Transactions and Proceedings

of the Palaeontological Society of Japan

New Series No. 81

Palaeontological Society of Japan April 20, 1971 Editor: Takashi HAMADA Associate edito r: Yasuhide IWASAKI

Officers for 1971 - 1972

Honorary President : Teiichi KOB AYASHI President: Tokio SHIKAMA Councillors (* Executives): Kiyoshi ASANO*, Kiyotaka CHI NZEI*, Takashi HAMADA*, Tetsuro HA NA I*, Kotora HATAI, Itaru HAYAMI, Koichiro ICHIKAWA, Taro KANAYA, Kametoshi KA NMERA, Tamio KOTAKA, Tatsuro MATSUMOTO*, Hiroshi OZAKI*, Tokio SHIKAMA*, Fuyuji TAKAI *, Yokichi TAKAYANAGI Secretaries: Wataru HASHIMOTO, Saburo KA NNO Executive Committee General Affairs: Tetsuro HANAI, Naoaki AOKI Membership: Kiyotaka CHI NZEI, Toshio KOIKE Finance : Fuyuji T AKAI, Hisayoshi !Go Planning : Hiroshi OzAKI, Kazuo ASAMA Publications Transactions: Takashi HAMADA, Yasuhide IWASA KI Special Papers : Tatsuro MATSUMOTO, Tomowo 0ZA WA " ": Kiyoshi ASANO, Toshiaki T AKAYAMA

Fossil on the cover is left lower M2 of Pala eoloxodon naumanni (MAKIYAMA, 1924) from the uppermost part of the Tokyo formation (Upper Pleistocene) at Ikebukuro, Tokyo.

All communications relating to this journal should be addressed to the PALAEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN c/o Geological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113, Japan Sole agent: University of Tokyo Press, Hongo, Tokyo Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N.S., No. 81, pp. 1-10, pl. 1, April 20, 1971



Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Hokkaido University

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The first description of British Lower MARTIN's species until the International Carboniferous was by Eduardi LUIDI Commission of Zoological Nomenclature (LHUYD), a pre-Linnean author, in 1699. officially rejected both of MARTIN's The name Lithostrotion dates back to this works from nomenclatorial purpose publication, although LHUYD's work is (Opinion 231, 1948). MARTIN did not. not available for taxonomic purpose. employ binominal nomenclature, thus his In 1793 William MARTIN described and species became unavailable. figured two Lower Carboniferous corals In 1956 two of MARTIN's species were from Derbyshire. And in 1809 these however, revived and validated by the were redescribed by him together with ICZN Opinion 419, in fixing neotypes of the four other species. them, chosen by SMITH (1916) as offici­ They are as follows: ally recognized. Coralliolithus (Madreporae Caespitosae) Madre­ Now we have Lonsdaleia duplicata parae (MARTIN, 1793) = Erismolithus (Ma­ (MARTIN) and Actinocyathus florijormis dreporae Caespitosae) (MARTIN, 1809). (MARTIN) (KATO, 1966). Coralliolithus (Tubiporae radiatae) tubiporae Yet the rest of "MARTIN's species" tub is (MARTI!\", 1793) = Erismolithus !ubi­ has to be attributed to later authors porites ? (radiatus) (MARTIN, 1809). who first named them according to Erismolithus Madreporites (duplicatus) (MAR­ modern procedure of taxonomy as intro­ TIN, 1809). duced by LINNE. Thus Lithodendron Erismolithus Madreporites (affinis) (MARTI!';, 1809). caespitosa M'COY (1844) is the first name Erismolithus Tubiporites (catenatus) (MAR- for MARTIN's Erimolithus (Madreporae TIN, 1809). . caespitosae) ... ]. FLEMING (1828) is avail­ Erismolithus Madreporites (fiorifonnis) (MAR­ able as the author for the British Lower TIN, 1809). Carboniferous corals. These species had long been known as During the course of my study on British Lower Carboniferous corals it Received June 22,1970; read Nov. 24, 1964 became necessary to re-examine FLE­ at Sapporo. MING's collection which is now housed

1 Makoto KATO at the Royal Scottish Museum, Edin­ the ICZN Opinion 117 (1931). burgh, in order to establish and to FLEMING (1828, p. 508) quotes LHUYD's interpret FLEMING's old species. (1699) and PARKINSON's (1808) corals as It is the purpose of this article to synonymous with his Lithostrotion stri­ mention the present status of the FLE­ atum. Both of the latter two materials MING's original material of Lower Car­ are believed to be lost. A single speci­ boniferous corals and to choose and men, RSM 1870. 14. 370 has been regis­ describe lectotypes of some species tered in the FLEMING collection at the whenever possible and desirable. Royal Scottish Museum. But unfortu­ FLEMING, as many other naturalists nately this specimen is not traceable at of his days, did not necessarily possess present. However THOMSON (1887) stud­ all the specimens of his own for the ied FLEMING's original specimen, redes­ species he named, described and ar­ cribed and figured this specimen. It ranged in order. appears quite possible that THOMSON Sometimes he had seen specimens in borrowed FLEMING's specimen which was other collections. Therefore, for the destroyed in the fire of Kilmarnock Mu­ recognition of FLEMING's species all the seum together with all the THOMSON specimens of the forms described by collection. previous authors and were later quoted In the absence of LHUYD's and PAR­ by FLEMING as synonymous with his KINSON's specimens (HILL, 1940, p. 166), species have to be considered as consti­ and being the only specimen it is appro­ tuting syntypes of that species, together priate to select FLEMING's original spe­ with of course his own materials. FLE­ cimen for the lectotype of Lithostrotion MING's collection was at least partially striatum. But we must interpret the re-examined, once by THOMSON (1887), species based on THOMSON's figure (1887, and then by SMITH and LANG (1930). pl. XII, fig.1). PARKINSON gave the name But it is still necessary to study it, for of Madrepora vorticalis to LHUYD's coral, ambiguity exists in some of his species. and this name antedates FLEMING's stri­ In 1960 the author was able to ex­ atum. Also CONYBEARE and PHILLIPS amine FLEMING's collection at the Royal (1822) called the same coral Lithostrotion Scottish Museum. And in connection basaltijorme. LANG, SMITH & THOMAS with the nomenclatorial problem con­ (1940) and HILL (1940) say that Litho­ cerned he also examined David URE strotion striatum should be known as collections of the Hunterian Museum, Lithostrotion vorticalis (PARKINSON). Glasgow, and the coral collection of the However in selecting FLEMING's origi­ British Museum (Natural History), Lon­ nal specimen of Lithostrotion striatum don and the Sedgwick Museum, Cam­ for lectotype, it is not necessarily syno­ bridge. The result is also incorporated nymous with LHUYD's or PARKINSON's in this articles. corals. This holds true to CONYBEARE In the following remarks will be given and PHILLIP's form as well. for each FLEMING's species in original The author thinks best to lapse both order. Madrepora vorticalis PARKINSON and Lithostrotion basaltijonne CONYBEARE Lithostrotion striatum and PHILLIPS because their descriptions This species was officially fixed as the and illustrations are too imperfect to type species of genus Lithostrotion by interpret their species, besides all the 574. FLEMING's Carboniferous Corals 3 type specimens for them are lost. (1845) selected Lithostrotion florijorme as Therefore it is no way possible to fix the type species of the genus Lithostro­ these two species in terms of modern tion, this was invalidated by the ICZN taxonomy. Opinion in 1931. The species florijormis On the other hand, though the actual remains as MARTIN's species (ICZN. specimen is still missing, it is possible Opinion 419, 1956), and the genus Acti­ to recognize Lithostrotion striatum, when nocyathus may be properly applied to we interpret THOMSON's illustration for the species (KA TO, 1966). Lithostrotion striatum. It appears that The neotype of MARTIN's florijormis Lit hostrotion striatum stands morpho­ is the Sedgwick Museum collection A logically in between Lit hostrotion minus 2359, selected by SMITH (1916). The spe­ and Lithostrotion portlocki. Also it may cimen is the type of Strombodes conaxis be still possible that the FLEMING's spe­ M'COY. cimen is turned up if we search closely Four specimens of "Lithostrotion" the THOMSON collection which was re­ florijorme have been registered in the ·covered and gathered from the burnt FLEMING collection at the Royal Scottish down Museum of Kilmarnock, and is Museum. They are : now kept at the Glasgow Museum and Art Gallery. RSM 1870. 14. 124 from Wen lock limestone The name of Lithostrotion vorticalis 329 Derbyshire 373 Colebrookdale (not has not been used for a long time. traceable) Therefore it may be allowed to lapse. " 379 But the name basaltijorme has been often ·employed in both palaeontological and THOMSON (1887) studied one of FLE­ stratigraphical papers. And Lithostro­ MING's specimens (presumably the one tion basaltijorme has been applied to that is not traceable at present), which such Lit hostrotion with cerioid coralla was figured as figure 2 on his plate 12 and relatively large corallites and num­ (erroneously stated as fig. 3 in his ex­ erous septa. Tabulae are dome shaped. planatory text). This form undoubtedly For such Lithostrotion a number of spe­ belongs to Actinocyathus florijormis cies, bristoliense VAUGHAN, aranea M'COY, (MARTIN). Other FLEMING's corals are arachnoides M'COY, septosus M'CoY, all conspecific with that species. The major M'CoY, and ishnon HUDSON were said horizon for one specimen is from proposed. They are all available and theW enlock limestone. This is obviously all the type specimens for these later erroneous. That specimen might be ob­ species are kept in either the British tained also from Colebrookdale, not far Museum of Natural History or the from the Wenlock Edge, from the Moun­ Sedgwick Museum of Cambridge. It may tain limestone. not at all be necessary to retain the old name of Lithostrotion basaltiforme with Lithostrotion marginatum much ambiguity. FLEMING (1828, p. 508) originally stated that he had two corallites of this species. Lit hostrotion florijorme But these are not registered and cannot ·FLEMING clearly indicated that his be found in his collection. THOMSON in Lithostrotion florijorme corresponded to 1887 (p. 377) mentioned that he could not MARTIN's florijormis. Though LONSDALE find specimens of this species in FLE- 4 Makoto KA TO r.nNG's collection. So it appears that of different size is available as to both these specimens were lost before FLE­ forms above mentioned. They may be MING collection was acquired by the species of either Siphonodendron or Di­ Royal Scottish Museum. phyphyllum. As THOMSON indicated FLEMING's form was probably a Hexaphyllia. FLEMING Caryophyllea (sic) duplicata did not mention its locality, but he des­ FLEMING (1828, p. 509) quoted MARTIN's cribed the size of his specimens which duplicata (1809) as synonymous. FLEMING had corallite diameter of 1;10 inch. In left no specimens of this species in his He:wphyllia, being a columnar coral, the collection. Though MAI

Kwangsiphyllum GRABAU & YoH is avail­ But according to WELCH (1924) who· able for this species. Both columellate mapped the Mendips, Masburg and its. and diphymorphic forms may be grouped neighbourhood is the area where K and. together under this genus of Kwangsi­ Z zones are developed. PARKINSON's il­ phyllum. lustration also reveals that. the form is a species of Michelinia. Hence its .geo­ Turbinolia Fungites logical age is definitely Carboniferous. URE's fungites (1793) was cited as a If a neotype is necessary for this. synonym by FLEMING (1828). species, a specimen of Michelinia, from There are six specimens for this spe­ Masburg, which fits the PARKINSON's cies registered as RSM 1870. 14. 428 in figure may be selected for the purpose. the FLEMING collection. They belong to Otherwise the species may be allowed a single species, Aulophyllum of fungites to lapse, since it has not been in use pachyendothecum type of SMITH (1913). for more than 100 year. URE's figured specimen is now stored at EDWARDS and HAIME (1852) put cellu­ the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, where losa in the synonymy of Mamon Favosum it carries the number HMC 4366, and also GoLDFUSS (1826). The author also would belongs to the same species as above. like to support this synonymy. All these specimens can be considered as constituting syntypes of the species Tubipora catenata concerned. SMITH and LANG (1930) se­ No specimen for the present species: lected URE's specimen as the lectotype is found within the FLEMING collection. of the present species. The locality of FLEMING (1828, p. 529) quoted MARTIN's URE's form is written on a label at. the (1809) and PARKINSON's (1808) forms as Hunterian Museum as "probably Shields synonyms of the species, though original. Farm, Eastkilbride ". specimens of both two forms are not The specimen was cut and figured by trateable. Apparently FLEMING had THOMSON (1882, 1883), in which intra­ MARTIN's Erismolithus Tubiporites (Cate­ thecal dilation of major septa is not natus) in mind in describing his species. conspicuous and minor septa intrude into MARTIN's coral undoubtedly belongs to tabularium. the genus Syringopora, but appears to. contain at least two different forms of Porites cellulosa that genus, as seen from the illustration PARKINSON's form (1808, ii, 39, t. V, f. of " catenatus ". The one form has. 9) from Masburg, Mendip was listed by slender corallites and is Syringopora FLEMING (1828, p. 511) as a synonym of catenata as has been commonly under this species. PARKINSON's specimen is stood. The other form may be referable· however, believed to have been lost. to Syringopora reticulata with medium FLEMING's own collection does not con­ sized corallites. Therefore it is necessary tain specimens assignable to the present to select a neotype for Syringopora cafe­ species. Presumably FLEMING established nata in order to fix the species in a his species based on PARKINSON's de­ sense hitherto recognized. Until that scription and figure of the Masburg time Syringopora catenata (FLEMING) is specimen. not available. FLEMING described the age of this The author's preliminary study on species as Carboniferous with querry. British Carboniferous Syringoporae re- 8 Makoto KATO veals that there exist at least seven was thought by SMITH and LANG (1930) forms. One form among them is provid­ as the holotype of this species. But this ed with loosely phaceloid coralla with single specimen is better considered as slender corallites of about 1 mm diame­ the lectotype for the species concerned, ter. Wall is thin and septal spines are chosen by SMITH and LANG in 1930. sparse. And S. catenata is best to be Because FLEMING did not fix the type applied to this kind of Syringopora. specimen and monotypy in the present case is not all clear. A part of the Tubipora ramulosa lectotype is now kept at the British Although FLEMING (1828, p. 529) did Museum (Natural History) bearing the not quote GOLDFUSS (1826) in the syno­ numbers R 28797-8. nym list of this species, the authorship EDWARDS and HAIME (1852) erroneous­ of this species is attributable to the ly considered the present species as an latter who described Syringopora ramu­ Alveolites, and several subsequent au­ losa prior to the former. No specimens thors followed this classification. But of this species is left in the FLEMING SMITH and LANG (1930) rightly regarded collection. this species to be a Chaetetes. The corallum of this species is mas­ Tubipora radiatus sive, with divergently arranged small The FLEMING collection does not contain corallites, the wall of which is completely specimens of this species, but his des­ trabecular. Thus FLEMING's species un­ cription suggests a Sarcinula like coral. doubtedly belongs to the genus Chaetetes He most probably recognized this species redefined by SOKOLOV (1939). Favosites based upon MARTIN's Erismolithus Tubi­ has, on the other hand, typically fibro­ porites? (radiatus) (1808), which is Coral­ normal wall structure and is provided liolithus (Tubipora radiatae) tubiporae with relatively large corallites with tub is of MARTIN (1793). FLEMING (1828, mural pores (KATO, 1963, 1968). p. 529) listed only MARTIN's form as a SMITH and LANG's illustration for synonym. Chaetetes septosus should actually be as MARTIN's coral might be a form like figure 2 on their plate 8 (1930), instead Orionastraea phillipsi, but it is not pos­ of being figure 1 as they erroneously sible to coufirm this synonymity at the stated in an explanatory text. absence of type material. The specific name has been largely ignored by later Favosites depressus authors and is better lapse. In the FLEMING collection there is only one specimen for the species (RSM 1870. FLEMING described two species of 14. 122). And it is from an unknown Favosites from Carboniferous. Both of locality. The specimen is to be consid­ them were later redescribed by SMITH ered as the lectotype (designed as halo­ and LANG (1930). Therefore only men­ type) of this species chosen by SMITH tion will be made on these two species. & LANG (1930) who thought it to belong For Favosites septosus there is only to the genus Chaetetes. one specimen registered in the FLEMING However, this species has tabular collection at the Royal Scottish Museum corallum, as FLEMING (p. 529) originally (RSM 1870. 14. 123). The specimen was described, and is better classified under obtained from an unknown locality, and the genus Chaetetella SOKOLOV, 1939. 57 4. FLEM INC's Carboniferous Corals 9

Besides the species above enumerated DoBROL YUBOV A, T .A. ( 1958) : HIDKHeKaMeH­ FLEMING (1828, p. 251) following SOWERBY HoyroJihHbie KoJioHnaJihHhie YeTh!pex.'lyue­ (1814), classified Amplexus coralloides Bhie KopaJIJibl PyccKOH nJlaT¢0PMhl· Tp. SOWERBY under the section of Cephalo­ naJieOHT. Y!HCT., ToM no. CTp. 1-224, Ta6. i-xxxviii. pods, but he described it might be a -- & KABAKO\"ITsH, N.V. (1966): KopaJIJihi .coral. Lectotype of AmPlexus coralloides HH)I{Hero Kap6oHa KyJHeuKoii KoTJIOBl!Hbi. was chosen by SMITH and THOMAS (1963) Ibid., ToM 111, cTp. 1-126, Ta6. i-xlv. as BM 44115 and BMR 29093-29095. EDWARDS, H.M. & HAI:VIE, J, (1852) : A Summing up the above description Monograph of the British Corals, FLEMING's corals from the British Car­ Third part. pp. 147-210. Palaeontographi· boniferous are now listed as follows: cal Soc. London. FLEMIXG, J, (1828): A History of British Lithostrotion striatum FLE:\IIKG . pp. 1-565, Edinburgh. Actinocyathus fioriformis (MARTIK) GOLDFCSS, G.A. (1826) : Petrefacta Germa­ Hexaphyllia marginata FLE~ll:'-IG niae, I. pp. 1-76, Dusseldorf. Diphyphyllum fasciculatum (FLEMI!'G) HILL, D. (1940) : The Carboniferous Rugose Lonsdaleia duplicata (MARTI?-i) Corals of Scotland, Part II. pp. 115-20,1. .Siphonodendron affine (FLE:\lli'G) Palaeontographical Soc. London. Kwangsiphyllum junceum (FLEMIKG) KATO, M. (1963): Fine Skeletal Structures Aulophyllum fungites (FLE:\lli'G) in . jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Michelinia cellulosa (FLE:\HXG) Univ., ser. IV, vol. 1.1, no. 4, pp. 571-630 . .Syringopora catenata (FLE:\l!KG) -- (1966) : Note on some Carboniferous .S. ramulosa GoLDFUSS coral genera: Clisaxoplzyllum, Clisiophyl­ .Orionastraea radiata (FLE:\lli'G) lum (Neoclisiophyllum), Zaphrentoides, -Chaetetes septosus (FLEMING) Stylidophyllum and Actinocyathus. japa­ -Chaetetella depress a (FLEM IXG) nese jour. Geol. & Geogr., vol. 37, nos. Amplexus coralloides SowERBY 2-4, pp. 93-104. -- (1968): Note on the fine skeletal struc­ ture in Scleractinia and in Tabulata. Acknowledgements jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., ser. IV, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 51-56. The author greatly acknowledges Dr. L,\xG, w.o., s~IITH, s. & TuoMAs, H.o. C D. W ATERSTON of the Royal Scottish (1940): Index of Palaeozoic Coral Gen­ Museum, Edinburgh, the late Dr. H. D. era. pp. 1-231.. British Museum, London. THOMAS, the late Dr. E. D. CURRIE and LoxsDALE, W. (1845) : Description of some Professor M. MINA TO of the Hokkaido Palaeozoic Corals of Russia. pp. 591-63-!, University, Sapporo for their kind as­ in R.I. McRciiiSON, E. DE VERNEL"IL & sistance to the present study. He also A. voN KEYSERLING: The Geology of .acknowledges the British Council for a Russia in Europe and the U1·al Mountains, .scholarship 1959/61. Photographs are I. London . the work of Mr. S. KUMANO of our De­ LUIDI, E. (LIILYD, E.) (1699): Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia. pp. 1-139, Lon­ partment. don. MARTIN, W. (1793): Figures and Descrip. References Cited tions of Petrifactions, collected in Derby­ shire. Wigan. .CoNYBEARE, W.O. & PHILLIPs, W. (1822): -- (1809): Petrificata Derbiensia. pp. 1-28, Outlines of the Geology of England and Wigan. Wales, Part 1, pp. 1-470, London. McCoY, F. (1844): A Synopsis of the Char- 10 Makoto KATO

acters of the Carboniferous Limestone ferous of the USSR. C.R. Acad. Sci. Fossils of Ireland. 207 pp. Dublin. (NS), 25, 134. PARKINSON, J. (1808) : Organic remains of SowERBY, J. (1814): The Mineral Concho­ a former world, vol. II, pp. 1-286, Lon­ logy of Great Britain, I. pp. 153-168. don. THOMSON, J. (1887) : On the genus Litho­ SMITH, S. (1913) : On the genus Aulophyllum. strotion. Trans. Edinburgh Ceo!. Soc.,. Quart. jour. Ceo/. Soc. London, vol. 69, vol. V, part III, pp. 371-398. pp. 51-77. -- & NICHOLSON, H.A. (1876): Contribu­ -- (1916) : The genus Lonsdaleia and Di­ tions to the Study of the Chief Generic· bunophyllum rugosum. Ibid., vol. 71, pp. Types of the Palaeozoic corals. Ann. 218-272. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. -- & LANG, W.D. (1930) : Descriptions of 60-70. the type specimens of some Carboniferous URE, D. (1793) : The History of Rutherglen corals of the genera " Diphyphyllum ", and East-Kilbride. pp. 1-334, Glasgow. "Stylastraea ", "Aulophyllum ", and Cha­ WELCH, F.B.A. (1933): The ·Geological etetes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, vol. 5, Structure of the Ea~tern Mendips. Quart .. no. 26, pp. 177-194. jour. Ceo!. Soc. London, vol. 89, pp. 14- -- & THOMAS, H.D. (1963) : On Amplexus 51. coralloides SowERBY and some Amplexi­ YoH, S.S. (1931): A new generic name for morph corals from the English Devonian. the coral Syringophyllum GRABAU and. Ibid., ser. 13, vol. 6, pp. 161-172. YoH, 1929. Amer. jour. Sci., (5), vol. 21~ SoKoLov, B.S. (1939) : Stratigraphical value p. 79. and types of Chaetetidae of the Carboni-

Explanation of Plate 1

(All figures three times natural size)

