News from the NW Synod 5th July 2017

Big Day Out this Saturday 8th July!! Please ensure that you bring your tickets on the day…tickets are also available on the door. Each church is asked to bring a large sealed envelope which publicises their own church. The outside of the envelope may be decorated in any way that you would like – but please do not put the name of your church on the outside of the envelope. Inside the envelope please put the name of your church and any interesting information you would like to share about it. The intention is that each church will take a different church envelope away with them at the end of the day, and perhaps make links with that church after the event

1: Moderators Snapshot 2: June News from Burnley & Nelson URC 3: The Woodward Trust Charity Number 1019820 4: Rainbow Roundabout 5: Job Advert 6: ACN Portraits of Faith Art Exhibition 7: Learning With Luther 8: General Assembly Youth Intern Opportunity

1: Moderators Snapshot

“Who do you say I am?” Jesus asks his disciples. That question still lies at the core of our understanding of discipleship and our participation in the mission of God. Last week our new Synod Mission and Discipleship Team (Lawrence Moore as consultant, Dave Fraser for South Area, and Darren Holland for Central Area) presented 2 more meetings in our series of roadshows around the Synod to look at our focus as a Synod on Missional Discipleship. Following interviews yesterday, we hope to be able to announce very soon the name of the new Mission and Discipleship Mentor for Lancashire Area – and we will be delighted that together with part of Sarah Moore’s time in Cumbria Area we will have a full Team working across the Synod. The snapshot is of the evening gathering at Bispham URC with many of the Lancashire Area churches represented. Darren is in the middle of our reflection on various images of Jesus – from the anaemic Jesus painted with cute animals clustered round him, to the more harrowing and darker painting of Jesus straining away from the cross. The blue cards indicate a “coolness” towards the image! (and pink cards indicated a “warmth” towards other images). Please pray for

• the Mission and Discipleship Team as they continue to develop their support of the Synod Areas and congregations in missional discipleship • the Mission & Discipleship Committee (new name for what was the Future Patterns of Ministry Steering Group) as it meets for 24 hours Thursday 13th to Friday 14th July, in developing the work of both missional discipleship and the other booklet containing the Synod strategy with missional partnerships • the Big Day Out this Saturday as we join with Mersey Synod for an exciting time together at the Southport Convention Centre. (there is still room for anyone who wants to turn up on the day – look forward to seeing you there).

2: June News from Burnley & Nelson URC Four of the Elders, along with their Minister, travelled to Leeds Church Institute for an event hosted by the Christian charity, Liveability. It was entitled ‘Creativity and the Dementia Friendly Church’. It was a very worthwhile event that helped us network with lots of other Christians and organisations as well as to learn new creative ideas as we seek to become a Dementia Friendly Church.

The same evening, some of us attended the Building Bridges Burnley Annual General Meeting at Burnley & Pendle Faith Centre, during which, Afrasiab Anwar, the co-ordinator, explained his role. Afrasiab’s appointment came after Terry Murnane left to train as an Anglican priest. This raised a few eyebrows, but Afrasiab quickly became regarded as a gentleman who commands respect, who is easy to work with, who is cooperative, supportive and helpful to all faiths and none. He has inspiring ideas and his reputation has quickly spread. He is now responsible for interfaith support to all Lancashire’s schools and colleges. He explained to us how this happened; what does he now does; what motivates him; and how he can support faith groups in our town.

Later, that same week, as part of our commitment to Dementia Friendly Church, we took part in the ‘Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day’ where we made and sold cupcakes. It was both fun and indulgent as we set to raise much needed funds towards finding a cure for dementia, funding vital services and campaigning for the rights of people with dementia.

Even later on that same week, some of the members of our congregation met at the Peace Garden in Burnley to remember the late JO Cox MP at the Great Get Together Event. Around lunchtime, we listened to some very moving speeches from invited guests followed by interfaith prayers led by the Imam from the Ghausia Mosque and our own Minister. The event concluded with the sharing of food, faith, friendship and fellowship.

The following week, we were invited to the Ibrahim Mosque to observe Night Prayer and to partake in the Iftar with our Muslim friends. We were joined with the of Burnley, + Philip North, the Mayor of Burnley, Councillor Howard Baker, as well as many other dignitaries.

