
0022-202X/79/7302-0 135$02.00/0 THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY. 73:135-137,1979 Vol. 73. No.2 Copyright © 1979 by The Williams & Wilkins Co. Prinled in U.S.A. REVIEW ARTICLE

Epidermal Cell Cultures as Models for Living

MICHEL PRUNIERAS, M.D. Head, on Shin Tumors, Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild, Paris, France, a.nd "Directeur de Recherche" a.t the French National Institute of and Medical Research (INSERM)

The epidermis is composed of closely packed cells with after wounding and, here again the question is to see if very little intercellular matrix. Most of epidermal cells regeneration can be studied in culture. are which synthesize and are eventually lost by . This loss is compen­ EPIDERMAL CELL CULTURE MODELS FOR THE sated by permanent proliferation of basal cells so that OF KERATINOCYTES the biology of living epidermis is dominated by keratin­ An important point was made in 1960 [1] when it was shown ization and regulation of growth. Mainly 2 mechanisms that adult guinea pig epidermal cells would grow in culture, have been proposed for this regulation. The first is based after complete elimination of dermal connective . It was on the fact that the epidermis is always in contact with shown thereafter, that not only growth, as evidenced by mitotic the underlying . The idea is that growth as well activity, but also differentiation, as demonstrated by multilay­ as keratinization are controlled by connective tissue ering, tonoftiament formation, reconstruction and factors passing through the . Ac­ keratohyaline granules, occmed in pure cultures of adult [2,3] cording to the second, signals are emitted by maturing, as well as neonate [4,5] epidermal cells . . keratinizing cells, which control the activity of basal The method used to culture pure epidermal cells was to cells by blocking them at various stages along the cell separate epidermis from dermis with trypsin thus, eliminating cycle. One major point in using epidermal cell cultures connective tissue elements prior to cultivation. With this as models for living epidermis is to isolate epidermal method, cell suspensions used to initiate a culture can be very cells to eventually study the various factors influencing pure: less than one connective tissue cell per 10,000 epidermal their growth at the molecular level. cells. Besides keratinocytes there are other epidermal cells In cultmes of keratinocytes dissociated with trypsin, subcul­ such as and Langerhans cells. But in con­ tures are usually difficult. The reason for this is that the speed trast to keratinocytes which accomplish their biological at which epidermal cells slough off into the cultme medium function (keratinization) independently of other cell (and in so doing loose their ability to divide), is so great that it types, the functions of melanocytes and Langerhans cells is barely compensated by the mitotic activity of the culture are more or less dependent upon their interactions with [6]. Recent experiments [7] have been made to compare the adjacent keratinocytes with which they form some sort growth of adult guinea pig epidermal keratinocytes with that of of epidermal "symbionts." For example pigmenta­ dermal in weighing daily (for 8 days) the amount of tion is largely influenced by interactions between mela­ cellular matter present in the culture flasks. Each day, the nocytes and keratinocytes. Also, contacts between these culture medium was harvested and filtered; the cells were latter cells and Langerhans cells are important in epi­ detached with trypsin + EDTA, suspended and ftitered. After dermal immunology. 8 days, all the ftiters were weighed and their weights were Thus, the epidermis is a complex tissue, the biology of plotted according to time. It was found that the total amount which rests not only on that of the taken as of cellular matter (resulting from the addition of cell + medium a separate element, but also on the interactions that it ftiters) increased in both cultures as a direct function of time. (the keratinocyte) has with other epidermal cells. However, in the case of dermal fibroblasts, this increase was Consequently, when epidermal cell cultures are con­ due exclusively to the amount of cells attached to the culture sidered as models for living epidermis at least 2 types of support whereas in that of epidermal keratinocytes it was the culture systems must be envisaged: one for the study of result of progressive augmentation of the amount of cells (and the biology of keratinocytes, proper, and one for that of cell debris) floating in the medium. The situation in culture is keratinocytic-nonkeratinocytic cell interactions. then comparable to living epidermis in which the basal cell In addition, living epidermis is morpholol,1ically orga­ fraction of the epidermal cell population proliferates (colTe­ nized. The proliferative compartment is composed of sponding to the cells attached to the culture substrate) to basal cells