General Information Mailing Address: International University of Sarajevo Hrasnicka cesta 15, 71210 Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina Department of Social and Political Science Electronic Mail: [email protected] Phone: +90-


Ph.D. , (SBE) 1999 Ankara, Public Administration

M.A Gazi University, (SBE) 1987 Ankara, Turkey Public Administration

University of Cincinnati, 1994 India Measurement and Evaluation(WithoutThesis)

B.A. , (SBF) 1982 Ankara, Turkey Politics and Administration



Academic Title and Institution: Date of Professor: Hasan Kalyoncu University, July 2019 Date of Associate Professor: Siirt University, March 2014 Date of Assistant Professor: Siirt University, April 2013


Deputy Dean, Faculty of Economics Administrative and Social Sciences Hasan Kalyoncu University (2018-2019). Deputy Head of Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Economics Administrative and Social Sciences, Hasan Kalyoncu University (2018-). Directorate of Research and Application Centre for Migration, Population, Education, Employment Issues, Hasan Kalyoncu University (2018-). The Head of Global Migration Research and Implementation Centre, University of Ankara Social Sciences (2016-2017). The Head of the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics Administrative and Social Sciences Siirt University (2013-2015) Fellowship, Indian Institute of Public Administration in New Delhi/India (March 1991-October 1991). Board Member EPIL, Itinerant University Association Switzerland.


Academic Weekly Hours Number of Year Period Name of the Course Students Theoretical Implementation

Politcal English Bachelor X 34 Political Theory, X 45 Bachelor X 28 Gender and Politics, Fall Bachelor Term Comparative Politics, X 34 MA

2017 Current Issues in

Migration Studies, PhD X 4

English VI, Bachelor X 49 History of Political X 46 Spring Thoughts, Bachelor

State Theory, Bachelor X 16


Democracy Theory, MA X 26 Democracy and Regime Changes in the Middle X 11 East, PhD History of Political X 15 Thoughts, Bachelor

Gender and Politics, X 13 Bachelor

Political Science Research X 14 Method, Master

Fall Political Science and X 17 Research Methods, Master Research Method for X Political Science, PhD 3

History of Political X 51 Thoughts, Bachelor International Migration, X 6 Spring Master

International Migration, X 14 Master


Citation: 89 citations Language Skills: Turkish (native) English (fluent) German (fluent) Arabic (basic) Persian (basic)

Computer Applications: Program Packages (SPSS etc.)

Professional language skills: Turkish and English language editor.



Master Thesis: 1. Examination of The Adaptation of Iraqi Turkmens Who Sought Refuge in Turkey to Social Life 2. Economic Adjustment of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Turkey Gaziantep (Inönü Caddesi Case Study) Example (2011-2018). 3. Double Reading Theory in Political Theory: Transverse Conflicts in Turkey 1980-1990. 4. The Views of Foreign Students in Turkey on the Turkish Education System (Gaziantep Example). 5. Civil Rights Issue of Bulgarian Turks in Cold War Period and Post-Cold War Period. 6. Problems in The Labour Market for Asylum Seekers Who Arrived in Gaziantep After The 2011 Syrian Crisis. 7. The Effect of Turkish TV Series and Movies That Arab Tourists Watch On Their Reasons for Coming to Turkey. 8. The Role of Women in the Local Policy Making Process PhD Thesis: 1. Socio-Political Analysis of the Nasturi Riots in Hakkari (Turkey) Between 1914 And 1924. 2. Multiculturalism in Early Abbasi Period and the Factors Supporting it. 3. Identity and Migration 4. The Middle East: Problems and Prospects 5. Socio-Economic and Educational Status of Muslim Women in India 6. Governance and Development of Auqaf in India: A case study of Delhi Waqf Board


