
I. The Living Theological Heritage of the : Ancient and Medieval Legacies

Reinhard Ulrich, editor

Part I. Consolidating the Christian Witness (United), 7

Prophets and Apostles 1.1.1 The , (c. 100), 25 1.1.2 Clement's First Letter, (c - 95), CLEMENT, 25 1.1.3 The Faith in Scripture and Tradition from Against Heresies, (c. 189), IRENAEUS, 32 1.1.4 The Rule of Faith and the Uses of Scripture from Prescription, (c. 189), TERTULLIAN, 41 1.1 5 On the Right Way of Reading the Scriptures from On First Principles IV,(c. 230), ORIGEN, 48 1.1.6 Canon from 39th Easter Letter, (367), ATHANASIUS), 55

Persecution 1.1.7 Letter from the Churches of Lyon and Vienne (177) from The History of the Church, (4th century), EUSEBIUS, 58 1.1.8 The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas, (203), 69 1.1.9 The Problem of the Lapsed from Letter 33, (c. 250), CYPRIAN, 81

Defenders of the Faith 1.1.10 Letter to Diognetus, (c. 150), 84 1.1.11 First Apology, (c. 155), JUSTIN MARTYR, 94 1.1.12 Plea Regarding the Christians, (c. 177), ATHENAGORAS, 109

Visions of Church Unity 1.1.13 Letter to the Philadelphians, (c. 113), IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, 123 1.1.14 Outside the Church, There Is No Salvation from Letter 73, (c. 256), CYPRIAN, 129 1.1.15 The Church as the from Commentary on John XI, 1I (On John 17:20-21), CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA, (c. 430), 135 1.1.16 The Church as the Company of the Elect from On Baptism V, (c. 400), , 140

Part II. Giving Account of the Faith (Christ), 145

Antioch and Alexandria 1.2.17 On the Incarnation VII and Commentary on Galatians 4:24 (c. 420) THEODORE OF MOPSUESTIA, 157 1.2.18 Dialogue of Origen with Heraclides and the Bishops with Him Concerning the Father and the Son and the Soul, (c. 235), ORIGEN, 166 1.2.19 On Sin and Salvation from Catechetical Oration 5-8, (late 4th century), GREGORY OF NYSSA, 175

Augustinian Theology 1.2.20 Faith and the Creed, (393), AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, 184 1.2.21 Sermon on I John 4:12-16 from Eighth Homily (415) AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, 201 1.2.22 Sermon on Holy Communion from Sermon 272 AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, 210 1.2.23 On Nature and Grace. (415). AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, 213

Early Creedal Controversies 1.2.24 The Confession of the Presbyters at Smyrna. (c180). PRESBYTERS AT SMYRNA. 226 1.2.25 The Rule of Faith from Against Praxeas. (213). TERTULLIAN. 228 1.2.26 The Letter of Eusebius of Caesarea Describing the Council of Nicaea. (325). EUSEBIUS. 230 1.2.27 Constantinople: Creed of the 150 Fathers. (381). 235 1.2.28 The (325) from the UCC Book of Worship, (1996). 237 1.2.29 The Definition of the Council of Chalcedon. (451). 240 1.2.30 The Athanasian Creed: A Western Creed of the Fifth Century. 242 1.2.31 The Apostles' Creed of the Seventh Century. 243

Worship and Work 1.2.32 O Gladsome Light. (early 3rd century). 249 1.2.33 The Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus. (c. 200). 250 1.2.34 Six Hymns of the Early Church. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, CYPRIAN OF CARTHAGE, AMBROSE OF MILAN, AMBROSE OF MILAN OR BISHOP NICETA OF REMESIANA, AURELIUS CLEMENS PRUDENTIUS, AND ST. PATRICK. 255 1.2.35 A Sermon on Faith and Works from Homilies on Ephesians 1:1-2 (on Eph. 1:4-5), (4th century), JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, 264 1.2.36 On Female Dress, (c. 200), TERTULLIAN, 268 1.2.37 On Human Sexuality and Christian Marriage from Miscellanies, Book III, (c. 200), CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, 274 1.2.38 On Public and Military Service from Against Celsus VIII, 73-75, (c. 248), ORIGEN, 279

Eastern Orthodoxy 1.2.39 Communion as Participation from Homilies on I Corinthians 24:1-2 (on I Cor. 10: 16-17), (4th century), JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, 282 1.2.40 Symbols and Images, (726-30), JOHN OF DAMASCUS, 286 1.2.41 The Image Controversy from the Synod of Constantinople, (753), and the Council of Nicaea, (787), 293

Part III Being God's People in the World (Church), 297

The Rise of the Papacy 1.3.42 The Edict of Milan from The History of the Church, (c. 313), EUSEBIUS, 304 1.3.43 Christmas Sermon on the Two Natures of Christ from Sermon 28, the Tome, (448,) POPE LEO I, 308 1.3.44 Dedicatory Letter to His Commentary on Job, (587), POPE GREGORY I, 314 1.3.45 Letter to Childebert, King of the Franks, (late 6th century), POPE GREGORY I, 324 1.3.46 Popes and Emperors: The Struggle Over Investiture, (1076-1122), 327 1.3.47 The Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 1, (121),5 INNOCENT III, 333 1.3.48 Unam Sanctam, (1302), BONIFACE VIII, 337

Mission to the Barbarians 1.3.49 Mission Work in England, (c. 590-604), POPE GREGORY I, 340 1.3.50 The Decrees of the Council of Hertford, (673), 344 1.3.51 The Council of the Germans: The Decrees of the Frankish Synods,(742-43), 347 1.3.52 Letter to Cuthbert, Archbishop of Canterbury on the German Synods and Other Matters of Church Discipline, (747), BONIFACE, 352 1.3.53. Supported by Spiritual Women, (c. 725-50), BONIFACE, LUL, AND LIOBA, 362

Definitions of Christendom 1.3.54 The Lord's Body and Blood, (c. 832), RADBERTUS, 367 1.3.55 Christ's Body and Blood, (c. 833), RATRAMNUS, 369 1.3.56 Why Did God Become Human? from Cur Deus Homo?, (1097-99), ANSELM OF CANTERBURY, 376 1.3.57 Five Ways to Prove the Existence of God from the Summa Theologica, (1266-73), THOMAS AQUINAS, 380 1.3.58 Whether the of the Divine Persons Can Be Known by Natural Reason? from the Summa Theologica, (1266-73), THOMAS AQUINAS, 390 1.3.59 Natural and Theological Virtues from the Summa Theologica, (1266-73), THOMAS AQUINAS, 395 1.3.60 Whether the Substance of Bread and Wine Remain in the Sacrament after Consecration? from the Summa Theologica, (1266- 73), THOMAS AQUINAS, 405

Part IV. Keeping and Renewing the Faith (Church), 411

Moral and Spiritual Renewal 1.4.61 The Twelve Degrees of Humility from the Rule of St. Benedict, (early 6th century), BENEDICT, 417 1.4.62 The Four Degrees of Love from On the Love of God, (early 12th century, BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX 423 1.4.63 Exposition of the Lord's Prayer and Pray and Work from the Rule of St. Francis, (1209-23), FRANCIS OF ASSISI, 429 1.4.64 On Spiritual and Mystical Ecstasy from The Soul's Journey into God, (c1259), BONAVENTURE, 434 1.4.65 The Divine Spark in the Soul from Sermon 48 and Blessed Are the Poor! from Sermon 28, (early 14th century), MEISTER ECKHART, 442 1.4.66 The Flowing Light of the Godhead, (1250-65), MECHTHILD OF MAGDEBURG, 452 1.4.67 God in Christ, Our True Mother from Showings, (c. 1388), JULIAN OF NORWICH, 457 1.4.68 German Theology, (late 14th century), 474

Reformation Beginnings 1.4.69 Tractate on the Unity of the Church, (1409), JOHN GERSON, 478 1.4.70 On the (1:1-15, 17), (1380, JOHN WYCLIFFE, 488 1.4.71 Treatise of Divine Providence, (1378), CATHERINE OF SIENA, 496 1.4.72 The Congregation of the Elect from De Ecclesia, (1413), JOHN HUSS, 500 1.4.73 Reformers Against the Reformers, (1414-18), THE COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE, 510

Praise and Prayer 1.4.74 Two Twelfth-Century Hymns, PETER ABELARD AND BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, 522 1.4.75 The Song of the Virtues from the Scivias, (1141-51), HILDEGARD OF BINGEN, 525 1.4.76 The Canticle of the Sun, (1225), FRANCIS OF ASSISI, 536 1.4.77 Canon of the Mass or The Great Eucharistic Prayer, 539

