I. The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ: Ancient and Medieval Legacies Reinhard Ulrich, editor Part I. Consolidating the Christian Witness (United), 7 Prophets and Apostles 1.1.1 The Didache, (c. 100), 25 1.1.2 Clement's First Letter, (c - 95), CLEMENT, 25 1.1.3 The Faith in Scripture and Tradition from Against Heresies, (c. 189), IRENAEUS, 32 1.1.4 The Rule of Faith and the Uses of Scripture from Prescription, (c. 189), TERTULLIAN, 41 1.1 5 On the Right Way of Reading the Scriptures from On First Principles IV,(c. 230), ORIGEN, 48 1.1.6 New Testament Canon from 39th Easter Letter, (367), ATHANASIUS), 55 Persecution 1.1.7 Letter from the Churches of Lyon and Vienne (177) from The History of the Church, (4th century), EUSEBIUS, 58 1.1.8 The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas, (203), 69 1.1.9 The Problem of the Lapsed from Letter 33, (c. 250), CYPRIAN, 81 Defenders of the Faith 1.1.10 Letter to Diognetus, (c. 150), 84 1.1.11 First Apology, (c. 155), JUSTIN MARTYR, 94 1.1.12 Plea Regarding the Christians, (c. 177), ATHENAGORAS, 109 Visions of Church Unity 1.1.13 Letter to the Philadelphians, (c. 113), IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, 123 1.1.14 Outside the Church, There Is No Salvation from Letter 73, (c. 256), CYPRIAN, 129 1.1.15 The Church as the Body of Christ from Commentary on John XI, 1I (On John 17:20-21), CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA, (c. 430), 135 1.1.16 The Church as the Company of the Elect from On Baptism V, (c. 400), AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, 140 Part II. Giving Account of the Faith (Christ), 145 Antioch and Alexandria 1.2.17 On the Incarnation VII and Commentary on Galatians 4:24 (c. 420) THEODORE OF MOPSUESTIA, 157 1.2.18 Dialogue of Origen with Heraclides and the Bishops with Him Concerning the Father and the Son and the Soul, (c. 235), ORIGEN, 166 1.2.19 On Sin and Salvation from Catechetical Oration 5-8, (late 4th century), GREGORY OF NYSSA, 175 Augustinian Theology 1.2.20 Faith and the Creed, (393), AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, 184 1.2.21 Sermon on I John 4:12-16 from Eighth Homily (415) AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, 201 1.2.22 Sermon on Holy Communion from Sermon 272 AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, 210 1.2.23 On Nature and Grace. (415). AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, 213 Early Creedal Controversies 1.2.24 The Confession of the Presbyters at Smyrna. (c180). PRESBYTERS AT SMYRNA. 226 1.2.25 The Rule of Faith from Against Praxeas. (213). TERTULLIAN. 228 1.2.26 The Letter of Eusebius of Caesarea Describing the Council of Nicaea. (325). EUSEBIUS. 230 1.2.27 Constantinople: Creed of the 150 Fathers. (381). 235 1.2.28 The Nicene Creed (325) from the UCC Book of Worship, (1996). 237 1.2.29 The Definition of the Council of Chalcedon. (451). 240 1.2.30 The Athanasian Creed: A Western Creed of the Fifth Century. 242 1.2.31 The Apostles' Creed of the Seventh Century. 243 Worship and Work 1.2.32 O Gladsome Light. (early 3rd century). 249 1.2.33 The Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus. (c. 200). 250 1.2.34 Six Hymns of the Early Church. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, CYPRIAN OF CARTHAGE, AMBROSE OF MILAN, AMBROSE OF MILAN OR BISHOP NICETA OF REMESIANA, AURELIUS CLEMENS PRUDENTIUS, AND ST. PATRICK. 255 1.2.35 A Sermon on Faith and Works from Homilies on Ephesians 1:1-2 (on Eph. 1:4-5), (4th century), JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, 264 1.2.36 On Female Dress, (c. 200), TERTULLIAN, 268 1.2.37 On Human Sexuality and Christian Marriage from Miscellanies, Book III, (c. 200), CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, 274 1.2.38 On Public and Military Service from Against Celsus VIII, 73-75, (c. 248), ORIGEN, 279 Eastern Orthodoxy 1.2.39 Communion as Participation from Homilies on I Corinthians 24:1-2 (on I Cor. 10: 16-17), (4th century), JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, 282 1.2.40 Symbols and Images, (726-30), JOHN OF DAMASCUS, 286 1.2.41 The Image Controversy from the Synod of Constantinople, (753), and the Council of Nicaea, (787), 293 Part III Being God's People in the World (Church), 297 The Rise of the Papacy 1.3.42 The Edict of Milan from The History of the Church, (c. 313), EUSEBIUS, 304 1.3.43 Christmas Sermon on the Two Natures of Christ from Sermon 28, the Tome, (448,) POPE LEO I, 308 1.3.44 Dedicatory Letter to His Commentary on Job, (587), POPE GREGORY I, 314 1.3.45 Letter to Childebert, King of the Franks, (late 6th century), POPE GREGORY I, 324 1.3.46 Popes and Emperors: The Struggle Over Investiture, (1076-1122), 327 1.3.47 The Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 1, (121),5 INNOCENT III, 333 1.3.48 Unam Sanctam, (1302), BONIFACE VIII, 337 Mission