National Headquarters of the Hungarian Police General Situation Report on Border Management

2015.X. English

III./ 1. Composition of the Registered Measures in Border Management

III./ 2. Unlawful acts related to illegal migration

III./ 3. Human smuggling crimes broken down

III./ 4. Document falsification

III./ 5. Illegal border crossings

III./ 7. Overstays

III./ 8. Contraventions of alien policing rules

III./ 9. Refusals of entry

III./ 10. Warrant of captions broken down by border sections

III./ 11. SIS hits

III./ 12. Number of handovers according to international readmission agreement

III./ 13. Number of takeovers according to international readmission agreement

III./ 14. Number of transfers broken down by border sections

III./ 15. Overstays

III./ 16. Number of handovers according to Dublin Procedure

III./ 17. Number of takeovers according to Dublin Procedure

III./ 18. Asylum applications

III./ 19. Number of detentions in detention center of National Police

III./ 20. Number of custodies ordered by Police

III./ 21. Number of persons ordered to leave

III./ 22. Number of persons apprehended by border policing authorities.

III./ 23. Number of returned persons

III./ 24. Border traffic (persons and means of the road transport)


Szabolcs Nógrád Heves Győr Komárom Hajdú

Pest Vas Veszprém Jász Fejér

Békés Zala Tolna Somogy Bács Csongrád

Baranya III. /1. III. /1. Composition of the Registered Measures in Border Management Composition of the Registered Measures in Border Management 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Unlawful acts related to 7 476 99 892 92 416 1236% 98% 34 482 426 535 392 053 1137% 96% illegal migration Refusals of entry 1 216 1 002 -214 -18% 1% 11 324 9 758 -1 566 -14% 2% Warrant of captions 819 862 43 5% 1% 8 591 8 262 -329 -4% 2% National warrant of captions 41 38 -3 -7% 0% 424 407 -17 -4% 0% International warrant of captions (SIS778 alerts) 824 46 6% 1% 8 167 7 855 -312 -4% 2%

Total number of measures 9 511 101 756 92 245 970% 100% 54 397 444 555 390 158 717% 100% Table of contents Registered measures

426 535 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Unlawful acts related34 482 to illegal426 535migration Refusals of entry11 324 9 758 National warrant of424 captions 407 International warrant8 167 of captions7 855 (SIS alerts)

34 482 8 167 11 324 9 758 424 407 7 855

Unlawful acts related to Refusals of entry National warrant of captions International warrant of illegal migration captions (SIS alerts) 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Registered measures in 2015 Table of contents

9 758 8 262 Unlawful acts related426 535 to illegal migration 2% 2% Refusals of entry9 758 Warrant of captions8 262

Unlawful acts related to illegal migration

Refusals of entry

Warrant of captions

426 535 96%

Table of contents III. /2. III. /2. Unlawful acts related to illegal migration Unlawful acts related to illegal migration 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Human smuggling crime 82 17 -65 -79% 0% 493 1 162 669 136% 0%

Document falsification crime 120 140 20 17% 0% 1 454 1 507 53 4% 0% Total number of illegal 6 370 98 756 92 386 1450% 99% 24 589 412 967 388 378 1579% 97% border crossings

Overstays 341 391 50 15% 0% 3 868 3 571 -297 -8% 1%

Contraventions of alien 563 588 25 4% 1% 4 078 7 328 3 250 80% 2% policing rules

Total 7 476 99 892 92 376 1236% 100% 34 482 426 535 392 053 1137% 100% 7 476 99 892

Unlawful acts related to illegal migration

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Human smuggling crime 493 1162 Document falsification crime 1454 1507 7328 Total number of illegalContraventions border crossings24589 of alien policing412967 rules Overstays 3868 3571 4078 Contraventions of alien policing rules4078 7328 3571 Overstays 3868

412967 Total number of illegal border crossings 24589

1507 Document falsification crime 1454 2015. I-X. 2014. I-X. 1162 Human smuggling crime 493

Table of contents Unlawful acts related to illegal migration broken down by border sections

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Austrian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Budapest + [small airfields] 9 49 40 444% 0% 165 378 213 129% 0,1% Croatian 81 97 708 97627 120527% 98% 474 186 777 186 303 39304% 44% Romanien 410 439 29 7% 0% 3 097 4 722 1 625 52% 1% Serbian 5 970 1 112 -4858 -81% 1% 25 056 208 094 183 038 731% 49% Slovakian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Slovenian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Ukrainian 180 374 194 108% 0% 1 629 2 838 1 209 74% 1% Inland 826 210 -616 -75% 0% 4 061 23 726 19 665 484% 6% Total 7 476 99 892 92 416 1236% 100% 34 482 426 535 392 053 1137% 100%

Table of contents Unlawful acts related to illegal migration broken down by counties

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest 315 29 -286 -91% 0,03% 904 5 868 4 964 549% 1,38% 28 16 553 16 525 59018% 16,57% 180 36 308 36 128 20071% 8,51% Bacs county 1 807 193 -1 614 -89% 0,19% 6 056 22 998 16 942 280% 5,39% Bekes county 134 69 -65 -49% 0,07% 754 785 31 4% 0,18% 3 0 -3 -100% 0,00% 52 17 -35 -67% 0,00% Csongrad county 4 343 1 029 -3 314 -76% 1,03% 20 649 189 114 168 465 816% 44,34% Fejer county 9 1 -8 -89% 0,00% 33 128 95 288% 0,03% Gyor county 231 33 -198 -86% 0,03% 1 292 4 095 2 803 217% 0,96% Hajdu county 104 151 47 45% 0,15% 683 1 416 733 107% 0,33% 0 0 0 0,00% 1 12 11 1100% 0,00% Komarom county 85 3 -82 -96% 0,00% 566 1 739 1 173 207% 0,41% Nograd county 1 0 -1 -100% 0,00% 91 69 -22 -24% 0,02% Pest county 43 7 -36 -84% 0,01% 152 2 269 2 117 1393% 0,53% 0 81 043 81 043 81,13% 42 145 406 145 364 346105% 34,09% county 204 498 294 144% 0,50% 1 841 3 987 2 146 117% 0,93% Szolnok county 0 1 1 0,00% 4 51 47 1175% 0,01% 1 0 -1 -100% 0,00% 3 34 31 1033% 0,01% 27 0 -27 -100% 0,00% 56 422 366 654% 0,10% Veszprem county 0 0 0 0,00% 17 56 39 229% 0,01% 85 112 27 32% 0,11% 326 5 160 4 834 1483% 1,21% Aiport Police Directorat 17 58 41 241% 0,06% 221 442 221 100% 0,10% Riot Police 39 112 73 187% 0,11% 559 6 159 5 600 1002% 1,44% National Police Headquarter 0 0 0 0,00% 0 0 0 0,00% Total 7 476 99 892 92 303 1236% 100% 34 482 426 535 392 053 1137% 100% Table of contents Unlawful acts related to illegal migration broken down by main nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 450 000 426 535 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 400 000 szírSYR 6 145 177 788 171 643 2793% 42% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. afgánAFG 5 778 94 086 88 308 1528% 22% 350 000 Unlawful acts related34 482 to illegal426 535migration ismeretlenUNK 88 30 563 30 475 34631% 7% 300 000 irakiIRQ 300 25 222 24 922 8307% 6% koszovóiKOSOVO 4 887 22 024 17 137 351% 5% 250 000 pakisztánPAK 275 21 791 21 516 7824% 5% 200 000 irániIRN 201 5 248 5 047 2511% 1% 150 000 bangladesiBGD 194 5 232 5 038 2597% 1% szerbSRB 2 919 2 132 -787 -27% 0% 100 000 románROU 1 694 2 086 392 23% 0% 50 000 34 482 ukránUKR 1 223 1 826 603 49% 0% egyébOther 10 778 38 537 27 759 258% 9% 0 Total 34 482 426 535 392 053 1137% 100% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Table of contents Unlawful acts related to illegal migration broken down by main nationalities

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. SYR 6145 177788 200000 177788 180000AFG 5778 94086 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 160000UNK 88 30563 140000IRQ 300 25222 120000 KOSOVO 94086 4887 22024 100000PAK 275 21791 80000 IRN60000 201 5248 30563 BGD40000 194 523225222 22024 21791 SRB20000 6145 5778 882919 3002132 4887 275 201 5248 194 5232 29192132 16942086 12231826 ROU0 1694 2086 UKR SYR AFG 1223UNK 1826IRQ KOSOVO PAK IRN BGD SRB ROU UKR

Table of contents III./3. III./3. Human smuggling crimes broken down by border sections Human smuggling crimes broken down by border sections 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Austrian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Budapest + [small airfields] 0 0 0 0% 1 1 0 0% 0% Croatian 3 0 -3 -100% 0% 19 83 64 337% 7% Romanien 5 6 1 20% 35% 59 59 0 0% 5% Serbian 24 8 -16 -67% 47% 204 528 324 159% 45,44% Slovakian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Slovenian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Ukrainian 3 2 -1 -33% 12% 19 13 -6 -32% 1% Inland 47 1 -46 -98% 6% 191 478 287 150% 41,14% Total 82 17 -65 -79% 100% 493 1 162 669 136% 100% Table of contents

Human smuggling crimes broken down by border sections

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Budapest600 + [small airfields] 1 1 528 478 Croatian500 19 83 Romanien 59 59 400 Serbian 204 528 Ukrainian300 19 13 Inland 191 478 204 191 200 83 100 59 59 1 1 19 19 13 0 Budapest + [small Croatian Romanien Serbian Ukrainian Inland airfields] 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Human smuggling crimes broken down by counties Table of contents

