiselaVickiDavidMichaelAnthonyChih−Ling Spruill,Catharina HenryEckertHertzbergAnne−Laure MarcelHamiltonShirley QuiringChristianDavidPaulRadzikOliverKennethRolfKennethFan Eva AndrewHolgerAwuku−DarkohDavisonIIIVictoria TimothyChandranathSlotnick RolandoVosGavinTsaiYangLarsson AmyAgardMassimbBijleveldRibarits,YvesJeromeJohnLintonTarasJoseWayanDavidGreetSoyeonDongmingPrabhakarBrandieHensiongPawelMarieWeihuaHeather DaleSusantaHepingChun−HuaMi−JaRichardAlina AlejandroMussoNam−HeeFrankUweJesúsAdamKyleCarlingLubo..KramerCarmen LauraKithJuan XiaoquanJonssonFougèresAndersonNeagoeShaddick SarahSimonLinDanielTianhuaLuisAtchadeArteaga−Salas Oké ZabolotskyySimon PisonTodemHua DeRosenthal GantzSomayasaJing LasieckiLiggesRudserMateiReboulleau YiPradhan neeLiuAhnWoo VivarWagnerRíosZhouFeiRothman HePrchalTaylor BarbozaBushlaPanHobergPalTewari Tan YuGerster JiangChaliseTekwePostecGladishHe Jara Cruz HamannYeChoi KnausHsiaoWangWen NakibeFriedrich GennadyTopuzStephen GebhardtFarrokhRichardAndrewLiPartha MichaelTu Minoo KartashovHardimanHishamRichardJohn GuiahiPhilipBurdick QuintonMark LaurenceSiegelDanielMichaelMajumdarChristophe LynnNiknian UlrikeZilvinas CohenGeorgiosSkalskiDavidJosephXiangSaeedLászló RamseyHilowSteelAnnaJean−FrancoisLynchDniseAntonioCameronGeorgios EarnestVadimAndersShort JohannRobertDanqingColeman OmkarVictor−EmmanuelNottinghamJoséElizabethGrömping KarstenLeslieAle..Denise JunfengWolf−BraniginSivanQiong LihuaAnglinFinaleErikYohann HuiZhangMehdiMagderAdeiltonChunMarkusChristopher KalinauskasMasoudMartinNader RobertGolnabiViharosPauloYueMarshallYanMengyeSophia JoshuaPultz JienHongweiBrianBentonKoellGuanqunShangbang HanPitselisCaoArabinBailey KutsyyAndrew Chacón JariSlabýGongjunLijoi KariZhangMalmbergWallgrenJieHensonQiaoFoster Gagnon−BartschYumou Aldor−NoimanCopeYanxiMuralidharanLiZhang ChenStefanouYifanWangParker HanCai Doshi−VelezRey ChenSoleymaniLübke ShangRodriguesLiFallah SunWersingShendeWeaverMiettinen McClellanPaulyJohnsonHable LockLeeAlcantara NasariFosdickChanDeyGuoZhang PlanteCastroXieShangXuKarl Cao QiuDienesXu Rao Brunel JohannesKenneth HeyneStephenPeter HaleySyedJohnDai−YoungRomanSiamakJanice JamesTimothyBloomfield ShamsulGittinsJoseph Yih−ShyhStiglerBhaskarRobertDavid ShubhaPatrickDreachslin MarkViveros−AguileraTiede NoorbaloochiKimGuoruiEdward DennisRodrigoZgoncEshetu EricDavid VerducciMcCullochAlamMisrak Kee−HoonSessionsBagchi DavidGeorge SegalHarryCameronYuhEdgardoMeghan JacquelineMatevzRadoslavAbuFikriaDeFeoNordmoe Dhavalikar LiangweiTalal BianCandaceSunDanielaTuanfengJunfeng LeeWalshDoChengElliotKatarinaMalthouseWondmagegnehuSara SankarXichenAmandaJorgeLabouriau TianweiBiaoMannerGezmuSydeakaSandrahMarkMinhajuddinXianlongLeungDarioJasonInêsGailJing AvigailYanYiyuan ShengningJasonJanHwan YoulanIvanChaoukiStreftarisDanQianKatherineVincentJungEddyWenfeiMaatoukAnthony PálTengHaci MattBren HeeShujieKanBernsteinMcGlohenMingKheradLorenzoLuluKangCan AlsupLu QijunXing CaiadoYongHuttonYangCaoHarman SousaDienstbierDeloreyRodriguez ShangSunWangRakonczaiBokkaEnriquezNappaBrawnLok Metoyer SomervilleDomijanShiZhang KangLuParkAtenKwessiM.McCrackenYuAgamZhangJans MinShe ChengZhangRao EckelHuWatson ZhangWang VuMa FangTang AkcinLee PajouhMorrisChoiXiao WilliamRaymond BryantCommins,RichardMaxwellJoãoGlennBengt GilbertoIvanChowMyers KesarShorrockBarry LayardJerryChiranjit Michael ShaferJr. MarizaSwenssonVolnýJeremyDonaldPaulHyungFelixYousceek QuinnNarinderdaBruceSinghMarekAlbertoHalpernIrisJohanLaurentPatrickEuloge Murtaugh DebashisSilvaKevin deMukhopadhyayJoseTanyaStein RoxanaAbramovich SusanneZöllnerHooverWeedon ChristophAbdelelahXiaoyunLeeAbigailAlexandros BryanRinkuBilianaMaríaWeiAdeniyiRobertSongjoon AndradeBelangerMukundHizirRongweiMalýJoernAstridAlekseyJuvêncio DevindriZhilong Rodríguez−CasalXiangfeng JoaoJoshSzymonLyhagen WilliamKangxiaAlmer KumarJeongMcDaidBridgeChristopheXin KpameganChinghwayM. AdrianCavalierHennemanHaneefGertaFengOliKathrynEleniTianXiaoyueHwanheeTuohua HasinurSofyanAlexandridisZhan SutradharScottLuciniHui GhoshMatthews MugeDangBagashevaDannemann DempfleSampsonAtlasonVitorGschloesslBlockChiZhongAdewale YangSchürmannGadre SanquiYuan MinGuoMostafaRan BakraFuPereraBaekRückerPepe XiongNobreO'HaganBorak KaratzogluGuSuChenAnver WuColborn MonteiroWuKaraman Niu Khan LiJi LeyHongLim Dan RichardTeichroewDieterDavidJamesSheldonWilli Rasch SiddharthaBarlowE.Reinhold GloriaWalser João Hosmer, JacquelinDavenportChristopher RossJenniferEndelA. LaurenceAlun ManuelConstanzeWai−YinZerdyGlenn John Yu−ChuangCatherineHatzinger DalalLloydWilliamJr. MichaelMarcMatthew EugenyThomasKarthinathanOravPaulDietz RogerDavison−LetsingerBrenton JacquelineHellerLéon−CharlesRichardKathy BailerYoung−SunMinkaJonathonAndradeSergiyJoeMarkEricPrzemyslaw Roberto YaremaPoonWilliamsRobinsonEbenezerManclCarlosTian HoffmannRobertoYeasminDarrenJoseGuangyuHendrikNelsonFreedathYangElenaAnnaMartinShibao CraigChangxiangMariaLütkebohmert−MarhenkeBarbaraPavelJohnson AlexRaquelBoGreiffenhagenWoodardMusialXiaojing PonikarovAndersonZhonggaiChickenElijahQianGraceMichaelRotelliHülya HominPetersonAndreiLauraLeifFengLeeds JonkerYuDebdeepLingSimon ZhengAlokHuang GrayTerentyev CharnigoAndradeLu Cheng DilliAuguste CarvalhoWellsDie MorGarthRojasOkhrinMiao Van....ekHomrighausenSchindlerSanSchuler Ellingson FengWroughtonTongThangavelu CasarinKläverSilva KhandakarGaioniLeng HongLeeBernardinoÜnlüDabadeOkyere ZhangNgunkengAzzimontiDjibrilRidleyLinharesJang BhattaBejan Biecek LuMüller DietherTrancheventMartín LiRui TarrPati Moussa Holly FryerJacobNariaki vanS.Thomas A.JamesGary KlinkenAshim JamesPeterWinfriedDoss PatriciaAnnickSugiuraRussellJohnRichmondSusanSantiagoLorrie ChaseBratcher GeorgiaWare JamesShirleyDennisMcCullaghMallik FreddyMaarHolt Ann LambertAndrewJoséGrambsch StuteSrikanthJiayangHinkinsBartonHoffmanRichardStellaAndersVaijayantiJörgPalanikumarMei−Jih CarvajalDonguk MuraliHodgesGouldMariaHolgerOldfordRobertsMillsJeffreyTillmann PearlMikko GalloJustinReimannIvanDobromirMey ElizabethPawlitschkoShaneRachel AlainCairnsGrosserSwati DebbieWeihua SunJeesunMiguelMouna RajagopalanHectorMevinCleary MarkusLindforsMing−Hung Caterina SebastianNiverthiJohannesPacheco−SotoGee RezaMd.WangThaisHebben SillanpääArunDanielKimJingJadePickaTobiasDixitWei−YingBenScottSulafah XuehuaThomasJason SyDesgagnéHolly KrahnkeBiswasYiShaoyu WhelanRoman Altman ChenRavindran UddinJingHahs HootenTzotchevFonseca YangyiHuangMerzouguiLemusHanHuJungZhong KumarZiaeeStuartParker FonsecaNguyen KalischBeneckeRubin StovallBramatiParrott Wang BinHimd LedererLiang KiwittXuChiou MurrayKaoLiWuPahl Xi HerbertParuchuriVyaghreswaruduRobertWilliamLeon DavidJames KrishnaiahRappaportMillerMarionWilkie (Bill) ArvesenBengtStephenRobert BarksdaleNoraChaffin AlphonseGreenArminda YongxiaoErnielSusarla RivoMilanKlefsjöAdelCharalamposChongqing TibshiraniPingDonaldsonMartinAlexanderRahmanAila PaulKhalidChih−YiBrunoPetersFrank KimberlyAndrewZekariasRakotozafyYihuaRussellMichael NalayiniBarriosMangeshkarYanManjunathMaryXiongMohammadpour Gabriele SärkkäRhondaFranciscoSaLeonardoHanzheJehadSiqueiraAmeyFearnheadRoger NinaCurtisWei−LiangFredaSimoneLeiWang ChristophIngaThomasRyung KarlbergQiMingxin SeoMichaelRifiXiaoyiScarpaKatharinaJohannaKatrinaKeErenvanLiangShouhaoJiaMichael Andrew MartinJonathanRudolfoFrowin(Mary)HuaScottKing KristinAnnFamooshJenniferZhiliangPengshengSong JenniferSunMinJiangKyuHuYi SimpsonJuanYanKehuiPeisongStockerKristen YingLongTimmesfeldJiashenYangIksanovSchloeglMaier BerhaneSothinathanMasiulaityt.. YoungNanderAl−Jararha HalldinStorlieCooner HePapachristou DemirhVanDykeZhengWieczorek GuoMorgan−CoxZhangKim GaoLiPadoanHa JoshiCrawford Varuzza VeraMorrowWuLiuSolbergerHotz SonksenYuanMeulenLiuLuZhaoSchulz PorterCraneQuReddLinZiegelChen LeitnerAngelesLi Zhou LangeLeeMaTom GoreGeis HeydariParkIVHanYou Ji AbramIrina Romanovskaya ZingerGoroRichardJohnJohnCorneliusTamásJames EmmanuelNagaseAchillesMichael LarryPanaretosMiodragElizabeth DonaldMarden KatzMaryDinaLasse SweederSzentimreySebastianSteven DennisWassermanClaudiaClaudia Becker AleksandraVenetoulias JordanDavyJean−PhilippeSévérien StuartSchreinemachersKatharinaAnnLovricMercanteLesaffreArneStefan SantosKoskinen PatrickDejunZhongfaCarlAnilSheppardMatthewLindaImen AshwinLanjuGarrenLeila TerranceWeiKatherineFangYaqian JesseMcBurniePhilippeMullanShenggangKatharina PaindaveineJasonElizabeth GuoxinBeckerPeiShaokun TebaldiXinweiMeesookKovacRoyChristian FlorianBarber ParisKellyDhawanBrianHuiyingLalitaLoicScarrott MatthewNetsanetJisungDunkeEtschberger Justin TangPanKammounDiSamirNkurunzizaWänström SekirkinAmorimFenBrown YaoZhang Cramer SlavkovicSabo FreySarmaZhang GuoWilsonLi OuNunesLe McGinnityScholz KnaebleZuo DengRegnaultDasSavitsky KuanGach BoucherThompson ChownChaHandorfZhouProkschGratietWang ChuaiBaiWartyKerkhoffLee TillLiImam Herrmann (Hirschfeld)GeraldJoseph Lieberman HartleyRobertJohnArthurJanetWalter SchoderbekConstantineKumudPaula MacGregorChen−HuiLochner CampbellSivaRafaelRobertPeterson, PirieDavidMichael RichardLingoDaleRoberson GyuZen−YiMarc SinghalRainerSivaganesan Joseph BruLaxJasonParker StefanGatsonisWenxinDollenaGardarDavidHathawayMeichunAmy VincentJeongFooHwang MinzhiHsiao−YunPijnenburg MichelePowersArndtJr. AhmedWenFranciscoSeoungMiddleton DyckerhoffChenGabrielaSiningChristophDoychinYuanyuanRaviNaijunChaeWenyu AgusMamunurMichaelBraverman PeggyLihong UlyssesJin−OkChing−TiSimoneOsborneChia−LingBillyThomasSoniaWeitzenkampPingGermainHoganMattssonJamesBartTanaDavid LaineLiesaRui HaipengJohannesson HaniJiangDanielLaemmerzahlNikitaXieJessieHawkinsZhenMinhuiVincentCouallierQizhuoLiu LieRobin(Michelle)Varadhan JangYanzhuRonnie Fatal−WeberZhenJustinAlbatineh JieweiShilinSalimYoungAimée ChenAmzalFengBumShaMa BuringtonQian JiangBridgeWangCénacBoyadzhiev GricheFlorentinaHuang KabajahQiNaDeneckeBradshawChamúConne CrottyKim PustejovskyWangScheicherVantiniTuzovDiva Liang OsborneRashidChoiBerningJeng EvansPaikLiu Van LiHuang MaoZhengDingKimHu SilverYen ZengWuLimLinPingelGott DingBever Nane Izak MauritzJean−PaulLloydGeorgeJustusAjitkumarIvoCarlesLennart ChristosBellWilliam GirdharHarry MolenaarvanPeter FishmanZvi KhosrowSeely Gimon HannuCuadrasTheodoreAardeRobertJindeDavid Parker MatthewTamhaneCliffordGilulaGeertBodin MichaelMarianneBrettDupontHallGetulioAgarwalC.Pei−SanMusaedHansShobhaTerri FrangosAnikoWangGiovanniBanksOja ChuanpingJean−François KunstMarcusHyokyoung DehnadHongweiPresnellMolenberghsReuben ElizabethHae−Ryoung BoscherSutton MarcoStefanVipulMicceri ByczkowskiChih−ChienHaonanJasonRozumClarkRichardSilveiraPengSeung−RyongDavidXuMoon−hoPauloHamzehAlan JohanThuyStephan RobertMehrdadHyeyoungYongyiAl−SubhiErdey−GruzDárioHuebnerLiuCharlottePrabhalaDavidSaonliNata..aAlanMariaIrèneXiaodongYoungdeokRamon DanielSethAshkanFarah(Sunny)Sergiy BazoumanaShengchun BenLiDevasBauerSonia SeonjooPetrisWeichaoGreenYanFerreira KunZhangSantuHeilmann MuchemedziLoeppkyWoodsLiDeTrangSean JuliaDengValerieHaoDabney SvenssonFerreiraHu PaulBrownGannaz WangDahlTribbleBourgonSüvegesMinCummings (Grace)BasuO'NeillTorabi Kej..arYasmeenLuZiggelDlugosz AndradeLiangHo NiaparastGarciaNesterko Amodio ErtefaieWickhamQuessy LuoLeeTsaiWangBraunSong GhoshWangLiNguyenHill LeeHwang PareBaoHan KongKoneHong Serra Slobodan ZarkovicHannsPeter MarkKlingerGabriel Gary MacdonaldBrownLisaGerhardBrendaSumalee VeerabhadranPeterBohumírClarkSindee LutzÉric WeissfeldLemieszShabnamJerzyChristineMerviBiaoMaryJamesThomasAthanasiosOlivierHsiu−Khuern ErwardMarchandElDümbgen GundersonKimTutz Angelika SutherlandAlexiaHefangSchmidt GivaruangsawatMokhtarProcházkaZhangBarry LysikowskiAnouarJill InderFangxinRichardsonNinaEerolaRobinAthanasiosMeriem MinjungFeng−ChangChristianWilliamLihuaYoungjaeHyon−JungOferMihaelaFilipeHongmeiParvizLih ShuxiaCláudiaNoahJohanLedoitMatthewCochranWilliam OumarMingNabin GuangyuanBarkerMarkus KimberlyDiStefanoForrestTimModarres−MousaviLeenaBregenzer BaladandayuthapaniSebastianWen−Hsi JenCaiyanIasonosDavidKajijiMonkMinh YanTecuapetlaWenqingHarel Lin MicheasWellmannZhenkeWangDanekyanz HangMarquesEl RafaelChikhiBancroft ZimmermanLiao MalekzadehHong SaïdJingFehlmanSandbergTang ShresthaKyungSunLin PaunShenSy GhouchRoçadaCoar RöverPasanenChangYangNguyenSchulzWilliamson Williams Purdy SachlasHenryLi FanXi YangLinWuYangIrleLi Gómez GeorgeJosephHariEssamBorisHelmutGopalan Zyskind RamYuriRobertKullbackBovasJames AndréIglewiczRogerDennis DavidAl−HussainiBorovskikh SinghStrasserStevenScottAbbas JanAhmedTirumalaiLingAbrahamAntonioGuillermoMichaelAndreas GordonVishnuCabannes DalyBergerBrooks Xu−MingKernvan Zeger LaurentAnna HildeteCherng−LuenKezouhJodetteSelf HonHuibin BousbaineJulieTy SchaikLuizHadi Pedroso JyotiKantLavineDoddsJohannesChangKumaraChristmannEthan StaceyMayetriMcClureMilovanMatthewSupraneeMarshallJoonMichaelWen−lei BarboraRobertAbdulKeungGunsjöHormuzdTaehoonJanserShanley BénédicteHeEvelinLeemingPeternelliRobertas JacobCorneliaMatthewPhilip AnnabelleDavidBulentJabbari PinheiroYanping YueBordesJingNikolayDevkotaBenhuaiKevinUllmanLindaXiaojingLauraMatthieu ShaoweiRonJingYin JinLangeRashaZhiyun LiliYuAdamHongjiadeOliverAzizCofieldQianGaryHan Gupta TonyNeherHanKrnjaji.. PosnerPereira ReissDumbachYinHofmanLiuArendacká TomBleiSongHofrichterChen YuLeeMcLoughlinLimaOzkanReederChong EllingtonQianKangLisawadiHatfield NooghabiKatki Balov ZeisserSperrinXiaHayat GabrysXiao XieRenMadonEvansCombsWangXia ElhageGalvisNgKehlGongSolnon LinYan CharlesJeanMichael MarshallSteinFurman FortierSubhabrata PerlmanLawrenceLuis RamSherylChapSylvan Won−ChinSmithAminaDavidPennySung Pericchi RobertTiwari RobAlexanderLeAhti TimothyWan−ChingBartlett ChakrabortiShanthaHua−YunHan TatiyanaArindamRicardo VenzonSuk SalehStanislavPettitBrasher ArminHyndmanGabrielaChristopherDinaGaryNiinimaaChangzhengYanqiongFrankKristaMaria AlanSunduzYanmingAmyCapen JohnMi−OkRobertStephanieMahmoudNathanJeerapornHuangGheorgheEom PrabhanjanSimonHo−JinChungPerlaShijuIrynaLovelySaverpierreLeonardoPaulAlejandraAmélie DanielSaptarshiLigiaZhenDanielJohnson JuJingyangLiAliMelasBenjamin TobiasJordanCollinsTinaKatrinSandraBalke AntonioAnaSchwartzmanAndréSaferHuilinUmbachRaoVelazquez ApanasovichRoyChoudhuryLiErin CohlmiaJulieElenaHoppinMartinChen LiangBerndYoun DolatiLiuScheetZhangPastuhovLobachEdithDamilano Kim KelesParodyMateiuJones AmanGreenZhang ZhangGoyalYinLee DubeDiniz PolhamusDetaisPreveCondon Mehl SmithRothLi TorabiWickernKovalchikMoserLuta ThaithananCuevas Rivera BastosBaeChenLiggesVahnovan BezenerKlausDaziarioGuhaReyesTattarZhang TamsMaggio Mancia Everett WelkerDonaldRaghunandan Guthrie,NozomuAlexandrePerryGreta RichardBhargavaMikhail ManelJr. MatsubaraKimberlyDaniel AdelbarWendellHaalandMiin−shen LjungBarbraAndrewSuzanaMichalis GreerWijesinhaYongTikhov TsybakovJeffrey DanielJoseBasHeitjanJackMohammedElenaGeorgiosKlausAycaDeborah YangFarinaz SampaioYoungHockmanGiuseppeJonesVanessaRichardsonJingyuan RomanGeorgeMostafaHaoRebeccaLawsonJenn−Hwai PhilippeDaniel WerkerDruckJustinLeAnnaGarethVidal−SanzBodhisattva PhilipYangSongAndreaAndrewDenis PetrakosVeveaCheng−Hsueh LaroseSteven KlausSolkaGeneveraOzol−GodfreyMarkGarveshChenSourishPaulPolverejanLimingHechenbichlerBledarSamirLinJie ChenxinHarrisonHilaryMarcusKyung Koushanfar JianBradleyKaiPapageorgiouLinRuiXiao deRecknorZhangTurkTsengTancrediQiang MinDingBeddoXuan LeiZhdanovRazmkhahHofmarcherWangInma RidallDiCesareHeilerRigolletJung StorkHubbard GholamrezaeeVedaldi ThomasCurtisDing laTouzaniWangLiangKangKonomi Lyons DasYangQi WuLeeRaskutti Vara NunesAllen LiSenQuickTurSunPrice Yang Hans LörtscherColinBhagavatulaChristopher NinaMallowsTakisAndrewRobbRoger MichaelMitrofanovaWilliamMelchor WijetungaAlbertPapaioannou PrakasaMarlosMuirhead KalotayHaboushChristopher P.StephanMortazaRobertsonMichaelAhmed Katherine ChristianGoldstein TaylorHumbertoPetkauT.Ortiz,NelsonSanjayMouchumi SpillerVianaAna CarlosP.JohnAriyaratnaRaoGuyCelestaMyongsik PetriCarlos Haroun JussiHaleTimothyVanessaShumeiJr.JamshidianAnilKolitz FranciscoRichardBiancoMichael RukiyeTorstenSamanFerasMatthewRobertde AroraAdityanandEnsorSubharupNasonAstonHaywood JunedLiborRongcai VaqueraKoistinenCarlosJ.DanielAna−MariaDiaz−AvalosKumarJenniferSahar GangPamelaIlianaWillisJackMichelManhuaOliveiraKlemelä PatrickYanmei GeorgeThomasCaioBhattacharyyaVelascodeBallSumaiaPaulChiMatthewCliffordFlorianJeffC.WeiGeorgSisi WeiThomasMahmoodOhAli RamsayZhenyuYanValeriaEliudSaeid DagalpMa..í..ekZhiDidelezShuxin DinaKlerkSamworth EricMuthukumaranaEpsteinHothornYoungJunlongSiddiqueHill, VictorYu−YiRossTim LiangShanIgnatovaJensen FacerRojasAbantoHosseinianAzevedoKeweiCapobiancoFinkArabNing W.KappSilvaLi WeiHuertaBrehenyShawGuha ZhouGrossman Li ChenKouvaras GuntuboyinaMainikFosterUeltzhöferSilvaLam FisherHanerJr.LatifBernhardtNgAmiri Tibbits IosifVitelli BrayLiuYinYangHuHsuMöbius Lu LiBatah Pandurang SukhatmeJohnSatindarKenneth ReiderBishirTakeakiRouh−JaneCharlesLyndaYehudaLeAlladi KumarPeterSabineSam Anh WaughPeterson WhiteKariyaBiljanaSubramanyam FranciscoChoySubhashis McCullochvanRameshSonVardiConstantinos RaymondNagelWanyun ChouAmrut JohnderBrentYanyuan CedricElisaAlvaroSimonNoraJosephPopovi..RaphaelPeterShu−HuiLillianaGavinXiaolingHuipingKe−Jian LaverSergeyMarianneHeijdenDavidAniJiaquanShuwen SamirElizabethHaydar ShaoliMichaelMatthiasTripathiGavin PinoSuhongSandeepLiangliang JelenaChampaneriShuheiJeffreyNancySheltonAvishekLiu GhoshalHellaLuisSieversJeeMolanesYeojinGürtler ThomasKengoJessicaMartinYufanFrankVladimirDencker ManichaikulJunvieShahinChesterSuleEmilNosedal−SanchezHeuchenneShawMcCabe AlyssaGagrandeZhenjunFigueroWalter Petropoulos AlessiaMaCampbellIraqui GottardoJiangTerimaYoungYuWangZhangGriloCen Yan WeiDemirhanTimmermann FanWangLastBojarovaChalmersLeek SahinA.OkumuraZhangBertoletZhaoChung YoonBrandlKolodziejKatoKapl Mallick Menon PaildenLarson TavakoliRusch WuCorneaLópezKovtunDuanDaiIsmaySakshaugFrazee PiniMoonMa Marcel−PaulHaleJoseph SchützenbergerLelandMartin SweenyJohnDennisHemanta GastwirthLaurel Stewart AbrahamJohannesHamiltonWolfgangKatarinaRonS.Paulo R.YoungCharlesSusan Smith Prasad ChongJ.Kumar AparnaEnivaldoKenettStevenJoão Krumm Hollanda−SalesRenateChaoSpario MaxwellChih−ChienSvend RolandJuséliusKarlienPaoloGladitzLuisHolmesThomasHärdle VincentAlexeiTaylorUdoSamsiddhiLaura DonBonnieMartin FaouziManMexiaHoi−JeongBaruahStephenCalandra MatsHassanThomasGilmourYeeHuzurbazarIsabelJamesNiko NicoletaGuei−FengTonyaAchimKyongVictorWang KyungdukGil−AlanaMarloRochaHadley DetlefMonthira JorgeLindaSchwingenschlöglMeyerSoonFaxonZaffaroniAstridHaastrup JamesRobertWilliamJeffreyXiaoxiTe−ChengIrmingardAleksandarAmandaYongKim RebeccaTeterukovskiyAverkamp VandenSurajXiaoniKubatkoRhee SongfengWhye AndrewStefanieAxelsonGouletJohnYongKvarnströmKacirotiLaFleurSeverinSuadEl NabilKaraLai CañeteMarmonEncisoYanLiweiMinaHuizhiZeileisXin RyunMillerBrownGanocyYang RezaBantliHartmanSteuerBazan JinBhattacharjeeTateSchmelterCaiQianRuck SerbanWickham ZhangAnandLimWei GearPettyjohnKrafty SpivackTehDarniederSongLiu DuangsaphonFuJin AlhihiStevensKoZougabBrandenLiuTsaiWeir Yoo Wang SmithBakerKimEder MooreHayoz LinXieFanMora WangNasti.. Johannes DerksenZakkulaOlleDonaldMelvinDar−Shong JeraldGovindarajulu HoflundDaleMariana MoeschbergerMcCaughran JonathanLawlessBorglumHanneloreGöstaSucharitaNino CraiuHwangAbdelhamidChansikJamesWilliamJaimieMohammadChristian Yiu−FaiKordzakhiaNoraHägglund AntonioPatriciaStephenMithatArnoldChristopherMariaYaoSalaheddineBoonormNinaLahmi Hilden−MiltonGhosh HebertLieroPatríciaIvánHyunyoungDavidWaseem BarbaraHsiao−HuiTorstenLianshengKahnRhondaJill HongPeterGuillaumeSherwin JaneGalambosChristianeZhangshengMichaelTaeryonWangKevinSusanneHengLaurenceJiaweiShengde Sinjini LionelPosseGonenSai SenitschnigFrancescaYungPeterKocherginsky AlexandraRichieOsamaTaniyaHassairi BenjaminHabibMuhtarKitchinJonasVillanueva−MoralesBrandyYehua YihuaSeung−YeonQiCarrillo−GarcíaYunwenLakhal DavidGulyasYudhieKellySaheliChenFaghihi Wilson LiuTanina SalzmanWeiNudurupatiYaoLizhenMaria ChomteeZhangLawsonMartinkováPeng Scholz GeorgeMaloneLiuDeCookMitra QieQianAlnosaierTruquet ToribioFaltaChoi AjiEsmaeiliBurkettStröjbyMandalJiang TsouZhongTangLi LuKingHeimJiLecueBataineh OsmanChoiLiangdeZinnerRinghamChaiebDattaAndriyana LiYangGrith Foster HallLinTemboSoberon YuTorrenté(nee Ha Huber) JohnMiltonPaul WilliamFolksThomasTertiusY.Charles MichaelChew, GordanaChungJames MilchHsienNuntaTimothyT. JulioLawrence CumberlanddePatty Shun SantnerDurairajanJr.Abdelaziz Patrick DirkPfeifer A.JoseJacrouxM. LeeperMichaelWetElisabethLin JosephVanichsetakulFaisalJelisavcic PeixotoWilliam PenatiRezaulIgnacioSolomon H.DavidChenMoore JamesDaowen HowardReadBernhardCharlesMiguelJeffreyOmarChanseokAbdessamad MicheleChoeTendick RidaMoultonQing AlyaaMahdiXuanLongAwartaniCanddy AlexanderJubbHsin−JuTheodorosSucherElVincentJakeNorouJohnQiangLeahYanweiEmilia BlakeleyJongGogginsMarkerGilles SaersKarimSoyoungMathiasLobatoChungAmalJenifer SylvainGleaton,TaoNing MatouatAguilar MoustafaJingjingJiangtaoRebeccaCheriePoncianoJuliusPengfeiJoVestJian SeltmanShenZhangLiangCorinnaWeiNageshHallJae Nestor VladimírZahranDiPietro EmilyYingAlan JichunMartinOlivierKlingenbergDoostparast Byrne NelsonWeltyErikMengSoo WonMauldinBowenDuan YanmingZhaoWangDiawara ParkStoltzNascimentoHeluLiYaoBigün AgbotoYuZhangYounSun Hsieh Chang BoshesMüllerMcShaneArlotNguyen ZhuIIIAntonyukVetter SaidiKientoffGuoSimpson LewisLee HaYeJr.TsagarisColbyLi ChangParolya LuoLysy AdigaQianAuerSelaXieXu Castellanos RayLackoSongAhn Li FredWalter AndrewsKarlMagdalenaPerry Jöreskog WoodsMichaelRichardChristine V.GluckmanAsadJuanKonstantinosHarryV. A.DipakBillieStewart SampathkumarC. A.SamaranayakeGilberto Rutkowska Joseph ZamanManuel CatrionaChernick C.LockhartJinzhongSiowTigelaar Domenico YongseokSlater Thomas−AgnanPolycarpMichaelDey YongMitchellP.Oh−GonAndrew AndersonChristianNicolaDaniel JudyHisayukiFanDaleWolffLauraPavlina HuixiaAndreasPaula ChangMatthewAlexandraBernard RodriguezZorgafosWang ChadSaranPavelQueenMihaiJosé GeorgeAdelaNormaAstaTao XiZhang(Jason)Guanghui AliDebbieBriannaSyBeaghenArunPeter AndreSongWatnikSaharXiaoming ChigbuSohn ChapmanXianyunRonRoddamKellyHaiStancescuMarinucciStefanNadia HananMariaWenPiersolShawnZhou D.ChunLiJohn (Judy)Atashgah JiangSitiHayan SchaferRumchevaXuefengBoudreauTsukuma RomeoShombergRanochaZhulin VardhanabhutiGiurcanu LiWünscheLe ErikaLeannMartinezNguyenOmolo KrishnaSchipperHeppergerYu Leyva MooreChangYeWilliamsTolosZangeneh A.LeaderLiaoPoo HosslerBaoOsipenkoRabehi HeggesethPohl ElsaiedMankad WangWeiMao BabenkoHasanGaoFülöpHe LongLiu Calvo Gheorghe MihocJaimeHans DonaldPuig−PeyStanleyWilliamEdwardJan ZweigJohnBoSue SwainJamesNevillede B.InaRannebyChristineMilanMohammed HallLeeuwWassermanSwallow LeurgansChandrasekarBrillAlexander CindyMullisPalomaJanShankar Cruz AlbertStuartWeber IvanTy..lerJean ElsieHongBeranOwenJin−Ting David ChristiansenBrianAnderson−Cook PrabhuDaqingMoustaphaRodolfoReinhard Velasco−Gonzalez..e..ulaChau TristanHongtuIrshadJaysonDong−YunBarbaraRobertTheodoreSanz BrunoPetraJochenDenismarHowardLudmylaNilupaOpsomerHorstColes Javier ValerosoXianhong VandanaSchuesslerSrinivasanGhurraMajidMalcolmHuLeonidAlbertShiraMichael JulieGuanchunPauliinaShoemakerFengrongHabingHendersonHaijunXiaobaiYangYiyun SofiaDongyu JinxinThachCamiloHaoEricLiu Sang−YunPengGuoBhagavatheeswaranMan ZhangBuzkovaYalingTaianeArshadLouis JordanSousaSengaMendez−MarcanoWei KayWilburZhuHualdeGramacy Gunaratna SarmadAdamGieseFormanFurrerSolomon Choro..