
LOCAL MENTION. PREPARING FOR A 6AY WINTER AMU SEMENT S. INSTALLED IN HI6H OFFICE "The Only Law/' AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT. I* » "The Only Law," a play of Belasoo.Blanche Ring: 1° "The SAENGERBUNDERS' PROGRAM life, by Wilson Mizner and George REV. JOHN G. MURRAY BE- | Girl," 8:15 p.m. Yankee AN ELEBORATE ONE. son Howard, which has had a run ofBron!over COMES COADJUTOR BISHOP. National.Eva Tanguay in " of two months at Hackett's Theater in New JitOO," 8:15 p.m. York, will open a week's engagement at in the The Bell s I Columbia.Gertrude Millington Opens With a Musical on October Belasco Monday night. The play Ceremonies in , Bishop | Telephone Directory "The Girl From Rector's," 8:15 p.m. a life that is lived under "the whitedeplete \\ Chase's.Polite vaudeville, 8:15 p.m. 17.Personnel of the Various lights" of Broadway and Introduces Paret of Maryland P. E. that are unique on the stage. charactersThe telephone! % New Academy."My Partner's Girl," Committees Announced. leading roles are in the hands of Mabel Diocese Presiding. 8:15 p.m. Cameron, Mabel Forrest Winant, T~\ Frenyear, _ J m Goes to IPress >» aiicj xj. uiccuc i&iiu |dirbctory| I New Lyceum."The Miner's uturgc 8:15 p.m. Americans,"The Washington Saengerbund is Rev. John Gardner Murray of the J-* UAOIIHAI] Diocese of Maryland Ufiycty.1 no i\ie maae Dcrore tnat date J Altamont Spring Water. charge of the work of making Theater the week of October 4, withNationalChurch of St. Michaels and All Angels, In In highest class of table waters and was made at the Saengerbundarrangements,last matinees Wednesday and Saturday. The Baltimore. Bishop Paret presiding at the above criticism..\V. P. Mason, as follows: ceremonies. In addition to the usual Covers the Christmas ik Institute.entirelynight presence of Jack Binns, who became a holiday Chemist. Rensselaer Polytechnic Cunday, October 17, first musical: celebrity in connection with the Republic ritualistic service there was an elaborate October commencement musical program. son, the time of all tl year whenseale Sale 4 to 5:30. Thursday, 21, disaster, back of the scenes, in charge of \ Auction Today, dance; Sunday, October 31, home talents' the Marr >ni wireless outfit, is announced. Practically all of tlie clergy of the j inc. service is rnost Coblens & Co., auctioneers of reliable concert; Sunday, November 14, second After the wreck scene Binns comes diocese of Maryland and the following telephone valuable goods only. 10th and F northwest. musical; Thursday, November 25, and explains how the wireless works.forwardclergymen from Washington were presenc TELEPHONE and Your name should .Cun/loi* \*At'omhar Another exciting scene shows the furnace necessary. ouiiua\ rim/LiThanhs«T at the services: Rt. Rev. Alfred , «**-'» Harding. R. Center Market. giving uailVCi room in a Pittsburg steel foundry, which | John Kelly, first public concert; Sunday, is modeled after the largest steel mill Bishop of Washington; Revs. Oscar W. DIRECTORY be one of those listed. New York Roast Beef, Hamburg Steak, 12. third musical; Sunday, DecemberDecember there. Zieglar, William J. Williams, Howard G. Corned Beef a specialty. 19, first theatrical performance; Sunday, England, George F. Dudley, C. P. Jones, festival under the and Their Dr. C. Ernest Smith, Dr. G. C. F. Brat- Advertisements in tl[lis October in the Mountains. December 26,- Christmas "Newlyweds Baby." enahl. Dr. William L. De Vrles, Henry Directory Spend auspices of the Eadies' Club; Friday, "The Newlyweds and Their Baby," a Thomas and Arthu* Thomas. Braddock reach all the vnntp ««*msail fhpw a "W PB Xibrah Cottage, Heights, 31. eve dance; musical concoction on cartoons The committee of ]/wv|/ivf I will remain open.Hagerstown and December founded standing the Dloceso buying fairs. Address Mrs. Jennie A. Harbin.Frederick January 2, general meeting; Sunday,Sunday,by George McManus. opens at the of Washington was represented by Rev. time. for rates. January 9, fourth musicale; Sunday, next Monday. The book of theColumbiaplay Dr. Randolph H. McKim, Rev. Richard P. Telephone | I 16, young talents' concert; January Williams, Rev. Dr. Roland Cotton Smith. Connoisseurs Pronounce Hotel January 20, Tanz Kraenzehen;Thursday,is by Aaron Hoffman and Paul West, the Messrs. Charles H. Stanley, Melville Engel planked steaks the best in the city. February 6, fifth musical: SunSunday,lyrics by Paul West and Seymour