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest 2 0 -2 -100% 0% 3 81 78 2600% 7% Baranya county 0 0 0 0% 2 0 -2 -100% 0% Bacs county 7 1 -6 -86% 6% 62 209 147 237% 18% Bekes county 0 4 4 24% 21 18 -3 -14% 2% Borsod county 0 0 0 0% 2 1 -1 -50% 0% Csongrad county 23 10 -13 -57% 59% 181 482 301 166% 41% Fejer county 0 0 0 0% 1 10 9 900% 1% Gyor county 19 0 -19 -100% 0% 84 97 13 15% 8% Hajdu county 0 0 0 0% 6 5 -1 -17% 0% Heves county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Komarom county 11 0 -11 -100% 0% 54 71 17 31% 6% Nograd county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Pest county 1 0 -1 -100% 0% 1 29 28 2800% 2% Somogy county 0 0 0 0% 0 4 4 0% 4 2 -2 -50% 12% 26 23 -3 -12% 2% Szolnok county 0 0 0 0% 0 2 2 0% Tolna county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Vas county 6 0 -6 -100% 0% 11 7 -4 -36% 1% Veszprem county 0 0 0 0% 0 1 1 0% Zala county 5 0 -5 -100% 0% 23 89 66 287% 8% Aiport Police Directorat 0 0 0 0% 1 3 2 200% 0% Riot Police 4 0 -4 -100% 0% 15 30 15 100% 3% Total 82 17 -65 -79% 100% 493 1 162 669 136% 100%

Table of contents Human smuggling crimes broken down by main nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Human smuggling crime I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 magyarHUN 95 419 324 341% 36% 1400 szerbSRB 183 181 -2 -1% 16% 1162 románROU 33 131 98 297% 11% 1200 ismeretlenUNK 12 34 22 183% 3% 1000 olaszITA 4 28 24 600% 2% pakisztánPAK 4 27 23 575% 2% 800 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. szírSYR 11 25 14 127% 2% Embercsempész cselekmények493 1162 600 493 bolgárBGR 17 24 7 41% 2% koszovóiKOSOVO 17 23 6 35% 2% 400 osztrákAUT 9 17 8 89% 1% 200 németDEU 12 17 5 42% 1% egyébOther 96 236 140 146% 20% 0 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 493 1 162 669 136% 100%

Human smuggling crimes broken down by main nationalities Table of contents

. 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 450 HUN 419 95 419 SRB400 183 181 ROU 33 131 UNK350 12 34 ITA 4 28 PAK300 4 27 SYR 11 25 BGR250 17 24 KOSOVO 17 23 200 183 181 AUT 9 17 DEU150 12 17 131 95 100

50 33 34 28 27 25 17 24 12 4 4 11 0 HUN SRB ROU UNK ITA PAK SYR BGR

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents Human smuggling crimes broken down by the hours of Human smuggling crimes broken down by the the days days of the week

1 Monday 2480 2 23 3 100 22 60 4 2014. I-X. 2015.80 I-X. Monday 43 78 21 40 5 Sunday 60 Tuesday Tuesday 53 91 20 6 40 20 Wednesday 48 63 19 0 7 Thursday 42 20 71 Friday 49 0 84 18 8 Wednesda SaturdaySaturday 49 61 17 9 Sunday 18 56 y 16 10 15 11 14 12 13 Friday Thursday 2014. I-X. 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents III./ 4. III./ 4. Document falsification (related to travel documents) broken down by border sections (number of cases) Document falsification (related to travel documents) broken down by border sections (number of cases) 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest + [small airfields] 9 44 35 389% 31% 150 344 194 129% 23% Croatian 8 5 -3 -38% 4% 24 16 -8 -33% 1% Romanien 12 3 -9 -75% 2% 102 96 -6 -6% 6% Serbian 49 35 -14 -29% 25% 728 480 -248 -34% 32% Ukrainian 27 43 16 59% 31% 383 531 148 39% 35% Inland 15 10 -5 -33% 7% 67 40 -27 -40% 3% Total 120 140 20 17% 100% 1 454 1 507 53 4% 100%

Document falsification (related to travel documents) broken down by categories (number of cases)

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 passport 14 19 5 36% 14% 131 193 62 47% 13% identity card 16 9 -7 -44% 6% 150 112 -38 -25% 7% residence permit 11 3 -8 -73% 2% 64 39 -25 -39% 3% visa 2 9 7 350% 6% 89 80 -9 -10% 5% stamp 77 100 23 30% 71% 1 020 1 083 63 6% 72% Total 120 140 20 17% 100% 1 454 1 507 53 4% 100%

Document falsification discovered by border police units broken down by border sections

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 budapesti + [kis repülőterek] 9 44 35 389% 28% 162 357 195 120% 20% horvát 9 5 -4 -44% 3% 29 18 -11 -38% 1% román 26 13 -13 -50% 8% 263 254 -9 -3% 14% szerb 56 38 -18 -32% 24% 797 541 -256 -32% 30% ukrán 28 46 18 64% 29% 417 564 147 35% 31% mélység 19 10 -9 -47% 6% 89 57 -32 -36% 3% Mindösszesen 147 156 9 6% 100% 1 757 1 791 34 2% 100%

Document falsification broken down by border sections in 2015 (number of cases) 600 531 480 500 Úti okmányEgyéb okmány Úti okmányEgyéb I-X. okmány I-X. Budapest400 + [small344 airfields] 344 13 Croatian300 16 2 Romanien 96 158 Serbian200 480 61 158 96 Ukrainian100 531 33 61 33 40 Inland 13 1640 2 17 17 0 Budapest + [small airfields] Croatian Romanien Serbian Ukrainian Inland

Úti okmány I-X. Egyéb okmány I-X.

Document falsification broken down by categories in 2015 (number of cases) 1 200 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 1 083 1 020 passport1 000 131 193 identity card 150 112 residence800 permit 64 39 visa600 89 80 stamp 1 020 1 083 400 193 131 150 200 112 89 80 64 39 0 passport identity card residence permit visa stamp

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Document falsification (related to travel documents) broken down by counties (number of cases)

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Baranya county 5 5 0 0% 4% 17 12 -5 -29% 1% Bacs county 18 2 -16 -89% 1% 122 69 -53 -43% 5% Bekes county 3 1 -2 -67% 1% 20 11 -9 -45% 1% Borsod county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Csongrad county 41 35 -6 -15% 25% 683 469 -214 -31% 31% Fejer county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Gyor county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Hajdu county 4 0 -4 -100% 0% 22 19 -3 -14% 1% Heves county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Komarom county 0 0 0 0% 1 0 -1 -100% 0% Nograd county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Pest county 0 0 0 0% 5 0 -5 -100% 0% Somogy county 0 0 0 0% 2 1 -1 -50% 0% Szabolcs county 30 45 15 50% 32% 386 550 164 42% 36% Szolnok county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Tolna county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Vas county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Veszprem county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Zala county 4 0 -4 -100% 0% 6 4 -2 -33% 0% Aiport Police Directorat 15 52 37 247% 37% 189 372 183 97% 25% Riot Police 0 0 0 0% 1 0 -1 -100% 0% Total 120 140 -13 17% 100% 1 454 1 507 53 4% 100%

Document falsification discovered by border police units broken down by counties (number of cases) related to third countries

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Baranya county 5 5 0 0% 3% 20 16 -4 -20% 1% Bacs county 19 2 -17 -89% 1% 136 81 -55 -40% 5% Bekes county 5 2 -3 -60% 1% 50 49 -1 -2% 3% Borsod county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Csongrad county 57 41 -16 -28% 26% 847 603 -244 -29% 34% Fejer county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Gyor county 0 0 0 0% 0 2 2 0% Hajdu county 6 3 -3 -50% 2% 45 44 -1 -2% 2% Heves county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Komarom county 0 0 0 0% 1 0 -1 -100% 0% Nograd county 0 0 0 0% 1 0 -1 -100% 0% Pest county 1 0 -1 -100% 0% 7 5 -2 -29% 0% Somogy county 0 0 0 0% 5 1 -4 -80% 0% Szabolcs county 31 51 20 65% 33% 433 599 166 38% 33% Szolnok county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Tolna county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Vas county 0 0 0 0% 5 1 -4 -80% 0% Veszprem county 3 0 -3 -100% 0% 3 0 -3 -100% 0% Zala county 5 0 -5 -100% 0% 11 5 -6 -55% 0% Aiport Police Directorat 15 52 37 247% 33% 191 385 194 102% 21% Riot Police 0 0 0 0% 2 0 -2 -100% 0% Total 147 156 -20 6% 100% 1 757 1 791 34 2% 100% Document falsification related to documents for proof the conditions of border crossing broken down by border sections

