EARWORM Written by Austin Everett WRIT-LARGE
[email protected] [email protected] VERVE
[email protected] [email protected] INT. PITTSBURGH - BLUE LINE SUBWAY - NIGHT Heaters HISS under the feet of daily commuters. Someone COUGHS into their scarf. Another shuffles the Times to the next article, side-eyeing a MAN down the row, who’s feverishly talking to himself... MAN (whispering) Shut up! Shut up. Black trench, dress shirt, brogue shoes. If it wasn’t for his one-sided conversation, he’d blend right in. MAN (CONT'D) I’m going as fast as I can. Other passengers move farther away from him, he notices. MAN (CONT'D) It better work. INT. OFFICE - NIGHT The man’s flashlight combs through file cabinets. MAN It’s not here. He listens for an answer. MAN (CONT'D) I’ve looked through all of them!! Listens, turns to a cabinet in the corner. MAN (CONT'D) I see it. He grabs a crowbar and wedges the locked drawer open. Looks through the contents... Plucks out a folder. MAN (CONT'D) Got it. Where do I go now? INT. RED LINE SUBWAY - CONT. A quick ride. He grips the straps to his backpack. 2. EXT. LIBERTY BRIDGE - NIGHT He hustles to the middle of the bridge. Looks around. MAN I’m here! Tell me!! Listens... Takes the folder out of his bag, then a lighter. He holds it over the ledge and starts the folder on fire. Other pedestrians notice, some walk away, a few raise their phones to their ears.