−TomczykBondell Sánchez RekedaZamdborgYang YeWangFaiziTollefsonKypraios ZhangEspinozaNogueiraKimMa FinegoldJinBinnsMukhiDou SeeGaoXieWang IlmonenLi Aslett YinRiveraLi LinPrass WeiKiesséWangKing Tan Oh Niubò Franklin ChaimGraybillGaryRobertS.W.Arlette SterninDagMcDonald LeeDaviesCyrilRobertZhidongEduard FrederickSörbomFrancisco GlenLawrenceFlorindaDubois−BesnardJohn AbdeslamGrivetPrasadNidhan KemingSattenStine Pierre−JeromeKolomietz JonathanAngelaLiseBaiKolassaHsun−chihSilviaWeiSolveigHassanMathieu KamilaParulDavidMarinelaZachariahDeniseSpiringCaponeFlorencia Idris Cribari−NetoArno..tJosephFabrizioRongchunJoaoVickyChristopherJean−YvesMahbub Liqiang SouravDonaldDouglasBellangerTiejunCécileAïchaSri LiPingRamChaudhuri ZhuYan YixinElizabethThomasFlaviuSerroukhJialiangPauloMukhtarDavidJustinZhiyuan Yu SusanQiuyanOjedaNeffKristianAntheaJingEckleyXiaoAkramBhargavaRyanDominic DonghyeonEricOliverHitchcockNurdiatiPeter FabioKarlSiebertsZychaluk ChenSchildcroutFilipeElsalloukh DuarteFasenRosenbaumYanwenKomárek DiCapanuBarecheFangTong LouchetChuKuo IaconeXuSantraLeonardiNiWeddingRamosFardoNiHodisBabuPolleyShows Latif HafenNoe RoheWuGruber BergeronLiBubeliny ZhuKohansalPfaffel XuBirknerSalahMonodDongSigrist LumXingMonteiro BruaTiptonDrovandiMagirr Yu DonovanTore Thompson DaleniusAlbertHuynhWalterAsitRalphJamesWilliamThomasStevenBruce BasuE.JessicaMichael Michael Kinderman KromerHuynh JahnGabrielle DonaldRosenberger CajoMcCormickLevin Sidik SnabbPatriciaRonaldAliJoseph Pollner MackKathrynMeekyong WächtlerJohnMaryLingshi Li−SueterEloiPhillipsAshwiniRobertBarakat KarimKelly SusanneVictoriaBraakTae−KyoungAndreaVoichitaBastiaanSuzanne SoutirIanAmeliaYanAyse KpameganMakramSivaraman YunLawrenceAdam EnglishStanislavEmondBarryRaulJunCroosKieranYuyanMadhuriElie Juan AndreyOliverTanIshmael LunettaRobertoXiaohongChenCloughWeijieMatt YuMineRandallWantingAnaya−IzquierdoSascha YanJuanGuyMathurErichCarlos JuZhiguoDong UlgenXieCharlesXiaofeng ParkBandyopadhyayBéchirGangAnita AguilarMingChengMazaLitvinovaJohnson TashmanHavilandBin MaximSung DitlevsenRuilova HershDuan KleijnJamesTalihSlocum ÇetinkayaFreemanLuGrothe JunMoyiDu Cai HuangVolgushevRukhinMahale Chen ShararaBalakrishnan ValenciaRiveraYangThielerFethChen LiGanZhao DolaLan LiDossSchall LiZhou Martin Josef NovákEugeneEugeneElias JamesLehman,C. DouglasParent,Pascale IosifTharakanLawrence LaskaAlain RonaldReading Chen−chiCynthaYi−ChingMelamedDebabrataByeong RicardoJr. Chang−HaChandramouliswarMarieJones Siu−MingSheelaValenRousseauBreda AmarBerlinetLeonardCharalambos GregoryMuhlbaier WassersteinKristiStruthersDavid Robert YijianMeredithJosephBodwickJaap JohnsonUkYao NathShingMunoz−HernandezNikolausJ.DanielCaoMariaDeoAnaMichael EunjuDirkEricRay MelanieJayeshDylanNiveditaFabrizioVéroniqueAlena RaoYu−YangTun−HsiangTimothyLingsongTamParkGriffiths KassandraMohammadYuji GuangFabianChunpengHoaHearneHongjuan HwangSpeightsPetrDianne RozalDerekValerie ChristianWieringaJunMarkHuangZheng AbadGillXianLuping ChaofengArashFlesiaTingtingChenLinglingAndrewSeonghyePlatt HowingtonOckerLan SilviaLevyKichun AssoulinTomitaRui BoanHwangXueyuanRuosha TomlinsonNguyenSmallYihuiJesseYulingFarid..erníkováZváraPatric YanTsairidisHaselgruberDaojiBlackSrivastava ZhouSasamotoBell DuranteLanChengNadkarniHoti YoungMiller ShenMengBautistaSuVenkataramani HydeLuAliZhangZhaoMouraBoisson Zhang LiuZhouIvahaMagyarElGouAnFronczyk LeeFan Raffa MüllerFengAminiLiYangKourabiKou LiJeonKtaibi Cao ErlandGeoffreyJoseph Hofsten GregoryGeorgeDaleJayChronisRobertRaul RasmusonDevoreLennart ElisabethCaldwell Mentz Latta OlafMoyssiadisN.HongChrisAnthony UnnikrishnanNilssonGefellerAndriyLihongJacqueline SunilRahulRobertRainerEhabAngelGassiatJochenSaraswataSabineCuirongXiuyuAlejandroSuzanneGuillaumeGetulio YangangIdaJolantaElizabeth(Laura)MatthewFotiosPatrícia LianmingLiyuanFrankBaifangHaitaoBrienMarcoJianqiangPeterLaëtitiaCatherineAugusteSarahParthaDariceZuguiTaoLilliYanThomas JacobLianboJuliusRosyMathur KristiCamilaPayalRutsJames ChunJianpingAndreevAnd−ElfattahWilliamMoranDodhia LiCamilaJuMartinezGangAndreas(Julie)Opgen−RheinCribbiePengXiwen ChelHaiwenVerboven AbbyEinbeck JapecJinlinWang KokkotosKonietschkeZhengYun AmaralRenEnderLi(Larry) JarnickaAvarucciZhengLuTill LiFerreiraSzwarcZhangEmersonKiffeLeiXing ZhangKuljusLuoMunoz HardingMuMukherjeeDelzellCommingesMungoChaudhuriShahGagnonYin HohmanWang ObozinskiYuMaGaddahShen ScottHeedeLiu WangBaiSabel FuchsCongFlyntAeberhardMaMartins TuglusSongGaoSunLin YipShiKnochSouza Ma Lee Ramos Siegfried Koller ChristopherChristosJohnRobertoLeoDavidWilliam Jean−LoupHewett ClaudioKnüsselBernardDomingoMiriamDavid TsokosMariano HarriEekeSpiegelhalterP.George AlanChristiana JonathanWithersClausKingshukDavis ErnestoDavidJ. NarinderZhaoTritchlerDavid GünterDavidC.G.M.Silva GoldbergR. deKiiveriSimonavanLillian WatsonMartinDavidGeoffreyRodney SabyasachiWelshMadreMichaelDocampo ArnakNealZeynep HaritiniWeihsJosuJonghShuying YoungKi−HoJaydipRebecca OuyangShoreBennettder HalfdanMohamedKhabie−Zeitoune LanskyMarceloJaakkoHerbertJean−Marc FloresrouxBlytheRebeccaAna−MariaSrikeshYoung−KuMarySharon SukSchwarzEthanWakefieldAngelikaAttilaEmmanuel LinDerekRoyOudshoornCouperMelanieFranciscoDrakeEdisonNangiaYanbingMcIntosh HuybrechtsJingyunIlariaYang BurgArtecheKorenjak−CerneE.S.Wolff MariaHongkaiGuyBormanLuluNannaJähnisch TsangariDiegoZhaoweiKimKalayliogluJoo MukhopadhyayBin Choudhury RanganaiDalalyanRedmanCarlosFrigyesiLi YongxiuMegan JunDurbin AnderesOtienoZailiGrageNevalainenBhattacharya SondereggerNsubuga LynnThijsProsdocimi JieqiSongEspinozaBarnettYuanArunajadai BrysTitoRen ZhangBae SchienleNugentSaidaneRohdeCostaZheng YangZhou ChoiColomboCarvalho FreyermuthStaicuFang Abatih JiSilvaLin Yu HuaXueSmith BindeleShe EdmundAnantGunnarPramodHowardJulius KshirsagarRoleneGehamAvinash PaulaKulldorff JonasWilliamTerenceJohn PathakTaylor,AnthonyFlavioColin NorwoodCainIgnacioÁngelesBacon−Shone KruopisCorazonAhmadDharmadhikari Yuan−Chin Rogers,Hang IIIAliThomasO'Neill Bartmann AbdelhadiMuirheadBrykAnnickPatricia JayHadiStephenAristidisKe−Hai KaniYew−HaurLópez Olivier HarshavardhanaKeun SaavedraRoslinazairimahAkhter ShinSwagataHongNils−Bastian MiroslavBreidtNicolasAngelaXiaoyinDaleDatingCristianoSibabrataIIIFrankMatthewJason SalemaTorben ReganRaquelChaoXuefengChenEstherBérod D.SaraDanaChangNiroshanChrisLeileiStyerSibylleArnabAhmad HyejinLeahSivaMichaelRyuJelani deWangYuanRaghuSamuelAkharif RenaudK.WilliamLeeRachelYueqinHengAdamDaiMdUsnerKashidJaejik ShupingBinyanFangpoCaitrionaLei SchaarschmidtMingDemba RoyLoriUllibarri NikoloulopoulosSchoergendorferQiChopinSima CrawfordWangLeeXinxinRisti.. KeNandiGonzálezTianTudorascu HansKuhlenkasperZengUllahJager BinGranellGregasAl−MutlakSalazarVarin BhattacharyaShuShinBanerjeeSturtz WiltshireTang LiAboalkhairLiu DaltonRajCiarleglioYu KimHöhleZhong ZhaoWithanageHeidenreichBecvarikKengneTumlinson ZhuJiangTian WangBa JiangRaoShu ZakariaGalparsoroRyan MiltonEne−Margit SobelGraceThomasJosephAnthonyPaulaPaulGeorgeJoan WahbaDavidAmanda Ernst JanDeheuvels Lockett,Norwood,DiehrTiitGerold MarkGordonBullSanderPetros VanKokolakis HardisonUnterluggauerThereseXiaojing AndrewSixtenLaurenDunnAmy Michael XinJanezGolbeckAngelicaRijckevorselIIIPetritsch FernandoAlexanderAndreasDellaportasAlirezaSmythPaulSteven ChristianDhanujaRebeccaJr.Young JeremyRebeccaArindam TuJoshuaJiamengHolgerWei−MinBiesterfeldXiaohuiHélèneNicholasChengSergeiCarrie GertLi−JungElizabeth Lundström CécileSamsonXiangJingranWeiming PigottAbraãoStareRohanMcIntyreMatthiasSoniaHolmesGendronJingMohammadJoseph DanielTianyangTimFaridBaokunChaoMonicaFriggeMarioXin Jelena YankunDaneshkhah Hernandez−QuinteroVerenaCrunk JieMihyeJuHaikunBinYuanStichWillemsWalter JosephKasturiratna LucambioNadolskiSchwenderLukasSangiorgio BetcherWagerdeChengBuchananTallbergJinaeVerdonck PondPengYan BoistardYanLuoChatterjee SuhLevasseurMalefakiZhangScherzer PengJamshidian ChenLiangSadlerLiZhu PritchardSunNascimento BruceKühn AdeshiyanLeon SalmonKrachey KeTrampischBennettLiao LiBradic AhnXu GongLiuZuber ZhangBaoOrthLeeMartig Kelly HattabAziz Edwin Mouzon LubomírSuhartoSeligGeorgeTobyRameshwarNguyen Starr Mitchell RobertJames Kubá..ekSoedardjo AlvaroStojkovicRobertDavidStefanAli AllanVan SusanRejaliGeorge GebrenegusRobert SaeidPongWesleyGuptaChu−Chih XiaohongHoGeorgeArusharka MuñozCajetanTyler MartinWilks MauritsenHuschensJean−FrançoisEmiliaCristinaMichalSujitHamid NadezhdaJohanna MelissaRosenkranzAmini JohnEdwardWeissWatsonAntonioAnnaDamlaXuejun SalemCynthiaMuratMelissaKidd MarioMichailidisAbhishekDavidGhoshAkujuobiAchilleas MaIvanLeifBagiella JosianeAiminJudeJ.EduwinMargaretSanghoGuodongPrasenjitMin JonathanDarongsaeChenJoannaJoonkiAudrey AnwarWeiKulichTatianeHaoErikPaulPezeshkButuceaSen RuixinDengfengRichardXiaobinGhilagaber DonovanPallavi HermanssonQiuziJuliaLaylaQiaolin CriseldaDobbieHaoyang Neslehova BoysenSenturkTestikXinxinShuang ChenEricZorychXiaoJianBooneReyen TrottiniJiaweiD'AmbrosioSchumannPengKitska KrasijYueKastens ErhardtSongCooperFengZieglerGosling NohAhmed RobineauPalaciosPakpahan TeixeiraFinklerYoonWenJanczuraGuptaGuo AchilleosParastSilvaChi Li SawantShilTaubTongHuiYangBriggsIdowu ChenZhu YaoKwonToto ZhangXiaLiu George BakerValentin AbdelazizBlumenfeldPeterRicardoPatrickJudithRicardo MaciejRobinson SushamaB.Laghrari JohnSubhashBernardusMikeWalther LesslerMaronnaBrockett Y. J. FraimanAndreThanoon WilczyñskiKalk WestSauwanitJinnamThomasJackDianValérieMustafaRadostinaMin−Hui Jean−YvesThomasBarbaraCleideNeuhaus MattiasDavidMarie LiBendreMichaelKulkarniRaymondDanielaAndreaVanjaHaihongKarlSiminFinnKristinTe−Ching HadasKrautBettonvilLeeRuthHsuLinAndreasCorinneXiaofengDemetrisTonyAntonChristopherShuyiTianyueJamieAndré StephanieMartynaHuiChanhoHarshJoVenturaRaymondPapiaRuprechtClémentZheZdravkoXiaoyan NancyRuiElisha SieglerGuoLinderKirkRodriquesLumleyZafriLindgrenRatanaruamkarn BaoyongTaoTatianaTarekXuDukic WenxinVillaniWangKingChanHaroldBaratpourHolger YunJinguang DuncanJakobWangHimelCarlsonJaneMoshonov PetersGumprechtHuaWestveldKostadinovaShenSongZhangWieland ZhuScherag Audibert ChengWebsterSultana DahindenSunSinghal BergZhou ChenShaoLamnisosWangHughesCao Park CitkowiczZari BotevChevalierShiWeiLange Puchstein Kirschenmann MallickMolzonFinkWrenSöhlXifaraBarrZhou Wang Li PeterTadeush WhittleAaronRoy VirgilMar'yanovichDavidPrem StergiosJonathanMiltonJoseph TenenbeinDamonJuliaPeterAnestis EdwardCurtisCraiuAdelchiRudolfManuelAlfred Edgerton RichardDieterHermannGoelNecip Mei−MiauNortonTsai−Hung SophieRiantoSander ChaunguoWalterFotopoulosDeken Wiltse DischChung−ki HoskingReichAntoniadisMathar GeorgeSébastien AlessandraAzzaliniMargaretMartinAngel MaurilleHauschkeThomasMarcDoganaksoyMartinRuvie AnnaCarsonMiaJeffrey SokbomElizaveta DjojosugitoOlafTimothyHochPeña PrzemyslawHamidBoscardin,VladimirJulienDavidEtienneCheongeunAntara TusharGuy−vanieMichelleScotlandVandemeulebroeckeWuMatthiasCaliMarco Dominguez−Toribio RyanXiaopingLaShonaBeibel HubertJeremyQingzhaoGigliRonglaiWentingXiao LouJeanFanCandaceMelinda TheusClint(Steve)BerkeDeirdreAurélie ShuMinFeudjo−TepieMichaelZhi YoujuanBengtssonLingOriSydneyYulinAhmadPosch LauraXingyeRobinMeng ThompsonVanHaiYingDavisChintanTimothy GhorbaniWarton TamineBrazzaleHan MariaMcMurryMin GillWangOuyangSoniaMajumdarXieLevina StitelmanGeraciSandersonChatterjeeHanOstrovskiRoberts RoquainXu BellegemDunnLi GorelickKohlLeman ShenJr. WangBoisbunonFarnanWuJinMoggToher BurkesKimThielbarSliwaNing QiaoMiakonkanaScholzOsmanBerrettYuAkapameLiOh Martinez Wang DiasMehtaDaley Walter SchwarzburgWalter SchneiderEdwardElizabethPaulAnandGrahamChinnaphongMargaret PerrinShamanR.William Weichung YenKatiyar CliffordUptonWendyShigeruGeorgina MaiweiWesley NotzFranzFrankDong−KiHemangi MeredithUlrichToddBumrungsup BlairIn−KwonPostonShihKevinShojaeddinVivekAbhishekLukeGunnarVictorPiotrJoshuaRussell TashaFrankElizabethIwata ChenMårten QuehenbergerSuhwon AndreJamesRebeccaAnbariYuanjiaArnoutBermannDeniseHeadrick XiaoAthanasiaRinaMunzelArgynHolgerLitongJohnGiftJadran QianyiEuijungJohnMarkusKiya RobinsonAjmaniAnirban ChongPrendergastGangGarrettKarenFryzlewiczKimLeanneXu (Martinez)JoshuaTaoHanfang VazquezTobiasKulkarniMonicaReganTovaSubhajit FingerlinYuKiefer YeoNyamundandaHellmundCheryl RichmanYangSteele RuppFoygelJuanYanLöf BhattacharyaDelaneyKairallaRanHamilton VanO'Brien KuketayevWangWuChang LiuZhangLeeChenouri PurdomHoeflingZhang DobricLiMcNeil FullerLambTu RyuBibinger FoxMondal Mielke StrejaGreenePetsaLiMessemSirskiShen FlynnYang DuttaGuevaraBarber Laier Prasert NaWolfgangMarilynAllanUttaraChandraRobert KerstinNagoraErichRichard JackSampsonBelén DennisGaussRasmussenSorumMilorad ShyamalaMichaelWoolsonNeuwirthDhafir Verena WertzSamia MohammadVännman GulatiLutzC.EtienneJosé R.SánchezMohamedJeanie Jürgen Anderson−SprecherJ.ChristianCordeiroJennings Christian Suresh RashedFrederickKovacevicJohanYoonJustineSimon BuddeEl−ArishySchultze−PawlitschkoGarridoIrmaAna DmitriAsumanSteveNagarajMark CarmenMartinaAdamThomasTatyanaJonathanTrauwaertMyrtille Christopher ChiaraRun−ZeSandraWengCatherineAngelaMing−ChihMilanWellmannJagadiswarKübler LemingSamuelEvrimClaudia KimDongHua ValverdeJong−HoonWeishiHernandezHeikoWilliamAl−SalehMariaBringRoseMiKazuhiko HeumannAbigailBentarzi QiongxiaShultsJanqi MehmetC.JianzhuScarrPoonsakHafnerYuSanjeenaRichardHorvathBelindaZaykin XuanGuixianJohnBingzhiDedyCardinal−Stakenas EllisStrale, StefanHyunIvonne TangGrantStehlík PavlicovaLauraSedaGigliaranoSmailVivienMeng WeiKrivobokovaMurilloOralLiangYuGsponerChun PereiraHugebackFuqi BailerSaint MadrigalLiWeinbergQu YuanCoptPerlich YuOtt MorphetHughesChenTimmermansShobenDwi ShaoLeeKao Rhoads SamajdwarLiJr.WellerPhipsonWarrShinkiKocakTurkmenZhangWinterLin ChenSongAcionJarickYousfi WangSirisomMagallanesPan JooFleurDang Prastyo Felix Burkhardt JonLarryReinholdAdam MariaAdrianRaoStaffan RingerL. GracielaTaube MarkRivera GustavoAbrahamWilliamSmithBergströmWilliamIbrahimJacintoM'hammed Uvell PierreBerlinerTimothy de Qi−YuNibeditaBoenteTorsten DanaBarlow AlexanderAndersVeloceSantosMartínHeatherIbrahim HaiyanGui−ShuangBaezKatherineGuidoMatthewIsraels MilenaFrancoisJakeJibLafayeLongWilliamPetrDanielSeonghoKatarzynaAirlaneRichardAliakbarFelixBenjaminArmando MavisDanielChristophAndrewHans−Joachim DexterZhangDesislavaBabaRobinson DraghicescuPengAmyEunAndreaJuliaChanHuhMario YijingXiRémiNarendraChanaHilker FangArnoMariaHyukjeBandyopadhyayFran..k FeiOlesonJiménezSchwarzerKeXichengFeiHolmbergNgoGarcía AbeerHuang MüsgensZhang BanjevicRuoxiCrosbyYouna deSchubertYoung StewartKarafaPararai VaughanAlencarSharpAlekseyenkoHarra ZhaoYuYanPagendamJiHuntCollin LiuKennedyCahoy Zeng MohsenipourServienParenteShenSongFritschChangTitman Micheaux VronskayaRiebler LasakHoareGoldsteinLowenstein YingMa KwonRothe HasanVoynikovaXu Hu KumarFangLim Helms SamarendraJagdishReinhardAbramWilliamThomas Rustagi PaulRoy JoséKagan TrommerBeth FederVijayanDuMouchelRichardJürgenDietrichMarinus ChristosBabatundeBurnettRobert Bernardo FabriceGladenValérieSungsueKarenPeterClaesCarlosSilvia RiccardoNairPilzJustine Junfang PicardBovonStacyBell VanJonasKoukouvinosCraigJohnV.HerveElaNikolaosDouglasTommiSounakTanya XuanAgnesSteven GamboaJonsson AyeniSwankSwaminathanYoungTerezaQiuhuChavez−DemoulinRosenAndersson WinfriedFerrari derCuevasToscano SangwookXiaohuElisa SurajitFrancisAliLindborgMarinaAiyouRheemVahid FabioKartikeyaAdrianHinkleLucieneAndreasRitchieYu−LingEmineBorkowfAnderssonYanping AlanHaolan AminMinJuliusGuanLiCardotEvelynGatto LuongJamesMikhailZhigenDanielLeeden LogvinenkoHärkänenYuanxinOmarAlshabaniTimothy YouHamonK.Gleb XiaFethiStemlerDanChengShiKevin XinMilandKatrinChakrabortyRudySchaubelSfikasLeiNeocleousBonviniWei GavinJunyi HeeCheng ChenAhmadiRigatPartoviEmilHuebnerQing RayCovarrubiasTheisZhangZollanvari HoughtonBaymanKnight BengWangXingBachSchniedersHe ShiWangGonçalves PerelmanLuTsaiBdair HerrholzHagemannDaiOberskiMadaniWu LaoZhaoZhelonkin GhiaBartzPastelKangSeo Kraus LinWenrenPitkinXiJoshiKennelLynchMai Liu KohNia WitoldMikhailGeorgeLucianoAnthonyYasuko KloneckiRobert AbouNikouline/NikulinWalterFionn GeorgeEl−HoussainyMillikenRobertLarsPichaiSherrieSalileshArthur Lloyd MolinariChikuseKhidrOlsenNarbik DuncanNorlandFrancialKarinRobertChiang−Sun ChristophIanGrzegorzMurtaghRussellStroupIanLybergAnne−CatherineNorbert LawrenceJushan RungerJaisinghIntarapanichFriesMee MarschnerAdaikalavanEmotoDrydenMukhopadhyay B.JamesWolf−OstermannJimmyManukianStanislausJohnUlrich ChrisopherSanjayJong−Min GopikaCouchley PatríciaBingshuAtwellAnnaXueqinM.Tai−TsangGiscardLinda GuillermoBaptisteChenlei Alpizar−JaraMelissa RadyJaquelineShu−YingYanez LifengLiminPageDavoodBai MaierRempa..aLauraJaesikJoseph KibriaNaomiRuAdrianWenyunNewellXiaodong SeokhoJuliaYinan IvanWeiMcDermottOllideHermanRiesKathöferChiao YongAndrewLiliTrijyaYunJianfeng Valeva YijiaChaudhuriGarsideOnkarChen Goswami Wang BlakeEspinheiralaMoore TzePengChenLibengue SaarelaYangWangLengLinRamasamyFournierUyantoSpannSimeonov VillanovaKimChiampa LuJeong TorreBrownsteinHintze HuangFavreGrovesMendezFarbodChenKim FengChenSingh GuarteYehLeeLiChoy Dalal CronRayHill LianMeng Dobele−Kpoka Hermann HitzlerRobertDamarajuAnadi BechhoferOlegMartinCharlesGanapati Roy AnthonyPedroRaghavaraoVladimirShalaevskyNeilArneJamesBasilioHenrikSteven WilliamKnottArnasonJohnWolfgang PhillipsRodríguezWunderlinPrestonNelida Desai DaleO'HaganLindaDonchenko DianeAndersonPereiraRamlau−Hansen JanMcDonaldLynnFahrenholtzHarrietWerner HeavlinBimanBeatriz KraemerSongJose SoniaFerrettiWenshengChi−Hse HanousekMaryDinkinsColinShaochengSharplesSchmid ChangbaoNormenDuffyHyun−JooJanGaleSiuli MichaelThorstenMarcEsquerdoHafidaJ. Nembhard NikolaiWendyVolker MadhabMüllerCarlosThomasMaria EmilyAlexanderIvetChakrabortyChenDezhong WeiningSorawootLockwoodRajarshi KyleMendesAmyPicekBjörnHernandezYuehuaDanielTishaAlexanderMeyerRamsay ZhenXuesongMeganBritChengchengAnnettMukhopadhyayYueArseniKejiaAustin MartinaRuixiaoSimonZhewen WeiningCatalinaSuchardChristinePamelaDipayanPitrunPengfeiTeng BotondYanran SchenkYimeiJared GuerbyenneCaudle SchmidMcHenryWagamanTurnbullMartin CapparucciniGuoSlobodianikJoe CzikaMinWangVega−VilcaBornkampFei PaulsWuHooksKim PangLiu ShanSamarovKhoju Lepage ZhouCui KellerSereginRomerGuhaniyogiWang MillerSchneiderSrisumaSmithMalinowski SuLin LiMinchevaLuFosterYu Bade FanLlopWangZangChenVallejosSzaboMaiti Kiss Liu Alladi RamakrishnanPranabMohammadAbdollahDavidVictorSidneyAndersFriedrichFan−NanT. BarbaraSen Atsu MooreSrivastavaGuerrero−GuzmanStevenR. GyörgyChung−ChungHadianMaureenHinkleyNeil Ågren I.AliDorvloLaurie WebbSung NikolaySchmidLéoStaufferWillitsLinNkem−Amin RichardLalley ValérieTerdikJen−ChiehDimitrisPingAlexandraSujit Chiung−YuMaciejOmar Gerville−ReacheLahiffSergiyMeauxEnriqueArminAhnMohandIngeborgLynneIsabelleMarkMarc Michalis KorolevAliVictorDiane LiangangNeilYanWeiweiBertholdRalphHaimingAliciaSahuLuisJohanHyunaConnie GregoryRebeccaRichardRoman EdwardMonbet KloserAmyRomanWeiliangDewi WuHyejungXiaoyanXuelianKhoujmaneAssiliLindsayChristopher FouskakisMichal PhilipMatthewRosolowskiWeiReinhard GittoesProkopenkoQianRoerhlJinyuanDavidNizarArianMcArthurWoeiDaleyCoram Olivier LéonJun terKhumbahSchmidt PanaretosHsiehMillerFeddagNieto−ReyesXunFlückigerXizhen LeHoegn WaernbaumLim FatihFengHuangWuYangRahardja LiuKolossiatis LiHorst TimofeevGuoZhouHaagBoonstraDing EverittLiuKangBeinAlsufiMatthewsMalekiLoJandarov HillerPe..taWalls WeiNoveloJiangRenfroWai WangMoonLinShi Collier ChangBryan Lau HeckelCai NamSuen Ursul Lely GerardPaulNorbert LeppinkJohn SeegerDennisPaulDennisGlenn Crowley GeorgeRobertoRahimVictorPatricia Kyung−SungRonaldJensMcAllisterRashad MichaelMatiasMarcusWeierDing−Geng Jorge GalfondDeniseAliceWisniewski HoonjaHongMoeanaddin GrügerMohamedViatcheslavBretthorstJean−BenoitElena RogerShubhabrataDavidPaduaM.EidJeffreyZybert AndyFelicityThompsonPatrick KrzysztofEmanuelXiaSamu RichardsonSergio AdroverSalibian−BarreraMaha Pei−HuaJoãoHannesAminApratimGulfamDavit NeuhäuserMosierMohammedJoonReidJonDavidXiaoqianBotterChangEleniAndrejusMingVictorGurjeetHuajiangHighGordana DavidXiaojianTsui−LingDenizLexinJürgMartínez PanReinekeLeeTakumiDavidJunBilisolyLiawKimCibeleYi Gabriel GregoryMiecznikowskiMateen ChloeChenMoodie MäntyniemiMartins CarmackYujuanRahrouhSelmouniQianLandes VarronJuarezXianSang XiaoGiannoulatouAdamYuanChaiIreneSchelldorfer HanLaura Sal SolbakovLiBen−DavidChuaSiddiquiHelgasonRudnicki AkdemirGuha Chen HardouinCollinsSinghMukherjee RussoSunSaegusaParfionovasXu SparksLi DeradoChenYu yXuMurillo LeeShaikhChen VrbikLevin Al−EidLoyXieRosasYee OscarIrvingPaul RobertAnisWeslerWeissKazimierz JamesRolandSwitzer AnilHans−GeorgKanjoNasser AlfredasFossum Ya'acovGoreMary Mohammed Gentle WolfgangKarpinskiGüntherDonaldJian−FengDianaSaraArupGuo−Wen DanyuArghamiAvner Ferdon ShiquanRaulBasalikasHongshengAbdul Anne−LaureNicholasYung−SeopRitov JohnWheelessBoseMüller Marc−OlivierCatherineKatherineWhistlerIan Trost Vladica Bar−HenCanoThomasHuaxinScherrerTarasLinTatevikAnastasiosShanhongKenneth PeilinBoris RonaldHongRanaMatthewAmandaQuassimRandall MingyaoKernYuriiHirschLuizaYaoJoelJohan EmilyXinNateshGloriaRuiMinjungTimurYemingDavidMouhamadSunXinyanLiaoDanChaoAbubakarYanqingJuliaRyan MarkusOuChunlinYiHortonMengLuluBoDavidZhihua JordanBodnarBirkJiahan ZhongPhilipAtulAlbertoKuznetsovJennaGuohuiShiShulkinWu Stojanovi..PreddLorencLuLejiaWong YouAmbartsoumian MasynBadinCalderMerlLeeZhao BoulesteixJohn LiGriffithDonyPimentelZubayraevLewinBjursell ShirleyAiYang R.KangWilliams PillaiFergusonTaddy ZhangSchützMaBoldiLi GuanMallikZhaoLee LegátSkourkeas HuiYi HoferLouRojas ErnstJiLiu LiRoduKrallAsaad WuAllaya Teng Louis Leon Thurstone Leo GoodmanLaurenceWilliamLyleSergueiLymanNitis BroemelingRonaldCharles HerbstCleveland, Erik MukhopadhyayPaul AivazianMcDonaldBoonTatsuyaClifford GailNordheim RobertAlanGlaserSampsonM. Shaffer OngEleanorSarathFengchunSang PatrickSchiffSoniaGongVitaliana Belstock JaneMelissaIoannisDavid IIPieterKubokawaFamingPereira PeterNaserStrawdermanHelitonIgnacioAnilSeok Luis−AngelHugoMichalEdsonChungYanpingPiaSoniaTimothyKim AmyKeithOsvaldoGernot BannehekaBinbingMarcCastilloGrace YaakovSampritHarvillEmberson AbelAmílcarLandon HeagertyThomas CauseurIrwinAranhaMehdi PhilipvanLarsen XavierKyungaMorse SeijaNtzoufrasRondonottiHaiyanPengJonathanSeong SmithNgocElkumOhLeslieTimothyDeniseHuiIlzeBingChaoThoresonLiangSoyoungMaruri−Aguilar ZhipengVinhWenqiong SchumannMinassianTavares MauroFrieslMoralMartinezPrithaFredetteYanBirteFaiXingWu InaRodriguez GelderChiuZhiyuMuellerWangJoppsThorntonBeileiJeong ZhiYuKalninaMalinovskyAnacletoYates SirkiäMaadooliatBanerjee HanNguyenWongSegoGendreOliveira BurghausHuoRodríguezHuang HendrixJakiJun KimBai Muhsal EarleArce GuhaAlves Knapik Liang HuangBradleyWuRyu ZhouYang Xue Junior StuartAlexanderIvan BesslerFellegiCarlJohnAndrzejAndreiSherylVera Kung−YeeHarryRoux PapadopoulosKinneyDavidSteven Nicholas Pawlowsky−GlahnKozekMakshanovMatthias JoséKelsey JeffreyKhamisMarkJen−LunAri U.JörgenAtalantaFairley RigdonJonathanRaquel RamírezWelfredoLaurentAiltonLiangNicolaiAjitaLavarajHämäläinenLeoMuhammad RodrigoMarkThomasJaroslawJamesPaytonSimon PolsonSang−Joon AlbertAnneleenTimTansuKudraRobertRichardPedroPatriciaKarenNeoSeungtaiAmir YoungsookJasonGustavoAnestisDahlénKornGopikrishnanYingYoungjuPai−Ling TezcanHilmarChadLu−HungJiminWilliamVieiraAnYuan GhoshXuelei JieGreenwoodJinnanFriedeHuaihouPrado MeinshausenYuPingAnneAric JiaweiRobertFerraraChristopherAnnaDean FeiyiDaviesElifPayandehXiaofengPatunganKucukoncuMarchiniPaoloJiaHanyu ShanDrummondTorres−SaavedraGerds SchettlingerYangZhaoMoran TaiHarezlakEdwin NielsenPelavinWilkinson DingBhatti LaBarr ChenBöhmTouloumisAcar OzrazgatYoon NiAkramVerhasseltHansen SchwenklerNeelyJiaPak LeeLiuLittleSantos,LiWei KorteChenYaoZanini JeonChenYang Lei Shi Chung Jr. Vasant HuzurbazarNikolaiB.David KaleHaroldRajanStevenGeorgMelvin BodinJackPeterJaromír OsteyeeMohammed JerryHudson ShinghalMohammadBarbara SimmonsKaplan PflugBruceMing−LongLinnellAlbrechtKennethMinMaría PeterSangunLewisAntochTaiGabrielXikuiDavidSoniaKristoferGholamhosseinSahar ManishaMarcTamunaXieSupratikYevgen Koons Nak−KyeongColin FairouzKuzmakYoung−Ju MoonMiriam PulakAntonelloDolores FlorenceFangRogerYuqunMeyerAlam JoeGuyGladysGrayWangClaudioArseneQuanLarsVitaraAlemtsehaiMichaelTokyHuiling HiroyukiKatjaSenthilRashmiBrackGallesRaqabBo HughDuyguParkMazziWilliamJingsi MattiEl−SheneityHayleyGéraldineLamAngeloEugenTianyiJiyingHuerta MaximillianJinchiQiLewisLianNels Axel KoopmeinersTiago TymofyeyevMengjieJenningsSherryBrockDanLi KavtaradzeGhoshWonyulDesaiBeiCaiHaoAdamBo RoyÄngquist MakhloufMaru..iakováPeng XiaLuoRandrianasolo HongHanewald PungpapongUrsúa SalcedoPirinenCrews NtiwaLiuGeorgeXiaKimLiJohnsonBücher