1. Topcu, E. (2020), Syrian Women in Turkey: Victim or Social Entrepreneur. Mukaddima Dergisi, 11(1): 97-123. e-ISSN: 2459-0711. 2. Topcu, E. Buyukbese, T. (2020), Göç Bağlaminda Toplumsal Uyum Göstergeleri, A.Ü. İİBF Dergisi, 12(1): 23-34. e-ISSN 2687-3427. 3. Topcu, E. Menek, H.İ. (2019), Nation-State Thinking and Multiculturalism, G.Ü. İslahiye İİBF Uluslararası E-Dergi, 3(1): 19-33. 4. Topcu, E. (2019), Marx's Reading from Another Window: Marxist Feminism, Hece Dergisi270- 271-272 2019 Hece Aylık Edebiyat Dergisi ÖzelSayısı 38 Dosya: Karl Marx (2 Cilt), S. 780-803. 5. Topcu, E. (2019). The Procedures of Hosting Syrians in Turkey and in Germany Comperative Analysis, Rouya Turkiyyah, Foundation for Political Economic and Social Research (SETA), pp.147-161. 6. Topcu, E. (2018). Female Leadership in the Framework of Crises Management within the Scope of Aid to the Syrians (An Example from Ankara), Middle East Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol: 3 Number: 1, DOI: 10.12738/mejrs.2018.3.1.0007, P.41-52 Committee for Preparation of Report on Awarding.


7. Topcu, E. (2017), Looking at the Syrian Uprising from the perspective of 15th of July, Türk Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi /Journal of Turkish Social Sciences Research, Ekim, Cilt 2, Sayı 2, Hassan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi. pp. 12-26. 8. Topcu, E, (2000) “When Woman Becomes a Leader”, Islamiyat, Vol. 3, Nr. 2, Ankara, pp. 161- 174 9. Topcu, E, (1999) “Intelligence Learning and Thinking”, Dini Araştırmalar, Vol. 2, Nr. 5, Ankara, pp.365-376. PAPERS PRESENTED AT INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND PUBLISHED IN PROCEEDINGS

1. Topcu, E. (2018). Göç Ülkesi Türkiye: Göç Politikaları Çerçevesinde Türkiye ve Almanya Karşılaştırması, Turkey which is Migration Country: Comparison of Turkey and Germany Migration Policy, Tesam Ii. International Congress of Social Sciences “Qua Vadis Türkiye?” “Economic, Political, Social and Security Dimensions of Turkey's future position with "Symposium Proceedings, 1. Baskı, Ocak, viii + 233 sh. pp:63-94. 2. Topcu, E. Kurtulmuş, S. (2016) “Syrian Women's Position Changes in Family and Society by Immigration in Turkey ", II. International Conference on Middle East Migration Problem in the Context of Conflicts in the Middle East, ed. Paksoy, M vd, Kilis December University Printing House, Kilis, pp.54-63. 3. Topcu, E. Kurtulmuş, S. (2016) “Solidarity with Syrian Immigrants with the Power of Islamic Beliefs and Volunteerism”, in Turkish Migration 2016 Selected Papers, compiled by: Eroglu,. Cohen, D.J. H. Sirkeci, I. Transnatıonal Press London, UK, pp.139-145, 2016. 4. Topcu, E, (2003) “Islamic Organization in Turkey”, in: Daiber, Karl-Fritz/ Jonker, Gerdien (Hrsg.): Lokale Formenreligiöser Organisation alsstrukturelle Modernisierung: Einflüsse auf die religiöse Gemeinschaftsbildung und Prozesse der Globalisierung, Dokumentationeines Workshops am Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Alte Universität, 2.-6. October 2002, Marburg 2003, pp. 31-49 (vgl. http://archiv.ub.uni- INTERNATIONAL&NATIONAL BOOK CHAPTERS

1. Topcu, E. (2020), War, Migration and Women. Yüksekögretm Kurulu Baskanlıgı. Üniversiteler Mah. 1600. Cad. No:10 06800 Bilkent/Ankara-Türkiye 2. Topcu, E. Büyükbeşe, T. Durmuş, Ü. (2019). Migration and Education from the Perspective of Syrian Students, The Case of Gaziantep, HKU KALMIREC yay. No:1, Gaziantep. 3. Topcu, E. (2017). The Changing Situation of Syrian Women in the Family and the Society Through the Solidarity Between Turkish and Syrian Women, in:Faris,W. Kamaruzaman, K.O.Abdullah, F. Muslim Women’s Contributions to Society, Centre for Muslim World Affairs International İslamic University ISBN 978-967-2041-10-8 Malaysia pp.295-326. 4. Topcu, E. Kurtulmuş, S. (2017). Study About Civil Society Organizations and the Volunteers Which Help to Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Volunteer Group Case Study, Example from Ankara, T.C. Ministry of Family and Social Policies, August.