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Baranya county 5 5 0 0% 4% 17 13 -4 -24% 1% Bacs county 18 2 -16 -89% 1% 123 71 -52 -42% 5% Bekes county 3 2 -1 -33% 1% 27 19 -8 -30% 1% Borsod county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Csongrad county 41 35 -6 -15% 25% 719 496 -223 -31% 33% Fejer county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Gyor county 0 0 0 0% 0 1 1 0% Hajdu county 4 1 -3 -75% 1% 33 35 2 6% 2% Heves county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Komarom county 0 0 0 0% 1 0 -1 -100% 0% Nograd county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Pest county 0 0 0 0% 5 0 -5 -100% 0% Somogy county 0 0 0 0% 2 1 -1 -50% 0% Szabolcs county 30 46 16 53% 33% 394 554 160 41% 37% Szolnok county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Tolna county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Vas county 0 0 0 0% 4 0 -4 -100% 0% Veszprem county 0 0 0 0% 1 0 -1 -100% 0% Zala county 4 0 -4 -100% 0% 6 5 -1 -17% 0% Aiport Police Directorat 15 52 37 247% 37% 189 376 187 99% 25% Riot Police 0 0 0 0% 1 0 -1 -100% 0% Total 120 143 -10 19% 100% 1 522 1 571 49 3% 100% III./ 5. III./ 5. Illegal border crossings broken down by border sections Illegal border crossings broken down by border sections 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Austrian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Budapest + [small airfields] 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Croatian 36 97 660 97624 271178% 99% 167 186 274 186 107 111441% 45% Romanien 193 45 -148 -77% 0% 760 746 -14 -2% 0% Serbian 5 638 819 -4819 -85% 1% 20 953 204 774 183 821 877% 50% Slovakian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Slovenian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Ukrainian 18 50 32 178% 0% 116 551 435 375% 0% Inland 485 182 -303 -62% 0% 2 593 20 622 18 029 695% 5% Total 6 370 98 756 92 386 1450% 100% 24 589 412 967 388 378 1579% 100%

Table of contents

Illegal border crossings broken down by border sections 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Budapest + [small airfields] 0 0 250 000 Croatian 167 186 274 204 774 200Romanien 000 760 186746274 Serbian 20 953 204 774 150Ukrainian 000 116 551 100Inland 000 2 593 20 622

50 000 20 953 20 622 0 0 167 760 746 116 551 2 593 0 Budapest + [small Croatian Romanien Serbian Ukrainian Inland airfields] 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents Illegal border crossings broken down by counties

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest 86 18 -68 -79% 0% 287 4 409 4 122 1436% 1% Baranya county 0 16 518 16518 17% 8 36 013 36 005 450063% 9% Bacs county 1 706 106 -1600 -94% 0% 4 847 21 988 17 141 354% 5% Bekes county 92 26 -66 -72% 0% 263 282 19 7% 0% Borsod county 0 0 0 0% 24 7 -17 -71% 0% Csongrad county 3 994 736 -3258 -82% 1% 16 435 185 568 169 133 1029% 45% Fejer county 0 1 1 0% 6 105 99 1650% 0% Gyor county 205 33 -172 -84% 0% 1 178 3 960 2 782 236% 1% Hajdu county 52 4 -48 -92% 0% 259 145 -114 -44% 0% Heves county 0 0 0 0% 0 5 5 0% Komarom county 69 3 -66 -96% 0% 368 1 586 1 218 331% 0% Nograd county 0 0 0 0% 33 49 16 48% 0% Pest county 27 4 -23 -85% 0% 65 1 996 1 931 2971% 0% Somogy county 0 81 042 81042 82% 14 145 378 145 364 1038314% 35% Szabolcs county 27 53 26 96% 0% 182 583 401 220% 0% Szolnok county 0 1 1 0% 3 46 43 1433% 0% Tolna county 1 0 -1 -100% 0% 1 34 33 3300% 0% Vas county 15 0 -15 -100% 0% 34 411 377 1109% 0% Veszprem county 0 0 0 0% 0 53 53 0% Zala county 65 100 35 54% 0% 207 4 960 4 753 2296% 1% Aiport Police Directorat 0 0 0 0% 1 31 30 3000% 0% Riot Police 31 111 80 258% 0% 374 5 358 4 984 1333% 1% Total 6 370 98 756 92287 1450% 100% 24 589 412 967 388 378 1579% 100%

Table of contents Illegal border crossings broken down by main nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Illegal border crossings I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 szírSYR 6 225 177 338 171 113 2749% 43% afgánAFG 6 287 92 657 86 370 1374% 22% 450 000 ismeretlenUNK 69 30 523 30 454 44136% 7% 412 967 irakiIRQ 314 25 146 24 832 7908% 6% 400 000 koszovóiKOSOVO 7 051 21 872 14 821 210% 5% 350 000 pakisztánPAK 253 21 522 21 269 8407% 5% 300 000 bangladesiBGD 164 5 204 5 040 3073% 1% 250 000 irániIRN 208 5 199 4 991 2400% 1% 200 000 palesztinPSE 856 1 195 339 40% 0% 150 000 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. kongóiCOG 96 1 114 1 018 1060% 0% 100 000 Ths és kísérlete szabálysértés24 589 412 967 nigériaiNGA 188 1 042 854 454% 0% 50 000 24 589 egyébOther 2 878 30 155 27 277 948% 7% 0 Total 24 589 412 967 388 378 1579% 100% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents Illegal border crossings broken down by main nationalities


200000 177338 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 180000SYR 6225 177338 160000AFG 6287 92657 UNK 69 30523 140000IRQ 314 25146 120000KOSOVO 7051 21872 PAK 253 21522 100000 92657 BGD 164 5204 IRN80000 208 5199 PSE60000 856 1195 COG 96 1114 40000 30523 NGA 188 1042 25146 21872 21522 20000 6225 6287 7051 5204 5199 69 314 253 164 208 856 1195 96 1114 188 1042 0 SYR AFG UNK IRQ KOSOVO PAK BGD IRN PSE COG NGA

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents Illegal border crossings broken down by the days of the Illegal border crossings broken down by the hours of the day week

1 Monday 80 000 2500024 2 23 3 20000 60 000 22 4 Sunday Tuesday 15000 40 000 21 5 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Monday 10000 20 000 2 611 59 250 20 6 Tuesday 5000 2 921 52 776 Wednesday 0 3466 51253 19 0 7 Saturday Thursday 3375 49757 Wednesday 18 8 Friday 3444 63843 Saturday 3553 58580 17 9 Sunday 2826 59499 16 10 Friday 22 196 394Thursday 958 2014. I-X. 15 11 2014. I-X. 14 12 13 2015. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents Illegal border crossings broken down by gender

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Male 5 583 81 657 76074 1363% 83% 21 136 342 909 321 773 1522% 83% Female 787 17 099 16312 2073% 17% 3 453 70 058 66 605 1929% 17% Total 6 370 98 756 92 287 1450% 100% 24 589 412 967 388 378 1579% 100%

Illegal border crossings broken down by gender 2014. 2015. Male 21 136 342 909 Female 3 453 70 058 342 909

Male Female

70 058

3 453 21 136

2014. 2015. III./ 7. III./ 7. Overstays broken down by border sections Overstays broken down by border sections 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Austrian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Budapest + [small airfields] 0 0 0 0% 1 0 -1 -100% 0% Croatian 27 29 2 7% 7% 190 283 93 49% 8% Romanien 56 80 24 43% 20% 575 827 252 44% 23% Serbian 248 244 -4 -2% 62% 2 988 2 234 -754 -25% 63% Slovakian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Slovenian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Ukrainian 10 38 28 280% 10% 114 227 113 99% 6% Inland 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Total 341 391 50 15% 100% 3 868 3 571 -297 -8% 100%

Overstays broken down by border sections

3 500 2014.I-X. 2015.I-X. 2 988 3 000 Budapest + [small airfields] 1 0 Croatian2 500 190 283 2 234 Romanien 575 827 2 000 Serbian 2 988 2 234 Ukrainian1 500 114 227 Inland 0 0 1 000 827 575 500 283 227 190 114 1 0 0 0 0 Budapest + [small Croatian Romanien Serbian Ukrainian Inland airfields]

2014.I-X. 2015.I-X.

Overstays broken down by counties

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Baranya county 19 23 4 21% 6% 114 221 107 94% 6% Bacs county 75 83 8 11% 21% 997 719 -278 -28% 20% Bekes county 25 28 3 12% 7% 298 353 55 18% 10% Borsod county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Csongrad county 190 180 -10 -5% 46% 2 156 1 665 -491 -23% 47% Fejer county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Gyor county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Hajdu county 10 6 -4 -40% 2% 69 65 -4 -6% 2% Heves county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Komarom county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Nograd county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Pest county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Somogy county 0 1 1 0% 19 13 -6 -32% 0% Szabolcs county 14 65 51 364% 17% 157 486 329 210% 14% Szolnok county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Tolna county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Vas county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Veszprem county 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Zala county 8 5 -3 -38% 1% 57 49 -8 -14% 1% Aiport Police Directorat 0 0 0 0% 1 0 -1 -100% 0% Riot Police 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Total 341 391 53 15% 100% 3 868 3 571 -297 -8% 100% Overstays broken down by nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Overstays I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 szerbSRB 2 337 1 757 -580 -25% 49% románROU 257 478 221 86% 13% 4 500 ukránUKR 120 240 120 100% 7% 3 868 4 000 3 571 makedónMKD 358 214 -144 -40% 6% 3 500 bosnyákBIH 149 195 46 31% 5% 3 000 albánALB 86 94 8 9% 3% 2 500 törökTUR 124 85 -39 -31% 2% 2 000 moldávMDA 86 84 -2 -2% 2% 1 500 koszovóiKOSOVO 79 78 -1 -1% 2% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 1 000 montenegroiMNE (crna gora-i) 61 38 -23 -38% 1% Ths és kísérlete szabálysértés3 868 3 571 irakiIRQ 1 23 22 2200% 1% 500 egyébOther 210 285 75 36% 8% 0 Total 3 868 3 571 -297 -8% 100% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents Overstays broken down by nationalities


