Lower Meadows, Grange Lane, Beenham, Reading, RG7 5PT Equibreed UK 2020 Polo Stallions Ellerston Clarion Service fee £1200 plus VAT Mother is Claret (Pinky x Monty, Ellerston bred), and father is Night Opera, an Australian thoroughbred. He was bred by Ellerston and has been used extensively for the last 5 years there, with his offspring showing great potential. His full brother is Clark, who was sold to the UK when he was young, has sired many youngsters over here, and was then bought by Pablo MacDonough who has played the high goal on him in both UK and Argentina. Clark is now back in Argentina both playing and being used for breeding. Run by Equibreed UK. Irentina Supremo Service fee £1100 plus VAT A stallion played by Pablo MacDonough in the high goal all over the world. Currently in the UK and retired from playing. Mother is a famous mare of theirs Sugerencia, and father is their stallion Clarin. He has many full sisters still playing high goal and offspring playing high goal in Argentina. Run by Equibreed UK. W: www.equibreed.co.uk E:
[email protected] P: 01189712994 Barclays Bank Acc no: 83192598 Sort code 20-71-03 VAT Reg no: GB129430885 DEFRA Reg: Embryos UK EE-02 Semen UK 9056- EC Lower Meadows, Grange Lane, Beenham, Reading, RG7 5PT Open Xavier Service fee £750 + VAT Mother is Open Xelene who is one of Facundo Piere’s high goal mares, and father is Sportivo (who has sired many offspring playing high goal across the world, including Dolfina Cuartatera, Cambiaso's famous mare whose clones are now playing polo).