Vol. 04 Issue No. 12 DECEMBER 2016 ST. THOMAS ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL - DUBAI ""I\yI KÀ`nWnbmbn Hcp aIs\ {]khn¡pw. Ah¶p ssZhw \t½mSp IqsS FÀ°apÅ C½m\pth F¶p t]À hnfn¡pw.'' for members only (a¯mbn 1:22) P.O. Box : 2563, Dubai - UAE Tel : 04-337 1122, Fax : 04-335 2252 Email :
[email protected] www.stthomascathedraldubai.org “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who hum- ble themselves will be exalted.” That was the humility and purpose of FR. Saju Thomas Asst. Vicar our Theotokos, the Mother of God. St. Pachomius, the noted founder HAIL ADVENT! HAIL HUMILITY of coenobitic monasticism, said, Blessed Readers, “Be humble so that God guards and It gives me immense joy in writing strengthens you, because God looks this article for our parish bulletin. to the humble. Be humble so that Shaji Achen and Lany Achen are in- God fills you with wisdom, knowl- strumental in guiding us towards the edge, and understanding, because it path to spiritual nourishment and per- is written that He guides the humble fection. While we embark for Yeldo and teaches His ways to the meek.” Lent we should imbibe mother mary’s Also St. Pachomius said, “Be humble highest quality, i.e, humility. in order to be joyful, because joy goes hand in hand with humility.” Mark Twain said, “There are two great days in a per- In this article, I would like to stress on son’s life - the day we are born and the special characteristics of St.