Glebe Report Talked with a Merchants Have Many Regular City Council Is Not a Fore- Number of Members of the and New Customers from the Gone Conclusion
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report May 9, 1986 laicize report Ottawa, May 9, 1986 Vol. 15 No. 5 One day all-Glebe garage sale planned sales on this day. to donate 10% or more of and a core of Glebe volunt- By DON FINLESS The event will be public- their garage sale revenues eers will pick up the food The Great Glebe Garage ized throughout the Ottawa to the Ottawa Food Bank. An- and deliver it to the Food Sale, sponsored by the GCA, media and promises to be the other unique feature will be Bank's central warehouse. will be held on Saturday, biggest and best event of that all of Ottawa will be The Saturday all-Glebe June 7, from 9 a.m. to 4 its kind in Ottawa's hist- asked to bring non-perish- garage sale should prove to p.m. ory. able food stuffs (canned be a major social event as- The concept is to encour- One unique aspect of the meats, soups, etc.) and drop well as an opportunity for age as many people as poss- sale is that participating them off at garage sale Glebe residents to donate ible to hold their garage Glebites will be encouraged sites. The Ottawa Food Bank GARAGE SALE - p. 2 O'Connor Street Bridge to be closed for reconstruction The bridge closure will also affect OTC's number 6 By JOAN OVER bus route. Until bridge re- Beginning sometime this pairs are completed, the month, motorists will have eastbound bus will turn to detour around the O'Conn- north onto Bank Street at or Street Bridge over Patt- Glebe Avenue and then east erson Creek while it is at Strathcona Avenue to res- closed for reconstruction. ume its normal route. The Work on the 79-year-old westbound bus will turn onto bridge between Linden Terr- Patterson Avenue from ace and Glebe Avenue is O'Connor Street and then scheduled to begin in May south on Bank Street to and to be completed by the First Avenue. end of August. Work to the bridge will City officials said motor- include repaving, repairs to ists will be expected to use the archway and the addition PhotoDawdSchryer Bank Street instead of of concrete handrails. The The 79-year-old O'Connor Street Bridge will get a facelift O'Connor Street while the project is expected to cost this summer. bridge is closed. about $180,000. Wide range of attitudes on Wednesday evening shop openings aldermanic committee listen- Ernest Saar, chairman of many of her customers by By JOAN GORST GILES ed to the concerns of local the Glebe Business Group, name. Some families have A City of Ottawa task merchants and desires of has the opinion that the been customers since the force study report released representatives of shopping merchants have always opened days when her father started April 7 suggests Ottawa mer- centres as well as to a nov- at hours that suited their the business. Richards con- chants should be allowed to el and sympathetic plea in clientele, within the peri- siders extended hours would stay open until 9 p.m. on favour of local merchants by meter of the law, and would be a hardship to many of the Wednesdays. Late evening a private citizen, Mr. E.F. continue to do so. small businesses. shopping is now permitted Gaskell. Saar expressed the view WEDNESDAY SHOPPING - p. 2 only on Thursdays and Fri- Aldermen Quinn, Holmes, that, regardless of hours, days with the exception of Brown, Wildgen and Maloney the Glebe business community grocery stores, confection- voted against further open- is a closely-knit group with aries and car dealerships. ing. Marc Laviolette left almost a village-like atmo- The task force consisted before the vote was taken sphere. The merchants pride of chairman John P. Manley and Mayor Durrell voted in themselves on giving their and members Dr. John Evans, favour of the recommendat- customers quality service Grete Hale, Raymond Levesque ions of the task force. The and, at the same time, work and John C. Thompson. Retail issue will go to City Counc- hand in hand with each other advisors were Charles Ger- il for a decision early in for their mutual benefit and hart and John Toth. May. interest. Despite a lot of thought- With the decision yet to Customers are frequently ful work done by the task be made by council, the local folk although Glebe force, the acquiescence of Glebe Report talked with a merchants have many regular City Council is not a fore- number of members of the and new customers from the gone conclusion. Many ald- Glebe Business Group about greater region who are drawn ermen are openly against the their feelings regarding the to the Glebe by the service