to the Barbarians 1.3.49 Mission Work in England, (c. 590-604), POPE GREGORY I, 340 1.3.50 The Decrees of the Council of Hertford, (673), 344 1.3.51 The Council of the Germans: The Decrees of the Frankish Synods,(742-43), 347 1.3.52 Letter to Cuthbert, Archbishop of Canterbury on the German Synods and Other Matters of Church Discipline, (747), BONIFACE, 352 1.3.53. Supported by Spiritual Women, (c. 725-50), BONIFACE, LUL, AND LIOBA, 362 Definitions of Christendom 1.3.54 The Lord's Body and Blood, (c. 832), RADBERTUS, 367 1.3.55 Christ's Body and Blood, (c. 833), RATRAMNUS, 369 1.3.56 Why Did God Become Human? from Cur Deus Homo?, (1097-99), ANSELM OF CANTERBURY, 376 1.3.57 Five Ways to Prove the Existence of God from the Summa Theologica, (1266-73), THOMAS AQUINAS, 380 1.3.58 Whether the Trinity of the Divine Persons Can Be Known by Natural Reason? from the Summa Theologica, (1266-73), THOMAS AQUINAS, 390 1.3.59 Natural and Theological Virtues from the Summa Theologica, (1266-73), THOMAS AQUINAS, 395 1.3.60 Whether the Substance of Bread and Wine Remain in the Sacrament after Consecration? from the Summa Theologica, (1266- 73), THOMAS AQUINAS, 405 Part IV. Keeping and Renewing the Faith (Church), 411 Moral and Spiritual Renewal 1.4.61 The Twelve Degrees of Humility from the Rule of St. Benedict, (early 6th century), BENEDICT, 417 1.4.62 The Four Degrees of Love from On the Love of God, (early 12th century, BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX 423 1.4.63 Exposition of the Lord's Prayer and Pray and Work from the Rule of St. Francis, (1209-23), FRANCIS OF ASSISI, 429 1.4.64 On Spiritual and Mystical Ecstasy from The Soul's Journey into God, (c1259), BONAVENTURE, 434 1.4.65 The Divine Spark in the Soul from Sermon 48 and Blessed Are the Poor! from Sermon 28, (early 14th century), MEISTER ECKHART, 442 1.4.66 The Flowing Light of the Godhead, (1250-65), MECHTHILD OF MAGDEBURG, 452 1.4.67 God in Christ, Our True Mother from Showings, (c. 1388), JULIAN OF NORWICH, 457 1.4.68 German Theology, (late 14th century), 474 Reformation Beginnings 1.4.69 Tractate on the Unity of the Church, (1409), JOHN GERSON, 478 1.4.70 On the Eucharist (1:1-15, 17), (1380, JOHN WYCLIFFE, 488 1.4.71 Treatise of Divine Providence, (1378), CATHERINE OF SIENA, 496 1.4.72 The Congregation of the Elect from De Ecclesia, (1413), JOHN HUSS, 500 1.4.73 Reformers Against the Reformers, (1414-18), THE COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE, 510 Praise and Prayer 1.4.74 Two Twelfth-Century Hymns, PETER ABELARD AND BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, 522 1.4.75 The Song of the Virtues from the Scivias, (1141-51), HILDEGARD OF BINGEN, 525 1.4.76 The Canticle of the Sun, (1225), FRANCIS OF ASSISI, 536 1.4.77 Canon of the Mass or The Great Eucharistic Prayer, 539 Sources 549 Index 553 Scriptural Index 574 II. The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ: Reformation Roots John Payne, editor Part I. Late Medieval and Renaissance Piety and Theology 2.1.1 The Book of the Craft of Dying, (c. mid-15th century), 37 2.1.2 The Imitation of Christ, (c. 1427), THOMAS A KEMPIS, 51 2.1.3 Eternal Predestination and Its Execution in Time, (1517), JOHN VON STAUPITZ, 69 2.1.4 Paraclesis, (1516), DESIDERIUS ERASMUS, 86 Part II. Reformation in Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands Martin Luther and the German Reformation 2.2.5 The Freedom of a Christian, (1520), MARTIN LUTHER, 98 2.2.6 Formula of Mass and Communion for the Church at Wittenberg, (1523), MARTIN LUTHER, 121 2.2.7 Hymn: Out of the Depths I Cry to Thee, (1523), MARTIN LUTHER, 137 2.2.8 Small Catechism, (1529), MARTIN LUTHER, 140 2.2.9 The Augsburg Confession, (1530), 160 Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation 2.2.10 Sixty-Seven Articles, (1523), ULRICH ZWINGLI, 196 2.2.11 Action or Use of the Lord's Supper, (1525), ULRICH ZWINGLI, 205 2.2.12 The Schleitheim Confession of Faith, (1527), 214 2.2.13 The Marburg Colloquy, (1529), 224 2.2.14 Sermon One, Decade One: Of the Word of God from Decades, (1549-51), HEINRICH BULLINGER, 248 Calvin and the Genevan Reformation 2.2.15 The Law from Institution of the Christian Religion, (1536), JOHN CALVIN, 266 2.2.16 The Geneva Confession, (1536), WILLIAM FAREL AND JOHN CALVIN, 272 2.2.17 The Strasbourg Liturgy, (1539), MARTIN BUCER, 280 2.2.18 The Form of Church Prayers and Hymns with the Manner of Administering the Sacraments and Consecrating Marriage according to the Custom of the Ancient Church, (Geneva, 1542; Strasbourg, 1545), JOHN CALVIN, 295 2.2.19 Hymn: For Us Our God Is Firm Support (Psalm 46), (1539), JOHN CALVIN, 308 2.2.20 Draft Ecclesiastical Ordinances, (1541), JOHN CALVIN, 312 The German Reformed Church and the Heidelberg Catechism 2.2.21 The Heidelberg Catechism, (1563), 327 2.2.22.
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