2500 2337 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. SRB 2337 1757 2000ROU 257 478 1757 UKR 120 240 MKD 358 214 1500BIH 149 195 ALB 86 94 1000TUR 124 85 MDA 86 84 KOSOVO 79 78 478 MNE500 61 38 358 257 240 214 IRQ 1 23 149 195 120 86 94 124 85 86 84 79 78 61 38 1 23 0 SRB ROU UKR MKD BIH ALB TUR MDA KOSOVO MNE IRQ

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents III./ 8. III./ 8. Contraventions of alien policing rules broken down by border sections Contraventions of alien policing rules broken down by border sections 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Austrian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Budapest + [small airfields] 0 5 5 1% 13 33 20 154% 0% Croatian 7 14 7 100% 2% 74 121 47 64% 2% Romanien 144 305 161 112% 52% 1 601 2 994 1393 87% 41% Serbian 11 6 -5 -45% 1% 183 78 -105 -57% 1% Slovakian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Slovenian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Ukrainian 122 241 119 98% 41% 997 1 516 519 52% 21% Inland 279 17 -262 -94% 3% 1 210 2 586 1376 114% 35% Total 563 588 25 4% 100% 4 078 7 328 3250 80% 100% Table of contents Contraventions of alien policing rules

3 500 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 2 994 Budapest + [small airfields] 13 33 3 000 2 586 2 500Croatian 74 121 Romanien 1 601 2 994 2 000 Serbian 183 78 1 601 1 516 1 500 1 210 Ukrainian 997 1 516 997 1 000Inland 1 210 2 586 500 183 13 33 74 121 78 0 Budapest + [small Croatian Romanien Serbian Ukrainian Inland airfields] 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents

Contraventions of alien policing rules broken down by counties

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest 227 11 -216 -95% 2% 614 1 378 764 124% 19% Baranya county 4 7 3 75% 1% 39 62 23 59% 1% Bacs county 1 1 0 0% 0% 28 13 -15 -54% 0% Bekes county 14 10 -4 -29% 2% 152 121 -31 -20% 2% Borsod county 3 0 -3 -100% 0% 26 9 -17 -65% 0% Csongrad county 95 68 -27 -28% 12% 1 194 930 -264 -22% 13% Fejer county 9 0 -9 -100% 0% 26 13 -13 -50% 0% Gyor county 7 0 -7 -100% 0% 30 38 8 27% 1% Hajdu county 38 141 103 271% 24% 327 1 182 855 261% 16% Heves county 0 0 0 0% 1 7 6 600% 0% Komarom county 5 0 -5 -100% 0% 143 82 -61 -43% 1% Nograd county 1 0 -1 -100% 0% 58 20 -38 -66% 0% Pest county 15 3 -12 -80% 1% 81 244 163 201% 3% Somogy county 0 0 0 0% 7 10 3 43% 0% Szabolcs county 129 333 204 158% 57% 1 090 2 345 1255 115% 32% Szolnok county 0 0 0 0% 1 3 2 200% 0% Tolna county 0 0 0 0% 2 0 -2 -100% 0% Vas county 6 0 -6 -100% 0% 11 4 -7 -64% 0% Veszprem county 0 0 0 0% 17 2 -15 -88% 0% Zala county 3 7 4 133% 1% 33 58 25 76% 1% Aiport Police Directorat 2 6 4 200% 1% 29 36 7 24% 0% Riot Police 4 1 -3 -75% 0% 169 771 602 356% 11% Total 563 588 26 4% 100% 4 078 7 328 3250 80% 100% Table of contents Contraventions of alien policing rules broken down by main nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Contraventions of alien policing rules I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 ukránUKR 1 060 1 568 508 48% 21% 8000 7328 moldávMDA 169 1 491 1 322 782% 20% 7500 7000 románROU 1 320 1 415 95 7% 19% 6500 afgánAFG 276 1 402 1 126 408% 19% 6000 5500 szírSYR 221 406 185 84% 6% 5000 4078 pakisztánPAK 14 221 207 1479% 3% 4500 4000 szlovákSVK 224 96 -128 -57% 1% 3500 törökTUR 89 59 -30 -34% 1% 3000 2500 szerbSRB 106 54 -52 -49% 1% 2000 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 1500 irakiIRQ 12 52 40 333% 1% 1000 Contraventions of alien policing4078 rules 7328 koszovóiKOSOVO 77 51 -26 -34% 1% 500 0 egyébOther 510 513 3 1% 7% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 4 078 7 328 3 250 80% 100% Table of contents Contraventions of alien policing rules broken down by main nationalities

1 800 2014. X. 2014. I-X. UKR 1060 1568 1 568 MDA1 600 1 491169 1491 ROU 1320 1 4151415 1 402 1 320 AFG1 400 276 1402 SYR1 200 221 406 PAK 1 060 14 221 SVK1 000 224 96 TUR 89 59 800 SRB 106 54 IRQ600 12 52 KOSOVO 77 51 406 400 276 221 221 224 169 200 106 96 89 59 77 14 54 12 52 51 0 UKR MDA ROU AFG SYR PAK SVK TUR SRB IRQ KOSOVO

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents

Contraventions of alien policing rules broken down by the hours Contraventions of alien policing rules broken down by the of the day days of the week

Monday 1 1 200 24300 2 23 3 1 000 22 4 Sunday 800 Tuesday 200 2014.600 I-X. 2015. I-X. 21 5 Monday 400 510 1 139 100 20 6 Tuesday 200 344 498 Wednesday 0 290 458 19 0 7 Thursday Wednesd Saturday 293 402 ay 18 8 Friday 382 519 Saturday 529 702 17 9 Sunday 519 1024 16 10 15 11 Friday Thursday 14 12 13 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents III./ 9. III./ 9. Refusals of entry broken down by border sections Refusals of entry broken down by border sections

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest + [small airfields] 8 11 3 38% 1% 117 113 -4 -3% 1% Croatian 51 93 42 82% 9% 423 636 213 50% 7% Romanien 144 121 -23 -16% 12% 1 679 1 303 -376 -22% 13% Serbian 926 629 -297 -32% 63% 7 654 6 470 -1 184 -15% 66% Ukrainian 87 148 61 70% 15% 1 451 1 236 -215 -15% 13% Total 1 216 1 002 -214 -18% 100% 11 324 9 758 -1 566 -14% 100%

Table of contents Refusals of entry broken down by border sections

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Budapest + [small airfields] 117 113 9000 Croatian 423 636 Romanien8000 1679 1303 7654 Serbian 7654 6470 7000 6470 Ukrainian 1451 1236 6000




2000 1679 1303 1451 1236 1000 423 636 117 113 0 Budapest + [small airfields] Croatian Romanien Serbian Ukrainian

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents

Refusals of entry down by main nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Number of returns I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 szerbSRB 0 3 632 3 632 37% albánALB 0 1 397 1 397 14% 11324 ukránUKR 0 1 351 1 351 14% Visszairányítások2014. számaI-X. 2015. I-X. 9758 macedónMKD 0 598 598 6% 12000 11324 9758 moldovaiMDA 0 470 470 5% 10000 bosnyákBIH 0 369 369 4% törökTUR 0 225 225 2% 8000 montenegróiMNE 0 116 116 1% 6000 koszovóiKOSOVO 0 106 106 1% 4000 szíriaiSYR 0 92 92 1% 2000 oroszRUS 0 85 85 1% 0 egyébOther 11 324 1 317 -10 007 -88% 13% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 11 324 9 758 -1 566 -14% 100%

Table of contents Main reasons of returns broken down by border sections in 2014 and 2015

Budapest + [small Croatian border Romanien border Serbian border Ukrainian border airfields] section section section section 2015. 2014. 2015. 2014. 2015. 2014. 2015. 2014. 2015. 2014.

A) Lack of travel document 8 15 28 52 15 16 61 52 9 13 A1)Lack of valid travel document (transporting 3 0 0 10 0 B) Possessioncompany) of false/counterfeit/forged 9 3 4 5 13 5 82 89 100 93 travel document C) Lack of valid visa 9 31 47 60 325 468 295 354 341 403

C1) Lack of valid visa 56 0 0 42 0 (transporting company) D) Possession of 4 16 0 0 0 1 15 19 5 6 false/counterfeit/forged visa E) Lack of supporting 12 3 184 12 189 515 931 1394 417 626 documents

F) Overstays 0 5 232 145 372 109 2033 2899 135 114

G) Lack of financial cover 0 0 1 2 11 58 346 641 7 18

H) Alert in the national 4 2 81 73 118 135 304 345 139 109 register

H) Alert in the SIS 8 10 45 56 257 372 2323 1769 83 69

I) Considered to be a threat 0 0 14 18 3 0 28 74 0 0 for the country

Total 113 117 636 423 1303 1679 6470 7654 1236 1451

203 189 1043 778 2160 2471 9676 12127 1972 2207 Refusals of entry broken down by categories Table of contents

I) Considered to be a threat for the country 45 2015. I-X. H) Alert in the SIS 2716 A) Lack of travel document 121 A1)Lack of valid travel H) Alert in the national register 646 document (transporting company) G)13 Lack of financial cover 365 B) Possession of 208 false/counterfeit/forged F) Overstays 2772 C) Lack of valid visa 1017 C1) Lack of valid visaE) Lack of supporting documents 1733 (transporting company) 98 D) Possession of D) Possession of false/counterfeit/forged24 visa 24 false/counterfeit/forged visa E) Lack of supporting documentsC1) Lack of valid visa1733 (transporting company) 98 F) Overstays 2772 C) Lack of valid visa 1017 G) Lack of financial cover 365 B)H) Possession Alert in theof false/counterfeit/forged national travel document 208 register 646 2015. I-X. A1)LackH) Alert of valid in the travel SIS document2716 (transporting company) 13 I) Considered to be a threat 45 for the country A) Lack of travel document 121

