Septemb er

The Touchstone

The Newsletter of the Unitarian Fellowship of Fredericton

York Street Fredericton NB EB R

Sunday Service am Web Site httpwwwuca Email tunbnetnbca

Contents for Septemb er Septemb er Rev David Hutchinson Unitarian So ci

ety of Houlton Hippo Eats Scott Alexander What is

Sunday Services

the Meaning of Life Rev Scott Alexander former

Joyful Noises Director

minister at the Houlton Church was my ro ommate

Womens Pot Luck

at GA this summer in Portland Oregon While there

Sunday Services Committee

were no hipp os in Portland we did discuss their

TUFF Ride Registry Players and Rules

relevance over breakfast one morning at a pancake

Grace House Emergency Shelter

house Come and hear my answer to one of the most

Kate Green of USC OTtawa to Visit

frequently asked questions around


Childrens Program Committee

Septemb er Nasnan No qtok Where the Sidewalk Be

Wanted to buy Slipp ers

gins An integenerational service inspired by and

Scarves for International Students

containing some works of Shel Silverstein

Wheelchair campaigns

Church of the Larger Fellowship

UUCSJ Gets National Coverage

Septemb er Saint John UUCSJ Dedication day for

Spirituality Bo ok Club at STU

their new home Sandy Point Road Saint John

CUC Presidents InfoTopics August

At pm

Letter to Prime Minister

We anticipate that a numb er of Fredericton mem

Message from Mary Bennett

b ers will want to join our sister congregation in their

CLF Forums

celebration and will plan to end on time with a low

key so cial hour so that p eople may make their way

to Saint John in go o d order if they cho ose

Sunday Services

Septemb er Ingathering Our traditional start of

Joyful Noises Director

year Everyone knows that the real new year in our

so ciety is the end of the summer vacation p erio d and The Joyful Noises choir is searching for a new director Is

the start of scho ol We will have our traditional corn there anyone at the Fellowship who would b e interested in

b oil following an ingathering service Please bring this p osition If so please contact either Linda

water or another token or symb ol of a pleasant or sig or Margaret

nicant summer memory and share a few sentences

ab out where and why

Septemb er Angus Hamilton Global Warm

Womens Pot Luck

ingClimate Change in Perspective North American

Indian Proverb We do not inherit the earth from

The next monthly womens p ot luck will b e held Septem

our ancestors we borrow it from our children

b er th at pm Joan Brewer will host the gather

ing at her home Ridgewell Place The show and tell If you are exp ecting a talk on ecient light bulbs and

topic is what song evokes the strongest memories for you hybrid cars youre going to b e disapp ointed What

Please tell us ab out the song or songs and the memo I am going to do is touch lightly on many related

ries For more information contact Joan Brewer at jr things that will I hop e put global warming and cli