KaiLoddoDurastantiSava..c..ChenGirimuruganLiu VockZhangLiaoLv UrsuJonesPantWuRea TaniaiElmi VargasKim BullLinGholami TurasieLaurentLeeChen FoudjoChen Johannes du Saar JeromeMargaretFrederickMarshallMarieLeeRichard SacksWilliam SmithNoel Hanns GessamanAkimichiHu..kováNathanielJacquelineMari ClevensonGlick,AlanShaneFawcett GeraldNicholsCressieDavidSomnath P.Josep AckermannPalta ChristlJanet KimberRichard JorionIrisJooJr.Takemura MarshallDavidPederson Henry HartmutMarcDorfmanGrietjeAlexanderSchenker Yeung AmalMariaMeulmanPenelopeC.EvgeniaKim AlexandrePavelRuta SinsheimerElizabethRodneyHolmesSantoshYuchiehConstanzeDonnelly JarretGeorgiosPeterAndrewDatta NingpingXiaoyanDeirdreNampoothiriAfshartous YannisStephenChangyiHeejongScottJohnHolubkovGentonEricaZsoltSourishYunEvgenyGalen ColleenYichaoTyler MelloukHaoYufengStephenJoffeHoltropRobinMateo−SanzLevuliene DongjunTolulopeLiGapeevYingHolzMistyWeiguo SubhraJiaHoffBarberMiao JingyuanYumnLu Qin ChonRubinshteinYichenZhengMcBrideWeijieHolan MortonFinchSoojinAllenTalataMoodieYang EisenbiesLiuJemiaiSrivastava TiermanXiaWilliamsonO'Brien MalloyLambert LengPapkovLi WangKaragiannis WangLiuParkLehrke SungMitra WuSahaZoldinHeinWagner DingKenneyZuo LiYusoffBush ChungCaiSparapaniSajobiDhar Gu XuRohQin Liu GwilymSumedhaRobert JenkinsWalterWarren LarryFereydoonOdehRonaldFlorin DeborahWilliamJoseSenguptaJohnsonGunnarJayCyril TerryDanielRogers MadhuchhandaMuenzL. Gorunescu LubinThisted(Pepe)E. CécilePiotrStather Willard TherneauIngridDavid PaulaJ. Harris Jean−MichelAhrabiRosenqvistAndrewWardropBurr−DossF. MirtaKengKristaRileyJerome CassandraSeongMaríaBajorskiKariBereniceKonstantinMichael CatherineKennethHardouinQuintanaSolomonIlya MarloesMichaelJorgeMatthewEun−Ha VanGliddenSumihiroHonghongAbeerBrandon JiachengBritoMohammadRahelXiaobinGarfieldBraunBenjaminNewtonBernardo ClaudiaNusratMatthieu YePauloKyusangFrancescoAlejandroBensicKhoo AuranenCathyMichael BreithauptZhanpanO'NeilLipkovichSujittaZakariaSijianYunHartley José John KeilegomHuiMarianHaeranAlbertoDanielAhmadSwatiKim HuaPoix YichengBhattacharjeePicazoLeiLiang ZhaoPingMiaoDonohue El−BazStichtenothTianCheRanQi JamesZhouGanningBaez−RevueltasMaathuis ParenteLoubes TangChoiHarrarBealJahan ArroyoPoliakCrespiTyurinWaiBrownHiggs QianGarcía−ZatteraYuanWangScottSuzukiKirch YuanSuraphee ZhengLynchChandnaLerasle TuraYuBaiocchiTynerZhou KhondkerSussman NguforZangChenDuanFarahCholaquidis JingCaimoAlzaghalChoZhangStingoIslam Kang Mason AlanDonald StuartKennethM(arilyn)HansJoachim Morrison R.P.DanielVahleSeyedPieterSelénKathryn Leandro MullenS.Nancy Krauth SinghLewisG.DavidMark ClaudiaKrewskiVassilios SeyedghasemipourKroonenbergJanGrubaughDavid GellerStaceyChaloner WolfgangClaudio OlcayPardoPhilippeVan MatthewRobynKnowlesJohnHolidayDavidNataliaHanaAxelConstantinos Jiuzhou HanagalCzadoChristopherYongsungBrackle,ChristopherNirmal NicholasChristine LuohuaLuisVasdekisAkmanChia−ChunStefanieDoyleChernySoonilWitteYajunBenjaminKonstantin MingjinJingyangJune−NanYingyingOzlemJasonMarcinClausenAnirvanAgostinelliXiupingMcClellandHanan JianpingPaichuanBrianBingqingSasanMichaelGambleSandyJane..kováCallierEmily HongjianHuaqingRitabrataQingIrinaStolzCarin WoodRobertLingzhou BochkinaYassirWanyingAlexanderHanzhongXin GovindKeWangBoese MeiKwon IIIYue LeggJiang HartmanKukuyevaIlkPanPajewski YanChanChenHitczenkoJooRuiKelleyAhmadDonauer AlizadehWangKimTaylorLiuChakraborty FanLiVahl AmreinShabyKallisZhangRabhi SmithDurrant ZhouChenLiuZhaoZuevHsiehWu ZhuDutta LiXueLi CrouchLiu AllardWilhelm Holwerda Zorn Edward PaulsonJeanDavidDoris KasraGibbonsMarjorieJohnRyszardRobert NiraAlan LloydGombergCheng−TaoJessica Tomá.. AfsarinejadFabien Quiring JosephHerrmannUngerJohn Hyung−Tae GroshMariaLindPetersonKun−LiangPao−ShengCharles Hyune−juThanavathCarlMagieraLynnYin−JungAparna CatherineUtts CipraCulverhouseMarkCampillo ForoughEnrico SchwarzMarhoulMeehyungFriedrichGunheeAlvaroValentinadel YuzoKepherChang YuhongGaryHeshamFriedman AlenaHecklerArthurMargaretMartin JeremieAristideCowanCarmen GuanghuaJelaniMavroudisYoonjung KimJonathanAndersonHong CéliaHwangFentawLuVladimirJamesSamuelRichardDunleiPhonvichaiSara MaruyamaGiovanniTeng ChavezPaulThomasWei−ChenChangYuejing FariaLanJohnGreenfieldWanidaLuis TahaniYangColleenVermandeleYanyuLori KarlbergRezaXanthiFarrukhMakambiTaiLeeAndreasFialová YingJonasChanminJianLeisch Charpentier(Casper)AdamRomeroDanMisura LiangGadelrabJudyChoNan JabariNunesChengLarsson XueDuty Achy−BrouBigotKaufmann CastroHoffmanShort PardoMcGreeChengArthurXie Abegaz DoloDing OttRamezanZouMininZhangLeeLiBeezleyMaturiDing PedeliXiao LotzeEleftheriouLimmunPetersMottaChenSitlani LiGraceJavedNiu GraefChen LiKimWu DonaldMaryFedericoRogerBenjamin MacEachern BlomquistRanganathAmitavaJayanti BennoNancyJonesAshokMoolCarol JesúsO'ReillyWilliam M.KedemBrianAndreaLueShahjahan Agrawal Baxter ChotaiFellenbergYuhwenMitraChristopherFlournoyChao−WenLinkShanubhogueJelloulSathyakamaHarald Rodríguez−RodríguezRattihalliPing ClaudiaThelen PhitchaphatFrançoisRayensElenaPaulBoJoannaEricJosephPetronillaFiroozeh YazannGubserSamuelSiegfriedZhongSara ParvizChristianBernadettaTonya MathiasChangkuShuhong NaohisaAlejandroSumonaZhaoXiaoBibbyJaeBenjaminTomá..AllalAmy Yung−RayJin−Hong JuheeGingerHeinzlSooYufengKellyRossBycottWenyi JoshuaJingInêsSangbum DanielaKhanKazukiHongyanHuiLandaburuXinHagenDao−PengAntsPengfeiKanlaya JianchangTaskinen JoshuaYanyanKeunHaojieYeLuJarosz−Nowak BeyeneJuanAssaid SongYanivBruckerGuanMaddox NasiriLauriski−KarrikerJonasRomahi MüllerSandilyaXiaojin HaghighiHandley WitarsaFangQiuZouGuoliSequeiraMarek SunHörmannSongDrton YijinBowonrattanaset DavisKaasikLiuWangConradKanedaMondalKangZhao VillagranSvensonYooHetzlerUematsu JiaWitten TariganPark PlanChen YanGuo PatrickWu BoonlhaWallinChenChoiWuSun Xu ChenLin Johannes Peek AlbertCharlesJohn BowkerRalphWilliam QuesenberryWilliamPrattJohnTed D'AgostinoRonald ShonickLeslie VaughnSzatrowskiFranciscus RafaelHenstridgeTaoufikPeterDayaPhillip Gyung−SooYong−ChengBernsteinButlerKarl−FriedrichKim−AnhSallyKeithJamesC. YanjingGerdaMunsonMarieMolinaJean−PhilippeNagarAntonio Karl AndyZoubeidi NortonLenkaMartyHassaniaMortonSelander TianxiAnitaMichaelKeunFabrice(Frank)EricAnandaMichaelSvetlanaChuanAmylouMaoxiaSalimMarkMenggang CongClaudiaDavidAurelie BromanPooleAlexander ChaventNirupam ClaeskensAjayDoWangBastienChin−IFrancesTsaoJichangAlexanderHohZhongxin RuthKimihiroSebastianRafaelPangAhmedBo NaJärpeHaizhiSeungElizabethHanPaulSmithJianxin Ya−HuiGomesKomárkováNilsDavid vanPyoMarcioYunshunDaniel WangCai Lukens HanBouzebda LandauPeng JasraCoolenNordstokkeZhouLuLarribe SmithSukHamzaoui ManageZhengJoner,YiDueck Lozano HellerNevesderRaabeBuiBizjajeva DuKimPlummerYi Cheng Vert IzbickiSuMarchinaWu ChakrabartyKahleJun DuBarakatDolley YuYinHsuSchmitzNoguchiNoh LinderValk NiKooijQuang Blocker StoneVollmer Chen Jr.Shin SubrahmanianCharlesMurrayMuniWenceslaoFloydRichard BollSrivastavaSally ErsenHajimeKrzysztofGeisler Werner J.SpraktesJaciraPanchapakesanDavid Sievers RanganathanMonahanArsevenPatrick StephanieGonzalez−ManteigaTakahahshiKevinFah Jean−FrançoisSzajowskiCarvalho SteinbergMartinNagelKarenEpimaco,StephaneBrantMahendranPerTaizhong LeonhardJeffrey Gan NicolasFlorchingerClaudiaDoneganUrsulaKarenJeffreyMatthew Tzu−MingYonggangGöstaShannonJohnSimonBreedetteMd. MichaelSharryYu−MinDeppaSamiran(Monks)GoldAnnaFenghaiFlorianMareenEduardoSimonXiaoMariosLudgerStephan JunhuiZhenqiangLiangSaranyaMaherAshlynda JaredMohamedSharadaJamesCurrie ErikKimYingNanhua ShuangCrawforthNormanKhairulMelody Jr.GarczarekLocantoreSandraGirardQiangHabibDaniel JochenHuDobelmanJiBaySchmegnerNusratJason AnderssonRochaBirgit Held Urbanek ShitanMcGlothlinZhangSancarMitchell HyungCabanlit Coeurjolly ZhenBrodinBondEvans YeFangRueck HuangSwartz ChengAllenSchuetterPavlidesWang MarchlewskiChuSantoricoEversZhaoKachourDuan GhoshMunsonHayes Bullard MontoyaHaug JafariLiuThongsookGuo WitteIslam GillisWyseDenhereModur LiuZhangHarunGriffithHaidus Kruppa LuElsaeitiXiao ShinAdali BabubhaiRichardJanaWilliamBruceBruce ThomasJure..ková GholamPedroGejza ShahDeloresSchwartzBarbaraCarlos MohanTurnbull JavierJoanNeilPadgettSchmeiserJairoKatarinaCalvinNaveen KathleenWimmerVit Yung−HsinDalisayWehrlyYoshihiko RezaJörgChi−HungPoulsen ConwayPaulStaniswalisPereiraMcKnight GhislaineMatthewRobert CabreraArrowAlicjaDelampadyAlysonDanielKatherineKaushik SterlingEricBeiyaoEugenioWilliamsStephen Chirakkal GavinDimitrisBuchholzKo..meljSavareseBansalMohtashamiDanielaFernandoChristelChristopher XianzhengMartina MaligaligWonSun ThomasRoelPropertDanielMiguelVáclavPaulJokiel−RokitaSampArnabJunfeng RonnyRossLeonardoEsaGarethAnna JohnsonYushanPhilipJenniferKonnoSonjaPeterSargentMansikSusanWilsonNemaAlexander MingWillemLievenJohnDanielKarlaftisMichael NicolasIbrahim(Alex)HsiehArnabCarl ZhengVirginiaJamilaMelvilleGayraudNaimaGhoshXiaoliMichelleHiltonQing AmandaAnnaSimina QuentinRitenAndraca−Carrera BraekersA.Gong−YiKarlisMcNicholasOllila ColeDavidRui NitchevaBouquiaux RenaGosky HaridasGillenTchirinaMinLahade Orsáková..apekPeterMokveldZhaoVallejosKosater DiCasoliGuthrieDziakYueYifatBaltazar−LariosGreven VerdeboutHughesDean ChenAlberLiu LiuChienDesmetYeKruijerParkBailey MaityTang GaoHuHuang CarvalhoKlimovaMathiasBorzadaranStädlerMitraShifa BrignellAbdelrazeqTrujilloWierzbickiNiu Filiaci DalpiazBoca Yu SunVolfovskyCareyLaviBerthetChiKoepke Liao CyrilDonald DombWilliamMargaretEdwin RobertsStuartJohn GideonMalliosRené Robert(Chmielewski)GhasemAntonio ChristineChenWhitehead SmitaDayanandDufour Hirsig ParichehrWeissRichardPenttiShanthiP. ThomasKeener MarinaVellaisamyNabar ChristopherPossoloMedeaTarmastYanDarioJui−YuanFrédérique Sayan NicholasGraffigneHaaraYukChengqingChentingPedro ChunRossiNaik AlekseyWenxuanMatthewNoomenMichal LeoSethuramanFanescaYi−KuanWangShuanggeDelphineNemethHemyari PriyaDimitriosSandraKarenGeroChunfang RichardsonHalehJosephRegineMadukaCaioSteinVannucciJesúsSusannaChengYounisGasbarraAbhay Meng LeaHongjiangJeffreyNaoMukherjee Chongzhi CheungStefanSeungJiaqiAlvarez−EstebanGunJunqing MingqiSungwookAvidehIsmael MathiasChuYu EugeneLijingRanjanEmreSzepannek CoelhoCzajkowski LieHollomanTriebsch JackCranstonSuLetuéPolunchenkoGhaem MimotoAlonsoLu HurtadoSchofieldBen SubramanianYueSchederTsengFathyYoungLucas WuZhongCassartParkChen RupasingheKaryampas Gonzalez MaBjörkwallJinGiebel HyunXiong XuWuBarutKnorrTalkeSabeti GhorbalWu GaoDiTrabs CabreraMaralani Kim Rúa Hendrik Onnen Karl−AugustPaulMahmoudJohnManavala MeyerThabet SchäfferKlausJohn ThornbyAhmadBengtDavidR. PrabirSamarraiAhmed SennettiKao−TaiNagelDesu A.KennethSmailP.Christopher Chyi−HungMalik MuthenIreneEmmanuelReynolds ScottE. MattarRenatoBhattacharyya RobertRossi IvanKatrienAgustín PralayAdjabi JinsanTsai RiekenMalikFerreiraAmitabhaCélestin AmparoErnst−JanNordströmAndréCengiz Yasaman Tae−YoungSamAlexanderMizeraJessicaHakanXiaohuiJeffreyMikhailAssunçãoSatkartarJoshuaLarissaCherylMiroslavMikyoungLatonyaPing−ShiAlexandre FanhuiBin PeterSchmidLeeHaojunYanchunRémiHsu DavidMukhopadhyayLazaridisUllaXiangZhaoxiaMarceloKimYangJoseph VanNorbertYunMarcoXiaoqinMayo−IscarPatrickVenemaVasilikiSergejYiBrian Dong−Yop BehsetaXinColinTscheschelXuejing Wang MingKokonendji BaílloCharityBelentepe MånsHuang SazakRomildNigieBhaumik TiepKohSpenceDriessen ChenDingusLangovoyThwaites KohlschmidtLopezWangRui GoodmanStanberryWit TolussoKongWangYu HosseinkashiGarner ..imanOuyang HobbsCaroneKinneyAue WuGuinness JunRundelPotapovYuJahnZhouRemenyiBao RuizHeoVitoratouXiong Patriota XuMai ThulinShiWang Law Oh Johann Jahn David CoxDonaldMuhammadGeorgeDavidJohnLouisWolfhartKrzysztofAbhayaJohnMarlene McNeil EcclestonBerryHext V.Gordon K.Marian NadarajahJamesSchollenbergerZaatarIndrayanJung DeborahDuncanVermaOrlowskiThorstenNeeraj EggerKeyingDeborahRichardCynthiaDongRoxanaJames IngileifErwin RyanBaumlerParminderJohnNorohariveloBockCecíliaStephanGaryGalitMohammadOlivierYahongYijunDanielMatthewVasylDeepayanShou−Jen SanggohnPingping MisraHuizhenBashir KimIgorTempleUweG.Yu−JauRumseyYunmingRameshYeZhengxiaoZhengzhi Laurent YuliaGrahn RalphHonglianBarkerMays GarvanScottChealHoChenMichaelShmueliStampfer Elijah/RoxanaWalkerGabrielAnnaGlueckEloNathaniel NiklasCarolineHallgrimsdottirMasanaoGenPaulNikiZuoVishal MathiasJill MarcinGengxinMelnykovMiriam GolosnoyAzevedoWintenbergerXinZiegenhagen YueLewandowski SeokPeng YunRajenVanYijiang DweikLeungMarchenko ShuDeverKilleya SinghZumbrunnenLangLesch NowakLinSilva NguyenGuoSimoniNiDePalma Huang SarkarDelsol NiuChangNorénMu ZainalHanRandrianampyXueMauryaDer AbreuXiaLance Zhang MoonIonKuta HodgeYangWuUhlerBourel Shah YajimaHelwigLi Veeken Chien TeunisDanaRichardPrabhakerWilfriedJohn WilliamQuade Terpstra LeKronmalCorneliusVincentKrzysztofWerner M.RainerBeckwith GhangurdeRoyLinchengJack Grossmann A.Meeker,Eduardo MarkF.Jian−ShenFranklinGoeran TonyRaid LaRicciaGambinoIrèneSudeepGebhardt PeterPlobergerAboukalam Yolanda Jong−HwaGutenbrunnerStevenOstaszewskiKimberlyT. HandcockMaria FrederiekeZhaoLisbethGillesP.AminFungJr.AdaoCathal ShinshengOrlandoZhongmingGijbelsCraigMaxLouis Lars CasperAndersKauermannEngelSandraAnaVicenteVeronicaM.SofiaSandroDebashisJose EfthimiosNicklasYa−ChingPanayiotisMarceloKunduKarimChristopher JochenJuliusDonald PosnerRaed JayantaHaiyanChenKateriNanMunozSing−Yee J.FareedChenSteffenInga TrindadeSouhaibBlanchardLouisMustafa Forsberg SwygertElizabethMirandaSánchezOlusolaXu WalshHuaiyeMarianoHansson XiaojunJorgeOlegSlaughterZhuangYongpingNa OlhedeChongFerreira Wanjie OliveiraErikssonAlbersZhangFreitag RanOualkachaCaoGsteigerMonleonvanHuiDasahAbuMaslova Kun KorsellRuanBerrocal ConradBuotYuanBrummCirillo MaldonadoXuMondal HuangMotakisMayba PalUnkelHsiehRomán Bobotas MaNaifPerloBenZhang LiuMakindeAwwadLing LiuJiangMichelleZhang WuYauSánchezSunGross Yan Taieb Abraham Verweij DonaldWilliamTea−YuanPaulOwen BentleyMichaelRalphDaniel Cooke, EdwardAnneHinzWillem A.WhitbyVolkan Kodell Soon−kiHendrikHwangJohnYoussefJoaquim C.MihalkoRaulNussbaumJahjaHoutmanChristophe Jr. MacKinlayKornKaM.HolgerHeiserJérômeXiaodongYin−PingMarcHippolyte SangitaMuhammadGuidoThomas AkmanGwen MacchiavelliBashir AbdelhakimAdelaideHoUmarKarenDennisRafalM Christiana MohamedLopuhaaBenghabrit ZhaolingCristianoKimJiMikeStanislavPinto GuojunJohnGregoryMarshaMihailsCristinaJoannides WuRolandDanHui−JuYunfanLuNachoDreesClaytonMengYunYifanJeffreyJianying ErikRoman DongSarraSaraccoStefanKnappKimberlyChia−YiTanner PaigeArthur EmmaCrouxAuroraMengmengTracy PiotrRashiKristenWeronYakasaiKariaMuslimaSamantha MichaelYingAndrewsMayJordan CheungLeungDaiMarie WangSaifulFofackYanqingdaKristensenHedlinAston JooChengFreitas Talens ZhiyingHuangJingjin LohMiles Wang LevinsMengArifRozadoHeddenCostaDeutschYoungFerrazDengTsaiFeng ZwiernikMirandaSwitchenkoHafdiCharalambousLobserChiang ChenRandallKatinaAknoucheMihalacheBarkerHolsclawBerg LutzGuptaYoo TanZhang BiGalligan ChiuFeherIslam BrooksMcGarrity HussainWuZahan Zheng OttHu Li SealsQiuGuo DouglasFranklin JackArloRobsonImogeneDavid ThomasFisher JonasLuis HendricksonKalbfleisch MatthewThomsonPeter AlbertoCeliaAna RueyMcCanlessJusasPeterVidyagouriKishore McWilliamsInnaRobertHo−JanMarc SpirtesMariaRomanus VincentThomasRodréguez MatthewTsayKnuimanDamaris Linda WakkerManas−AntonKirillovaGregoryJohnWerner DavidAerts Ming−YiWenquanRay−Bing BradfordJohnGawandeKonstantinXiangAnjaAnnaAlirezaDavisJianbaoTabundaDimitris GongDeukwooChang Sakyajit JosephMarceloGrimesCharlotte FelipeCollinsPrayagTatianaFanglongWeiZoeCarey KyeongmiCarson,KaiAmandaXiangXingdongPowellRussellSu−YeonJingjingNielSeverine SandraAssafDamienOtienoShanshanMayoIndranil TianwenElashoffSantanaSimonSijinJustinYuvalStruyfYuqingRitz LaumannShiyuanJoseYingliJyotishkaOganian YiTammySunCicconetti FeiCamposTangDetlefsenWei JunOemcke SimchiHuCongHensJa−an WangRizopoulosJohnsonChen Osorio WangLingRyan ChenLiuBhattacharyaLuOronPolushina Kwon Ferraz GartvigFigueiredoBenjaminiHuang ShinoharaJr.GrossZhangGaißerHeringGuddat QinSteinvorth DongMcParlandGhoshTangKim GailleCheonFeng ChenHarrisMorantLiuZhang LinZhao LansaganDatta ThomasMahmoud CheathamAndrejDavidShibdasAnilkumarJohnMohamedJan Daneshmand−FirouzabadiSylwesterCharlesPázman FryerSuzannaTimothyLloydPaul WilliamBandyopadhyayAmosAnu..kaWalterMilton KharshikarAnthonyB. Jörg JanssenDiane ElBassiouni BondHolt,R. Ví..ek KyoungahSalvadorPaulDaniel ChampneyCrispinVollmerYoungLoyerIsabelWongThurman MoultonvanFerligojKunLaurentBarbaraRobert ThroopJr.MichaelSiobhan Marco MichaelEntsuahJonathanKvamMatthias GermanZengriXiaofengHoorn CyrilleAnna HeRajatYangjinJanasXuerongLeannaJonProençaLeontine LeeSusannHaraldChenAllardRimaJen−HwaSamirHsing−MingStevenWeiyaXiang LaiMichaelShahedulNaya MyungJohannaOliverGungorDouglasJoséAntonia Noble,Jin SeeRebeccaAlexandruSheelaXuxinMevelElenaJessiBrigid AlexOlbermannShuangRealeSeanFengMcAuliffe Elliott ChernobaiWangPing Everson−StewartMukherjeeLeeJoutard PaigeFangXuQuin MolinaIzem FenglerTemplin SafiKimHeDornheimGuoFernández FerrazZhangHouse Stjernqvist WebbLewisVoggenreiterWenCisewskiAlkema LiuLeeSilyakovaTai Jr.WilsonDevlinKeim HoPolatkan NairChuZapf HaydenKappus XieLam KhanWuMaasKillick ChangBelu James DurbinCarolHerbertChien−PaiDonaldMarcelloHermannBen EdwardsKarenSharayu Houston KutyarStuderMarcotteZdzislawNikolaosYosu RichardPagano HanFungHabermannEuyhoonRita SharonBraniYurramendiParanjapeMadhavraoJanMessanWitoldKlausElisabethKusayaThierryAnupap XiaofengJyrkiJian AmrikFarmakisPorosinskiYuanhuaEngelhardtChiaraHighfield MatthewJaehoKoster BerndAntonioVidakovicAndreiRobertJason DobrinHyoungtae Park XiangwenThomas DavidBrachmannFlorczakKarineGertQingGangqiangMarcoEkaterinaMöttönenJason YasminMichalDavidKarleneFatemeh LeenaPing−ShouWilliamAmewou−AtissoFederico ShahDuchesne LinxuPlungpongpun JouchiMartinPatrickSomboonsavatdeeBinSabattiPengGarrittWeiJangJohnnyYaominYihongUmbleYanming ClaudiaMichel HyunkeunSchmidGu LeonieXiaoBond LanckrietEricFaresFengVolodinShi XiaohuiJohnsonMcLeod ZhengMarchevSantosCliffordKaziska KemalHeBertinCattaneo ConnorFluharty YingZhang BenkoChoiGwise WeiLiuSaid Chen NicoleVolterman ReyesHuangWendlerNakajima XiePageKim PerryVinkovskayaAzizzadeh CruduZhao MontorilLiQeadanXuXiaLeonardiSelk LiuTanDiMa ZhongLiuSen Cho Meyer BernardRichard Hazelhoff Henke Roelfzema EdwinAnna DalzielPeter VaughanSterlingGeneEdgar VladimirZehnaCzes..awReinhardRoman TrivelloreYih−FangMcGuireLowrimoreAlexander JohnBrunnerJudith C.EidlinJohnKrzysztof David St..pniakVenkatakrishnanRichardDigambarViktorRozanskiInchiEric HilgersKoslovPedro JorisRaghunathanValentin JamesLeonardoBorkowski,HuangDavid JoseSchacht StefanJacquierHerbertDavidJung−YingBradleyHuChristelle ArchanAmyAuroreWitkovskýOleksandrKennethElisabeteNial PaoloJeongyounGuilhermePinkseJohnPodgórskiWilmothTzurChien−WeiLuisEduardoJosephGuillaumePamelaHyung−TaeXiangrongAstridYanxingYurongJulienSoojinJeffreyPetr MaikHaoboChaoClécio OmarPengLuisSilvia SoumikBashtannykBenjaminShirkeRomanGagnonKellyCecilia NezarLynchFernando YuejiaoDirkK.HerringMuratNenad TuanPatileaJacho−ChávezJiFranciscoFrielRobinSchipperMicheleDanielleStefanGongParwenJustinA.M. Peter SilvaLeeKarelitz(birthnameXiaoleiWuBhattacharyaFabbroniDelaigleCuzzocreaRafaelYoungShamFoschiKlá..terecký YajuanBatunBerchtold Jr. HeardChenZengCornebiseKlingbielBreuilsRice McConvilleKittanehBacciKim FerreiraTzengKoslerBakalWangRen NguyenSmithFernandes BennalaZhaoSverdlovZhou AhmedSantosLacap,Cotton Li..kaPalRyder ChenMilnerSuvakJiang DyerFremdtRocha AllainAhnKong ChenHofnerAquaroBhat ParhatKimSullivanMaiaXunBonassiHaCutz SiRubio Siemer)Jr. MartinGeorgeJohnH. SanfordChambersSchatzoffMurray GöranTiaoVasileMarvinRolandJohnJohnTimothyJayenduJens Robert Weisberg CameronDavidBroströmPredaReynoldsBahjat JuanPascal GruberShelton Jean−PierrePetterssonSai−HsuehJose MelindaBrecklingIsildinha StefanFabioAnthonyXiao−ShengHesterbergThomas LiminBernd−WolfgangGudrunFadouaHoekstraCarlosMadiganDanh ChristianEllinorPatelWoncheolChristaQaqishMohammed KyeongDavidHongmeiDachuangLavergneAndrewCarlosM.CoryHuaiyuAlejandroBenjaminMarekSaisukeOliverMartinNatalieWaldynDivinagraciaMartin JohnDanielNietoJimmyJessalyn LiangJulianSerenaEric HongxinShaonanCleggLauerYumaoRahman WeixinMillerRupaliNguyenMichaelHang JakubYingVasily DavidEricaWeiReisHuiLi ShirleyJulieXiaPardo−FernandezCrisalliFreitagFackleBalabdaouiLeeShyamalHeilmannDavide BradshawChangRaviStockisXiaoqing ZhuanyuWoosukCarter Wangde BairYueEunBembomSeaman,OmelkaIn HöhenriederGolightlyXiongLadouceurSanchezBoBetinecLiChen XuShlomoSabanésTanWolfsonJiangHungMartinezBrignoniJangLuOkabayashi JoonAnticMirandaChildsKangCaoYaoChanZubovStoklosaTung LuKanadeVeenFrench Goyal BenmoumenLaiSmithLiuZhao LeeLeongKarshFornius ZhangPigoliTsai DelIgl De KimCaiNiu III PradoBovéCid MartinWilliamSampritFlorence MargaretaCharlesWilkStanleyBurtSamuelRaj PeterKalimuthuPruittMara WilliamChatterjee HollandChhikara YoshimichiGordon AbderrahmanePeterAdger MannBryantShapiroMcLarenFahoumKeng JulioGivens OleHolgerssonSomeshGyo−YoungMatthias HeatherGlynn KrishnamoorthyDeborahZhenmingWestfall ButlerHesselagerAngelLimMarkShirongNhuElBhojnarineSubhashishMarilynChristoph JanelleSofia SalehAmanyKwunHenrikOchiHachmiStéphaneAbhyudayBircan SreenivasJun GregoryKumarRoss LeVictoriaAlbrechtXiang HeiseSasinowskaWaiHusamM.D.TimPardoOlhaMayaKo−JenSujungArianaJesúsJulie AliRoshanakNaderKelley RobinWilliamOlgaPaulJarrar−OulidiClara (Jason)LeuChoMikhailBradley ChuenMichaelaAnna Shun AginFanErickson PengAbdelBengtssonMcDonaldAl−SharadqahHoLeiGarlippZhanAndreaErbasArthur JankowitzBodnar HammouGaoNeuhoff EllaPetersenPeyreQier Rambharat YothersYee FengFuentesPlamadealaAnderson BayoudMollaChakravartyChoiLuJinMandalKimGemayel GirardTsaiKondaCampain WeiKleiber GaryZhitlukhinShu RevzinDuanKarimLuen Tan White Nateghi PieriniPaulLi Chan VictorMasashiArthur RajinderSkitovichNigelJuliánWilliamPeterDallasWilliam Albert GaryOkamoto Nettheim MargaretdeAnderson HoraJiunn MichaelDanielNorbert SmithUlfClaudiaJohnsonJohn Haragopal laSimonVenablesLuigi WilliamOlssonHorraSutaipKurt ShandeHwang Anne−CécileGillespieBernardAlejandroDanielZeltermanKiseokJo..eJen−Fue ZhongweiStewartBrunoSpyrosPaceWenocurHenzeRoberto KlüppelbergHornik NavarroScottIbrahim WilliamKathleenJamesSawRosenbergerXavierLiScott StanislavScott VajjhaRuedigerIsabellaStéphaneRovanMark NyssenYolandaBala Ping ScharfsteinChenLee EmanueleJedynakAnneSrinivasDaqingMareike BercuOfeliaCurtisLiang KonstantopoulosJasonHyunChing−RayIsabelBurk HuiByron AnnaTimothyChaitanyaFreryMeganMaaPuch−SolisComptonHengLei JiangtaoMiranFranziskaGunChunlinMaikXianlinKomo ZhangStameyBayYanJasmin HuiskesUgurCadeHugariRajaratnamSunyoungLiuYing Goderniaux MorleyXieMarcoGadermann KolyanGhementLeiYaoLiu YaKolenikov WangPenalozaMarin KimMiller HagarKrauseXuQian BrinkleyHoZhangMacDonaldHeCristina DrayEllis SchwarzMaloorLianKohlmann JaffaKarabey ZhouXuOthus Pang MaXieEarl MazzolaHeFanJangWandel Duan FreiJoshiYuLiuLindner RayHagar Shin Leite Johannes Conrad Sten MalmquistWilliamHaroldMartinWilliamAllanDianne SchucanyPaul GeorgetaDiamond,O'ConnellStephen SkeneRaynor,JorgeAlainMikelis Roger SwankMarianneFinkelsteinHongMartinGregoryAntoinetteYoshihikoUlfManuelSzeMan Juha JuanjuanLatourJianxinAliAragonKukatharminiArmando J. NatasaHillisMarie−Pierre BenjaminRothkirchChristosJr.DavisJasonBickisTristanZhang VenkatE. ManishaJesusBorekVandersluisVolodymyrHazeltonKasparGargoumBalajiDazheAndreiVittorioVictoria AnjaTalithiaJurgitaJuneAutchaOliviaJessica JouniJayDeepakHeikkinenJamesAlexanderM.RaduKobiRoseOstap JinfengRogérioHuajunFayçalMariaOnd..ejCabralThimoMajaYang OksanaMark AshokJosiahShawYasamanWanlingPan TseNishiyama LukeAsithaLeenSchroederSergeQiang BartroffMacoveiAdamRongYingQing BussePalomoMassieFanPuza SrinivasanJune ChandrasekaranJingTeixeira−PintoLizhen QiurongAbayomi WangNakasZenideKermanGrigg RufibachHuaHerbeiZidanaviciuteAddona RedelingsWilliamsSaneAraveepornPoharWang LandsmanOkhrinGoldsteinKonstantinou CulpFranzén HamdiMavHildebrandtMorais XuYeVencálekZhuChaurasiaTharmaratnamMelnykov SlaetsPortoEvansMiratrixHuang LeiLiuSylvestreLuoSverdlovPuEdirisingheGuetz ChkrebtiiShenTai MalekiXuForte Cui