Sources 549 Index 553 Scriptural Index 574

II. The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ: Reformation Roots

John Payne, editor

Part I. Late Medieval and Renaissance Piety and Theology

2.1.1 The Book of the Craft of Dying, (c. mid-15th century), 37 2.1.2 The Imitation of Christ, (c. 1427), THOMAS A KEMPIS, 51 2.1.3 Eternal and Its Execution in Time, (1517), JOHN VON STAUPITZ, 69 2.1.4 Paraclesis, (1516), DESIDERIUS ERASMUS, 86

Part II. Reformation in Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands

Martin Luther and the German Reformation 2.2.5 The Freedom of a Christian, (1520), MARTIN LUTHER, 98 2.2.6 Formula of Mass and Communion for the Church at Wittenberg, (1523), MARTIN LUTHER, 121 2.2.7 Hymn: Out of the Depths I Cry to Thee, (1523), MARTIN LUTHER, 137 2.2.8 Small Catechism, (1529), MARTIN LUTHER, 140 2.2.9 The Augsburg Confession, (1530), 160

Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation 2.2.10 Sixty-Seven Articles, (1523), ULRICH ZWINGLI, 196 2.2.11 Action or Use of the Lord's Supper, (1525), ULRICH ZWINGLI, 205 2.2.12 The Schleitheim Confession of Faith, (1527), 214 2.2.13 The Marburg Colloquy, (1529), 224 2.2.14 Sermon One, Decade One: Of the Word of God from Decades, (1549-51), HEINRICH BULLINGER, 248

Calvin and the Genevan Reformation 2.2.15 The Law from Institution of the Christian Religion, (1536), JOHN CALVIN, 266 2.2.16 The Geneva Confession, (1536), WILLIAM FAREL AND JOHN CALVIN, 272 2.2.17 The Strasbourg Liturgy, (1539), MARTIN BUCER, 280 2.2.18 The Form of Church Prayers and Hymns with the Manner of Administering the Sacraments and Consecrating Marriage according to the Custom of the Ancient Church, (Geneva, 1542; Strasbourg, 1545), JOHN CALVIN, 295 2.2.19 Hymn: For Us Our God Is Firm Support (Psalm 46), (1539), JOHN CALVIN, 308 2.2.20 Draft Ecclesiastical Ordinances, (1541), JOHN CALVIN, 312

The German Reformed Church and the Heidelberg Catechism 2.2.21 The Heidelberg Catechism, (1563), 327 2.2.22. The Palatinate Liturgy, (1563), 359

The Dutch Reformed Tradition and the Canons of Dort 2.2.23 The Canons of Dort, (1619), 377

Part III. The English Reformation

Henry VIII, Edward VI, and the Elizabethan Settlement 2.3.24 The Book of Common Prayer, (1559), 397 2.3.25 The Geneva Bible, (1560), 419

The Rise of Puritanism 2.3.26. The Form of Prayers, (1556), JOHN KNOX, 432 2.3.27 The Art of Prophesying, (1592), WILLIAM PERKINS, 445

Separatist and Non-Separatist Perspectives 2.3.28 A Treatise of Reformation without Tarying for Anie, (1582), ROBERT BROWNE, 461 2.3.29 Principles and Foundations of Christian Religion, (1604 or 1605), HENRY JACOB, 480 2.3.30 A Just and Necessary Apology, (1625), JOHN ROBINSON, 492 2.3.31 The Marrow of Theology, (1629), WILLIAM AMES, 521 2.3.32 The Westminster Confession, (1646), 552

Part IV. Lay Piety and Theology

2.4.33 Letter to the University of Ingolstadt, (1523), ARGULA VON GRUMBACH, 574 2.4.34 A Conversation between an Evangelical Christian and a Lutheran in Which the Offensive Behavior of Some Who Call Themselves Lutherans Is Exposed and Admonished in a Brotherly Spirit, (1524), HANS SACHS, 585 2.4.35 Katherine Schutz Zell's Foreword for Her Edition of the Hymnbook of the Bohemian Brethren, (1534-1536), KATHERINE SCHUTZ ZELL, 603 2.4.36 The Sum of my examination before the King's Council at Greenwich and The Ballad which Ann Askew Made and Sang when she was at Newgate, (1546), ANNE ASKEW, 609 2.4.37 Letter from John Careless to His Wife from John Foxe's Actes and Monuments, (1556), JOHN CARELESS, 615 2.4.38 From the Diary of Lady Margaret Hoby, (1599), LADY MARGARET HOBY, 619

Sources 636 Index 640 Scriptural Index 664

III. The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ: Colonial and National Beginnings

Charles Hambrick-Stowe, editor

Part I. The Congregational Tradition

3.1.1 Covenants: "Dedham Church Covenant", (1638), 21 3.1.2 Catechisms: The First Principles of the Oracles of God, (1648), THOMAS SHEPARD, 37 3.1.3 Dissent: "The Examination of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson", (1637), 48 3.1.4 Worship: "The Bay Psalm Book", (1640), 61 3.1.5 Spiritual Theology: Meditative Poems, (c. 1650-1669), ANNE BRADSTREET, 69 3.1.6 Doctrine and Polity: The Cambridge Platform, (1648), 85 3.1.7 The HalfWay Covenant: Result of the Synod, (1662), 120 3.1.8 Consociation: The Saybrook Platform, (1708), 135 3.1.9 Great Awakening: "The State of Religion", (1744), JONATHAN EDWARDS, 145 3.1.10 Piety: "Extracts from [a] Diary", (1744), SARAH OSBORN, 158 3.1.11 Revolution: "A Sermon", (1776), SAMUEL WEST, 163 3.1.12 New Divinity: "The Redemption of Man", (1793), SAMUEL HOPKINS, 171 3.1.13 Unitarian Controversy and a Seminary: The Andover Creed, (1807-1808), p186 3.1.14 Unitarian Controversy and Disestablishment: The Rights of the Congregational Churches, (1826), 201 3.1.15 Revivalism: Village Hymns, (1826), ASAHEL NETTLETON, 223 3.1.16 New Haven Theology: Concio ad Clerum, (1828), NATHANIEL WILLIAM TAYLOR, 233 3.1.17 Liberalism: Christian Nurture, (1847), HORACE BUSHNELL, 259

Part II. The German Reformed Tradition

3.2.18 Foundation: "The Consistories of the German Reformed Churches ... to the Classis of Amsterdam", (1728), JOHN PHILIP BOEHM, 274 3.2.19 Building: "The Journal of Rev. Michael Schlatter", (1746), 285 3.2.20 Coetus: "Minutes of the Second Coetus", (1748), 301 3.2.21 Pietism: "The Ten Virgins", (c. 1785), LUDWIG DENIG, 312 3.2.22 Synod: "Synodal-Ordnung", (1793), 323 3.2.23 Seminary: "Inaugural Address", (1833), FREDERICK AUGUSTUS RAUCH, 333 3.2.24 Lay Theological Reflection: Selected Writings, (1837-1842), LYDIA JANE PIERSON, 342 3.2.25 Ohio Synod: "Report on Religion", (1846), 352 3.2.26 Mercersburg: The Principle of , (1845), PHILIP SCHAFF, 358 3.2.27. Baptism: Pastoral Letter to the German Reformed Church, (1846), 372 3.2.28 The Church: "Catholicism", (1851), JOHN WILLIAMSON NEVIN, 391 3.2.29 Reformed and Evangelical: North Carolina Classis, "Minutes", (1853), 416 3.2.30 Confessional Faith: The Heidelberg Catechism, (1849), JEREMIAH H. GOOD AND HENRY HARBAUGH, 422 3.2.31 Ecurnenics: "The Genius and Mission of the German Reformed Church", (1863), THEODORE APPEL 433 3.2.32 Old Reformed: Criticism of the Ritualistic Movement, (1867), JOHN H. A. BOMBERGER, 461 3.2.33 The Liturgy: Vindication of the Revised Liturgy, (1867), JOHN WILLIAMSON NEVIN, 469 3.2.34 General Synod: "The Peace Commission", (1879), 493

Sources 500 Index 503 Scriptural Index 513

IV: The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ: Consolidation and Expansion