Siphonodendron affine (FLEMING) Fig. 1. Transverse section. Fig. 2. Longitudinal section. The lectotype of Caryophyllea afjinis FLEMING, 1828. Rbyal Srottish Museum 1870. 14. 381 from West Lothian, Scotland. Both figures are of celluloid peels. KATO: F LEMING's Carboniferous Corals Plate 1

S. KuMAN O photo Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N.S., No. 81, pp. 11-26, pis. 2-5, April 20, 1971



Department of Geology, Nagasaki University

i19.7L1+11faJJim~OJrMJlUtJtHJ~!fmfltOJil!'Y:11::.1l: ~DJl:'I':J~j~t;~IMNtt (fH*JY;!;Hiifii=*'£1\00~IBJ) OJ19'ilOJ1fnJJi1fJk@;iPG{\tGht-:: ¥- ~ '/~·=ry 34 ;;jnj1 11 * 17 ~;~)ji-'fiPG, "it-::ft~-;f>:W, :Ri;i+IIBJ:RiJ~Wl!OJ~t;}!H'~ 3km f1ili:OJfi:iJ~IniOJ 8 ~;~)ji]f;ipG1f,~iz0)"'1 ~ P 7'7 '/~ r '/~.5\!.i:B 1..-t-::, Dinoflagellates c V-ert Spiniferites ramosus, Hystrichosphaeridium cf. ferox, H. cf. tiara, H. spp., Hemicystodinium cf. zoharyi, Hystrichokibotium sp. ~. acri­ tarchs c !.-"(Vi Micrhystridium ariakense n. sp., M. densum n. sp., Baltisphaeridium sp., ? Baltisphaeridium sp., Cymatiosphaera globulosa, C. reticulosa, Leiosphaeridia globulifera n. sp. ~. ~t-::FiflliFfH}jf~11::.1l Ovoiddes cf. microligneolus ~.1\!./:B 1..-t-::, fi: Pli%.l'fi

formations in the Ariake Sea area. Introduction D. WALL and B. DALE (1970) have clari-' Investigations on the stratigraphy and fled that the parental dinoflagellate of pollen assemblages of the Pleistocene Spiniferites ramosus is the living species sediments in the Ariake Sea area were Gonyaulax spinifera, and S. bentori is)he previously made by K. TAKAHASHI, S. spore of Gonyaulax digitalis. Their in­ KAWASAKI and H. FURUKAWA (1968, 1969). cubation experiments are very interest­ They divided the Pleistocene sediments ing and important for establishing tax­ into five formations, viz. the lowest, lower, onomic relationships among extant and middle, upper, and pumice tuff formations, fossil dinoflagellates, "hystrichospheres", and established a zonation by differences and other acritarchs. in the pollen-spore assemblages. In this paper the author refers to The present author found many micro­ Spiniferites ramosus (EHRENBERG) MAN­ plankton and other microfossils of un­ TELL, which is identifiable with Hystri­ known affinities in the same slides that chosplwera ramosa, according to the opin­ were originally prepared for the earlier ion of WALL and DALE (1970). research on spores and pollen grains. Many suitable samples for the inves­ This is a report and description of dino­ tigation were provided by Mr. Satoshi flagellates, acritarchs, and other micro­ KAWASAKI, formerly of the Nagasaki fossils recovered from the Pleistocene Reclamation Office, Ministry of Agricul­ ture and Forest, from eleven cores of the * Received June 23, 1970; read June 27, 1970 Ariake Sea bottom, off the coast of Ko­ at Mito. jiro, and two cores in the Kuriya River

11 12 J(iyoshi TAKAHASHI area at the boundary of Kunimi and Ari­ Location and stratigraphy ake towns. The author thanks Mr. Satoshi KAWA­ The Pleistocene sediments of the Ari­ SAKI, Bureau of Development of Hokkai­ ake Sea bottom, off the coast of Kojiro, do, for his kind offering of the boring Shimabara Peninsula, Nagasaki Prefec­ cores. Thanks are also due to Professor ture, are divided into five formations, that Dr. Glenn E. ROUSE, Departments of Bota­ is, the lowest, lower, middle, upper, and ny and Geology, University of British pumice tuff formations. These formations Columbia, Canada, for his valuable advice were originally described and charted in and for reading the manuscript. K. TAKAHASHI, S. KAWASAKI and H. Fu-

A12 B12 O A11 B11 ° A10 810° C10 A9 0 -7.5 B9 ° AS C9 0 80

B7 C7 AS 0 BS 0


Fig. 1. Map showing the positions of the samples collected.

AJ-AI2• B1-B12, C1-C12, and No. 2: boring positions. B: Kuriyagawa silt or clay bed. C: Nagasu Formation. 57 5. Microfossils from Sediments of Ariake 13

RUKA W A, 1969, p. 53-57. to clay. 1) Lowest formation 3) Middle formation (0.4-2.5m in thick­ This formation occurs deeper than -43 ness) m in core no. B-3, and -35m in core This formation, consisting of brown no. B-9; it consists mainly of coarse sand clay, silt, or sand, contains dark gray or and gravel. In horizons deeper than -50 black carbonized plant fragments; it can m of the core no. B-3, a bluish gray clay be called a humus clay or sand. It is continues down for more than 5 m. A distributed mostly on the southern side gravel bed is composed mainly of the of the line A2 -B3 -C2 , and occurs at -14 round or subround pebbles, 1-2 em in to -16m below the sea bottom. diameter, consisting hornblende biotite 4) Upper formation (0.9-12.2m in thick­ andesite and a sand matrix containing ness) many pieces of biotite. Consists mostly of volcanic sediments, 2) Lower formation i.e., volcanic ash, tuff breccia, silt, sand, This formation contains facies of tuff and tuffaceous gravel, all of which origi­ breccia, volcanic breccia, and beds of silt­ nated as volcanic ejecta. clay. (a) Tuff breccia (a) Tuff breccia (0-12.7 m+ in thick­ This bed showing a wide distribution, ness) consisting of many boulders and cobbles This formation occurs at depths of of dark gray, pyroxene andesite, and more than -12m or -20m. The rocks partialy hornblende-biotite andesite, with contain pyroclastics, consisting mainly a matrix of tuffaceous sand or mud. of grayish-white, coarse, hornblende-bio­ (b) Sandy tuff tite-andesitic breccia, within a sand ma­ The hard sandy tuff is light purplish trix containing many crystals of horn­ gray or grayish brown, and is not so blende and biotite. This grades locally continuous. Its thickness varies from 1.7 into volcanic breccia. to 4.3 m. (b) Volcanic breccia (0-30 m in thick­ The soft sandy tuff is distributed dis­ ness) continuously, and is light gray or gray. This bed does not occur on the north­ (c) Sand bed ern side of the line connecting the boring A dark gray, fine-medium, loose sand stations A-8, A-9, B-10, B-11, and B-12 contains many carbonized plant frag­ or in the neighborhood of the core C-9. ments. The thickness varies from 1.2 to The upper surface occurs at a depth 2.9 m, and the upper surface varies from shallower than -17.5 m from the sea -9 to -11m. bottom in the area of the boring positions (d) Clay bed B-4, B-5, B-6, B-7, and B-8. In this area, This bed consists of dark green loose the bed measures about 15-20 m in thick­ clay, clay mixed with gravel, or sandy ness. This volcanic breccia contains large clay containing many plant fragments, cobbles of hornblende-biotite andesite, and varies from 0.15 to 2.6m in thickness. and in places becomes partly lava. It can be correlated with the Kuriyagawa (c) Silt-clay beds (generally 0.7-2.5 m; clay bed occurring in the downstream max. more than 9.5 m in thickness) area of Kuriya River, because of similar Beds ranging from clay to silt are rock facies and pollen assemblages. Its. intercalated between various horizons, upper limit is -12.30 to -17.00 m. and consist of greenish-gray, hard, silt (e) Tuffaceous fine gravel bed l4 Kiyoshi TAKAHASHI

0 m

6. \·/ \. I~ '\ '' 5 \ '' •••• 0 " .~~ . '.' ' ' 1\ I\ 1\ " •••• 0 " ' 0 /~ .'~ • ' " !'. '.' /~ t:. " 0 '~ ~'. • !~ ~\'~ ' A .'! -'~ . !'. /0\ !~ .1\ I\ 10 " A " " ' ' " ' ' " " [>. " " I\J\1\ '[>. [>. [>. [>. ' ' 15 " """ 0 I\ II!\ 1>. 1>. 0 - - - " " " 0 - - [>. 1>. t:. ~~~~~ ' " " a,,, ' ' [>. 1\/\J\ " " t:. 0 -- [>. "' t. 1\ "'' "' " ' ' " "' "' " ' ' ' 6 20 II ' " t.

A- 1 B- 1 B-2 B-4 B- 6 6 c - 4

6 - [ill a D . d g t=J ' '

25 b . e h Dv [2J. b1]' @ c & l·vv ·;.I . t [iJ E8' TT77777 m B-9(a) B -9( b)

Fig. 2. Seven columnar sections of the Pleistocene sediments of the Ariake Sea bottom. a: Silt or clay Sandy tuff or (lapilli tuff) b: Humus mud tuffaceous sand or pebble c: Silt-clay or sand containing carbonized Volcanic breccia plant fragments k : Tuff breccia d: Sand I : Shell remains e: Gravel m: Horizon of weathered rocks f: Pumice sand· 0: Horizon showing the g: Tuff occurrence of microplankton h : Tuffaceous silt 575. Microfossils from Sediments of Ariake 15

This bed consists of many coarse sands, The lower formation corresponding to granules, or pebbles from volcanic rocks. the C type pollen group, contains Quer­ It is situated on the northern side of cus, Castanea, Chenopodiaceae, Pinus, etc. borings A-6, B-6, and C-6, and varies The lowest formation shows the D type from 0.6 to 3.6 m in thickness. pollen group consisting of Fagus, Pinus, 5) Pumice tuff bed Quercus, etc. This pumice bed, the so-called "ejecta of Aso volcano", occurs on the northern ·side of borings B-1, A-3, A-4, A-5, and Dinoflagellates, acritarchs, and A-6. It contains many pebbles, an oc­ other microfossils casional boulder of pumice, and small Seventeen samples and horizons yield- granules of black andesite in a matrix of loose pumice sand. ed many microplankton remains, are as follows: In the downstream area of Kuriya Riv­ er, the uppermost horizon consists of tuf­ Boring Depth (m) Formation Pollen faceous granules to coarse sand, and is No. group 20 em thick. The lower horizon contains A-1 15.00-15.50 lower c a gray silt to clay bed up to 190 em in A-1 15.80-16.00 lower c A-1 16.00-16.20 lower thickness. In horizons deeper than 190 c A-1 18.40-18.50 lower c em, this bed also contains pumice or A-5 16.50-17.00 lower c granules. A-ll 18.30-18.40 lower c The outcrop of the Nagasu Formation, B-1 11. 40-11. 50 middle B being gray or bluish gray silt or clay B-1 13.00 lower c containing carbonized plant fragments B-2 17.50-17.60 lower c and shell fossils, is situated about 700 m B-3 12.30-12.40 lower c north of Takamoto, near Nagasu Harbor, B-4 6.50- 6. 70 upper A Kumamoto Prefecture. It provided many B-6 11. 20-11. 30 upper (A) good samples. H. FURUKAWA and H. Mr­ B-9 35.30-35.50 lowest D 36.40-36.60 lowest D TSUSHIO (1965) reported that the lower B-9 B-11 16.55-16.65 lower c part of the Nagasu Formation contains C-4 10.00-10.50 lower c shell remains, such as Theora lata, Raeta C-4 11. 00-11. 50 lower c pulchella, Barnea japonica, etc., indicating an inner bay environment. The author found many microfossils of The foregoing Pleistocene formations Incertae sedis Ovoidites only from eight respectively correspond with the four samples of the Kuriyagawa silt or clay zones of pollen assemblages (K. TAKA­ bed. The Kuriyagawa silt or clay con­ HASH!, S. KAWASAKI and H. FURUKAWA, tains the A type pollen group. 1968 and 1969). Eight samples from the Nagasu For­ The A type pollen group correspond­ mation yielded many microplankton re­ ing to the upper formation, consists mains. In the pollen assemblage of the mainly of Pinus, Gleicheniaceae, Tsuga, Nagasu Formation, Fagus and Pinus are flex, Fagus, Picea, Polypodiaceae, etc. the most predominant, and Picea, Tsuga, The B type pollen group represents Quercus, Castanea, flex, Gleicheniaceae, the middle formation and shows the Zelkova or Ulmus, etc. are next. This spectrum of Taxodiaceae (mostly Meta­ assemblage appears comparable to the D sequoia), Alnus, Picea, etc. type pollen group, although an exact 16 Kiyoshi TAKA HASH!

correlation cannot as yet be made. Family Gonyaulaceae LINDEMANN 1) Dinoflagellates The author identified the following as Genus Spiniferites MANTELL, 1850 dinoflagellates: Spiniferites ramosus (EH· Spiniferites ramnsus (EHRENBERG) RENBERG) MANTELL; Hystrichosphaeridi- MANTELL 1117! cf. ferox DEFLANDRE; Hystrichosphae­ ridium cf. tiara KLUMPP; Hystrichosphae­ Pl. 2, figs. 1-3 ridium spp.; Hemicystodinium cf. zoharyi (ROSSIGNOL) WALL, and Hystrichokiboti­ 1937. Hystrichosphaera ramosa, G. DEFLAI'­ um sp. DRE, Ann. Pal., 26, p. 64, pl. 11, figs. Spores of Spiniferites ramosus (EHREN­ 5, 7. 1937. Hystrichosphaera furcata, G. DEFLA:\'­ BERG) MANTELL, occurring commonly DRE, Ann. Pal., 26, pp. 61-63, pl. 11, from the Pleistocene sediments of the figs. 1, 3, 4. Ariake Sea area, have been isolated re­ 1958. Hystrichosphaera furcata, A. EISENACK, cently by D. WALL and B. DALE (1970) N. ]b. Geol. Paliiont., 106, 3, p. 406, pl. from the sediments of a marine lagoon 25, ftgs. 4-8. in Bermuda. Their incubation experi­ 1959. Hystrichosphaera furcata, H. GocuT, ments show that living dinoflagellate Paliiont. Z., 33, 1/2, p. 74, pl. 4, fig. 4; spores of Spinijerites ramosus !EHREN­ pl. 5, fig. 11. BERG) MANTELL have excysted in vitro 1964. Hystrichosphaera furcata, I.C. CooKSON to produce a motile thecate dinoflagellate and N.F. HuGHES, Palaeontology, 7, 1, p. 45, pl. 9, figs. 1, 2. of the Gonyaulax spinifera type. 1964. Hystrichosphaera ramosa, I.C. CooKSON 2) Acritarchs and N.F. HUGHES, Palaeontology, 7, 1, Micrhystridium ariakense n. sp., Micrhy­ p. 45, pl. 9, figs. 4, 5. stridium densum n. sp., Baltisphaeridium 1966. Hystrichosphaera furcata, P. MORGEN­ spp., Cymatiosphaera globulosa T AKAHA­ ROTH, Palaeontographica, B, 119, p. 14, SHI, Cymatiosphaera reticulosa TAKAHA­ pl. 7, figs. 5, 6. SHI, and Leiosphaeridia globulifera n. sp. 1967. Hystrichosphaera furcata, D. WALL, were identified. Micrhystridium ariakense Palaeontology, 10, 1, pp. 98-100, pl. 14, appears especially abundantly from many figs. 1, 2, text-fig. 2. samples. 1969. Hystrichosphaera ramosa, H. Goct!T, 3) Other microfossils Palaeontographica, B, 126, pp. 30-31, pl. 4, figs. 10, 11. Ovoidites ellipsoideus n. sp. was com­ 1970. Spiniferites ramosus (EHRENBERG) MA:\'­ monly found only from the Kuriyagawa TELL, D. WALL and B. DALE, Micro­ silt or clay bed. Only one specimen of paleontology, 16, 1, pp. 49-51, pl. 1, figs. Ovoidites cf. microligneolus KRUTZSCH was 1-15, text-figs. 1-9. found in core B-6, 11.20-11.30 m in depth. The biological affinities of Ovoidites are Description :-The test is ovoid. The unknown. test wall is thin and smooth or fine punc­ All type material is kept in the Depart­ tate. The plate-areas are defined by dis­ ment of Geology, Nagasaki University. tinct sutural septa and are completely developed in number and arrangement. The processes are set along the sutures Systematic descriptions and at corners of plate-areas. They are relatively long, either bifurcate or tri­ • Class Dinophyceae furcate. The tabulation is 4', Oa, 6", 6c, 575. Microfossils from Sediments of Ariake 17

6"', 1p, 1'"' and the archeopyle is devel­ Paliiont. z., 33, 1;2, p. 71, pl. 4, fig. l. oped from plate-area 3". Its shape is 1962. Hystrichosphaeridium ferox, I.C. CooK­ subrectangular. SO"< and A. EISENACK, Micropaleontolo­ Dimensions :-Test 50-54x 44-52 f1; gy, 8, 4, p. 491, pl. 4, fig. 15. length of process 15 to 8 f1; width of 1967. "Hystrichosphaeridium" ferox, W .R. EviTT, Stanford Univ. Publ. Geol. Sci., girdle: ventral 4 to 6 fl., dorsal 7 to 8 fl.· 10, 3, p. 76, pl. 8, figs. 1-5. Remar!?s :-The present specimens are very similar to Spiniferites ramosus (EH­ Description:-The test is ovoid with RENBERG) MANTELL (=Hystrichosp!wera somewhat truncated base. The test di­ ramosa (EHRENBERG) DAVEY and WILLI­ ameter is about 33x 27 fl.· Large com­ AMS) (D. WALL and B. DALE, 1970, 47-58, pound processes are broad at the base, pl. 1) from modern marine lagoonal sedi­ divide into two or more forked spines ments in Bermuda. which taper toward the tips, and corres­ WALL and DALE (1970) have informed pond to pre- and postcingular plates. that living specimens .of Spiniferites ra­ Smaller processes are sometimes between mosus (EHRENBERG) have been isolated the compound processes and correspond from the sediments of a marine lagoon to apical, cingular, and sulcal plates. The in Bermuda and have excysted in vitro large compound processes are about 9 to to produce a motile dinoflagellate of Go­ 11 f1 long and about 8.3 to 8.6 f1 broad at nyaulax spinifera. This fact establishes the base. The small processes are about the synonymy of Spiniferites (=Hystri­ 5 to 7 fl., scarcely 10 plong and about 1.3 c!wsphaera) and Gonyaulaux. to 1.6 f1 broad at the base. Age and occurrence:-Pleistocene; Na­ RemaTks :-The characteristics of the gasu Formation (marine silt),near Nagasu present specimen are comparable with Harbor, Kumamoto Prefecture. Slide GN those of HystrichosphaeTidium ferox DE­ 673 and GN 751. FLANDRE in the form and arrangement of the compound processes. Age and occurrence :-Pleistocene; low­ Family Hystrichosphaeridiaceae EVITT, er formation of the Ariake Sea bottom, 1963, emend. SARJEANT off the coast of Kojiro, Shimabara Penin­ and DOWNIE, 1966 sula, Nagasaki Prefecture ; core C-4, depth 11.00-11.50 m. Slide GN 395. Genus Hystrichosphaeridium DEFLANDRE, 1937, emend. DAVEY and WILLIAMS, 1966 Hystrichosphaeridium cf. tiara KLUMPP

Hystrichosphaeridium cf. ferox Pl. 4, fig. 16

DEFLANDRE 1953. Hystrichosphaeridium tiara KLUMPP, Palaeontographica, A, 103, pp. 390-391, Pl. 3, fig. 6 pl. 17, figs. 8-10.