which appear like a palisade on vertical his­ compensate the loss of cornified elements by desquamation tology sections whereas the maturing compartment is (corresponding to the sloughed cells floating in the culture made of flattened cells which pile up into adjacent col­ medium). umns. This raises the question as to whether epidermal The expectancy of the culture evidently depends upon 2 morphogenesis can be approached through tissue cul­ fundamental factors (i) the number of cells able to proliferate ture methods. Finally, living epidermis can regenerate that are present in the cell seed at the start of the culture and (ii) the speed of desquamation (i.e., maturation). When adult guinea pig epidermal cells are cultured, the activity of the Reprint requests to: Michel Prunieras, M.D., Head Laboratory on Tumors, Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild, 29, rue proliferative pool (as expressed in terms of DNA synthesi~) Manin-75019 Paris-France. tends to decrease with time and eventually the cultures dIe Abbreviations: [6]. The number of cells of the proliferative pool can be in­ EG F: epidermal creased by the use of collagen gels as substrates, because the

135 136 PRUNIERAS Vol. 73, No_ 2 attachment of epidermal cells is better on collagen than on that of EGF could be due to an interaction (competition) at the plastic or glass [8]. In fact, pure adult human epidermal cells ceil surface level, between the "Growth enhancing factor" anti, can be grown on collagen gels, and subcultured 2 or 3 times, inhibitory signals. whereas on glass or plastic subcultures are usually impossible. Thus the proliferative pool of neonate cells (which do no ~ It has been shown recently that human neonate cells can be respond to inhibitory signals) would be maintained in t~ grown through serial subcultures (up to 50 or more) in planting nonresponsive state by EGF and/or EGF-Eke molecules. Thi& them on a plastic substrate on which X-irradiated mouse 3T3 would explain why neonate human keratinocytes can be groW~ cells are already present [9]. It is not certain that this dramatic in large quantities on 3T3 cells (and even larger on 3T3 pluli\ effect of 3T3 cells is due to their connective tissue (rather to EGF) whereas adult epidermal ceUs cultured in the same con, mouse) origin since non mouse fibroblasts do not significantly ditions can not. increase the growth of epidermal cells. One may wonder if the In conclusion, the growth of basal cells seem to be under th~ enhancing effect of mouse 3T3 cells is due to the release by comb!n~d influen~es of jnhibitor~ .me~s~ges from high leve~ these cells of a factor with epidermal growth factor (EGF) like kerabmzing keratmocytes and antl-mhlbltory factors originat, properties. It has been shown [10) that EGF has .no effect on ing from dermal connective tissue. The culture of isolated adul~ the growth of small epidermal cell colonies (in which there is basal cells appears then as the model of choice to study thE\ little or no differentiation), but significantly increases that of molecular aspect of epidermal growth regulation. large colonies (in which differentiation has already started). One explanation can be that EGF (and EGF-like factors) slows EPIDERMAL CELL CULTURE MODELS FOR down the speed of maturation thus maintaining intact the KERATINOCYTIC-NON KERAINOCYTIC CELL proliferative pool for an extended time. According to this view, INTERACTIONS the action of connective tissue cells on epidermal cell growth When epidermal cell suspensions are prepared by enzymatil/ would be through the release of molecuJes which moduJate the disruption of the skin, they ordinarily contain melanocytes differentiation of keratinocytes. Mouse connective tissue cells These latter cells can in turn be extracted from the epiderm~ may then be remarkable only because of the amount of modu­ cell suspension by taking advantage of differences in cell ad lating molecules they can release. hesiveness or resistance to microenvironmental factors [18). , An interesting point about the cultivation of keratinocytes on When isolated, melanocytes attach to the culture SUppor~ 3T3 feeder cells is that pure cultures of epidermal cells can be and exhibit typical dendritic morphology. Electron rnicroscop~\ obtained by differential trypsin (or EDTA) treatment of the reveals that the synthesis of persists at leas ~ cultures. This treatment can be adjusted to remove all connec­ during the fIrst week in vitro. Mitotic activity has been reported tive tissue cells (including 3T3 and possible adventitious fibro­ it varies from very low to moderate. Serial subcultures have no ~ blasts) without detaching epidermal cells. In such a system, the been possible. pw-ification of the epidermal culture follows instead of preceed­ Heavily pigmented melanocytes extracted from black ears~ ing the culture itself. of adult guinea pig. have been C?