2019 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL Copyright c 2020 LBG GmbH; LBI ArchPro PUBLISHED BY LBI ARCHPRO EDITORS:IMMO TRINKS,CHRISTINA EINWÖGERER,WOLFGANG NEUBAUER July 2020 3 General Information Contact Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft GmbH Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology Hohe Warte 38, A-1190 Vienna, Austria offi
[email protected] http://archpro.lbg.ac.at LBI ArchPro Partner Organisations The LBI ArchPro is based on a European partnership formed by: LBG: Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (A) NoeL: Federal State of Lower Austria, Abt. Kultur und Wissenschaft (A) Uni Vienna: University of Vienna (A) – Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS) and Institute for Prehistory and Historical Archaeology (UHA) TU Wien: Technische Universität Wien – Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology (A) ZAMG: Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Dept. for Applied Geophysics (A) 7reasons: 7reasons Medien GmbH (A) ABT: Airborne Technologies (A) NIKU: Norsk Institut for Kulturminneforskning – The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage – Digital Archaeology Department (N) Vfk: Vestfold fylkeskommune, Kulturarv (N) LWL: Landesverband Westfalen-Lippe – The federal state archaeology of Westphalia-Lippe (D) RGZM: Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz (D) LBI ArchPro Board LBG: Jürgen Busch NoeL: Franz Humer, Eduard Pollhammer Uni Vienna: Gerhard Trnka, Timothy Taylor TU Wien: Norbert Pfeifer, Michael Wimmer ZAMG: Ingrid Schlögel, Gerhard Wotawa 7reasons: Michael Klein, Günther Weinlinger ABT: Wolfgang Grumeth, Benjamin Kabelik RGZM: Alexandra Busch, Detlef Gronenborn NIKU: Knut Paasche, Kristin Bakken Vfk: Terje Gansum, Ane Ingvild Støen LWL: Michael Rind, Joris Coolen LBI ArchPro Scientific Advisory Board Maria Theresa Norn (chair), DEA Kopenhagen & Aarhus University, Denmark Anitra Fossum, Municipality of Sande, Vestfold County, Norway Patrick Ryan Williams, Field Museum of Natural History & Univ.