1937. Hystrichosphaeridium ferox DEFLAI'>DRE, Description :-The test is originally Ann. Pal., 26, p. 72, pl. 14, figs. 3, 4. 1958. Hystrichosphaeridium ferox, A. EISEN­ spherical and thin-walled, with the numer­ ACK, N. ]b. Geol. Paliiont., 106, pp. 401- ous processes of the small bifurcated or 402, pl. 27, figs~ 1-2. bugle-like tips. The test diameter is about 1959. Hystrichosphaeridium ferox, H. GoCIIT, 55.5 to 69 fl.· The numerous processes 18 Kiyoshi TAKAHASHI are relatively slender and often curved, spherical or oval, with the numerous and range from 9.5 to 14 fl. in length. processes. The test diameter is about Archaeopyle apical. The processes around 31 X 26 fl.· The processes are relatively archaeopyle are somewhat smaller. short and slender with the trumpet Remarks :-Hystrichosphaeridium tiara mouth-like tip. Their length ranges from KLUMPP was described by B. KLUMPP 5.0 to 5.2 fl.· The wall is thin. Archaeo­ {1953, pp. 390-391, pl. 17, figs. 8-10) from pyle apical. the Upper Eocene sediments of Kiel and Remarks :-The present specimen is Wi:ihrden, Germany. The present speci­ similar to Hystrichosphaeridium tiara men is closely similar to the German KLUMPP (B. KLUMPP, 1953, pp. 390-391, species H. tiara KLUMPP excepting wall­ pl. 17, figs. 8-11) from the Upper Eocene thickness. The latter possesses the thick­ sediments of Kiel and Wi:ihrden, Germany er wall, 4 fl., than the former. and H. cf. tiara from the Pleistocene Age and occurrence :-Pleistocene; low­ sediments of the lower formation of the er formation of the Ariake Sea bottom, Ariake Sea bottom. The former is small­ off the coast of Kojiro, Shimabara Penin­ er in size and length of process than the sula, Nagasaki Prefecture ; core A-1, depth latter. 16.00-16.20 m. Slide GN 476. Core A-5, Age and occurrence:-Pleistocene ; low­ depth 16.50-17.00 m. Slide GN 581. er formation of the Ariake Sea bottom, off the coast of Kojiro, Shimabara Penin­ Hystrichosphaeridium sp. a sula, Nagasaki Prefecture ; core A -1, depth 15.80-16.00 m. Slide GN 463. Pl. 2, figs. 4a-b

Description:-The test is ellipsoidal in Family Incertae sedis outline, but originally spherical (?). The Genus Hemicystodinium WALL, 1967 test diameter is about 46 x 31 fl.· The numerous processes are relatively slen­ Hemicystodinium cf. zoharyi der, long, and cyrindrical with the some­ (ROSSIGNOL) WALL what broader base and the bi- or tri­ furcated tips. Their length varies from Pl. 3, figs. la-b fl.· fl. 7.8 to 10.3 The wall is very thin, 0.4 1962. Hystrichosphaeridium Zoharyi RossiG­ and fine punctate. Archaeopyle unseen. NOL, Pollen et spores, 4, 1, p. 132-134, Remarks:-The author describes here pl. 2, fig. 10. the present specimen as Hystrichosphae­ 1967. Hemicystodinium zoharyi (RossiGNOL) ridium sp. due to no apparent plate-areas. WALL, Palaeontology, 10, 1, p. 110, pl. Age and occurrence :-Pleistocene; low­ 15, figs. 18-20. er formation of the Ariake Sea bottom, Description:-The hemisphaerical, rim Qff the coast of Kojiro, Shimabara Penin­ of hemisphere with somewhat smaller sula, Nagasaki Prefecture ; core B-2, depth projection and displacement at the mid­ 17.50-17.60 m. Slide GN 234. ventral point. Test smooth, 45x42 fl. long in diameter. Spines numerous; their Hystrichosphaeridium sp. b length about 7 to 7.5 fl. and breadth about Pl. 4, figs. 15a-b 1.3 to 1.6 fl.· Remarks:-The present specimen is Description:-The test is originally comparable with Hemicystodinium zoharyi 575. Microfossils from Sediments of Ariake 19

(ROSSIGNOL) WALL (Hystrichosphaeridium Group Acritarcha EviTT, 1963 zoharyi, M. ROSSIGNOL, 1962, pp. 132-134, pl. 2, fig. 10; D. WALL, 1967, p. 110, pl. 15, Subgroup Acanthomorphitae DowNIE, figs. 18-20) in the test diameter, the EVITT, and SARJEANT, 1963 sulcal notch probably at anterior position of the longitudinal furrows, and the spine Genus Micrhystridium DEFLANDRE, 1937, form. emend. DOWNIE and SARJEANT, 1963 Age and occurrence :-Pleistocene; low­ Micrhystridium ariakense n. sp. er formation in the Ariake Sea area, off the coast of Kojiro, Shimabara Peninsula, Pl. 4, figs. 1-10 Nagasaki Prefecture. Core C-4, depth 11.00-11.50 m. Slide GN 395. Holotype :-Plate 4, fig. 7; test 14x 12.5 f-l; specimen slide GN 478, core A-1, depth 16.00-16.20 m, bottom of Ariake Sea. Genus Hystric!wkibotium KLUMPP, 1953 Diagnosis:-Test originally spherical, smooth, thin-walled; spines fine and small, Hystrichokibotium sp. straight, with a little conical base; num­ Pl. 3, figs. 4a-c ber of spines countless, length of spines less than 1/10 of the test diameter. Description:-The test is smooth and Dimensions:- spherical. The test diameter is 30.8x 28.0 Length of fl· The wall is two-layered (?), about 1 f-l Figs. Test diameter Test wall spines (ft) thick. The processes are broad at the (p) (p) 1 16. 7x16. 7 0. 7 0.8 base and taper rapidly to the tips which 2 16. 7x15. 0 0.5 0.8 are usually bifurcate or trifurcate. The 3 16.0x14.0 0. 7 0.9 processes arise from the junctures of the 4 15. 2 X 13.7 0. 7 0. 7 polygonal fields. Some processes are 5 11. 1 X 10. 0 thin 0.8 interconnected for a considerable distance 6 13. 5x 9.8 thin 0. 7 up from the bases by web·like mem­ 7 14. 2x12. 5 0.4 0.9 branes. The processes are about 8 plong 8 14.4 X 10. 9 thin 0.8 and about 3 f-l wide at the base. No girdle 9 16. 4xll. 4 thin 0.9 is present. 10 12. 5x 9. 8 thin 0. 6 Remarks:-The genus Hystrichokiboti· Test diameter 11 x 10 f-l to 16.7x 16.7 f-l; um was established by B. KLUMPP (1953, test wall 0.5 p±thick (0.4 to 0.7 f.l) ; length pp. 387-388) under the type species Hys­ of spines 0.6 to 0.9 !-'-· trichokibotium pseudofurcatum from UP· Occurrence :-Lower formation of the per Eocene of Wohrden, North W-Germa· Ariake Sea bottom and Nagasu Forma­ ny. This species is far larger in test size tion ; common. and length of processes than the present Description:-The test is originally species. spherical in outline. The thickness of Age and occurrence :-Pleistocene; Na­ the test wall is less than 5 per cent of gasu Formation (marine silt), near Nagasu the test diameter. The spines are very Harbor, Kumamoto Prefecture. Slide GN small, straight, and somewhat broaden 615. at their point of insertion and their spacing is regular. The spine bases are Incertae Sedis circular, 0.5 f-l or less than 0.5 fl wide. 20 Kiyoshi TAKAHASHI

The length of spines is constant respec­ are numerous, simple, and small, 0.7 to 1.7 tively, less than 1 f1· The surface of the ,u. long. Some stronger and larger spines, test between spines is smooth. The test 1.7 f1 long, are found in the irregular dis­ often folds. position between the numerous small Remarks:-This species is very closely spines. The larger spine has a little similar to .Aficrhyslridium minus TAKA­ conical base. HASHI from the Oligocene sandstone of Remarlzs :-The specimen, which was the Asagai Formation, joban coal-field described as Micrhystridium sp. a from (K. TAKAHASHI, 1964, p. 203, pl. 30, figs. the Asagai Formation (K. T AKAHASHl, 2-4; pl. 33, fig. 2), but differs from the 1964, p. 206, pl. 30, figs, 5a-b), belongs to· latter in that the present species pos­ the present species Micrhystridium den­ sesses larger test and stronger spines sum. than the latter. This species is also similar to Micr­ hystridium aria!zense (pl. 4, figs. 1-10), but the former possesses some stronger J\1icrh_vslridiu m den sum n. sp. spines which arrange irregularly. Pl. 4, figs. lla-b

Holotype :-Pl. 4, figs. 11a-b; test 14.6x Genus Baltisphaeridium EISENACK, 1958, 13.2 f1; specimen slide GN 346, core C-4, emend. DoWNIE and SARJEANT, 1963 depth 10.00-10.50 m, bottom of Ariake Sea. Diagnosis:-Test spherical, smooth, Baltisphaeridium sp. thin-walled ; smaller spines numerous, Pl. 3, fig. 5 stronger spines with a little conical bases scattered ; length of stronger spine a Description:-The test is smooth, thin­ little more than 10 per cent of the test walled, and spherical. The test diameter diameter and smaller spines less than 10 is 26.7X 24.5 f1· The spines are relatively per cent of the test diameter. strong, straight or somewhat curved, and Dimensions:-Test diameter 13 to 14.6 broaden somewhat at their point of in­ f1; stronger spines 1.7 f1 long and smaller sertion. The number of spines is numer­ spines 0.7 to 0.9 f1long; diameter of coni­ ous. Their length is about 4 to 6 f1 and cal base of stronger spine 0.8 f1· their breadth at the base is 1.8 to 2.2 f1· Occurrence:-Lower formation of the Remarks:-The similar species, Balti­ Ariake Sea bottom ; uncommon. sphaeridium hirsutum (EHR.) DOWNIE and Description:-The test is spherical and SARJEANT, 1963 (G. DEFLANDRE, 1937, 26, thin-walled, 0.7 to 0.8 ft thick. The spines p. 78, pl. 13, fig. 8; I. C. COOKSON and

------Explanation of Plate 2

Figs. la-b, 2, 3. Spiniferites ramosus (EHRENBERG) MANTELL Fig. la. Approximately dorsal view; Nagasu Formation; slide GN 673; x 875. Fig. lb. Ventra] view; Nagasu Formation; slide GN 673; x875. Fig. 2. Approximately dorsal view; Nagasu Formation; slide GN 673; x 500. Fig. 3. Ventral view; Nagasu Formation; slide GN 751; x875. Figs. 4a-b. Hystrichosphaeridium sp. a Lower formation; core B-2, 17.50-17.60 m in depth; slide GN 234; x 1250. TAKAHASHI: Microfossils from Sediments of Ariake Plate 2 .575. Microfossils from Sedirnents of A.riake 21

N. F. HUGIIES, 1964, p. 55, pl. 10, figs. 1, Cymatiosphaera globulosa TAKAHASHI 2; N. BALTES, 1967, p. 332, pl. 4, figs. 13 20), has been recorded from Cretaceous Pl. -1, figs. 13a-b sediments in some regions of Europe, but 1964. Cy111atiosphaera globulosa T,\KAIJ.\SJJI, differs from the present specimen in the Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. japan, N.S., test dimension. The former is far larger 54, p. 210, pl. 30, figs. 6a b, 7a-b. than the present specimen. Age and .occurrence :-Pleistocene; Na­ Description:-The test is spherical and gasu Formation (marine silt), near Nagasu thin-walled, with fifteen or seventeen Harbor, Kumamoto Prefecture. Slide GN polygonal fields. The test diameter is -674. about 16 p. The width of networks varies from 6.3 to 7.9 ,u. The spines are rela­ ? Baltisphaeridium sp. tively slender and short; their length ranges from 1.7 to 2.5 p. The thickness Pl. 3, ftgs. 2, 3 of wall is 0.8 p. The networks connect with the straight line. Description:-The test is cracked, but Re111ar!?s :-This specimen belongs to -originally spherical. The test diameter Cymatiosphaera globulosa described by the is about 60x 63 p. The numerous spines author from the Asagai Formation (Oligo­ are relatively small and straight, and cene) (K. TAKAHASHI, 1964, p. 210, pl. 30, their forms are various, that is, spiny, figs. 6a-b, 7a-b). This Pleistocene speci­ Ianceolate, and broad cylindrical with men is larger than the Asagai specimens cuspidate tip. Only one large spine in shell diameter. possesses attenuate-acuminate tip. The Age and occurrence :-Pleistocene; up­ length of large spine is about 23 p and per formation of the Ariake Sea bottom, the spine base is about 15 p wide. Small off the coast of Kojiro, Shimabara Penin­ .spines are 7 to 9 p long. sula, Nagasaki Prefecture; core B-4, depth Remarks:-The present specimen is 6.50-6.70 m. Slide GN 295. ·similar to Baltisphaeridium multipilosum ~EISENACK) EISENACK (A. EISENACK, 1962, pl. 3, fig. 8; C. DOWNIE and W. A. S. SAR­ C)'lllaliosp!wera reticulosa T AKAIIASHI JEANT, 1963, p. 90, size 45-60 p) in the Pl. 4, figs. 12a-b, 1-Ja b shell size and the form of spine, but the former possesses two or three kinds of 196'1. Cymatiosphaera reticulosa T,\K.\li.-\SIII, smaller spines and one larger spine. Trans. Proc. Paiaeont. Soc. japan, N.S., Age and occurrence :-Pleistocene; low­ 54, pp. 210-211, pl. 30, figs. Sa-b, 9a-c. er formation of the Ariake Sea bottom, off the coast of Kojiro, Shimabara Penin­ Description:-The test is spherical and thin-walled, with fifteen to twenty poly­ sula, Nagasaki Prefecture ; core A -1, depth gonal fields divided by the undulate line. 15.80-16.00 m. Slide GN 457. The test diameter is 12.3 to 15 p. The width of networks is 4.2 to 5.7 ,u. The Subgroup Herkomorphitae DOWNIE, relatively short and stout spines arise at EviTT, and SARJEANT, 1963 the junctions of net-ridges; their length varies from 1.8 to 2.3 p. The thickness CeniJS Cymatiosphaera 0. WETZEL, 1933, of wall is about 0.7 p. emend. DEFLANDRE, 1954 Remar!?s :-The present specimens pos- 22 Kiyoshi TAKAHASHI sess the morphological characteristics of 2 p. wide. Cymatiosphaera reticulosa TAKAHASHI Occurrence:-Lower formation of the from the Oligocene Asagai Formation, Ariake Sea bottom, off the coast of Ko­ Fukushima Prefecture. These Pleistocene jiro ; uncommon. specimens are smaller in size than those Description:-The bodies are ellipsoidaL from the Asagai Formation. in outline. It is very difficult to decide Age and occurrence :-Pleistocene; low­ whether the body is originally sphericaL er formation of the Ariake Sea bottom ; or not. The length of bodies is more core B-1, depth 12.00-14.10 (13.00) m; core than twice of the width. The wall is. A-1, depth 15.80-16.00 m; off the coast of very thin, ornamented with numerous. Kojiro, Shimabara Peninsula, Nagasaki granular or globular balls or knobs in­ Prefecture. Slides GN 156 and GN 459. cluding small ones as well as somewhat big ones, which are more or less densely Subgroup Sphaeromorphitae DOWNIE, scattered, collapsed and folded. No py­ lome and no transverse girdle. Both EVITT, and SARJEANT, 1963 ends of body often lack. Genus Leiosphaeridia EISENACK, 1958, Remarks:-The present species is very similar to the features of specimens emend. DOWNIE and SARJEANT, 1963 which were illustrated by A. EISENACK Leiosphaeridia globulifera n. sp. (1958, p. 19, pl. 2, figs. 11-13). Leiosphae­ ridia sp. (A. EISENACK, 1958, pl. 2, fig. 11) Pl. 5, figs. 1, 2 resembles the present specimens, but the. Holotype :-Pl. 5, fig. 1; body 211.5x former possesses no ornamentation of 94.5 p.; specimen slide GN 388, core C-4, ball or knob, judging from EISENACK's depth 11.00-11.50 m, bottom of Ariake Sea. photograph (fig. 11). Diagnosis:-Ellipsoidal bodies with no process, collapsed. No pylome. Wall Incertae Sedis granular or globular, thin. Both ends of body often lacking. Formgenus Ovoidites R. POTONIE, 1966· Dimensions:- Body 211.5-204 X 94.5-83 Ovoidites ellipsoideus n. sp. p.; wall 0.9 to 1.1 p.; granular or globular protuberance 1.3 to 1.7 p. high and 1.7 to Pl. 5, figs. 3-10

Explanation of Plate 3

Figs. la-b. Hemicystodinium cf. zoharyi (RossiG:-iOL) WALL Lower formation; core C-4, 11.00-11.50 m in depth; slide GN 395; x 500. Figs. 2, 3. ? Ba!tisphaeridium sp. Lower formation; core A-1, 15.80-16.00 m in depth; slide GN 457; fig. 2: x 500; fig. 3: x875. Figs. 4a-c. Hystrichokibotium sp. Nagasu Formation; slide GN 615; x 875. Fig. 5. Baltisphaeridium sp. Nagasu Formation; slide GN 674; x 1250. Fig. 6. Hystrichosphaeridium cf. ferox DEFLANDRE Lower formation; core C-4, 11.00-11.50 m in depth; slide GN 395; x 1250. TAKAHASHI: Microfossils from Sediments of Ariake Plate 3

..1 la

• . ·:. .-. >. ~- ·.- ~·.> ...


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-·e-.;. .:!!! ·"' ~.:..:..:... .. 57 5. Microfossils from Sediments of Ariake 23

H olotype :-Pl. 5, fig. 5 ; size 120 X 45 ,u ; latter is more slender in sculpture of slide GN 1423, core Ku 1-1d, depth 100cm, network than the former. Kuriya River on the boundary between Botanical affinities :-Unknown. Kunimi and Ariake. Diagnosis :-Elongated ellipsoidal to Ovoidites cf. microligneolus KRUTZSCH fusiform in outline; exine one or two layers, ektexine thicker than endexine. Pl. 5, fig. 11 Sculpture fine punctate or rugulate, rare­ 1959. Ovoidites microligneolus KRUTZSCH, Geo­ ly smooth, and often slenderly reticulate logie, ]g. 8, Beih. 21;22, p. 254, pl. 49, with lumina elongated in the direction figs. 635-637. of long diameter of the grain. Dimensions :-Grain size and thickness Description:-The grain is fusiform. of exine of the figures illustrated in the Its length is about 93 ,u and its width is. plate 5. about 47 ,u. The exine of grain is 1.7 ,u: thick and two layers. The exine sculp­ Long Short Thickness ture is roughly rugulate, and slender Figs. diameter diameter of exine (p) (p) (p) reticulation with rough lumina in outer 3 125 38.4 2.8 layer. The grain is divided by tear in 4 122 36 1.5 half. 5 120 45 2 Remar!?s :-The present specimen is. 6 126 58.2 1.5 very similar to Ovoidites microligneolus 7 132.6 57.8 2 KRUTZSCH (1959, p. 254, pl. 49, figs. 635- 8 56. 7 24. 7 1.3 637) from the Middle Eocene Geiseltal 87 46.3 2.0 9 seam of Germany. It is difficult to dis­ 10 81 38 1.5 tinguish the present specimen from 0. Occurrence :-Kuriyagawa silt or clay microligneolus by the morphological char­ bed, upper formation in the Ariake Sea acteristics. area. Age and occurrencs :-Pleistocene; up­ Description:-The grains are elongated per formation in the Ariake Sea area,. ellipsoidal to fusiform in outline. The off the coast of Kojiro, Shimabara Penin­ length of grains varies from 56.7 to 132.6 sula, Nagasaki Prefecture. Core B-6, depth ,u and their width ranges from 24.7 to 11.20-11.30 m. Slide GN 1207. 58.2 ,u. The exine of grains is one or Botanical affinities :-Unknown. two layers, 1.3 to 2.8 ,u thick, and the ektexine is thicker than the endexine. References The sculpture of exine is very finely punctate or rugulate, rarely smooth, and AGASIE, ].M. (1969) : Late Cretaceous palyno­ often slenderly reticulate with lumina morphs from northeastern Arizona. Micro­ paleontology, 15, 1, 13-50, pis. 1-4. elongated in the direction of long diame­ BALTES, Nicolae (1967) : Albian microplank­ ter of the grains. Both ends of grain ton from the Moesic Platform, Rumania. are round. A fissure often divides the Ibid., 13, 3, 327-336, pis. 1-4. grain in half. B03)1(EHHHKOBA, T.. (1967) : 11cKorraeMble ne­ Remarks :-Ovoidites is very similar Pli.ZJ.HHeHlOpcKI!X, MeJIOBhiX 11 f1aJieoreHOBhiX to Schizosporis in characteristic feature. 0TJIO)I(emlii CCCP. AKa6eMHa HayK CCCP, Ovoidites ligneolus (POTONIE) differs from CI..\BHpCKOe 0T6eJieHHe, !1HCTHTYT reoJIOf!Ui the present species in sculpture. The H reo

Ci!URCIIILL, D.M. & SARJEAi'iT, W.A.S. (1962): -- (1958) : Tasmanites NEWTON 1875 und Freshwater microplankton from Flandri­ Leiosphaeridia n. g. als Gattungen der an (Holocene) peats of southwestern Aus­ Hystrichosphaeridea. Ibid., A, 110, 1-1.9, tralia. Grana Palynologica, 3, 3, 29-53. Taf. 1-2, 3 Abb. CooKsOi'i, l.C. & HUGHES, N.F. (1964): Mi­ -- (1958) : Mikroplankton aus dem nord­ croplankton from the Cambridge green­ deutschen Apt-nebst einigen Bemerkun­ sand (Mid-Cretaceous). Palaeontology, 7, gen iiber fossilen Dinoflagellaten. N. ]b. 1, 37-59, pis. 5:..11. Geol. Palaont., Abh., 106, 3, 383-422. DEFLA:->DRE, G. (1956) : Microfossiles des ·-- (1962) : Mitteilungen iiber Leiospharen silex cretaces. Premiere partie. Ann. und iiber das Pylom bei Hystrichosphiiren. Pateont., 25, 151-191. Ibid., 114, 1, 58-80, Taf. 2-4, 2 Abb. -- (1937) : Microfossiles des silex cretaces. -- (1969) : Bemerkungen zur Systematik Deuxieme partie. Ibid., 26, 51-103. der fossilen Dinoflagellaten. N. ]b. Geol. Dow:->IE, C. & SARJEAi'iT, W.A.S. (1963): On Palaont., Mh., 6, 337-343. the interpretation and status of some hys­ EviTT, W.R. (1967) : Dinoflagellate studies. trichosphere genera. Palaeontology, 6, 1, II. The Archeopyle. Stanford Univ. Publ. 83-96. Geol. Sci., 10, 3, 1-82. DmY:-.:IE, C., EviTT, W.R. & SARJEAKT, W.A.S. FURCKAWA, H. &M!Tst;SHIO, H. (1965): Qua­ (1963) : Dinoflagellates, hystrichospheres, ternary system of the Nagasu area, Ku­ and the classification of the acritarchs. mamoto Prefecture. (in Japanese with Stanford Univ. Publ., Geol. Sci., 7, 3, 1-16. English abstract). Sci. Rep. Fa c. Sci., EISE:-iACK, A. (1954) : Mikrofossilien aus Kyushu Univ. Geol., 8, 2, 83-100. Phosphoriten des samUindischen Unter­ Goci!T, Hans (1959) : Mikroplankton aus dem o!igozans und iiber die Einheitlichkeit der nordwestdeutschen Neokom. (Teil II). Hystrichosphaerideen. Palaeontographica, Palaont. Z., 33, 1;2, 50-89, Taf. 3-8, Tab. 1. A, 105, 49-95, Taf. 7-12, 8 Abb. -- (1969) : Formengemeinschaften altter-

- --~~- ~~~-~----

Explanation of Plate 4

Figs. 1-10. Micrhystridium ariakense n. sp., x 1250. Fig. 1. Lowest formation; core B-9, 36.40-36.60 m in depth; slide GN 1275. Fig. 2. Lower formation; core A-1, 15.80-16.00 m in depth; slide GN 461. Figs. 3, 7, 10. Lower formation; core A-1, 16.00-16.20 m in depth; figs. 3, 7: slide GN 478; fig. 7: holotype; fig. 10: slide GN 479. Fig. 4. Nagasu Formation; slide GN 611. Figs. 5, 6, 9. Lower formation; core A-1, 18.40-18.50 m in depth; figs. 5, 9: slide GN 497; fig. 6: slide GN 498. Fig. 8. Lower formation; core A-1, 15.00-15.50 m in depth; slide GN 437. Figs. lla-b. lvficrhystridium de nsum n. sp. Lower formation; core C-4, 10.00-10.50 m in depth; slide GN 346; x 1250. Figs. 12a-b, 14a-b. Cymatiosphaera reticulosa T AKAHASIII, x 1250. Fig. 12. Lower formation; core B-1, 13.00 m in depth; slide GN 156. Fig. 14. Lower formation; core A-1, 15.80-16.00 m in depth; slide GN 459. Figs. l3a-b. Cymatiosphaera globulosa TAKAHASHI Upper formation; core B-4, 6.50-6.70 m in depth; slide GN 295; x 1250. Figs. 15a-b. Hystrichosphaeridium sp. b Lower formation; core A-1, 15.80-16.00 m in depth; slide GN 463; x 1250. Fig. 16. Hystrichosphaeridium cf. tiara KLUMPP Lower formation; core A-1, 16.00-16.20 m in depth; slide GN 476; x 1250. TAKAHASHI: Microfossils from Sediments of Ariake Plate 4