Brown, Church and Dr. William Rives. Delicatessen a specialty. January 31, carnivalistic evening;Monday,and the music by Nat Ayer and John W. Among the prominent laymen present The Chesapeake ik Sunday, February 6, fifth musicale; Bratton. were Mayor Mahool, Dr. Ira Remsen, * m Call the Contract I February 7, grand masquerade ball president of the Johns Hopkins and Potomac Free! Monday,James E. Rosen, the midget, who has and Dr. Eugene A. Agent today from I at National Rifles Armory; Tuesday, Noble, presidentUniversity. i ^ js] Sheetz, Oil F st. n.w.. will present 22, Washington's birthday dance; appeared as Buster Brown, is the star of o: the Woman's College. eiepnono l I LI the neareat tele- October every purchaser of ona March 6. sixth Februarythe His role is that of Na- Following the service of consecration R Saturday,box Sunday, musical; Sunday. production. 722 12th St N. W. 9/ or more pounds candy a half-pound March 13, English lecture; Thursday, poieon Aewiyweu, me oauy, ana Kosen the bishops and those who took prominent y phone. H of his delicious chocolate creams. March 17, costume dance; Sunday, March also plays the part of Maj. Knott Much, part in the service were entertained at 29, second public concert; Sunday, March a Lilliputian, who is substituted for the an informal luncheon in the parish house. Natural Gas vs. Coal Gas. 27. second theatrical performance; Newlywed youngster when the real baby Covets for about H1H) were laid. This evening the of on Ruud April 3. poets' evening; Sunday,Sunday,is kidnaped by the head of an incubator congregation the Can easily change the burners April in, Komischer Abend; Friday, April exhibition. Church of St. Michael and All Angels will Automatic Instantaneous Heater. Nothing give a to their hot water for bath, 1.1. children's masquerade ball; Sunday, Leo Hayes and Countess Olga von reception rector, the new equals it to supply April 17. Stiftungsfest. or anniversary, have the Mr. and Mrs. Newlywed bishop, and his wife. Those in the re- kitchen, etc. Hatzfeldtceiving party will be A. & Co., and Sunday, May 1, second general parts. George P. Murphy appears as a Bishop and Mrs. 12th & G sts. C. Muddiman Agejits. meeting.waiter, and Miss Leona Stephens will Paret, Bishop and Mrs. Murray and the The Costume Ball. songs and imitations. Others introduceof vestrymen ot the church and their wives. The Great Bear Is an Ideal Table the company are Beery, in the BEGINNING OF NEW HALL. The costume ball will be at the Wallace CITY HEMS. AMUSEMENTS. water. Office, 326 R n.e. Phone N. 4372. given part of the doctor: George Edward Reed Last $11.00 Falls and National Rifles Armory. It is especially and Irving Brooks, the former in love Niagara of Baltimore & Ohio excursion, RetumGround Broken at Howard Doors, Blinds. Sash. Moulding announced that the with Dolly and the latter proprietor 1 n ^ C* i-t ' NATIONAL Sunday evening . OctoItOf Caverly s Plumbing. 1331 G n.w. the Incubators. Peddrlck j., .iu a hi. opciiai irain coacnes and all other Millwork made on short at the clubhouse are only musicalsfor Lloyd and parlor cars via Yesterday Afternoon.University Baltimore & Ohio Piione a bear. Ground was broken for the new notice. liisinger Bros.. 210.) 7th. F. Christian Xander's White Brandy. members and their families and will impersonatesand Lehigh Valley route. Limit 15 days. sel!y-d,eSu-.*$ Ziegfeld, Jr., cars en route. halk on the at Howard tor at 8:30 o'clock. William Hanneinan Dining Liberal stopovers grounds science Prefents the l.lrr Wire Hit. Justly famous. Excellent preserving has been in of the begin Polite Vaudeville. returning. Cheap side trips from yesterday afternoon. The peaches and other fruits. $2.50 gal.; 65c placed charge Falls. It's the .Niagara University You've Never the Finest section and will snnerintend dramaticthe Jane Courthope and company will be most delightful season for and faculties assembled in the Enjoyed qt. !N«» 7th. theatrical while President this trip..Advt. students.ginger ale unless you've tried A. B. EVA productions, , TANGUAY * seen at Chase's next week in "Lucky chapel, and after prayer President Albert Pepper and Secretary Richard "perfection." It excels the imported in IN HIS LATEST REVUE. ''Milk" Bread Is Worth Trying. Brauner will provide mirth for the Jim," described as a true story of the WANTS SWIMMING TAUGHT. and the faculty, followed byThirkieldthe every quality.costs yon less. Ask your cleanest