jebnbsympaticoca or mate change in p ersp ective

moments honouring them in the quiet space of our own

hearts and minds pause honour that they shape not

just meaning but in some cases direction and action for

us pause Honour that we may not choose how or when

such events happen in our lives and yet we can with pa

tience and time exercise some choice in how we t them

into the patterns and context of our lives pause We

can exercise some choice in what attention we give these

joys and sorrows what intention we surround them with

and what direction we move in given their presence in our

lives longer pause

In some cases it may be important and timely for us to

let others here know about these joys and sorrows We

may have dierent reasons for doing this For example a

brief mention of the joy or sorrow may enable the larger

community assembled here to rejoice with us or recognize

our wish for support or consoling Since communities bond

with their hearts more than their heads this can be an im

portant time of bonding

To help us individual ly and as a caring community bene

t from this time of sharing I suggest we try a number of

things today

I suggest those who speak do so briey so al l who wish to

speak wil l have an opportunity to do so

Owen Diamond Janel le Brewer cutting the cake August

As individuals we have dierent temperaments and dier

at the Fel lowship

ent levels of comfort both with sharing and with hearing

about the joys and sorrows of others If we choose to share

keeping our words brief can also acknow ledge that some

of us listening today may be doing the best we can in our

Sunday Services Committee

lives at this time and are not aware of inner resources to

cal l on now to oer support or respond with joy

The Adult Programme Sunday Services worship Com

mittee has met twice over the summer to plan service

The context of a service like this also places some con

topics for each week At b oth meetings we also consid

straints on how we as listeners can respond to others

ered various other matters dealing with the Sunday service

joys and sorrows I have tried as an experiment this week

which is a central part of our spiritual life

placing this part of the service near the end so people can

use the social gathering time after the service if they wish

One matter which raised signicant discussion in the

to expand on their joy or sorrow or take the initiative to

rst meeting but on which I b elieve the committee had

approach others who have shared and fol low up with them

reached general concensus by the second meeting is the

in ways they feel would be appropriate

Joys and Concerns sometimes Joys and Sorrows Mary

Scott gave a very moving service on August just b efore

Are there personal joys or sorrows anyone wishes to share

the second summer meeting of the committee and fol

at this time

lowing discussion with several committee memb ers antic

The concensus which the committee has reached is that

ipated and incorp orated much of our thoughts on the mat

we do not want to signicantly alter the Joys and Sor

ter Marys intro duction to Joys and Sorrows was careful

rowsConcerns segment of the service We are a small con

considered and well phrased and I am repro ducing it with

gregation and the numb er of p eople who typically sp eak

her p ermission

during Joys and Concerns is not so excessive that we have

At this time Il l ask us al l to shift from our discussion of

to curtail the segment as has happ ened in larger congrega

todays topic and move our thoughts and feelings towards

tions We will strongly recommend that the Joys segment

personal joys or sorrows from the last week or upcoming

b e placed near the end of the service so that it do es not

week Each of us has joys and sorrows in our lives some

interfere with the ow of the service and so that joys and

large many of them smal l and yet worth our noting and

concerns expressed may remain fresh in the minds of oth

paying attention to

ers so that they may seek out the individuals who sp oke

so as to share in the joy more fully or oer a sympathetic

As we individual ly move our focus now to personal joys

shoulder to those who need during our so cializing after

and sorrows let us reect inward ly and spend a few

Dispatcher service The committee also feels that while this will b e

our recommendation the nal order of service is the deci

sion of the service leader who should organize the service

 Compiles and maintains the Drivers and Riders lists

taking into account whatever sp ecial sp eaker or event is to

b e the centre of the service

 Enjoys the privilege of working with such great p eo

Marys intro duction was very well considered however it


is likely to o lengthy to b ecome a standard intro duction

We hop e that p eople who have a joy that must b e shared

The Ride Registry at tUFF addresses two needs It pro

or a concern that cannot b e contained will learn to b e brief

vides friends and memb ers with transp ortation to Sunday

and to resp ect that others also have joys and concerns We

service It gives friends and memb ers the chance to help

also ask that as a lay led congregation we all share in the

out Whether you are a driver or a rider call the dis

ministry If someone was in obvious joy oer congratula

patcher allison calvern Thanks

tions during the so cializing or sympathy for those in need

Rememb er the Dear Abby advice that expressions of

joy or sympathy should b e only that and few of us are

qualied to give advice and anyone so qualied would not

give advice in a so cial setting

Grace House Emergency Shelter

To change the tone somewhat I will p oint out that the

Marcia Tanner the manager of Grace House Emergency

duty of the Sunday Service Committee is to plan our Sun

Shelter for Women needs p ersonal care pro ducts for the

day services There is no requirement that one b e on the

residents Marcia is comfortable accepting partly used

committee in order to sp eak or to b e a service leader If

b ottles from the Fellowship So if you no longer want

you are nervous ab out sp eaking in public then I can attest

something you used to use please put it in the green ham

from exp erience that the Fellowship is an excellent venue

p er in the foyer under the table where our song b o oks are

for building public sp eaking condence Anyone with ser


vice suggestions or who would like to lead a service should

approach any of the committee memb ers Haifa Miller

Patricia desChamps JoAnne ElderGomes Janet Craw

ford AnneLouise Bro okes Betsy Epp erly Al Sharp or

the chair

In fel lowship

Tony Fitzgerald

Chair Adult Programme Sunday worship

TUFF Ride Registry Players and



 Oer a vehicle with ro om for a passenger or two

 Deliver a riders to York for Sunday service

and take them home after the service

 Enjoy the privilege of b eing a taxi driver


 Call the dispatcher on Saturday or b e

fore to arrange the drive for Sunday morning

On the steps shows left to right Peter Diamonds Austrian

 Are ready to leave as so on as the driver app ears

friend Lisa the late Elizabeth Diamonds brother John

behind in red shirt Dorothys son Matthew McFarlane and  Enjoy the privilege of b eing part of our tUFF com