4 3 1 r;; ...... ,_!:.---- ' ~

5 6 7 9

10 lla llb 12a 12b

13a 13b

14a 575. Microfossils from Sediments of Ariake 25

tiaren Mikroplanktons aus Bohrproben; -- (1964) : Taxonomic notes on hystricho­ des Erdiilfeldes Meckelfeld bei Hamburg. spheres and acritarchs. jour. Pal., 38, 1, Palaeontographica, B, 126, 1-100, Taf. 1- 173-177. 11, 49 Abb. SARJEA'.'T, W.A.S. & Dow'.'IE, C. (1966) : The HARLA:\'D, Rex (1968) : A microplankton as. classification of dinoflagellate cysts above semblage from the post-Pleistocene of generic level. Grana Palynologica, 6, 3, Wales. Grana Palynologica, 8, 2-3, 536- 503-527. 554. STANLEY, E.A. (1965): Upper Cretaceous and KLUYIPP, Barbara (1953): Beitrag zur Kennt­ Paleocene plant microfossils and Paleo­ nis der Mikrofossilien des mittleren und cene dinoflagellates and hystrichosphae­ oberen Eozan. Palaeontographica, A, 103, rids from northwestern South Dakota. 377-406, Taf. 16-20, 5 Abb., 1 Tab. Bull. Amer. Paleontology, 49, 222, 179-38,1, KRUTZSCH, W. (1957) : Sporen- und Pollen­ pis. 19-49. gruppen aus der Oberkreide und dem TAKAIIASIII, Kiyoshi (1964): Microplankton Tertii:ir Mitteleuropas und ihre strati­ from the Asagai Formation in the ]iiban graphische Verteilung. Z. fiir angewandte coal-field. Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. ja­ Geol., Heft 11;12, 509-548, Taf. 1-16, 2 pan, N.S., 54, 201-214, pis. 30-33. Tab. TAKAHASHI, K., KAWASAKI, S. & FU{l'K,\WA, -- (1959) : Mikropalaontologische (Sporen­ H. (1968) : Quaternary system under the pali:iontologische) Untersuchungen in der bottom of the Ariake sea and palynology. Braunkohle des Geiselta!es. Geologie, Jg. (in Japanese with English abstract). Bull. 8, Beih. 21;22, 1-425, 49 Taf., 38 Abb., 12 Fac. Lib. Arts, Nagasaki Univ., Natural Tab. Sci., 9, 33-43, pl. 1. MAIER, Dorothea (1959) : Planktonuntersuch­ --, -- & -- (1969) : Palynostratigraphic ungen in tertiaren und quarti:iren marinen study of the Quaternary formation of the Sedimenten. N. ]b. Geol. Paliiont ., Abh., Ariake Sea area. (in Japanese with English 107, 278-340, Taf. 27-33, 4 Abb., 5 Tab. abstract). Ibid., 10, 49-66. MoRGENROTH, Peter (1967) : Mikrofossilien V ALE'.'SI, L. (1953) : Microfossiles des silex und Konkretionen des nordwestdeutschen du Jurassique moyen. Mem. Soc. geol. Untereozans. Palaeontographica, B, 119, France, Nouvelle serie, 68, 1-100. 1-53, Taf. 1-11., 1 Tab. WALL, D. (1965) : Modern hystrichospheres POTONIE, R. (1951) : Revision stratigraphisch and dinoflagellate cysts from the Woods wichtiger Sporomorphen des mitteleuro­ Hole region. Grana Palynologica, 6, 2, pi:iischen Tertii:irs. Ibid., B, 91, 131-151. 297-314. -- (1960) : Synopsis der Gattungen der -- (1965) : Microplankton pollen and spores Sporae dispersae. III Teil. Beilz. Geol. from the Lower Jurassic in Britain . .\1i­ ]b., 39, 1-189, Taf. 1-9. cropaleontology, 11, 2, 151-190, pis. 1--9. -- (1966) : Synopsis der Gattungen der -- (1967) : Fossil microplankton in deep-sea Sporae dispersae. IV Teil. Ibid., 12, 1- cores from the Caribbean Sea. Palaeon­ 244, Taf. 1-15. tology, 10, 1, 95-123, pis. 14-16. RossiGNOL, M. (1961) : Analyse pollinique de WALL, D. & DALE, B. (1967) : The resting sediments marins Quaternaires en Israel cysts of modern marine dinoflagellates I: Sediments Recents. Pollen et spores, and their palaeontological significance. 3, 2, 303-324. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 2, 349-354. -- (1962) : Analyse Pollinique de sediments --&-- (1968): Modern dinoflagellate cysts marins Quaternaires en Israel II: Sedi­ and evolution of the Peridiniales. Micro­ ments Pleistocenes. Ibid., 4, 1, 121-148. paleontology, 14, 3, 265-304, pis. 1-4. SARJEA1'>T, W.A.S. (1962): Upper Jurassic -- & -- (1970) : Living hystrichosphaerid microplankton from Dorset, England. dinoflagellate spores from Bermuda and Micropaleontology, 8, 2, 255-268, pis. 1-2. Puerto Rico. Ibid., 16, 1, 47-58, pl. 1. 26 Kiyoshi TAKAHASHI

Ariake Kuriyagawa gf~:t:f-J II Kojiro Nagasu ~ 1HI Kunimi Shimabara lEJ }}j(

Explanation of Plate 5

Figs. 1, 2. Leiosphaeridia globulifera n. sp. Lower formation; core C-4, 11.00-11.50 m in depth; slide GN 388; fig. 1: holotype; x 350. Figs. 3-10. Ovoidites ellipsoideus n. sp., x 500. Kuriyagawa silt or clay bed; figs. 3, 4: slide GN 1477; figs. 5-7, 9: slide GN 1423; fig. 8: slide GN 1441 ; fig. 10: slide GN 1496; fig. 5: holotype. Fig. 11. Ovoidites cf. microligneolus KRUTZSCH Upper formation; core B-6, 11.20-11.30 m in depth; slide GN 1207; x 500. TAKAHASHI: Microfossils from Sediments of Ariake Plate 5


11 Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N.S., No. 81, pp. 27-51, pis. 6, 7, April 20, 1971



Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Jjft;F.i(i1t•'"C: i: ,L"'.{t::fi, ;;t /~ t-="- ~ 7-~il~ ~W-t" 0;: .c il: . 9iQ G:n;-c v•i::o ~1li:"¥=~W!J1EO)f.a!!!!L MAcNEIL (1960) b: Nakoshi Sand c L- '"CllH& -:d-=: ~ ~ 1t::filiP:'G J\WO)r~ll ~ct.'J 15m O))Ij. ~ t,r ~:'6 :fl:::E c -t" Mt!J.J\WO)iffii1!-t" 0 ;: c ii:~JAJl L-, .:C:hGO)~i!iO)t'fW, Kogachi Member c Nakoshi Sandstone Member t,rf,';"tr Haneji Formation Hfr L- < tJEIIIJ L- t-=:o :Lj;:~ftij)i:l:·f'J:::E c L- '"( Kogachi Member O)J:fu1JtlHY:J:lli~~J'I"J ~~~c11t#..t,r.t>~, .:CO)J:~~~;:9£~T.Q:/;J... r:'G9=t~C¥Jft-::lc Kogachi Fauna :fl:~rc6t-::o. Kogachi Fauna f'i Ana dar a (Hataiarca) kogachiensis n. sp. 7,rf5"tr=t5l~ 13 fill c ~ j':{ 7 fill J: ~ t.>: ~, !fit'Jft\!:1JJ)t!J 0)5j5JJ:futmi1HJJ!tq 0) r"Jit'Jilt@;fc~)~!. L-t-::llf~l:- £:, 0 o Haneji Forma­ tion rfiM• GJ:'N!llcil•ft--c 0) ~{t::fi!lf~;: J: -:o --c L-1>?~ hM~mO)~)!IiJ; .:CO):'Gt!M :IfH~~~ 1tC:J:<-J&L-'"C1t•0C.c7,i::~L-i::o t-He Anadara IC~v•'"Cv'i Kogachi'Member ii•GI'i. Anadara (Hataiarca) kogachiensis NoDA, n. sp., 7.1:, Nakoshi Sandstone Member i?• Gf'i Anadara (Scapharca) suzukii (YOKOYAMA) 11v: Anadara (Scapharca) takao­ ensis (NoMURA) 0) Anadara suzukii Group il:ifEIJ', L ,q:.f~:; .:&V'MltO)l"f)J t.>:=F-il;il, IJ ct.>:~ '@W-i !J ::$:0) liflll-1Cr-"J-fl'ii~l\1h:::. 0 c. c t,r~:iiiilln L-t-::o !llf Ill i)!j 'PJ

dant marine molluscan fossils, some of Introduction which have been described by NOMURA The stratigraphic unit called the Na­ and ZINBO (1936) and Y ABE and HAT AI koshi Sand was proposed by MACNEIL (1941). The fossiliferous sandstone is (1960) for the sandy and silty facies in underlain by 20 feet thick, presumably the lower part of the Ryukyu Group basal conglomerate at Nakoshi. The Na­ (HANZA w A, 1935a) distributed on the Mo­ koshi Sand is distributed only in the Mo­ tobu Peninsula in the northern part of tobu Peninsula. Rock facies stratigraphi­ Okinawa-jima. According to MACNEIL cally lower than the fossiliferous Nakoshi (1960), the Nakoshi Sand contains abun- Sand (MACNEIL, 1960) have been found during the writer's study. The lower * Received June 30, 1970; read June 27, 1.970, part of the Nakoshi Sand of MACNEIL at the 104th Meeting of the Society held at (1960) consists mainly of basal conglom­ lbaraki University, Mito. erate, overlain in upward succession by 27 28 Hiroshi NODA granular sandstone, thin acidic tuff and MAcNEIL (1960) for the fossiliferous sand­ massive greenish gray to deep olive gray stone distributed around Nakoshi, Haneji­ fossiliferous siltstone. The basal con­ son in the Motobu Peninsula, in the glomerate and granular sandstone at Ha­ northern part of Okinawa-jima (Text-fig. neji almost correspond to the ·conglom­ 1), where younger Tertiary rocks had been erate at Nakoshi as stated by MACNEIL (1960). The Nakoshi Sand of MACNEIL (1960) is here re-defined because it con­ tains other characteristic rock facies and a newly discovered molluscan fauna both of which were not described by MACNEIL. The fauna from the lower part of the Haneji Formation is characterized by the occurrence of numerous Ana.dara (Hatai­ arca) kogachiensis, n. sp. which do not occur in the Nakoshi Sandstone Member. Some paleontological features of the Ha­ neji Formation based upon the molluscan fauna are discussed in this article.

Acknowledgements The writer wishes to express his deep gratitude to Professor Kotora HAT AI of the Institute of Geology and Paleontolo­ gy, Faculty of Science, Tohoku Univer­ sity for his contiguous encouragement Text-fig. 1. Index map of the area studied. and supervision during the present study. recognized by TOKUNAGA (1901, formerly Acknowledgements are due to Associate YOSHIWARA), HANZAWA (1935a) and SHOJI Professor Tamio KoT AKA and Dr. Hisao (1968). According to MACNEIL (19601, NAKAGAwA of the same Institute for the Nakoshi Sand distributed typically their kind information and discussion on around Nakoshi, Haneji-mura, commences the biostratigraphy and geology of the with basal conglomerate of about 20 feet Ryukyu Islands. in thickness and is covered with un­ Deep thanks are expressed to Mr. To­ conformity by the Ryukyu Limestone and mohide NOI-IARA of the Department of Kunigami Gravel. The writer's field sur­ Geology, Ryukyu University for his sug­ vey showed that the "Nakoshi Sand" of gestions on the geology in the field and MACNEIL (1960) is composed mainly of to Mr. Kimiji KUMAGAI of the Tohoku U ni­ basal conglomerate, granular sandstone, versity for photographic work, Thanks acidic tuff, massive siltstone, granular are due to the Ministry of Education of fossiliferous sandstone and limy massive the Japanese Government for financial medium grained sandstone in ascending support. order. These rocks lie upon the Triassic Formation of ISHIBASHI (1969) and KOBA­ Stratigraphy of the Haneji Formation y ASH! and ISHIBASHI (1970) with uncon­ The Nakoshi Sand was proposed by formity. The weathered reddish brown 576. Anadarid from Haneji., Okinawa 29

to reddish gray clay beds at the basal ferous, granular or pebbly, massive, pale part of the formation is covered by the brownish gray to bluish gray sandstone;. "Ryukyu Limestone" or Conglomerate. it yielded numerous individuals of brown From the lithofacies mentioned above the colored Operculina (HANZA w A, 1935b) and Nakoshi Sand of MACNEIL (1960) may abundant molluscan fossils (NOMURA and better be named the "Haneji Formation". ZINBO, 1936; YABE and HATAI, 1941). The The Haneji Formation proposed in this Nakoshi Sandstone Member corresponds work is subdivided into two units named to the main part of the Nakoshi Sand of the Kogachi Member and the Nakoshi MACNEIL (1960). The sandstone just men­ Sandstone Member in ascending order tioned is underlain with light greenish (Text-fig. 2) .. The Nakoshi Sandstone Mem­ gray to deep olive gray, massive siltstone ber nearly corresponds to the Nakoshi which yielded numerous individuals of Sand of MACNEIL (1960) and its details An adara (Hataiarca) kogachien sis n. sp., will be discussed in another opportunity. associated with Ostrea denselamellosa, The Kogachi Member is distributed main­ Umbonium monilijerum decoratum, Batil­ ly around Kogachi (Type locality), Gabe­ laria zona/is and others (Table 1). The soga and Nakoshi in Haneji-son (Text­ sandstone is succeeded downward with fig. 3) and is composed mainly of conglom­ poorly sorted granular sandstone, basal erate intercalated with granular sand­ conglomerate and basal weathered red­ stone, thin acidic tuff and fossiliferous dish brown clay beds. The basal conglom­ siltstone. The base of the Nakoshi Sand­ erate consists mainly of pebble to cobble stone Member is defined by the fossili- size, well rounded to subrounded rocks.

Geologic Stratigraphy Remarkable fossils age "Kunigam:l'Gravel Pleistocene no fossils 30 m (-)

Nakoshi Anadara suzukii­ Member Anadara takaoensis Haneji 35 m (-) Operculina Pliocene Formation~------1~~~~~~~======~------1

11 Kogachi :.:."'a una 11 Kogachi ],;ember Anadara kogachiensis­ 15 m (-) Batillaria zonalis

Trias Nakijin Formation Halobia styrica

!,lolluscan fossil Conglomerate F

~ Limestone Text-fig. 2. The stratigraphy and columnar section of the northern part of the Motobu Peninsula, Okinawa-jima. 30 Hiroshi NODA

r--.,------,-1''' o o o o JKunigami Gravel" I 0 ~~~ Kogachi Member ::.'·_=::::.·_:Nakoshi Sandstonef~~~~ I>re-Tertiary .:I · · ... · JMember .t: : Fault • Fossil locality Text-fig. 3. Geological map and fossil localities.

Qf pre-Haneji Formation age as siltstone, The light gray to deep olive gray silt­ sandstone, graywacke, chert and slate stone facies yielded many individuals of .and is intercalated with loose, very coarse Anadara (Hataiarca) kogachiensis, Ostrea grained sandstone layers. The Kogachi denselamellosa, Batillaria zonalis, etc. The Member lies on the reddish brown clay siltstone facies just mentioned lies on beds, a weathered product of the so-called sandy tuff or tuffaceous fine grained sand­ Triassic Formation. The upper part of stone in the vicinity of Kogachi (type the basal conglomerate grades upward locality of the Member) and Gabesoga into coarse to fine grained sandstone in­ and in the western part of the Motobu tercalated with 20 to 30 em thick acidic Peninsula* and is covered with the Nako­ white, and sandpipe-bearing sandy tuff­ shi Sandstone Member with conformity beds. Some imperfect specimens of Ana­ .dara (Hataiarca) kogachiensis, Ostrea den­ * The stratigraphy and plant remains are .selamellosa, Batillaria zonalis and plant being studied by Mr. Tomohide NoHARA of remains were found from the sandy tuff. the Ryukyu University. 576. Anadarid from Hane}i, Okinawa 31

Table 1. Molluscan fossils from the Kogachi Member of the Haneji Formation, northern Motobu Peninsula, Okinawa-jima.

--______Localities - 83 84 109 114 Species I Striarca interplicata (GRABAU and KING)------0 Anadara (Hataiarca) kogachiensis NoDA, n. sp. 0 * ** + Modiolus sp. + Pteria cf. coturnix (DUNKER) + Pododesmus (Mania) noharai NODA, n. sp. 0 0 * Ostrea (Ostrea) denselamellosa LrscHKE + * * + Lucina sp. + + Codakia (]agonia) okinawazimana NoMURA and ZrNBO 0 0 Laevicardium sp. + Fulvia sp. + Macoma (Macoma) praetexta (v. MARTENs) + + Clementia (Clementia) vatheleti MABILLE + + Gastrochaena grandis (DuNKER) + Umbonium (Suchium) moniliferum decoratum MAKIYAMA + + Lunella coronatus granulatus (GMELIN) + I Lunella sp. + Batillaria zonalis (BRUGUIERE) 0 0 ** Polinices cumingianus madioenensis ALTENA + Tonna sp. + Nassarius (Zeuxis) caelatus (A. ADAMs) I 0 Abbreviation: **=more than 20 individuals, *=10 to 20 individuals, 0=4 to 10 indi- viduals, +=less than 4 individuals. Loc. no. 83=Small cliff at Gabesoga, Haneji-son. Loc. no. 84=Road side cliff between Kogachi and Gabesoga, Haneji-son. Loc. no. 109=Hill-side cliff, west of Kogachi, Haneji-son. Loc. no. 114=Small stream side cliff, east of Gabesoga, Haneji-son.

at the localities just mentioned. The silt­ sula and faulted at Kogachi and Nakoshi stone is not distributed around Nago and and at those two localities the conglom­ Nakoshi because of the unconformity erate is intercalated with fine to medium between the Nakoshi and the upper Con­ grained sandstone, acidic white, green glomerate+. As stated above, there are and brown tuff layers (about 40-60 em in thick conglomerates above and at the thickness) and lignitic siltstone. This lower part of the Kogachi Member. The facies was hitherto known as the Kuni­ upper conglomerate is thrust up on the gami Gravel (HANZAWA, 1935a; MACNEIL, Nakoshi Sandstone Member at Nakao, in 1960; SHOJI, 1968). This conglomerate the northern part of the Motobu Perrin- covers the Nakoshi Sandstone Member and Kogachi Member of the Haneji For­ + This conglomerate, previously treated as mation with unconformity. The lower the Kunigami Gravel, needs further study. conglomerate corresponds in part to the 32 Hiroshi NODA lower part of the Kogachi Member and Anadara (Hataiarca) kogachiensis, n. sp., is distributed sporadically in the western and Batillaria zonalis associated with part of Okinawa-jima. The distribution the molluscan fossils shown in Table 1. of the I-Ianeji Formation is restricted Umbonium moniliferum decoratum, Nas­ and the strata are nearly horizontal sarius caelatus, Batillaria zonalis, Stri­ but with slight dip northeastward. arca interplicata, Ostrea denselamellosa, From the distribution of the I-Ianeji and Clementia vatheleti listed in Table Formation and the paleoecological sig­ 1, are known from the Pliocene and nificance of the molluscan fossils, it is younger geological formations in the considered that after a long period of Japanese Islands. Umbonium monilijerum subaerial erosion and weathering as indi­ decoratum is restricted to the Pliocene cated by the reddish gray to reddish and the present record is its first from brown basal clay beds, the pre-existing Okinawa-jima. Numerous molluscan fos­ land now represented by the Motobu sils also occur from the Nakoshi Sand­ Peninsula submerged gradually and was stone Member as mentioned by NOMURA flooded by shallow marine waters which and ZINBO (1936), YABE and HAT AI (1941), brought characteristic (Pliocene) Pelecy­ and MACNEIL (1960). From the anadarid poda, Gastropoda, decapod crabs and fo­ biostratigraphy (NODA, 1965, 1966), the raminifers into the basinal trough which Nakoshi Sandstone Member is charact­ was opened towards the north and south erized by the occurrence of Anadara between the land areas of Pre-Tertiary (Scapharca) suzukii, Anadara (Scapharca) rocks in the west (NNE-SSW fault re­ ta!woensis, Anadara (Tosarca) sedanensis presented by crushed graphite zone in and Striarca interplicata, and was corre­ the Mesozoic Formation) and east (detail lated with the zone of Anadara castel­ relationship unknown). The Kogachi lataj An adam suzukii in southwestern Member is preserved only in the central Japan of Early Pliocene age. part of the trough but its basal conglom­ Once the writer stated (NODA, 1965, p. 96, erate or the basal part of the formation table 1) that the Nakoshi Sand (MACNEIL, crops out at Yamairihabaru, Biimatabaru 1960) can be correlated to the Pliocene and Yurushida. This distribution indi­ Takanabe-Ananai-Kakegawa formations cates that the Early Pliocene I-Ianeji and to the Formosan Pliocene. This pro­ marine transgression extended at least cedure is similar to MACNEIL's (1960) to the western part of Okinawa-jima but correlation. As the Kogachi Member is may not have covered the whole island. covered by the Nakoshi Sandstone Mem­ At present, the upper part of the for­ ber without stratigraphic hiatus, it is mation is preserved only in the northern considered to be a little older than the part of Motobu Peninsula. zone of Anadara castellataj Anadara su­ zukii. As shown in Table 1, the Kogachi Mem­ Geological Age and Faunal Character­ ber yielded 7 species of Gastropoda and istics of the Kogachi Member 13 of Pelecypoda. They are all shallow water dwellers and especially, Anadara, The siltstone facies of the Kogachi Modiolus sp., Laevicardium sp., Fulvia Member of the I-Ianeji Formation is sp., 1Hacoma praetexta, and Clementia characterized by the occurrence of nu­ vatheleti are infaunal, and Batillaria merous, well preserved specimens of zonalis, Polinices cumingianus madioen- 576. Anadarid from Haneji, Okinawa 33 ensis and Nassarius caelatus are epifau· upper parts of the Haneji Formation nal species which prefer a muddy bot­ agree well with the sedimentary facies. tom. Some of the epifaunal species live The succession and development of the on or near the surface of the muddy fauna in the upper part of the Haneji bottom and others burrow shallowly into Formation is similar to that of the so­ the bottom sediments. Pteria coturnix, called Ryukyu Limestone as will be Pododesmus and Ostrea denselamellosa discussed in another opportunity. It is adhere to firm substrata. The ecological interesting that the Kogachi Fauna is characteristics of the molluscan fauna more intimate with the fauna of mid­ correspond with the sedimentary facies. latitudinal areas than with those of sub­ Namely, the basal part of the Haneji tropical regions, whereas that of the Formation is composed of coarse grained Nakoshi Sandstone Member is related to sandstone and conglomerate and yielded subtropical faunas. from its middle part Ostrea denselamellosa, Anadara kogachiensis and Batillaria zona­ lis, molluscs of embaymental to brackish Remarks on the New Anadarid and water dwellers and plant remains and its Related Species crustacean sandpipes from the sandy siltstone or poorly sorted silty sandstone. An interesting anadarid from the silt­ The bed of deep olive gray to light stone of the Kogachi Member of the Ha­ brownish gray massive siltstone slightly neji Formation is described in this arti­ higher than the sandstone and conglom­ cle as Anadara (Hataiarca) lwgachiensis erate yielded the species listed in Table n. sp. The new species belongs to the 1 ; the molluscan assemblage is named subgenus Hataiarca which was proposed the Kogachi Fauna. Above the Kogachi based upon Anadara lwlcehataensis, an Fauna, there is a fossiliferous sandstone Early Middle Miocene species described which yielded the molluscan fossils de­ from the Miocene Kurosedani Formation scribed by NOMURA and ZINBO (1936), in Toyama Prefecture by HATAI and Y ABE and HAT AI (1941) and MACNEIL NrsrY AMA (1949). Twelve species of (1960). The molluscan assemblage is as­ anadarids are known of the subgenus sociated with numerous individuals of Hataiarca, which ranges from Early Operculina and is a pure marine open Middle Miocene to Recent (NODA, 1966). sea fauna compared with the Kogachi The new anadarid is allied to Anadara Fauna. (Hataiarca) lwkehataensis (type species Regarding only the anadarids, the Re­ of the subgenus Hataiarca), Anadara cent species of the subgenus Hataiarca subcrenata (Late Pliocene ? to Recent) live in the muddy bottom of shallow and Anadara (Hataiarca) shimonakaensis brackish warm water, whereas the spe­ HAY ASAKA (1969) originally described cies of the Anadara suzu!?ii Group are from the Miocene Kawachi and Osaki the deep water dwellers of the genus formations in Kagoshima Prefecture. An adara. This characteristic feature is Some morphological differences of the represented in the Nakoshi Sandstone above cited species are illustrated in Text­ Member by Anadara suzu!?ii and in the fig. 4, and discussed in later pages. From Kogachi Member by Anadara lwgachi­ the statistical figures, the new Pliocene ensis. Therefore, the succession in fau­ anadarid resembles the Miocene species nal development from the lower to the Anadara (Hataiarca) lwlzehataensis in :34 Hiroshi NODA

