The Alchemy of Plants & Gardens

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The Alchemy of Plants & Gardens LNewsletteret’s of the San DiegoT Horticulturalalk Society Plants!May 2011, Number 200 The Alchemy of Plants & Gardens SEE pagE 1 GOING WILD WITH THE NatIVES PAGE 4 TREE PRUNING FOR SIZE CONTROL PAGE 5 GARDEN TOURS IN MAY PAGE 6 ALta VIsta GARDENS CYCAD GARDEN PAGE 7 SCIENCE FaIR WINNERS PAGE 10 On the Cover: Native plants in garden designed by Bob Perry Spring Garden Tour Photo: Lucy Warren Lucy Photo: Photo: Scott Borden Photo: This photo shows a small part of the fabulous mosaic by homeowner Eloise Lao The Helms garden was designed by member at the wonderful garden she and husband, Dan Kinnard, shared with about 300 Scott Spencer just three years ago. This people during our March 23 garden tour. See article on page 7. sculpture is by owner Jim Helms, and is one of many by him (and others) to grace his handsome landscape. SDHS SPONSOR In This Issue... The San Diego Horticultural Society 2 Important Member Information Meetings 3 To Learn More... The San Diego Horticultural Society meets the 2nd Monday of every month (except June) from 3 Our 200th Newsletter 6:00pm to 9:00pm at the Surfside Race Place, Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. Meetings are open and all are welcome to attend. We encourage you to join the organization 3 From the Board to enjoy free admission to regular monthly meetings, receive the monthly newsletter and 4 The Real Dirt On…Theodosia Burr Shepherd numerous other benefits. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 4 Going Wild With The Natives: Abutilon palmeri 5 Trees, Please Meeting Schedule 5 Master Gardener Plant Sale 5:00 – 6:00 Meeting room setup 6:00 – 6:45 Vendor sales, opportunity drawing ticket sales, lending library 6 Book Review 6:45 – 8:30 Announcements, Hot Hort Picks, speaker, opportunity drawing 6 Community Outreach 8:30 – 9:00 Plant display; vendor sales, lending library 7 The Alta Vista Gardens Cycad Garden 7 Portland Garden Tour Membership Information 7 Spring Garden Tour Thanks, Everyone! To join, send your check to: San Diego Horticultural Society, Attn: Membership, P.O. Box 8 Welcome New Members! 231869, Encinitas, CA 92023-1869. Individual/one year–$30, two years–$50, five years–$120; 8 Discounts for Members Family/one year–$35, two years–$60, five years–$140; Group or Business/one year–$50; Students/$16 (w/proof of enrollment); Contributing/$90 or more; Life/$700. For membership 8 What’s Up At San Diego Botanic Garden? questions contact or or Jim Bishop at (619) 293-0166. 10 The Ayes of March: Science Fair Winners 11 Pittosporum undulatum: The Story Continues FUTURE MEETINGS & EVENTS 2011 13 Free Workshops May 21 Coffee in the Garden, Olivenhain – Jennifer Axelrod 14 Sharing Secrets 16 Save $$$ When You Join San Diego Botanic Garden June 10 to July 4 San Diego County Fair – Visit the SDHS display garden 17 Best Trees for San Diego 19 April Meeting Report June 13 Special Event for SDHS Members at the Fair Flower & Garden Show from 5:45-7:45 pm INSERTS: Calendar/Resources/Ongoing Events July 11 Maureen Gilmer on Plant Tales of Early California COVER IMAGE: May speaker Bob Perry designed the cover garden of California native plants. Come to his lecture to learn more about creating an inspiring garden of your own. Next Meeting: May 9, 2011, 6:00 – 9:00 PM Topic: BOB PERRY on “The Alchemy of Plants and Gardens: Source of Life and Inspiration” Meeting is open and everyone is welcome. Admission: Members/free, Non-Members/$10. Parking is free. Meeting Place: Del Mar Fairgrounds, Surfside Race Place, Del Mar; Info: (760) 295-7089 We are delighted to welcome Bob Perry, a recognized expert in landscape plants and fascinating speaker about water conserving garden design. Bob will discuss the world of plants and gardens as a source of endless discovery and wonderment. Foremost are the ways plants sustain life on this planet and how they can inspire a rich array of thoughts and ideas in garden design. He says, “it is often while sitting in a garden that the beauty and quiet expressions of plants guide us into a state of contemplation and peace. Alchemy often comes to mind to explain these qualities of plants and gardens. Listen to insights and see images that celebrate the abundant gifts of plants and gardens.” Bob has recently written and published Landscape Plants for California Gardens, a comprehensive color illustrated planting reference for professionals and serious gardeners alike. Many ideas and photographs in this book come from his extensive travel throughout California and observations of plants. He is a Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona. Since 1972 he has taught in the UCLA Extension Program in Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture studies at USC, and Landscape Architecture at Cal Poly University, Pomona, CA. He is also a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects. To learn more visit (where you can download part of his book for free!), and see page 3. G Let’s Talk Plants! May 2011, No. 200 San Diego Horticultural Society 1 SDHS SPONSOR The Mission of the Important Member San Diego Information Horticultural Society is to promote the enjoyment, art, knowledge and public awareness of horticulture in the Volunteer Needs: San Diego area, while providing the opportunity for education and research. 