I. the Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ: Ancient and Medieval Legacies
I. The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ: Ancient and Medieval Legacies Reinhard Ulrich, editor Part I. Consolidating the Christian Witness (United), 7 Prophets and Apostles 1.1.1 The Didache, (c. 100), 25 1.1.2 Clement's First Letter, (c - 95), CLEMENT, 25 1.1.3 The Faith in Scripture and Tradition from Against Heresies, (c. 189), IRENAEUS, 32 1.1.4 The Rule of Faith and the Uses of Scripture from Prescription, (c. 189), TERTULLIAN, 41 1.1 5 On the Right Way of Reading the Scriptures from On First Principles IV,(c. 230), ORIGEN, 48 1.1.6 New Testament Canon from 39th Easter Letter, (367), ATHANASIUS), 55 Persecution 1.1.7 Letter from the Churches of Lyon and Vienne (177) from The History of the Church, (4th century), EUSEBIUS, 58 1.1.8 The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas, (203), 69 1.1.9 The Problem of the Lapsed from Letter 33, (c. 250), CYPRIAN, 81 Defenders of the Faith 1.1.10 Letter to Diognetus, (c. 150), 84 1.1.11 First Apology, (c. 155), JUSTIN MARTYR, 94 1.1.12 Plea Regarding the Christians, (c. 177), ATHENAGORAS, 109 Visions of Church Unity 1.1.13 Letter to the Philadelphians, (c. 113), IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, 123 1.1.14 Outside the Church, There Is No Salvation from Letter 73, (c. 256), CYPRIAN, 129 1.1.15 The Church as the Body of Christ from Commentary on John XI, 1I (On John 17:20-21), CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA, (c. 430), 135 1.1.16 The Church as the Company of the Elect from On Baptism V, (c.
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