and ical evening. New and interesting Sierra Nevadas, in which are introduced choir and the student body singing grocer or tel. W. .".4, Arlington Bottling Co. You'll get the sweetest, com! se29-5d most nutritious bread that can be made tures are promised for the masqueradefea; the juvenile actor, Roos Forrester, and Clarence F. Cobb "America," moved to the site of the new when you order Holmes' Genuine balls. President Pepper in ooncludlng his the acting St. Bernard, "Heidelberg Suggests hall and surrounded the outline of the Delivered direct announcements said: of "Milk" Hread. Homemade Prince." The Clayton White-Marie Facilities in Schools.Introductionnew building. Prof. Tennell acted as Your Well-Being Demands from oven to table. 5c. Delicious "Pet us all join with full force /or a 119 a new version of Follies Clarence of Stuart has F. a continuance of our on and march Company Cobb, resident of Mount grand marshal. that you drink Heurich's Beers Pies, 20c. Holmes' Bakery, Homemade1st & upward "Cherie." Gus Edwards' Kountry Kids The and E sts. Phones TJncn. 1440-1441. toward the success and glory of our Pleasant for the last forty years, makes President Thirkield then turned up the purest most healthfulexclusively. give "a truly rural musical racket," an of malt and hop beverages. Case 2 doz. NEXT WEEK-SEAT SALE THURSDAY. 'bund.' To attain these ends let us bear and Imre ofTer to the District Commissioners first spadeful of earth, saying: "In the in our minds the but much original catchy songs. containingof name of God and in behalf of science, Lager, 51.50; 2 doz. Maerzen or Senate, simple Fox will present "The Box of $1,000 toward the project, if they will 51.75; hot. rebate, 50c. Tel. West 1000. CITY AND DISTRICT. word, unity." meaning feats of place in which is the study of the works of God, supplemented by wizardry.Gagliostro," every public school building a we break ground for this hall of science. Committees Selected. Besides other numbers, the pictures will swimming tank that the children Via Wireless' show Cnder the American may May the blessing of our Heavenly Father Housewives Who Take Pride Park Residence Sold. The committees were named "Washington be taught to swim. ' rest on tnis we be FREDERIC THOMPSON'S SCENIC SENSATION. Woodley following Flag or the Spirit of *76." undertaking; may .in setting a good table are always Lewis E. Breuninger has sold through last night: Although nearer seventy than sixty with a larger spirit of patriotisminspired to order Schneider's "Malt" Bread. and here devote ourselves with a particular N. L. Sanshury the new house 2012 Music committee.Henry Xander, years of age, Mr. Cobb is still strong No other loaf is so uniformly pure, whole- "The Sporting Deacon." and a of loyalty, devotion and servicenewsenseto Park. It is three H. G. R. R. G. picture of well preserved manhood, some, satisfying, ac loaf at grocers'. . avenue. Woodley Cathedral Minster, Brauner, chairman;"The with the He he has jour nation, which has made this building ACADEMY r:n;. stories twenty-four feet wide, Abbott and H. Scheuerman. Sporting Deacon," says always taken a deep A SPICY DRAMA WITH A PERFECT CAST. high, character actor William H. Turner interest in swimming, and in his younger possible." rooms three hRthrooms, Committee on dramatic popular Dr. John R. the Free! ten and contains) in the role of Prof. Elliott Woodward, days was a swimming master and Francis, representing .MY. with servants' rooms and laundry in Hannemann, chairman;purposes.WilliamR. Brauner, taught hundreds of children the ait. ^board of trustees, and James A. Cobb of Slieetz, 931 F st. n.w., will present it i« finish**! in oak and mahogany Fred F. will be introduced to at the cellar- Carl, Eselierich, Adolph Bevy, Washington He says a child can be taught to swim the alumni, with members of the faculty October 2. every purchaser of Saturday,one throughout, decorated, lighted by gas and H. Minster, Gustav Pauls. J. P. Redeker Academy next Monday evening. The play in and the student body, participated in the or more a box and thirty minutes, while it is exceeding- pounds candy half-pound Partner's Girt electricity and heated by hot water. The George P. Storm. deals with a kind-hearted old deacon and ly difficult to teach an adult. L-eremonies. of his delicious chocolate creams. riVK LAVISH ACTS. Ixtuise will Entertainment committee . Robert The new purchaser, Mrs. C. Wiehle, a