-cult'.ll"ed with keratinocyte~ Evidence that cultured keratinocytes keratinize has been isolated from nonpIgmented albmo skin. It was seen that th ~ given in practically all cell culture systems including embryonic transfer of from pigmented melanocytes to albin<\ [4,5J and postembryonic skin cells [2,3,l1J. keratinocytes did not occur if there was no contact between th~ Morphologically, cultured cells produce intracellular preker­ 2 cell types. However, contacts between these 2 cell types diq atin tonofUaments and form fiberdesmosome complexes. They not always result in pigment transfer, This indicates that fo~ pile up, flatten out, loose their nuclei [6,11] and desquamate; pigment transfer to occur, there must be "something" happen, depending upon culture conditions, keratohyaline-like granules ing in addition to cell contact. have been found. Interactions between keratinocytes and ~ Biochemically, the cornified envelope is synthesized in cul­ have been the subject of mu~h spe~ulation. T~e. hypothesi~ ture [12]. also are synthesized [13,14), which bear that Langerhans cells are carners of unmunologIC mformatiol\ some similarities with in vivo keratins. However, there are was made back in 1969. This implied that the Langerhans cell~ differences in molecular weight, number of components and was a kind of antigen processing macrophage [19), a suppositiol\ chaJ"ge heterogeneity [14]. In addition, incorporation of labeled which has received considerable support recently. Along suc~ histidine which occurs preferentially in high level cells in vivo a view, the Langerhans c~ll ~ould ~eep the IY1?phoid syste~ has been found evenly distributed in culture [3]. Thus it is clear informed of changes occunng m the unmunogemclty of keratin, that keratin genes express themselves in culture but their ocytes and, since the location of the cell is always close to where expression is significantly modulated by the artificial milieu in containing keratinocytes are situated, it may be which the cells are maintained. thought that the role of Langerhans ceUs is to capture infor. In vivo, inhibitory signals emitted by maturing (keratinizing) mation regarding the self versus nonself nature of the cells block basal cells at various stages along the cell cycle which are synthesized during the terminal phases of keratino. [15]. Some block these cells in G2 (G2 chalone) immediately cyte maturation. ?efore and others arrest the cells in G 1, before the entry There are some indications that the role of Langerhans cells m S phase (Gl chalone). In vitro, it has been shown that aduJt can be studied in culture. First, epidermal cell suspensions guinea pig epidermal basal cells can be isolated as pure popu­ enriched in Langerhans cells have been made and maintained lations before culture. These basal cells remain susceptible to in vitro for short periods of time. Second, when epidermal cells Gl and G2 inhibitions in a manner which is not unlike the are co-cultured with auto or isologous lymphocytes, there is living system [16,17]. Basal cell cuJtures produce a G2 inhibitor definite (but constant) stimulation of DNA synthesis in lym. which blocks part of the basal cell population in the tetraploid phoid cells (unpublished observations). It might be that Lan. stage. DNA synthesis is greatly reduced in basal cell cultures gerhans cells are responsible for this stimulation, either directly by adding either high level maturing keratinocytes or semipu­ or by processing potentially immunogenic materials which rified skin extracts to the culture medium. would be rendered accessible by the culturing process (including However, although cultures of adult guinea pig epidermal treatment of the cells with trypsin). basal cells are susceptible to the G 1 inhibitory action of such skin extracts, those derived from neonate mouse skin are not EPIDERMAL CELL CULTURE MODELS FOR (15). The hypothesis can be made that adult epidermal ceUs EPIDERMAL MORPHOGENESIS possess "receptors" for G 1 inhibitory messages that neonate The morphogenesis of epidermis has been the object of a cells have not. Along this view, growth enhancing effects. like large number of studies using recombinants of isolated epider. I Aug. 1979 EPIDERMAL CELL CULTURES 137 mis on different kinds of connective tissue beds at various stages have retained their proliferative capacity represent epidermal of development. Through these experiments the notion has stem cells? been gained that epidermal morphogenesis is markedly influ­ In conclusion practically all aspects of the biology of living enced by the underlying connective tissue. In cultures of dis­ epidermis can be approached through epidermal cell culture. sociated keratinocytes, however, the cells are plated on plastic However, at the present time, there is no epidermal cell culture and morphogenesis is only grossly comparable to what it is in method that allows all problems to be studied through one vivo. As the living epidermis, cultures exhibit 2 compru·tments: single system. 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