5. Topcu, E. (2017). The Process Of Educating Syrian Children In Turkey, Temporary Education Center s(GEM), Syrian Asylum Seekers In Turkey, (der. Taştan C. Kavuncu A.), Polis Akademisi, 30. Araştırmaİnceleme, 15.ISBN: 978-605-4619-59-7, pp. 11-26. 6. Topcu, E, vd. (ed: RuthildHockenjos, Ursula Röpper), (2007), “İslam und Geschlechterrollen”, Geschlechterrollen, herausgegeben von der Werkstatt der Religionen und Weltanschauungen, publiziertbei der Bundeszentralefür politische Bildung, ISBN: Bonn pp.114-133. 7. Topcu, E, (2005) “Muslimische Frauen in Deutschland”, in: Palmieri, V. et al: Durch den Horizont Sehen, Berlin: Wichern Publication, ISBN: 3-88981-182-5, pp.129-137. 8. Topcu, E, (2005) “Muslim Women”, in: Schmidt-Behlau, Beate (Hrgs.): Building Bridges for Dialogue and Understanding, Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. IZZ/DVV,DeutschervVolkshochschul-Verbande.V , Bonn, ISBN:3-88513-806-9 P:100-105. 9. Topcu, E, vd, (ed, RuthildvHockenjos, Barbara Weber), (2004), İslam und Erwachsenwerden, Erwachsenwerden: LeitbilderVorbilderRituale,herausgegeben von der Werkstatt der Religionen und Weltanschauungen, publiziertbei der Bundeszentralefür Politische Bildung, Bonn, ISBN:3-89331-567-5, pp.105-116. 10. Topcu, E, vd, (edRuthildHockenjos, Barbara Weber), (2003), “İslam und LebenimFremden Land”, Dialog der Religionen und Weltanschauungen: Herausforderung an die Demokratie, herausgegeben von der Werkstatt der Religionen und Weltanschauungen, publiziertbei der Bundeszentralefür politische Bildung, Bonn, ISBN: 3-89331-510-1, pp.97-106. 11. Topcu, E. (2000), Transformational Leadership from Modernism to Postmodernism, Ankara: SebaYayinlari, ISBN: 975-8145-21-5. 12. Topcu, E. (1993), Public Administration Structure of the Ottoman Empire During the Reign of Sultan Mehmet II the Conqueror, Ankara: Ocak Yayinlari. OTHER PUBLICATIONS

1. Topcu, E. (2019), The Honourable Struggle of Women in War and Migration, Independent Turkish, 03.01.2020ürkiyeden- sesler/savaş-ve-zorunlu-göç-bağlamında-kadınların-onurlu-hayat-mücadelesi. 2. Topcu, E. (2019), A Good Example of Integration is The Syrians in Gaziantep, Nihayet Journal, Ekim, 2019. 3. Topcu, E. (2019), Migration is a Dynamic Process and Triggers Intelligence, Independent Turkish 20.07.2019, emel-topcu. 4. Topcu, E. (2019), Healthy Family Relationships Begin with Active Listening, MIHVAK, Sayı 3, Mayıs, pp.58-60. 5. Topcu, E. (2019), Economic Crisis (2008) Brought Happiness to The World, Bilimevi Kadın Journal, Ocak, Sayı 8, İstanbul. 6. Topcu, E. (2018), Desolation of Modern Societies, Bilimevi Kadın Journal, October, Number 7, İstanbul. 7. Çıplak, B. Topcu, E. (2018), The Most Contested Elections in Turkey, CGTN, 6