1850 1900 1950 2000 gradYear

Figure 12: The shortest path between Sir David Cox and Petra Buzkova, superimposed over the data structure, using a bin size of 200.

32 C. R. Rao Thomas Willke Charles Lewis Miguel Delgado Grace Hu AndersGregory BjörkströmRoss HatherMichelle CampbellJiangdian Quinlan Wang Stanley Sclove Thomas KelleyLonnie Shepard Christhard Pilder Aleksandar Dogandzic CaiDavidAdel XiaPritam WheelerFatemiYue Ranjan JiaSholaThiAndreas Thu Adeyemi Huong Artemiou Hoang John Hyde Terry Rudolph Diana KelmanskyN. BalakrishnaRandy Bartlett Alessandra Micheletti Paul Gift ViktorJingyuanHassane Lukocius ZhaoNjimi AnirbanAmandaMatthias Bhattacharya JiayGomes HouGuhlich Ingrid Gnutzmann RonaldSteven Thomas Davies TanweerWei Shapla Wang Henry BraunDennisDavid Brady Jones Ashot Kakosyan YaohuaMaria LinaWu Vicente Hoon Kim SusanaKaren Lee DoraEyheramendyDongmei Genethliou Zhai Bryan HowieChiranjitYoussifKiranmoyJin MukherjeeZhou Rahim DasIdil Yavuz Bentson McFarlandMarnix Vandemaele Beatrice Baldwin Daniel Nettleton Susan MKosukeGooding Brookhart ImaiElvan Ceyhan YantingChristina Li Schäfer George Resnikoff Otfried Beyer A. Alonzo WolfgangKamel Rekab Bischoff Wilhelm SauerbreiAxel TenbuschMark Trede AbdusG. Malgorzata Wahed Leyk Rong Tang LisbethTing Carstensen Yang Saâdia Rahmani Robert Azencott Chun−Houh ChenSuresh Sharma ScarlettDriss Bellamy OraichiRaghubhushan Pasupathy David WyncollPhilipp RütimannYihui Xie William Warde Melinda Harder Kai Wang Ming Lei John CarewYonggangAndré Hüsler Yao JanonShuo CarolinAlexandre Chen Pütter Nicholas Lange Spencer Muse Andrej BlejecNelsVeronica GrevstadPaulAlexandraValbona Baxter Rapley Piryatinska Bejleri TamannaSimon LunagomezBen AniHowlader HaalandEloyan Aldo Medina Garay Bruce Cooil Veronica Vinciotti Tan Li Francyelle Silva Charles Lund Jun Liu Walter AmbrosiusChristian Gieger ElenaMinjung Buzaianu KyriacosKwak Alexandre Mattheou Bouchard−CoteChristopherLiewen Jiang James Oates Edward Wegman Michael Eichler MarthaFranciscoHaiyanGisela Nason Cysneiros WangTunesTerrenceMohamed daSanghan Silva Hui ZorayrFaouzi AnuragLeeXuanyao Manukyan Prasad He Daryle Olson Johannes Venter Maria Ivette Gomes Philip Kokic John Tuhao Chen Kostas TriantafyllopoulosHyunsu Ju DiTodd An Iverson Piyada ThongjaemAnna Gersh Gerald Chase Tessema AstatkieJulie Yee Michael ShnaidmanLiangRomain LiuWenying Thibaux HuangMoyses NascimentoVibhav BukkapatanamXiaoxiao Tang Dani Gamerman Richard Cook Danielle Harvey IreneJianhuiMartina KlugkistYuping Zhou Bremer Wu BertilKarlaRonaldo Wegmann Fox MirandaJian Zhang Abdul AzzamChak Tso Sara ShainDongping Fang TihomirJeffreyJan Asparouhov Parner Morris HyongginHae Kyung An Im Hyunsoon Cho Akiva Lorenz Barbara Grabner Robert Chew Pronita Sharma Judith Rousseau Tatiana WeilingTatarinovaShufang Deng Liu ZiyueJavierNanshi Liu Tarrío KaiSha Cui Saavedra Frank Massey, Jr. Katherine Monti Efstathia Bura Matthew Carlton Pei Wang RadhendushkaStephanie Srivastava Simon Klaus Richter Joanne Chia TracyJing Morris(Jenny) SomaZhang DhavalaDaniel Bruynooghe A. VermulstPhillip Chapman Cornelis Van Montfort Andrew RieckSungheeRong Lee Yang Aníbal AreiaHaitianMartinLuke WangDiego Bornn Tietje Gallardo Mateluna Adolf Adam F. Smith, Jr. Othman Abu−Libdeh M'Hamed Kadri RebeccaFeng WootenLiu Tianle Hu Carl Morris Yogendra Chaubey Fredrick Whaley AnthonyThomasS. Bisson FredrikGanguli Kastner Granath Nicoleta BreazFeng−shou Sandra(Mera)MarkSonya Sinisi LancasterCumhur KoHeltshe Yusuf Demirkale Bo Jiang Serapio ByekwasoMadhuri Kuber Susan Orbe RicardoYan Lan CovasYang ZhaoXipei YangStefano Castruccio VictorJoel Yohai Goldman Woo−Chul Kim Greg Allenby Peter GieserI−Ming Liu Eun NohJoseph BoyerLinglongZhenyuMin Kong Qin YangDavid DailElvynna Leong Wolfgang Schäfer Matthew Stephens Rafael GutierrezNatasa RajicicShota Gugushvili KennethSherriJhamesIsabella Rose Wu Sampaio Gollini J. Wanzer Drane Roy Byrd Bani Mallick Jacinte Jean TorgnyAdam JohnLindström BranscumKeighleyDarrinSinae Lewis Kim Hamdy Mahmound ChengChristopher Chen Jennison RaymondSimon Adams Young Robert SteinerWarren May Anna Legedza AmirTimothy Rahimi Waterhouse Carla Howe Jean−Pierre LacombeDavid Firth Wilfredo Palma ChoongSaidBruce El MelhaouiTze Fay GhuaBrooke BuckleyDavid AndersonMaaritSean LaaksonenBrummel Yijie Wang P. S. Swami Madhuri H.Mulekar Thoma Kai Sun MarkZhengjun Woolrich Zhang BrianYunAndrew Wang ReichMariëlle MrochFinley LintingHanjoo KimZuofengHaojin ZhouShang Changyong Song JaroslavJeff Simak SklarHaipengBilly Franks ShenDavidKlaus BeaudoinDominik Nordhausen Colangelo Austin J. Bonis Thomas Corwin JanSuan−Boon Hurt Tan Frank Castronova Bettina Kulle BinAmanda Cheng Hepler Jens MehnertDongli ZhouYueSarah Fan Taylor Michael Sørensen Binod Joshi Azra KurbasicHyonhoMartinHuaXiaolin LifangNesrinZhong Fuchs ChunFan Zhang GülerBushi WangHilaryYingzhuo ParkerWei Fu Zhao John Turner Jer−Yan Lin M. IsabelBruno Fraga Sanso Alves Carmen Mak XiaohuaJustin Zhang Davis Weiming Zhang Hans−Hermann Bock Douglas Mallenby Henri Gwét Alex Exuzides Rong Huang XiaofengKathe Wang Bjork Bruno EbnerKarolinaWilliamCong Feng LeedsKrzemieniewska James Inglis James Bergum Sneh Gulati Alex GitelmanRicardas KrikstolaitisXiaolingKalevi Wu NevalaSébastienJanSebastien PatriciaPude..ko YingDa Veiga MenéndezHao OrazioWenjingRicha Galván Yang Vatsa MatthewZheng DavisKe Richard Schwaller Clarice Ring Ron Lamb AaronRituparna Christ Sen Stuart BaileyBenmeiSaijuanDerek LiuMiguel Zhang Cyr MarinoYuan Geng AnnickKhandaker Leroy Mansur Jafar AhmadiIzumi Kobayashi Kary MyersAaronLuqiang RendahlYuhua Wang SuOliver Morell Melvin Springer Mark Berman Pui Lam Leung Jay Ver Hoef Eun−KyungGabrielFlorent Lee FrahmAutin XueliangYun Li PanAbhijitWei−Wen MandalEmilie Hsu Villaron Arthur Roth Alejandra CabanaFrederic Paik SchoenbergGregory Warnes Jose GuardiolaGuozhi GaoYongwuJunhee Shao Han NaPei Cai Li Adnan Ifram Antoni Styszynski David Morris HarrisonXuenaSongmeiEric Zhou Hintze TirthankarWang SengarapillaiWuJimmyXavier OlssonDasgupta JeanArivalzahan MauriceSong LeEmilio Yan Faucheur Seijo Thomas Polfeldt John Cologne Hongzhe Li WilliamKerby Browne Shedden Inger Persson Pablo VerdeDaniel Vogel John Lewis François Steffens Julie DouglasWen YufengCui Li Lu Chen JackWanjie Sawilowsky Wang Janet Milton Ramon Durazo−Arvizu MichaelChristian O'Kelly RauPitipanageIrinaGokarna Ostrovnaya Fernando Aryal David Friendenberg Jean−Paul Lucas Vladimir Kolemaev Bernhard Rüger Vasan Thanyamanta Pe−ChengWerner Wang Goldmann Eva Riccomagno Fridtjof ThomasJennifer BunnerLiansheng Zhu Chris Jewell Joel VaughanMatthias Tan Seung−Ho Lee Jonathan ForsterGeorgePeter SebastianGilbert RichardMary Kelley SwartzJianbin FuKhalid Ohmiti Bin Dai I. Savage WilliamYoav Halteman BenjaminiDavid Edelman Alain Franc WeiminArezouMatthieu Zhang Rad VignesSamuel Cook GordanaJérémie Djuras Riou William Coberly Brenda Cox Stephen Haslett Young Joo Benjamin Bekele CarstenJames Franz Degnan MelissaMian HuangBinghamJohn EhrlingerJenniferYuyan Boyko Wang John Kellermeier Kaizo BeltrãoShlomoJoseph Sawilowsky Pigeon Emma Frazier Katy Simonsen XiaomingAlfred Kume Sheng Ehab Abd El−FattahAshtonLin Chen de SilvaMehdiIulian Jabbari Ilies Nooghabi John Kitchin John Bunge David Shapiro Christopher Meek Robert GreevyYihaoHanUmberto DengWu MariePicchiniJuan Ng CarlosJeffrey Martinez−Ovando Stratton Marvin Lentner J. P. Kairys Olga Yoshida Jacob LaadingYontha Ath Mahdi EmadiDanas Zuokas Paul KidwellCiroJeffrey Velasco−CruzMoudarCamille Andrews Soumaya Baysse Sanford Brubacher Helen CloughC. Reese Kirsten DoehlerAnton AndriyashinXia Hua TrinaBartek Patel Knapik Arjun Gupta LakshminarayanSheikh ChoudurRahmanKwee Yeo Shu−Jian Chen Hakan DemirtasLaura CowenArnabLi Wei Bhattacharjee Hamid GhofraniJieZhigeng XiaoyuXu GengLiu Anand B L SrivastavaTito Mijares D. Anton Florian Dipankar Bandyopadhyay Xiaorong Pan Min WuChristineAlexandros Spinka Gryparis NaventhanJaradDenise Niemi Mahadevan FerrariHao HanJared Murray André Tchen Charlie Fiskeaux SudhaDarren Purohit Wilkinson XiaohongLisa Denogean HuangDamienRitwikKlasMinggenGeorge Bogsjö Sarah FrançoisSinhaJessica LuvonKlaus Haile Borries BöckerKubrusly Grant Schneider Peter FortiniJohn Sedcole PhilipPantelis Everson VlachosDahliaMarksChristophe NielsenNesterJukka Pouet Ranta Ashley Holland John Ashford Dalice Sim RichardChris Gennings Meltzer Ursula Krämer Klára Horni..ováMyriamSteffi VimondHöse ChristianYongSeokAirton BenderKist Park Sumanta Basu Luis García−Escudero ClaireKatherine Jordan St. JorgeClair AnandBarrientos PatilCharles MarinYu−Hui Miller Chang James StockSiu Ho Isabel Llatas Rosa María  Inga MudjiandokoSantiváñez Suzanne Sommer YaYuping YonghaiJin Joanna Dong Li Scott Asad Ali Gregor Kastner Jack Tomsky Tze−ManRuben Ng Smith−Cayama NielsAlessandro HongyupHansen Rinaldo AhnMohammedHalis ShakhatrehSak MarcosLiangliang PratesKa Young Wang Park Hoke Hill, Jr. Anthony Warrack Nasrolah Bashardoost Akihiro Inoue ErnstHelge Glatzer LangsethTing−LiCongrong Chen YoungsukLou Suh Vernon Thomas Indushoba Chengalur−SmithEmilia Sakurai Alex Gonzaga Anna LiuGentryJingLingling WhiteYiDavidAnn Han Goodwin LazarTzu−LinSubhadeep Hsu Erin (Deep) Hamilton Mukhopadhyay Seh−Jin Chang Edith Seier TatsukiXiaozheDulce KoyamaMyung Pereira (Catherine) SukGuohuiAfonso KimEdward WangLiu Goncalves SunWenhuaMichael da Jiang Silva Kane Tu Xu Arnold Goodman Tomislav ZecevicClaude Loadholt Gisbert Quelle RamakrishnaMan−Suk Shenoy Oh Nedret Billor TerezaSungwook Chaves Leeda SilvaJamesTheodoreIlana GullenSarah Belitskaya−Levy LystigJane Hartz MonacoMichaelaLiuxia Wang Gelin MarcoMallikarjuna Sanfins RettigantiKarenZhou McKeownElena Fang Jirina Holl Ehrlich Raymond Chiao Marion Reynolds, Jr.Narendra Nath Singh Michael Conlon Carlos Lazaro XiaogangGilbert Su ShangaTony Chung ParamitaZuohengMaría SahaKathryn Fasano Wang Sharpe Debra Bernstein Huang Hsu Burton Mguni RomeoPanu ErästöMaciuca PiperHong Farrell−Singleton Li FrancescaWinston Ieva Lin George Canavos Barbara Alvin Ginger Goff Hong−Bin Fang Micha Mandel ChangownDamian Lim WandlerAlessandro Carta Andre Laurent J. Dijkstra RobertJoe Sullivan Ogden Fuqing Huang Akarin Phaibulpanich Khursheed Alam EtanGene Markowitz Sogliero Mark HamnerWoojin ChangJunQianqiu Lu Li RejaneChristofQingZifang Rocha Li WiechersVolker Guo PohlJianxin Wei Wolfram Herold Jürgen BöttcherLuis Felipe Figueroa David AnnisTanzyJorge LoveJurgita GonzálezJonathan TurkuvieneDenise Burgos NortonShankar ReevesTylerMohan McCormick Viswanathan AbhimanyuPant Yunzhang Gupta Zhu Stephen Allen, Jr. Violetta Dalla AndriusSimonSeong−Joon CiginasByrneDélia Gouveia Kim Reis Sophronia WardC. Lawrence David Ospina−Botero John Kittelson JinYong SzatkiewiczAxel TangChristopheRoman Gandy Kozhan Osinski Yuchen Fama Raymond Williams Zainudin ArsadJi Zhu AnjuOnd..ej Goyal Chochola Russell Bradt Ashis SenGupta MelindaA. Drum GrieveGholamrezaSusmita Jandaghi Datta Gail Fahoome TianliSangpilSoumia ZouMahtabNathan Hwang Lotfi Munshi Tintle MahbubulTobias Majumder Voigt Louis Jensen Paul McClellanVassilis GiakoumakisEwart Shaw Bruno Mendes Rohit ArturoKulkarniTina ErdelyRene Hunter KuelheimIrina Irincheeva Ronald CorwinHackleman Atwood Chunfu Qiu MaiyingKatherine Kong TranbargerJun IngridSheng RicardStephen StanislavZhigangKun Chen Yao Ramalingam ChellappaMichael HoganAlan LippmanDavid Kaplan Xiangyi Meng Ana Villar AndreasHe HuJiangDaniel Karlsson Li Briand Li Song Esra KurumMatan Gavish J. M. Dufour Keaven Anderson Chris RogersMichael DanielsLindaRalitza Yau GueorguievaGorana Capkun Peter Parker MinChristoph ShuvaZhangSungsu Gupta KimBuserNi Li SungminYinglei LiKim Robert Shore GarryHiroshi Chinn Kurata Pak Kuen Philip Lee JiguoRiyan Cao Cheng Rosalie Wheeler StefanSebastian Van Aelst Domhof RongHaiJuliane XuZouJennifer SchäferMarcelo LloydErik Taddeo Bloomquist Lothar Boltze StevenMyung Ramsier Kahng Esteban Flores Peter LundquistQinying He Kion RebeccaKimXavier MilhaudC. Steorts Paul McDonnellStephenKristenThomasJi−Ping Ryding Yeung FenderWang Kimberly LoveJoakimQixuan Ekström ChenMichael IgorVodhanel JamieMarkKheifets Wheldon Gleason Ji..í And..l Paul Lin Anwar Hossain Leslie Elliott Sonya Vartivarian WengeYingying Guo Li Xin Zhao Jonas EllenbergKazem Mohammad Daniel Mundfrom BernardDaniel Cerutti Eno Monica JacksonJung Wook Park JingchenLin Lu LiuShalineeYin Lin Teke DavidAdam Spade Lane Gordon Antelman Oscar BustosNaihua Duan Robert Yow−JenAhlbrandt Jou Louis RadaorosonFrank Langer Honghua Jiang FaizaGáborYi ElkhafifiCao Sz..cs Gunnar Eklund Susan Sanchez DimitriosJi−Yeon BagkavosAlice Kim ArafatZheng TayebAmerySong Wu WuIssamEun ToddElhattab RyungXiaohui Kuffner Lee Chang Theodore Anderson, Jr. George Styan Lennart Rhodin Anthony Sawyer Guosheng Yin Donald Soo−HyunBarkauskasJi−YeonMamadou Yang Kim KonéHsin−HsiungWen Zhou Huang Dmitry Skryabin KyungMann Kim Michael LaValley Wenjiang JuanitaFu Lyons Audrey HelenStepana CysneirosQingMelanieGongfu LazarovaZhouVivekanandaDavidXiaodan ZhouAutin Edwards Fan Roy Damien−BarthélémyZhongyi Yuan Jacquemart Jee Kim Nicholas SchorkAlexander Schöne BrendaCheolwoo Kurland ParkDedi Rosadi HaiyunDavide Zhang La Vecchia Günter Hohmann Ha−Hyun Jo Adam Hafdahl Kwangmi AhnRongning Wu StavroulaFang Poulopoulou Shao Shelemyahu Zacks Alvin RainosekAndrew Dale Richard Brophy Lisa ChiacchieriniFahad Al−Aboud RuojiaCaterina Li May HongBirgit Jiang Arn/SchrödleXiaoyu Li James Reinmuth David Berengut Gregg Dinse AlfonsoHeiko GordalizaBecher Marlene MüllerHo LukMohammad Matin ConcepcionGenming ShiAusinYi (Derek)Jiangang Ye RaydonalFang OspinaDarrylVinzenz Penenberg ErhardtYing Sun B. Rao Wai Chan ChanErnesto Park San Martín AdrianoGeorgeYongtao Polpo WeiSirbuElizabeth Wu Guande GuanhuaCampos Hansen Lu Lingyan RuanScott Clark Richard Lomax Hee−JeongChongsunKwok−Leung ParkKang Tam LakshminarayanDeniz RajaramYenigun JonathanAndrijaStefanie Lane Mihoci TitoffYiou Li Harold Sackrowitz MichaelAndre Crager Rogatko SylviaUlhas LenzDixit Thomas Augustin HumbertoRui Paulo Gutiérrez−PulidoDebarajKeshav SenJagannathan Sylvie TchumtchouaYanShanghong FangMiguel LiColom Gary Regula Edsel Pena Yaning Yang JanneZhenkui Kujala ZhangHongfei Li William EplerMichael Larsen IsobelByungtae Gormley Seo Peter Enis Zuzana Prá..kováNorbert MatzlRobertKarenChristy Duin Kafadar Chuang−Stein Jürgen VoßNandita Mitra Zhigang Zhou Frédéric RichardZhi He Wenwen Tao Chih−Rung Chen Dorin Drignei Taleb AhmadHongxia YangMatthewRebeccaGiorgos White Le Minas WantaneeManuela SurapaitoolkornTinaAzeem Buzoianu MarquardtJames Shaikh DartnallVictoriaEnzo MontgomeryGiacominiByeonghwaJihey Lee ParkWenrong Hu Raghu Kackar Brian Marx Marcia Ciol MiguelM. Angel Gloria Miguel Icaza Angel Alena OettingKamalDaeyoungXiaowei Hamidieh Kim Wang Wilfrid Dixon Betsy Becker Serge Guillas Chulmin AndreaKimMilenaAlfred Bergesio CuellarMbahJunSilvia Ye Liverani Howard ProskinChul Ahn Victor Lo BoRafal Markussen Kustra StephHao KeetonZhouAlexanderLaila KulikovAndrea YoonsuhPoissonMichaelaJason Krajina Jung RichaLaCombeYuanyi ..edová SharmaXiaoyu Pan Che Nola Tracy Alexandra KapatouWeizhong He Chad Scherrer Patricia Carlin CrispinDominik Mutshinda Sznajder Allan Birnbaum Amalia Khusu Younshik Chung Karin HalupczokDavid MeaseYujunChristine Wu Kohnen AixinHuijing Tan Konstantin JiangVerenaAlain FeirerGlombek Hauser Md Mostafa Cheng Hsiao Max Morris GeorgeStef Karolyi Van BuurenZacharyPatrick GroenenStoumbos Inyoung Kim VolkanMei−Fang CevherJunQin KaoYukiPolina CedricHyeok(Sarah) Sakasai Harik HwangPerret−Gentil SongThomas Parker Harald Fritzsch Sonja Kuhnt JenniferAntonio GauvinTébar FernandoEmmanouelaValerie FedrianiFeng Felder Repapi Zhou Martel P. Knopov George Duncan Chen−HsinMyung−Hoe Chen Huh A. E. Sorour Kuo−ren LouAlan GousChristopher HolmesShagufta AslamEmmanuelXinqunRichard Sikali YanBethany PrithwijitUmstätter White RomanDe AhmedTchilabaloHanwen KpanzouHuang Utkarsh Dang Mars Cramer Andreas Bellmann Mahmood SamieiByoungSeon Choi Ana Quiroga Lise−Anne Karen PutnamFernanda Figueiredo Travis Gaydos RajeevTobias Kumar Kley Joseph Cchmiel Vladimir VolkovichJeffrey Wilson Joseph Massaro Jimmy Doi Mark JosephClaudiaSarahMin FiecasJoseph Wang ReeseStrauch Usset Donald Berry Leonard Howell, Jr. Ameziane Cherfouh Marcelo MoreiraMaría JácomeAdriana Pumar HaigeBruscato Shen MohammadKamal AbeywickramaMeshkani Anthony Kuk Ying Zhang Abdel−YazidClaytonJuhyunChristopherJihnhee ScottParkDesale Djaidja Yu MamounHabtzghi Saunders Chun−JuAbu Hammad Wang Samuel Greenhouse Manuel Febrero−BandeGeorge Iliopoulos NirianYimeng Martin LuAliciaJessica JohnsonLiliKris Pruszynski Ding De Brabanter Om Srivastava Stavros Kourouklis MartaMichael Garcia LavioletteRongBen Chen KarlaJeremy Hemming OakleyHong Liang Zhiwu Yan Jennifer Bobb Jayant Deshpande J. Brian GrayMohammed El−SaidiJoseph Ibrahim Guy Nkiet Ekkehard GlimmGuoguang Ma Ying WeiYishiAbeerJessica Wang Madbouly Young Yu−ChengYangMinghui Feng Ku Shi Yong Lee Tim Keyes WenpuWeiming Li Li Booil Jo HawaidaEarl Rabie LawrenceThomasChongHuapingXindong Wang BrankoKneibMarkusWenguang WangZhao Miladinovic Hofmann Sun Ottmar Cronie Emil Kempf Jayaram Borwanker Rolf Sundberg Robert Fountain Malini SamuelIyenger Wu Siong LinLan Ho Kong Jennifer Huckett Fei Wang Richard Singleton Jack Doyle Anthony Quinzi MaritsaXin ToroMd. Tong Abdus Salam Akanda SaikatNa Debroy LiShireen Rishmawi A. JohannesScottShawn SchwartzSchmidt−HieberWei ZhengSimpsonJacob Bien Xijia Liu Kees Zeelenberg Darcy Mays James Smith David GorsichBenjamin CowlingQingVictoria KangHuichao StoddenAnthony Chen GichuhiYuan Hong Brian Franczak Francis Yue Jonathan TaylorFabioShilpa Rapallo Khare Anne KrampeZongmingXiaoping Ma ShiChih−YingNa Yang Lin Edwin Bradley, Jr. Edward Jones Camlin Tierney DonggeonCheng−Shiun Kim Leu Hsi GuangRuixueXinyi SungMarcela Xu LiuZhenhuan Svarc CuiRuibin Xi Sebastian Engelke Jagdish KathleenPatel LambornBogus..awa Bednarek−Kozek Sharon−LiseYuehua Wu Normand Philipp SibbertsenGrace GeorgyYi SofronovJorge de la VegaVeronica GongoraRebecca MontesYili Hong DeAndridge OcaChristopher JingMcMahan Xia Brenton Clarke Julio Singer Debra Hydorn Chan−Hee Jo Virginia Recta Siyu Qing Tor Jacobson ThomasJohnYounanStephen Stevens FriedliChenAdelmo EricksonRoudra Bertolde ChakrabortyJasonMatthew GoldstickJenniferGuifang Guerra YingboSinnott Fu Li Eckhart Zinzius Margaret CopenhaverKatrina SharplesJohn Orazem Yi−Hau Chen Àngel Torres AragóChengan Liu JuanAudrey BaliWanling Kueh Wong Om Aggarwal Richard Jarrett Sharon Navard Hidehiko Kamiya Shu−Pang HuangCibele Behrens JiaoBasheer EvangelosYangLuyanSaikatYen−Yi Ahmad Dai Burcu EvangelouSaha HoMatú.. Eke MaciakAudrey Boruvka Emmanuel PhilipAwuku−Darkoh Ramsey Ching−Kang MichaelIng Wolf−Branigin Chunyao Feng Rene BaileydeGongjun Jonge Fosdick Xu Stratis Kounias Oliver LintonDaniel Coleman Márcia Branco Adrian Barnett Juan Vivar MartinYohann Wersing de CastroVictor−EmmanuelJariYumou Miettinen Qiu Brunel Stephen Hardiman Vicki Hertzberg Richard Deveaux Anne−Laure Fougères Lang LiAmy AndersonJosé ChacónJesús Ríos RobertAdamMasoud Hable RunlongRothman Nasari Tang Charalampos Saraidaridis MinooMichael Niknian Andrew Holger Kramer Vadim Kutsyy XiaoquanJieAdeilton AndrewShen Wen Alcantara Karl Nakibe Topuz Gisela QuiringPartha Majumdar Danqing CaiMarie GantzPawel LasieckiBrett Houlding LuisChristopherHongwei DanielBarbozaFei Gladish Ye Shang Dienes Gennady Kartashov Saeed Golnabi Gavin ShaddickSoyeon Ahn Erik DaleWallgrenElizabeth RosenthalHan Johnson Shang John Radcliffe Laurence Magder Anna MarshallEarnestYves Foster AtchadeEvaPushpalJunfeng Ribarits,TaeyoungTaras MukhopadhyaySunBrandie nee Zabolotskyy ParkMarkus HamannSophia Wagner Pauly Lee BrianGuanqun Weaver Cao William Hunter Catharina Bijleveld KennethChristophe Frank Koell László ViharosDnise Benton Hui Zhang Joshua Chan Yifan Xu KennethLi Tu Weldon Timothy Oké Robert LihuaHensonKarsten ChenDongmingKyle LübkeAlejandro Lubo..RudserLaura Nam−HeeJiangKith PrchalTaylor JaraPradhan Choi Friedrich Gebhardt Heping He WonkukNader Kim FallahElizabethCarmen McClellan Tekwe Yanxi Xie David AgardRolf Larsson Zilvinas KalinauskasCameronDavid Todem ParkerQiong Wang SivanSimon Aldor−Noiman Postec Anthony SwainTadeusz Radzik Jan Svato.. RyanMichael ElmoreWeihua Merz ZhouYue Zhang Sarah Gerster Frank Proschan Dana Vorlí..ková Andrew Siegel Hisham Hilow Shirley John KennethUlrike Carling Grömping KeyiWayanLin Wang Liu SomayasaJosePrabhakar Arteaga−Salas Chalise Shangbang Rao Farrokh Guiahi Anthony Davison Xiang Zhang VictoriaAntonio Neagoe Lijoi Greet Pison Hensiong Tan Mengye GuoFinaleYiPaulo Pan Doshi−Velez TianhuaRodrigues Wang John Skalski Joseph PultzGeorgios Pitselis YanRolando Li Mi−Ja DeUwe Woo la LiggesCruz Richard HobergJing Dai Qiao Zhang Hans−Ludwig Schwarz Marcus Spruill, III PaulHenry Vos SlotnickLynnDennis Short Walsh GeorgiosHeather StefanouDonatelloCao LiBushSusanta Telesca Tewari Simon Knaus Richard Burdick David Anglin Chandranath Ale..Pal DeniseSlabýAndersChun Rey Malmberg Han Jerome ReboulleauChun−HuaArabinMehdi JingDey HsiaoSoleymani He Elliott Nebenzahl Stanley Eckert DavidMichael Hamilton CohenChih−Ling Tsai Richard Lynch Christian Musso Fan Yang Jonsson Leslie Cope Jien ChenOmkarHua Yu MuralidharanKari Lock Maxwell Layard Mark Steel Marcel MassimbQuinton Nottingham AlinaJorge Jean−FrancoisMateiBiliana Caiado BagashevaAvigail PlanteGerta AgamJohann Rücker Gagnon−Bartsch Paul Murtaugh Kee−Hoon Kang Elliot BernsteinWilliamDanielaDario Pepe Rodriguez EleniNappaVincent Bakra VuEddyWenfeiDebdeep KwessiHwanhee ZhangKatherine Pati Hong Morris David SessionsGuorui BianShubha Dhavalikar Jose AlmerBiao Sanqui SusanneXing Gschloessl Zhan Su Joao VitorFreedath MonteiroM. Muge Djibril Karaman Moussa Johannes Heyne Siamak Noorbaloochi Eric Nordmoe Kevin MatevzMcDaid Bren AbuTalal MinhajuddinLiangwei Maatouk WangSankarKangxia Bokka Gu ChristopheHui LeyXiong Raymond Myers James Tiede Marek Malý Marc HoffmannLaurent Cavalier XichenSongjoon SunAdeniyiTuanfeng Baek Adewale ZhangMark Delorey ChinghwayKan LimZhang Barry Quinn Jacqueline LokMeghan McGlohen Oli Atlason Ming Hu KathrynChiHee Chen Colborn Min Choi Michael SteinMark Segal Edward Malthouse JuvêncioJason Nobre AtenLu Lu JanIvan Dienstbier EnriquezSimonPál Müller Rakonczai Richard Barlow Jeremy Weedon AlbertoRongwei Rodríguez−Casal Fu ChristophInêsQianChengKatarina Sousa Shi Yong AlexandrosSchürmann Domijan Tang Teng KaratzogluMichael Zhang DietherRan Ji William Commins, Jr. John Gittins Ivan Volný JenniferPaul Davison−Letsinger Nelson Debashis Ghosh Rinku Sutradhar Dan Brawn Haci M. Akcin Bryant Chow Yih−Shyh Yuh Donald HooverMariza de AndradeFelix AbramovichPatrick Bridge EshetuMichaelEdgardoMaría Wondmagegnehu Greiffenhagen LuciniLorenzoYang ChengTianwei Yu XiaoyueAnthonyShujie Niu Ma Lee Qijun Fang Bengt TimothySwensson Zgonc JosephJerry Verducci Halpern A. John Bailer Misrak Gezmu DevindriSzymon JoernPerera Borak DannemannTuohua WuAdrian O'Hagan Kenneth Haley RichardDavid Shorrock Hosmer, Jr. João Gilberto da Silva Bhaskar Bagchi Chiranjit MukhopadhyayBruce Belanger WeiCameron TianFikria Alsup ChaoukiHizir SofyanJing CaoPrzemyslawGail Hutton BiecekYoulan Rao Jason Somerville Stephen Stigler Dai−Young Kim Hyung Lee Iris Zöllner David Manner Bryan Scott ZhilongAstrid Yuan Dempfle HaneefMatt Jans Anver CanYang Zhang Li Glenn Shafer Kesar Singh David Lee Euloge Kpamegan RadoslavJunfeng XinHarmanAbdelelah Dang YanShangCandace Yang Mostafa Metoyer E. Jacquelin Dietz Roman Viveros−Aguilera George Streftaris SandrahXianlong Eckel WangShengning Xiao Peter BloomfieldSyed Shamsul Alam Janice Dreachslin Narinder RodrigoKumarCatherine Labouriau AndersonJoe Musial AlekseyMukundDo Hwan Min Gadre Park Hasinur Khan XiaoyunRoxana Zhong Alexandridis Robert McCullochPatrick DeFeo Yousceek Jeong Johan Lyhagen Robert BlockSun JungHendrik KangFeng KläverJoshYiyuan Guo Sampson She Amanda McCracken Harry Leung Tanya HennemanAbigail MatthewsXiangfengHülya Wu ÜnlüAndreiSaraSydeaka KheradBejan Watson PajouhLulu Cheng Patricia Grambsch Dennis Pearl Matthew Rotelli JonathonConstanze Schuler Lütkebohmert−Marhenke Santiago Carvajal Lloyd Mancl Mark Leeds