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 III./ 10. III./ 10. Warrant of captions broken down by border sections Warrant of captions broken down by border sections 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest + [small airfields] 12 6 -6 -50% 16% 67 88 21 31% 22% Croatian 5 6 1 20% 16% 41 32 -9 -22% 8% Romanien 10 13 3 30% 34% 140 148 8 6% 36% Serbian 10 7 -3 -30% 18% 122 83 -39 -32% 20% Ukrainian 4 6 2 50% 16% 52 56 4 8% 14% Inland 0 0 0 0% 2 0 -2 -100% 0% Total 41 38 -3 -7% 100% 424 407 -17 -4% 100% Table of contents Warrant of captions broken down by border sections 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Croatian 41 32 Romanien160 140 140148 148 Serbian140 122 83 122 120 Ukrainian100 52 56 83 88 Budapest80 + [small airfields] 67 88 67 52 56 60 41 Inland 32 2 0 40 20 0 Croatian Romanien Serbian Ukrainian Budapest + [small airfields]

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents

Warrant of captions broken down by counties

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Baranya county 1 6 5 500% 16% 15 17 2 13% 4% Bacs county 0 2 2 5% 9 25 16 178% 6% Bekes county 5 4 -1 -20% 11% 47 49 2 4% 12% Csongrad county 12 7 -5 -42% 18% 140 81 -59 -42% 20% Gyor county 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% Hajdu county 0 6 6 16% 41 61 20 49% 15% Somogy county 0 0 0 0% 3 0 -3 -100% 0% Szabolcs county 7 7 0 0% 18% 78 72 -6 -8% 18% Zala county 4 0 -4 -100% 0% 25 15 -10 -40% 4% Aiport Police Directorat 12 6 -6 -50% 16% 66 87 21 32% 21% Riot Police 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Total 41 38 -3 -7% 100% 424 407 -17 -4% 100% Table of contents Warrant of captions broken down by counties

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 160Baranya county 15 14017 140Bacs county 9 25 120Bekes county 47 49 100Csongrad county 140 81 81 87 78 72 Hajdu80 county 41 61 61 66 49 Somogy60 county 47 3 0 41 Szabolcs40 county 25 78 72 25 17 15 9 15 Zala20 county 25 15 3 0 0 0 Aiport0 Police Directorat 66 87 Riot Police 0 0

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Warrant of captions broken down by main nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Warrant of captions I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 magyarHUN 185 182 -3 -2% 45% 424 románROU 63 74 11 17% 18% 450 407 szerbSRB 59 43 -16 -27% 11% 400 ukránUKR 34 33 -1 -3% 8% 350 moldávMDA 2 12 10 500% 3% 300 koszovóiKOSOVO 20 10 -10 -50% 2% 250 bosnyákBIH 5 7 2 40% 2% 200 törökTUR 7 6 -1 -14% 1% 150 vietnamiVNM 1 4 3 300% 1% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 100 montenegroiMNE (crna gora-i) 8 4 -4 -50% 1% Körözések 424 407 50 hontalanXXX 1 2 1 100% 0% 0 egyebOther 39 30 -9 -23% 7% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 424 407 -17 -4% 100%

Table of contents Warrant of captions broken down by main nationalities 2014. X. 2014. I-X. HUN 185 182 200 ROU 185 182 63 74 SRB180 59 43 UKR160 34 33 MDA 2 12 KOSOVO140 20 10 BIH120 5 7 TUR100 7 6 VNM 1 4 80 74 MNE 63 8 594 60 XXX 1 2 43 40 34 33 20 20 12 10 7 7 2 5 6 1 4 0 HUN ROU SRB UKR MDA KOSOVO BIH TUR VNM

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents Change

30 20 21 20 16 10 2 2 0 0 -10 -3 -6 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -59 -70 Baranya county Bacs county Bekes county Csongrad county Gyor county Hajdu county Somogy county Szabolcs county Zala county Aiport Police Directorat

Table of contents III./ 11. III./ 11. SIS hits on external border broken down by border sections SIS hits on external border broken down by border sections 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest + [small airfields]7 16 9 129% 2% 102 216 114 112% 3% Croatian 37 31 -6 -16% 4% 219 306 87 40% 4% Romanien 262 295 33 13% 36% 2 972 2 640 -332 -11% 34% Serbian 416 440 24 6% 53% 4 351 4 191 -160 -4% 53% Ukrainian 55 42 -13 -24% 5% 519 501 -18 -3% 6% Inland 1 0 -1 -100% 0% 4 1 -3 -75% 0% Total 778 824 46 6% 100% 8 167 7 855 -312 -4% 100%

Table of contents SIS hits on external border broken down by border sections 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Croatian 219 306 Romanien5 000 2 972 2 640 4 351 4 191 Serbian4 500 4 351 4 191 4 000 Ukrainian3 500 519 501 2 972 Inland3 000 4 1 2 640 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 306 519 501 500 219 4 1 0 Croatian Romanien Serbian Ukrainian Inland

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents SIS hits on external border broken down by counties

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Baranya county 12 21 9 75% 3% 63 136 73 116% 2% Bacs county 85 72 -13 -15% 9% 758 816 58 8% 10% Bekes county 42 23 -19 -45% 3% 488 377 -111 -23% 5% Csongrad county 461 577 116 25% 70% 5 091 4 772 -319 -6% 61% Hajdu county 73 41 -32 -44% 5% 676 603 -73 -11% 8% Somogy county 1 1 0 0% 0% 4 20 16 400% 0% Szabolcs county 72 64 -8 -11% 8% 832 763 -69 -8% 10% Zala county 25 9 -16 -64% 1% 155 152 -3 -2% 2% Aiport Police Directorat7 16 9 129% 2% 100 216 116 116% 3% Inland 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Total 778 824 46 6% 100% 8 167 7 855 -312 -4% 100%

SIS hits on external border broken down by border sections Table of contents

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Baranya6 000 5 091 63 136 4 772 county5 000 Bacs4 000 county 758 816 Bekes3 000 county 488 377 Csongrad2 000 5 758091 816 4 772488 676 603 832 763 Hajducounty1 000 63 136 377 4 20 155 152 100 216 0 0 676 603 Somogycounty0 4 20 Szabolcscounty 832 763 county Zala county 155 152 Aiport Police 100 216 Directorat Inland 0 0 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents SIS hits on external border broken down by the main nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total SIS hits I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 szerbSRB 2 124 2 085 -39 -2% 27% 9 000 8 167 románROU 1 777 1 530 -247 -14% 19% 7 855 albánALB 1 080 1 297 217 20% 17% 8 000 moldávMDA 581 615 34 6% 8% 7 000 ukránUKR 515 466 -49 -10% 6% 6 000 makedónMKD 304 335 31 10% 4% 5 000 bosnyákBIH 138 210 72 52% 3% 4 000 koszovói -413 -67% 3% KOSOVO 619 206 3 000 törökTUR 224 187 -37 -17% 2% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 2 000 magyarHUN 110 155 45 41% 2% SIS találatok 8 167 7 855 1 000 montenegroiMNE (crna gora-i)71 95 24 34% 1% egyébOther 624 674 50 8% 9% 0 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 8 167 7 855 -312 -4% 100% Table of contents SIS hits on external border broken down by the main nationalities

2 500 2014. X. 2014. I-X. SRB 2 124 2 0852124 2085 ROU 1777 1530 2 000 ALB 10801 777 1297 MDA 581 1 530615 1 500UKR 515 466 MKD 304 335 1 297 BIH 138 2101 080 1 000KOSOVO 619 206 TUR 224 187 581 615 619 HUN 110 155 515 466 500 MNE 71 95 304 335 210 206 224 138 187 155 110 71 95 0 SRB ROU ALB MDA UKR MKD BIH KOSOVO TUR HUN MNE

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents Classification by the Schengen Implementing Convention

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 83 104 21 25% 1% SIC 95 European or International Warrant of Caption 3 284 3 408 124 4% 43% SIC 96 Breach of ban on Entry and Stay SIC 97 Missing Person, Adult 18 26 8 44% 0% SIC 97 Missing Person, Minor 20 31 11 55% 0% 0 1 1 0% SIC 97 Missing Person Assigned to Restricted Institution, Adult