concept. issue. it gives as well as by spec- On April 24 at Lansdowne Attitudes range from tot- ialities not to be found Park the report of the May- ally negative through luke- elsewhere. or's task force on extended warm to "we don't mind giv- Judy Richards of David- shopping hours was present- ing it a try if the others son's Jewellers said she en- ed. Mayor Durrell and the do." joys the warmth of knowing N EWS Sobriety House accepts building restrictions novating its upper floors to Second Avenue, said "The ed. "We can't control the By INEZ BERG efficiently enhance the pre- plans to expand are disprop- trends in addictions or the On April 11 the City of sent living space. ortionate to the scale and fact that we're seeing young Ottawa's Committee of Ad- "We've had ten problem- use of other properties in bodies ravaged equally in a justment refused application free years in this neigh- the neighbourhood." few years to that of a midd- for a side-yard variance bourhood," Duffy said, "and, "We've always been more le-aged alcoholic. Our con- presented by Sobriety House, whether we can expand furth- than a residence," said Ken solation is that with the a Glebe group home for re- er or not, we have no inter- Duffy. "Addiction is a fam- right care they will heal covering alcohol and drug- est in further jeopardizing ily disease and realistic- faster while middle-aged al- addicted males. our future operation or a ally we need more space to coholics are often beyond The decision forced the positive relationship with involve family and signific- help." reduction by half of the people in the area. I am ant others in the counsell- proposed plans for a 24 x 26 committed to that." ing process." "So far, we've never foot two-and-a half storey The home's executive ass- "There's never been any had a problem." addition to the south side istant, Gail Mitchell, em- problem with the home" one of the home at 90 First Ave- phasized that Sobriety House area tenant said. Its res- Duffy said all applicants nue. The space was slated is a recovery home which idents keep it more present- are screened carefully be- for new offices, multi-purp- provides daily supervision able than our landlord does fore coming to the home and osé program and counselling and guidance in goal setting his or than some others keep all are detoxed before they areas as well as living and community integration theirs." arrive. "We do not take space to accommodate an in- for its residents. "Several It seems, however, that anyone with the slightest crease in residents from 13 people have confused us with property owners, some of history of violence. Appli- to 20. their sterotype of a half- whom didn't know the home cants must be committed and The proposal received way house which provides existed until they were in- remain committed to staying strong opposition from some only room and board and vited to its March open addiction free or they're neighbouring property owners where individuals are left house to preview plans for asked to leave. So far at the March 25 Glebe Comm- to make their own way back the extension, are not calm- we've never had a problem." unity Association meeting into society," she said. ed by its exemplary past. Jack Van der Loo and John and at the Committee of Ad- One of the main objections They fear the population in- Davies feel the City of Ott- justment. of residents such as John crease and the decreasing awa guidelines for group The committee decided the Davies of Second Avenue io average age of its residents homes and population criter- addition, which neighbours that "What was a residence from 48 to 22. ia are contradictory and claim equalled 68% of the in character and function John Davies said "Middle- they intend to work towards existing building, was not a will now become an institut- aged alcoholics pose less of tightening them up. minor variance. ion with all the new space a threat to our children Ken Duffy said he and his Although Sobriety House for counselling and extra than adolescent drug add- staff will continue to be can re-submit changed plans staff." icts." open to communication with to the Committee of Adjust- Jack Van der Loo, also of Ken Duffy is not surpris- area residents. ment and would be within their rights to compensate ing time. She said she p.m. and until 9 p.m. on by extending the addition's Wednesday Shopping would add Wednesday evening Thursdays in response to south wall, Director Ken to her already extended customers who wanted to be Duffy said they will live Thursday and Friday evenings able to shop on their way with the restrictions impos- if enough others respond as home from work.