8. Topcu, E. (2018), The Number of Buttons On Your Dress Determines Fashion, Bilimevi Kadın Journal, July, Sayı 6, İstanbul. 9. Topcu, E. (2018), Learned Beauty, Bilimevi Kadın Journal, April, Number 5, İstanbul. 10. Topcu, E. (2018), Searching for the Female Scientist Among the Dust of History, Bilimevi Kadın Journal, January, Number 4, İstanbul. 11. Topcu, E. (2017) The Newest Step in Education: Unschooling, Nihayet Journal, Number: 33, September pp.51-54. 12. Topcu, E. (2017). Ecovillages Without Money, Interest, Alcohol, Nihayet Journal, Number: 32, August, pp.35-39. 13. Topcu, E. (2017). Being A Housewife in Germany, Nihayet Journal, Number: 29, May, s.25- 28 14. Topcu, E. (2017). A Generation That Had to Get to Know Life Early: Syrian Children, Nihayet Journal, Number: 28, April, pp.51-54. 15. Topcu, E. (2017). Syrian Children's Lost Years of Education, TDV KAGEM Bulletin, Number: 06, April-May-June, pp.56-61. 16. Topcu, E. (2017). Hate can Rise Like a Pyramid, TDV KAGEM Bulletin, Number: 05, January-February-March, pp.58-61. 17. Topcu, E. (2016). If We Don't Want to Be Ordinary Villains, TDV KAGEM Bulletin, Number: 03, July-August-September, p.44-47. 18. Topcu, E. (2016). Being in Need of Help When You Think You're Helping, TDV KAGEM Bulletin, Number: 04, October-November-December, pp.-57. 19. Topcu, E, (2015) “Women and Mobbing”, Anatolian Youth Magazine, s. 22-24, Number 188, September. 20. Topcu, E, vd, (ed), (2008) Implementing Intercultural Learning Activities, A Methodological Guide, NILE Project, published by; DVV International, Bonn. 21. Neusüß, Claudia/ Topcu-Brestrich, Emel, (2005) "Proteste der fliegenden Besen" Multiple Moderne. Die Türkei kann auf eine Lange Tradition der Frauenbewegung Zurückblicken. Auf dem Weg in die EU Spielen feministische Kämpfe eine wichtige Rolle, in: der Freitagthe West: Managing Religious and Cultural Identities in the Age of Globalisation. LIT Verlag Berlin. 2009. PRESENTATIONS AND MODERATIONS

1. 4-5 October 2019, Education of Syrian children and the transfer of trauma they experienced”, Global Migration and Psycho-Social Health Security, , Migration Research Centre, Urfa 2. 24-25 October 2019, Syrian Activist Women”, Symposium On Muhajir Literature, Kilis 7 Aralık University and Yazarlar Birliği, Kilis 3. 1-2 November 2018, Cultural encounters and women”, Mardin Kadın Sempozyumu, Mardin Municipality