MingxinMd. Uddin MartinWu Schindler Grace Ngunkeng James Davenport Gloria Zerdy Glenn Heller Kathy PetersonSwati CraigBiswas WellsCarlos Carvalho BenFengSeoThais Parker HongYi Young Zhong Fonseca Park Dilli Bhatta James Maar Reinhold HatzingerRichmond Oldford Alex RojasJehadZhonggai Al−Jararha Li Nan LinSy Han Chiou Dieter Rasch Endel OravJames Hodges Jiayang Sun Milan MangeshkarWilliamMartin Johnson KarlbergRogerJustin Woodard Tobias Alain DesgagnéAnna AugusteMounaHomin Merzougui JangDarrenHolly Homrighausen StovallYangyi Xi Alun ThomasJosé Gallo Bo LuSergiy Terentyev Xiaojing LuDanielYeasminShouhao RubinRaquelWei−Ying Khandakar ZhouScottXuehua Linhares WuCrawford LiangSulafah BinHimd Sheldon Ross Srikanth RajagopalanBrenton Gray DebbieJeesun HahsFrancisco Jung Min YiVera He Li Elijah Gaioni Kristen Gore S. A. Doss Willi Walser Georgia AnnRoberts Gould Ping Sa VaijayantiChongqing Dixit Yan EugenyMikko Ponikarov Sillanpää CharalamposIvanShibao RyungPacheco−Soto Papachristou FengKim FrowinJason Schulz Parrott AlphonseLaurence Amey Robinson Jörg Pawlitschko Tillmann KrahnkeRichardRachel Charnigo Altman XiaoyiReza Gao Ziaee Jade NguyenKyu Ha Lee Siddhartha Dalal Donguk Kim FrankDobromir van Jacquelineder TzotchevEbenezerGuangyuMiguel Meulen Fonseca Wroughton OkyereZhang JohannesMartinLaura Lederer AzzimontiSolberger Jacob van Klinken Thomas Bratcher Susan Hinkins Stella Grosser Kimberly Maier Jose AndradeYu MiaoMing−HungSebastian Kao KiwittScottChen Benecke Xu James Ware Freddy Reimann Yu−Chuang HuangMey Wang YaremaMaria Caterina Okhrin BramatiMarkusArun Kumar Kalisch Kehui ChenJing Wang João Manuel AndradeRichard e Silva Cleary Holger HebbenMinkaPalanikumarEric JonkerYoung−Sun ChickenZekariasMaria Ravindran Lee Berhane MorWeihua HuangRoberto CasarinJuanElena Liu Shaoyu Di AlokBernardinoRudolfo LiDabade Angeles Russell Barton Lorrie Hoffman ChristopherWai−Yin PoonWilliams Arminda Siqueira BarbaraSongLing RidleyLiuLéon−Charles LengLeif Ellingson TrancheventPeisongJiashen HanYou Gary Chase Mei−Jih Gee Jeffrey Picka AndrewMichael SimpsonRussell SchloeglKarthinathan StockerJing Hu IV Qian Thangavelu Tong ChristophLong QuLeitner Thomas Murray HectorMevin HootenLemusHua Guo Jennifer Tom Holly Fryer Dan Teichroew JohnWinfried Holt StutePeter AnnickMcCullagh Lambert Shirley Mills Anders Lindfors Elizabeth Stuart Pavel Van....ek Nariaki Sugiura Ashim Mallik Andrew Cairns Murali Niverthi TianShane Zheng WhelanRogerWei−LiangMatthew HalldinImen LiRoberto Nunes ChangxiangKammoun MarySan Martín AnnRui Morgan−Cox RomanGarth TarrPahl Robert Miller DaleDonald HathawayRichardYongxiao Mercante Middleton Wang Jason OsborneArneAlexander Kovac Iksanov Arndt Laemmerzahl Florian GachGabrielaLoic Florentina Le Gratiet Nane Herrmann (Hirschfeld) Hartley William (Bill) Barksdale Arthur Peterson, Jr. Tamás MichaelSzentimrey Jordan Xinwei DengLaineDaniel Bradshaw Osborne Leon Rappaport KatharinaPatrickQi Jiang Brown KeCramer YangYaqianNalayini Guo SothinathanMinhuiLalitaInga Das PaikMasiulaityt..Shilin Ding Richard Katz Larry Wasserman Mary Ann McBurnieWen Xie SiningAnil ChenAhmed Dhawan AlbatinehChing−TiRoy Liu Sabo Katherine Thompson ClaudiaDina Schreinemachers Tebaldi Yihua (Mary)Ashwin ZhaoLindaThomasTana GabrieleSarma DiWänström Bridge Li Hotz WieczorekMichaelMichaelMatthew Crane Sonksen Till Khalid Rifi Wei PanSantos Jin−OkMicheleSekirkin KimChae Fatal−Weber YoungChia−Ling Lim Yen Katharina ProkschChristian Kerkhoff James Arvesen Constantine Gatsonis Rahman Famoosh NinaDoychin Timmesfeld BoyadzhievQizhuo HuangSamirOu BaiWarty Paruchuri Krishnaiah Walter Pirie Nora Donaldson HanzheMeichun Zheng (Michelle) DingYing LuShaokun ChuaiNetsanetJustin Chown Imam Irina Romanovskaya Vyaghreswarudu Susarla John Panaretos EmmanuelLingo Lesaffre Hwang Marc Pijnenburg Claudia Becker Vincent Couallier Aleksandra SlavkovicLeila AmorimSimone PadoanKatharina LangeJonathan Heydari Rafael Bru Zen−YiErniel Chen Barrios Sévérien NkurunzizaDavid ConneTerrance SavitskyJenniferJames Geis Pustejovsky Janet Campbell John Marden Elizabeth Sheppard Paul FearnheadAmy BravermanDavid WeitzenkampLihongWenyu QiLanju JiangFreda Zhang CoonerErenBart Demirh BuringtonAndrewHaipeng ReddHuiying Zheng QianWang Wu Robert Tibshirani Adel MohammadpourLei Sun Fang YaoRaviStefan VaradhanMichael Etschberger CrottyLeonardoShenggangJason Wilson VaruzzaKatrina Li MorrowPengshengJiewei Ji Zeng Goro Nagase MarionWilkie Chaffin Green James Sweeder Miodrag LovricAchilles Venetoulias StevenDennis Garren Mullan ZhongfaJesse FreyZhang JisungBrian Cha Knaeble Bengt Klefsjö Chih−Yi King NaijunHsiao−Yun Sha HuangJean−PhilippeRhondaGuoxin VanDyke Zuo BoucherJessieZhiliang Jeng Ma KellyNa McGinnity Hu KumudPaula Singhal Roberson Stephen Peters Gyu Jeong JosephWenxin Hogan Jiang Stuart Barber Carl Scarrott SoniaLiang GrichePei Zhang Fen KuanElizabeth Handorf Herbert David Robert Lochner SebastianDejun Paris Tang Scholz Curtis Storlie ThomasMeesookPhilippe YingBerning Lee RegnaultYuan RivoLasse Rakotozafy KoskinenAila Särkkä YanBruno Jia Scarpa ZhenJohanna LiKristin Ziegel PorterJustin Silver Abram Zinger CorneliusRobert Becker Parker Xiong Hu Davy PaindaveineManjunath YuanyuanJoshiPeggy Cénac Liang Dunke Zhou Slobodan Zarkovic Chen−Hui Foo Michael Powers James Cochran DavidHae−Ryoung DahlXiaodongAnouar SongWilliam ElLi Ghouch FehlmanAthanasiosHani Kabajah SachlasDavidPaul Purdy Hill Hannu Oja Jerzy Lysikowski Ofer HarelSaonli BasuLi Deng Mehrdad NiaparastWenqing Li Musaed Al−Subhi ElizabethAlexia Iasonos Brown Daniel Ziggel Minh Nguyen Peter Erward Olivier Ledoit Hsiu−Khuern TangGardarAgus Johannesson SalimFranciscoHamzehHyeyoung TorabiXuChamú (Sunny)StephanMamunur Lee Wang Dlugosz RashidVincentYanAshkan Shen Mao Ertefaie Izak Mauritz van Aarde Peter Hall Robert Kunst VeerabhadranMing Baladandayuthapani Liao Sonia Amodio Pei−San Liu Marianne Huebner Marcus Bauer Lih JenReuben Lin MuchemedziMaria Süveges AiméeBazoumanaZhenke Gott Wu Kone CarlesLennart Cuadras Bodin DavidLisa Lax Weissfeld Peng ZhangShabnamAngelikaMihaela Modarres−MousaviHongmei DanekyanzSeung−Ryong Paun YangCláudiaZhen WangJangHanRoçadaRobin ChoiGuangyuan EvansJuliaShengchun Yang Braun Kong Gerald Lieberman Lloyd Bell Sumalee GivaruangsawatAniko Erdey−Gruz Jason LoeppkyAlanChristian Dabney Röver Charlotte WickhamSantuForrest Ghosh Williamson Mark Brown John MacGregor KhosrowSiva DehnadSivaganesan Jean−FrançoisUlyssesHyokyoung Quessy Diva (Grace) HongYanzhu LinSeanHang Wang Fan Brenda Gunderson Geert Molenberghs MinzhiChristine Liu DiStefano Billy AmzalFilipeSimone Marques VantiniFarahSergiy Yasmeen Nesterko WilliamGirdhar Dupont Agarwal Stefan HeilmannRobinYanYoungjae Wellmann Lu Chang Harry Parker Jinde Wang Matthew ClarkLutz DümbgenGetulioBiao Silveira Zhang Shobha Prabhala El Mokhtar Chikhi Richard BourgonChristoph ScheicherHaoYoungdeok Luo Hwang Hanns Klinger Justus Seely YongyiMeriem Min SaïdDário Ferreira Tim Bancroft Valerie Pare Mervi Eerola ChuanpingDollena Hu Hawkins Ping MaSeoungRui FengBum SethKim TribbleThuy Trang Nguyen Ivo Molenaar Gerhard Tutz Hans Boscher Nina KajijiDavid WoodsOumarMinjung SyNata..aIrène Kyung Gannaz Kej..ar LiesaKun DeneckeSeonjoo Liang Lee Peter Macdonald David Banks Rainer Dyckerhoff Stefan MattssonJill BarkerMarcoHaonan FerreiraFangxin WangChih−Chien Hong Tsai Lie Wang TheodoreClifford Micceri Sutton Terri MaryByczkowskiGiovanni Richardson PetrisKim Hyon−JungBarry MonkMoon−ho Ho Johan SvenssonRobertNikitaBenCaiyan Cummings O'Neill TuzovNoah KimberlyLi ZimmermanLeenaPauloWeichao Henry PasanenDe BaoAndrade Serra Joseph SchoderbekJean−Paul GimonGeorge Fishman Ajitkumar Tamhane Zvi Gilula Michael Rozum HefangVipul Lin DevasAlan GreenLihua Wang NabinParviz Shrestha MalekzadehInderSebastianGermain Tecuapetla Irle Van Bever Gómez Jean Fortier GabrielChristos Lemiesz C. Frangos Brett PresnellSindee SutherlandAnna GunsjöHongwei Li SimonPaul JonesAli DolatiScheetLili YuRamonYin Chen Garcia Ronnie Pingel Robert Capen ChangLuiz YuPeternelli Shanley ChongCorneliaJeeraporn Zeisser Thaithanan Dennis Kern Mi−Ok KimChristopherJing Mehl Han Daniel Preve HanMatthieuZhiyun XiaoRasha GongSolnon Elhage ChapAndré Le CabannesSteven Self AminaMichael Saleh Lavine MichaelNathan PosnerGreen Ana DinizJing QianAndréJingyang MoserBernd ZhangGary Klaus Evans Gary Clark Lawrence Pettit Krista CohlmiaLi LiangIrynaAbdul Lobach Aziz Hayat ShaoweiQian Lin RenAdam Combs Everett Welker James Daly DavidGopalan Brooks Tirumalai Kumara Jan van Schaik MatthewYanqiong TomMilovanShuxiaArminChangzheng Zhang Krnjaji.. SchwartzmanSunMahmoudJacob ChenBenhuai Torabi Hofman Xie Daniel Polhamus Helmut Strasser Subhabrata Chakraborti Laurent Bordes Taehoon KangTina DubePerlaMatthew EdithRonJulie Sperrin Reyes Reeder Smith Han HuibinEom Yue TimothyHildeteFrank PinheiroJohnson Li Hon KeungTatiyana Tony Ng ApanasovichArindamJanserHadi RoyChoudhury Jabbari PereiraBarbora Nooghabi Arendacká KevinHongjiaJing McLoughlin Xi Yan Vishnu Kant Guillermo Marshall Elena PolverejanAmy UmbachGabriela DamilanoHuilin Li XiaojingHilary Lyons Wang Bovas Abraham WilliamYanping Coar XiaAnnabelle LindaKehl EllingtonErin CondonYin Xia Luis Pericchi Rob HyndmanAlexander Balke Cherng−Luen Lee YanmingSchmidtSunduz Yin RafaelKeles PrabhanjanSaptarshi Tattar GuhaJordan Cuevas Joseph Kullback Hari Ram SinghBoris Iglewicz Abbas Kezouh Éric SungMarchand Suk Chung Hua−Yun ChenAthanasiosRicardo Micheas JohnVelazquez HoppinSimonShiju Zhang JohannesAmanZhenDenis ZhangHofrichter NikolayZhdanovKatrin RothBalov Wen−HsiOliver Yang Galvis Michael Perlman Roger Berger Alejandra VahnovanMartin Bezener Essam Al−Hussaini DavidGordon Venzon Dodds Bohumír ProcházkaMichalisWan−Ching TyPetrakos McClureJulie Liu Leeming Ethan Lange David Blei LauraSaverpierre Hatfield Maggio Charles Stein Marshall Sylvan Sheryl Bartlett Won−Chin Huang Jodette Ullman Wen−lei Liu GheorgheLigia LutaBulent Mateiu OzkanBénédicteJohan Sandberg Madon Robert Ling Yuri Borovskikh Andreas Christmann Shantha Rao Gary Collins StaceyHo−Jin Cofield LeeHormuzdSupranee Feng−ChangKatkiAmélieJu DetaisLisawadi LeonardoYoun Lin Bae BastosMaria Elena Rivera Mancia Ahmed BousbaineXu−Ming He JyotiAlan Devkota Safer Robertas GabrysBenjamin AntonioTams Daziario Furman Smith Penny Brasher Antonio Pedroso de Lima JoonRobert Jin Neher Song Markus SchulzTobiasSandra Wickern Ligges George Zyskind Ram Tiwari Ahti Niinimaa Thomas BregenzerMayetri GuptaRobertLovelyPhilip Parody ReissGoyal StephanieMatthew Kovalchik Williams Albert Petkau Adelbar Sampaio Barbra RichardsonDanielJussi Larose KlemeläDina Melas Stanislav PastuhovGeorgios PapageorgiouEvelin DumbachJeff Capobianco Alyssa Frazee ScottPerry Haaland Zeger Brent Shelton Justin Recknor GarveshPaul RaskuttiW. BernhardtInma Tur William Taylor Sabine Nagel Wendell KimberlyJones Hockman Vanessa Didelez Ayca Ozol−GodfreyPamelaAni ManichaikulShawAndreaMohammed Vedaldi Gholamrezaee Hans Lörtscher John Bishir Christopher Robertson Greta Ljung Katherine Ensor Celesta BallJeffrey SolkaCarlos Velasco Shu−Hui MatthewYuKe−Jian Facer SubharupYan Michel GuhaWillis Silva JensenSisi Kapp Bledar DinaKonomiRui WangHanerShan Yang Torsten GangHothorn LiangC. ManhuaYoungMostafaCaio Chen AzevedoSamanRazmkhah MuthukumaranaHarrisonThomas Quick Möbius Manel Wijesinha Petri KoistinenYang Chen Rongcai HuipingLiDaniel FinkJiangJunedCarlosDaniel Siddique Abanto TancrediAndrewElizabeth Thomas Kolodziej Nozomu MatsubaraMelchor Ortiz, Jr. WijetungaMikhail AriyaratnaTikhov SuzanaGuy Druck NasonSubhashis Ghoshal BodhisattvaSteven Curtis SenZhenyuGeorge Liu KouvarasJunlongKewei Li Lu Miin−shenYong Yang HaoNelson de OliveiraMyongsik Oh SimonFranciscoRukiye Shaw Dagalp Rojas JackGiuseppe Hill, Jr. DiCesare Yan ZhouEliudKaiMatthewSamir Ding Silva Touzani TibbitsXuanHella Li Timmermann Raghunandan Bhargava Marlos VianaP. T. Spiller Ahmed Haroun Jack Vevea LeAnnaGarethLin Min RidallStork AdityanandShuxin Guntuboyina Yin Qiang Sun Bhagavatula Prakasa Rao Michael Goldstein ChristopherChristian Aston Robert Ana Bianco MichaelVanessa Epstein BeddoSongJenn−Hwai Zhang Marianne Yang BertoletGeorg MainikCheng−Hsueh Yang Colin Mallows P. Anil Kumar Gavin McCabe Klaus JungFerasPatrick Mahmood BrehenySule Sahin JianBatahValeria Kang VitelliBradley Price Jose Vidal−Sanz Klaus HechenbichlerElisaWei NingMolanesSourish López Das Victor Hu Stephan Kolitz ConstantinosJ. de PhilipKlerk Petropoulos Turk RebeccaMark HeilerHubbard Florian Ueltzhöfer Takis Papaioannou Rouh−Jane Chou Humberto Vaquera Huerta Libor Ma..í..ekMichaelRoman LastIliana de la IgnatovaVaraZhiThomasLiming Wei LiangFisherLei Qi Daniel Heitjan Sanjay Arora Andrew Lawson Shumei WeiDeborahTimothy Lin Ramsay YanmeiFarinazPhilippe LiKoushanfar Rigollet Jennifer GrossmanEric Foster RobbRoger Muirhead Haboush Michael Hale John Haywood GeorgeYoung Tseng KyungShaoli Lee Wang Clifford Lam Paul HofmarcherVladimir Kovtun Donald Guthrie, Jr. Andrew Kalotay Alexandre Tsybakov JieAna−Maria DingChiAli Tim Arab Ng IosifGeneveraSaeid Allen Amiri Richard Greer Mortaza Jamshidian Mouchumi Bhattacharyya Jingyuan Wang SumaiaYufan Latif Zhao Xiao WuMarcusYu−Yi NunesHsu Nina Mitrofanova Bas WerkerCarlos Diaz−AvalosYanyuan Ma RichardTonya SamworthMarmon VictorLaiSahar Enciso ChenxinWei Hosseinian Mora Li Ross Bray Sam Choy Katarina JuséliusHannelore Liero Chong Man Kim MaxwellDon Rhee Faxon Lilliana FigueroRhondaKyongSherwinGuillaume Ryun DeCook Toribio Kim LecueYan Jin Lizhen Lin RenateAparna Meyer Huzurbazar Sergey TerimaYehuaLinda Li HartmanYongJonasSuad Song StröjbyAlhihi KaraMonthira StevensAlessia Duangsaphon Pini Reider Peterson Hemanta Kumar BaruahAlladi Subramanyam Steven ChaoGilmour WangYiu−FaiMohammad YungRaymondSvend Sievers Faghihi Haastrup NoraAmrut Gürtler ChampaneriDavid Wilson CalandraSusanneHadley Tate Heim MooreWickhamYaoSandeepTaniya LuNancy Mandal MenonFrancesca Chalmers Tembo Dennis Young Lynda White Sucharita Ghosh Paolo Zaffaroni FaouziPeter NikoEl Bantli DenckerKacirotiKyungdukGuei−FengJorge Ko BazanSamsiddhi TsaiMatthiasIrmingard BhattacharjeeFrank Brandl YoonShuhei EderJin Okumura Liu ShahinEmil A. TavakoliCornea S. Prasad Jonathan ArnoldCharles Taylor Chih−Chien Yang Boonorm ChomteeNicoleta Serban AleksandarOsama Bataineh Nasti.. Le Anh Son Ron Kenett Stephen GanocyUdo SchwingenschlöglPeterThomas Qian SurajSchmelter AnandXin Fu Stefanie HayozQian Fan Kenneth Waugh Susan Holmes WilliamBiljana Kahn Popovi..Wanyun Liu Bonnie LaFleur Yeojin Chung Yudhie Andriyana Laurel Smith Francisco Pino Mithat Gonen Thomas Severin MariaIsabel Kocherginsky Cañete Suhong Zhang MinaHuizhi Yoo Xie Paulo Hollanda−Sales Spario Soon Nora StephenGalambosVincent GouletGulyasHoi−Jeong Lim Haydar Demirhan NabilMaria Zougab Grith Hale Sweeny MartinJohn Hamilton AbrahamDar−Shong Hwang Nino Kordzakhia Luis Gil−Alana Salaheddine Aji Mats KvarnströmShuwenPatrícia Wang AmandaMartinková Weir JessicaWei Zhong Larson Olle Hoflund Wolfgang Härdle Gösta Hägglund AlexeiYee Teterukovskiy WhyeJiaquanHsiao−Hui Teh FanKevin Tsou JeffreyLawson LeekKengo Kato Liwei Wang Yao Wang Laura Kubatko MarloDetlef AstridBrown Steuer RuckRobert Krafty Avishek MallickThomas RuschWei Dai Pandurang Sukhatme Joseph GastwirthLelandSatindar Stewart Kumar Hassan RezaRaphael GottardoChristianeMartin ZinnerRebeccaJoseph KaplWilliamJohn Walter BakerSongfeng SpivackDarnieder SakshaugChester Wang Ismay Mariana Craiu Charles McCulloch John Gavin YongMichael Cai Falta Liangliang Duan Marcel−Paul Schützenberger Takeaki Kariya Enivaldo Rocha KarlienCedric Vanden Heuchenne BrandenTe−ChengJeffreyJelenaAlvaro Lin PettyjohnBojarovaNosedal−SanchezJunvie Pailden Yehuda Vardi Peter van der Heijden Martin AxelsonJamesAchim MillerSamir Zeileis IraquiLaver Gagrande MuhtarAndrew Osman SmithZhenjun Ma R. J. Krumm Ramesh Tripathi Roland Averkamp JamesXiaoniZhangshengXiaoxi Gear Liu Zhang Yu Jee Young Moon Johannes Gladitz João Mexia BernhardNingXiaolingChad Li KlingenbergSchafer ZhangLuisDavid Grilo Campbell Cen Wu John Folks Michael Jubb YongseokIgnacio Sohn Lobato Rida MoustafaAbdessamadBernardHeng Saidi PengOmoloWen Ye Cherie KientoffNestor ParolyaBowen Song Tertius de Wet JoseHsin−Ju MiguelGillesJong StoltzPonciano HsiehGeorge Soo LeeLionel CastellanosChang Truquet NageshJae BrandyYounNelson Adiga Ahn Ringham Ray Paul Milch A. Penati LianshengAmal Helu Tang Jenifer Boshes Meng Qian Nunta Vanichsetakul Jeffrey Vest Chanseok ParkHisayukiQiang TsukumaBarbaraLiTaeryon LiWangHuixiaYanwei GeorgeXuanLong Choi(Judy) ZhangAsta Wang Nguyen ShombergJiangtao Luo Dirk Moore JosephJaimie Chang Hebert Christian Boudreau XianyunCorinna MaoEmilyZhulin Auer Colby He Jerald Lawless Hsien Lin ChansikH. Hong Choe Yong Wang Jill Richie Hyunyoung Choi ChungKelly ChangXiaoming MooreSaran Vardhanabhuti Gao Christian Posse William Goggins III Nicola Chapman Chen Ji Yihua JiangKellySaheli Burkett Datta Tanina Foster William Cumberland LawrencePatrick Moulton Tendick Faisal AwartaniDavid Marker Qing Shen Torsten Scholz LiangJulius ZhuAndre MüllerYingYunwen Williams GuoLe Bao YangQie Li Johannes Derksen Karl Jöreskog Dale Borglum Xi Zhou VincentAli Agboto Atashgah BenjaminJichun HallJohn Xie HosslerYanming Li Charles Pfeifer PolycarpElisabeth Chigbu Saers Bigün Peter SalzmanJingjingAlexander Ye Antonyuk Vladimír Lacko Milton Chew, Jr. T. DurairajanTimothy Read Mitchell WatnikOmar Aguilar Daniel StancescuJakeJiawei Olivier Liu Sylvain Arlot MartinBrianna Lysy AlanHeggeseth Simpson Y. Chung GordanaDipak Jelisavcic Dey JinzhongHoward (Jason) Seltman LiaoMicheleChristopher DiPietro MaloneSinjiniNorou Mitra DiawaraShengdeTheodoros Liang Habib NinaTsagaris EsmaeiliErik Senitschnig Lewis (nee Huber) Fred Andrews Melvin Moeschberger Billie Slater Patty Solomon Domenico MarinucciJames Gleaton, Jr. Soyoung HaJo Mauldin LaurenceSeung−Yeon de Torrenté Ha Michael Chernick TaoPavelNorma Duan Ranocha PengfeiQiLeyva GuanghuiZhang LiDavidBlakeley Wei King McShane Alexandra Soberon Zakkula Govindarajulu Michael Jacroux Julio Peixoto Konstantinos Zorgafos Abdelaziz El Matouat Jian MahdiYuAntonioIván Doostparast Villanueva−MoralesCarrillo−GarcíaEmilia NascimentoNadia Rabehi Donald McCaughran Asad Zaman ShunV. Sampathkumar Chen Abdelhamid HassairiCharles Hall Alyaa Zahran Lahmi WaseemLakhal MathiasChaieb Alnosaier Vetter ZhaoD. Leann Xu Long Thomas Santner James LeeperRichard Lockhart Joseph Sucher Andrew Roddam PavlinaMatthew Rumcheva Schipper Hanan Elsaied Gilberto Paula M.Catriona Rezaul Queen Karim James Hilden−MiltonDaowenPatricia KitchinZhang Jane Liu JohnLeah ByrneWelty SaiStefan NudurupatiRebeccaSiti Pohl Tolos Sela Won Chang Milan Ty..ler Alexander SchuesslerElsie Valeroso Owen MoustaphaShoemakerCanddy Yao Faizi JialiangJingMihai WeiXu LiGiurcanu Sun GuanchunPeng Wang Wang Gheorghe Mihoc Donald Swain Eduard Kolomietz ZachariahRon Babu YuNilupa Gunaratna EricSusan PolleySofia Gruber Espinoza Hans Zweig Christine Thomas−Agnan Christine Anderson−CookAngela Neff HowardArno..tMajid Bondell JulieSarmadYanKomárekJean−Yves YanwenFormanDebbie Brua Leader Kay See Tan Gary McDonald Dag Sörbom Jan Beran WeiMichael Zhu Beaghen Sri Nurdiati John Hall Cyril GrivetV. A. Samaranayake Stewart AndersonLawrence Joseph DaleBrian Song Habing DeniseTao Jiang Duarte TristanShiraMan Senga SolomonHao Jin Kiessé Wang Taiane Prass Robert Davies Magdalena Rutkowska Glen Satten Prasad Ram RobertRongchun GramacyYangDenismar Zhu YangYiyun Nogueira Zhang Peter BubelinyErika Fülöp Jaime Puig−Pey William Swallow Ina Mullis StuartCindy Coles ChristiansenKeming Yu MarinelaFabrizio CapanuTheodoreFlorencia IaconeDavid LeonardiKypraios FardoRodolfoZhiyuan Mendez−Marcano DongCamiloDonghyeon RiveraAdam Yu King Florinda Capone Hong Hu Liu Solveig Sieberts KristianJoao KarlFilipe LumBarbaraEric Rohe Monteiro DominicTollefson Choro..−Tomczyk Magirr S.W. Lee A. Siow Nidhan ChaudhuriSilvia Ojeda VickyMahbub Fasen Latif Donald WeddingPauliina Ilmonen C. C. P. WolffFrederick Spiring Oh−Gon Chun ReinhardParulDong−Yun FurrerDavid Bhargava HitchcockKim Mathieu CécileRosenbaum LouchetLeonidYaling Zamdborg YinAdelaXuefeng Martinez Liu Calvo DaqingCruz Guo Velasco−GonzalezIrshad ArshadLiqiangAndreas NiJoséLiPing Romeo Wünsche ChuSourav Santra Ryan Hafen AlbertAkram Sánchez Kohansal Niubò Chaim Sternin Neville Weber Arlette Dubois−Besnard Judy Sy LauraHongtu Piersol Zhu FengrongMichaelMukhtarPrabhuThomas Wei Finegold Salah Bhagavatheeswaran BirknerMaria Osipenko Jan de Leeuw Harry TigelaarB. Chandrasekar Jin−TingChau ZhangDavid Thach HendersonBruno SousaHassan ElsalloukhYixin Fang Sahar Zangeneh Walter Woods John KolassaIvan ..e..ula Idris Eckley HaijunMalcolm Ma Binns Shawn Mankad Franklin Graybill Stanley WassermanJames Albert Juan Manuel Rodriguez Poo Horst Jordan Xiao Ni Justin Shows Di LouisWuChenSang−Yun AslettXingHayan Oh Hasan Perry Gluckman Sue Leurgans Zhidong Bai Lise Bellanger JochenJonathanJavier Giese SchildcroutHualde VandanaAïcha Mukhi BarecheAlexandraHai Nguyen A. BabenkoAnthea Monod PetraFan Zhang BuzkovaKamilaXianhong ZychalukTiejun Tong Xie QiuyanDongyu Xu Wei Lin Dou Ye Li Jinxin Gao Edward Brill Paloma Sanz ShankarJean Opsomer Srinivasan LudmylaDouglasXiaobai Rekeda Noe LiArun Krishna Peter HeppergerOliver Pfaffel Asit Basu Albert Kinderman Bo Ranneby Robert Stine Mohammed Ghurra Mary EmondAbdeslam Serroukh Hsun−chihJayson Kuo WilburVictoria Litvinova Fabio Sigrist Eugene Lehman, Jr. C. TharakanRalph Kromer MeekyongYijian Park Huang Ian Clough AndreaEric HowingtonPierre−Jerome JohnsonXian ZhouVéroniqueTun−Hsiang BergeronFlaviu Hodis Boisson Yang Huynh Huynh Lawrence Muhlbaier Eunju Hwang TimothyZheng MillerSu Kassandra FronczykCarlos Valencia Donovan Thompson Alain Berlinet Kristi GriffithsJoseph Levy PetrTae−Kyoung ZváraHongjuanWeijieNivedita Yang Cai Liu ChenNadkarniPaulo MengAuguste RamosMohammad GaddahAndrew Kourabi Magyar Steven Sidik MichaelChen−chi Wächtler Shing Yun Ju Sung Adam Tashman AndreyRui Shen Rukhin Jinlin Song Tore Dalenius James Rosenberger Ronald Barry Li−Sue Chen MarcoOliver Avarucci GrotheDongElizabeth ChenBoanYihui Tipton ZhangZhou Siu−Ming Tam Robert Randall SuzanneKarim Slocum Anaya−Izquierdo IshmaelGuy Freeman Sharara Debabrata Ray David Speights MakramYujiJun Tomita Yan TalihHaitaoNikolaus ZhengLan Lan HaselgruberSascha FethArashSeonghye Ali Amini Jeon Josef Novák Walter Jahn Donald PhillipsRonald Wasserstein Robert Platt Ana Flesia Maria Silvia Moura Lingling An XiaofengFarid Zhou El Ktaibi Thomas Snabb Chang−HaPatricia Hwang English John Lawrence Jun Xie AlenaLingsong ..erníkováDerek Young ZhangStanislavRaulChaofeng Aguilar VolgushevChristopher KouSchallMing Yang Drovandi E. Gabrielle Kelly J. Rao Yan Yan Juan RuilovaDianneSoutir Bautista BandyopadhyaySivaramanAnitaChel BalakrishnanThieler Hee Lee Iosif Melamed Michael Mack Cajo ter Braak Amar Nath Gill AshwiniBreda Munoz−Hernandez MathurDirk OckerAyse UlgenBastiaan KleijnHoa NguyenValerie Hyde MarkKichun MineSasamoto Lee ÇetinkayaBéchirCharles Dola Doss ValenAli Barakat Johnson Francisco Cribari−Neto Jaap Wieringa Voichita Maxim ZhiguoXiaohong Li Lan Bin ChenJesseXueyuan Raffa Cao Douglas Jones Gregory Rozal Charalambos TsairidisMichael Black Juan Du Tingting Gou Yuling Feng Bruce Levin Byeong Uk Park MelanieChandramouliswar BellFabianSuzanneAmelia Hoti Haviland Szwarc Venkataramani Roberto RiveraDaojiGang Li Chen Lu Gan Elias Parent, Jr. William McCormick Yi−Ching Yao Cyntha Struthers Joseph Croos DylanMeredith Small TomlinsonYuyan DuanChunpengMatt LupingHershChristian Fan Zhao Ivaha Pascale Rousseau Marie BodwickRicardo Cao Abad Lingshi Tan Kathryn Lunetta Jacqueline KiffeYu−Yang Lu LianmingYuJayesh ChengElizabeth Wang SrivastavaMadhuri HohmanWantingErich Mahale Huang Zhao Jun LiMoyi Li Eugene Laska James Reading Jessica Pollner Sheela Deo Leonard Hearne Daniel AssoulinGetulioElieSusanne Maza AmaralFabrizioGuang Ditlevsen DuranteCheng KieranRuosha James Li MartinPatric Müller Jay Devore Claudio Silva Eloi Kpamegan Darice DelzellTorben KuhlenkasperAndreas Knoch Pramod Pathak Christopher Withers Colin Muirhead Rahul DodhiaHalfdan Grage SharonJaydip Barnett MukhopadhyayJianqiang Wang HuybrechtsZaili