Elizabeth Nordbeck and Lowell Zuck, editors

Part 1. The Christians

Frontier Roots 4.1.1 Protest against Hierarchy: " The Author's Apology. . . " (1798) JAMES OXELLY 14 4.1.2 The Christian Name: " The Sacred Import of the Christian Name"(1804) RICE HAGGARD 19 4.1.3 New England Christians: The Christian's Magazine (1805 and 1807)ELIAS SMITH 28 4.1.4 Nature of God: "God Is Love-God Is Light" (1840) ABNER JONES 38 4.1.5 Presbyterian Protest: "The Last Will and Testament of theSpringfield Presbytery" (1803) 42 4.1.6 Western Christians: "History of the Christian Church in the West"(1827 and 1838) BARTON W. STONE Unity and Structure 46 4.1.7 Hymnody: ". . . for the Use of Christians" (1815) ELIAS SMITH AND ABNER JONES 59 4.1.8 Female Preachers: "A Letter to the Christian Herald " (1818)JOSEPH Y. BURGIN 67 4.1.9 Controversy over Women: in the Luminary" (1827) 72 4.1.10 In Defense of Women: "Bigotry and Intolerance" (1826)SIMON CLOUGH 78 4.1.11 One Woman's Perspective: "Duty of Females" (1841)REBECCA MILLER 82 4.1.12 The Second Great Awakening: "Revival in Peacham" (18 19) 86 4.1.13 Itinerancy: "Good News from Eastport" (1834) 90 4.1.14 Herald of Gospel Liberty: "Address to the Public" (1808) ELIAS SMITH 93 4.1.15 Christian Herald: " To Our Christian Brethren" (1818) ROBERT FOSTER 97 4.1.16 Christian Palladium: "Address" (1834) JOSEPH BADGER 100 4.1.17 Unity: "Union on the Right Ground" (184 1) 104 4.1.18 Frontier Reform: "Declaration and Address. . ." (1809) THOMAS CAMPBELL 109 4.1.19 Disciples or Christians: "Our Name" (1839)ALEXANDER CAMPBELL 117 4.1.20 Union with Disciples: "Correspondence" (1841) BARTON W. STONE AND JOSEPH MARSH 120 4.1.21 Unity among Christians: "Manifesto of the General Convention" and "Basis of Union" (1874) 126 4.1.22 Ministry: "Support of the Ministry" (1836) ABNER JONES 130 4.1.23 African American Christians-, "Correspondence" (1880) GEORGE W. DUNN Six Principles and the Evolution of a Denomination 137 4.1.24 Beliefs: Christian Palladium (1834) DAVID MILLARD 140 4.1.25 An Outside Critic: "Dr. Channing's Letter" (1837) WILLIAM ELLERY CHANNING 148 4.1.26 No Creed but the Bible: "Auto da, Fe-Act of Faith" (1836) JOSEPH H. SMITH 161 4.1.27 Anti-Creedalism: "Creeds Rejected" (1838) SIMON CLOUGH 166 4.1.28 Dissent: "The Christian Name" (1841) Apolles 169 4.1.29. Communion: "Close Communion-Inconsistency" (1841)L. PERRY 172 4.1.30 The Case for Union: "Principles of Union" (1840)RA ALLEN 175 I 4.1.31 Church Membership: "Response" (1840) JOSEPH MARSH 178 4.1.32 Ecumenical Unity: "Is This Disunion to Be Perpetuated?" (1844) THOMAS DICK 181 4.1.33 North-South Union: "Plan of Union of the General Convention" (1890)185 4.1.34 Young Women: "Our Girls" (1900) NICHOLAS SUMMERBELL 187 4.1.35 Belief and Practice: The Christian Pulpit (1869) NICHOLAS SUMMERBELL 195

Part II. The German Evangelicals

European Origins 4.2.36 Lutheran-Reformed Merger: "King's Uniting Cabinet Order" (1817) 212 4.2.37 On Church Union: "A Letter. . ." (1818) FRIEDRICH SCHLEIERMACHER 215 4.2.38 Mission to German Immigrants: "Diary" (1836-44) JOSEPH RIEGER 217 4.2.39 Pietism: "Six Proposals" (1675) PHILIPP JAKOB SPENER 230 4.2.40 Basel Mission Society: "Announcement. . ." (1815) 240 4.2.41 Christian Education: "Some Great Objectives" (1919) HULDA NIEBUHR 243

4.2.42 The Role of the Pastor: "Call Your Pastor When. . ." (I 950s) 246

North American Experience 4.2.43 Seminary Education: "The Preacher's Seminary" (1850 and 1890) 248 4.2.44 Prussian Book of Worship: "Agende" (1822) 253 4.2.45 Evangelical Confessional Statements: "Confessional Statement" (18409 1841, and 1848) 255 4.2.46 Opposition from Rationalists: "Concerns" and "Program ofthe Friends of Light" (1841 and 1844) FRIEDRICH MUENCH AND PAUL FOLLENIUS 257 4.2.47 Opposition from Confessional Lutherans: "Letter" and Der Lutheraner " (1840 and 1844) GEORGE WALL AND CARL FERDINAND WILHELM WALTHER 259

Mission and Outreach 4.2.48 Global Mission: "What Right and Duty Does Our Synod Have to Support an Independent Mission?" (1880) CONRAD BECHTOLD 261 4.2.49 Deaconess Work: "Rules for Admission" and "Order for Consecration" (1889) 265 4.2.50 Parish Deaconesses: "Principles in Parish Deaconess Work" (1916) ADELE E. HosTo 272 4.2.51 Attitudes toward Slavery: "Letters and Reports to Mission Societies" (1853, 1856, 1863, and 1864) 277

Confessional Identity 4.2.52 Messenger Platform: "Der Friedensbote" (1850) 281 4.2.53 A Union Catechism: Evangelical Catechism (1867) 283 4.2.54 Commentary on the Catechism: Evangelical Fundamentals (1897) DANIEL IRION 303 4.2.55 Catechism Updated: Evangelical Catechism (Revised Edition) (1929) 317 4.2.56 Evangelical Hymnal: "Preface" (1862) 336 4.2.57 Piety Preached: "Weeds in the Wheat" (1865) ANDREAS IRION 338 4.2.58 Becoming a Denomination: "Sermon" and "Report on the Churches" (1869) ADOLPH BALTZER 344 4.2.59 Biblical Scholarship: "Exposition of Romans for Educated Congregational Members" (1883) KARL EMIL OTTO 349 4.2.60 Being Evangelical Men: "Our Educational Institutions" (1916) SAMUEL PRESS 352

In Essentials, Unity 4.2.61 Unity as a Calling: "Where Shall We Go?" (1919) REINHOLD NIEBUHR 357 4.2.62 Identity: "Why Go at All?" (1919) W. F. HENNINGER 363 4.2.63 : "In Essentials, Unity" (1929) WERNER PETERSMANN 371 4.2.64 Freedom: "In Non-essentials, Liberty" (1929)CARL E. SCHNEIDER 383 4.2.65 Reflections on Ministry: Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed Cynic (1929) REINHOLD NIEBUHR 390 4.2.66 Ministry and the World: " The Spirit of and Industrial Ethics" (1930) ELMER ARNDT 398 4.2.67 The Evangelical Catechism Revisited: "The Theology of the Catechism" (1972) WALTER A. BRUEGGEMANN 407

Part III. The Congregationalists

Strains within Congregationalism 4.3.68 Unitarianism-, A Statement of Reasons for Not Believing the Doctrines of Trinitarians (1819) 420 ANDREWS NORTON 4.3.69 Revivalism: "What a Revival of Religion Is" (1830s) CHARLES GRANDISON FINNEY 425 4.3.70 Disestablishment: "Downfall of the Standing Order" (1818) LYMAN BEECHER Frontier Congregationalism 431 4.3.71 Ecumenical Cooperation: "Plan of Union" and "Abrogation of Plan" (1801 and 1851) 435 4.3.72 Ohio's Western Reserve: "Confession of Faith and Covenant Madison, Ohio" (1814) , 439 4.3.73 Illinois: "Articles of Faith and Covenant, DuPage, Illinois" (1833) 442 4.3.74 Iowa: "Articles of Faith, General Congregational Association" (1845) 446 4.3.75 Poems for the Nation: "New Mexico," "The Fair Southwest" and "The Song of the Mountains" (1880-93) 450 4.3.76 California: Hand-book of the Congregational Churches (18 87) 454

Congregationalism and Women 4.3.77 Women and Scripture: "Exegesis. . . " (1849) ANTOINETTE BROWN 461 4.3.78 Women and Ordination: "Woman's Right to Preach the Gospel" (1853) LUTHER LEE 469 4.3.79 Women's Leadership: "Women's Rights" (1853) 487

Congregationalism Come of Age 4.3.80 Congregational Hymns: Hymns (1800-87) TIMOTHY DWIGHT, WILLIAM B. TAPPAN, LEONARD BACON, WASHINGTON GLADDEN, AND ERNEST W. SHURTLEFF 490 4.3.81 Congregational Pride: "The Vitality of Congregationalism" (1852) 497 4.3.82 Congregational Principles: "Burial Hill Declaration" (1865) 501 4.3.83 Congregational Doctrine: "The Creed of 1883" (1883) 505 4.3.84 Social Gospel: "Kansas City Statement of Faith" (1913) 508