That same week, some of our church members made the pilgrimage to the Singing Ringing Tree in Burnley. This was another occasion where we took part in an interfaith gathering to remember the late Jo Cox MP, at another Great Get Together Event. These gatherings are hugely important to our diverse community as we celebrated in Jo’s very own words: “We have more in common than divides us”. One of our Elders, Peter Hunt, standing next to our Catholic friend, Fr Brian Keeley, read out a statement and a prayer sent to us from Churches Together in in response to the Finsbury Park attack 19th June: Church Leaders send sincere condolences. ‘We were shocked to learn of the brutal attack on worshippers leaving the Finsbury Park mosque in the early hours of this morning. We unreservedly condemn all acts of violence which seek to undermine our society and foster hatred and intolerance. Jesus came among us as the Prince of Peace, and in his name and for his sake, we stand in solidarity with our Muslim friends. We remember in our prayers those who have been injured. We pray for the leaders of our communities and nation, and for those who work in our emergency services. We pray too for those who perpetrate such acts that God may touch their hearts and minds with his love, forgiveness and compassion’ Some of our church members gathered in the hall after worship the last Sunday in June to receive a Community Award Certificate acknowledging our Bridge-Building achievements in 2016-2017. It was presented to our Minister, Rev’d Liz Jewitt, by the Chairman of Building Bridges Burnley, Mr Colin Wills, MBE, and also a member of our own congregation.

The following week we were invited to share in an Eid Party organised and arranged for the asylum seekers who’ve been with us for almost a year. Again, this was another opportunity to share food, friendship, and fellowship.

The following night we were counted in the equal number of about seventy Muslims and Christians who gathered to hear Professor Keith Ward speak at a seminar at Burnley & Nelson Faith Centre which had been organised by Churches Together in Lancashire with the Lancashire Theological Society. The seminar, “Is Religion Dangerous?” was very engaging. There have been a number of books recently that claim that religion is the major cause of violence; that religious beliefs are irrational; that religious teachings are immoral; and that religions do more harm than good. By examining sociological surveys and historical evidence, Keith Ward showed that these claims are false, and that religion is, in general, the heart of an often heartless world. A number of our Elders attended the Roadshow at Darwen Central URC and found it extremely helpful. This will be followed up when they meet for an away day at Whalley Abbey in September. So – all in all – the month of June has been exceptionally busy!

3: The Woodward Trust Charity Number 1019820

Chair/Secretary Treasurer Rev. K. Tolley Dr.B.J.Woodhall 1, Nave Close 11, Rydal Place Darwen Macclesfield Lancashire BB3 3JY SK11 7XU Tel: 01254 774929 Tel: 01625 420099 Email [email protected] June 28th 2017

Dear Church Official I am writing on behalf of the above mentioned Trust, which covers the North Western and Mersey Synods of the URC and the Congregational Churches in that geographical area. The Woodward family set the Trust up many years ago and now it enables us to give relatively small grants to ministers who have served the last ten years of their ministry in a full time capacity in a local church within our area. We now have 59 retired ministers who receive grants, some of whom have been retired many years when denominational pensions were not as at present. All are grateful for this grant and thank us, some by telephone, as they are unable to correspond by another method. It is some years since we wrote to each church to ask them to consider including us on their charities, which they donate, grants to. It is to help the ministers who have worked very hard during their active ministry and served the churches for many years. The Annual Report and Accounts are sent out via the Synod material. Please can you seriously consider this appeal? Cheques to The Woodward Trust should be sent to the Treasurer. Many Thanks Yours sincerely Geoff Tolley Chair/Secretary

4: Rainbow Roundabout For the past nine years, Kendal URC has opened its doors to the local schools for their annual Rainbow Roundabout event. Different schools come each day, totally over 200 children, either for the morning or afternoon to engage in our programme of different activities, focusing on topics such as Discovering the church Making a creation bracelet Hearing the story of the flood and God`s rainbow promise Singing songs from different nations Learning about which animals are endangered And that water is not readily available to all. (The bottle of dirty water says it all!) The year 4 children love their time with us which over the years we have tried to tie into the schools` key stages. Some quotes from this year included “Why do you have wrinkles?” “Church is boring but I have really enjoyed myself” “Church is for a Sunday but we have come for Rainbow Roundabout.” The staff feel it is important that the children go out to learn in different settings and this year in particular were impressed by the number of our team giving their time and talents. They also feel it is important that the children come to a church building and hear some of our faith stories. KURC like so many congregations seldom have children at worship and so we are delighted to reach out to the young of our town and surrounding villages in this way.

