The Significance of the Sermons of Wenzeslaus Linck
This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received 69-4864 DANIEL, Jr., Charles Edgar, 1933- THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SERMONS OF WENZESLAUS LINCK. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1968 History, modern Religion University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SERMONS OF WENZESLAUS LINCK DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Charles Edgar Daniel, Jr., B.A., A.M., M.A. The Ohio State University 1968 Approved by S J L A V S LINCK, ColditiiiuuyM ifhictfS > jLf.S.’7%iei*<fiae. fleeter*,& Jinistdtyurtm iiitjpr'utn ajmd 'W Utibir^in/ei vt'imtun vraidtcaiof* * dmupn ‘fyartuslh'tfnruialis,diinde^/tinpuf^iadtJ*it tan,, a *Jim #aft a ai ^d. jsb f'JVjrtfreraaifljt ^MriteracnJijJEicfaJiai/ w JLtcfl ital in jCinin dickii ACKN0WLEDQ1ENTS I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Harold J. Grimm of the Department of History, The Ohio State University. His patience and encouragement were of incalculable aid to me in the production of this dissertation. I also would like to acknowledge the assist ance given me by Professor Gerhard Pfeiffer of the Univer sity of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany. By his intimate know ledge of Nttrnberg's past he made its history live for me. Jfirgen Ohlau helped me in my use of source materials. I greatly treasure his friendship. iii VITA 12 February 1933 Born - Columbia, Missouri 1955............ B.A., University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 1955-1957 • • • • Graduate Assistant, Depart ment of History, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 1957 .
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