Part IV. The German Reformed Tradition

North American Context and European Legacies 4.4.85 Frontier Revival Sermon: "The Salvation-. . . " (1780) PHILIP WILLIAM OTTERBEIN 517 4.4.86 First General Synod: "The State of the Church" (1863) 521 4.4.87 Heidelberg Catechism at Three Hundred Years: "Historical Introduction" (1863) PHILIP SCHAFF 526

The Mercersburg Movement and the Old Reformed 4.4.88 Mercersburg Theology: "Letter to Dr. Henry Harbaugh" (1860) JOHN WILLIAMSON NEVIN 531 4.4.89 High Churchism: " The Contest with High-Churchism in the Reformed Church" (1868) H. J. RUETENIK 535 4.4.90 A Defense of Mercersburg Theology: " The Church Movement Seventh Article" (1868) JOHN WILLIAMSON NEVIN : 544 4.4.91 The Arguments over Baptism: "Controversy on Infant Baptism" (1860s) JAMES 1. GOOD 550 4.4.92 Old Reformed View of Baptism: " The Children of Believers prior to Baptism" (1860s) G. W. WILLIARD 554 4.4.93 Objections to the Revised Liturgy: "Report of the Minority of the Committee" (1866) J. H. GOOD, D. WINTERS, EDWARD SWANDER, AND V. C. TIDBALL 561 4.4.94 Old Reformed Concerns: The Myerstown Convention (1867) 565 4.4.95 Views of Ministry: "Are Ministers of the Gospel Priests and Kings?" (1868) JEREMIAH H. GOOD Christ-Centered Theology 575 4.4.96 Christology: Christological Theology (1864) HENRY HARBAUGH 583 4.4.97 Christ-Centered Piety: Hymns and Poems (1860 and 1922) HENRY HARBAUGH AND ALICE NEVIN 591 4.4.98 Christology Upheld: "Christ the Revealer and Redeemer" (1891) EMANUEL V. GERHART 595

Immigration and Migration 4.4.99 Early Concern for Mission Outreach: Eastern and Western Perspectives (1849) 601 4.4.100 The Story of One Immigrant: " The Grace of God in Human Life and in the Gospel Ministry" (1863) HERMAN RUST 610 4.4.101 Concern over Cooperative Missions: "Letter to H. A. Muehlmeier" (1853) EMANUEL V. GERHART 625

New Challenges 4.4.102 Deaconesses: “Report of the Committee on the Office of Deaconesses”, (1881), 628 4.4.103 Women and Missions: women’s Missionary Society (1880s and 1890s). 635 4.4.104 Hungarian Martyrs: “Lift Your head, O Martyrs, Weeping”, (1674), 640

Sources, 643 Index, 651 Scriptural Index, 663

V. The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ: Outreach and Diversity

Margaret Bendroth, Lawrence Jones and Robert Schneider, editors

Part I. Outreach as Mission

Reasons for Reaching Out 5.1.1 A Global Calling: "A Sermon. . .", (1812), LEONARD WOODS, 29 5.1.2 The Great Commission: "Bases and Obligations of Christian Missions", (1914), JOSIAH G. BISHOP, 44 5.1.3 For Our Own Good: "What Has Chhattisgarh Done. ..", (1934), PAUL A. AND E. W. MENZEL, 49 5.1.4 Home Missions: "The Larger Meaning of Home Missions", (1914), CHARLES E. SCHAEFFER, 58 5.1.5 A Hymn for the World: "Christ for the World! We Sing", (1869), SAMUEL WOLCOTT, 70

Private Becomes Public 5.1.6 A Prayer for Missions: The Family Assistant, (1855), SAMUEL R. FISHER, 72 5.1.7 Women and Mission: Reflections, (1820, 1815, 1823), HARRIET ATWOOD NEWELL, PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE, AND SYBIL BINGHAM, 76 5.1.8 Woman's Work for Woman: "What Can We Do for Jesus?", (1891, 1886, 1892), MRS. T. P. STAUFFER AND ELIZABETH POORBAUGH, 93 5.1.9 Children and Missions: AMA Child Certificate, (1858), 106 5.1.10 "Ein Missionsfest": Reformirte Kirchenzeitung, (1885), A. HEINEMANN, 108 5.1.11 Critics of Revivalism: The Anxious Bench and Christian Nurture, (1844, 1847), JOHN NEVIN AND HORACE BUSHNELL, 111 5.1.12 Family Devotions: "An Evening Prayer for the Use of the Family", (1881), JEREMIAH H. GOOD, 121

The Word in the World 5.1.13 A Revival Hymn: "O Turn Ye, O Turn Ye", (1831), JOSIAH HOPKINS, 123 5.1.14 A Hymn to Missions: "China Mission", (1924), WILLIAM E. HOY, 125 5.1.15 Preaching: Reflections, (1841, n.d., 1842, 1845, 1928), REBECCA MILLER, JOHANN JACOB RIESS, JAMES WILLIAM CHARLES PENNINGTON, AND DAVID DUNN, 127 5.1.16 A Theory of Missions: "The Theory of Missions to the Heathen" ,(1845), RUFUS ANDERSON, 161 5.1.17 Hungarians: "Magyar Witnessing", (1959), JOHN BUTOSI, 179

Part II Mission Shaped by Diversity

Assumptions Challenged by Reality (A Case Study) 5.2.18 Negroes: "Diary, Rules and an Essay . . .", (1693, 1706), COTTON MATHER, 186 5.2.19 Indians: Indian Dialogues, (1671), JOHN ELIOT, 199 5.2.20 Indian Assimilation: "The New Birth", (1801,) SAMSON OCCOM, 206 5.2.21 Hawaii: A Narrative of Five Youth, (1816), 210 5.2.22 A Hymn of Contidence: "Wake, Isles of the South", (1822), WILLIAM B. TAPPAN, 219 5.2.23 An Indian Critique: "An Indian's Looking Glass for the White Man", (1833), WILLIAM APESS , 221 5.2.24 Hawaiian Judgment: "On the Decrease of Population on the Hawaiian Islands", (1839), DAVID MALO, 229 5.2.25 Motives for Mission: "The Worcester Creed," Future Probation and Foreign Missions, and "The Gospel for Humanity", (1884,1886,1895), A. C. THOMPSON AND GEORGE A. GORDON, 235 5.2.26 Rethinking Missions: "Summary of Principal Conclusions", (1939), WILLIAM ERNEST HOCKING, 247 5.2.27 Religious and Cultural Pluralism: "Toward a Theology of Mission" and "Christ and Culture", (1959), FRED FIELD GOODSELL, 252

Through Political and Prophetic Outreach 5.2.28 Democratic Religion: "The World Turned Upside Down", (1815), WILLIAM C. MARTIN, 266 5.2.29 Politics and Religion: "Preaching Politics", (1913), AUSTIN CRAIG, 269 5.2.30 Slavery: The Selling of Joseph and A Brief and Candid Answer ... , (1700,1701), SAMUEL SEWELL AND JOHN SAFFIN, 275 5.2.31 A Free Black Perspective: Liberty Further Extende& Or Free Thoughts on the Illegality of Slave-keeping, (1776), LEMUEL HAYNES, 286 5.2.32 An Immigrant View of Slavery: "Of the Liberation of Slaves . . .", (1812), JOHANNES BRAUN, 292 5.2.33 The Amistad Incident: The Case (1839,1839,1841), GERRIT SMITH, New York Morning Herald, AND JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, 298 5.2.34 The American Missionary Association: "The Duty of the Church", (1864), 306 5.2.35 Cherokee Removal: "A Letter in Their Defense . . .", (1833), SAMUEL A. WORCESTER AND ELIZUR BUTLER, 308 5.2.36 Women's Voices: "Letters . . .", (1837, 1838), NEHEMIAH ADAMS AND SARAH M. GRIMKE, 318 5.2.37 Child Labor: "The Church and Child Labor", (1916), PAUL B. RUPP, 325 5.2.38 A Prophetic Calling: "O Young and Fearless Prophet", (1941), SAMUEL RALPH HARLOW, 328 5.2.39 Social Ethics: Moral Man and Immoral Society, (1932), REINHOLD NIEBUHR, 331