Dorothy Diamond munity

songs and hymns p ertaining to the chosen principle The

recently published UU song b o ok Now Let Us Sing pro

vides a very useful resource for this The second Sunday

Kate Green of USC OTtawa to Visit

will feature stories and discussion relevant to the principle

The third Sunday will b e a consideration of an appropri

Kate Green of USC Ottawa will b e sp eaking after the ser

ate environmental topic and the forth will fo cus on one of

vice on Septemb er th For those who can stay there

the ma jor world religions Here is the breakdown for next

will b e an informal p otluck with Kate immediately after

two months Septemb er b eing an exception to the ab ove

the service and a presentation starting at Her topic

b ecause of a fth Sunday

will b e the USC Seeds of Survival program and the general

issue of fo o d security Kate has worked in

Theme Principle We Believe That Each And Every

and Ethiopia More information ab out USC programs is

Person Is Imp ortant

available on their website

Joan McFarland

Septemb er Corn Boil child care only

Cochair So cial Resp onsibil i ty

Septemb er Music Singing songs relating to Prin


Septemb er Principle Stories and discussion


Septemb er Environmental Topic Fo o d

Its almost time for bridge again We will start the sea

Septemb er World Religion Islam Theme Princi

son on Septemb er If you like to play bridge JUST

ple We Believe That All People Should Be Treated

FOR FUN please join us at the Fellowship each second

Fairly and Kindly

and fourth Wednesday of the month at We usually

nish up b efore For more information call Nancy B

Octob er Music Singing songs relating to Principle

at or email b eltrandrogerscom

Octob er Principle Stories and discussion

Octob er Environmental Topic Saving a Tree

Childrens Program Committee

Octob er World Religion Buddhism

Following the practice of previous years there have b een

no formal RE classes oered during the summer months

One of the concerns considered by the committee in its

Child care has b een available during the adult service with

delib erations is the small numb er of children attending on

Elisab eth ElderGomes taking the children under her very

a given Sunday We are planning steps which we hop e will

capable wing

address this situation A letter has b een sent to parents

The Childrens Program Committee has met three times

who have had children in the program in the past but

on August and to discuss plans for the coming

who have dropp ed out for one reason or another We are

season A sub committee Haifa Miller Heidi ODonnell

inviting them to take another lo ok at what we have to

and Stephanie Yorke met after service on August to

oer for children We also plan to advertise to the gen

develop a course outline for the fall term

eral public Wilfred Langmaid has agreed to do a brief

item on the religion page of the Septemb er issue of The

The committee plans to launch a new religious education

Gleaner The b est advertising remains of course word

program this fall The main goal of the new program

of mouth We ask all memb ers of TUFF to invite their

is to provide a lib eral religious environment where the

lib eral minded friends and their children to come and see

young p eople in our congregation may develop so cially and

what the Unitarian Fellowship of Fredericton is all ab out

spiritually guided by the seven principles of Unitarian

Universalism A secondary but nonetheless imp ortant

Also it should b e noted that a grant from the West Be

goal is to ensure that the children have fun on their Sunday

quest has b een received to cover a p ortion approximately

mornings with us Each month the fo cus will b e on one

half of the cost of our having hired a childrens program

of those UU principles For Septemb er it is the inherent


worth and dignity of every p erson or in language more

Mary Scott who agreed to serve on the Childrens Pro

appropriate for children the b elief that each and every

gram Committee when I assumed the role of chair in

p erson is imp ortant

Novemb er has retired from the committee I would

The sequence of classes each month will b e similar The

like again to acknowledge the contribution that she made

rst Sunday of the month will emphasize music singing

to the committee during her time of service Her wise

counsel will b e missed Haifa Miller has consented to con

tinue on the committee and is joined by a numb er of par

ents of children in the program For the coming year the

Wheelchair campaigns

committee memb ers are

There are two separate eorts to provide wheelchairs which

George DeMille Kate Manuel Allan Walls

memb ers of the congregation should nd it easy to sup

Mei Huang Haifa Miller Stephanie Yorke

p ort

Gary Manuel Heidi ODonnell Childrens Program


Patricia is wondering if we could start a bin at the Fellow

The following is taken from an ad placed in the Gleaner ship to collect tabs from cans for an eort to raise money