38 58 20 53% 1% SIC 97 Total 1 410 1 455 45 3% 19% SIC 98 Persons Wanted as Suspects or Witnesses SIC 99 Persons under Covered Monitoring 1 181 1 250 69 6% 16% SIC 99 Vehicles under Covered Monitoring 1 192 654 -538 -45% 8% SVE 99 Total 2 373 1 904 -469 -20% 24% SIC 100 Wanted Authority Marker on Vehicle 149 133 -16 -11% 2% SIC 100 Wanted Documents 753 714 -39 -5% 9% SIC 100 Other Wanted 77 79 2 3% 1% SIC 100 Total 979 926 -53 -5% 12% Total 8 167 7 855 -312 -4% 100% Table of contents III./ 12. III./ 12. Number of handovers according to international readmission agreements Number of handovers according to international readmission agreements 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Austrian 1 7 6 600% 2% 16 17 1 6% 0% Slovenian 0 1 1 0% 5 7 2 40% 0% Croatian 1 13 12 1200% 5% 3 15 12 400% 0% Serbian 393 134 -259 -66% 47% 2 320 4 423 2103 91% 81% Ukrainian 6 11 5 83% 4% 179 135 -44 -25% 2% Romanien 26 54 28 108% 19% 279 479 200 72% 9% Slovakian 0 0 0 0% 4 3 -1 -25% 0% Airport Police Directorate 11 66 55 500% 23% 344 382 38 11% 7% Total 438 286 -152 -35% 100% 3 150 5 461 2311 73% 100% Table of contents 432 470 2686 3450 Number of handovers according to international readmission agreements broken down by nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Number of handovers I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 6 000 szírSYR 600 2 959 2 359 393% 54% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.5 461 irakiIRQ 35 453 418 1194% 8% Átadások 3 150 5 461 5 000 koszovóiKOSOVO 310 423 113 36% 8% románROU 59 372 313 531% 7% 4 000 afgánAFG 227 175 -52 -23% 3% 3 150 palesztinPSE 105 166 61 58% 3% 3 000 szomáliaiSOM 28 164 136 486% 3% ukránUKR 168 133 -35 -21% 2% 2 000 szerbSRB 323 123 -200 -62% 2% albánALB 262 122 -140 -53% 2% 1 000 törökTUR 196 81 -115 -59% 1% egyébOther 837 290 -547 -65% 5% 0 Total 3 150 5 461 2 311 73% 100% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Table of contents

Number of handovers according to international readmission agreements broken down by nationalities

3 500 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 2 959 3 000

2 500

2 000

1 500

1 000 600 453 423 500 310 372 323 227 175 166 164 168 262 196 35 59 105 28 133 123 122 81 0 SYR IRQ KOSOVO ROU AFG PSE SOM UKR SRB ALB TUR

Table of contents

Number of failed handovers according to international Readmission Agreement

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics X. X. Case in % I-X. I-X. Case in % Number of failed handovers 410 129 -281 -69% 1 393 1 288 -105 -8%

Table of contents III./ 13. III./ 13. Number of takeovers according to international readmission agreement Number of takeovers according to international readmission agreement 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Austrian 23 21 -2 -9% 37% 177 1826 1649 932% 76% Slovenian 10 0 -10 -100% 0% 57 227 170 298% 9% Croatian 0 0 0 0% 4 22 18 450% 1% Serbian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Ukrainian 0 0 0 0% 2 0 -2 -100% 0% Romanien 0 0 0 0% 9 14 5 56% 1% Slovakian 3 36 33 1100% 63% 17 283 266 1565% 12% Air 0 0 0 0% 19 21 2 11% 1% Total 36 57 21 58% 100% 285 2 393 2108 740% 100%

2 8 60 71 Table of contents Number of takeovers according to international readmission agreement broken down by nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Number of takeovers I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 szírSYR 67 1 265 1 198 1788% 53% 3 000 irakiIRQ 1 294 293 29300% 12% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 2 393 afgánAFG 27 271 244 904% 11% 2 500 Átvételek 285 2 393 pakisztánPAK 3 165 162 5400% 7% 2 000 bangladesiBGD 0 91 91 4% koszovóiKOSOVO 38 50 12 32% 2% 1 500 albánALB 33 30 -3 -9% 1% eritreaiERI 17 29 12 71% 1% 1 000 szerbSRB 31 29 -2 -6% 1% palesztinPSE 2 26 24 1200% 1% 500 285 irániIRN 1 22 21 2100% 1% 0 egébOther 65 121 56 86% 5% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 285 2 393 2 108 740% 100% Table of contents Number of takeovers according to international readmission agreement broken down by nationalities

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

1 265

294 271 67 165 27 91 38 33 17 31 1 3 0 50 30 29 29


Table of contents

Number of failed takeovers according to international Readmission Agreement

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics X. X. Case in % I-X. I-X. Case in % Number of failed takeovers 12 88 76 633% 38 997 959 2524%

Table of contents III./ 14. III./ 14. Number of transfers broken down by border sections Number of transfers broken down by border sections 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Austrian 13 6 -7 -54% 100% 100 166 66 66% 98% Slovenian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Croatian 0 0 0 0% 0 4 4 2% Serbian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Ukrainian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Romanien 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Slovakian 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Air 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Total 13 6 -7 -54% 100% 100 170 70 70% 100%

16 15 149 168 Table of contents Number of transfers broken down by nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Number of transfers I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 koszovóiKOSOVO 0 91 91 54% románROU 79 61 -18 -23% 36% 200 170 szerbSRB 21 18 -3 -14% 11% 150 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. afgánAFG 0 0 0 0% Átszállítások100 100 170 100 albánALB 0 0 0 0% algériaiDZA 0 0 0 0% 50 egyébOther 0 0 0 0% 0 Total 100 170 70 70% 100% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

Table of contents Number of transfers broken down by main nationalities

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

91 79 61

21 18 0


Table of contents Number of transfers broken down by main nationalities

#ÉRTÉK! SRB KOSOVO 91 18 ROU 61 11% SRB 18 AFG 0 KOSOVO ALB 0 DZA 0 KOSOVO ROU ROU 91 61 53% SRB 36%

Table of contents III./ 15. III./ 15. Number of ordered ban on entry and stay Number of ordered ban on entry and stay 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Baranya county 1 0 -1 -100% 1 0 -1 -100% Bacs county 43 95 52 121% 97% 640 787 147 23% 89% Bekes county 2 0 -2 -100% 3 6 3 100% 1% Borsod county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Csongrad county 0 2 2 2% 6 9 3 50% 1% Fejer county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gyor county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hajdu county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Heves county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Komarom county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nograd county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Somogy county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Szabolcs county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Szolnok county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tolna county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vas county 1 0 -1 -100% 1 0 -1 -100% Veszprem county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zala county 7 1 -6 -86% 1% 76 78 2 3% 9% Aiport Police Directorat 3 0 -3 -100% 8 3 -5 -63% 0% Total 57 98 41 72% 100% 735 883 148 20% 100%

43 10 237 216 Table of contents Number of ordered ban on entry and stay broken down by nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Number of ordered ban on entry and stay I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 afgánAFG 126 211 85 67% 24% pakisztánPAK 105 96 -9 -9% 11% 1 000 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.883 koszovóiKOSOVO 13 88 75 577% 10% 800 Elrendelt735 BTT 735 883 szerbSRB 55 83 28 51% 9% 600 algériaiDZA 20 71 51 255% 8% 400 marokkóiMAR 18 41 23 128% 5% 200 ukránUKR 30 37 7 23% 4% egyébOther 368 256 -112 -30% 29% 0 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 735 883 148 20% 100%

Table of contents Number of ordered ban on entry and stay broken down by nationalities

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.


126 105 96 88 83 55 71 20 13


Table of contents III./ 16. III./ 16. Number of handovers according to Dublin Procedure Number of handovers according to Dublin Procedure 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics X. X. Case in % I-X. I-X. Case in % Initiated handovers 3 3 0 0% 94 44 -50 -53% Implemented handovers 28 3 -25 -89% 68 34 -34 -50% Table of contents Number of initiated and implemented handovers according to Dublin Procedure broken down by border sections in

Initiated Implemented Efficiency Austrian 12 7 58% Slovenian 0 0 Romanien 3 3 100% Slovakian 5 5 100% Budapest 24 19 79% Total 44 34 77% Table of contents Number of implemented handovers according to Dublin Number of handovers according to Dublin Procedure Procedure broken down by border section in 2015 94 Végrehajtott7 átadások 100 Austrian 7 Austrian 80 2014.68 X. 2014. I-X. Slovenian 00 Slovenian 60 Initiated handovers 94 4444 34 Romanien 3 Romanien 40 Implemented handovers68 34 Slovakian 5 3 19 Slovakian 20 Budapest 19 Budapest 0 2014. X. 2014. I-X. 5 Initiated handovers Implemented handovers

Table of contents Handovers broken down by main nationalities in 2015

Initiated Implemented Efficiency pakisztánPAK 11 10 91% PAK afgánAFG 10 9 90% AFG indiaiIND 3 1 33% IND zimbabweiZWE 3 1 33% ZWE bangladesiBGD 2 1 50% BGD koszovóiKOSOVO 2 1 50% KOSOVO mauritániaiMRT 2 2 100% MRT nigériaiNGA 2 2 100% NGA algériaiDZA 1 1 100% DZA grúzGEO 1 1 100% GEO haiti-iHTI 1 1 100% HTI irániIRN 1 1 100% IRN kongóiCOG 1 0 0% COG palesztinPSE 1 1 100% PSE egyébOther 3 2 67% Összesen 44 34 77% Table of contents

Number of handovers according to Dublin Procedure broken down by main nationalities in 2015

11 10 10 9

3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1


Table of contents III./ 17. III./ 17. Number of takeovers according to Dublin Procedure Number of takeovers according to Dublin Procedure 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics X. X. Case in % I-X. I-X. Case in % Initiated takeover 132 230 98 74% 1 467 2 226 759 52% Implemented takeover 63 86 23 37% 569 976 407 72% Table of contents

Number of initiated and implemented takeovers according to Dublin Procedure broken down by border sections in

Initiated Implemented Efficiency Austrian 462 314 68% Slovenian 0 0 Romanien 0 0 Slovakian 223 208 93% Budapest 1 541 454 29% Croatian 0 0 Total 2 226 976 44% Table of contents Implemented takeovers according to Dublin Implemented takeovers according to Dublin Procedure Procedure broken down by border sections in 2015 0 314 2500 2226 Végrehajtott Átvételek0 száma 0 2000 Austrian 314 1467 Slovenian 0 Austrian 1500 2014. 2015. 208 Slovenian 976 Romanien 0 1000 Kezdeményezett átvétel1467 2226 Romanien 569 Slovakian 208 Slovakian 500 Végrehajtott átvétel569 976 Budapest 1541 Budapest Croatian 0 Croatian 0 2014. 2015. 1541 Kezdeményezett átvétel Végrehajtott átvétel