Through Educational and Humanitarian Work 5.2.40 Women and Education: "A Female Seminary", (1866), 339 5.2.41 Teaching: ". . . the Preparation of a Teacher", (1841), ANN PLATO, 349 5.2.42 Freedman's Schools: "Union of Religious and Educational Effort", (1866), 351 5.2.43 Ongoing Racism: "A Letter", (1864), SARA G. STANLEY, 354 5.2.44 Religious Journalism: "The Press and Missions", (1908), O. W. POWERS, 359 5.2.45 Education and Evangelism: "Appeal to the Public", (1884), JOSEPH HARDY NEESIMA, 365 5.2.46 Faith and Works: Bonifacius: An Essay upon the Good and "The Church and Charitable Institutions", (1710, 1860), COTTON MATHER AND JOHN H. A. BOMBERGER, 369 5.2.47 Orphans: Reformed Church Committee Report and "Orphan Homes", (1864), GERMAN REFORMED COMMITTEE AND JOHN W. NEVIN, 385 5.2.48 Deaconesses: "My Experience as a Deaconess and as a Nurse," "Interesting Reading," and "The Evangelical Deaconess Home and Hospital of St. Louis", (1917, 1919, n.d.), SISTER MARY FEUTZ AND SISTER SELMA M. SCHMIDT, 391 5.2.49 A Hymn of Hope: "We Would Be Building", (1941), PURD E. DEITZ, 404

Through the Social Gospel 5.2.50 Social Christianity: "The Church and the Social Crisis", (1907), WASHINGTON GLADDEN, 406 5.2.51 Popular Religion: In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do?, (1896), CHARLES M. SHELDON, 421 5.2.52 Walking with Jesus: "The Disciple", (1912), WASHINGTON GLADDEN, 432 5.2.53 Social Creeds: Reports of the Committee on Social Service and the Commission on Christianity and Social Problems, (1917,1925), 434 5.2.54 Justice and Piety: "Towards the Development of a Social Consciousness", (1931), ELMER J. F. ARNDT , 444 5.2.55 Council for Social Action: The Social Relations Commission, (1934), ARTHUR E. HOLT, 451

To Envision a "Christian Nation" 5.2.56 Coming of Age: America, (1855), PHILIP SCHAFF, 457 5.2.57 Diversity: Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, (1885), JOSIAH STRONG, 480 5.2.58 A Patriotic Vision: "Our National Ideals", (1905), GEORGE W. RICHARDS, 485 5.2.59 Educating a Faithful Nation: "Civilization Needs Religion", (1931), S. D. PRESS, 490 5.2.60 The Kingdom of God in America: "Institutionalization and Secularization of the Kingdom", (1937), H. RICHARD NIEBUHR, 494 5.2.61 A Prayer for a Grieving Nation: "Death of Lincoln", (1865), HENRY WARD BEECHER, 508

Sources 513 Index 519 Scriptural Index 534

VI. The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ: Growing Toward Unity

Elsabeth Hilke, editor

General Introduction: Growing Toward Unity 1

Part I: The Ecumenical Journey of the Congregational Churches 9

From Protecting Autonomy to Seeking Church Union 6.1.1 Ecumenical Vision: "The Burial Hill Declaration", (1865) 21 6.1.2 Bound together in Unity: "The Oberlin Declaration on the Unity of the Church", (1871) 25

Early Efforts to Create a United Church 6.1.3 Applied Christianity: “A Proposal for Church Union”, (1904), WASHINGTON GLADDEN 28 6.1.4 Clarifying Convictions: “Act of Union” (1907) and “Explanatory Statement”, (1910), WILLIAM HAYES WARD AND OTHERS 35

Coping with the Historic Episcopacy 6.1.5 A Global Issue: “The Lambeth Quadrilateral”, (1886) 43 6.1.6 The Congregational Quadrilateral: “The Platform of Union”, (1896) 46 6.1.7 Pessimism Overwhelmed by Hope: “The Barrier to Union,” “For a Conference of All Bodies” and “The Congregational Attitude.,” (1910) 48 6.1.8 Local Unity: “The Lenox Proposal”, (1915) 54 6.1.9 Congregational Convictions: “A Statement of the Views...on the Church, the Eucharist, and the Ministry”, (1921), NEWMAN SMYTH AND WILLISTON WALKER 58 6.1.10 The Useless Concordat: “The Springfield Declaration on Unity”, (1923), WILLIAM E. BARTON 68

The Global Ecumenical Influence 6.1.11 India: “Real Union in South India”, (1908), J.P. JONES 73 6.1.12 Edinburgh World Mission Conference: “The Communion of Saints”, (1910), A.E. DUNNING 81 6.1.13 United Churches of Christ in America: “The Plan of Union”, (1921) 85 6.1.14 Canada: “Church Union in Canada: An Editorial Interpretation”, (1923) 90 6.1.15 Lausanne: “...Candid Impressions of the Conference” and “The Call to Unity”, (1927), MARGARET SLATTERY 96

Learning from New Voices 6.1.16 Progressive Germans: “The Evangelical Protestant Church”, (1945), HAROLD W. BARKHAU 106 6.1.17 Germans from Russia: “Our German Speaking Churches”, (1938), and a Centennial Report from Lincoln, Nebraska, (1988), GEORGE J. EISENACH 111

The Congregational-Christian Union 6.1.18 Union Envisioned: “Craigville Proposal for Union...”, (1897) 123 6.1.19 Union Encouraged: “Union with the Christians”, (1928), and “Catechism on Union with the Christians”, (1929), CHARLES EMERSON BURTON 126

Part II The Christian Passion for Church Union 137

From Rebellion to Reunion 6.2.20 Rebellion: “The Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery”, (1804) 146 6.2.21 The Power of the Press: The Herald of Gospel Liberty, (1809) 146 6.2.22 Wider Vision: “Letters”, (1809), WILLIAM GUIRY and ELIAS SMITH 151

A Maturing Commitment to Union 6.2.23 Convictions Stated: “Position on Christian Union”, (1874) 156 6.2.24 Local Negotiations: “Christian Union” (Ohio), (1886) 158 6.2.25 Theological Reflections: “Ten Practical Sides of Union Work,” (1897), MARTYN SUMMERBELL 162 6.2.26 Hymn: “Union Would Save”, (1905), O. B. WHITAKER 167

Blacks in the Christian Movement 6.2.27 Afro-Christian Worship: Revised Ritual of the Christian Church, (1901), A. A. BRIGHT 169 6.2.28 Afro-Christian Education: “The Education of the Colored People in the South”, (1909), H. E. LONG 179

Courtship with the “Disciples” 6.2.29 A Working Arrangement?: “Setting Straight the History Muddle between the Christians and the Disciples”, (1908), W. D. SAMUEL, WILLIAM J. WRIGHT, AND O. B. WHITAKER 183 6.2.30 Courtship Analyzed: “Letters” and “What Really Can Be Done?”, (1918-19), J. F. BURNETT 192 6.2.31 Almost United: “A Telegram”, (1921) 207 6.2.32. The Immersion Stumbling Block: “Baptists and Disciples and Baptists”, (1926), ALVA MARTIN KERR 209

Learning from the Wider Church 6.2.33 National Union: “The Obligations of the Christian Church to the Federal Council”, (1920), FRANK G. COFFIN 216 6.2.34 The Anglican Challenge: “The Lambeth Conference on Church Union”, (1920), ALVA MARTIN KERR 223 6.2.35 International Forces: “The Message of the Lausanne Conference on Church Unity”, (1927) 227

The Congregational-Christian Union 6.2.36 An Invitation: “The Haverhill Resolution”, (1894) 233 6.2.37 Getting Beyond History: “Christian Union a Primary Need” and “The Purposes of the Christian Unity Period”, (1927), W. A. HARPER AND FRANK G. COFFIN 238 6.2.38 Unity Near: “Christian-Congregational Meeting” and “The Congregational-Christian Proposal”, (1928) 243 6.2.39 Union Accomplished: “Plan of Union,” “The Preamble and Basis” and “Union Consummated”, (1929 and 1931) 249

Part III: The Ecumenical Development of the Reformed Church in the United States 261

The Language Question 6.3.40 German or English?: “Shall We Separate?” and “Anglicizing our Congregations”, (1894 and 1902), Messenger AND W. D. HAPPEL 275

Hospitality for New Immigrants 6.3.41 The Hungarian Reformed Church: “The Origin, History, Religion and Present Religious Needs of the Hungarian or Magyar People” and “The Hungarian Church Difficulties from an American Standpoint”, (1892 and 1908), GUSTAV JURANY and S. MCLANAHAN 284

Resisting Popular Culture 6.3.42 Mercersburg Theology: “Denominationalism and Sectarianism”, (1893), PHILIP SCHAFF 293

The Dutch Reformed Church 6.3.43 Early Union Attempts: “The Union Movement,” “Conference on Union” and “The Union of the Two Reformed Churches”, (1874, 1888 and 1889), Messenger and G. THOMAS 299 6.3.44 The Theological Rationale: “Address”, (1888), J. SPANGLER KIEFFER 312 6.3.45 Union Thwarted Again: “Failure of Federal Union” and “The Christian Intelligencer on the Failure...”, (1892 and 1893) 318