SR 'I. H I L D I H L L I L B I L

Ul "iii c

:c"u 0 Ol 0 = «

Ul "iii c "0 0 L ~

0 0 c ~ u .0 :J Ill <

Text-fig. 4. Histograms of different statistical relations of Anadara kogachiensis (Pliocene, 43-46 individuals), Anadara kakehataensis (Miocene, 38-42 individuals) and Anadara subcrenata (Pleistocene, 26-27 individuals) ; H=Shell height, L=Shell length, D=Shell depth, LL=Length of ligament, B=Position of beak from anterior end of shell.

certain important morphological charac­ exposed above the sea bottom. Therefore ters (Text-figs. 4, 5, 6). the shell body burrows obliquely, the The species of Hataiarca can be dis­ left valve below and the right valve up tinguished from other anadarids by the to the bottom plane. The parts of the distinct depressed area extending from shell exposed to the sea bottom are near the beak to the postero-ventral characterized by the rather smooth radial margin and by the granulations on the ribs, mainly of the depressed posterior non-dichotomous, strongly squarish in area. The granulations of the radial cross section, elevated radial ribs on the ribs are distinct on the immature or anterior part of the right and left valves. younger stage (medium to small size) From the granulations on the radial but become obscure in the adult or large ribs stated above, it is inferred that they specimens. From the above, the Hatai­ represent the burrowing forms of the ana species may have burrowed into the subgenus Hataiarca, based upon the ob­ bottom sediments during the younger servations of the anadarid cultured in stage but with growth gradually changed the laboratory. The shell body with the mode of life to live in the bottom granulated radial ribs on the main part sediments exposing nearly half of the of the left valve and on the anterior shell body. part of the right valve, is found on Regarding the number of radial ribs anadarids that burrow into muddy bot­ (Text-fig. 5), Anadara (Hataiarca) lwgachi­ tom sediments, and the non-granulated ensis has 26 in general, the Miocene spe­ part of the valves represents the parts cies Anadara (Hataiarca) kallehataensis is 576. Anadarid from HaneJ"i, Okinawa 35



Number of radial ribs

[A] Anadara (Hatai­ [B] Anadara (Hatai­ [C] Anadara (Hatai­ arca) koF,achiensis, arca) kakehataensis, arca}SU5cren~ bB""Valves from the 48 valves from var~ous ~alves from various Haneji Formation. localities of Miocene localities of Pleisto­ formations. cene formations. Radial Indivi- Per- Indivi­ ribs duals cent J 24 duals 6 8.82! 3 25 15 22.051 8 26 37 54.41 13.23 11 ~~ i 1.4'1 4 68 1 Total 99.98 27

Text-fig. 5. The number of radial ribs of the new anadarid and of its related species.

A nadar a ( Hatoiarca) E Anadaro ( Hafaiarca) Anodaro~) 70 subcrenota E koQochif.nSiti. E ls.ake_hataensi~ E 60 E 60 E 60 E E E E 50 Cl '\"'i- ~IUJ' 'V "'"' Cl· 0

... '"40 v." 0 :t:~~ ~~ o,"· : : ~~ ~ 1.0 40

10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 LENGTH in mm. LENGTH in mm. LENGTH in mm. Text-fig. 6. The regressive lines of the new anadarid and of its related species for the comparisons of each others by the method of least squares. Shell height, length and depth are measured according to the method of NonA (1966). 36 Hiroshi NODA

provided with 25, and the Recent form, regions. Anadara (Hataiarca) subcrenata possesses 32 radial ribs. So far as the number of radial ribs of the species related to Ana­ Descriptions of the Characteristic Species dara kogachiensis is concerned is there an Family Arcidae LAMARCK, 1809 increase from the Miocene to Recent. The shell form indicated by the angle of height Subfamily Arcinae LAMARCK, 1809 against shell length among the allied Genus Striarca CONRAD, 1862 species as shown in Text-fig. 6, changes from aclinal to prosoclinal and this is Striarca interplicata (GRABAU similar to the Recent anadarid growth and KING, 1928) series. From the data mentioned above, it can be said that Anadara (Hataia1·ca) Pl. 6, figs. 6a-7b kogachiensis is a descendant of the Mio­ 1928. Area (Barbatia) interplicata GRABAU cene Anadara (Hataiarca) lwkehataensis and KING, Educ. Handb. (2), Peking HATAI and NISIYAMA (1949). The Recent Soc. Nat. Hist., p. 161, pl. 1, fig. 1. (fide form, Anadara (Hataiarca) su.bcrenata is HABE, 1958) related to the Pliocene species which 1920. Area symmetrica (non REEVE), YoKo­ have similar statistical and morphologi­ YAMA, jour. Coll. Sci., Tokyo Imp. Univ., cal features as shown in Text-figs. 4, 5, 6. vol. 39, art. 6, p. 166, pl. 17, figs. 7-8. 1933. Area (Barbatia) yokoyamai NoMURA, At least, the series, Anadara kakehataensis Sci. Rep., Tohoku Imp. Univ., 2nd Ser., -Anadara kogachiensis-Anadara subcre­ vol. 16, no. 1, p. 41, pl. 1, figs. 3a-d. nata may be on the same phylogenetic 1935. Barbatia yokoyamai NOMURA, 0TUKA, trend, and other species related to the Bull. Earthq. Inst. Tokyo Imp. Univ., above are expected from the middle to no. 13, pt. 4, p. 883, pl. 55, fig. 112. late Miocene. HAY ASAKA (1969) discov­ 1954. Striarca (Galactella) yokoyamai NoJVIU­ ered Anadara (Hataiarca) shimonakaensis RA, TAKI and 0YA~L'\, Palaeont. Soc. from the Early Middle Miocene Kawachi japan, Spec. Pap., no. 2, pl. 18, figs. Formation and Early Late Miocene Osaki 7a-b, Sa-b. Formation in Tanega-shima, Kagoshima 1954. Striarca (Spinarca) interplicata (GRA­ BAU and Kil'\G), KIRA, Col. Illust. Shells Prefecture. The Kawachi Formation japan, pl. 42, fig. 1. yielded the Vicarya-Anadara fauna and 1958. Striarca (Spinarca) interplicata (GRA­ the Osaki Formation such characteristic BAU and KING), HABE, Pub!. Seto Mar. species as Paphia (Paphia) exilis exilis Biol. Lab., vol. 6, no. 3, p. 255, pl. 12, SHUTO, Clementia nakosoensis KAMADA, fig. 15. and Cultellus izumoensis jobanicus KAN­ 1963. Striarca interplicata (GRABAU and NO. It is noteworthy that there are no KING), YAMADA, Bull. Mie Univ., Dept. species among the Hataiarca in Japan, Lib. Arts, no. 27, figs. 2a-b. known to cross the Vicarya-Anadarid 1966. Striarca interplicata (GRABAU and faunal stage to extend to the Late Middle KING), NoDA, Sci. Rep., Tohoku Univ., Miocene age up to HAY ASAKA's record. 2nd Ser., vol. 38, no. 1, p. 72, pl. 11, figs. 16-18, table 33. If similar Hataiarca species with rather long time range are found, it is expected The present species has been recorded that a more reliable phylogenetic trend from the younger Pliocene to Recent in -of Hataiarca will be established in the Japan and Formosa. The species was Japanese Islands and in the Indo-Pacific described in detail by NODA (1966) and 576. Anada1"'id !1·om Haneii, Okinawa 37

recorded from the Nakoshi Sand of MAC­ beak to posterior ventral corner, ventral NEIL (1960). margin smoothly rounded. Beak promi­ Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 109, nent, strongly incurved, II type of NooA siltstone of the Kogachi Member, four (1966), and situated at 0.36-0.38 anterior perfect specimens. to shell length. Cardinal profile of joined Depository: IGPS col!. cat. no. 86888. shells of both valves is of A type of REINHART (1943) and NODA (1966), liga­ Subfamily Anadarinae REINHART, 1935 menta! area of III type with A, C or D type ligamenta! grooves (NODA, 1966). Genus Anadara GRAY, 1847 Teeth arranged vertically to straight Subgenus Hataiarca NODA, 1966 ligament of III type (NODA, 1966) with fine longitudinal striations on both sides Anadard (Hataiarca) kogachiensis of teeth; anterior teeth fewer than pos­ NODA, n. sp. terior ones. Both anterior and posterior muscle scars depressed, the latter larger Pl. 6, figs. 1-5, 8-17 than the anterior, A type of NODA (1966). Type Locality: Loc. no. 109, West of Inner ventral crenulations rather strong Kogachi, Haneji-son, Okinawa-jima. according to external radial ribs and Depository: IGPS col!. cat. no. 86757, interspaces. External surface generally (Holotype); IGPS col!. cat. no. 86756, with 26 radial ribs (Text-fig. 5), strongly :86887 (Paratypes). elevated, rather narrow compared with Shell medium in size, slight discrepancy interspaces, left valve and anterior one between right and left valves, the former third of radial ribs of right valve gran­ smaller than the latter, ovately rounded, ulated, granulations indistinct on backs swollen, anterior side narrowly rounded, of other radial ribs, squarish in cross posterior side truncated, posterior ven­ section and both radial ribs and inter­ tral corner elongated according to pos­ spaces sculptured with crowded, fine con­ terior depressed area extending from centric growth lines.

Dimension of the types (in mm). Holotype right Length=55.9 Height=49.9 Depth=22.1 Ribs=26 left Length=55.9 Height=50.2 Depth=22.7 Ribs=26 Paratype right Length=57.5 Height=47.4 Depth=21.9 Ribs=26 (IGPS no. 86756) Paratype right Length=47.1 Height=40.0 Depth=19.0 Ribs=26 left Length=46.9 Height=40.8 Depth=19.4 Ribs=26 (IGPS no. 86887)

Comparison and Affinities: The pres­ and 24-25 radial ribs (Text-fig. 5) and ent species resembles Anadara (Hatai­ differs from the present new species as arca) kakehataensis HAT AI and NISIY AMA shown ir: Text-figs. 4, 5, 6. originally described from the Miocene At a glance of the histogram (Text-fig. Kurosedani Formation in Toyama Pre­ 4), Anadara (Hataiarca) lwgachiensis can fecture. HAT AI and NISIY AM A's species be distinguished from the Miocene spe­ is characterized by the narrow umbonal cies An. (Hataiarca) lwlwhataensis in the ;angle, strongly depressed posterior area ratios of D/H, LL/L and B/L. The ratio 38 Hiroshi NODA of H/L of both species is nearly similar Localiiy and Forriiatioit: Loc. no. 83, yet slightly smaller in the new species Loc. no. 84, Loc. no. 109, Loc. no. 114, silt­ compared with An. (Hataiarca) kakehata­ stone of the Kogachi Member, many well ensis. Although the ratio of H/L of the preserved specimens. species is nearly equal, the small ratios Depository: IGPS coli. cat. nos. 86756, of D/H and LL/L of An. (H.) kakehata­ 86757, 86759, 88063, 88064. ensis artd An. (H.) kogachiensis imply that the depth of the shell and the length of the ligament of the latter are small Family Mytilidae RAFINESQUE, 1875 compared with An. (H.) kakehataensis. Genus Modiolus RODING, 1798 The B/L of both species shows that the beak of An. (H.) kakehataensis is situated Modiolus sp. more anteriorly thart in An. (H.) koga­ chiensis. The radial ribs number 26 in Pl. 7, fig. 15 maximum mean value in the new species A small right valve is at hand. Shelt and 25 in kakehataensis. The differei1ces fragile, interior pearly, ovately elongated cited above between the two species are in form, posterior blunt ridge extends only statistical and they bear no resem­ from near beak to elongated posterior blance in their external form in their ventral corner; concentric fine growth immature stage as Shown in pl. 6, figs. lines cover the surface. Modiolus nip­ 1-5, 11-14. The immature An. kogachi­ ponensis OYAMA resembles the present ensis reSembles Ait. (Hataiarca) subcre­ species but differs in having wider pos­ nata (LrsCHKE). An. (Hataiarca) subcrenata terior ridge. is another speeies allied to kogachiensis Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 109, but it differs from the new species in siltstone of the Kogachi Member, one having more radial ribs. However, it is rather perfect specimen. thought that An. kogachiensis is related Depository: IGPS roll. cat. no. 86760. with An. kakehataensis (Early M'iddle Miocene species) and the Recent An. sub­ crenata. The interrelation of the three Family Pteridae BRODERIP, 1839 species is indicated by the angle between the sheli height against shell length ; An. Subfamily Pterinae BRODERIP, 1839 lzakehataensis shows the angle of 42•, An. kogachiensis 41• and An. subcrenata Genus Pteria ScoPOLI, 1777 40•. There are few discrepancies among Pteria cf. coturnix (DUNKER, 1882) the three specie3 but the angle just men­ tioned becomes smaller from the lower to Pl. 7, fig. 16 the upper horizon. This development Compared with: from the aclinal form to the prosoclinal 1882. Avicula coturnix DUNKER, Index MolL form in growth series is also recognized Mar. jap., p. 288, pl. 10, figs. 1-2. in the Anadara suzukii group. The re­ lative growth of the shell is known in Pteria is a rare in the Neogene forma­ Recent species and the same relation is tions of Japan and in Okinawa. It has evident chronologically as already point­ been recorded from the Ryukyu Lime• ed out by NonA (1965, 1966) in the Ana­ stone of Kikai-jima, Ryukyu Islands (No­ r!ara suzukii and othP.r groups. MURA and ZINBO, 1934). The present 576. Anadarid from HaneJ·i, Okinau·a 39 species is conferable with Pteria coturnix Type Locality: Loc. no. 109, West of (DUNKER, 1882) originally described from Kogachi, Haneji-son, Okinawa-jim a. the Recent sea of Japan. The left valve Depository: IGPS coli. cat. no. 86762 of the species at hand is characterized (Holotype). by its trapezoidal form, acute and narrow Shell pearly, flimsy, medium to large anterior border, elongate and expanded in size. Subround to elongate in form. posterior border, concaved anterior ven­ Ventral margin irregularly rounded, dor­ tral margin, rounded posterior ventral sal margin rather smooth but elongated one, swollen form near umbo to posterior or narrowly inclined below. External ventral corner, both inflated extremities, shell rather smooth at umbonal area, straight and long hinge-line, small and very fine, irregular, radially elevated prominent beak situated at one fourth wrinkles on surface and finer striations from anterior of shell length, posterior au­ but indistinct between them on ventral ricle not well preserved, and shell surface margin, whole surface with undulated rather smooth with very fine concentric growth lines. Umbonal area rather flat, growth lines with faint radial striations beak low and small, cardinal crura and on anterior part and mottled colorations. cardinal area indistinct. Inner surface The present species resembles the Re­ smooth, pearly bright, inner ventral mar­ cent species Pteria zebra (REEVE, 1858), gin smooth, two muscle scars posterior­ in form except for the posterior auricle ly, well depressed. and shape of the postero-ventral curva­ Dimension of Holotype (in mm). ture. Pteria tomlini PRASHAD (1932) is Length=55.2, Height=58.1, Depth=11.8 another species allied to the present one Comparison and Affinities: The pres­ and is of similar shell form but differs ent new species is distinguished from from the present one in having narrower Pododesmus (Mania) macroschismus DE­ anterior border and roundly wider pos­ SHA YES (REEVE, 1859) by not having dis­ terior side and in the pattern of colora­ tinct radial ribs on the external surface. tion. Pteria n. sp. illustrated by OYAMA Pododesmus (l'vfonia) macroschismu s from (1959, Pteria (3), fig. 1) from the sea of the Upper Pleistocene San Pedro Series, Amakusa, Kyushu is allied to the pres­ California illustrated by GRANT and GALE ent species in shell outline but differs in (1931, p. 241, pl. 12, figs. 3-4b) differs having wider anterior part and more from the original species, in having swollen umbonal area. rather faint regular radial ribs. Podo­ Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 84, desmus (Mania) macroschismus ezoana siltstone of the Kogachi Member, one originally described from the Pliocene nearly perfect specimen. Setana Formation in Hokkaido (KANE­ Depository: IGPS coli. cat. no. 86761. HAI~A, 1942) resembles the present new species rather than REEVE's (1859) spe­ cies mentioned above but the latter has Family Anomiidae RAFINESQUE, 1815 more faint wrinkly radial striations than Genus Pododesmus PHILIPPI, 1837 the former. Mania denselineata HAT AI, MASUDA and SuzuKI (1961) described Subgenus Mania GRAY, 1849 from the Pliocene Hamada Formation in Aomori Prefecture resembles the present Pododesmus (Mania) noharai NODA, n. sp. new species in the faint, dense radial Pl. 7, fig. 17 striations on the external surface but 40 Hiroshi NODA differs in having faint radial irregular 1963. Ostrea denselamellosa LISCHKE, KIRA, ribs and fainter striations between them. Col. Illust. Shells, japan, p. 127, pl. 50, Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 84, fig. l. Loc. no. 109, Loc. no. 114, siltstone of the 1965. Ostrea denselamellosa Lrsci-IKE, HABE Kogachi Member, several perfect speci­ and ITo, Shell. World, Col., vol. 1, p. 126, pl. 42, fig. 10. mens. 1967. Ostrea denselamellosa LISCHKE, HABE Depository: IGPS coli. cat. nos. 86763, and KosuGE, Moll. Shells, p. 137, pl. 88065, 88066. 51, fig. 9.

This species was originally described Family Ostreidae RAFINESQUE, 1815 on the specimens from Tokyo bay and Nagasaki by LISCHKE in 1869. It is charac­ Genus Ostrea LINNAEUS, 1758 terized by having the external sculpture different on the right and left valves. Subgenus Ostrea LINNAEUS, 1758 The left valve is sculptured with irregu­ Ostrea (Ostrea) denselamellosa lar concentric growth lamellae and radial LISCHKE, 1869 ribs and the right with rather smooth concentric growth lines only. The inner Pl. 7, figs. 10, 18 ventral margin of the left valve is some­ times crenulated according to the surface 1869. Ostrea denselamellosa LISCHKE, jap. radial ribs; the margin is smooth in the Meeres Conch., Bd. 1, p. 177-179, pl. 13, figs. a-b, pl. 14, fig. l. right valve. Resilifer pit of the left 1874. Ostrea denselamellosa LISCHKE, Liscn­ valve is larger than that of the right. KE, jap. Meeres. Conch., Bd. 3, p. 114- Along the ligament of the right valve, 115. small crenulations are observed but none 1906. Ostrea denselamellosa LISCHKE, ToKu­ on the left valve. NAGA, jour. Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. To­ The present species was collected from kyo, vol. 21, no. 2, p. 68, pl. 4, fig. 6. the siltstone facies of the Kogachi Mem­ 1926. Osfl·ea denselamellosa LISCHKE, YoKo­ ber of the Haneji Formation. The spe­ YA~1A, jour. Fac. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, cies is known from the Pliocene to Pleis­ Sec. 2, vol. l, pt. 9, p. 375, pl. 43, fig. 11. tocene formations in the Kwanto region 1929. Osfl·ea denselamellosa LISCHKE, WAKI- YA, japan. jour. Zool., vol. 2, no. 3, p. where crowded or intact shells are 366, pl. 9, figs. 3-4. known to occur. This species is varia­ 1930. Ostrea denselamellosa LISCIIKE, KuRo­ ble in form. It is an important species DA, Venus, vol. 2, append. p. 49, fig. 55. as an indicator of the ecology. The 1930. Ostrea denselamellosa LISCHKE, HIRA­ coloration, inner features and morpho­ SE, japan. jour. Zool., vol. 3, no. 1, p. logical variations have been described 5-18, figs. 4-30. by L!SCI-IKE (1869, 1874). LISCHKE (1874) 1933. Osti-ea denselamellosa LISCHKE, No~m­ described that Ostrea auriculata SOWER­ RA, Sci. Rep., Tohoku Imp. Univ., 2nd BY in REEVE (1871, Conch. Icon., Ostrea sp., Ser., vol. 16, no. 1, p. 46-47, pl. 4, fig. 6. p. 60, pl. 25, figs. 60a, b, c) which was des­ 1951. Ostrea' (Ostrea) denselamellosa LISCH­ KE, HABE, Genera jap. Shell., no. 1, cribed three years after LISCHKE's (1869) figs. 187-188 on p. 92. denselamellosa resembles his species and 1961. Ostrea (Ostrea) denselamellosa LISCH­ he questioned it as a synonymous species KE, HAYASAKA, Sci. Rep., Tohoku Univ., in his description (1874). KURODA (1930) 2nd Ser., vol. 33, no. 1, p. 34. listed SOWERBY's species as a synonym 576. Anadarid frorn Haneji, Okina1ca 41

of LISCHKE's (1869) species without rea­ is distinguished from the present species son. by the blunt radial ribs on the shell Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 83, surface. Loc. no. 84, Loc. no. 109, Loc. no. 114, Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 83, siltstone of the Kogachi Member, many Loc. no. 109, siltstone of the Kogachi well preserved specimens. Member, numerous perfect intact shells­ Depository: IGPS coli. cat. nos. 86764, Depository: IG PS coli. cat. no. 86765. 88067.