Mr. Cobb in 1804. won a medal building will cost SflO.OOO. The se2«-5t A Mri'p of Lif" in as a residence. It is i'luym, cnairman; j. k. Adams, William his great love for fast horses, and has gold were and Story Oklahoma. occupy the property substantial of love and The in a six-mile swimming contest at Fort- plans adopted the contract let Nest we. k WM. H. TURNER in THE understood the paid was $9.N~>0. Hanneinan, A. Levy, H. G. Minster, H. story racing. ress by the Department of the interior, which price scenes are laid in and about Ilagerstown, Monroe, and recently, in answer to to SellP DEACON. *e27-rtt,15SPORTIX«; Nolda, J. P. Redeker, F. Schaefer, K. the banter of some , he under- ]has charge of the appropriation. The Anything: Xander and Leo Zwissler Md. Queen Mab and Black Prince, two will be Include it in auction sale at I.*" m Aii/kl#«. 1\ 11 rvK V"i /I n v a.J 1* took the and of brick, stone and terranewhall Saturday's AUDITOKIU Sues Southern Bailway for $10,000. rvcuiULR} uiuiuufjiiuicua, txit- « ai nuu "j task, successfully completed 7I/IAS0NIC Ball committee.Dr. Lewis A. Walker, it, of around the L-otta, and will be 128 feet deep by HO Weschler's. 920 Pa. ave. n.w. Oood lyj" that employes of the Southern chairman; John R. Adams, Charles M. the company, and extraordinary stage swimming wide. Phone 12K2 for se28-3t New York Ave. and 13th St. Alleging enables the to view pier at Atlantic City. Themillion-dollarfeat was feet It will be four stories in wagon. results. failed to a Carter, George Deiterich, Frank E. mechanism audience one floor to of railway negligently provide the race from start to finish, which is a accomplished in something more than height, being given each TONIGHT stool to assist her in from a elli. Dr. H. S. Gamble, L. C. Streitberger,Ghisi two hours and a one the departments of chemistry, physics M^:#. alighting L. Storm, Dr. Thomas P. marvel of stagecraft. Mr. Turner will be half, timepiece and Carpets Cleaned and Laid. ONI.V MAT. SAT.. 2::n». train at Union station, Alice E. George remembered for his of David twp hours and thirty-sevenrecording; biology. The architect is J. H. De MOVING PICTURES AND VAUDEVILLE. Herbert G. Minster, portrayal ' Mattresses made and renovated. Tel. M. Levy. Harry Kennelly, another Sibour. and the successful bidder for con- , Films Seleet.e.1 From the World's Harum. minutes, two hours and # output. has filed suit against the companyApplegarthGustav Pauls, Robert Pluym, Charles A. minutee. 1 forty Btruction is tlie Boyle-Robertson Con- 2023. E. P. Hinkel & Co.. 4SS Me. ave. s.w. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. to secure $10,000 damages. She says she Van Zandt, Ferdinand Waldman and Btruction Cnmnanv The nnlwraitv. an- sel'4-tf was a passenger January 2 last from E. Ford. Milton New Lyceum. 1thorities hope to see the building linished se27-flt Va., to this city and when the Bowling committee.Fred A. Eckstein, 90 Per Cent Ifor the 1910 commencement. Hotel Johnson Cafes. Orange. chairman; Dr. George K. Baier, Fred G. "Williams' Imperials" will be at the of train stopped at Union station the New next week. L. buyers and renters apply to Stone & The cool .nights and low tides have had on she was to was Dieterich, A. C. Machler, J. P. Redeker Lyceum Harry Cooper, 1342 New York which alight Fairfax, ave..Advt. .i effect on last platformof and E. Cruse. German comedian, will lead the funmakers $55.15 to Denver and Return, good the Norfolk oysters. Our twenty-two inches below the step !steamed par excellence, noon lunch, table 1H'H11'IHftl 5L Inches Committee on ways and means.R. and Helen Almorah is featured as the ' September 30 to October 3, Inclusive, the car and eight horizontally Charles H. MONEY FOB PLAYGROUNDS. *Thote and a la carte service. All sea Biauner, chairman; Bauman railroad. Same rate to Col- O'Oloek Matinee . distant and had a beveled edge, so that donna. Violet whirlwind Pennsylvania food AI Thursday T and Fred Carl. prima Hilson, (jrado or Pueblo. direct from the catchers. «5k"' (Out In time for Floral 1'aradet * ju in attempting to step from the train she in Springs Tickets good Carter Delegates to the United Singers of soubrette, will be command of the Association Asks Commissioners for ijntll October 31. See ticket agents.. SATURDAY MATINEE AT fell and was injured. Attorneys F. Brandstedt, W. numbers. "The Abroad" & Brooke represent her. Washington,.P. dancing Imperials Total of