4. 15 June 2019, Comparison of Turkey and Germany on migration and Economy " Workshop on migration and economy in partnership with ICMPD and Silk Road Development Agency, Gaziantep 5. 17 April 2019, Conceptual Analysis of Gender, Workshop to Discuss the Concept of Gender, Fatih Sultan Mehmet University, İstanbul 6. 1-2 November 2018, Cultural Encounters and Women “, Mardin Kadın Sempozyumu, Mardin Belediyesi 7. 23-27 July 2018, Syrian in Turkey; Challenges and Cohesion, AEUB Caux Forum, Caux Switzerland 8. 14-15 December 2017, “The Situation of Syrian Women and Children”, Symposium On Migration, AK Parti, Ankara 9. 1-3 December 2016, “Change of Positions of Syrian Women”, VIII. National sociology Congress, Sociology in the age of differences, conflicts and activism, Society, Middle East Technical University 10. 16-19 November 2016 “The Challenge of Syrian Migrants to Mono Cultural National Ideology of Turkey” 2016 Annual Meeting Middle East Studies Association, Boston, Massachusetts 11. 17 November 2016, “Gefährliche Annäherung – Religion und Politik in der Türkei”, Sternstunde, Religion, SRF TV İsviçre religion/gefaehrliche-annaeherung-religion-und-politik-in-der-tuerkei 12. 11-13 November 2016, “Education of Syrıan Children” 1st International Conference on Migration and Security, Immigration Influx and the City, Polis Akademisi, Antalya, 13. 26-27 November 2016, “The approach of women to crises and solution methods in the case of Syrian aid” TESAM Symposium On Social Sciences, Uludağ University, Bursa, 14. 1-7 October 2016, “Hermeneutic of Dialogue” European Project for Interreligious Learning, Wien, 15. 22-24 September 2016, “The Changıng Sıtuatıon of Syrıan Women in The Famıly and in The Socıety Through the Solıdarıty Between Turkısh and Syrıan Women” Muslim Women Summit, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 16. 11-15.07.2016, “Solidarity with Syrian Immigrants with the Power of Islamic Believes and Volunteerism”, 4th Turkish Migration Conference, Viyana, 17. 03-04.06.2016, “Being a woman between Europe and Turkey”, Hazar Derneği, İSTANBUL, Being A Woman in Europe, International Symposium 18. 28-29.04.2016, “The Changing Statue of Syrian Women in The Family Through Migration”, Kilis 7 Aralık University, KİLİS, II. Middle East Conference, International Symposium On Migration in The Context of Conflicts in The Middle East 19. March 2016 SİYAMDER Youth Summit, Denizli, 20. 19-21.02.2016 “Syrian migration and its consequences in Turkey”, Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, Ankara, Cultural Orientation Program 21. 24.09.14 “Transformational Leadership” Ankara University of Social Sciences, Ankara University of Social Sciences, Ankara


22. 23.05.14 “Facilitator Training Leadership”, International Conference On Educational Leadership In The Light Of Science, Siirt University, Siirt 23. 15.11.2002 GleicheProbleme? GleicheInterresen?, organized by Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands Landesband Berlin e. V. and I was a speaker at this conference 24. 10.02.03 Sarah-Hagar im Islam: Die Frauen des Abraham, im Rahmen des Hauptseminars "Einführung in das Alte Testament", Evangelische Fachhochschule Berlin. The Protestant Theological Seminary has lectured on the above-mentioned subject. 25. 09.12.03 Islam alsmonotheistische Religion, im Rahmen des Hauptseminars "Einführung in das Alte Testament", Evangelische Fachhochschule Berlin. The Protestant Theological Seminary has lectured on the above-mentioned subject. 26. 02.04.03 Islam und Frieden, "Kultur des Friedens", Kongress der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Ärztefür die Verhütung des A tomkriegs in sozialer Verantwortung (IPPNW), At this international conference with the organization of Berlin, a speech was made on the subject mentioned above. 27. 16.03.04 Erziehungim Islam, Kulturamt Neukölln, Kulturnetzwerk Neuköllne.V. Neuköllner Kulturverein e. V tarafından düzenlenen "Gute Töchtergute Söhne" zuminterkulturellen Leben in Neukölln-I took part as a speaker in the program held between 14.02 and 25.04.2004 within the framework of the project.10.06.04 Muslimische Frauen in Berlin, Pädagogische Fachhochschule und Bildungswerk der Evangelischen Kirche in Berlin-Brandenburg. The Protestant Theological Seminary has lectured on the above-mentioned subject. 28. 23.06.04 Die weltanschauliche Neutralität des Verfassungsstaates: Aktuelle Konflikteim Verhältnis von Religion und Politik, Der Kopftuchstreit II, Freie Universität Berlin, Otto-Suhr- Institutfür Politikwissenschaften speech was made on the subject mentioned above. 29. Die gesellschaftliche und rechtliche Stellung der Frauen in der Türkei, Liberale Frauenlandesvereinigung Niedersachsen, Hannover, speech was made on the subject mentioned above 30. 2.11.05 Islamische Riten von der GeburtbiszumTod, Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Berlin-Spandau, tarafından düzenlenen bu konferansta, speech was made on the subject mentioned above. 2nd part, “Geburt und Beschneidung“moderated workshop on the topic. 31. 25.11.05 EinSchritzur Gleichheit? Die Bedeutung der EU-Beitrittsverhandlungenmit der Türkeifür Frauenakademie München e. V. tarafından düzenlenen bu konferansta „Die gesellschaftlicheWirklichkeit von Frauen in der Türkei“speech was made on the subject mentioned above. 32. 03.05.06 Frauenrechteim Islam, Katholische Studierendengemeinde Edith Stein, I was a speaker in this section, one of the monthly program conference programs organized by Berlin. 33. 04.10.06 “Muslims in Adult Education: An Example from Interreligious Dialogue Projects in Germany,” Conference on Adult Learning, Competence and Active Citizenship, Erziehungsministerium Finnland, Hanasari EinKissenfürmichallein: Frauenbewegung in der Türkei, Frauenstudien Münchene.V. I took part as a speaker in this section, one of the conference programs organized by FrauenstudienMünchene.V fall 2006 to summer 2007.