when the fellowship was in its very early years and was for wheelchairs She would b e pleased to deliver our tabs

meeting in the new YMYWCA building on Saunders

from cans to George Derrah George Derrah is a memb er

Street of Epsilon Ys Men the service club of the Fredericton


We have Christmas trees and Hanukkah lights We read

from the Bible and the story of evolution we hear about

Margaret Fitzgerald is collecting Sob eys sales tap es

Mohamed Buddha Jesus Confucius and other religious to b e handed in at Pinegrove Nursing Home When

gures We try to learn as much as we can about al l faiths enough tap es are accumulated they will b e redeemed for

and about what people everywhere think is good wheelchairs If you want more details please contact Mar

garet at

We talk about al l kinds of things and wonder a lot When

we are very little we paint pictures and play house We lis

ten to stories and act them out When we are big children

we go on eld trips and visit other churches and temples

We are the children of the Unitarian Fel lowship of Fred

Church of the Larger Fellowship

ericton Would you like to join us

George DeMille

Identify yourself as a UU UU lap el pins of all shap es and


sizes can b e purchased through the Church of the Larger

Fellowship CLF Pro ceeds of these purchases help sup

p ort the CLFs many UU ministries all over the world Feel

free to copy and paste an excerpt or the entire do cument

into your newsletter

Wanted to buy Slipp ers

Flaming Chalice Lap el Pins Double circles Ovals

For an elderly lady at Ste Annes Crt pair of knitted slip

sterling silver GoldPlated Pewter

p ers size like the slipp ers we wear at the Fellowship


She will pay for the yarn and something for making them

sizes sizes


It might b e another way of raising money for something

To purchase lap el pins and other UU jewelry

we want at the Fellowship If you are willing and able to

knit them please call Nancy B at

go to wwwclfuuorg

Click on CLF Shop

or call

CLF brings Unitarian Universalism to religious lib erals

throughout the world

Scarves for International Students

Learn more ab out CLF at wwwclfuuorg

A note from Judy Coates at Saint Thomas U

The Church of the Larger Fellowships mission is to pro

I picked up the scarves they are beautiful What colours

vide a ministry to isolated religious lib erals promote the

and diversity The students wil l love them Il l try to get

understanding and growth of Unitarian Universalism and

some pictures

institute programs to that end

Il l drop o a Thank you card for you to pass on to the

Unitarian Knitters

have a great day


UUCSJ Gets National Coverage

Editors note this from Mary Bennett

I love to see these crossCanada connections To

see a photo of Saint Johns new building go to Editors note a word document with additional details ac