Family Cardiidae LAMARCK, 1809

Family Lucinidae FLEiVIING, 1828 Genus Laevicardium SWAINSOJ\, 1840

Genus Codakia SCOPOLI, 1777 Laevicardium sp.

Subgenus jagonia R:ECULZ, 1946 Pl. 7, fig. 11

Codakia (jagonia) olzinawazimana One imperfect right valve was exam­ NOMURA and ZINBO, 1936 ined. The shell is characterized by the higher than long (Length 29.4 mm, Height Pl. 7, figs. 9a-9b 34.7 mm), strong, prosoclinal form, sculp­

1936. Codakia okinawazimana NOl\oJURA and tured with flat-topped, elevated radial ZI:-.;Bo, Sci. Rep., Tolwku Imp. Univ., ribs and narrow rather smooth inter­ 2nd Ser., vol. 16, no. 1, p. 241, pl. 11, spaces, small, prominent beaks, two small figs. 9a-b. cardinal teeth, and internal ventral mar­ gin crenu lated according to external The present species was proposed based sculptures. on the specimens collected from the Sima­ The present species is comparable with ziri Beds (Nakoshi Sandstone Member) Laevicardium biradiatum (BRUGUIERE), a at Gabesoga, Haneji-son by NOMURA Recent species and recorded from the and ZINBO (1936). The present species is Nakoshi Sand of MACNEIL, 1960 (=Na­ small in size, generally 3-5 mm in shell koshi Sandstone Member) by NOMURA length and is characterized by its inequi­ and ZINBO (1936) but unfortunately the lateral subrounded form, fine concentric state of preservation of the present spe­ growth lines crossed with slightly ele­ cies does not permit a close comparison_ vated, fine ribs being distinct on both Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 109, extremities but indistinct on central part siltstone of the Kogachi Member, one of the surface, fine crenulations on inner imperfect specimen. margin of shell, and anterior muscle Depository: IG PS coli. cat. no. 86766. scar large and long, posterior one round­ ed, small cardinal teeth and rather dis­ tinct lunule in front of small prominent Genus Fulria GRAY, 1853 anteriorly curved beak. The present species resembles Codakia divergens PHI­ Fulvia sp. LIPPI, 1850 in shell form but differs in Pl. 7, fig. 8 having strong lateral teeth, and indis­ tinct radial ribs on the central part of One imperfect left valve was collected shell. Codakia paytenorum (IRED ALE, 1927) from the siltstone of the Kogachi Mem- 42 Hiroshi NODA

ber. The species is characterized by the rostrated posterior characters are the roundly swollen, thin shell with indis­ features of the species named by MAR­ tinctly elevated radial ribs and small TENS (1865). Macoma incongrua (V. MAR­ prominent beak. Fulvia mutica (REEVE, TENS) resembles the present species but 1843), a Recent species of japan resem­ has a higher shell. bles the present species in shell form Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 84, and external sculpture but the state of Loc. no. 109, siltstone of the Kogachi preservation of the present species does Member, two rather perfect specimens. not permit identification. Depository: IGPS coli. cat. no. 86768. Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 109, siltstone of Kogachi Member, one imper­ fect specimen. Family Veneridae RAFINESQUE, 1815 Depository: IGPS coli. cat. no. 86767. Subfamily Clementiinae FRIZZELL, 1936

Family Tellinidae BLAINVILLE, 1824 Genus Clementia GRAY, 1840

Genus Macoma LEACI-I, 1819 Subgenus Clementia GRAY, 1840

Subgenus Macoma LEACH, 1819 Clementia !Clementia) vatheleti MABILLE, 1910 Macoma (Macoma) praetexta (V. MARTENS, 1865) Pl. 7, fig. 13 1901. Clementia vatheleti MAI3ILLE, Bull. Soc. Pl. 7, fig. 12 Philos. Paris, Ser. 8, no. 3, p. 57. (fide 1865. Tellina praetexta MARTENS, Ann. Mag. JUKES-BROWNE, 1913) Nat. Hist., 3rd Ser., val. 16, p. 430. 1913. Clementia vatheleti MABILLE, JuKES­ 1871. Tellina praetexta MARTENS, LrsCHKE, BROWNE, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8th Ser., jap. Meeres. Conch., Bd. 2, p. 113, pl. val. 12, p. 61-62, pl. 1, figs. 3-4. 10, fig. 14. 1927. Clementia vatheleti MABILLE, MAKIYA­ 1922. Macoma praetexta (MARTENS), Yorw­ MA, Mem. Coll. Sci., Kyoto Imp. Univ., YA:VIA, jour. Coil. Sci., Imp. Univ. To­ Ser. B, val. 3, no. 1, p. 45. kyo, Sec. 2, val. 44, art. 1, p. 142, pl. 1937. Clementia vatheleti MABILLE, NoMURA, 10, figs. 2-3. japan. jour. Geol. Geogr., val. 14, p. 1954. Macoma praetexta (MARTENs), T AKI 72. in HrRASE, Illust. Handb. Shell. Nat. 1941. Clementia (Clementia) vatheleti MABIL­ Col., pl. 45, fig. 2. LE, YABE and HAT AI, Ibid., val. 18, nos. 1961. Macoma (Macoma) praetexta (v. MAR­ 1-2, p. 74-75, pl. 7, fig. 4. TENS), HAY AS AKA, Sci. Rep., Tohoku 1951. Clementia (Clementia) vatheleti MABIL­ Univ., 2nd Ser., val. 33, no. 1, p. 58-59, LE, HABE, Genera jap. Shells, no. 2, p. pl. 7, figs. lOa-b. 185, fig. 423 on p. 183. 1963. Macoma praetexta (v. MARTENS), KrRA, 1959. Clementia vatheleti MABILLE, Y AMA­ Col. lllust. Shells, japan, p. 155, pl. 59, MOTO and HABE, Bull. Mar. Biol. Stat. fig. 16. Asamushi, Tohoku Univ., val. 9, no. 3, 1967. Macoma praetexta (v. MARTENs), HABE p. 99, pl. 7, fig. 14. and KosuGE, Moll. Shells, p. 163, pl. 61, 1961. Clementia (Clementia) vatheleti MAI3IL­ fig. 23. LE, HAYASAKA, Sci. Rep., Tohoku Univ., 2nd Ser., val. 33, no. 1, p. 51, pl. 6, figs. The subelongated shell and somewhat 7a-b. 576. Anadarid from Ha?wJ·i, Okinawa 43

1965. Clementia vatheleti MABILLE, KASE:>;O Family Trochidae RAFINESQUE, 1815 and MATSUURA, Sci. Rep., Kanazawa Univ., vol. 10, no. 1, pl. 16, figs. 5-6. Subfamily Umboniinae PILSBRY, 1886

The present species is characterized Genus Umbonium LINK, 1807 by its thin shell, swollen ovately round· ed form, nearly straight posterior dorsal Subgenus Suchium MAKIY AMA, 1924 margin, broadly rounded ventral margin, Umbonium (Suchium) monilijerum and concentric growth lines, somewhat wavy at the umbonal area to middle part decoratum MAKIY AMA, 1924 of the external surface but dense near Pl. 7, figs. 6a-7c the ventral margin. Clementia nakamurai 0TUKA (1938), 1924. Umbonium (Suchium) decoratum MA!(]­ Clementia kokozuraensis KAMADA (1962) Y AMA, japan. jour. Ceo/. Ceo gr., vol. and Clementia papyracea (GRAY) (SHUTO, 3, nos. 3-4, p. 130, pl. 20, fig. 8. 1935b. Umbonium (Suchium) moniliferum de­ 1960) are known from the Japanese Mi­ coratum MAKIYAMA, SuGIYAtv!A, jour. ocene formations. Clementia vatheleti Geol. Soc. japan, vol. 42, no. 503, p. 467- which was once referred to the subgenus 468, pl. 11, fig. 26; fig. 30 on p. 467. Egesta CONRAD, 1845 by WOODRING in 1926, has been recorded from the silty The present species was first described facies of the Pliocene formations in the from the Naganuma Beds in Kanagawa Japanese Islands and ranges to the Re­ Prefecture by MAKIY AMA (1924) ; it is cent. The present species resembles characterized by its broad basal callus, Clementia papyracea of SOWERBY (1855), basal spiral striations, five to six spiral VREDENBURG (1928) and SHUTO (1960) in grooves on a whorl and roundly elevated the characteristic external concentric 12-14 tubercules on the penultimate sub­ growth lines but differs from the spe­ sutural band. SUGIYAMA (1935a) exam­ cies in having elongated shell form and ined numerous Recent specimens of Um­ long posterior dorsal margin and widely bonium moniliferum and Umb. costatum rounded ventral margin. Clementia pa­ and concluded that both species resem­ pyracea according to SHUTO (1960) is ble each other in having roundly elevated variable in shell form. The American tubercules on the subsutural band and Miocene species Clementia inoceriformis basal striations in some specimens but (WAGNER, 1839) of WOODRING (1926) re­ in general both have no tubercules or sembles the present species in its shell basal spiral striations. Though MAKI­ form and pallial sinus but differs in YAMA (1924) described Umb. (Suchium) having less strongly elevated growth decoratum as a new species based upon lines near the ventral border. WooD­ the roundly elevated tubercles and basal RING (1926) pointed out that Clementia striations, large basal callus and inflated lives on muddy-bottoms of shallow warm shell, it should be lowered to subspecific water regions. rank of moniliferum according to the Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 84, examination of Umb. monilijerum by Su­ Loc. no. 109, siltstone of the Kogachi GIYAMA (1935a). The present specimens Member, three rather perfect specimens. from the siltstone facies of the Kogachi Depository: IGPS coli. cat. no. 86769. Member are the first record from Oki­ nawa-jima. These specimens have 16 or 17 rounded tubercles on the penultimate 44 Hiroshi NODA subsutural band, in spite of the 12-14 on tocene formations of japan. The species. Umb. monilijerum. is characterized by three bands of small Suchium jyoganjiense, allied to the pres­ beads on each whorl and 15-16 large ent subspecies was originally described tubercles just below the suture line from from the Miocene Kurosedani Formation the second whorl, becoming small to· in Toyama Prefecture by FUJII (1963). large but· indistinct on the younger It is characterized by the small size, whorls. The shoulder of the body whorl roundly elevated tubercles on the sub­ is rather strong, with prominent tuber­ sutural band and basal spiral striations culous keel. Base with two or three but differs from the present subspecies strongly elevated spiral tubercular bands. in having narrow basal callus and fewer and two or three internal spiral bands. tubercles. of small beads. Umbilicus slightly swollen Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 84, and deeply open. Parietal callus smooth, Loc. no. 109, siltstone of the Kogachi narrow, aperture subcircular. Member, two perfect specimens. The present species resembles Lunella Depository: IGPS col!. cat. no. 86770. coronatus coreensis (R:ECULZ) (TRYON, 1888) in shell form but the former has Family Turbinidae RAFINESQUE, 1815 more distinct tubercles and beaded struc­ tures on the external surface and the Subfamily Turbininae RAFINESQUE, 1815 latter has only spiral ribs and weak beaded sculpture. Lunella sp. from the Genus Lunella RODING, 1798 Kogachi Member differs from the pres­ Lunella coronatus granulatus ent subspecies in having more distinct tubercles on the shell surface, consisting (GMELIN, 1875) of three rows of distinct tubercular bands Pl. 7, figs. 5a-5b on the body whorl except for the strong tubercles just below the suture lines. 1922. Turbo (Marmorostoma) granulatus GME· Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 109, LI:\', YoKOYAMA, jour. Coli. Sci., Imp. siltstone of the Kogachi Member, one Univ. Tokyo, Sec. C, vol. 44, art. 1, p. perfect specimen. 107, pl. 5, fig. 10. 8677L 1954. Turbo coronatus granulatus GMELIN, Depository: IGPS col!. cat. no. HIRASE, Illust. Handb. Shell. Nat. Col., pl. 74, fig. 2. Lunella sp. 1961. Lunetta coronatus coreensis (RECULZ), HAYASAKA, Sci. Rep., Tohoku Univ., Pl. 7, figs. 4a-4b 2nd Ser., vol. 33, no. 1, p. 70, pl, 9, figs. 22a-b. Shell pearly, thick, medium in size, 1963. Lunetta coronatus coreensis (RECULZ), younger whorls rather flat, low, body KIRA, Col. lllust. Shell. japan, p. 23, whorl ratherswollen. Each whorls with pl. 11, fig. 9. three or two rows of small granular 1967. Lunetta coronata (G:viELIN), HABE and beads and strong tubercles just below KosuGE, _Moll. Shells, vol. 3, p. 20, pl. 9, fig. 30. the suture lines from the second or third whorl. From half of penultimate whorl, The present species is known from strong tubercular bands begin and de­ the southern seas of japan, the Ryukyu velop along shoulder of body whorl. Base Islands and from the Pliocene to Pleis- with three strongly rounded tubercular 576. Anadarid from Haneji, Okinawa 45

bands and two or three interstitial rows 1858. Lampania zonalis BRUGUIERE, H. and of beads. Aperture subcircular in form, A. ADA:VIS, Gen. Res. Moll., vol. l, p. parietal callus stout and umbilicus nar­ 289, pl. 30, figs. 5-5a. rowly open. Apertural part slightly 1866. Lampania zona/is BRUGUII~RE, REEVE, Conch. I con., vol. 15, pl. 1, figs. 5a-c. broken but measures 15.5 in height and 1869. Lampania zona/is LAMARCK, LISCIIKE, 16.2 in width in mm. japan. Meeres Conch., vol. 1, p. 73-74, The present species seems to be new pl. 6, figs. 15-16. to science but is left un-named because 1887. Potamides (Lampania) zona/is BRUGUI· only a single specimen is at hand. The ERE, TRYOX, Man. Conch., vol. 9, p. species differs from the other subspecies 167, pl. 34, figs. 3-4. of Lunella coronatus in having strong 1924. Potamides (Batillaria) zona/is BRUGUI­ tubercles on the external shell. HABE ERE, YoKOYA'viA, jour. Coil. Sci., Imp. and KosuGE (1967) mentioned that the Univ. Tokyo, vol. 45, art 1, p. 20-21, umbilical opening· in Lunella coronatus pl. 5, fig. 18. (GMELIN) at the immature stage is open 1935. Batillaria zona/is (BRUGUIERE), NoMu­ RA, Sci. Rep., Tohoku Imp. Univ., 2nd but becomes closed at the adult stage. Ser., vol. 18, no. 2, p. 186-187, pl. 9, An examination of many individuals of fig. 17. the species and subspecies preserved in 1954. Batillaria zona/is (BRuGUIERE), T AKI the collection of our Institute showed in l-IIRASE, Illust. Handb. Shell. Nat. that the umbilical opening is an important Col., pl. 84, fig. 14. subspecific character because in the pres­ 1961. Batillaria zona/is (BR UGUIERE), I-!A Y A· ent case the umbilicus was observed to SAKA, Sci. Rep., Tohoku Univ., 2nd Ser., be opened in many mature forms and vol. 33, no. 1, p. 70-71, pl. 9, fig. 7. closed in the immature specimens, and 1967. Batillaria zonalis (BRUGUIERE), I-!ABE in other subspecies the umbilicus was and KosuGE, Moll. Shells, p. 34, pl. 13, closed at both the immature and mature fig. 18. stages. Except for the feature just Several Recent Batillaria species are mentioned, the subspecies of Lunella known from around the Japanese Islands. coronatus are variable in shell features, They are variable in external form as therefore they should be treated care­ pointed out by NAGASAWA (1962, 1963) fully. and KOTAKA and HAYASAKA (1956). The Locality and Formation: Loc. no. 109, batillarids collected from the siltstone siltstone of the Kogachi Member, one facies of the Kogachi Member are char­ perfect specimen. acterized by having rather distinct tu­ Depository: IGPS coll. cat. no. 86797. bercles below the suture lines, they are distinct on the lower whorls but change into longitudinal folds on the younger Family Potamididae COSSMANN, 1906 whorls. The specimens illustrated by Genus Batillaria BENSON, 1842 SOWER BY (1855), REEVE (1866) and TRYON (1887) have rather indistinct tubercles Batillaria zona/is (BRUGUIERE, 1792) and spiral bands, whereas the specimens figured by LrscHKE (1869) are quite simi­ Pl. 7, figs. 2-3 lar to the one from Kogachi and those

1855. Cerithium zonalis BRUGUIERE, SmYER­ shown by YOKOYAMA (1924), NOMURA BY, Thes. Conch., vol. 2, p. 884, pl. 185, (1935), T AKI in HIRASE (HIRASE, 1954). figs. 264-265. and HABE and KOSUGE (1967) may be 46 Hiroshi NODA identified with one of MACNEIL's (1960) siltstone of the Kogachi Member, two Batillaria cf. zonalis from the Yontan nearly perfect specimens. Limestone in Okinawa-jima. Among Depository: IGPS coli. cat. no. 90767. more than 20 specimens examined none were of the smooth type and all had

iusca from the Joban Coal-Field, Japan. - (1874) : Ibid., [III], p. 6-123,. pis. 1-9. Palaeont. Soc. japan, Spec. Pap., no. 8, p. MABILLE, J, (1901) : Testrum novarum dia­ 1-187, pis. 1-21, figs. 1-3, tabs. 1-2. gnoses. Soc. Philomathique Paris, Bull., KA'\EIIAI{A, K. (1942) : Some molluscan re­ 9th Ser., vol. 3, p. 57-58. (fide JEKES­

mains from the Setana series of Hokkaido BRO\YNE, 1913) 0 and 'from the Joban coal field of Iwaki. MAcNEIL, F.S. (1960) : Tertiary and Quater­ japan. jour. Ceo!. Ceogr., vol. 17, no. 4, nary Gastropoda of Okinawa. U.S. Ceol. p. 133-140, pis. 15-16. Surv., Prof. Pap., 339, p. 1-148, pls. 1-21, KASE'\O, Y. & MATSUUR.\, N. (1965) : Plio­ figs. 1-17. cene shells from the Omma Formation MAKIYAMA, J. (1924): The evolution of Um­ around Kanazawa city, Japan. Sci. Rep., bonium. japan. jour. Ceo!. Ceogr., vol. 3, Kanazawa Univ., vol. 10, no. 1, p. 27-62, nos. 3-4, p. 119-130, pl. 20, figs. 1-2. pis. 1-20, figs. 1-3, tabs. 1-5. -- (1927) : Molluscan fauna of the Lower K!RA, T. (1954) : Coloured illustrations of part of the Kakegawa Series in the prov­ the shells of Japan. Hoikusha, 204 pp., ince of Totomi, Japan. Mem., Coli. Sci., 67 pis. Kyoto Imp. Univ., Ser. B, voi. 3, p. 1-147, -- (1963) : Coloured illustrations of the pis. 1-6. shells of Japan. Hoikusha, 239 pp., 70 pis. MARTE::-IS, YON. E. (1865): Description of KoBAYAsm, T. & IsHIBASIII, T. (1970): Ha­ new shells. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3rd lobia styriaca, Upper Triassic Peiecypoda, Ser., vol. 16, p. 428-432. discovered in Okinawa-jima, the Ryukyu NAGASAWA, J. (1962): Influence of environ­ Islands. Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. japan, ment on the variation of Batillaria multi­ N.S., no. 77, p. 243-248, pl. 26. fonnis (LISCHKE). Trans. Proc. Palaeont. KoTAKA, T. & HAYASAKA, S. (1956): On Soc. japan, N.S., no. 47, p. 277-280, pl. 43, some species of Batillaria from Matsu­ fig. 1, tab. 1. kawa-ura, Fukushima prefecture, Japan. -- (1963) : Significance of the variation of Saito Ho-on Kai, Mus. Res. Bull., no. 25, fossil Batillaria cumingi (CRossE) from p. 10-12, figs. 1-3. Quaternary deposits of South Kanto re­ KuRODA, T. (1930) : Catalogue of the Japa­ gion. Ibid., no. 51, p. 115-119, pl. 17, tabs. nese shells. Venus, vol. 2, append. p. 27- 1-3. 76, figs. 43-80. NoDA, H. (1965) : Some fossil Anadara from LISCHKE, C.E. (1869) : Japanische Meeres­ Southwest Japan. Ibid., no. 59, p. 92-109, Conchylien [I], Kenntniss der Mollusken pis. 10-11, figs. 1-4, tabs. 1-2. Japans, mit bessonderer Riicksicht auf -- (1966) : The Cenozoic Arcidae of Japan. die Geographische Verbertung derselben. Sci. Rep., Tohoku Univ., 2nd Ser., vol. 38, p. 1-192, pis. 1-14. no. 1, p. 1-161, pis. 1-14, figs. 1-16, tabs.