Church Union: Vision and Reality 6.3.46 A Christocentric Theology: “The Growing Spirit of Christian Unity” and “Church Union”, (1888 and 1890), J. SPANGLER KIEFFER and THOMAS G. APPLE 324 6.3.47 Union with Presbyterians: “Joint Report of Union” and “Report ... on the Closer Union with the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.”, (1911 and 1912), GEORGE W. RICHARDS 329

Part of a Global Ecumenical Movement 6.3.48 In Japan: “Church Union in Japan”, (1888) 349 6.3.49 In India: “Church Union in India,” (1890) 352 6.3.50 Among Reformed Churches: “Plan for Federation”, (1894) 355 6.3.51 In the United States: “The Inter-Church Conference on Federation...” and “Plan of Federation” (1905) 359 6.3.52 At Edinburgh: “World Missionary Conference II”, (1910), ALLEN R. BARTHOLOMEW 370

The Formation of the Evangelical and Reformed Church 6.3.53 Finally Union: “I Believe in the Holy , The Communion of Saints...” and “Prayer”, (1934,) F. WILLIAM LEICH and JACOB C. LEONARD 376

Part IV: The Maturing “Unionist” Vision of the Evangelical Synod 385

German Origins 6.4.54 A Local Unionist Congregation: “Constitution of ... in Cincinnati, Ohio”, (1834) 396 6.4.55 A Testimony of Faith: The “Bekenntnisparagraph”, (1848) 399

Assimilation 6.4.56 Getting Evangelicals Together: “The Evangelical Problem”, (1921), CARL E. SCHNEIDER 401

The Global Ecumenical Context 6.4.57 Federal Council of Churches: “Conference on Organic Union”, (1918), WILLIAM H. ROBERTS and HUBERT C. HERRING 413 6.4.58 Faith and Order: “A Pilgrimage Toward Unity”, (1920), C. H. BRENT 419 6.4.59 Life and Work: “A Message to All Christians--Stockholm”, (1925) 423

Church Union 6.4.60 Service First: “A Chronology of the Evangelical Synod”, (1990), ROBERT T. FAUTH 429 6.4.61 A Federation of German Churches: “A Letter”, (1916), JOHN BALTZER 433 6.4.62 Wider Conversations: “Commission on Relations with Other Church Bodies”, (1928) 436 6.4.63 Theological Issues: “Committee on Creedal Statement and Relation to Other Communions”, (1928) 439 6.4.64 The Case for Union: “The Evangelical Synod and Church Union”, (1928), CARL E. SCHNEIDER 446

The Formation of the Evangelical and Reformed Church 6.4.65 Why the Reformed Church?: “A Rebuttal,” (1919), REINHOLD NIEBUHR 460 6.4.66 Which Partner is Best?: “Letter,” “Will it be Luther or Calvin?,” “Why Go, Why Not Stay?” and “Church Union”, (1928), REINHOLD NIEBUHR, PETER THE HERMIT and H. L. STREICH 464 6.4.67 Union Defended: “The Plan of Union-Summarized”, (1929), HELMUT RICHARD NIEBUHR 476 6.4.68 Partnership Affirmed: “The Plan of Union” and an article on the “Plan of Union”,(1932), H. KAMPHAUSEN 480 6.4.69 Union Celebrated: “Report of the President,” “Awake, O Church United,” and “A Sermon--The Bread which we break, is it not...”, PAUL PRESS, AMBROSE M. SCHMIDT and LEE M. ERDMAN 490

Part V: The United Church of Christ 503

Setting the Stage 6.5.70 An Invitation: “Letter to ...”, (1937), TRUMAN B. DOUGLASS 519 6.5.71 Autonomy as Weakness? “Editorials...The Christian Century”, (1938) 524

Union Negotiations 6.5.72 An Introduction: “The Evangelical and Reformed Church”, (1942), GEORGE W. RICHARDS 537 6.5.73 Compare and Contrast: “A Brief Study of the Differences Between...”, (1942), DOUGLAS HORTON 547 6.5.74 The Choice: “Shall the General Synod Vote for Union with the Congregational Christian Churches? (Yes!/No!)”, (1947), FREDERICK W. SCHROEDER and EDWIN H. BUENEMAN 556 6.5.75 The Grass-Roots Debate: “Letters, Prayers and Articles”, (1948), RUTH ISABEL SEABURY, FREDERICK GROETSOMA, and Advance 565 6.5.76 Youth: “Let’s Look at the Merger” and “The Basis of Union of the Pilgrim Fellowship ... and the Youth Fellowship ...”, (1947), GERSON S. ENGLEMANN 571 6.5.77 Union Affirmed: “The Basis of Union--without Interpretations,” (1947) 578 6.5.78 A Primer of Union: “Questions and Answers Regarding the Proposed Union...”, (1947) 603

Agitation Against Union 6.5.79 The Opposition Organizes: “The Evanston Meeting”, (1947) 615 6.5.80 Classic Congregationalism Defended: “Why the Basis of Union is not a Valid Document”, (1949), MALCOLM K. BURTON 620 6.5.81 A Dangerous Ecumenical Moment: “On the Denominational Divide”, (1950), MARION J. BRADSHAW 629 6.5.82 Mediators: “Central Convictions...Daring Deeds”, (1955), HENRY DAVID GRAY 633 6.5.83 Ecclesiastical Lobbying: “They are planning to take your church!”, (1956), THE LEAGUE TO UPHOLD CONGREGATIONAL PRINCIPLES, THE COMMITTEE FOR THE CONTINUATION OF CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES IN THE UNITED STATES 645

Addressing Concerns 6.5.84 Union Explained: “The Interpretations--of the Basis of Union”, (1948) 659 6.5.85 Not to Worry!: “The Status of the Local congregational Christian Church as Proposed in the Basis of Union”, (ca. 1949) 663

Church Union Around the World 6.5.86 Faith and Order: “The Edinburgh Conference”, (1937), WILLIAM L. SPERRY 670 6.5.87 A World Council: “World Council Constituted,” “A Toi La Gloire” and “Ecumenicity in a Village”, (1948-1949), DAVID D. BAKER, BARBARA DIETZ and CHARLES H. GILBERT 679 6.5.88 Ecclesiology for the World: “The Church, the churches and the World Council of Churches, (Toronto Statement)”, (1950) 693 6.5.89 A National Council: “Act of Constituting the National Council of Churches of Christ...” and “Inaugural Message...” (1950) 702 6.5.90 Another Plan: “A Plan for a United Church in the United States” (1953) GREENWICH CONFERENCE ON CHURCH UNION 712

Years in Court 6.5.91 Legal Arguments: “Decisions of the Courts in Regard to the Proposed Union...”, (1953) 717

The United Church of Christ 6.5.92 The Uniting General Synod: “Addresses”, (1957), JAMES E. WAGNER and FRED HOSKINS 731 6.5.93 The Celebration: “Prayers and Hymns”, (1957), WILLIAM C. NELSON, GERALD H. HINKLE, DOUGLAS HORTON, GERHARD W. GRAUER and SAMUEL PRESS 739 6.5.94 Union in Christ: “Message to the Churches from the Uniting General Synod” and “Blessed Event”, (1957), SYNOD MINUTES and THE CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER 749

Postscript by Thomas E. Dipko 755

Index 763 Scriptural Index 784 VII. The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ: United and Uniting

Frederick R. Trost and Barbara Brown Zikmund, editors

Part I Becoming One Church 1

Claiming an Ecumenical Vision 7.1.1 The Basis of Union: “Article II: Faith” (1957) 9 7.1.2 Coming Together: “Toward a United Church of Christ” and “Each Brings Its Best” (1955, 1956) 11 S.[SAMUEL] D. PRESS and JAMES E. WAGNER

Testifying to the Faith 7.1.3 Statement of Faith: Commission Report (1959, 1957) COMMISSION TO PREPARE A STATEMENT OF FAITH, JOHN C. BENNETT 16 7.1.4 Statement of Faith: “Brief Introduction” (1959) ELMER J. F. ARNDT 21 7.1.5 Statement of Faith: Objections (1959) HARRY W. JOHNSON 27 7.1.6 Statement of Faith: Black Perspectives (1984) LAWRENCE JONES 29 7.1.7 Statement of Faith: Versions and Translations (1976, 1982, 1973, 1969, 2000) ROBERT V. MOSS, OFFICE FOR CHURCH LIFE AND LEADERSHIP, MARY LOUISE VANDYKE, HANNS PETER KEILING, DÁMARIS VÉLEZ 33