Table of contents Takeovers broken down by main nationalities in 2015

Initiated Implemented Efficiency Implemented koszovóiKOSOVO 640 269 42% KOSOVO afgánAFG 502 253 50% AFG szírSYR 453 153 34% SYR irakiIRQ 79 38 48% IRQ algériaiDZA 76 43 57% DZA irániIRN 63 26 41% IRN pakisztánPAK 59 28 47% PAK nigériaiNGA 42 25 60% NGA palesztinPSE 40 12 30% PSE bangladesiBGD 32 17 53% BGD marokkóiMAR 24 15 63% MAR elefántcsontpartiCIV 19 3 16% CIV szudánSDN 19 10 53% SDN ukránUKR 15 9 60% UKR Other 163 75 46% Total 2 226 976 44% Table of contents Number of implemented takeovers according to Dublin Procedure broken down by main nationalities in 2015


502 453

269 253 153

79 76 63 59 38 43 26 28 42 25


Table of contents III./ 18. III./ 18. Asylum applications Asylum applications 2014. 2015. Változás Dinamika Országos 2014. 2015. Változás Dinamika Országos X. X. eset %-ban % of 2015 I-X. I-X. eset %-ban % of 2015 Baranya county 0 1 1 0% 5 55 50 1000% 0,0% Bacs county 954 34 -920 -96% 4% 2 622 16 978 14 356 548% 14,2% Bekes county 49 20 -29 -59% 2% 86 138 52 60% 0,1% Borsod county 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0% Csongrad county 3 057 645 -2412 -79% 79% 11 414 99 663 88 249 773% 83,3% Fejer county 0 0 0 0 58 58 0,0% Gyor county 32 67 35 109% 8% 140 585 445 318% 0,5% Hajdu county 32 0 -32 -100% 113 45 -68 -60% 0,0% Heves county 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0% Szolnok county 0 0 0 0 32 32 0,0% Komarom county 0 0 0 4 160 156 3900% 0,1% Nograd county 0 0 0 1 0 -1 -100% 0,0% Somogy county 0 1 1 0% 3 13 10 333% 0,0% Szabolcs county 24 27 3 13% 3% 84 400 316 376% 0,3% Tolna county 1 0 -1 -100% 1 1 0 0% 0,0% Vas county 0 0 0 2 10 8 400% 0,0% Veszprem county 0 0 0 0 42 42 0,0% Zala county 1 6 5 500% 1% 9 34 25 278% 0,0% Aiport Police Directorat 26 19 -7 -27% 2% 196 1 477 1 281 654% 1,2% Total 4176 820 -3356 -80% 100% 14 680 119 691 105 011 715% 100%

65 146 434 547 Table of contents Asylum applications broken down by main nationalities

2014. 2015. Változás Dinamika Országos Asylum applications I-X. I-X. eset %-ban % of 2015 140000 szírSYR 4 165 36 718 32 553 782% 31% 2014. I-X. 2015. 119I-X.691 afgánAFG 4 266 32 981 28 715 673% 28% 120000 Menekültkérelmek14680 119691 koszovóiKOSOVO 3 232 18 104 14 872 460% 15% 100000 pakisztánPAK 137 12 519 12 382 9038% 10% irakiIRQ 205 6 711 6 506 3174% 6% 80000 bangladesiBGD 134 3 251 3 117 2326% 3% irániIRN 160 1 384 1 224 765% 1% 60000 palesztinPSE 705 884 179 25% 1% 40000 kongóiCOG 97 844 747 770% 1% nigériaiNGA 129 685 556 431% 1% 20000 14 680 kameruniCMR 76 528 452 595% 0% egyébOther 1 374 5 082 3 708 270% 4% 0 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 14 680 119 691 105 011 715% 100%

Table of contents Asylum applications broken down by main nationalities

36 718 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 32 981

18 104 12 519 6 711 4 165 4 266 3 232 3 251 137 205 134 160 1 384 705 884 97 844 129 685 76 528


Table of contents III./ 19. III./ 19. Number of detentions in detention center of National Police Number of detentions in detention center of National Police 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics X. X. Case in % I-X. I-X. Case in % Detention under immigration laws507 500 -7 -1% 3 750 7 052 3302 88% Detention prior to expulsion 27 44 17 63% 187 304 117 63% 534 544 10 1 0

Number of detentions in detention center of National Police broken down by detention centers

Detention under immigration Detention prior to expulsion Total laws Bacs county 3 025 109 3 134 Szabolcs county 2 961 104 3 065 Gyor county 70 9 79 Budapest 216 43 259 Csongrad county 235 0 235 Komarom county 271 39 310 Nograd county 192 0 192 Pest county 82 0 82 Total 7 052 304 7 356 Table of contents Implemented detentions in 2015 Number of detentions in detention center of National Police

310 192 235 8 000 7 052 Végrehajtott259 Végrehajtott őrizetek száma 2015-ben 79 Bacs county Bacs county 3134 6 000 2015. X. 2015. I-X. Szabolcs county 3065 Szabolcs county Detention under immigration500 7 laws 052 4 000 Gyor county 793134 Detention prior to expulsion44 304 Budapest 259 Gyor county 2 000 500 Csongrad county 235 44 304 Budapest Komarom county 310 0 2015. X. 2015. I-X. Nograd 3065county 192 Detention under immigration laws

Table of contents Number of detained persons in detention center of National Police broken down by main nationalities in 2015 Detention under immigration Detention prior to expulsion Total laws Detention prior to expulsion szírSYR 3 543 46 3 589 SYR irakiIRQ 578 38 616 IRQ koszovóiKOSOVO 463 16 479 KOSOVO afgánAFG 307 11 318 AFG szomáliaiSOM 188 14 202 SOM palesztinPSE 160 3 163 PSE pakisztánPAK 65 6 71 PAK albánALB 69 3 72 ALB szerbSRB 58 1 59 SRB eritreaiERI 49 11 60 ERI szudánSDN 25 10 35 SDN nigériaiNGA 28 3 31 NGA algériaiDZA 22 3 25 DZA irániIRN 26 1 27 IRN egyébOther 1 471 138 1 609 Total 7 052 304 7 356 Table of contents Number of detained persons in detention center of National Police broken down by main nationalities 3589

616 479 318 202 163 71 72 59 60 35 31 25 27

SYR IRQ KOSOVO AFG SOM PSE PAK ALB SRB ERI SDN NGA DZA IRN III./ 20. III./ 20. Number of detention ordered by Police Number of detention ordered by Police 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Baranya county 1 0 -1 -100% 2 3 1 50% 0% Bacs county 44 34 -10 -23% 16% 505 598 93 18% 10% Bekes county 1 0 -1 -100% 13 15 2 15% 0% Borsod county 0 0 0 0 3 3 0% Csongrad county 361 161 -200 -55% 77% 2 122 5 026 2904 137% 86% Fejer county 0 1 1 0% 0 7 7 0% Gyor county 2 8 6 300% 4% 39 67 28 72% 1% Hajdu county 0 1 1 0% 13 13 0 0% 0% Heves county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Komarom county 0 1 1 0% 1 51 50 5000% 1% Nograd county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Somogy county 0 0 0 0 9 9 0% Szabolcs county 4 2 -2 -50% 1% 32 41 9 28% 1% Szolnok county 0 0 0 1 0 -1 -100% Tolna county 1 0 -1 -100% 1 0 -1 -100% Vas county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Veszprem county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zala county 6 1 -5 -83% 0% 69 12 -57 -83% 0% Aiport Police Directorat 6 0 -6 -100% 33 30 -3 -9% 1% Total 426 209 -217 -51% 100% 2 831 5 875 3044 108% 100%

519 540 2 692 3 483 Table of contents Number of detained persons ordered by National Police broken down by main nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Number of detention ordered by Police I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 szírSYR 619 3 740 3 121 504% 64% 7 000 irakiIRQ 38 604 566 1489% 10% 5 875 6 000 koszovóiKOSOVO 902 337 -565 -63% 6% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 5 000 afgánAFG 280 245 -35 -13% 4% 4 000 Elrendelt BTT 2 831 5 875 2 831 szomáliaiSOM 31 203 172 555% 3% 3 000 palesztinPSE 115 187 72 63% 3% 2 000 albánALB 112 90 -22 -20% 2% 1 000 egyébOther 734 469 -265 -36% 8% 0 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 2 831 5 875 3 044 108% 100%

Table of contents Number of detained persons ordered by National Police broken down by main nationalities

3 740 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

902 619 604 280 337 245 203 187 112 38 31 115 90


Table of contents III./ 21. III./ 21. Number of persons ordered to leave Number of persons ordered to leave 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Baranya county 1 0 -1 -100% 1 2 1 100% 0% Bacs county 57 13 -44 -77% 5% 629 654 25 4% 10% Bekes county 0 0 0 4 3 -1 -25% 0% Borsod county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Csongrad county 375 210 -165 -44% 86% 2 508 5 396 2888 115% 86% Fejer county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gyor county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hajdu county 1 2 1 100% 1% 10 13 3 30% 0% Heves county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Komarom county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nograd county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Somogy county 0 0 0 0 6 6 -9% 3% Szabolcs county 9 19 10 111% 8% 179 163 -16 Szolnok county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tolna county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vas county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Veszprem county 0 0 0 0 0 0 -100% Zala county 0 0 0 18 0 -18 100% 0% Aiport Police Directorat 1 0 -1 -100% 1 2 1 1% Total 444 244 -200 -45% 100% 3 350 6 239 2889 86% 100%