httpwwwuucsjorg companied this announcement Contact the editor if you

wish a copy sent by email

It was great to read ab out Saint Johns new building and

that BC Unitarians were there to lend a hand Thanks

Building Committee Up date

Our new home is lo oking b etter and b etter The carp ets

CUC Presidents InfoTopics

were installed July and installation of the new win


dows b egan in the last two days of July Landscap e work

will take place in August

Editors note this item had a PDF attachment which was

unsuitable for inclusion in the newsletter The editor wil l

A vast amount of work was needed to get ready for these

email it to anyone who wishes

things to happ en Virtually all painting is complete Walls

were repaired in preparation for the paint One dividing

Strength In Numb ers

wall was removed entirely and we now have one go o dsized

an overview of the CUCs Congregational Investment

ro om instead of two small ones on the ground o or near

p olicy

the kitchen Fixtures have b een replaced andor repaired

Show Me The Money

and in some cases removed For instance we no longer

an overview of the CUCs return on investments over the

have a toilet on the stage

past few years

Other News

The downstairs back windows so vulnerable to breakin or

an up date on the Donation gifttracking and receipting

vandalism have b een closed o entirely and in the bath


ro oms fans installed through the closedo spaces The

library has b een set up in the oce area of the sanctuary

And on and on go es the list

The entire Congregational Mailing package is available at


A massive Thank You go es to the dedicated volunteer team

that has put in so much time and eort to get us to this

p oint A truly magnicent team eort

Philip Strapp

Financial Administrator

There is still much detail and trim work needed and the

Canadian Unitarian Council

kitchen and the bathro om next to the kitchen are still to

b e done But this will all happ en and everyone involved


can feel justiably proud of how much has b een achieved

in so short a time

PS A sp ecial mention of Al Liz Earl of Kelowna BC

summer visitors who worked several times

Letter to Prime Minister

The following letter was written by the CUC President

with the supp ort of the CUCs Peace Monitoring Group


Spiritual ity Bo ok Club at STU

The Right Honourable Steven Harp er

With the encouragement of our president Dr Michael W

Prime Minister of Canada

Higgins we have initiated a new b o ok club at StThomas

Oce of the Prime Minister

University for p eople who enjoy reading b o oks that deal

Wellington Street

with spirituality either as the central theme or as a back

Ottawa KA A

ground We hop e to have attendees from many faith

groups and extend an invitation to all

Dear Prime Minister

It is to b e called The Merton Club and will meet ve times

a year Our rst meeting is on Septemb er at pm Recently there have b een allegations that General Rick

the b o ok selected is The Intimate Merton His Life from Hillier is overstepping his role as Chief of Defence Sta

by blo cking release of all les on the Afghanistan mission

His Journals by Thomas Merton The following meeting

will b e on Novemb er and the selection will b e Davitas requested under the Access to Information Act and by

Harp by Chaim Potok conducting secret surveillance of the p eace work of Steven

Staples of the Ottawabased Rideau Institute on Interna

For more information please call Heather MacDonald

tional Aairs Ottawa Citizen July Military

Bosse at or email alumnistuca

tried to cover up le on outsp oken critic

Canadian Unitarian and Universalist congregations ac Annual Conference Meeting

tively arm and promote the use of demo cratic pro cess ACM will b e in Ottawa at Carleton University May

We b elieve that it is the role of Parliament not of non The theme is The Web of Life In Our Hands

elected government ocials such as General Hillier to de Watch httpcuccaconferenceindexhtm for de

cide p olicy issues and their implementation As President tails as they come up A request for concurrent session

of the Canadian Unitarian Council I urge you to address prop osals will b e p osted in Septemb er with a deadline of

this alleged breach of demo cratic pro cess As a military Novemb er The national ACM Program Plan

advisor General Hillier can and should provide advice di ning Committee then selects the sessions to cater to the

rectly to the government concerning military needs but diversity of interests and needs of those who attend the

should not contravene existing laws granting citizens ac conference Questions ab out the concurrent sessions can

cess to information nor intimidate citizens presenting op b e sent to sessionscucca

p osing views

In recent years the ACM attendance has tripled in size

General Hilliers alleged withholding of lawfullyrequested with a lot of the increased participation coming from the

information and secret surveillance of citizens are of great childrens and youth programs A core group of young

concern to the Canadian Unitarian Council We are lo ok adults age were at ACM in Vancouver and are

ing to you as Prime Minister of Canada to maintain leg already working with the Noble Birds the Ottawa Young

islative authority over our military forces to ensure that Adult group to have a larger young adult presence this