Fang Bindele Lennart NilssonR. Neal David Lansky LihongHongMartin Li(Laura) McIntosh Lu Chao SimaEhabTao And−Elfattah Wang Xiwen Ma Shuping LeiJiang Gao Ki−Ho Kim Haritini TsangariBennettJochen OtienoRebecca Einbeck NsubugaXiuyuLianbo (Julie)E. RanganaiMelanie Yu CongLeiJames ShuSchienleDerekFranciscoIlariaJacob Scott SondereggerProsdocimi GagnonDemba CarvalhoAhmadLynn Ba Aboalkhair Lin Avinash Dharmadhikari Claus Weihs Günter Schwarz AndriyRobert Andreev Cribbie Sabyasachi BhattacharyaJingyun Yang LaëtitiaAdam Comminges Ciarleglio Siegfried Koller Eeke van der Burg Angel MartinezD. KashidYang Song LiyuanSarah (Larry) Emerson Ma PatríciaArnab FerreiraBhattacharyaMu Ramos Lin Dale Rasmuson David Tritchler David Couper Sunil Mathur IgnacioSuk López Joo de BaeJu Ullibarri LiMohamedYan Galparsoro Zheng Saidane Jean−MarcJun Zhou Freyermuth Anant Kshirsagar Robert Latta Miriam Goldberg Lillian Lin EdisonSabine Tito Verboven GuillaumeFrankMichael KonietschkeGang Obozinski Höhle ShenLi CarlosMaCamila Silva de Souza Ke−Hai Yuan Ida RutsCuirong Ren MaryEthan RedmanMarcelo AnderesAna−MariaSibylle EspinozaHongkai Sturtz Staicu JiBin Zhang Paula Norwood William Rogers, III Zhao Ouyang LilliAngelika JapecRainerJaakko RohdeOpgen−Rhein NevalainenAngela SchoergendorferYuan Xue Christos Tsokos Chronis MoyssiadisHarri Kiiveri Chris Brien Zeynep Kalaylioglu Rebecca NugentEmmanuel AbatihPartha Mukherjee Leo Knüssel Ernesto FloresrouxC.G.M.AnthonyKingshuk Oudshoorn Moran Roy Choudhury SimonaXuefeng Korenjak−CerneAlejandro LiChris HansLulu MunozMatthew RenMaria Harding CostaPengThomas Liu FuchsJieqi Yu JosephJohn Hewett George Caldwell Elisabeth Gassiat GeoffreyJosu Borman ArtecheArnak S. Dalalyan PeterFotios Ender KokkotosSaraswataSrikesh Arunajadai ChaudhuriJianpingZhaoweiYun Sun Bai HuaDiegoCamilaYongxiu Colombo Martins She Roberto Mariano Jean−Loup Madre George Young Olaf GefellerJonathan Wakefield Michael Jähnisch Zugui KristiZhang Kuljus Till Sabel Erland Hofsten William DavisRaul Mentz P. J. de Jongh David ShoreYuan−Chin Chang Baifang XingGuy Brys Catherine TuglusHaiwenFangpo ShiMegan WilliamWang Smith Aeberhard Bernard Watson N.Rodney Unnikrishnan WolffShuying Li YangangYoung−KuRosy Zhang Choi LuoPayal Shah Rolene Cain DomingoAlan WelshDocampo Christiana Drake HerbertBlythe ThijsAttila Durbin FrigyesiJolantaYanbing JarnickaRoslinazairimah Zheng Jelani WiltshireZakariaMing Zhong Geoffrey Gregory Narinder Nangia MichaelYew−HaurDavid Nanna Khabie−Zeitoune Lee JuliusChun Mungo HaikunYin YipAbby Bao Flynt Alexander de LeonJingran SunBin Li SanghoMario Kühn YoonAnwarKe AhmedYu George Kokolakis Mark Dunn Xiaojing Xiang ÁngelesLauren McIntyreSaavedraSteven GonzálezDale Crunk UsnerFernandoJoshua Lucambio Betcher Erik ErhardtJelena NiroshanBradicQiaolin Withanage ChenLukas Martig Edwin Mouzon Terence O'Neill John Bacon−Shone Xin Tu Edward BooneLi−Jung Liang Jude Kastens AbraãoMohammad Nascimento Hattab Thomas Norwood, Jr. Saeid Amini Therese Pigott Andreas Stich NadezhdaChristian KrasijCheng TallbergPeng RaquelRohan GranellDaniel SadlerCécile Bruce Levasseur DengfengJiawei YaoZhang Joan Sander NicolasCarrie Chopin WagerAristidis K. NikoloulopoulosSoniaFrank Malefaki SchaarschmidtMohammad Aziz Anthony Bull David TylerDavid Hardison ThomasJay Breidt Regan Amy Biesterfeld Jason Roy Min ChenJoonkiRaghu NohRaj Eduwin Pakpahan Howard Taylor, III Robert Wesley Andrew Holmes Shin WangHamid Pezeshk DhanujaJing Kasturiratna ChengHeng Liu Yan Xu Samuel Tumlinson Gordon Smyth Kani Chen JiamengHarshavardhana ZhangLeahSara Jager MdRao Crawford Ullah Yan JinaeLiu Lee Joseph Lockett,Paul IIIDeheuvels Flavio Bartmann StephenAbdelhadi Lee SixtenAkharif Lundström Young Ju Suh Mario IvanTrottini Zorych MihyeQiuzi Wen AhnWilliamHaoyang Kengne Liu Robert Mauritsen Sujit Ghosh Melissa DobbieAlireza DaneshkhahMelissa ZieglerGuodongJie PengJoseph Hui SalmonFarid Jamshidian Grace WahbaSuharto Soedardjo Hang Keun Ryu Janez Stare MiroslavXuejunSergei Risti..Jeremy PondPeng NadolskiHyejinEsther Shin SalazarTimJaejik VerdonckAudrey KimQi Tang FinklerRachel Becvarik Ernst Unterluggauer Emilia Bagiella Wei−Min ChenHolger SchwenderAngelicaSiva Tian Hernandez−Quintero Tian JosephXinxin ShuKelly Edmund Geham Ali Hadi Robert Weiss Xiaohong Chen XiaoyinXiaohui Wang LuoRebeccaWeimingHélène BuchananBaokun Ke Boistard Li MaNils−Bastian CriseldaSamson TotoAdeshiyan Heidenreich Alvaro MuñozAmanda Golbeck Hong Dai MatthewXin Yan ChaoArindamSibabrataGregas ZhuAbhishek Chatterjee BanerjeeDana Gupta TudorascuTianyangMonica Bennett Zhang Ene−Margit Tiit Jan Van RijckevorselPetros DellaportasAnnick Bérod MichaelGebrenegus Frigge Ghilagaber Jean−François RobineauElizabethYueqin Krachey ZhaoVerenaJulia ZuberCaitriona Palacios Ryan Paula Diehr Stefan Huschens Patricia Styer Rebecca ScherzerMargaretYuan TaubYankun LiaoMatthiasWalter Gong Trampisch Orth Milton Sobel Gunnar Kulldorff Rameshwar Gupta Anthony Bryk Allan Wilks Cristina Butucea CristianoChristian VarinLeilei Sangiorgio Zeng PallaviBin SawantZhu Nguyen Van Ho GeroldAhmad Petritsch Akhter OlivierPaul Gendron Renaud Swagata NandiGert Willems Salema Al−Mutlak BinyanLori Dalton Jiang Julius Jonas Kruopis Ricardo Maronna Corazon Dating George Michailidis Michael Carlson HaoNicholas Song PritchardOri Stitelman Abdelaziz Laghrari James Pong ShuyiDavid Shen Kitska HuaClément XinxinWei SoniaChevalier Zhu Dias VirgilGeorge Craiu Stojkovic Julia Norton Tsai−Hung Fan Dian Lin GuoMia Hubert Cleide RodriquesDamlaAndreas SenturkWeiYulinTianyue Yue LiBerg ZhouTony Jinguang Li Holger Fink Aaron TenenbeinPrem Goel Sushama Bendre Olaf MarieBerke Linder CaliAndrea DavisSalem PetersJohn Reyen PaulRuvie Gosling Lou Maria MartinezRobinMichael Mogg ScholzJakob Söhl John Kalk Walther Neuhaus Jinnam Jo Maurille Feudjo−TepieRadostinaHui WangLeifAnna Boysen Kostadinova HermanssonZdravko BotevRaymond Molzon Tadeush Mar'yanovich RudolfAdelchi MatharAnestis Azzalini Antoniadis Chu−ChihMartinLi Chen Hsu Beibel David Kirk Jean−YvesJohanna Neslehova AudibertRonglaiChristopher ShenHarsh Barr SinghalElisha HughesWenxin Zhou Ricardo Fraiman B. Y. Thanoon MargaretMichal Posch KulichThomas BengtssonMurat Testik Yun Cao Baoyong Wang Barbara Chan Sébastien Van BellegemShuEtienne HanHadasAnton RoquainAndré MoshonovChanhoWestveld Scherag ParkXu ChengDarongsaeJoanna Janczura Kwon Richard CarsonSophie PeñaBernardus Bettonvil J. Donovan JonathanRichard Briggs IdowuChintan Mehta Judith Lessler Subhash Kulkarni CajetanManuel Akujuobi Angel Dominguez−ToribioElizaveta LevinaTe−Ching Chen Jeremy GorelickMin Kim Stergios Fotopoulos Valérie Ventura Mattias Villani Julien Tamine Prasenjit Shil EricAhmad ChiAurélie Osman BoisbunonHimel Mallick Peter Whittle Selig Starr Jonathan Hosking Maciej Wilczyñski Alessandra Brazzale TusharLaShona Chatterjee AchilleasBurkesJian Li Layla AchilleosXie NingParast Valentin Blumenfeld Toby Mitchell Hermann Hoch Sokbom HanRuth KingFinn LindgrenMarco Geraci DavidRuixin Schumann Guo Shuang Xia George Baker Lubomír Kubá..ek Peter Robinson Mei−Miau Wu Min−Hui Wang Jeffrey KristinThompson DuncanRaymond Webster CandaceJosianeTarek Teixeira ZariBerrett Ruprecht Puchstein David Edgerton Ali Rejali ThomasSusan Rosenkranz LumleyHaihong Zhu Daniela GumprechtPapiaNancy Sultana WangXiaobin Yang Patrick Brockett VanjaKarl Siegler Dukic PrzemyslawCynthiaAimin Sliwa CooperFeng MelindaGuy−vanie ThielbarTatiana Miakonkana Xifara AndreMartinChung−ki KrautKiddArusharka Min SenWalter Boscardin, Jr. SauwanitXiao Wang RatanaruamkarnJamieZheAntonio ZhangWielandCorinne D'AmbrosioTatianeDemetris Dahinden Silva LamnisosMartyna Citkowicz Mike West George Watson Anna Gigli Simin BaratpourQingzhaoRuiAntara Song MajumdarClintYu RobertsStephanieThomas Wren HaroldXiao Tong Kirschenmann Peter Sander Dieter Hauschke J. Jack LeeJürgen Kübler Mustafa Zafri Ryan GillHamid GhorbaniXiaofengYoujuan ShaoXiaoyanTao Li Sun Shi Laura Farnan Jane Lange Necip Doganaksoy Milan StehlíkJanqiLingTatyana Xu Yu KrivobokovaIrma Hernandez Magallanes ErichJack Neuwirth Lutz Maiwei Chen Georgina Bermann Run−Ze Li Chiara GigliaranoLitongJadran GarrettZhangKiya Dobric Fox Hamilton BingzhiPoonsak Zhang Sirisom Anand Katiyar William NotzAlfred Reich Chinnaphong BumrungsupJosé Garrido In−Kwon Yeo Myrtille AnaVivien ShojaeddinMaria Madrigal ChenouriMeng Wu John HughesBelindaSubhajit Phipson Dutta Weichung Shih ShyamalaR. Suresh Nagaraj ChristianChristian Hafner Heumann ThomasCheongeunXiaoping Gsponer Jin Oh Qianyi ZhangRoseXingye Saint Qiao FleurWei Shao Walter Schneider R. Clifford Blair Hemangi KulkarniDong Yu Sandra Pereira JianzhuZhi OuyangLi Adam Cardinal−StakenasHaiYing Wang Elizabeth Yen Robert Woolson Margaret Wesley Samia El−Arishy Johan Bring JamesJohn EuijungDelaney Kairalla Ryu Sydney Akapame GaussMichael Cordeiro Budde Etienne Trauwaert Franz QuehenbergerFrank Kiefer MichelleGang DunnLi Yu Wu MarkusAnirban BibingerMondal Justine Shults Kevin Robinson Andre Rupp ArgynQiongxia Kuketayev SongHanfang Yang Wolfgang Wertz Dong−Ki Kim Luke PrendergastYuanjiaWeishiJonathan YuWangYuan Liang WeinbergWilliam MorphetC.Jagadiswar LauraRinaMonica Foygel Acion Samajdwar Sirski BarberJuanFuqi ChenShen Marilyn Sorum Jeanie Weng Ulrich Munzel Mårten LöfDavidSamuel Warton CoptDenise ChristopherChang Victor RhoadsAbigail Vazquez Shoben GuevaraStefanChunCheryl Winter Pan Flynn Jürgen WellmannToddMeredith HeadrickFrederick Regan Strale, Jr.TashaSuhwon Fingerlin Lee DeirdreKaren Lamb ToherCatherine Timmermans C. J. Simon VladimirClaudiaAngelaScotlandMi Ostrovski Perlich HyunJong−Hoon JohnHugeback Leman Lee O'Brien JooTova FullerSanjeena Dang Chandra Gulati Damon Disch Piotr JoshuaFryzlewicz Richman AthanasiaHolgerRichard Hoefling PetsaLeanne Warr Streja Timothy Daley Walter Schwarzburg Prasert Na Nagora Paul Shaman Kerstin Vännman Curtis Wiltse Martin Theus Chong Tu ArnoutMehmet Van KocakMessemMeng Wang Uttara Rasmussen Edward George DhafirMilorad Rashed Kovacevic ChaunguoDmitri (Steve) Zaykin WangLeming Qu WentingEllis Wu Ott GuixianKazuhiko Lin Shinki Grant Weller Roy Milton Dennis Jennings Shigeru Iwata RussellEvrimHua TangXiao SteeleOral Yang Tao Liu Xuan Chen Ivonne Jarick Richard Anderson−SprecherMohammadYoonFrank Kim Al−SalehWendy AnbariMohamed PostonVerena Bentarzi (Martinez) Schultze−Pawlitschko TimothyMatthiasHeiko McMurryElizabethXu YanBailer KohlAsumanAbhishek Purdom Seda Bhattacharya TurkmenGiftTobias Nyamundanda MielkeDedy Dwi Prastyo Graham Upton Joseph Deken Belén Sánchez ValverdeRianto Djojosugito Mark Scarr Carmen MurilloMarc VandemeulebroeckeRebecca McNeil Ran LiJoshua Greene Edward Perrin Reinhard Trommer Jürgen Pilz Peter Swank VivekXuan AjmaniLuong Dana Draghicescu Tai−Tsang ChenGunnar HellmundJean EvelynSanderson Laier Herrholz Felix Burkhardt Vijayan Nair William Veloce PierreTanyaMatthew WinfriedLafaye Logvinenko de KarafaTerezaTheis Micheaux NeocleousKatarzynaLei LasakDavood ShiMario Farbod Parente Abram Kagan Sherrie Emoto Gustavo Santos GarcíaEla ToscanoValérie Chavez−Demoulin GuidoFrancois Schwarzer Collin AndrewVahid Titman Partovi NiaRuoxiJunyi LinXu Maria Vronskaya Abou Khidr Babatunde Ayeni Salilesh Mukhopadhyay Jonas AnderssonCarlos CuevasGui−ShuangFabio SanjayCovarrubias Rigat Chaudhuri YingPatrícia EspinheiraYuanxin Xi AliakbarMilandRudy Mohsenipour PastelCheng JoshiCheng Liu Wenren Allan Sampson José BernardoBeth Gladen Arthur Fries Karen Young Haiyan Huang Sounak ChakrabortyMarina KnightAdrian Houghton FethiYounaMikhail MadaniHans−Joachim Hu Zhelonkin Helms Samarendra Roy Sungsue Rheem QiuhuV. Swaminathan ShiAgnesTommi Hamon Härkänen Yanping Wu DanielAndrea Pagendam RieblerYou YuBeng Ma Koh Maria Rivera de BaezGeorge RungerDietrich von Rosen John HinkleTimothyTorsten Robinson Hilker Elisa BonviniFelixYu−Ling Müsgens Tsai Arno Fritsch Abeer Hasan Larry RingerPaul Feder William DuMouchel L. Mark Berliner Herve Cardot SeonghoGuan Song Xing XiaAdrian Wang Groves Smail Yousfi Thomas Burnett Fionn Murtagh Aiyou ChenAirlaneAlexander JuliaAlencarRichard Sharp Alekseyenko Kennedy AndreasJulius NarendraSchnieders Hagemann Kumar Robert Bell Abraham Israels Nikolaos Sfikas Jake Oleson Haolan LuJamesFei Liu DaiAmy Vaughan Jon Rao El−Houssainy Rady Junfang Li Stacy Lindborg Steve Horvath Xiaohu ZhangSangwook KangEunBenjaminLuciene Young LimGonçalves Goldstein Adrian Smith ClaesJustine Andersson Ritchie Long Ngo PengKartikeya ZhaoKeEmine Yan Ghia Bayman TimothyEmil KennelChana Pitkin Lowenstein Staffan Uvell Fabrice GamboaSilvia Ferrari StevenDouglasHeather PetrStemler Fran..k Schaubel Crosby Min HeeZhigenOmar SeoFang Bdair Zhao KevinChang Bartz Mikhail Nikouline/Nikulin Jushan Bai Craig Borkowf Surajit RayWilliam Stewart RémiWei Servien Lao Gleb Perelman Ibrahim Ibrahim Riccardo Gatto MilenaFrancis BanjevicFei JiBach XinArmando He K. Hoare Ahmadi KatrinDesislavaXicheng KrausGavin Voynikova Fang Lynch Christos Koukouvinos M'hammed Baba HarraJib Huh KatherineAndersMartina Hunt HolmbergMing−Chih PavlicovaMavisXi ZhangKao PararaiYijingChristoph Shen Rothe Qing Mai Jagdish Rustagi Reinhold Bergström Marinus Van der Leeden Nibedita BandyopadhyayAlan HuebnerAminDan ZollanvariHyukje Wang Kwon Adam Taube Graciela BoenteLloyd Jaisingh Bo JonssonJacintoQi−Yu Martín Zhang Jiménez Daniel DexterSchubertChan CahoyZeng DanielXiaodong Oberski Lian Richard Picard William Barlow Ian Dryden Robert CouchleySujit Sahu ColinChangbao Ramsay Wu MadhabAli Alshabani Khoju Xuelian Wei Min Lin MartinMohammad Knott Ali Steven Fahrenholtz Pichai Intarapanich AliLimin Khoujmane PengXuesong Yu DipayanNaomi Maiti Brownstein Anadi Roy RobertPedro Mee Rodríguez Esquerdo Sung Ahn Christoph MaierLawrenceMary Ries MeyerWensheng GuoNormen Schenk EmilyIsabelle Martin FlückigerHafidaWeiShu−Ying LiuYun Guerbyenne Lu MeganYehSorawoot Romer Srisuma William Heavlin Karin Wolf−Ostermann AdaikalavanRu TishaChenThomas Hooks RamasamyAnnettWeiliang LepageLiliJaqueline Yang Keller ShiFrancial GuarteAlexanderYijia Giscard Feng Malinowski Libengue Dobele−Kpoka Oleg Shalaevsky Linda Duncan Sharples Atwell Norbert YanezGrzegorz Rempa..a Alexandra SchmidtLiangangSiuli Liu MukhopadhyayYue WangJoseph Kim Fei Su Yanran Chen Jan Hanousek Chiang−Sun Chiao Shaocheng Liu Baptiste FournierLaura VillanovaRajarshi GuhaniyogiXun Jiang Neil Arnason BasilioVladimir Pereira Donchenko Harriet NembhardChi−Hse Teng Kyle CaudleWenyunGuillermoBjörn Li Mendez BornkampZhewen FanPhilip Boonstra Yasuko Chikuse Victor Guerrero−Guzman Preston Dinkins LynneVolker McArthur Schmid RuixiaoQianYimei LuHyejung Zhou Li Moon Catalina Vallejos Narbik Manukian Russell Alpizar−JaraSonia Hernandez MohandWendy FeddagCzika LifengBrit Wang TurnbullAlexander Bade Robert Bechhofer Ganapati Desai Henrik Ramlau−Hansen Ping Yan Jimmy Lindade la TorreGarside SeokhoOlli ChengchengLee SaarelaChristine Liu Kiss Hermann Hitzler Charles Phillips Lars Lyberg Ian Marschner Jan PicekBiman ChakrabortyJohn Newell IvetJames Pitrun McDermottHyuna YangKejia Shan LeChristopher KangJoe Smith Nam John McDonald Song Chen Anne−Catherine FavreXueqin WangChrisopherYuehuaZhen CuiDezhongHintze Pang Wang Witold Klonecki George Milliken Luciano Molinari Lynn Gale Thorsten PaulsGopikaRalph Goswami Hoegn ReinhardJianfeng HeckelMeng Diane Duffy Richard Kloser Marc SuchardMichael McHenry ArseniYinanMichalHerman SereginHuang Pe..taIvan RaySimeonov Robert NorlandWalter Stroup Hyun−Joo Kim BingshuChenlei Chen LengWeiningNikolai Zhou SlobodianikMaria CapparucciniPamelaWeiningPengfei LlopJared WangZang Foster Damaraju Raghavarao AnthonyArne O'Hagan Wunderlin Nelida Ferretti Werner Müller Beatriz MendesB. M. Kibria Dimitris Fouskakis Julia ChiampaOnkarBotond Dalal Szabo James Anderson Wolfgang Schmid Anna ValevaStanislaus UyantoMelissaBertholdPage Moore Spann HaagAmy Wagaman LindsayAndrew RenfroBlake CronTze Hill Choy Dale Kraemer J. LockwoodJose Carlos Vega−Vilca Xiaoyan LinNizar Alsufi Martina Mincheva Anthony Olsen UlrichJong−Min Kathöfer Kim Wei LinJaesikDanielAustin Jeong SamarovYong MillerTrijya Chen Singh Simon Schneider Dennis Weier Rahim Moeanaddin Ding−Geng ChenRoger Bilisoly Connie Li Wai Suen Alice RichardsonHongshengDavid Wu ReinekeFelicity MoodieEnriqueViatcheslav ter HorstHaiming Solbakov Guo MinjungMichalisWoei Lo Lee KolossiatisLulu KangRoman Jandarov Neil DaleyJohanLexin LimLi Huajiang Li JonDavid GregorySparks MatthewsJinyuanGuohui Chang Wu Maureen Lahiff Omar Assili ShanhongKenneth Shirley GuanDenizDewi Akdemir RahardjaRyan Williams Paul Seeger Marcus NeuhäuserYung−Seop Lee Hong Wong Xiao XuMateen Shaikh Norbert Victor BarbaraPaul Stauffer McAllister Dennis Wisniewski Diane MillerJeffreyBorisEid Miecznikowski MohammedEdward LorencEmily Bein Al−EidGriffithCibeleArian Russo MalekiLejia Lou Kazimierz KarpinskiRoland Günther Steven LalleyYa'acov Ritov Donald TrostWolfgang Scherrer Abdul Rana Maha RahrouhVictorGulfam Panaretos Siddiqui Gregory Levin Chung−ChungLaurie Meaux Wu Léo Gerville−Reache Weiwei Wu Rebecca Walls Anastasios SkourkeasIrene Vrbik George BretthorstDanyu Lin Hong Chang Ian MatiasHirschArmin Salibian−BarreraM. RoerhlJoãoChiung−YuHuaxin PeilinMartins Shi YouHuangMing Yuan BoRui Li AlbertoLuis AliciaLéon NoveloNieto−ReyesOlivier Collier Ursul Lely T. Srivastava Glenn Galfond Nikolay Korolev Andy Liaw ThomasApratim JohnLuizaDavid Guha BadinChuaRichard Everitt Xizhen Cai Alladi Ramakrishnan Abdollah Hadian Mary Ferdon Jorge Adrover High ChaiBoris ShulkinJulia DonyChunlinXiaoyan Ji Wang Robert FossumSidney HinkleyJohn CrowleyFan−Nan Lin Atsu Dorvlo Mark Gittoes SamuShubhabrataXiaoqianAmy MäntyniemiGurjeet Feng Sun SinghMukherjeeJun DingMatthewYujuan BryanXie Jen−ChiehElena Martínez Hsieh Patrick CarmackYi Qian EmanuelYurii Ben−David KuznetsovVictorChloe Sal Cheny RosasAdam Loy Anders Ågren Jens Grüger Kyung−SungRashad Amin KimDeniseHoonja Botter Lee SergioMarc−OlivierDavit JuarezPei−Hua VarronYi Boldi Lu ChenJoonHannes Sang Lee HelgasonDavidXianJürg Hiller YuSchelldorferGloria Ai LauraHui Teng Yee Pranab Sen Raul Cano MaciejSergiy Rosolowski ProkopenkoJun Han YemingNatesh MaDavid Pillai Collins Takumi Saegusa Irving Weiss David Moore NeilGyörgy Willits Terdik Michael Mosier Marc Coram Reid LandesIngeborg JohanWaernbaumRomanTsui−Ling BjursellEleni TimofeevMeng Giannoulatou ChenGabrielMarkus ZhaoBirk Murillo Hofer SchützJenna Krall Gerard Leppink Friedrich SchmidR. I. Webb Roberto Padua Ronald Thompson JohnValérie Kern MonbetXia Pan Nkem−AminMohamed Khumbah SelmouniJean−Benoit Hardouin Gordana Derado Jordan Rodu Anis Kanjo Patricia Zybert Shiquan Liao KrzysztofXiaojianXin Zhong Rudnicki Xu Ronald PimentelZhihuaTatevikAndrejus Liu Ambartsoumian ParfionovasFatih Lau Carl Roux Erik NordheimPaul Sampson Mohammed Quassim NicholasPieter Horton van Gelder SeungtaiVladicaKyunga Yoon Stojanovi.. KimYoungsookWilliamJamesAnneleen DeanNeely Jeon Verhasselt Santos, Jr. Ina Burghaus Heliton TavaresWelfredoMarc PatunganMuhammad FredetteThomasDan AkramYoungju Merl JakiOu Pak Zhao Alfredas Basalikas Atalanta Ghosh SeokCatherine Oh JeongAnne−Laure Calder BoulesteixRichard Wilkinson AnnePrithaAbubakarWenqiong Hansen BeileiGuha WuAsaad Xue Boon Ong Matthias Kudra Jane Harvill MichalTim Friesl Friede Gernot MuellerHugo Maruri−AguilarNgoc NguyenTimothy Knapik Louis Leon Thurstone Hans−Georg Müller StevenAlan Rigdon Belstock Melissa Smith JonathanKatherineEdson MarchiniAn Martinez Jia JaroslawMasyn Pai−Ling HarezlakBing LiDavid Han Lewin Neo Christopher Chung Lyle BroemelingSerguei Aivazian Alexander Papadopoulos TatsuyaNicholas Kubokawa Polson Faming Liang Chung Fai WongAmir PayandehYanqingIlzeFeiyi YiKalnina Jia Sheryl KelseyAndrei Makshanov PatrickJosé RamírezRobertU. Guo−WenLavaraj StrawdermanSonia Sun Castillo HeagertyRaquel Prado Irwin Jopps James Gentle Kung−Yee Liang Sarath Banneheka ThomasYanping GerdsWang Haiyan Bai Leslie Hendrix Ari Hämäläinen Anil Aranha SoniaTimothyKeith Minassian Schumann ThorntonSampritMatthewXavier BanerjeePing TaddyRandall GendreChen R. RojasDavidShan Legát Yao Harry Khamis Jian−Feng Yao Avner Bar−Hen Laurent Ferrara Tansu KucukoncuChao Yang MauroGustavoMouhamad Alves XingWuSchwenkler Allaya Zhou CliffordVera Pawlowsky−Glahn Pereira Diana Whistler Sang−JoonMingyaoPatricia LandonLeeXuelei Li Pelavin Sego NiHilmar Böhm Paolo Zanini Laurence Herbst Arup Bose Simon Davies RodrigoJimin Drummond DingAmílcar OliveiraChaoElif AcarHuang Anil Gore Charles Shaffer M. Schiff Eleanor EmbersonDavidAilton NaserCauseur Vieira PiaElkum Larsen Amy ThoresonTaras Bodnar XinyanSoyoung ZhangJiahan RyuLi Atul Mallik Ivan Fellegi Paul Switzer Lyman McDonaldJohn Kinney Nasser Arghami Fengchun Peng Peter Morse Binbing Yu Ignacio Moral ArceJoelAbel Predd RodriguezYaakov MalinovskyAricJiaweiAnestis LaBarr WeiHuaihou Touloumis Chen Sang Kim Sara Wheeless Jen−Lun Yuan Mark Greenwood KarenYan SchettlingerDenise HuoOsvaldoAnna Earle Little Anacleto Junior William Cleveland, II GailDavid Gong Fairley Vitaliana Rondonotti Ying Zhao Tezcan OzrazgatBirte MuhsalZhiyuPhilipEdwin LiangErnst Lei Leo Goodman Ronald Glaser Nicolai HuiMeinshausenYuPhilip TaiZhiJie YangSeija Yates Sirkiä Lu−HungVinh ChenSeong NguyenJonathan Jun Yang Bradley Oscar Wesler Nitis Mukhopadhyay Ioannis Ntzoufras GraceAjita GopikrishnanChiu Jason Nielsen AmandaTimur Ferguson Zubayraev Alan Kimber Marc Genton Guy Brock FlorenceGholamhosseinLuis−Angel George Rodríguez GholamiMehdi MaadooliatZhipeng Huang Noel Cressie Peter Meyer Gabriel Huerta Holmes FinchPenelopeChangyi Eisenbies Park Hayley JonesXia Li B. Kale Peter Albrecht Jacqueline Meulman Jeffrey AlbertMohammad Raqab Sahar El−SheneityYunAlexandreHao Chon Liu LambertJiyingYufeng LiuHiroyuki Ding TaniaiDuygu Sava..c..MaximillianHanyu Yang Chen JanetMarshall Sinsheimer Joffe Roger Peng Deirdre O'BrienRashmiGeorgios Pant KaragiannisRobertTokyYumn RandrianasoloKorte Yusoff Stuart Bessler Jörgen Dahlén Colin Lewis ScottFairouz Holan MakhloufConstanze WagnerRodney AllenTolulopeSubhra Sparapani SajobiDhar Lee Smith Rajan Shinghal Christl Donnelly AlexanderRutaYuqun Morton Levuliene Luo ChadGladys Bhatti SalcedoMisty HeinClaudioDongjun Durastanti Chung Margaret Gessaman Jack Kaplan Joo Kim Xikui Wang Kristofer Jennings Yichao Wu Tianyi Zhang P. JorionNathanielShane Pederson Schenker Ming−Long LamRichard HolubkovDavid GallesSupratik Roy Ningping Liu HeejongClaudiaMichael KirchSung VockAngeloColleen Elmi KenneyNels Johnson Nikolai Bodin Hartmut Holz JarretPulak Barber GhoshJiachengQiJohnErica Xia YuanJia McBrideMoodie Li EvgenyHughWilliamJinnan Crews Zoldin ReaLiu Johannes du Saar Jaromír Antoch Min Xie Marc Brack Yuchieh Yang Lars Ängquist Katja HanewaldMarianAlemtsehaiArsene Farah TurasieNtiwaMengjie Foudjo Chen Jerome Sacks Mohammed Alam Kenneth Gray Sangun Park FangPeter Li Hoff Li Qin StephenJinchi Lehrke JoeLv Ying Koopmeiners Wang WonyulYichenTian Chen QinLee Vasant Huzurbazar Marie Hu..ková Barbara Kuzmak Josep Maria Mateo−SanzManisha Desai Young−JuHuiling Kim Li WeiguoHao Wu CaiZhengWeijieSenthilGéraldine GuXu Girimurugan Laurent FrederickRichard Glick, Fawcett Jr.William Nichols Iris Yeung Grietje Holtrop Santosh SrivastavaBo Kai AdamJingyuan Bull Liu Andrzej Kozek Georg Pflug JerryDavid Lewis Henry LeoDavidSonia Korn Afshartous MaríaMazzi DoloresPavel Ursúa Gapeev RobertQuan EvgeniaMoranAntonello Hong Rubinshtein Loddo Eugen UrsuAxelSherry Bücher Lin Marshall Clevenson C. Nampoothiri XiaoyanYannis Leng JemiaiJingsi XiaGalen PapkovMiao VitaraZuo PungpapongTiago Vargas Akimichi Takemura Bruce Koons Nak−KyeongAndrew KimTierman MattiStephen Pirinen Bush Xiaofeng Shi Harold Hudson Mari PaltaSteven Simmons Amal Mellouk Yevgen TymofyeyevSourish Saha Dan LiaoBei Chen Soojin Roh David Osteyee Melvin LinnellHanns Ackermann Gerald DorfmanSomnath Datta Mark Payton Elizabeth Malloy LianRobinMiriam Liu Mitra Maru..iakováLuTyler Wang WilliamsonPedro Torres−Saavedra Gwilym Jenkins Robert Odeh David Gomberg M(arilyn) Nancy Geller S. G. Grubaugh Tai MoonWolfgang StolzJerome Poix Bo CaiTamunaDoyleZsolt BernardoKavtaradze TalataBoesePauloRahel Tura Parente StichtenothHananO'NeilHaeran AhmadLynch Cho Yicheng Kang Allard Holwerda Larry Muenz Pieter Kroonenberg MatthewEnrico