Forming Faithful Structures 7.1.8 The Constitution: “Preamble” (1960) 40 7.1.9 Theology: “The Head of the Church” and “The Bible and the Holy Spirit” (1962) DOUGLAS HORTON 43 7.1.10 Voting: To Join or Not to Join (1960) FRED HOSKINS, NEIL H. SWANSON, Jr. 49 7.1.11 The Future of the Church: “Statement of Purpose and Mission” (1967) 52

Blending Traditions 7.1.12 A New Church: Two Anxieties (1963) ROBERT W. SPIKE 55 7.1.13 A New Church: “The UCC: A Merger of Two Kinds of Churches” (1985) REUBEN A. SHEARES 58

Part II Engaging the World 65

Confronting Injustice 7.2.14 Justice and Love: “The Problem of Justice and the Power of Love” (1959) REINHOLD NIEBUHR 75 7.2.15 Christian Action: “Call to Christian Action in Society” (1959) COUNCIL FOR CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ACTION 80 7.2.16 Social Action: “Revolution and Renewal” (1963) GERALD J. JUD 86 7.2.17 The Racial Crisis: “Remarks on the Present Racial Crisis” (1963) BEN M. HERBSTER 92 7.2.18 Controversy and Prayer: “Controversy: an Instrument of Freedom,” and “A prayer for these days,” (1963, 1962) BUELL G. GALLAGHER, JOHN C. BENNETT 97 7.2.19 Time for Action: “A Report on a Pilgrimage to Selma” (1965) ROY F. ALBERSWERTH 101 7.2.20 Black Power: Reflections on. . . (1966) ALFORD CARLETON, TRUMAN B. DOUGLASS, RAY GIBBONS 105 7.2.21 Black Power: “Washington Consultation Statement” and “Now More than Ever: The Church is Challenged” (1966, 1966) WASHINGTON CONSULTATION OF NEGRO CLERGYMEN OF THE UCC AND WORKERS WITH PRINCIPALLY NEGRO CONSTITUENCY, CHARLES EARL COBB 109 7.2.22 General Synod: “Pronouncements” (1959, 1971) GENERAL SYNOD, JOHN ESCH 117

Reshaping Mission 7.2.23 Rethinking Mission: “What is the Mission of the Church...?” (1962) ALLEN O. MILLER 122 7.2.24 Biblical Interpretation: “What is the Scribal Mentality?” (1966) WILLIS ELLIOTT 126 7.2.25 Mission in Action: “Demonstrations” (1964) ANDREW J. YOUNG 131 7.2.26 Beyond Rivalries: “Do We Really Mean One Mission?” (1960) TRUMAN B. DOUGLASS 134 7.2.27 Evangelism: “A Statement of Commitment,” (1972) DEERING CONFERENCE ON FAITH AND ITS CORPORATE EXPRESSION 134 7.2.28 Word-in-Deed Evangelism: “Evangelism and Social Action: Either/Or?” (1974) GABRIEL FACKRE 139

Part III Keeping the Church Strong 147

Enabling Worship 7.3.29 Worship: The Lord’s Day Service: “An Interpretation of . . .” (1964) [HORTON DAVIES] 155 7.3.30 Resources for Worship: Services of the Church and the Hymnal of the UCC: “Introductions” (1964-69, 1974) 161 7.3.31 Inclusive Language: “National Guidelines,” “Conference Statement,” “A Personal Reflection” (1980, 1983, 1985) OFFICE FOR CHURCH LIFE AND LEADERSHIP, WISCONSIN CONFERENCE UCC, DAVIDA FOY CRABTREE 164 7.3.32 Baptism: “A Sacrament of Christian Vocation,” “Child of Blessing, Child of Promise (1985, 1981) LOUIS H. GUNNEMANN, RONALD S. COLE-TURNER 173 7.3.33 Preaching: “Listening as Proper Human Business” (1989) WALTER BRUEGGEMANN 182 7.3.34 Book of Worship: “Theological Guidelines That Informed the Development of . . .” (1986) THOMAS E. DIPKO 185 7.3.35 Book of Worship: A Response (1988) CHALMERS COE 194 7.3.36 The New Century Hymnal: “Theological and Ecclesiological Strengths of . . .” and “The Language of Faith and . . .” (1997) DANIEL JOHNSON, RICHARD L. CHRISTENSEN 200

Affirming Congregations 7.3.37 Congregational Life: “Servants of the Church” (1960) ROGER HAZELTON 207 7.3.38 Laity: “The Ministry of the Church and ‘Lay Ministers,’” (1963) 214 7.3.39 The Local Church: "The Church Faces Its Own Crisis” and “The Role of the Local Church” (1963, 1965) SHIRLEY E. GREENE, LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE 217 7.3.40 Strengthening and Celebrating the Church: The Local Church Priority (1971, 1971, 1986) FRANKLIN W. THOMAS, GRANT E. HARRITY, RUTH DUCK 223

Authorizing Ministries 7.3.41 Ordination: “Ordination: Stance and Circumstance” (1969) 228 7.3.42 Ordination: “A Charge to a Church” and “You Are Called to Tell the Story” 1976, 1991 ROBERT Y. JOHNSON, RUTH DUCK 233 7.3.43 Manual on the Ministry: “The Pastor’s Code” (1977) 237 7.3.44 Ordination: “Biblical Foundations” and “Traditions” (1987) CLYDE J. STECKEL 240 7.3.45 Ministry: "A Note on the Practice of Ministry” and "Theologian, Presider, Manager," (1978, 1983) WALTER BRUEGGEMANN, BROWNE BARR 247 7.3.46 Ministry: “Episcopé or Oversight” (1998) RANDI WALKER 255

Passing on the Faith 7.3.47 The United Church of Christ Curriculum: “Educational Principles” (1961) 260 7.3.48 The Faith Crisis: The Synod Debate (1971) KAY WHITE 269 7.3.49 Youth: “Why we don’t teach them morals” (1978) GAYLORD NOYCE 271 7.3.50 Art and Music: “Resolution on the Church and the Arts” and “Like a Tree Beside the Waters” (1977, 1992) UNITED CHURCH FELLOWSHIP FOR THE ARTS, JAMES F.D. MARTIN 274 7.3.51 A Personal Testimony: “Who Do You Say that I Am?” (1996) MARY GAFNER 278

Part IV Doing Theology 283

Finding a Theological Center 7.4.52 Basic Theology: “What Does it Mean to be a Christian?” (1962) WILLIAM L. BRADLEY 294 7.4.53 A Word Picture: “The UCC: A Beautiful, Heady, Exasperating Mix” (1975) OLIVER POWELL 301 7.4.54 The Leaders Box: “Theology in the UCC” (1982) 306 7.4.55 Identity: “Paradoxical” (1982) SCOTT S. LIBBEY 312 7.4.56 Identity: “Who We Are, What We Believe” (1980-1998) 315

Clarifying Theological Identity 7.4.57 Theology: “Toward the Task of Sound Teaching” (1978) 318 7.4.58 Theology: “A Theocratic Interpretation of Life” (1980) JAMES M. GUSTAFSON 322 7.4.59 Theological Ferment: “A Letter from Thirty-nine. . .” (1983) 324 7.4.60 Theology Work Group: “What is Theology?” (1985) 329 7.4.61 East Petersburg and Craigville: “A Declaration” and “A Letter” (1979, 1984) 332 7.4.62 UCC Charismatic Fellowship: Purpose and Theology (1977, 1978) 340 7.4.63 United Church People for Biblical Witness: “Scriptural Primacy” and “The Dubuque Declaration” (1979, 1983) DONALD G. BLOESCH, UCPBW BOARD OF DIRECTORS 342 7.4.64 A Just Peace Church: “Theological Foundations” (1986) SUSAN THISTLETHWAITE 347 7.4.65 Theological Ferment: “Feminist Theology” (1985) SHARON H. RINGE 355

Living with Theological Diversity 7.4.66 The Calvin Synod: Holy Communion (1967) AARON ELEK 363 7.4.67 Constructive Criticism: Balaam’s Courier (1975) 366 7.4.68 Mercersburg Theology: “What does Mercersburg have to Offer?” and “The Order of Corpus Christi” (1993 and 1987) JOHN SHETLER, ORDER OF CORPUS CHRISTI 368 7.4.69 The Evangelical Church of the Union (EKU): “Kirchengemeinschaft” (1981) FREDERICK HERZOG 374 7.4.70 Apostacy: “The Dayton Declaration” (1991) 381 7.4.71 Toward the 21st Century: “Attentive, Inclusive, Responsive, Supportive” (1993) 385 7.4.72 Renewal: Confessing Christ (1993) 389 7.4.73 Language: “The Inclusive Language Covenant” (1993) 392 7.4.74 Listening: “Attentive to the Word” (1994) MARY SUE GAST 396 7.4.75 Preaching: “The Dangers of Self-righteousness” (1999) WILLIAM SLOAN COFFIN 400