General Hilliers actions are monitored closely and to en coming year

sure that the rights of citizens to hold their own views are

Canadian UnitarianUniversalist Leadership

not restricted

Scho ol

We await your resp onse Another yearly event is CUUL Scho ola three and a half

day residential scho ol that is the foundational blo ck of the

Yours sincerely

CUUL Program In we are planning for the rst

time to have CUUL scho ol in two lo cations in Canada

Jean Peiderer PhD

one in the West and one in the East More details at

President Board of Trustees

httpcuccaprogramsleadershiphtm or send an email

to cuulwestcucca or cuuleastcucca Workshops and

Consultations at your lo cationJust ask While these three

programs are imp ortant our core oerings are those that

Message from Mary Bennett

your congregation wants brought to you We can oer

workshops and consultations in areas including nancial

As so on as the calendar turns from July to August we

stewardship lifespan learningreligious education wor

know that Septemb er and the coming churchyear cant

ship memb ership growth mission vision and longrange

b e far b ehind We hop e you will plan to attend some

planning transitions and congregational life

CUC events or invite us to your congregation to oer a

Heres some news from USCCanada CUC and USC


Canada have had close ties over the past few years USC

Regional Fall Gatherings

have b een formally represented at our Annual Conferences

CUC sta with volunteers in all four regions are heavily

with a workshop and an exhibit table We hop e to plan

into planning for our four Regional Fall Gatherings This

something sp ecial this coming year when were in Ottawa

year theyre truly coast to coast with the BC gathering

where Lotta Hitschmanova started it all and USC Canada

in Victoria BC and the Eastern one in St Johns New

are still based

foundland on the same date rst weekend in Novemb er

Lotta Hitschmanova Honoured in Museum of Civ

Western is in Edmonton Octob er and Central at


South Peel Mississauga on Novemb er

OttawaGatineau In the company of the Prime Ministers

The Regional Gatherings attract an average of par

writers and industrialists who shap ed Canadian history is

ticipants with kids youth and multigenerational events

an unlikely character a young Czech woman whose par

planned There are choices for workshops for Satur

ents died in a concentration camp who found refuge in

day morning andor afterno on some go all day and lots

Canada and made it her mission to help those in need

of whole community events Theyre a great chance to

around the world Lotta Hitschmanova along with

meet with Unitarians and UUs from other congregations

other famous is featured in Face to Face The

and build connections for mutual supp ort and information

Canadian Personalities Hall a new p ermanent exhibit of

sharing through the year Many of the CUC Regional Net

the Canadian Museum of Civilization that op ened June

work Group volunteers will b e at the gatherings and can

The exhibit brings visitors face to face with the fascinating

talk with you ab out the workshops and consultations they

p eople whose actions shap ed Canada

can oer your congregation

Everything ab out Lotta was intriguing her name her

trademark military uniform and her story In she es The Church of the Larger Fellowship CLF oers FO

tablished the Unitarian Service Committee USC a small RUMS at wwwclfuuorgforums What is a CLF Forum

group of humanitarian aid workers sending supplies to Its a place for UUs to meet in cyb erspace to exchange

wartorn Europ e She b ecame a venerated symb ol of how thoughts ideas and exp eriences The forums are free have

one p erson can make a dierence making the Unitarian no commitment as to how often you participate and are

Service Committee a household name through her radio op en to everyone who would like to engage in resp ectful

and TV ads In many ways Lotta represents Canadas conversation

coming of age on the international scene says Susan

Once you are registered you can cho ose b etween our Quest

Walsh USC Canadas Executive Director Lotta sp oke

Forums which feature a topic related to the current issue

passionately ab out human dignity and ab out the hop es

of our worship publication Quest wwwclfuuorgquest

and values that connect humanity across b orders To day

or our Discussion Forums which oer a variety of topics

her words ring true more than ever as we tackle the prob

such as

lems of global p overty and injustice conict and climate

Science and Religion

change USC Canada works in communitybased agricul

Discussions and information ab out topics in particular sci

ture with partner organizations in Africa Asia and Latin

entic disciplines eg physics genetics astrology evolu

America and is involved in public education and p olicy

tion etc and ab out the meaning of ndings in these elds

work in Canada and globally Weve learned over the

for our faith

years that it isnt enough to supp ort communities to carry

out development programs says Walsh Its just as im

Go d go ds Go ddess no go ds

p ortant to have active global citizens who can change the

There have b een some interesting discussions on CLFL

p olicies that keep p eople p o or

ab out the topic of Go d within our religious tradition

Heres a place to carry out this discussion in more detail

Walsh adds that USCs work is still premised on recogniz

ing the p otential in every human b eing and helping them

Politics and Religion

achieve that p otential with their own knowledge resources

A place to bring our opinions ab out p olitics and religion

and creativity That was Lottas conviction more than


years ago and its even more relevant to day she says For

Unitarian Universalist Theology

more ab out Face to Face Faris Ahmed USC Canada tel

Discussion of any asp ect of our theology welcome here If


needed we could also create topics for sp ecic branches of

Take care of yourselves and each other

UU theology eg UU Christian Theology UU Pro cess

Theology UU Pagan Theology UU Buddhist Theology



Mary Bennett Executive Director marycucca

And youre always welcome to op en up a new topic for

conversation so if theres something of burning interest to

you please share it with our online community

CLF Forums

You can nd out more ab out participating on our online fo

rums by reading the FAQ sheet which you will nd within

Editors note this arrived in early August but after the

the Discussion Forums Or if you have questions feel free

August newsletter was complete so we have two Church of

to contact our minister for lifespan learning Lynn Ungar

the Larger Fel lowship l lers this issue

at lungarclfuuorg

Forums oered through the Church of the Larger Fellow

Editors note see earlier CLF article for contact and ad

ship can provide an opp ortunity for cyb erspace UU con

ditional information on CLF

versation Feel free to copy and paste an excerpt or the

entire do cument into your newsletter

This space wants your material