Chavez Wood YongsungMatthew Beal Joo MaríaMarcin José García−ZatteraHitczenko Fereydoon Ahrabi Ingrid Van Keilegom Natalia BochkinaChristopherBrandon HiggsBenjamin Vahl SijianCarin Tyner Wang KimJune−NanSasan Hsieh AlizadehQi Zheng Kenneth MullenJoachim Krauth Daniel Krewski DavidWillard Hanagal Braun Axel Clausen Newton Wai KonstantinLei Qian MichaelZuev Zhao AmreinChanmin Chen Kim Donald Morrison Sumedha Sengupta Daniel Wardrop Pao−Sheng Teng Madhuchhanda Bhattacharjee OzlemMarloes Ilk YunCathy ZhouMaathuis JohnPoliak Scott Jay Lubin Paula Brito GunheeSeong Lee Kim Eun−Ha Choi Chia−ChunMohammadYuejingMatthieu Wu Ding Islam Lerasle John Quiring Seyed SeyedghasemipourClaudia Czado Yuzo Maruyama HonghongNusrat Jahan ZhouEmily Chan Swati Chandna Hans Vahle SelénRyszard Jan Magiera Hyune−ju Kim Nicholas PajewskiXin ChenWanying Li R.P. Singh Florin Gorunescu Terry Therneau Vassilios Vasdekis KennethSoonil GanningKwonChristopherQingHui Tang Pan SmithPing Yu SujittaTaiKe Kaufmann SurapheeWang William J. Riley Kari AuranenKepherIlya MakambiCassandra Lipkovich ArroyoXiaobinMingjin YuanYan Benjamin ShabyMichaelLingzhou BaiocchiAlejandro Xue Cholaquidis L. E. HarrisDeborahGunnar Burr−Doss Rosenqvist KonstantinCatherineNirmal Tyurin Govind Crespi F. BereniceLuis Castro Baez−RevueltasLiang JingZakariaRobert Khondker Durrant Walter Johnson Leandro PardoKathryn Chaloner Lewis Van Brackle, IIIJohn Witte David GambleAlenaJiuzhou Fialová WangConstantinos Kallis Sandy Taylor Che Ngufor Mark KnowlesCharles Heckler DavidStacey Glidden Cherny Ye Hua SumihiroJason LeggSuzuki MichaelJianping James Zhang YassirMason Rabhi Robyn McClellandJorgeJeremie PicazoSolomon BigotLuohua HarrarChristine Jiang Kelley Paichuan ChenIrinaAlbertoLuis Kukuyeva Alexander CaimoHanzhong Crouch Liu Alan Stuart Warren Rogers David Holiday Piotr Bajorski OlcayThanavath AkmanKeng PhonvichaiKhoo Claudio AgostinelliJean−Michel LoubesYajunAbeer Mei KyusangJingyangEl−Baz YuDunleiLi ChengFrancescoBingqing ZhouStingoRitabrataAnirvan AhmadDutta Chakraborty Alzaghal Jose (Pepe) Quintana PhilippeMirta Bensic Callier Krista Breithaupt Michael DonohueHong Cheng Li Brian HartmanMiao RanZang DuanRui Li Cécile Hardouin Andrew Hartley Hana Jane..ková Xiuping LiuFentawStefanie Abegaz Donauer YueDaniel Liu Sussman Ronald Thisted Cyril Stather JelaniYoonjung JabariYang LeeYingying Xie Fan HongjianZhanpanHuaqing Zhu ZhangZhao Robert Lind Marjorie Peterson Hyung−Tae Hwang Bo Bibby JingJae Qiu KeunGarfield YooVladimir Brown MininPhitchaphatPengfei Guo Bowonrattanaset Doris Lloyd Grosh Alan Unger Fabien CampilloAshok Shanubhogue Karl−FriedrichMarty Landau Smith Petronilla Witarsa Amitava Mitra Ranganath Rattihalli Xiao SongFiroozehJuhee Haghighi Song Tahani MaturiJianchangLiang NiuYunshun Lin Chen Benjamin Kedem Yong−ChengEric Wang Ross RichardPaulArthurAnanda Duty CharpentierOtt ManageGiovanni MottaMavroudis Eleftheriou Jessica Utts Yin−Jung Chang MargaretMichael Smith Short ClaudiaSamuelMichael Neves DoloBenjamin Joner, Jr.Hetzler Daniel Linder William Shonick Kasra Afsarinejad Mool Agrawal Lynn Friedman JosephZhong BeyeneGuan SiegfriedJin−Hong Hörmann ParkYing Ding AhmedJoshua BarakatXiaojin Patrick Xu Mary Blomquist Nira Herrmann Paul BycottSathyakamaValentinaFrançois Misura Sandilya BruckerMartin RomeroYufengChangkuHassania Liu Kang HamzaouiInês SequeiraWei−Chen Chen AparnaJesús Anderson Rodríguez−Rodríguez Na Lu GingerSumona Davis MondalFrancesDanielaHongyan WittenDolley ChenNirupamYi Yu Chakrabarty Edward Paulson Roger Jones Federico O'Reilly Nancy Flournoy Carl Schwarz Chao−WenHarald Lu Heinzl ForoughFriedrich Karlberg Leisch ShuhongAmy Maddox SalimZhaoWenyiAristide Bouzebda Wang Achy−BrouLoriHaojie Hoffman YanKazuki Uematsu Tomá.. Cipra William RayensAndrea Gubser Meehyung Cho Yazann RomahiTomá.. MarekBernadettaSvetlana Bizjajeva Tarigan Jonas PetersKanlaya Boonlha DayaBrian Nagar Thelen ChristopherClaudia Hagen AntonioAssaid Gomes ChuanHesham Zhou Gadelrab Ye Sun Marcio ValkDao−PengGuoli Chen Sun Yuhwen Soo Gary Greenfield Xin Fang AntsJianxinJian Kaasik Zou YinColleen Sitlani Yijin Wu John Pratt Donald MacEachern William Vaughn John Culverhouse Jelloul Allal Maria del Carmen Pardo GuanghuaNaohisaSara XiaoLarsson Kaneda TonyaWanida Lauriski−KarrikerAndreasAdam LimmunSebastian Grace Graef Vollmer John Henstridge BennoM. BaxterFellenberg Kun−Liang Lu Samuel Müller Célia NunesAurelieYung−RayJames HaizhiLozano McGree Wu Chen Xanthi Pedeli Jonas Wallin Carol Link Kim−AnhGyung−Soo Do Han AlvaroKarl Faria Broman Mathias LanDrtonChristian Xue ConradJonathanYanyu Beezley ZhangFarrukh Javed Jean Gibbons Lue Ping Zhao C. Andy Tsao Catherine Vermandele Fabrice LarribeJoanna Jarosz−NowakJohn ArthurJuan Jia Yaniv PlanReza Ramezan Wilhelm Zorn SaraLenka Taskinen KomárkováMaoxiaHui Zou Zheng AlejandroDan LiSangbumYanyan Villagran WuChoiPaul PlummerNan Chen Charles Quesenberry Joseph Marhoul Mark Cowan Jean−PhilippeParviz VertNasiri Yuhong (Casper)Zhongxin Wu NiAlexanderJoshua Svenson Schmitz Jana Jure..ková Jayanti ChotaiCheng−Tao Chang Shahjahan Khan Elena Landaburu Kelly HandleyThomas JudyLotze Li Keith Selander Václav ..apekAnita vanYing derHoh ChengKooijQiang Suk Guo Noh AlexanderElizabethPaul BuiZhen Quang BlockerStone Xiao Bruce SallyTurnbull Sievers Javier Cabrera SallyJörg Morton Buchholz Leonhard Held Cong Han Fernando YeBaltazar−LariosSandra LiuSaranyaKimihiro Griffith Thongsook Noguchi Robert Johnson Eric Järpe SimonMichaelFlorianMenggang Urbanek RueckSwartzAnna YuThomas McGlothlinChin−I Verdebout Cheng Hajime TakahahshiWerner Nagel Martin Sharry Matthew Karlaftis Junfeng Liu MartinaAnna TchirinaOrsákováMariosShuang Pavlides JaredLiu Schuetter Richard Monahan Peter Munson TaizhongYanjing Hu WangBeiyaoStephanie ZhengDimitris (Monks) Karlis SantoricoChirakkal HaridasMark LukensSamiranStephan GhoshRuth Haug Heller Min NiuMelody Denhere Mohan Delampady Eric Samp Jeffrey Bay KarenUrsula Crawforth GarczarekRoel Braekers Daniel BaileyHabib Jafari Ronald Butler J. Ranganathan Calvin Williams MatthewClaudia Mitchell SchmegnerRossChristelFenghai Gosky BouquiauxPangBo Duan Peng Du Miguel de Carvalho David Dalpiaz Richard Schwartz Krzysztof Szajowski Fah Gan Keun PyoXiao Kim ZhangLiangJunhui FangGareth Wang HughesSharadaRafaelBirgit Izbicki ModurBastienAnna Witte KlimovaMarchina CarlosWenceslaoLeslie Pereira BernsteinNeil Gonzalez−Manteiga Poulsen Naveen Bansal Franciscus (Frank) Coolen Tianxi Cai AmylouRonny Dueck VallejosEduardo Montoya Rena Sun Johannes Peek Charles Boll Babubhai Shah Joan Staniswalis Patrick Florchinger Brant Deppa Mahendran Shitan Ajay JasraPeter Kosater VirginiaMareenJason Filiaci Marchlewski WyseSeung Jun Shin Murray Geisler Pedro Vit Ted Szatrowski Nicolas LocantoreJohnBreedette DobelmanQing Hayes YeWillemJames KruijerYa−Hui Bullard MohamedHsu Yue IbrahimYu Elsaeiti Abdelrazeq Muni Srivastava Bruce Schmeiser StephaneYung−Hsin GirardGerda (Alex) Claeskens Chien Tzu−Ming Chu JichangKim EvansDavid Du NordstokkeNusrat HarunAmandaYifat LaviKoepke Gejza Wimmer Phillip Norton JeffreyMarie Currie Chavent DanielaDaniel Nitcheva GillenMing ZhaoPaul McNicholasMaherNaima Kachour Shifa AlexanderQuentinSancar Volfovsky Berthet Adali Jacira Carvalho da RochaJames Poole Sterling HiltonEpimaco, Jr. CabanlitShannon AllenMd.Nema KhairulEugenioSonja Dean Islam Greven Andraca−CarreraRui DavidTangYi SuKahle Jean−François Coeurjolly Zhenqiang Lu NicolasDaniel StädlerGillis SubrahmanianRalph D'AgostinoFloyd Panchapakesan Spraktes Ersen Arseven David RafaelSteinberg Molina TaoufikKevin Zoubeidi DoneganDalisay Maligalig Katherine A. YonggangGuthrie ZhaoJennifer HuErik BrodinArnabXiaoli MaityGaoNils RaabeNormanMichelleJi Hyung HaidusCarey Shin Albert Bowker Karen Gold Per Gösta AnderssonSimonYu−Min BondLudger Huang Evers Ashlyn Munson Paul Meyer Malik Malik Ivan MizeraAlysonThomas Wilson Richardson Ernst−Jan Wit Yushan LiuChristopherMikhailLarissa Langovoy Brignell StanberryNanhua ZhangJochen Kruppa Klaus NagelJohn Sennetti Chyi−Hung HsuYoshihiko RenatoKonno AssunçãoDaniel Sargent Agustín Mayo−IscarStein Lie Yun Chen HongjiangMarcoStefan JunqingCaroneJeffrey Gao GiebelTiep Wu Gonzalez Mai Gideon Weiss Alicja Jokiel−RokitaSayanNicholas Mukherjee EugeneAmitabhaBinAlexander Wang BhaumikJeffrey Aue JohnSpence DziakGeroDavidLea Szepannek LievenTriebschCarl Tolusso DiCasoli DesmetRiten Mitra Lu Xiong Bengt Muthen Antonio Possolo Richard RossiChristopherParichehr Hemyari Schmid Kaushik Ghosh André Tscheschel Alexandre PatriotaXuejingMathiasMåns Wang Thulin Trabs Edwin Chen Smail Adjabi Chi−Hung Hsieh GhislaineYuk Cheng Gayraud Pralay MukhopadhyayUlla Romild Patrick JahnJamilaSergej Mathias Potapov ThomasMargaretAhmad Wehrly (Chmielewski) Mattar Nemeth Katarina Ko..melj Chenting Su EsaSam Ollila BehsetaFanesca Young Jessica KohlschmidtYasaman HosseinkashiMichael Wierzbicki ChunHakan Gun Sazak ParkFanhuiMansik Kong Park Haojun OuyangMing ZhouAvidehJack Sabeti Knorr Hendrik Onnen Manavala Desu William PadgettRené Hirsig Delores ConwayBarbara McKnight RémiSatkartarPhilip Lopez Mokveld KinneyXiaoqinSandra Xiong Hurtado PeterRúa Chi R. A. ReynoldsGhasem Tarmast P. Vellaisamy DarioRieken Gasbarra VenemaKatrien Van Driessen XianzhengLatonya LeonardoHuang Garner Trujillo SiminaNorbertAbhay BocaVasiliki Remenyi Subramanian Vitoratou Robert KeenerKao−Tai Tsai Xiang YuMiroslavMichal ..iman CzajkowskiChongzhiXin Wang DiMaduka RupasingheJesús Alonso Cabrera Cyril Domb John Thornby Smita Nabar Paul SavareseYan WangShanthi Sethuraman Célestin Kokonendji Yu Yue Susanna BjörkwallNigie Shi ShuanggePriyaWenxuan Ranjan Ma Zhong Mingqi Wu Prabir Bhattacharyya YounisZhaoxiaDelphine YiFathyRegine PeterYuHuang Cassart Thwaites NoomenSchederJiaqi Chen Ben GhorbalCharity Law Thabet Ahmed Stuart Dufour Christine Graffigne Kenneth Nordström Gholam Reza Mohtashami Borzadaran CengizTae−Young Belentepe Heo Lijing XuIsmaelHaleh Talke Ghaem Maralani Donald Roberts Jairo Arrow Robert Lee Xiaohui WangJoseph Lucas Emre Barut Mahmoud Samarrai John Whitehead Irene Ferreira Frédérique LetuéLeo CheungArnab LahaYi−KuanChunfangCaio SusanCoelho Tseng JinYanchun AlberPedro Bao Alvarez−Esteban Kathleen Propert Emmanuel LazaridisJui−YuanStephen Chu Cole Chengqing Wu WonSun Chen Seung HyunDong−YopColinGong−Yi Rundel Oh Liao Dayanand NaikPentti Haara MedeaJinsanMarina MengYang Vannucci AmparoChristopher Baíllo HollomanCherylMikyoung Dingus Jun Nao MimotoDimitriosJoseph Karyampas GuinnessSungwook Kim William MalliosRichard Kronmal Raid Amin Goeran Kauermann Gavin Melville Louis Mariano MatthewKarenEmmaJoshua Cranston AlekseySchofield Tan Goodman PolunchenkoBrian Hobbs Louis Gordon Cornelius GutenbrunnerSoon−ki Kim ChristopheThorsten Grahn Croux Cathal Walsh Chia−Yi Chiu Jorge RománNikiRajen Zumbrunnen Shah James Bock Jian−Shen Chen James Mays MohamedMohammad HafdiPing−ShiRalphVeronicaG. ZainalWu NiklasSilvaChristopher BerrocalJill Norén Dever YauGengxin HuaiyeXiaojunLi Zhang Jiang Werner Ploberger Krzysztof Ostaszewski John ChenRafal Weron FrederiekeMatthewIngileifKim Koh vanKilleyaHallgrimsdottirNicklas Perlo Elo Korsell Leung Ho Seok Moon Rainer Gebhardt Sudeep Kundu Deborah Glueck Ya−ChingZhengxiao Hsieh Wu Caroline UhlerMasanao Yajima John EcclestonWilliam Meeker, Jr. Irène Gijbels JuliusOlivier ChenDasah Wintenberger RuanGenPanayiotisHonglian Nowak BobotasZhangYijiangYongping Li Yan David Cox John Schollenberger Neeraj Misra Cynthia Garvan PingpingYolanda NiBashirSanggohnMarshaYunming MunozDweikSandro Young Maldonado MuHan GsteigerDonaldSing−Yee Conrad LingOlegXin Huang MaybaWanjieSouhaib Sun Ben Taieb Michael LanceRui Xu Dana Quade Donald McNeil David Scott Marlene Egger Deborah Rumsey MarcRyan Joannides Cheal Lisbeth HanssonMax Louis Buot Steffen Unkel Karl−August Schäffer Teunis Terpstra Krzysztof Orlowski Jack Gambino Tony Fung Jong−HwaSteven Na Posner Bashir Yakasai ShinshengYu−Jau LinYuanDeepayan SarkarJochenKarim BrummYulia Oualkacha MarchenkoZhuang WuMiriamMirandaChong Hodge MichelleZhang Vincent LaRiccia M. A. F. Aboukalam Mark Handcock GillesParminder Blanchard SinghSandraStanislavIgor Freitag MelnykovJayanta Katina Pal Yun Xue Kun Liu Prabhaker Ghangurde Le Roy Franklin Peter Craig Erwin Stampfer AndersMarcelo Eriksson CirilloEfthimiosUwe MotakisZiegenhagen Wolfhart Jung Abhaya Indrayan V. K. Verma Kimberly SwygertYahong PengSofiaHuizhen Olhede Guo Yue NiuRaed Abu AwwadElizabethMathias Bourel Gross Eduardo Engel Yijun Zuo Cecília Azevedo DanielJianying LewandowskiMustafa Zhang NaifElijahMarcin JordanDePalma Kuta Brooks John Beckwith Lincheng Zhao KeyingDong Ye Kim Maria Kateri Roxana /RoxanaOrlando Ion Oliveira J. Slaughter Olusola Makinde P. E. Rossi Marian Baumler CasperJose Albers FerreiraZhengzhiXu ScottCao LaurentXia Lesch DelsolPaul Nguyen Nathaniel Helwig Johann Jahn Nadarajah RameshRichardDuncan Barker TempleGary Lang Walker ZhongmingHaiyanNan XuHuang Zhang GabrielAna Shou−JenSánchez AbreuHui Sánchez Chang Ma Chien George Hext Muhammad Zaatar T. P. M. Fareed Adao TrindadeLars ForsbergVasyl GolosnoyVicenteDebashis MonleonMarcelo MondalStephanInga Ruiz MaslovaKristen Van DerFeherVishal Veeken MauryaShu Yang WilliamDavid Cooke, Berry Jr. Wilfried Grossmann Galit Shmueli Deukwoo Kwon JingjingAnnaMichael Simoni ZhangNoroharivelo Wu Ran Randrianampy LiuJyotishka Datta Willem Heiser Volkan Akman Robert Davis Sangita KariaJohn Ritz Jianbao ChenMihails LevinsAssafMyungFeiYing LuOron Lee Chen Indranil GhoshJingjinMilesDamien Li Ott McParland Michael Nussbaum HendrikKishore Lopuhaa Gawande GwenHippolyte Tanner Fofack DamarisM Cristina Santana Miranda Morant MengmengJoseph Guo Ryan Lansagan Jonas Jusas John Thomas Xiaodong Wang RomanMarceloArthur Lutz BergFerraz Ja−an Lin Jack Kalbfleisch Mahmoud Daneshmand−Firouzabadi Ji GregoryMeng Loh CicconettiHui−JuSamirYifan SafiTsai HuangClayton Barker TianwenSaiful Islam ChenYuval Benjamini Franklin Fisher Tea−Yuan Hwang Luis Alberto Manas−Anton CeliaHolger Rodréguez Drees Campos Anna OganianMuhammadGregory Arif Lobser HussainXingdongSeverine FengTracy Gaille Holsclaw Anja Struyf ZhaolingCristiano MengNiel Ferraz DongHens Wang Charlotte Guddat Imogene McCanless GrimesA. C. MacKinlay JoaquimJérôme Pinto Saracco da Costa John Carson, Jr. Sijin LiuSu−Yeon ChristianaKimPiotr ZwiernikSakyajitShanshan JessiCharalambous Bhattacharya Cisewski JoseZhaoZhiying Figueiredo Qiu David Sylwester Daniel Mihalko Peter WakkerJahja Umar Yingli Qin Donald Bentley Ho−Jan Chang Linda Collins Xiang Sun FelipeRajat Osorio MukherjeeDaiAntonia FengSandraJeffrey Zapf GaißerRussell SwitchenkoJunMarie HuangShinohara Galligan Douglas Robson M. Adelaide Freitas AbdelhakimNacho Aknouche Rozado Brigid Wilson Peter SpirtesRuey Tsay Inna Kirillova Thomas Powell WernerKarenBarbara AndrewsLaumannRay−Bing Olbermann ChenXiangAnna Ling ChernobaiMichaelPaige TatianaKeim Randall PolushinaTammySimon Harris Steinvorth Ralph KodellMohamed ElBassiouniThomas McWilliams Anu..kaWalter Ferligoj Thurman Ka Ho Wu RomanusGuido Otieno Knapp Marco Reale DanDennisJonathan Hedlin Kristensen TemplinKai DetlefsenAmandaYuqing HeringStefan Tang MihalacheKimberlySamantha McGarrity Seals Anne HoutmanMatthew Knuiman Raul Macchiavelli Yin−Ping Leung GongMike TangWenquan CheungBradford WangErik Talens JohnsonAurora Bi SheelaShuang Nair WuCongShiyuan LiuCheng Zhang Zheng Paul Hinz Arlo HendricksonDavid Thomson Edward Korn Ana Maria Tabunda Vincent CareyMatthew Mayo John Aston JonYunfanYun McAuliffe Joo Deng RolandYooDimitrisFanglong DeutschYi WangRizopoulos Dong Fang Xie Owen Whitby Laurent Mevel David Elashoff Alireza RimaSimchi IzemKonstantin GartvigJosé FerrazJustin Gross Thomas Cheatham John Fryer Marc Aerts Vidyagouri Prayag Zoe OemckeSarraSiobhan Hedden Everson−StewartYanqing Hu Abraham Verweij Crispin Allard Ming−Yi Hu Matthias Fengler FengRashi SusannTaiKyeongmi Gupta Stjernqvist CheonDouglasMuslima Hayden Zahan Jan Amos Ví..ek Youssef Benghabrit Wei WeiGuojunThomas Wang GwiseLu May ChiangHarald Dornheim Marcello Pagano Reinhard Hilgers Daniel Janas AmrikElisabeth Shah Umble David Clifford Xiaolei XunClaudia Leonardi Bernard Hazelhoff Roelfzema Nikolaos Farmakis Matthew JohnsonHyoungtaeLinxu YurongKimLai Liu Ping Wang ChenHo Federico QuinYanming Lam Crudu Di Johanna Kappus ShibdasHermann Bandyopadhyay HabermannPaul Janssen Jörg van Hoorn Kyoungah See Chiara Sabatti XiaofengAntonioKusaya He Santos PlungpongpunXiangGangqiang Guo Xia EduardoYihong Lacap, ZhaoEkaterina Jr. Vinkovskaya Peter Zehna ChaoSilvia Chen Bacci RobinJustin EricRyder Dyer ReyesHyunkeun Cho Yosu Yurramendi Joris Pinkse Jyrki Möttönen Christelle BreuilsPamelaJohnny SmithJulien LiAlex Cornebise Webb Alexandru Belu Young Lee Jung−Ying Tzeng PetrCecilia Klá..tereckýNenad CottonWilliam Suvak VoltermanMicheleFares Aquaro Qeadan Carol Edwards Gene Lowrimore WilliamYih−Fang Vollmer Huang Euyhoon Park Isabel Proença Amy Herring Tzur KarelitzLeannaMichalWeiya BenkoHouse ZhangDirk Klingbiel Kemal Sen Andrej Pázman Ben Houston Zdzislaw Porosinski James LynchThierry DuchesneBerndSalvador SchmidRobertYangjin Naya McLeod KimFernándezGert Lanckriet Murat AhmedGungorJouchiElena Nakajima PolatkanOliver Silyakova Voggenreiter Donald Marcotte Viktor Witkovský Jaeho Jang Messan Amewou−AtissoDobrinDavid Marchev Kaziska Michel Montoril Herbert Studer Jan Koster PedroJianKlaus QingLuis Brachmann SilvaShi Robert Noble, Jr. KarineXuerongHaobo Bertin Ren WenMarcoDavidMaik RomanCattaneoFluhartyYaomin Berchtold Li..ka Xu Karlene Nicole Meyer Karen Fung RichardDiane HighfieldAnthony Throop Entsuah Kun He Herbert Lee YasminAnupap Said SomboonsavatdeePengElisabete Chen FernandesLeonie Selk B. R. Moulton David Bradley Brani Vidakovic Sharon Xiangwen XieJason Bond GuillaumeWei Zhang AllainNezarMartin Bennala WendlerXiaohui Liu Timothy Champney StevenGuilherme Lewis RochaTuanPing−Shou NguyenA.M.Fatemeh Santos Zhong Azizzadeh Edgar Brunner DavidZengri Bashtannyk Wang OleksandrXuxin SverdlovLiu Ji Young KimStefanZheng Fremdt Tan Chien−Pai Han Charles Holt,Suzanna Jr. Wong Witold XiaofengFlorczak Gu Andrei Volodin Danielle Sullivan Anilkumar Kharshikar Rita Engelhardt Michael Elliott KennethGerman RiceCyrille MolinaBinAstrid JoutardDavid He Heard Jacho−ChávezJen−Hwa ChuPatrickGarrittShahedul PagePerrySeanXiao Khan HuangDevlin PaigeWei MaasMa Anna Vaughan LloydCzes..aw Bond St..pniak Paul Kvam Yuanhua Feng Jeffrey BakalXiangrong Kong PeterRebecca MilnerFrancisco Killick Rubio MiltonJudith Loyer Koslov C. VenkatakrishnanKrzysztof Podgórski Michael Lee JoseJin Leena LuisXuJosephJason BatunArchan ChoiHyung−Tae Connor KoslerCutz LeontineBhattacharya Ha Alkema Mara McLaren Sharayu ParanjapeKutyar Madhavrao JensJohn Breckling Richard Wilmoth Gudrun FreitagWoncheolLiang Li Jang Benjamin FrenchKellyHsing−Ming McConvilleRavi GoyalYueYing ChangAndrea Zhao Liu Pierini Martin Schatzoff Timothy Hesterberg John Borkowski, Jr. Sofia Paul Julie PeyreJohn Cuzzocrea Michael KarshArthur White Martin Wilk PeterRoland Westfall Pettersson ValentinLimin Clegg PatileaAlexander Schacht (birthname Siemer)Clara Kim ArianaJessalynDavid Anderson Tung SmithShaonan Zhang Samuel Givens MarvinRoman Gruber Rozanski Melinda MillerThomas Lee Jose Carlos de MirandaSujungJeongyounAlejandro ChoiLi Veen WangAhn GongSaisuke Chen OkabayashiShyamalDavide De Pigoli Edwin Dalziel RajPeter Chhikara Bryant Julio AngelNhuGyo−Young Pardo Le Cho Nial Friel Christoph NeuhoffHongmeiGregory Jiang YothersLei Jin JakubIn KangStoklosa Inchi Hu David Madigan Marilyn Agin Christa Carter HongxinKwunYing Lai Chuen Hung Gary ChanShirley Leong Sterling McGuire Murray Cameron Keng Lim Eric JacquierPascal Lavergne David Gagnon HuaiyuAbhyuday Xiong MandalNatalie ShlomoVictoriaWilliamWu PlamadealaMichaelaWei Zhou Kleiber Tan TsaiPaul H. Sanford Weisberg Aurore TimDelaigleAmanyCory GarlippOlha AbdelHeilmann BodnarXia Karim XuChien−WeiRobinJimmy Girard Chen Brignoni Woosuk Kim Vladimir Eidlin William Glynn John Reynolds Mark Heise Isildinha Reis Stefan SchipperFabio NietoDachuangSoojin Sanchez Kim Cao Husam BayoudPeng WeiAli Al−Sharadqah Xiaoqing Niu Kalimuthu Krishnamoorthy Stefan Lauer Fadoua BalabdaouiEllinor Fackle ForniusErica ChildsYajuan Si Adger Butler Trivellore Raghunathan Sai−HsuehAnthony ChangDanh Crisalli Nguyen EricKyeongDavid Bair Bradshaw Eun Lee Richard Henke Samprit Chatterjee Abderrahmane Jarrar−Oulidi M. RahmanBernd−WolfgangAndrew FanIgl ChristianWeixinGolightly Lu Yao HöhenriederK. Sham BhatHangFernando Joon Kim Bonassi Robert Hoekstra Deborah Kelley Jean−Pierre Stockis Parwen Parhat Jayendu Patel Bahjat QaqishMatthiasDigambar Albrecht Shirke Soumik PalHuiYuejiao ChenVasily Jiang Zubov DivinagraciaFeng Li Del Prado George Tiao Xiao−ShengJanelle Lu EricksonStéphaneJuan Carlos Molla Pardo−FernandezYumao LuOmar KittanehZhan Shu Zhuanyu Cai William Pruitt John Chambers Charles Mann Fahoum Saleh Xiang Gao Jun (Jason)M.D. JankowitzDuan JohnBradley Seaman, Luen III Rafael Maia MargaretaVasile Holgersson Preda John Shelton Shirong Leu Leonardo Fabbroni Yanxing Zhao Julian WolfsonBenjaminWaldyn HofnerBo Martinez DanielLiu Ella SabanésCid Revzin Bové Yoshimichi Ochi Heather Sasinowska WaiBircan Ho Erbas PengMarekSubhashish ZengOliver Omelka SerenaBembom ChakravartyJulie Chan Antic AnnaMikhail Campain Zhitlukhin Burt Holland Göran Broström Zhenming Shun Paolo FoschiRoss McDonaldMartinClécio BetinecMartin Ferreira LadouceurMohammedRupali Kanade Benmoumen Sten Malmquist Henrik BengtssonRadu HerbeiVictoriaWanlingYingMareikeNader GunLandsman Zhu TaiHo GemayelKohlmannRoshanak Jang NateghiKolyan Ray John Gillespie Jen−FueAntoinette Maa Shaw StanislavJinfeng Kolenikov XuMarie−PierreFayçalJames HamdiQiangKukatharmini Sylvestre Goldstein Pu Tharmaratnam Arthur Albert Claudia Klüppelberg BrunoSzeMan Jedynak Tse Olivia GriggKasparJune June Rufibach Luo Lei Pang Florence Gordon Jiunn Hwang Sutaip Saw Marianne Rose Scott BurkXavier BayYoshihikoScott Nishiyama ComptonDazheHuiBhojnarine XieWang RambharatYanTalithia He WilliamsRong Liu Oksana Chkrebtii Nigel Nettheim Georgeta Natasa Macovei Forte Sreenivas KondaJesús FuentesYolanda Hagar QingHagarThimo HuangFranziska Hildebrandt Lindner William MartinRosenberger Hazelton James Stamey Nyssen Penaloza Serge Sverdlov GaryWilliam Simon VenablesAllan Skene Luigi Pace Jorge Aragon Ali Gargoum Anne−Cécile GoderniauxStéphaneRuediger DrayDeepak KrauseBalajiArmando Mav SrinivasanHeng Teixeira−PintoRogérioMiran Lian Jaffa Porto Qian Liu MargaretNorbert Stewart Henze Alain Latour Shande Chen Gregory AlexanderLi Ping Liu Spyros KonstantopoulosOlgaVittorio Yee YangAddonaMarkJason Wang Culp Brinkley QierJasmin Tan Wandel Johannes Conrad Daniel Zelterman Somesh Kumar Bernard Bercu Manuel CabralAnja MoraisBusse Bala Rajaratnam Leen SlaetsIsabel Cristina Leite Liang WangMaja PoharAnne GadermannYaMaik Xu Schwarz Victor Skitovich Dallas Johnson Paul Swank Mikelis Bickis William Cade Manisha SaneOfeliaCurtis MarinMillerOstap Okhrin E. M. AsithaYaoLuke XieEdirisingheAshok Miratrix ChaurasiaHua Shen William Schucany Roger Davis Scott KomoBorek Puza JasonIsabella SchroederBenjaminJouni GhementByron Kerman Redelings Ellis YingJurgita Zhou ZidanaviciuteMaria KonstantinouSunyoung Shin Peter AndersonStanley Shapiro Kiseok Lee Jianxin Pan IbrahimJ. Vandersluis Hugari MarkJesus HuiskesAndrei JayPalomo Bartroff ZenideDaqing ZhangVolodymyr MelnykovChaitanya Joshi Dianne FinkelsteinMichaelStephen Wenocur Hillis Ole HesselagerJo..e Rovan Lei Liu VenkatOnd..ej Chandrasekaran Vencálek Masashi Okamoto Harold Diamond, Jr. Juanjuan Fan SrinivasChing−RayTimothy MaloorMegan Earl Yu OthusJiangtaoAdamLizhen Duan MarcoGuetz Xu Frei Julián de la HorraUlf Olsson Navarro Alejandro FreryDanielZhongwei Scharfstein Zhang El ChristosHachmi HammouNakas Ko−Jen Tsai JessicaXianlin FranzénEmanuele Ma MazzolaAnna YasamanMacDonald Maleki William Raynor, Jr. Haragopal Vajjha Ulf Rothkirch Juha HeikkinenKathleen Morley Maya PetersenChunlin Fan Qiurong Cui Rajinder Hora William Smith Martin O'Connell Kurt Hornik Hong Zhang Roberto Puch−SolisTristan MassieHyunHuajun Kim YeKobi AbayomiAutchaJosiahJing Araveeporn EvansLeiUgurXu Karabey He