Reaching Out in Mission 7.4.76 The Faith We Proclaim: “The Mission and the Message. . .” (1960) ELMER J. F. ARNDT 406 7.4.77 Convictions and Actions: “The Mercy Seat” & “The Centerline” (1977, 1984) JOSEPH H. EVANS, ROGER L. SHINN 411 7.4.78 The Future of Mission: “Standing at Future’s Threshold” and the “Houston Statement of Mission” (1986, 1987) PAUL R. GREGORY, UNITED CHURCH BOARD FOR HOMELAND MINISTRIES, JOSE ABRAHAM de JESUS 417 7.4.79 Mission: “Partnership” (1988) DANIEL F. ROMERO 421 7.4.80 Reflections on the Statement of Faith: “Mystery” (1990) ALLEN O. MILLER 427

Part V Making A Difference 433

Promoting Racial Justice 7.5.81 The Office of Communication: Christian Motivations (1959) 445 7.5.82 The Wilmington 10: “Free for All” (1978) AVERY POST 448 7.5.83 Racism: “The Unfinished Agenda” (1989) YVONNE V. DELK 450 7.5.84 The Resurgence of Racism: A Challenge (1989, 1991) 456

Advocating with Women 7.5.85 Women in Church and Society: A Pronouncement (1971) GENERAL SYNOD, MARJORIE H. LIKINS 461 7.5.86 Abortion: “Freedom of Choice” (1971) GENERAL SYNOD, ROBERT M. BARTLETT 465 7.5.87 Reflections on Abortion: “The Conflict of Moral Presumptions” (1989) LLOYD STEFFEN 471 7.5.88 Racism and Sexism: “A Minority Woman’s Point of View” (1979) VALERIE RUSSELL 477 7.5.89 Women and the Church: The Coordinating Center for Women (1987) 481

Speaking Out on Social Issues 7.5.90 Urban Ministry: “My Visions of a New Jerusalem” (1979) HENRY K. YORDON 485 7.5.91 Urban Ministry: A Born Again Radical (1982) DON BENEDICT 489 7.5.92 Installation Prayer: City Missionary Society of Boston (1981) AVERY POST 493 7.5.93 Sanctuary: A Liturgy (1983) DAVID CHEVRIER 496 7.5.94 Economic Justice: “Christian Principles of. . .” (1987) AUDREY CHAPMAN SMOCK 499 7.5.95 Advocacy: Christians for Justice Action (1982, 1985) 505

Affirming the Wholeness of Life 7.5.96 Social Action and Service: “Christian Love” (1986) HOBART A. BURCH 510 7.5.97 Persons with Handicaps/Disabilities: Affirming Wholeness (1977, 1980, 1986) GENERAL SYNOD, HAROLD H. WILKE, DOSIA CARLSON 514 7.5.98 Human Sexuality: Definitions and Actions (1977, 1985) 524 7.5.99 Human Sexuality: “Call to Dialogue” and “No Condemnation” (1997 and 1998) CONFERENCE MINISTERS, PAUL H. SHERRY 532

Part VI Living Out the Unity 541

Deepening Commitment 7.6.100 Christian Unity: “Report of the Commission on Unity” (1963) 556 7.6.101 Reform and Renewal: “Church Union” (1966) DAVID G. COLWELL 559 7.6.102 Autonomy: “Report of the Theological Commission” (1971) 565 7.6.103 Commitment to Unity: “The Ecumenical Stance of the United Church of Christ,” (1973) 569 7.6.104 Ecumenical Vocation: “Ecumenical theology – Profession or Vocation?” (1976) PAUL S. MINEAR 572 7.6.105 Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): “Ecumenical Partnership” (1983, 1989) 576 7.6.106 Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry: “UCC Response to . . .” (1985) 585 7.6.107 Consultation on Church Union (COCU): “UCC Response to the COCU Consensus” (1989) 597

Expanding Relationships 7.6.108 Jewish-Christian Theological Panel: “A Message to the Churches” (1990) 608 7.6.109 Muslim-Christian Relations: "The Relationship Between the United Church of Christ and Muslim Community" (1989) 613 7.6.110 Lutheran—Reformed Dialogue: Formula of Agreement and Mercersburg Theological Forum Response (1996, 1994)) 616 7.6.111 Samoans: “Partnership in Mission and Ministry . . .” (1999) 621

Part VII Aspiring to Be A Multiracial And Multicultural Church 627

Embracing Diversity 7.7.112 Responding to Change: “Empowering Minority Churches and Caucuses” (1977) SCOTT LIBBEY 644 7.7.113 Confronting Change: “Being Christian in a Pluralistic World” [1980s] CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 649 7.7.114 Seeking Change: “A Multiracial and Multicultural Church” (1993) GENERAL SYNOD, JAMES L. FORBES 652

Receiving the Gifts of African Americans 7.7.115 The African American “National Anthem” (1921) JAMES WELDON JOHNSON 657 7.7.116 Black Theology: “The Unfinished Agenda” (1989) BARBARA J. ESSEX 659 7.7.117 African American Faithfulness: “The Power of the Faith Community” (1997) LESLIE CAROLE TAYLOR 662 7.7.118 Vital Congregational Life: Trinity UCC (1971-1981) 666

Receiving the Gifts of American Indians 7.7.119 Council for American Indian Ministry: American Indian Sunday (1971) MRS. DALE [ADELE] LITTLE DOG 669 7.7.120 Supporting Indigenous Peoples: “Pronouncement on Ministry with Indians” (1987) 672 7.7.121 Preaching: Servanthood (1993) ROSEMARY McCOMBS MAXEY 677 7.7.122 Spiritual Traditions: Rituals and Music (1995, 1842) TRADITIONAL, JOSEPH R. RENVILLE 683 7.7.123 The Faithfulness of Indigenous Peoples: “Honoring Spiritual Connections” (1997) RENÉ WHITERABBIT 686 7.7.124 Theology: “An Indian Perspective on the United Church of Christ” (2000) NORMAN W. JACKSON 690

Receiving the Gifts of Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans 7.7.125 Hawaiian Traditions: Music and Metaphor (1893,1961) QUEEN LILIUOKALANI, ABRAHAM AKAKA 697 7.7.126 Organizing: Pacific Islander and Asian American Ministries (1974, 1982) PAAM, MINEO KATAGIRI 700 7.7.127 Preaching: “On Being Troublemakers” (1981) TERUO KAWATA 705 7.7.128 The Challenge: “A Pronouncement on Ministry with Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans” (1989) 709 7.7.129 Theology: Asian American (1986) DAVID HIRANO 713 7.7.130 Assimilation: “The Asian American and Pacific Islander Experience” (1998) ROSE W. LEE, DAVID TUIOASOSOPO 719

Receiving the Gifts of Hispanics 7.7.131 Traditional Hymns: Puerto Rican and Mexican (traditional) 721 7.7.132 Theology: “The Gospel and the Poor” (1979) ORLANDO E.COSTAS 724 7.7.133 Hispanic Ministries: “Biblical, Theological and Ethical Rationale” (1987) 728 7.7.134 General Synod: The Hispanic Walkout (1987) ABRAHAM REYES, VILMA M. MACHIN 731 7.7.135 The Latino/a Summit: “Our Response to Christ is Different” (1997) ALFONSO A. ROMÁN 735 7.7.136 Hispanic/Latina Faithfulness: “Actos de Fe/Acts of Faith” (1997) LILLIAN VALENTÍN de RICO 741 7.7.137 Immigrant Theology: “Theology in Context” (2000) ENRIQUE ARMIJO 744

Part VIII Restructuring for God’s Mission 751

Rethinking Church and Mission 7.8.138 Background Paper: “UCC Ecclesiology” (1991) 758 7.8.139 Background Paper: “The Missio Dei” (1992) 767

Revitalizing Structures 7.8.140 A New Old Framework: “Covenantal Relationships” (1987,1997,1997) MAX STACKHOUSE, GENERAL SYNOD, BILL HULTEEN 772 7.8.141 Critique: Concern about Restructuring (1997) JAMES L. HADDIX 777 7.8.142 New Structure: “Theological Foundations for the. . .” (1997) JOHN H. THOMAS 781 7.8.143 A New Constitution and Bylaws: “Achievement and Promise” (2000) PETER SCHMIECHEN 786 7.8.144 Many Gifts, One Spirit: “God of Change and Glory” (1973) AL CARMINES 793

Doxology 795 Index 801 Scriptural Index 826