34. 12.12.06 Wie die Muslimeihre Textelesen, imRahmen des Hauptseminars "Einführung in das Alte Testament", Evangelische Fachhochschule Berlin. The Protestant Theological Seminary has lectured on the above-mentioned subject. 35. 21.02.07, Seelsorgeim Islam, Fachkonventfür Seelsorgeim Krankenhaus, EvangelischeKirche in Berlin-Brandenburg, in this conference, a speech was made on the subject mentioned above. 36. 27.02.07 Begleitungsterbender Menschen in der islamischen Tradition, 37. Evangelische Kirche in Berlin- Brandenburg-Schlesische Oberlausitz, tarafındanVivantes Klinikum Berin-Spandau, 38. 13.06.2016, The Problems Faced by Syrian Workers, Employers and Entrepreneurs in The Labour Market and Solutions Workshop General Evaluation, ILO Turkey Office and in cooperation with the Syrian Friendship Association Holiday Inn Çukurambar Hotel, Session: Problems Syrian Workers Face in Labour Market 39. 23-24.04.2016 Migrations and our common future, Kızılcahamam, Ankara, Akadder sempozyum, III session; cohabitation from tradition to future, moderation 40. 18-20.03.2016 Global war on the young, Denizli, SİYAMDER symposium, workshop I,” What Would You Do " moderation 41. 25-26.02.2016 Syrian Refugees: Prospects and Challenges, Social Integration and Cohesion, Moderasyon, SESRIC, ANKARA 42. 18.09.2003 Religiösen Pluralismusleben, Heinrich Böll Stiftung This one-day workshop, organized by Berlin, was moderated together with Aliyeh Yegane. 43. 24-25.05.2003 Religiösen Pluralismusleben II, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, moderated with Aliyeh Yegane for two days 29-30.10-2004 Schöner Wirtschaften-Europa geschlechtergerechtgestalten- Better Business- Creating a Gender-Equal Europe, FAM, (FrauenakademiMünschene.V.) EU, Heinrich BöllStiftung, Fredrich Ebert Stiftung ve diğer organizasyonların kooperasyonları ile düzenlenen bu konferansta Ost und 44. 11.06.05, West und Süddazu: Gleichstellung auf die politische Agenda setzen“moderated in the workshop called. 45. Berlin 05, Festival fürjungePolitik, Bundesministerium, fürFamilie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BundeszentralefürpolitischeBildung, DeutcherBundesjugendring’inin part of this conference held on 10-12.06.2005, moderated workshop called "Diversitaet und Identitaet". 46. 26.11.2006 Und WarumGlaubst du? ZumUmgangmtWeltreligionen in Kita und Schule, in der SozialpaedagogischenFortbildungstaetteJagdschlossGlieicke, Maedchen und Jungen, the workshop was moderated together with AliyehYegane.