597 514 3 256 3 914 Table of contents Number of persons ordered to leave broken down by main nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Number of persons ordered to leave I-X. I-X. 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 7 000 6 239 szírSYR 590 3 841 3 251 551% 62% 6 000 Kiutasítottak száma3 350 6 239 irakiIRQ 37 557 520 1405% 9% 5 000 koszovóiKOSOVO 921 394 -527 -57% 6% 4 000 3 350 afgánAFG 279 226 -53 -19% 4% 3 000 szomáliaiSOM 25 191 166 664% 3% 2 000 palesztinPSE 120 189 69 58% 3% 1 000 szerbSRB 328 172 -48% 3% 0 egyébOther 1 050 669 -381 -36% 11% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 3 350 6 239 2 889 86% 100%

Table of contents

Number of persons ordered to leave broken down by main nationalities

3 841 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

921 590 557 279 328 394 226 120 37 25 191 189 172


Table of contents III./ 22. III./ 22. Number of persons apprehended by border policing authorities. Number of persons apprehended by border policing authorities. 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Baranya county 1 1 0 0% 0% 11 90 79 718% 0% Bacs county 1 204 79 -1125 -93% 6% 3 625 20 166 16 541 456% 12% Bekes county 69 30 -39 -57% 2% 210 218 8 4% 0% Borsod county 3 22 19 633% 2% 27 60 33 122% 0% Csongrad county 3 779 633 -3146 -83% 45% 15 466 137 005 121 539 786% 80% Fejer county 0 1 1 0% 0 76 76 0% Gyor county 302 490 188 62% 35% 1 752 8 102 6 350 362% 5% Hajdu county 61 13 -48 -79% 1% 250 141 -109 -44% 0% Heves county 0 0 0 0 2 2 0% Komarom county 65 24 -41 -63% 2% 546 1 940 1 394 255% 1% Nograd county 0 2 2 0% 2 55 53 2650% 0% Somogy county 1 1 0 0% 0% 6 44 38 633% 0% Szabolcs county 39 88 49 126% 6% 337 883 546 162% 1% Szolnok county 0 1 1 0% 5 33 28 560% 0% Tolna county 1 0 -1 -100% 1 6 5 500% 0% Vas county 0 0 0 19 390 371 1953% 0% Veszprem county 0 0 0 2 40 38 1900% 0% Zala county 71 26 -45 -63% 2% 281 743 462 164% 0% Aiport Police Directorat 27 8 -19 -70% 1% 142 1 870 1 728 1217% 1% Total 5 623 1 419 -4204 -75% 100% 22 682 171 864 149 182 658% 100%

775 862 4 776 6 241 Table of contents Number of apprehended persons discovered by border police units broken down by nationalities

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total Number of apprehended persons I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 szírSYR 5 731 61 443 55 712 972% 36% 200 000 afgánAFG 5 738 44 645 38 907 678% 26% 171 864 koszovóiKOSOVO 5 361 24 784 19 423 362% 14% 150 000 pakisztánPAK 265 14 410 14 145 5338% 8% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 100 000 irakiIRQ 274 9 497 9 223 3366% 6% Előállított személyek22 682 171 864 bangladesiBGD 171 3 778 3 607 2109% 2% 50 000 22 682 irániIRN 192 1 728 800% 1% egyébOther 4 950 11 579 6 629 134% 7% 0 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 22 682 171 864 149 182 658% 100%

Table of contents

Number of apprehended persons discovered by border police units broken down by nationalities

2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 61 443

44 645

24 784

14 410 9 497 5 731 5 738 5 361 274 3 778 265 171 192 1 728


Table of contents III./ 23. III./ 23. Number of returned persons Number of returned persons 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Baranya county 1 0 -1 -100% 3 2 -1 -33% 0% Bacs county 50 18 -32 -64% 11% 469 600 131 28% 11% Bekes county 9 0 -9 -100% 58 17 -41 -71% 0% Borsod county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Csongrad county 346 121 -225 -65% 76% 2 075 4 660 2585 125% 85% Fejer county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gyor county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hajdu county 5 0 -5 -100% 31 11 -20 -65% 0% Heves county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Komarom county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nograd county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Somogy county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Szabolcs county 8 18 10 125% 11% 173 158 -15 -9% 3% Szolnok county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tolna county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vas county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Veszprem county 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zala county 0 0 0 18 0 -18 -100% Aiport Police Directorat 2 2 0 0% 1% 37 29 -8 -22% 1% Total 421 159 -262 -62% 100% 2 864 5 477 2613 91% 100%

462 502 2 642 3 078 Table of contents Number of returned persons broken down by main nationalities

2014. 2015. Változás Dinamika Országos Number of returned persons I-X. I-X. eset %-ban % of 2015 szírSYR 594 3408 2814 474% 62% 6 000 5 477 irakiIRQ 36 477 441 1225% 9% 5 000 koszovóiKOSOVO 424 262 -162 -38% 5% 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. 4 000 afgánAFG 273 181 -92 -34% 3% Kitoloncoltak2 864 száma2 864 5 477 3 000 szomáliaiSOM 25 172 147 588% 3% 2 000 palesztinPSE 112 171 59 53% 3% 1 000 szerbSRB 325 156 -169 -52% 3% egyébOther 1 075 650 -425 -40% 12% 0 2014. I-X. 2015. I-X. Total 2 864 5 477 2 613 91% 100%

Table of contents Number of returned persons broken down by main nationalities


2014. I-X. 2015. I-X.

594 477 424 273 325 262 36 181 25 172 112 171 156


Table of contents III./ 24. III./ 24. Data on passenger flow broken down by border sections Data on passenger flow broken down by border sections 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest 282 158 302 333 20 175 7% 9,5% 2 270 923 2 974 591 703 668 31% 8,4% small airfields 10 853 10 497 -356 -3% 0,3% 113 306 115 354 2 048 2% 0,3% Croatian 272 014 249 196 -22 818 -8% 7,8% 4 340 454 4 944 677 604 223 14% 13,9% Serbian 668 683 642 760 -25 923 -4% 20,1% 7 824 295 7 691 432 -132 863 -2% 21,6% Romanien 1 332 665 1 514 369 181 704 14% 47,5% 13 741 053 15 364 979 1 623 926 12% 43,2% Ukrainian 426 679 471 904 45 225 11% 14,8% 3 924 503 4 491 295 566 792 14% 12,6% Total 2 993 052 3 191 059 198 007 6,6% 100% 32 214 534 35 582 328 3 367 794 10% 100%

2 993 052 3 191 059 32 214 534 35 582 328 Table of contents Data on vehicle traffic broken down by border sections

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 Budapest 2 823 2 773 -50 -2% 0,2% 25 959 27 105 1 146 4% 0,2% small airfields 134 161 27 20% 0,0% 1 563 1 798 235 15% 0,0% Croatian 121 478 115 524 -5 954 -5% 9,5% 1 550 889 1 774 756 223 867 14% 14,1% Serbian 245 398 230 659 -14 739 -6% 19,0% 2 687 234 2 573 239 -113 995 -4% 20,5% Romanien 561 044 689 728 128 684 23% 57,0% 5 565 860 6 601 468 1 035 608 19% 52,5% Ukrainian 166 815 172 262 5 447 3% 14,2% 1 536 170 1 601 225 65 055 4% 12,7% Total 1 097 692 1 211 107 113 415 10,3% 100% 11 367 675 12 579 591 1 211 916 10,7% 100%

1 097 692 1 211 107 11 367 675 12 579 591 Table of contents Composition of passenger flow

2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total 2014. 2015. Change Dynamics Total X. X. Case in % % of 2015 I-X. I-X. Case in % % of 2015 foreigner 2 277 985 2 398 290 120 305 5% 75% 25 259 938 27 367 508 2 107 570 8% 77% hungarian 715 067 792 769 77 702 11% 25% 6 954 596 8 214 820 1 260 224 18% 23% Total 2 993 052 3 191 059 198 007 6,6% 100% 32 214 534 35 582 328 3 367 794 10% 100%

Data on passenger flow broken down by border sections Table of contents

979 053 2014.

2014. 2015. 364

741 15 Budapest 16 000 000 2 270 923 2 974 591 13 2015.

small airfields 14 000 000 113 306 115 354 295

Croatian 12 000 000 4 340 454 4 944 677 432 824

Serbian 7 824 295 7 691 432 691 677

10 000 000 7


454 7

Romanien 13 741 053 15 364 979 503 591

8 000 000 944




4 924

Ukrainian 3 924 503 4 491 295 4

6 000 000 4





2 306

4 000 000 2 115 2 000 000 113 0 Budapest small airfields Croatian Serbian Romanien Ukrainian

Data on vehicle traffic broken down by border sections Table of contents

2014. 468

2015. 860 601

2014. 2015. 6

7 000 000 565

Budapest6 000 000 25 959 27 105 5 234

small5 000 000 airfields 1 563 1 798 239




170 687

Croatian4 000 000 1 550 889 1 774 756 573




601 550

3 000 000 536


1 1 Serbian 2 687 234 2 573 239 1

2 000 000


959 798

Romanien1 000 000 5 565 860 6 601563 468



1 1 Ukrainian 0 1 536 170 1 601 225 Budapest small airfields Croatian Serbian Romanien Ukrainian

Table of contents