Explanation of Plate 6

(All in natural size)

Figs. 1-5, 8-17. Anadara (Hataiarca) kogachiensis NoDA, n. sp., p. 37, figs. 1 and 14, 2 and 13, 3 and 12, 4 and 11, 9a and 9b intact shells showing the different stages of growth; figs. 9a-9d, Ho!otype (IGPS coli. cat. no. 86757), external (figs. 9a-b) and internal (figs. 9c-d) views; figs. 8, 15, Para type (IGPS coli. cat. no. 86887) ; figs. 16-17, Para type (IGPS coli. cat. no. 86756), left valve (fig. 17) and ligamenta! view (fig. 16), all from Loc. no. 109, Kogachi Member of the Haneji Formation, Pliocene. Figs. 6a-7b. Stria rca interplicata (GRABAU and KING), x 1, p. 36, Loc. no. 109, IGPS coil. cat. no. 86888, Kogachi Member of the Haneji Formation, Pliocene. NODA : Anadarid from Haneji, Okinawa Plate 6


KuMAGAI and OTOMO photo 576. Anaclaricl from HaneJ·i, Okinawa -19

1-35. SrroJI, R. (1.968) : Sedimentological studies on . NOMURA, S. (1933) : Catalogue of the Ter­ the Ryukyu Limestone of Okinawa, Ryu­ tiary and Quaternary Mollusca from the kyu Islands. Sci. Rep., Toholw Univ., 2nd Island of Taiwan (Formosa) in the Insti­ Ser., vol. 40, no. 1, p. 65-77, figs. 1-5, tabs. tute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku 1-2. University, Sendai, Japan. Sci. Rep., To­ SrruTo, T. (1.960) : On some pectinids and hoku Imp. Univ., 2nd Ser., val. 16, no. 1, venerids from the Miyazaki Group (Pal­ p. 1-106, pis. 1-4. aeontological study of the Miyazaki Group -- (1935) : Ditto. Ibid., val. 18, no. 2, p. VII). Mem., Fac. Sci., Kyushu Univ., Ser. 53-228, pis. 6-10. D, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 119-149, pis. 12-14, -- (1937) : The Molluscan fauna from the Jigs. 1-14, tabs. 1-2. Pliocene of Tosa. japan. jour. Geol. Geogr., -- (1964) : Naticid gastropods from the Mi­ vol. 14, nos. 1-2, p. 66-90, pl. 6. yazaki Group (Palaeontological study of -- & Zr'\!30, N. (1934) : Marine Mollusca the Miyazaki Group X). Trans. Proc. from the "Ryukyu Limestone" of Kikai Palaeont. Soc. japan, N.S., no. 55, p. 281- Zima, Ryukyu Group. Sci. Rep., Tohoku 293, pis. 42-42, figs. 1-3. Imp. Univ., 2nd Ser., val. 15, no. 2, p. -- (1969) : Neogene gastropods from Panay 109-16t1, pl. 5. Islands, the Philippines. (Contributions -- & -- (1936) : Molluscan fossils from to the geology and palaeontology of South­ the Simaziri beds of Okinawa-zima, Ryu­ east Asia, LXVIII). Mem., Fac. Sci., [{yu­ kyu Islands. Ibid., val. 18, no. 2, p· 229- shu Univ., Ser. D, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 1-250, 266, pl. 11. pis. 1-24, figs. 1-43, tabs. 1-5. OTuK.\, Y. (1935) : The Oti graben in south­ SoWERBY, G.B. (1855) : Thesaurus Conchy­ ern Noto Peninsula, Japan. Part 3. Bull. liorum, vol. 2, Monograph of the genus Earthq. Res. Inst., Tokyo Imp. Unit·., vol. Cerithium. p. 847-899, pis. 176-186. 13, pt. 1], p. 846-909, pis. 53-57. SUGIYAMA, T. (1935a) : On the variation of -- (1938) : Mollusca from the Miocene of the shells of living and fossil Umbonium Tyugoku, Japan. jour. Fac. Sci., Imp. from Japan and its evolution, Part 1. Univ. Tokyo, Sec. 2, vol. 5, pt. 2, p. 21- jour. Geol. Soc. japan, vol. 42, no. 502, 45, pis. 1-4, figs. 1-4, tabs. 1-2. p. 404-430, pis. 11-1.3, figs. 1-16. OYAMA, K. (1959): The molluscan shells [III]. -- (1935b) : Ditto Part 2, Ibid., val. 42, no. Science and Photo. Club. Pteria. 503, p. 449-482, figs. 17-30. PRASHAD, B. (1932) : The Lamellibranchia of TAKI, I. & OYAMA, K. (195-1): Matajiro Yo­ the Siboga Expeditions, Systematic part KOYAMA'S the Pliocene and late Tertiary II, Pelecypoda. p. 1-353, pls. 1-9, map 1. faunas from the Kwanto region in Japan. REEVE, L.A. (1857) : Conchologia Iconica, vol. Palaeo11t. Soc. japan, Spec. Pap., no. 2, 10, Monograph of the genus Avicula, pis. p. 1-66, pis. 1-49. 1-18. ToKUNAGA, S. (1906) : Fossils from the en­ -- (1866) : Ibid., Monograph of the genus virons of Tokyo. jour. Coli. Sci., Imp. Lampania, vol. 15, pis. 1-2. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 21, pt. 2, p. 1-96, pis. 1-6. -- (1871) : Ibid., Monograph of the genus TRYO"i, G.W. (1887): Manual of Conchology. Ostrea, val. 18, pis. 1-33. vol. 9, p. 1-488, pis. 1-71. RErNIJART, P.W. (1935) : Classification of the VREDENBURG, E. (1928) : Descriptions of Mol­ Pelecypod family Arcidae. Bull., Mus. lusca from the post-Eocene Tertiary for­ Royal d•Hist. Nat. Berg., val. 11, no. 3, mations of North-western India. 1\fem., p. 1-68, pls. 1-5. Geol. Surv. India, val. 1, pt. 2, p. 351-506, -- (1943) : Mesozoic and Cenozoic Arcidae pis. 14-33. from the Pacific slope of North America. WAKIYA, Y. (1929) : Japanese food oysters. Geol. Soc. Amer., Spec. Pap., no. -17, p. japan. jour. Zoo!., vol. 2, no. 3, p. 359- 1-117, pls. 1-15, figs. 1-3, tabs. 1-3. 367, pis. 8-10. 50 Hiroshi NODA

WooDRING, W.P. (1926) : American Tertiary ura Peninsula and its immediate north. mollusks of the genus Clementia. U.S. jour., Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 39, Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 147-C, p. 25-42, pt. 6, p. 1-198, pis. 1-20. pis. 14-17. -- (1922) : Fossils from the Upper Musa­ YABE, H. & HATAI, K. (1941): Additional shino of Kazusa and Shimosa. Ibid., vol. fossils from the Simaziri beds of Okinawa­ 44, art. 1, p. 1-200, pis. 1-17. zima, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. japan. jour. -- (1924) : Mollusca from the coral-bed of Geol. Geogr., vol. 18, nos. 1-2, p. 71-78, Awa. Ibid., vol. 45, art. 1, p. 1-62, pis. pl. 7. 1-4. YAMADA, J. (1963): Remarks on the signifi­ -- (1926) : Tertiary shells from Tosa. jour.,. cance of the Pleistocene Mollusca from Fac. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, Sec. 2, vol. the Shima Peninsula, Mie Prefecture, Ja­ 1, pt. 9, p. 365-368, pl. 42. pan. Bull., Dept. Lib. Arts, Mie Univ., no. -- (1928) : Mollusca from the oil-field of 27, p. 96-103, pl. 1. the Island of Taiwan. Rep., Imp. Geol. YAMAMOTO, G. & HABE, T. (1959): Fauna Surv. japan, no. 101, p. 1-112, pis. 1-18. of shell-bearing Mollusks in Mutsu Bay, YosmwARA, S. (1901): Geologic structure Lamellibranchia (2). Bull., Mar. Biol. of the Ryukyu (Loochoo) curve, and its. Stat. Asamushi, Tohoku Univ., vol. 9, no. relation on the northern part of Formosa. 3, p. 85-122, pis. 6-14. jour., Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 16,. YoKOYAMA, M. (1920): Fossils from the Mi- arK· 1, p. 1-67, pis. 1-5, figs. 1-10.

Explanation of Plate. 7 ,, Figs. 1a-1b. Nassarius (Zeuxis) caelatus (A. ADAMS), x 2, p. -46, Loc. no. 109, IGPS col!. cat. no. 90768. . _ .. Figs. 2-3. Batillaria zona lis (BRUGUIERE), x 1, p. 45, Loc. no. 109, IGPS c~lh .tM~ :·I'!o· 86798. Figs. 4a-4b. Lunella sp., x 1, p. 44, Loc. no. 109, IGPS col!. cat. no. 86797. ·,;;·!-:',:;:•. ,;<· Figs. 5a-5b. Lunella coronatus granulatus (GMELIN), x l, p. 44, Loc. no. 109, IGPS' col!. cat. no. 86771. Figs. 6a-7c. Umbonium (Suchium) moniliferum decoratum MAKIYAMA, p. 43, x 2, fig. 6a ;. apertural view, 6b; apical view, 6c; umbilical view; 7a; apertural view, 7b; apical view,. 7c; umbilical view, Loc. no. 109, IGPS col!. cat. no. 86770. Fig. 8. Fulvia sp., x 1, p. 41, Loc. no. 109, IGPS col!. cat. no. 86767. Figs. 9a-9b. Codakia (jagonia) okinawazimana NoMURA and ZINBO, x 3, p. 41,- Loc. no. 109r IGPS col!. cat. no. 86765. Figs. 10, 18. Ostrea (Ostrea) denselamellosa LISCHKE, p. 40, fig. 10, x 0.5, fig. 18, x l, Loc .. no. 84, IGPS col!. cat. no. 88067. Fig. 11. Laevicardium sp., x 1, p. 41, Loc. no. 84, IGPS col!. cat. no. 86766. Fig. 12. Macoma (Macoma) praetexta (v. MARTENs), x1, p. 42, Loc. no. 84, IGPS col!. cat.. no. 86768. Fig. 13. Clementia (Clementia) vatheleti :tyl:ABILLE, x 1, p. 42, Loc. no. 109, IGPS col!. cat. no .. 86769. Fig. 14. Polinices cumingianus madioenensis ALTENA, x1, p. 46, umbilical view, Loc. no. 109,. IGPS col!. cat. no. 90767. Fig. 15. Pteria cf. coturnix (DUNKER), x 1, p. 38, Loc. no. 84, IGPS col!. cat. no. 86761. Fig. 16. Modiolus sp., x 2, p. 38, Loc. no. 109, IGPS col!. cat. no. 86760. Fig. 17. Pododesmus (Monia) noharai NoDA, n. sp., x 1, p. 39, Holotype, IGPS col!. cat. no. 86762, Loc. no. 109. All from the Kogachi Member of the Haneji Formation, Pliocene. NODA: Anadarid from Haneji, Okinawa Plate 7

KUMAGAI and 0TOMO photo 576. Anadarid from Haneji, Okinawa 5)

Ananai 'j( i*J Nago 45 ~ Biimatabaru l.fw X 1m Nakoshi 1rr ~{X Gabesoga 'f:Jtfi[l t.Ef./iiJ Nakijin 4- 1flt 1= Hamada ~ Ill Nakao 1rp )¥, Haneji ~~ j:fu O).



Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University, Japan

;fll ::IX LlJ ~q fr: O)~f t :fi::::. -:::> v ' 't" : ;frl ;fXI.lJ ~~dl!i .$ ~f,f,~ rJili -'\~ IIi 1lli1f$: 1if:::./J 1f1 T 7.> .$~IV m~ 71'iil'!LUIW (~il*fiffJE ?) :f; d: o~. El i\t:ill ll~llH!i15EI\?i · ~iitJI IIW (L:filli~lilli*) d: IJ, ?J. Nlt!li.i.J'9Ui!,2':l'L7.>, c.:nG~'i • ..:CO)%Ji.B, ~JJITO)~,f,}(, i2€/1W(Jl.B, [liJll~f:::.i!Ell', --t~d~~iw0)%JN: U.=.flll:tJ:c·), to-Hf, -t--c:·r:::.~lt:fiC. L-"C:ic'i&2'ht::i:.O)cO)i'i~fJ-v.u::· n' G, 141J 1'&1:. :fl!J 0) ~f l:.:fi c :'15- .:t G;11, 7.> , c. hG O)~ft:fiO)~imt±:fl!JO)~fmO) ~J.Er'J:-c:· 'rs td'-? t::.n', fl!!.O)t[ll.:h.Jli.i.J' G!IEQ 2: n. ,:c mx 2: :I'Lt::. ±lllift:fitJ: Er:::.-:::> '·, '"( ~~~ L-tJ: i?' G. tnw:u1 w,m~~ltE O)~~i'.l&~l':ltJ: t O)O),icil& ~ c t::., 1-IH :}!: + r)f'. · 11' i0i R: ;;!':

Many nodular structures of spindle, shaped nodular structures are the scope elongate, straight and of twisted shapes of the present article. were found in the muddy rocks of the The nodular structures were found Muro and Hidagawa groups distributed from the Bunreizan Formation of the in the northern part of Nishi-Muro-gun, Muro Group of probable Eocene age, and Kii Peninsula, Wakayama Prefecture. from the Fukusada and Aizugawa for­ These nodular structures are of varied mations of the Hidagawa group of prob­ shapes, due in part to their state of pre­ able Cretaceous age. The stratigraphic servation, and were found only from the position of the formations just mentioned muddy sediments. They occurred more and their lithofacies are shown in Table 1. or less parallel though some at an angle The formations of both the Muro and with the bedding plane of the rocks in Hidagawa groups are characterized by which they were buried, not in accumu­ their flysch-like alternations in which lations as if piled-up, but in a random abundant trace fossils are frequently orientation and one near the other. Some­ found on the undersurface of the sand­ times a rather long, twisted tightly or stone layers. The deep-water aspect of broadly curved and many more or less the formations can be inferred from their straight tubular structures, although good development of flysch-like alterna­ more or less flattened by subsequent tions of shale and sandstone and by the pressure probably at the time of burial presence of trace fossils, which are so by the accumulating sediments, occurred characteristic of flysch deposits. The in the same and in different formations, trace fossils, some of which are of un­ sometimes nearby and sometimes rather known origin and some of which are remote from one another. These peculiar more or less analogous with forms known from the deep waters of present day seas, * Received June 30, 1970; read June 27, 1970 are abundant in the Bunreizan, Fukusada at Mito. and Aizugawa formations. 52 577. Coprolites from Wakayama 53

Table 1. Stratigraphic sequence of the rocks distributed in the northern part of Nishi-Muro-gun, Wakayama Prefecture (after Y. OwAKI, 1963, MS).

Group name Estimated and age Formation name thickness Lithology and remarks (in m)

Chikatsuyu 1300+ Alternation of fine grained sandstone and shale. Sedimentary structures. Cf. Nereites tosaensis KATTO Muro Ouchigawa 1500+ Sandy shale. Sedimentary structures (Upper and Eocene?) Bunreizan 2000+ Alternation of sandstone and shale. Sedimentary structures Hi rase 3000+ Alternation of medium to coarse grained sandstone, sandy shale and shale. Sedimentary structures fault contact Seijozan 2500+ Alternation of sandy shale. Sedi· mentary structures Jujo 2700+ Massive black shale Hidagawa (Upper Fukusada 2500+ Alternation of sandy shale and shale. Cretaceous) Sedimentary structures Aizugawa 1000+ Alternation of granule to coarse grained sandstone and fine sandy shale. Desiccation breccia · · · .. · · .. · ...... · · base not observed

The trace fossils from the flysch-like tention in japan. As known at present rocks distributed in the northern part of there are only a few published articles Nishi-Muro-gun, are comparable in part on the subject. Recent molluscan faeces with the ones described and figured by have been studied in detail by ARAKAWA KATTO (1960a, b) from the Eocene rocks (1962, 1963, 1965, 1968), and among the -of the Muroto Peninsula, Kochi Prefec­ numerous ones described and figured by ture on the opposite side of the Kii Strait him, the ones of Batillaria cumi11gii separating the Muroto from the Kii Pe­ (CROSSE) resemble Fig. 4 in the present ninsula. Besides the trace fossils found work, differing only in being much small­ in the Muro and Hidagawa groups, it can er, measuring only about 1.73 mm in also be mentioned that the rock facies maximum length and 0.32 mm in diame­ -of the Nishi-Muro-gun area resemble ter of the broadest part, whereas the those of the Muroto Peninsula, and were present fossil (Fig. 5) attains about 48 probably once continuous and deposited mm in length. Although of similar shape, in the same geosynclinal basin, although the responsible for the fossil ·separated by the Kii Strait at present. coprolite was probably different. Many This geological data suffices to explain small pellets, probably of molluscan ori­ the mutual occurrence of similar kinds gin, were described and figured by HAT AI -of trace fossils from geographically iso­ and KOTAKA (1968) from the Early Mi­ lated areas. yagian of Kogota-machi in Miyagi Pre­ Coprolites or fossilized excrements of fecture. From a horizon of similar ge­ animals have been given very little at- ological age, HATAI and NODA 11968) 54 Kotara HAT AI and Tamio KOT AKA reported on some pellets from the Early katsuyu, Nakahechi-cho, measures 5.5 em Miyagian Tatsunokuchi Formation in in maximum length and up to nearly 3 Sendai City. These pellets were stated em in maximum width, although typical to be due to some Callianassa species. ones are about 1.5 em in width. They The casting named Magarikune ak!?esi­ generally, unless somewhat deformed by ensis, n. gen. and n. sp., by MINA TO and subsequent pressure by the accumulat­ SUYAMA (1949) and subsequently placed ing sediments or diagenesis, are spindle­ in the synonymy of Helminthopsis HANTZ­ shaped, roundly or bluntly pointed at SCHEL (1962) was described as being simi­ both ends, though more sharply at one lar to the excrements of the marine end. All of the specimens exhibit dis­ worm, Arenicola. Worm casting were tinct longitudinal striae showing a strong reported by KA TTO (1960a) from the tendency to slight twisting towards both Shimizu Formation (Eocene) distributed ends, though more distinctly near the along the sea coast of Tosashimizu City, most expanded middle part. The striae Kochi Prefecture, and stated to be related are strong, rather elevated and narrow­ to the castings of either Nereites or Ba­ er than their interspaces in some speci­ lanoglossus; he also figured some Recent mens (Figs. 1-3, 6), but rather weak in castings of Balanoglossus from Uranou­ others (Figs. 4, 5). Both ends of the chi Bay, Kochi Prefecture for comparison. specimens appear as if somewhat pinch­ In another paper of the same year (1960b) ed, the narrower side more distinctly KATTO figured some castings and stated than the larger. The surfaces of all of that they are probably of the marine the specimens are more or less smooth worm Nereites; these are from the Mu­ except for the longitudinally somewhat roto Formation (Eocene) distributed along twisted striae already referred to and the sea coast of Hanezaki, Muroto City, for the shallow longitudinal troughs ir­ Muroto Peninsula, Kochi Prefecture. In regularly distributed. In cross section 1964, KA TTO figured some excreta of some of the specimens are regularly or unknown origin from the Muroto For­ almost uniformly rounded (Figs. 4, 5), in mation (Eocene) in Muroto City, Kochi others somewhat flattened (Figs. 8, 9),_ Prefecture. TAKAHASHI and Y AGI (1929) and some appear with irregular cross­ have also reported on the occurrence of section (Figs. 1-3). All of the specimens pellets of probable mud-eating marine consist of muddy sediments, fine to animals. medium grained, so far as the naturally The nodular structures upon which this broken cross-sections show under low article is based are here considered to be magnification (x10). None of the spe­ coprolites of marine animals because of cimens show evidence of wavy lines, their shapes, surface sculpture, mode of corrugations, distinct spiral sculpture, occurrence, association with other struc­ laminae or creases arranged laterally. tures of probably organic origin, and Thin-slices and polished cross-sections their resemblance to previously described of the nodular specimens reveal sporadic,. ones (HANTZSCHEL and AMSTUTZ, 1968). irregular and marginal development of pyrite and a dark zone separating the The Nodular Specimens mother rock of black mudstone from the lighter colored inner mudstone. In the Description:-The nodular specimen lighter colored mudstone a few rounded from the Aizugawa Fromation at Chi- and elongated-oval particles of foreign •