47. 14-16.11.2008 Islam Frauen Europa, Leibniz Üniversitesi, tarafından düzenlenen bu uluslarası konferansta, „Die weiblichen Lesarten der Koran und die Rolle der Frau imIslam“the workshop was moderated. DISCUSSION PROGRAMS

1. 29.02.2002 Islamismusheute, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Vakfı) participated in this debate program as a debate Speaker.


2. 19.12.02 „Islamisches Leben in Deutschland. Brauchenwireine Islamische Charta? “Evangelische Akademie Berlin tarafından düzenlenen bu konferansta "Europa und die islamische Welt: Kulturkreise auf der SuchenachgegenseitigemVerständnis", was a debating speaker in that episode. 3. 28.06.2003 Rassismus und Religion Diskriminierung von Muslimen, Heinrich BöllStiftung (Vakfı) participated in the podium debate program as a debate Speaker. 4. 12-14.09.2003 Grenzgaengerinnen? Jüngere Frauen zwischen Kulturen und Traditionen, Evangelische Akademi Loccum tarafından düzenlenen bu konferansta: „Kulturelle Offenheitwahrnehmen-Chance füralleoderein Privilegfür Bildungsaufsteigerinnen?“ participated in the podium debate program as a debate Speaker. 5. 14.11.2003 Wievieleverschiedene Religionenvertraegtunsere Gesellschaft? Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, participated in the podium debate program as a debate Speaker. 6. 19.02.2004 Fremdheitserfahrungen-Muslimische Frauen in Berlin erzaehlen, 7. Bildungswerk der Evangelischen Kirche in Berlin-Brandenburg, tarafından düzenlenen bu tartışma programına konuşmacı olarak katıınmıştır. 8. 22.05.04 Jugendgesundheitstag Berlin, Mariendorf Belediyesitarafındanprogramda „Wertraegt die verantwortungfür die Ehre der muslimischenMaedschen“ adlı podyum tartışmasına tartışmacı konuşmacı olarak katılınmıştır. 9. 02.06.2004 Kongress Religion- Politik- Gender Sarah-Hagar (Projekt der überparteilichenFraueninitiative Berlin-Stadt der Frauen) projesiçerçevesinde 21-23.05.2004 tarihleri arasında düzenlenen bu konferansta„Gesellschaft Staat Religion“adlı bölümde tartışmacı konuşmacı olarak yer alınmıştır. 10. 13.11.2007 „Das Kopftuchalssolches... “Nichtübereinander, sondernmiteinanderreden, einBausteindesnotwendigen Dialogs, HumanistischerVerband Deutschlands, tarafından düzenlenen bu podyum tartışmasında tartışmacı olarak yer alınmıştır. 11. ZweiFrauenwelten in Deutschland?, Die Geschlechterdemokratie in der muslimischen Community, MuslimischeAkademi in Deutschland ve Heinrich BöllStiftung (Vakıf) tarafındandüzenlenenbukonferansta, „Perspektivenmuslimischen Frauen in Deutschland“ for this part, took part as a debating speaker. INTERNATIONAL & NATIONAL PROJECTS

1. "Cross-borders intercultural and societal entrepreneurs", EU Framework Programme Project, 2016-1-UK01-KA204-024623, Turkey Coordinator, January 2016-Ongoing 2. "Study for NGOs and volunteers working with Syrians in Turkey", Family Ministry, Executive/Researcher, June 2016-November 2016 3. "Being A Woman in Europe, The Opportunities, The Risks, The Gains", Hazar NGO, İstanbul, January 2016-July 2016, Consultant/Researcher 4. European Project for Interreligious Learning, Berlin, Zurich, Vien, Sarayevo, Beirut, 2013- Ongoing. The five cities mentioned above, roaming between the University and each country has its own topic in the project in each country stay for 7-9 days NGO participation in conferences organized within the framework of a visit to the workshops conducted with the local participants participating students all participating students and especially to moderate the German mission