1 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR DI S PLAY GAR D EN ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 1994 SDHS BOARD MEMBERS Each year the SDHS and San Diego Botanic Garden (SDBG) have volunteer Horticulturists of – Membership Chair, First Vice President Jim Bishop the Day to staff our respective display gardens at the Judy Bradley – Co-Chair-Program Committee San Diego County Fair Flower & Garden Show, and Mark Collins – Finance/Budget Committee we’d love to have you participate. Read more about our display garden at the Fair on page 3. You’ll answer – Member at Large Carol Costarakis questions about both our display gardens, about other Julian Duval – San Diego Botanic Garden representative gardens at the Fair, plus general garden questions (to the best of your knowledge). The Fair runs from June Neal King - Member at Large 10 to July 4. There will be handouts to help you with Susan Oddo - Publicity Coordinator this, and we’ll be doing a training on Monday, June 13th at the Fair. To learn more and to volunteer for a Ida Rigby – Tour Coordinator shift please contact Pat Hammer, SDBG Director of Susi Torre-Bueno – President, Newsletter Editor Operations, at Cathy Tylka – Treasurer, Chair-Budget & Finance Committee 2 – Membership Committee Paula Verstraete – Volunteer Coordinator Express your outgoing nature by meeting new Don Walker – Past President people in a very friendly setting! The membership Lucy Warren – Secretary, Liaison to H&G Shows committee welcomes more members to increase our hospitality toward new members and in attracting new members. Be a greeter at meetings, Let’s Talk Plants!, the newsletter of the visit nurseries and provide membership brochures San Diego Horticultural Society, is for their customers, or help with coffee in the garden published the first Monday of every month. events. Contact Jim Bishop at (619) 293-0166. Editor/Advertising: Susi Torre-Bueno; (760) 295-7089; THANKS SO MUCH! Calendar: Send details by the 10th of the month before event to Thanks to Linda and Sam Copyright ©2011 San Diego Horticultural Society, Bresler for hosting our April Encinitas, CA. All rights reserved. Coffee-in-the-Garden at their Not to be reproduced by any means for any purpose without prior written permission. delightful Poway garden. We’ll post a photo of this garden in the June newsletter. If you haven’t attended one of our Coffee events yet, try to register for the next BECOME A SPONSOR! one on May 21 – they’re lots of fun and a great way Do you own a to meet up with other SDHS members in a relaxing garden-related business? garden. SDHS sponsorships have high recognition and valuable benefits, including a link to your G website, discounts on memberships for your employees, and free admission to SDHS events. This is a wonderful way to show your support See page 16 for the SDHS. Sponsors help pay for our monthly meetings, annual college scholarships, and other important programs. Sponsorships start at just $100/year; contact Jim Bishop at sponsor@ to order your Sponsors are listed on page 8; those with ads in the newsletter have the words SDHS Sponsor above their ads. We thank them SDHS nametag for their extra support! 2 Let’s Talk Plants! May 2011, No. 200 San Diego Horticultural Society To Learn More... From The Board DRY GARDENS By Susi Torre-Bueno By Ava Torre-Bueno Need your Input Please give us your input for future meetings. The LA Times has a feature in the Home and Garden section called The Dry Program Committee has started planning for 2012 and Garden. Here are some of their recent articles: would like your ideas for topics and/or speakers you would enjoy hearing at future monthly meetings. Please take a few Put the words “dry garden” into Google Images to see many pictures of dry minutes now to email Program Committee co-chair Judy gardens including very dry Zen rock-and-sand gardens. Bradley by May 6th with your suggestions at judybradley@ To see the desert garden in Balboa Park, go to: Also, what kinds of workshops would you enjoy? When or I announced a Pebble Mosaic Workshop we had 2/3 of and put the words “desert garden” into Google Images for more great pictures the spaces filled in a couple of hours! Our workshop on of all kinds of desert gardens.
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