1850 1900 1950 2000 gradYear

Figure 13: The shortest path between Sir David Cox and Petra Buzkova, superimposed over the data structure, using a bin size of 200. Individuals on the shortest path are labeled in large and black text and connected by dark green edges; all other individuals are labeled in small and gray text and connected by light gray edges.

33 are many individuals in that last decade. Indeed, the decade from 2005 to 2015 appears to be the densest in this dataset in terms of acquisition of statistics degrees.

We could still improve upon Figure 13. Even though we may be primarily interested in understanding how the path of interest is overlaid across the entire genealogical structure, we could, upon viewing the entire structure, also develop an interest in nodes that are not on the path of interest but are revealed to stand out among the rest of the genealogical structure. For instance, in Figure 13, it may be of interest for us to determine the names of the few individuals who obtained their statistics degrees before 1900. Fortunately, within the plotPathOnAll() function, there is a variable animate that we can set to a value of TRUE to create an interactive version of the figure that allows us to hover over individual illegible labels and immediately receive their labels in a readable format. This interactive functionality comes from methods in the plotly package. The code below would create an animated version of Figure 13.

> plotPathOnAll(pathCB, statGeneal, statIG, "gradYear", bin = 200, nodeSize = .5, + pathNodeSize = 2.5, nodeCol = "darkgray", edgeCol = "lightgray", animate = + TRUE)

Branch parsing and calculations

It may be helpful for users to search through descendant branches of a certain individual to compare and contrast how a variable of interest changes along those branches. For instance, which descending branches of a particular soybean variety are producing the highest yields? Which branches are devel- oping new varieties in recent years? Which descending branches of a particular academic statistician have large proportions of students graduating from certain universities or countries? Which branches are graduating new students in recent years? Which branches have the highest proportion of thesis titles containing a word of interest?

Answering these questions in a straightforward manner requires more than basic data frame manipula- tion: It also requires methods that can easily traverse parent-child relationships. The ggenealogy pack- age has two methods that can answer these questions using branch traversal. The getBranchQuant() function can be used to track a quantitative variable across branches and the getBranchQual() method can be used to track a qualitative variable across branches.

Quantitative variable parsing and calculations

We can demonstrate the getBranchQuant() function by examining the quantitative variable “yield” across the descendant branches of the soybean variety A.K. To understand more about the output of this function, please consult the ggenealogy package documentation. In the code below, we remove the output column “DesNames” because it verbosely lists all descendant names, which is not necessary for this demonstration.

> AKBranchYield <- getBranchQuant("A.K.", sbGeneal, "yield", 15) > dplyr::select(AKBranchYield, -DesNames)

34 Name Mean SD Count NACount 1 A.K. (Harrow) 2932.154 197.0092 54 41 2 Illini 2856.667 210.7801 131 125

We see from the output that A.K. has two children named A.K. (Harrow) and Illini. Descendants from the A.K. (Harrow) branch have a higher mean yield than the Illini branch (2932.154 versus 2856.667). However, we should recognize that even though the branches contain a large number of descendants (54 and 131), most of these descendants did not come with a yield value (41 and 125). As a result, the mean values were calculated from a small proportion of the descendants.

As another example, we can examine the mean graduation year for the “descendant” branches of the academic statistician David Cox. We know from earlier that David Cox had 42 “children”, so as expected, the CoxBranchYear object below contains 42 rows. However, only 8 of these rows have any “descendants” of their own. As a result, only the first 8 rows of the CoxBranchYear object contain branch information.

> CoxBranchYear <- getBranchQuant("David Cox", statGeneal, "gradYear", 15) > head(dplyr::select(CoxBranchYear, -DesNames), 10)

Name Mean SD Count NACount 1 Mark Berman 2007.200 6.340347 5 0 2 Henry Wynn 2005.333 7.637626 3 0 3 Rodney Wolff 2003.500 2.121320 2 0 4 Jane Hutton 2003.000 NA 1 0 5 Gauss Cordeiro 2002.643 7.722167 14 0 6 Peter McCullagh 2001.231 8.778645 26 0 7 Basilio Pereira 2000.647 10.074356 17 0 8 Peter Bloomfield 1999.918 11.707969 49 0 9 Adelchi Azzalini NaN NA 0 0 10 Amy Berrington de Gonzales NaN NA 0 0

In this case, we see that of the 8 “children” of David Cox who had “children” of their own, Mark Berman had the “descendants” (n=5) who have on average graduated the most recently (2007.200), whereas Peter Bloomfield has the “descendants” (n=49) who on average have graduated the least recently (1999.918). We see that, for all branches, there are no “descendants” who contain a NA value for graduation year.

Qualitative variable parsing and calculations

The getBranchQual() function requires similar inputs as the getBranchQuant() function above, ex- cept that it also requires an input parameter called rExpr. The user must initialize this input parameter to a regular expression that can be applied to the column containing the qualitative variable of interest. The regular expression syntax must work on a data frame column of type character. It must be saved as a double quotation string, and any quotation marks within it must be single quotations. The term geneal$colName must be used in the regular expression.

We can demonstrate the getBranchQual() function by examining the qualitative variable “thesis” across the “descendant” branches of the academic statistician David Cox. Since one of the primary

35 research areas for David Cox was stochastic processes, we can determine if any descendant branches of his “children” contained thesis titles that included the word “stochastic”.

> v1 = "David Cox"; geneal = statGeneal; colName = "thesis"; gen = 15 > rExpr = "grepl('(?i)Stochastic', geneal$colName)" > CoxBranchStochastic <- getBranchQual(v1, geneal, colName, rExpr, gen) > head(dplyr::select(CoxBranchStochastic, -DesNames))

Name CountTrue Count NACount 1 Peter Bloomfield 4 49 0 2 Basilio Pereira 1 17 0 3 Adelchi Azzalini 0 0 0 4 Amy Berrington de Gonzales 0 0 0 5 Andrew Roddam 0 0 0 6 Angela Mariotto 0 0 0

We see that only two “children” of David Cox had any “descendants” with thesis titles containing the word “Stochastic” (4 out of 49 “descendants” of Peter Bloomfield and 1 out of 17 “descendants” of Basilio Periera). We see again that none of the “descendants” from either branches contained values that were NA for the variable “thesis”.

In many string parsing applications, the choice of the regular expression can be tricky. This is true when the string variable we are parsing is thesis titles. For instance, notice that in our regular expression, we accounted for all instances of the substring “Stochastic”. Hence, words that contain ”Stochastic” (such as “Stochastics” and “Stochastically”) will also be returned. In addition, we defined our regular expression to return matches whether the first letter was upper or lower case. When initializing the rExpr parameter, users would need to consider what nuances of their search criteria they would like to define as matches.

We will demonstrate one more example of the getBranchQual() function by searching the qualitative variable “school” across the “descendant” branches of the academic statistician David Cox. The Math- ematics Genealogy Project coding system for the “school” variable was non-ambiguous, and so we do not have to worry about all the various ways the same school could be coded in the dataset. As a result, we no longer have to search for various substrings; we can simply use a regular expression that equates to one value.

It may be interesting to examine the school that is represented the most among all descendants of David Cox. To determine what school this is, we use the getDescendants() function to create a data frame called desDC that contains the names of all 159 “descendants” of David Cox. Then, we use the base R function match() to match the school names from the original genealogy dataset to each of the 159 “descendants” in the desDC data frame. After that, we use the base R functions sort() and table() to examine the five schools that were represented the most throughout the 159 “descendants”.

> desDC <- getDescendants("David Cox", statGeneal, 15) > tableDC <- table(statGeneal[match(desDC$label, statGeneal$child), ]$school) > tail(sort(tableDC), 5)

The Johns Hopkins University Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 9 17

36 North Carolina State University Universidade de S~ao Paulo 18 28 University of London 35

We see from this table that the most common school of the 159 “descendants” of David Cox was the University of London with a count of 35. We can now determine which of the branches from the 42 “children” of David Cox have the largest proportion of “descendants” graduating from the University of London.

> colName = "school" > rExpr = "geneal$colName=='University of London'" > DCBranchUL <- getBranchQual(v1, geneal, colName, rExpr, gen) > head(dplyr::select(DCBranchUL, -DesNames))

Name CountTrue Count NACount 1 Peter McCullagh 1 26 0 2 Adelchi Azzalini 0 0 0 3 Amy Berrington de Gonzales 0 0 0 4 Andrew Roddam 0 0 0 5 Angela Mariotto 0 0 0 6 Basil Springer 0 0 0

We see that Peter McCullagh is the only “child” of David Cox that has a “descendant” branch with one student graduating from the University of London; the rest of the 41 children of David Cox have “descendant” branches with zero students graduating from the University of London. This must mean the other 34 “descendants” of David Cox that graduated from the University of London were direct “children” of David Cox. We can verify this below:

> DCChild <- statGeneal[match(getChild("David Cox", statGeneal), statGeneal$child), ] > sum(DCChild$school == "University of London")

[1] 34

The examples above demonstrate that users can quickly and flexibly parse descendant branches. The swiftness comes from ggenealogy functions that allow for fast parent-child traversals, such as getChild(), getDescendants(), getBranchQuant(), and getBranchQual(). The flexibility comes from data frame manipulation functions in base R that can be used in conjunction with the parent- child traversal methods.


The ggenealogy package offers various plotting tools that can assist those studying genealogical lin- eages in the data exploration phases. As each plot comes with its advantages and disadvantages, we recommend for users to explore several of the available visualization tools.

37 This vignette briefly introduced some of the capabilities of the ggenealogy package. Inevitably, new approaches will necessitate new features in subsequent versions and might reveal unforeseen bugs. Please send comments, suggestions, questions, and bug reports to [email protected].