outlined in the form of academic counselling, board member, speaker, moderator, Academic Advising, program preparation work is done for modules. 5. Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights, EU Project, Board of Education and Discipline, 19.12.2012-24.10.2014, The project, which works to develop and support democratic education and democratic understanding in schools, consists of 6 working groups, of which the Democratic School Culture Group develops practices to educate individuals who support participation, develop a culture of reconciliation, prioritize respect, take responsibility and initiative in schools, and a book on democratic school culture is written. He is an expert in the Democratic School Culture Group. 6. Religion and Gender in Migration, CEJI, Brussel, Capital Women's Platform, Ankara, the project, which was realized with the cooperation of their organizations with the resources provided by Alf (Anna Lindth Foundation), was realized between 01.02.2011-30.07.2011. The concept development, organization of this project, which was realized with the participation of 10 Turkish women from Belgium, 5 women from Ankara and 5 women from Köyceğiz, and the training of the 5-day training workshop which took place between 6-11 May, were carried out. 7. Partizipation von Muslimen, Project-Nr: 53305316, Research Project Humboldt-Universitätzu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin 2006-2009, in this research, project conducted with the co-operation of Harvard and Humboldt University, Humboldt University was commissioned as a researcher in the German leg of the research on the integration of Muslims into European societies, especially after the 11-September 2011 incident. The study will be published soon. 8. Fit für Gender Mainstreaming- Geschlechtersensibel Grenzenzwischen Ost und West überwinden, Polen, Tschecien, Österreich, Deutschland, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, EU Projekt, 2006-2008, The May December 2007 International Conference called “Religion and Gender” was organized on 13 December 2007 in Berlin on the basis of this EU project conducted by Heinrich Böll Foundation, which took place between Poland, Czech Republic, Austria and Germany. 9. NILE Network of Intercultural Learning in Europe, EU Project Between 27 Countries 2005- 2008, In the project, which took place between 27 countries, conferences were organized at periodic intervals in some of the member states and were divided into four working groups. He was a writer and researcher in the Implementing Intercultural Learning Activities, a Methodological Guide, and in parallel, he was appointed as coordinator on behalf of the participating Turkish organization (Capital Women's platform). 10. Fitte Eltern- Erfolgreiche Schulkinder, Diakonie, Berlin, 05.09.2005-06.02.2006, German and Turkish bilingual education project was developed by Diakonie especially for Turkish and other immigrant families. 11. Ressourcen Religiöser Organisationen in Nordneuköln zur Praevention von Jugendgewalt und Jugendkriminalitaet, Together eV. Und Jugendamt, Berlin, October 2005-February 2006, I was a researcher for the Berlin State Youth Department on the role of religious institutions in preventing youth violence through and through the NGO Together. 12. Tolerance and Understanding of Our Muslim Neighbour, DVV, Bonn, Berlin, Metz 2004-2005, The project was organized as visits, workshops and conferences between Germany, France, Bulgaria, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. 13. Werkstatt der Religionen, Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin 2002-2008, In the meetings that take place every year with people from various religions and cultures around the world, lasting one 12

year and continuing regularly once every month, debater, speaker, organizer, designer of the section on Islam in the book publication, determining of texts and text creator, as well as debater, moderator, speaker and responsible positions in the book publication were assumed. 14. Integration of Muslims to German Society, Action Courage, Berlin 2002-2003, In order to better align Muslims with the German system and society, the task of project employee consisting of conferences, workshops, and trainings bringing together Muslim associations, members of mosques and German youth centres, employees of pre-school institutions, school administrators was carried out. 15. Eltere Schwester-Eltere Bruder, Türkische Minderheit, Berlin 2001-2002, The first teaching level at Berlin is 4. 6th in his class. The project coordinator task of 40 students up to class was carried out by 8 students of Turkish origin with the position of abla - abi in order to increase their success in school and to better understand the German system in order to prepare the pedagogical program of the project with the emphasis on education, social and democratic citizenship, to organize the programs.