Vadybos(Administravimo) Koncepcijų Realizavimas Praktikoje
ISSN 1648–2603 (print) VIEŠOJI POLITIKA IR AMINISTRAVIMAS ISSN 2029-2872 (online) PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION 2018, T. 17, Nr. 1/ 2018, Vol. 17, No 1, p. 68-83. Transborder Cooperation of Border Regions in Ukraine and Hungary Yeva Kish Uzhhorod National University 88 000, Uzhhorod, University str. 14, Ukraine Abstract. The analysis of Ukrainian-Hungarian transborder cooperation has been made, the problematic issues have been determined together with the possible ways of conducting reforms and changes in the context of forming an integral Ukrainian-Hungarian transborder region. The role of transborder cooperation in the system of international relations as well as in the context of developing logistic infrastructure in the social and economic development of border regions of Ukrainе and Hungary has been analysed. The main directions of the development of the border region are: making use of the possibilities of the favourable geographical and geopolitical location of the region, development of tourism, intensification of international transport corridor, formation of an international logistic cluster. Keywords: Ukrainе, Hungary, European Union, Transcarpathia, border region, transborder cooperation, state policy, logistics. Raktažodžiai: Ukraina, Vengrija, Europos Sąjunga, Užkarpatė, pasienis (pasienio sritys), tarpvalstybinis bendradarbiavimas, sritis (regionas). Introduction The place and role of transborder cooperation in the modern system of international relations should be viewed in the context of strategic national and state interests, foreign political actions directed at maintaining and realization of these interests. In the context of realizing foreign policy both for Ukraine as a non-EU member, and its western neighbours, EU member states, Central European countries, an effective transborder policy is to be realized.
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