5: Job Advert

Are you ready for a change of career or are you retired and need a challenge or are you a younger person raring to go? Part time Youth Worker required

for this well-equipped, Christian Youth Centre In Bramhall, Stockport.

Hours will include Saturdays.

For further details or to apply with email letter of application and full CV. contact Mark Sweeting [email protected] Closing date 31st July 2017

6: ACN Portraits of Faith Art Exhibition Lancaster | | | Cathedral | Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

This exhibition began at on the weekend of 24 – 25 June. Those of us who visited it found it to be a powerful and moving experience. It will be at Salford Cathedral on Saturday 8 July (12pm - 6pm) and Sunday 9 July (12pm - 5pm) and at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 July (10am - 4pm)

Syria’s Christians Search for Peace This exhibition of artworks was inspired by the Syrian conflict and included drawings by Syrian children of all faiths sharing their experiences of their homeland. There was also artwork from Farid Georges, a Syrian Orthodox painter from Homs, chronicling the destruction of his beloved city.

Hand-made table linens by lace-makers from Aleppo, who often work for hours by candlelight in war-torn Aleppo, were also displayed. Alongside this work, the exhibition included photographs from ACN’s extensive archives revealing the faces and places devastated by the Syrian conflict. The information banners acted as guides through the history of Christianity in Syria, the current living conditions for Syrian people and how benefactors are making such a difference to their lives.

Aid to the Church in Need is a Pontifical Foundation of the , supporting the Catholic faithful and other Christians where they are persecuted, oppressed or in pastoral need. Each year they fund around 5,000 projects in more than 130 countries around world, helping to support the Church in its mission, and bringing hope and solidarity to millions of people.

7: Learning With Luther November 7th, Manchester Cathedral The North Western Synod has joined with Manchester Cathedral to organise a day for primary school children (year 6) to learn about the Reformation. A range of workshops, craft activities and talks will encourage children to think about what is important for them, how the reformation changed the way we live and worship and what the future might look like. Places are limited – if your church has a connection with a local primary school and it would like to be involved contact Leo on [email protected] It is ‘first come, first served’

8: General Assembly Youth Intern Opportunity Are you aged between 18- 26 years old? Are you looking for an internship or looking to further your work experience? The United Reformed Church is looking for two Youth Interns to make a real impact on its most significant council meeting by assisting and supporting the General Assembly Arrangements Committee (AAC) plan and run the July 2018 General Assembly in Nottingham. But what does that mean for you? Experience! You will be involved in all aspects of the event planning, from attending committee meetings to working out of the main office at the event. This is a great chance to develop your current talents and build up some brand-new skills along the way. It is also an opportunity to feed a youth perspective into the planning and management of the decision-making council of the Church. What will it cost me? The answer is NOTHING but your time. The two positions will be fully paid for! From travel to and from meetings to food and staying at the event… we pay it all! So… let’s look at the role in more detail! As part of the planning of the Assembly, the Youth Interns will be taking part in AAC meetings. Contributions and observations in the meetings are always met with appreciation. At the Assembly itself, you will be involved in any and/ or all of the following: GA Office support (inc. Admin); Session Timekeeping; Accommodation management; Drafting of Assembly documents; GA Representative Liaison and any other jobs that arise during the event. We promise you will have fun during General Assembly. Just ask our last Intern, Katy Ollerenshaw. “Being an intern in the office was great. I got to see Assembly from a whole other side, there was always someone to answer my questions and everyone was welcoming. It was never boring and there was always something happening, it was honestly a lot of fun. I would recommend to anyone new to Assembly or who has been many times before.” To find out more or apply, please contact: Ann Barton, Secretary to the Assembly Arrangement Committee Email: [email protected]