577 . Cop1·olites from W akayama 55



Figs. 1, 2, 3, 8, 10. Coprolites from the Fukusada Formation of the right s ide cliff of the Hiki River a t a bout 2,000 meters upstream from Chikatsuyu, Nakahechi-cho, Waka­ yama Prefecture. Figs. 4, 5, 6, 9. Coprolites from the Aizugawa Formation at Kamo-Oricl a mi, Chi katsuyu, Nakahechi-cho, Wakayama Prefecture. Fig. 7. Coprolites from t he Bunreizan Formation of a road s ide cliff at the Ichiburi, Daito­ mura, Wakayama Prefecture. A ll figures except Fig. 8 are in natura l size. Fig. 8, x 2. substances are found near the marginal shaped specimens showing distinct longi­ part of the nodular specimen. t udinal, somewhat twisted striae on the L ocality :- Kamo-Oridani, Chikatsuyu, surfaces are considered to be fossil Nakahechi-ch.o, Wakayama Prefecture. coprolites. The bluntly and narrowly Aizugawa Formation. Cliff of the Hiki rounded terminal parts w ith irregular River about 2,000 m upstream from the shape, shallowly incised longitudinal Chikatsuyu, Nakahechi-cho, Wakayama troughs and pits and w ith striae are Prefecture. Fukusada Formation. structures thought to have been devel­ R emarlls :- The spindle or elongated oped during sausaging. The differences 56 Kotara HATAI and Tamio KOTAKA

in the grade of bluntness at the two represent some kind of coprolite because ends may represent the commencement of the surface markings and peculiar and termination in their development. shape, although it is also probable that The differences in sediment-color of the specimen was deformed and thus the inner and outer parts of the speci­ does not permit any accurate imagina­ mens, development of sporadic yet ir­ tion of this original shape. regular pyrite and a dark zone at the Description :-Another specimen (Fig. marginal part separating the inner from 7), from the Bunreizan Formation, con­ the outer, and of some foreign particles sidered to be an excrement of some kind in the inner part, all may point to the of marine animal not related to the an­ nature of the specimens. So far as nelids is the casting of non-uniform megascopic observations are concerned, thickness. This specimen is about 17 the grain-size of the sediments of the mm thick at the widest part and about inner and outer parts of the specimens 8 mm thick at the narrowest bent part. appear almost the same except for that It is sigmoidal or twisted in shape more the sediments at the outer-inner part of or less circular in cross-section, winkled the specimen seem to be slightly coarser at the point of maximum bending, min­ than at the inner central part. utely pitted but without striations on the Although the present specimens may more or less rough surface. represent fossil coprolites the animal The polished cross-section of the twist­ responsible for their production is not ed specimen shows that the sediments of known because no fossils of vertebrate the inner part are quite different from or invertebrate animals probable of that of the mother or country rock, in making them have been found from the being much coarser. A very narrow strata that yielded the coprolites. How­ dark colored zone separates the twisted ever, it is thought that some marine specimen from the country rock. The vertebrate was responsible for the copro­ coarse sediments in the specimen are in lites. general coarser towards the outer side Specimens identical with the ones and finer in the central part, sporadically under consideration (Figs. 1-6, 9, 10) are distributed throughout and with scatter­ unaware to the writers. ed dark colored, very short streaks. Description :-A small specimen meas­ Other specimens from the same hori­ uring 17 mm in length, 13 mm in width zon and locality of the Bunreizan For­ and about 8 mm in thickness and of ir­ mation and from the Fukusada Forma­ regular shape was found in the Fuku­ tion are oval to rounded in cross-section, sada Formation associated with the speci­ sides straight to subparallel, with one men (Figs. 1-3) referred to a fossil copro­ end broadly rounded, with very irregular lite. This irregularly shaped specimen surfaces with small pits, and many lati­ {Fig. 8) shows several creases more or tudinal creases. The sediment making less parallel with the outline of the spe­ the specimen differs from that of the cimen at its broader part, and some country rock in being coarser grained small irregular pits on both surfaces. and of lighter color. There is a dark Remar!?s :-Whether this specimen is discontinuous zone separating the spe­ a coprolite different from the ones men­ cimen from the country rock or forming tioned above, or merely a kind of con­ its outer part. The grains inside the cretion is questionable. It is thought to specimen are coarser and more sporadi- 577. Coprolites frmn fValcayama 57 cally distributed at the marginal parts with lateral constrictions when strong than in the inner portions. and of obscure lateral striations when Remar!?s :-The sigmoidal or twisted weak. The specimens were found in specimen differs from those produced black, well indurated mudstone. In cross­ by marine annelids in not being of about section the specimens consist of fine to the same thickness throughout, in having medium grained sandy sediments in both a rather rough surface with minute pits of rounded and oval shaped ones. The sporadically distributed. rounded cross-sections measure about 15 flrenicola-like castings named Magari­ mm in diameter whereas the oval shaped lmne akkesiensis n. gen. n. sp. by MINATO ones 20x 17 mm (largest) to about 14x 16 and SuyAMA (1949) was placed in the mm, and in length the first mentioned synonymy of Helminthopsis HEER, 1877 measures about 11 em as preserved and by HANTZSCHEL (1962, p. W 200). The the others are shorter. present specimen (Fig. 7) differs from These specimens do not show mark­ MIKA TO and SUYAMA's species by the ings as would be produced by the mem­ thickness variation and degree of bend­ bers of Nereites (MACSOTA Y, 1967, pl. 5, ing. Also, the present specimen is con­ figs. 11, 14) and are similar to the ones sidered to have been deposited in deep of Helminthopsis (HANTZSCHEL, 1962, p. water whereas that of MINATO and Su­ W 197, fig. 112-4a), and referred to that YAMA is of an animal that probably lived genus with some doubt. The specimen in shallow water. The castings of Ba­ with oval cross-section may have been lanoglossus figured by KATTO (1960a, pl. deformed by subsequent pressure. 1, figs. 9, 10) also differ from the present Two other incomplete specimens simi­ fossil in having rather uniform thickness lar to both the rounded and the oval­ throughout. cross-section types mentioned above were The straight specimen of oval cross­ found from the Chikatsuyu Formation at section shows the same kind of sediment an outcrop of the Hiki River at Chikano, distribution and materials as the twisted Nakahechi-cho, Wakayama Prefecture. one, and is thus thought to have been These are considered to belong to Hel­ derived possibly from the same or simi­ minthopsis. Both are similar to the above lar kind of marine animal, that is to say, mentioned in size, shape of the cross­ an animal that was a bottom feeder, section and in sculpture of the external taking in bottom sand, devouring the surface. organic remains and then casting the Although nothing is known as to the remains. However, as to the identity kind of marine animals responsible for of the twisted specimen with the straight the coprolites described and figured in one, further investigation seems neces­ the present article, it seems worthy to sary. record the occurrence of peculiar shaped Several specimens from the Fukusada nodular specimens because such may be Formation at Komatsubara, Nakahechi­ found in other geological formations of cho, W akayama Prefecture, differ from the Japanese Islands. Should more spe­ the others from the same formation at cimens from more geological formations different localities in being broadly cur­ be found and studied, it is quite proba­ ved to broadly sigmoidal in extension, ble that they may prove to be important of rounded to oval shaped cross-section, or useful for interpretation of the paleo­ and of having rough external surface ecology and paleoenvironmental condi- 58 Kotara HATAI and Tamio KOTAKA tions of non-fossiliferous marine deposits. no. 37, p. 43-47, 1 pl. However, until more specimens are found -- & NoDA, H. (1968) :. Cylindrical Struc­ further remarks will be reserved. tures from the Tatsunokuchi Formation Locality:-Road side cliff at Ishiburi, (Early Miyagian) in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Daito-mura, Wakayama Prefecture. Bun­ japan, N.S., no. 72, p. 345-350, 1 pl. reizan Formation. Chikatsuyu, and Ko­ KATTO, J. (1960a) : Some Problematica from matsubara both in Nakahechi-cho, Ibid. the So-called Unknown Mesozoic Strata Fukusada Formation. of the Southern Part of Shikoku, Japan. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., Ser. 2, Geol., Spec. References cited Vol., no. 4, Hanzawa Memorial Volume, p. 323-334, 2 pis. ARAKAWA, K.Y. (1962): A Coprological Study -- (1960b) : Some Molluscan Fossils and on the Molluscan Faeces (A Preliminary Problematica from the Shimanto Terrain Note). Venus (Malac. Soc. japan), vol. of Shikoku, Japan. Res. Repts., Kochi Univ., 22, no. 2, p. 151-172, 2 pl., 4 figs. vol. 9, Nat. Sci. 1, no. 9, p. 107-115, 2 pis. -- (1963) : Studies on the Molluscan Faeces -- (1964) : Some Sedimentary Structures and (1). Pub!. Seto Marine Bioi. Lab., vol. 11, Problematica from the Shimanto Terrain no. 2, p. 185-208, 7 figs. of Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Ibid., vol. 13, -- (1965) : Studies on the Molluscan Faeces Nat. Sci. 1, no. 6, p. 45-58, 7 pis. (2). Ibid., vol. 13, no. 1, p. 1-21, 5 figs., MACSOTAY, 0. (1967): Huellas Problamaticas 6 pis. Y Su Valor Paleoecologio en Venezuela. -- (1968) : Studies on the Molluscan Faeces Geos, no. 16, Univ. Cent. Venezuela, p. 7- (3). Ibid., vol. 16, no. 2, p. 127-1394, 0 figs., 79, 18 pis. pl. 16-17. MINATO, M. & SUYA!v!A, K. (1949): Kotfos­ H.ANTZSCHEL, W. (1962) : Trace Fossils and silien von Arenicola-Artigem Organismus Problematica, in, R.C. MooRE, ed., Trea­ aus Hokkaido, Japan. japan. jour. Geol. tise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Geol. Geogr., vol. 21, nos. 1-4, p. 277-279, pl. 11. Soc. Amer., and Univ. Kansas, p. W177- Ow AKI, Y. (1963) : Geological Studies on the W245. Undifferentiated Strata in the Northern -- EL-BAX, F. & AMSTUTZ, G.C. (1968) : Part of Nishi-Muro-gun, Wakayama Pre­ Coprolites An Annotated Bibliography. fecture. Master Thesis of School of Sci­ Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 108, p. 1-132, 6 ence, Institute of Geology and Paleontology, figs., 11 pis. Tohoku University (MS). HAT AI, K. & KoTAKA, T. (1968) : Faecal Pel­ TAKAHASHI, J. & YAGI, T. (1929): Peculiar lets from the Kogota Formation (Early Mud-grains and Their Relation to the Miyagian) of Kogota Machi, Miyagi Pre­ Origin of Glauconite. Econ. Geol., vol. fecture. Saito Ho-on Kai Mus., Res. Bull., 24, no. 8, p. 838-852.

Aizugawa ~ illt Jl I Muro iF :J!: Bunreizan 71 f~ LlJ Muroto ~ p Chikatsuyu Jli w Nakahechi-cho if! ;.m~ lllJ Fukusada tlil :;E Nishi-Muro-gun i!!iiF:J!:'!l11 Hanezaki ;J;J H~ ~~~~~ Daito-mura ::k t?,j: 1-i Hidagawa Ouchigawa 13 il'1i Jll * J1


13::;js;:J!l.1:.!/71J~t~1971:if. ·:if.~· ~~~~i. 197l:if. l*nf:::.~ ~~:dcQ~~O)n:!fFs9~~{l:.l:::. -::>v•"C •. 1 J1 23 A (±), 24 13 ( 13) }R}J(:;k*:FJ!l"jf:)'ff,ti!l'[li~ · · ·: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · !]•iR\1'1:: ~'¥: r:: .:Bv• "C BffiHli ~ nt-: Cw:IJn?PO 15), Fusulinacean from Loei, North Thailand ...... IGo, H. i1tl?''I-"J':~I:l:\l:t¥1H5· Sarawakia ellipsactinoides, gen. et sp. nov., 18th Symposium on Vertebrate Palaeontology an Ellipsactinia-like Coelenterata from and Comparative Anatomy, Cambridge, the Bau limestone of Sarawak, Malaysia England ...... (§j;J:f:!f-::: ...... HASHIMOTO, w. & T AlVIURA, M. 2nd International Conference on Planktonic Yabestroma philippinensis, a new stromato­ Microfossils, Rome, Italy ...... 5;~ 'f.i poroid ? from the limestone of Mindoro, 1st Interamerican Micropaleontological Col- Philippines ...... HASHIMOTO, W. loquium, Texas, U.S.A...... f§i:WP~5 Preliminary report on the stratigraphy and Colloque sur Ia paleoecologie des Ostracodes, paleontology of Cedros Island, Baja Cali- Pau, France ...... ::ft;J:f:tlf!'.!~ fornia, Mexico ...... KILMER, F.H. Symposium, Recent and Fossil Marine Dia­ Carboniferous brachiopods from S. Lembing toms.-Modern Trend in Research, Bre- districts, Northwest of Kantan, Malaysia merhaven, Germany ...... -~~;t:g~ ...... YANAGIDA, J. Working Group for Correlation of Cretace­ 7:M&~mi0) 14C :if.ttc~1t.=Eill¥~ (.l(-0) 1) .... ous and Cenozoic Marine Deposits, 2nd ...... j0~~Ilf: Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland ... -~~;t:gll Amussiopecten from North America and northern South America .... MASUDA, K. Lower Jurassic Bivalvia from the environs of Saigon ...... HAY AMI, I. Upper Triassic ammonites from Okinawa- *~g[ Taeniopteris IC-::>v•"C ...... -i~Fa9-~ jima, Pt. II ...... IsHIBASI-II, T. ~::;jl;:iRJI7C!61Rli'.P!Ei$JI J: 1J g[~.H L.t-:: li1i !/7JJ 1t. =6 Some lower Jurassic ammonites from South lc-::>v•"C ...... -i~r:n-~ · NIII.JEY: Viet-Nam ...... SATO, T. Second addition to the Liassic Iwamuro ~ill'inlll'f-il'fi:0)7 :.;.:c-r1 r 1:::.-::>v•"C .... 3f!I!-J0.l.;)[ Flora ...... KIMURA, T. ;fU133Jll (ffi'JJJ~\'1;) J:iJiEO)-=f-l!J(MEf:::.g[l±\ L.t-:: Par­ Radiolarian fossils from the so-called Per­ kinsonia sp. fC -::>v•"C .. :;kt-J-~ · ~J1Htm mian of Unuma, north of Inuyama, Gifu On the Dalmanitidae and Raphiophoridae Prefecture ...... (Trilobita) ...... YAO, A., ICIIIKAWA, K. & HASHIMOTO, T...... KoBAYAsm, T. & HAMADA, T. Mesozoic Radiolaria from the Chichibu belt Silurian trilobites from the Langkawi Is- in the Yura district, Wakayama Prefec- lands, Northwest Malay ...... ture ...... YAo, A. & IcHIKAWA, K...... KoBAYAsHI, T. & HAMADA, T. :::=:il1~*-·li¥.i *llJ~il¥0) 1~1\'J:!R · l2E'l~ W=E!R {l:.=tifc 13".2fs:O)m:::=:*c""'3<.;b 1 r; -:/!ffiO)JI=::fi ... -ff*l]l[ag -::>v•"C .•.•••...... LING, H.Y. · ~J]{f.JR::: Two new species of larger Foraminifera from the Philippines ...... niE '13 *-~:£!/lJJ+~NY.'* · $C~. wrrt:~m so-'% J ...... HANZAWA, s. & HASHD.IOTO, w. (1970 1f- 12 l1 20 13 ~fr) 0) 39s Jr, ti£~ 26~27 Lepidolina multiseptata (DEPRAT) O){l:,:fijll!J fi~Km~~~IJ~L~O)T~O)J:5K~~~~. 60

~ lE On the Paleozoic Bryozoa collected by Dr. On the Paleozoic Bryozoa collected by Dr. C.K. BURTON from Chumphon, Peninsu­ C.K. BuRTON from Chumphon, Peninsu- lar Thailand (t\::~i'O ...... HAYA:vrr, T. lar Thailand ...... SAKAGAMI, S. On some fossil Bryozoa from near Namioka­ cho, Minami-Tsugaru-gun, Aomori Pre­ fecture, Japan (f\::?JC) ...... HAY AMI, T.

~ ~ ~c $ o 1971 :fi'.B£J:. :.1 o)}..~TJ (1971 {f-1 n 22 13 O)ilf~~~l:·7H2) ~;m~.m 14 4;, :tt?'i-~N 14;, CIIR'FFiilJ l~!(ffr.alt,, J;J,"ff•'Jt;jD 11Zt-i~'l>~. ::il::.ill l$, ;ffiflliJ~3't:. l'§lll;:tt..t. WLIJrifJP:, *T "j)J, *HIII J}J, !Alk ;;{UI!!, :-A:Jl~~r,r, ~Ill I',','J, Mttii-JJ.£, flliiJJiH:JlE, ;J.;f,j\)1::7<;:, ilfiiR ~. Inst. Geol. Palaont., Univ. Tiibingen, o 197o q.:.&~l~ r::.Hil* <':: ;h,t-:0~ 1

fg[l [1J;f-0 o 1971{f-1fl22130)~~'~w0r::..t;v•"C, n:~~*~~~. 4-lll"rPH~. ;J·ttr~!-O)f.ti:'ftiJt4;1't:i<~f::., 1i.t.:, ,J. ;f.J; r'I -;g,ry:15110:RiitftJ.n <':: ;Jc, s{! 23 13 0) 1971 icf.rfcl~::::..t;v• "C/:R:l:E 1..- t-.:, 0 1970ic[:JI(·t.:bnt.: 1971,1972i:f.J}rO);tH1Ul.~:fpO)*ff~, iXO)~'/'iT=\·,ry:~~U.:, iJi:!Jll ¥f'.j·, r!JJIIfld -1'!1>. t?Jij WJ, ~:fi.;:tl'!fl, WJ*.IS:U'lli~~. ,J,~N:x. 'H-t{f-, OOFa9n;Jx, ~fr~=. ~t!ifll~"B. i'J'il§ i/'i/%1, *ffifr'l'iJI£:, 1E#W!l!fl, !ili7k t~. :t1:21>:~Jl!f5 OkJ!?,, l~III~~±) 0 197Hf.1 JJ 22 8 0)1\lfi~ll\H~f.:..ilft-0~f'f:~:ft0)*11~L Jmra,il!j,~(uiJt~H~~<':Ent.:o 0 1 l•.ftl't'I-1J"O)i',;'\'~l~iJft!.t!)C('!'-tJ:v', lif~NfC:.-150):7\ffi.J.iJt~f: l:f.:O)'l:·, /X.?,'\0) mEEI>fk±:&iJt;t,mJ::v:f 3~ (:: f.J:. "? f::_o 0 1970 q.:.~q:&H.t.fii!Q)i:'l'Hi, ·M ,';l;,·[:§.;j!iO) "The ontogenies of Ponumia obscura (CoCHMA::\"), N.G., and of Housia canadensis (WALCOTT) (Trilobita) from the upper Cambrian of the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming" IC!!\li i?;fl..-0 i::. cl::.t.: f), 1971 if.t£:i

J;J: 1lZ ~ F~] ~IT 'Fll:' (0 Q 0 0 1971 {f-J1U£fJO) r i3 Jl>:ilJ~IJI!Jef:~tl~'i5' · *C* · i(fr;?;;)J 8H} J:. fJ l:Eidli~ 1 Jill· 900 p:j lcc.l!:~J U.:o

~ .!II] ~ J! (Change in Constitution) 1971"1' 1 Fl 23 8JlDli:-A:~L:·~~i.l>;fcf-: 13 /l>:ib-~=A7o*~~ffc)~c·()(O)~II <~l'!!J'i:r~ 12 :*il~~}E <':: ~1J.:o i)ff}Jll0.@.~JC"1~ 1500 p:j)bt 2000 fiJf::. t:)'JjiJ& ~~Jeff 2200 p:j ::J" 3000 p:j 1:::. :tE7'~&.w.l.0J('.[', $7 ,ry: $.10 f:..:th.lf·n~:\I!:;':E;fcf.:o On the Occasion of the Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, held on January 23, 1971, it was decided upon to revise Article 12 as indicated (in italic) below. Article 12. Rates for annual dues: Regular Members, Yen 2,000, Fellows, Yen 3,000, and Foreign Members, $ 10.

~ ~ b it © 8/j>:i!'J1::ffa"l'~~ !f;\'JJI]"!)- No.15, "Early Devonian Brachiopods from the Lesser Khingan District of Northeast China" Cmiii~fk±~) iJ!f1Jfi<':Eh ~ !..- t.:o (98 pp. 30 pis.) 5E{ilfifi 2, 500 p:j (T 200 p:j) $12, ill L-& 1 Jlll' 2, ooo fil C"f 200 fiJ) $9 L:·-to HJ'Ii}..1fi~0):1Jfi, rffiflillm$ffi~l~ll!J, JL1+1:* • J;fll • J~'[ttr"J, 13 *tJ-g:_~c'lt~i'·flJlj.'ij-~~~~~"'-o ~~ 11M J.lli ~ fill 13 ~ il'! il& 1$ 16mm 13 107 @] 17u A= "fk .& ~.X 1r 7c'f: 1 97 1 ~ 6 fl 27 13 1 97 1 ~ 5 fl ao 13 108 @] 1711 A= JL 1+1 7-:. !¥= 19 7 1 f!:- 10 fl22-24 13 1 97 1 ~ 6 fl 10 13* 1 972~ ~-®~ - ~~ =f * 7: + 1 972 f!:- 1 fJ ""f{ i] 1 9 7 1 ~ 12 fl 10 13

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0 ;t>:~OJ 1971, 1972 ~~OJ~f:l'i5-Jt_gfHHll:lJiif OJ il!l fJ fctJ: fJ ;t L-t..: o ~ JID. %fll:C. OJ~f:t~Mif"J. , xk OJ}_g ~ IS!Ir 9 iJ ; fJv ' "i T O) "t' , f~P 7lk9:l511 · ~lli"t% }... ~ ~3 )6 :;;f;:l5~ . ~ liD. {,f, !9: :w.i · P.i~ J... C¥& '\5- · j;e ~!Mit% ) :;;f;: !5~ · kfni :!:Hf- C" 11::15 " IMltf-) :llU t.7: · 11:: 15fflrii:!lfHrll ( ~~l]IJ -'% f1~{,f, ) 7LHJ7: · ~yl]I J -'%k~~*JID. ~ ~il'il!iil$16 *~til k OJ fili OJJiliM~ · rp9.g.-tt---::l511 · !1U:Hf- (('} I {t,1jJ P,\'li}... fC"? v' ""C I ft:15 J (~ 2 @l~fJ) f"J.f!g;f!l 46 fj:.~iP G5dl..lLl*JJ\lili 1J c·fljfJ~ :/'1:0 C.. C. fLfJ: fJ "i L- i:: o / '" ~ 7 :..' / '­ b T ilC.""'-Ef!i6 A., c· T ~ '-''o .::Y kt~ nl/1 1\Tt: ;jSJ. c::f. 2 @1 ) 13:: r5 1:1WJ¥: ~~JID. 1, ooo fii ~~~liD. 1, 200 p:j /' " :7 :t- :..' /' - f"J. 1El5Efiffio 7 *"1 C:.f";J: , kOJf!:. OJ 2 :fllt OJf 11fJ7'CT "i -z> C. L- ;t i" o M~m•• w •~**~!¥:e*~!¥:r5 1:1WJ !¥:• ~ P'l 13 :;;f;:r51:1¥1J¥:~ {1:: 15k~~ft~ tmti1J' o gt f il l ~ 17141 1§=

1 9 7 1 ~ 4 fl 15 13 ~n liiiJ ~ 5 ~ B * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 9 7 1 ~ 4 fl 20 13 ~ fJ * >?:7: !¥:fJ!l !¥: $J:1!!.~!¥:-~P'l ( l/k '& J:l ~ * * 84780 iii) 13 * rS 1:1WJ:!¥: ~ ¥fl '\5- • ~ ~ EJ3 ± f]f ~~ 8 1 -i} SJ JilU :fg * >?: ~ ~ .~ g ~ 3S. ~t 21; 13 900 p:j !¥:*1'2!l'i=~lilUt*Jt~ti ~ EE 5C Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan

New Series No. 81 April 20, 1971

CONTENTS TRANSACTIONS 574. KATO, Makoto: j. FLEMING's species of British Lower Carboniferous corals...... 1

575. TAKAHASHI, Kiyoshi : Microfossils from the Pleistocene sediments of the Ariake Sea area, west Kyushu ...... 11 576. NODA, Hiroshi: New anadarid and associated molluscan fauna from the Haneji Formation, Okinawa· jima, Ryukyu Islands ...... 27 577. HAT AI, Kotora and KOTAKA, Tamio: Some coprolites from Wakayama Prefecture ...... 52 PROCEEDINGS ...... 59